Anti Inflamm Diet 2

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Table of Contents

Introduction To Chronic Pain Syndromes ............................................................................................ 1

Inflammation And Chronic Pain............................................................................................................ 3

How Food Contributes To Inflammation ............................................................................................. 5

Following An Anti-Inflammatory Diet................................................................................................... 7

Healthy Foods ................................................................................................................................... 8

The Mediterranean Diet .....................................................................................................................10

31 Anti-Inflammatory Foods And Spices............................................................................................12

The Arthritis Diet From The Arthritis Foundation .............................................................................16

Fibromyalgia And Diet: Tips For Patients ...........................................................................................21

Final Thoughts .....................................................................................................................................23

Disclaimer: The information contained in this eBook is strictly for informational
purposes. It is not intended as medical advice. Every possible effort has been made
in preparing and researching this material. We make no warranties with respect to
the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omissions.
Introduction To Chronic Pain Syndromes
Chronic pain syndrome is a condition where the individual experiences pain as a part of various
kinds of conditions for a long period of time. Some say it qualifies as chronic pain syndrome
when it lasts longer than three months, while others use six months as the period of time
required to call a pain condition chronic.

Chronic pain conditions can be called by many

different names, and include conditions such as:

Many Autoimmune Diseases

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The quality and character of the pain is different with

each condition, and some chronic pain conditions
have an identifiable etiology behind them, while
others do not. Whether the pain condition has a
known etiology or not, all the pain is real and is
treated accordingly.

In some individuals who have chronic pain, there are

biochemical changes within the body, resulting in
chronic pain that is difficult to diagnose and find
good treatment choices for. In chronic pain or neuropathic pain, the pain signals are triggered by
the individuals nervous system and continue to be triggered for many months and often for
years. Doctors dont know how this happens and some speculate that the problem is due to a
lack of certain brain chemicals that are supposed to suppress feelings of pain.

Regardless of the cause of the chronic pain, its clear that the symptoms affect all aspects of the
individuals life. It causes strains in the patients relationships and makes it hard for them to
maintain home and work responsibilities.

Common symptoms related to chronic pain include: frustration, anger, fear, anxiety, and

Having these feelings as part of a chronic pain syndrome can make it more difficult to manage
the individuals chronic pain, particularly if there is an excessive use of drugs or alcohol used to
deal with the symptoms.

Chronic pain syndrome often requires a multi-disciplinary approach, requiring both medical
treatment and counseling because the constellation of symptoms tends to wear on the sufferers
body and mind together. If you have a history of chronic pain, you should entertain the
possibility of getting some form of treatment at a pain clinic. There they have teams of specialists
in pain control that can help you address the pain in a more holistic way.

Depending on the pain clinic you choose, you should know that some place a stronger emphasis
on invasive measures, such as surgery and injections, while others look more at lifestyle changes
and things like cognitive behavioral therapy. Do your homework before signing onto a pain clinic
to make sure their values match with your own.

Chronic pain and the management of chronic pain is far more than just managing your pain with
painkillers. Behind the pain is a host of psychological factors that play a role in your experience of
pain and any treatment you have should take the physical and psychological factors of the
disease into account.

Inflammation And Chronic Pain
Inflammation is a big part of the experience of chronic pain. Inflammation involves an over-
activity of the bodys immune cells that are supposed to protect us from pathogenic viruses and
bacteria. In some conditions, however, such as certain types of arthritis, the bodys own immune
system triggers inflammation when there are no foreign agents to fight against. When this
happens, we get autoimmune diseases, which result in damage to the bodys own tissues.

Some, but certainly not all, chronic pain conditions are the result of an autoimmune dysfunction.
In the case of arthritis, for example, there are some types of the condition that are associated with
inflammation. These include the following:

Psoriatic arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Gouty arthritis

There are other chronic pain syndromes in which the pain is

not usually associated with identifiable inflammation, such
as fibromyalgia, chronic low back pain, osteoarthritis, and
chronic neck pain.

