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G lang
guage exaam prepa
Grrades 7-9 (B2) - L
Lesson Plan
P 4

ades 7--9: preparing the Conversaation Ph

el: Time
E Grades 7--9 (CEFR B2) 1 x 60
0 minutes + optional 15 minutes

o prepare voocabulary for the Subjjects for Co
o practise asking and answering
a questions on the Subjects for Con
q nversation

ources and
d preparattion:
Ha cts for Convversation Grade 7
andout 1 (H/O1): Subjec
andout 2 (H
H/O2): Subje nversation Grade 8
ects for Con
andout 3 (H
H/O3): Subje nversation Grade 9
ects for Con
andout 4 (H
H/O4): Exammple promp pts for Grade 7 (These are
a the sam
me as in Lessson 2.)
andout 5 (H
H/O5): Exammple promp ts for Grade e 8 (These are
a the sam
me as in Lessson 2.)
andout 6 (H
H/O6): Exammple promp ts for Grade e 9 (These are
a the sam
me as in Lessson 2.)

Teacher preparation beforre the lesso on:

ut up Hando nd 6 into in dividual carrds for the students to
outs 4, 5 an o use and practise
wiith. You need to have one set off cards per group, per Grade. (If you have already
one this in Lesson
L Plan
n 2, you can e the same cards.)
n just re-use
o create in nterest, bring picturees (try www om/images) or objectts that
epresent the 6 Subjec
re cts for Con versation. Ask the stu udents to ddecide whaat each
picture repre
esents. Sugg gestions fo r objects:

Education: picture ofo a teacherr, picture off students studying, claassroom ob bjects
National customs: pictures of eevents or sttreet scenes s from otheer countriess
Village and city life: pictures off a village and a city (next to eachh other)
National and local produce and d products: pizza, locall foods and drinks
Early memories: pictures of a yyoung child,, children playing
Pollution and recycling: recycliing image ( ), a rubbbish bag, a breathing mask

Society and
a living sttandards: p ictures of a poor and a rich streett
Personal values andd ideals: givve a list of id
deas, e.g: re
espect, lovee, honesty, family,
f etc.
The world of work: pictures
p peo ople doing different
d jobs
Unexplained phenom mena and e events: pictu ures of ufo, ghosts
National environmental concerrns: pictures of pollutio on, a powerr station
Public fig
gures past and
a presentt: pictures of o actors, thhe prime miinister, etc.

Dreams and
a nightmares: picturre of someo one having a nightmaree, Freddie Kruger
Crime annd punishme ent: picturee of a police
e officer, police car, hanndcuffs
Technoloogy: a mobille phone, mmp3 player
Habits an
nd obsessioons: picturess of people smoking, biting their nnails, etc.
Global en
nvironmental issues: piictures of fa oods, polar bear on an iceberg
actories, flo
Design: pictures
p of furniture,
f taattoos, mobbile phones
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Grades 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Conversation Phase

1. Students remember questions/prompts (10 minutes)
Put all of the students together according to their Grade 7, 8 or 9. Then put all of the students
into small groups of 2 (or 3, if necessary), with students from the same Grade working together.
Ask the students to try and remember as many questions as possible that they can ask for their
Grade. (The students should try to remember questions from Lesson Plan 1 or 2 which they have
already done.) Tell the students they have 6-7 minutes

2. Stimulate interest: show objects that represent the Subjects for Conversation (10 minutes)
Show each Grade of students the objects that you brought for their Grade. Tell them they have 5
minutes to decide what the objects represent. After 5 minutes, give the H/O1 to the Grade 7
students, H/O2 to the Grade 8 students and H/O3 to the Grade 9 students.

3. Question preparation (20 minutes)

Give the students the example prompt cards for their Grade (H/0s 4, 5 and 6). Tell the students
they now have to use the prompt cards to create at least 2-3 questions for each Subject for
Conversation. The students should write their questions on their handouts.
The students can use the question cards to help them. They can use the question that they
thought of at the beginning of the lesson. The students can also think of new questions if they
want to. Tell the students they have 15 minutes to think of all of their questions.