Common symptoms of inflammation in the body include the


Areas of redness
Areas of swelling, particularly around a joint
Pain in the affected area
Stiffness of muscles and/or joints
Loss of function of the affected area

There can be generalized symptoms associated with having inflammation. These include
symptoms that seem related to the flu, such as:

Lack of energy
Loss of appetite

Inflammation is usually caused by chemicals being released from the white blood cells of the
body into the bloodstream or related tissues. The chemical release causes an increase in the flow
of blood to the area of infection or injury, leading to an increase in warmth and redness. The
chemicals also cause fluid to leak into the tissues so that swelling occurs. Pain fibers are
stimulated so you experience pain.

In chronic pain syndromes, there may or may not be an immune system inflammation going but
in many cases, low levels of inflammation may be related to even those conditions not
technically labelled as autoimmune syndromes.

How Food Contributes To Inflammation
There are certain foods that contribute to inflammation in the body. Food is processed through
the gastrointestinal tract and, under ideal circumstances, food is properly broken down into its
smallest components and the componentsfatty acids, simple sugar, and amino acidsare
absorbed by the small intestine.

There are billions of bacteria inside the gut that

contribute to our nutritional status. Any food that
isnt broken down properly is further broken down
and used as fuel by the bacteria in the gut. These
healthy bacteria then produce nutrients we need
for proper physical health.

If the gut bacteria are not healthy or if there are

yeast organisms in the gastrointestinal tract, holes
can develop in the gut that allow larger particles of
food to be absorbed. When larger pieces of food
travel through the holes in the leaky gut, they
become big enough for the immune system to
recognize them as foreign particles and set up
inflammation in the body.

This can lead to overall symptoms of inflammation as described above and the larger particles of
food do nothing to help our nutrition.

There are some foods that are more inflammatory than others are. Foods that change the
intestinal milieu of the gut bacteria can contribute to a preponderance of bad bacteria within the
gut and to leaky gut syndrome.

When this happens and more bad bacteria are in the gut than are supposed to be there, we
dont get the benefits of healthy bacteria and we get gastrointestinal symptoms like gas and
bloating along with a leaky gut that allows food particles to leak through the intestinal walls,
perpetuating the inflammatory cycle.

Following An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
The anti-inflammatory diet isnt actually a diet but is instead a way of eating for the rest of
your life in ways that dont promote inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory way of eating is beneficial in many ways, when you eat this type of diet,
you can lessen various health risks:

Chances of getting heart disease

Stabilize what heart disease you already have
Lessen the triglyceride levels in the body
Ease the pain of arthritic joints
Reduce your blood pressure

Research is still being done on anti-inflammatory eating, as there is no clear consensus on what
foods are the most anti-inflammatory and
exactly how the inflammation is reduced by
eating certain foods.

All the various anti-inflammatory diet plans

are different but are all based on the idea
that, when you have out of control body
inflammation, you get sick; eating to avoid
this sort of inflammation causes you to be healthier and have the ability to fight off diseases.

Currently, there are dozens of diseases believed to be triggered by bodily inflammation.

Obvious things are diseases like arthritis and autoimmune diseases, while less obvious diseases
believed to be related to inflammation include heart disease, some kinds of cancers, and possibly
Alzheimers disease. In fact, inflammation can be a silent epidemic that causes numerous chronic
diseases throughout the years. During this time, you could feel normal but still have elevated
levels of inflammation in the body.

One example of an inflammatory food is one that is too high in omega 6 fatty acids. These are
found in many fast foods as well as in processed foods. The kind of fatty acid you really need is
omega 3 fatty acids, which can be found in cold water, fatty fish, or in omega 3 food
supplements. If you have a lack of balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids,
inflammation occurs.

Other substances found in certain foods are believed to be anti-inflammatory. These include
phytochemicals, which are found in plant foods. Phytochemicals are believed to reduce
inflammation in the body through unknown mechanisms.

Healthy Foods
The foods you eat as part of an anti-
inflammatory diet can vary, depending on the
specific diet you select. Two good anti-
inflammatory diets are the Mediterranean diet
and the Zone diet.

A general guideline to eating an anti-

inflammatory diet includes the following foods:

Avoiding trans fats and saturated fats

that come from processed foods and
fatty meats.
Eating a lot of various types of fruits and
Eating more omega 3 fatty acids, such
as found in fish oil supplements, walnuts, and fish.
Reducing the intake of pasta, white rice, and refined carbohydrates.
Eating lean protein sources, such as chicken and turkey (the white meats).
Reducing the intake of red meat (high in saturated fats) and high fat dairy products.