4. Students interview each other (20 minutes)

The students have now made their questions. Tell them to sit with a new person from the same
Grade (e.g. Grade 7 students change partners with other Grade 7 students and Grade 8 students
change partners with other Grade 8 students, etc.) There should be 2 students of the same
Grade in each group. If the numbers of people are not perfect, then you can allow 3 students in
one group.
Tell the students that one of them is the examiner and one of them is the candidate. (If
necessary, you can have 2 examiners in one group of 3 people.) Give them 1 minute to decide
who is who. They are now going to talk about themselves. Tell the students that the examiner
has 5 minutes to interview the candidate, using their own prompts.
After 5 minutes, tell the examiners and candidates to change roles: the examiner becomes
the candidate and the candidate becomes the examiner. Stop the activity after another 5
minutes and ask the class for feedback/any questions.

5. Optional: reflection (15 minutes)

In groups, students select and write down the 10 most useful questions/phrases of the lesson.

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Grades 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Conversation Phase

Handout 1

Subjects for Conversation 7


National customs:

Village and city life:

National and local produce and products:

Early memories:

Pollution and recycling:

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Grades 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Conversation Phase

Handout 2

Subjects for Conversation 8

Society and living standards:

Personal values and ideals:

The world of work:

Unexplained phenomena and events:

National environmental concerns:

Public figures past and present:

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Grades 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Conversation Phase

Handout 3

Subjects for Conversation 9

Dreams and nightmares:

Crime and punishment:


Habits and obsessions:

Global environmental issues:


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es 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Converssation Phase

Handout 4: example prompts
p fo
or Grade 7
IMPORTANT! These are only example prompts. The real e ain other questtions. (Cut these prompts into 18 individua
exam will conta al cards)

7 7 7 7 7 7

Is the sittuation
Tell me
What did you use differentt today, I dont know if Tell me about Why is .... used?
about how ....
to do
d when you compared to how it .... is better th
han how .... is used.
used to bee.
werre younger? used to o be? it used to bee.

7 7 7 7 7 7

d it
How could What should If the sittuation Is it Is it Tell me abbout a
be improve
ed? b done in
be changed d, what because of .....? du
ue to ....? person who o helps
he future? would yo ou miss? this situa

7 7 7 7 7 7

If you could ch
hange If you had thhe Not everyoone has
one thing, w
what What do you think I What wo
ould you opportunity, what
w Tell me about the the same opinion.
you would cha ange? might enjoy? recommend I try? would you do advvantages/ Do you agree with
differently? disaddvantages. your friends?

Page 6 off 8
es 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Converssation Phase

Handout 5: example prompts
p fo
or Grade 8
IMPORTANT! These are only example prompts. The real e ain other questtions. (Cut these prompts into 18 individua
exam will conta al cards)

8 8 8 8 8 8

How does .... Is there anything What doo your Have

H you talk
ked Tell me what your ou think
What do yo
make you fe ?
that feels similar? friends say to your family mily say
fam your frie
about it? about it? about it. might say?

8 8 8 8 8 8

How could you

How do you tthink Whatt might be the e Why mmight How could persua ade someone How coould
it might change reasson for this? that be? you persuadde that its better now someone peersuade
in the futurre? someone
s to .....? than in the past? you not to ....?

8 8 8 8 8 8

If you had been born n

What had you done in your
y parents If you ha
adnt ...., What
W might ha ave Has anyone
a told How long ha ave you
before you ....? genneration, how what would you happened
h if thhey you about ....? been
g ....?
differrent would life have d
done? hadnt ....?
have been?

Page 7 off 8
es 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Converssation Phase

Handout 6: example prompts
p fo
or Grade 9
IMPORTANT! These are only example prompts. The real e ain other questtions. (Cut these prompts into 18 individua
exam will conta al cards)

9 9 9 9 9 9

Tell me aboutt the What do you hope ou wish

What do yo Is there anythin
ng Is there
e anything Is there anything
theory of ..... might happen? you could do? youu wish you cou
uld you wissh hadnt you regreet
have done? happ
pened? (not) doing

9 9 9 9 9 9

ad to
If you ha Im
I not sure which
k ....
Do you think What do you think explain w
why .... Wh
hat should hav
ve Im not sure
s which would have been
was the rig
ght d have been
could happened d, what been done? is the
e better the better op
thing to do
o? done differently? would you ur best option: X or Y? X or Y?
guess bbe?

9 9 9 9 9
Im not sureeI
It must have been It cant
c have What do
o you Is there anythin
ng What should we completelyy
difficult/eassy? beeen easy. rememberr you didnt stop understand.
u Caan you
member to do o? say that in a
different waay?

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