Staying away from highly processed foods and highly refined foods.
Adding spices such as ginger and curry for an anti-inflammatory effect on the diet.

Diets like these arent designed for you to lose weight per se, but many people do lose weight
when eating in this fashion because it usually means you are eating fewer calories and healthier
whole food.

Cutting back on red meat alone and eating healthier proteins such as those found in fish usually
mean eating fewer calories and losing some weight. Coincidentally, weight loss helps in
alleviating pain in those who are overweight or obese.

The Mediterranean Diet
Many experts believe that an anti-inflammatory diet can reduce inflammation in the diet. One
related diet, however, has been studied extensively, which is the Mediterranean diet. This diet
has been shown through research to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular conditions. Asian-
style diets have also been studied and found to be healthy for you. Both types of diets can also
be termed anti-inflammatory diets.

In addition, studies show that diets that have too much omega 6 fatty acids in them and not
enough omega 3 fatty acids will provide increasing amounts of cytokines in the system.
Cytokines are proteins that cells in the body can produce; cytokines are inflammatory proteins
your body could do without.

Instead, eat more omega 3 fatty acids

about 3 grams per dayas this has found
to reduce symptoms in those who suffer
from rheumatoid arthritis, an
autoimmune condition. Omega 3 fatty
acids have been shown to reduce the
morning stiffness common in rheumatoid
arthritis and reduce the number of inflamed joints in those who suffer from the disease.

Eating an anti-inflammatory diet works much slower than, say, taking an anti-inflammatory
medication. When you take an anti-inflammatory medication, you will feel better in just hours,
while eating an anti-inflammatory diet takes several weeks before you notice any difference in
your symptoms.

Its not just eating certain foods individually that makes a difference in inflammation. The overall
pattern of what you eat is more important. Foods are also not all that is necessary to reduce the
amount of inflammation in your body. Maintaining an ideal weight also reduces body

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There is a close link between your weight and the chances of having osteoarthritis in the body.
The more weight you have on your body, the more likely it is that you will develop arthritis. As to
diets for inflammation, more research is necessary to see if eating an anti-inflammatory diet
actually reduces bodily inflammation. Until the research has been done, you will do yourself
some good to simply follow a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep so that
you can be at a healthy weight, which reduces inflammation.

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31 Anti-Inflammatory Foods And Spices
If youre going to eat anti-inflammatory foods, you need to know which foods fall into the
category of being anti-inflammatory. The foods you might try include the following:

1. Turmericthis is a spice that can be taken as a supplement or as part of a tea. It

reduces the pain and inflammation of arthritis.
2. Gingerginger can be introduced into many kinds of recipes, made into a ginger tea,
or added to various juices. Ginger is high in shogaols and gingerols, which reduce
oxidative stress.
3. Green teathis contains many healthful substances and is tasty with lemon and
ginger. One such compound is ECGC, which is a flavonoid compound.
4. Onions and garlicthese related foods are high in flavonoids, which are known to
fight inflammation. Garlic, in
addition, contains certain
substances also found in
ibuprofen, which fights
5. Berries and grapesthese fruits
are high in anthocyanin and
ellagitannins, both of which
contain antioxidants, which fight inflammation. You should eat about one cup per day
of these healthy foods.
6. Soy productsthese contain inflammation-fighting phytochemicals known as
isoflavones. About 40 grams of soy products per day have been found to reduce
inflammation and pain in arthritics by 50 percent.
7. Cherriescherries are high in anthocyanins in levels similar to nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory medications. When drinking a cup of cherry juice twice daily for a total
of two weeks, joint pain from osteoarthritis can be reduced by about 20 percent.

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8. Coffeecoffee contains
caffeine, which is added to
many types of painkillers to
aid in pain reduction. It
turns out that caffeine alone
has anti-inflammatory and
pain-reducing qualities.
9. Tomatoesthese red
fruits/vegetables are high in compounds that fight inflammation and reduce pain. Its
the lycopene in tomatoes that causes the reduction in inflammation.
10. Leafy green vegetables
this includes spinach, kale,
and other dark greens like
collard greens. They can
reduce the pain and
inflammation of arthritic
11. Nutsthese include
walnuts and almonds. Just
a single serving, which is a small handful, can reduce inflammation in the body.
12. Whole grainsthis means eating foods that contain the whole grain and not just the
refined flour part seen in
white bread. Whole grains
contain more fiber in them,
which reduce the levels of C-
reactive protein, a marker for

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13. Low fat dairy productsthese foods are high in calcium and vitamin D. They have
anti-inflammatory properties and help your bones gain strength.
14. Peppersthese colorful vegetables are high in antioxidants. Hot peppers in general
are what capsaicin comes from, which is used as a topical cream to fight
inflammation and pain.
15. Beetsthese deep purple vegetables have excellent antioxidant properties. You can
eat beets or drink beetroot juice to fight inflammation and protect your body against
heart disease and cancer.
16. Cloves and rosemary. These spices have been shown to reduce the amount of
inflammatory markers in the bloodstream after consuming them.
17. Cinnamonthis can be used in many baking recipes or in a tea. It has potent anti-
inflammatory properties.
18. Oreganothis staple of Italian
foods is a spice that has known
anti-inflammatory properties.
Use it in recipes in generous
19. Blueberriesthese are among
the fruits containing healthful
antioxidants. Try a cupful of
blueberries a day. They are low in
calories and high in fiber as well.
20. Fermented foodsthis includes
foods like kimchee, kefir,
tempeh, natto, pickles, olives,
and sauerkraut. These contain
healthful probiotics that reseed the gut with bacteria that are beneficial to fighting
the inflammation in the gut.

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21. Shiitake mushroomsthese contain natural compounds that fight inflammation,
including ergothioneine, which fights oxygen free radicals. They also contain copper,
a deficiency of which can cause heart disease.
22. Pistachiosthis is a nut that contains monounsaturated fat, which fights
inflammation. It also contains protein and fiber, which can help you lose weight.
23. Beansbeans have several anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. They are
cheap to eat and are a high source of protein, folic acid, fiber and many healthful
24. Eggplantthis is one of the nightshade vegetables that also include tomatoes,
peppers, and potatoes. They are an essential part of an anti-inflammatory
Mediterranean diet.
25. Red winethis alcoholic beverage is high in resveratrol, which is a compound that is
believed to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body, when drunk in moderation.
26. Lemonlemon is a fruit that
is high in limonoids. These
activate detoxifying enzymes
in the body to rid your body
of inflammation-producing
27. Orangesthese are foods
that are high in limonoids like
lemons that help enzymes that aid in detoxification to get rid of inflammation.
28. Pomegranatethis is a food that is high in punicalagin, which is a potent antioxidant
that fights off oxygen free radicals.
29. Thymethis is a spice that has anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps neutralize
E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria that lead to inflammation of the gut.

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The Arthritis Diet From The Arthritis Foundation
People with arthritis and other inflammatory diseases wonder if there is a diet that can reduce
their symptoms. The Ultimate Arthritis Diet is one diet that has healthful effects that fight off
arthritis symptoms and help other forms of inflammatory problems.

The foods in this type of diet have been shown to have the following healthful effects on your

Protect your body against several types of chronic conditions, including cancer, heart
disease, and stroke.
Lower your blood pressure.
Fight arthritis by reducing
the level of inflammation in
your body.
Help you lose weight, which
has the effect of reducing
stress on your joints.

The semantics really dont mean

anything. You can refer to it as a
Mediterranean diet, an arthritis
diet, or an anti-inflammatory diet.

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The point is that these foods have the potential to fight inflammation and promote the health of
your joints:

Seeds And Nuts

Try eating about an ounce and a half of

nuts per day, which is about a handful of
nuts. Many studies indicate that nuts
reduce the inflammation in the body. In
one study, those individuals who ate the
most nuts had a 51 percent decreased
risk of having an inflammatory condition
such as rheumatoid arthritis over a 15-
year period of time. Those who were deficient in vitamin B6, which is found in nuts, had elevated
levels of the various inflammatory markers. Nuts are also high in monounsaturated fats, which
fight inflammation. They also help you lose weight because the fiber and monounsaturated fats
are very filling and keep you from overeating.

Fruits And Vegetables

You should have at least nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day. These foods are
extremely high in antioxidants, which
help the immune system by neutralizing
unstable oxygen free radicals in the body
that can damage various cellular
structures. In addition, anthocyanins
found in strawberries, cherries, black
berries, and blueberries have an anti-
inflammatory effect on the body. You
should also try citrus fruits, including
limes, lemons, grapefruits, and oranges.

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These are high in vitamin C, which fights inflammation and reduces the pain of arthritic joints.
There are scientific studies that indicate
that vegetables such as spinach, broccoli,
kale, cabbage, and lettuce have the
ability to lessen the amount of
inflammatory markers in the body. The
best fruits and vegetables are those that
have a dark, rich color because they have
antioxidants in them that fight oxygen free radicals. They include broccoli, kale, spinach, cherries,
and blueberries.


You should eat at least a cup of beans twice weekly or more if you can. Beans contain high
amounts of fiber and phytonutrients,
which are known to lower the C-
reactive protein in the bloodstream.
High C-reactive protein levels can be
found in heart disease, rheumatoid
arthritis, or infections.

Beans also offer plenty of protein

about 15 grams per cup, which help
your muscles, stay healthy. The best beans to choose from include red kidney beans and pinto
beans because they are among the top four foods with antioxidants in them, according to the US
Department of Agriculture.

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Whole Grains

You should eat about 6 ounces of whole

grains each day. An ounce of whole grain
is contained in a slice of whole-wheat
bread as well as a half-cup of cooked
brown rice. Whole grains are good for
you because of their high fiber content,
which can help you maintain a healthy

Fiber and foods containing fiber have

been shown to reduce the levels of C-
reactive protein in the body. The best
sources of whole grains are foods that
contain the whole grain kernel in them,
such as bulgur wheat, oatmeal, quinoa,
and brown rice. Be wary of whole grains
if you have gluten intolerance because
gluten can trigger inflammation in these
susceptible people.

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Nightshade Vegetables

These are a little controversial because they are known to fight disease and have the maximum
nutrition with the least amount of calories but they contain solanine, which is a chemical that
can induce arthritic pain in those suffering from arthritis. There is no current proof that
nightshade vegetables, which include eggplant, peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes, trigger flare-
ups of arthritis.

On the other hand, some people report relief of arthritic symptoms when they stay away from
the various nightshade vegetables. Most doctors recommend avoiding them to see if the
arthritic symptoms are reduced over a 2-3 week period of time. If your arthritic symptoms dont
change, you can go back to eating them as they are generally healthy for you.

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Fibromyalgia And Diet: Tips For Patients
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that may or may not have inflammation associated with
it. Nevertheless, there are dietary modifications you can undertake that have been found to
reduce muscle pain and fatigue so common with the disease.

There arent many great research studies out there looking at dietary changes and fibromyalgia
symptoms; however, there are reports from people who have fibromyalgia that certain foods
can make their symptoms better or worse.

Many fibromyalgia sufferers have sensitivities

to various foods but it is inconsistent as to
which foods affect different individuals with the

Sensitivities known to occur include certain

preservatives, MSG, gluten, eggs, dairy, and
other allergenic foods.

Keep A Food Diary

In order to determine which foods are to be

avoided in fibromyalgia, you should keep a food
diary that includes the foods you have eaten
and how you feel after eating them. Look for patterns of food intake that make the symptoms
worse or better.

Then start eliminating foods that seem to be suspect. Eliminate one food at a time for about 6-8
weeks to see how you feel.

Dairy products and gluten-containing foods are some of the first foods you should try to
eliminate. If you are sensitive to the food, you should see a big difference in your fibromyalgia

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symptoms. You can also have food allergy testing by a qualified allergist. If there are foods, you
need to avoid, see a nutritionist or dietician so you still get the nutrients you will be missing after
you eliminate the offending foods.

Diets that are balanced in terms of getting enough lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and
vegetables are healthy for everyone. Look for foods that dont require that much preparation if
youre too tired to cook. Go to the deli area of a health food store and choose from pre-prepared
foods to see if they help or hinder your fibromyalgia symptoms.

Eat small meals more frequently throughout the day and eat snacks that are high in protein,
especially when you are fatigued. Dont forget to eat breakfast, which can contain whole oats
oatmeal and eggs for protein and complex carbohydrates.

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Final Thoughts
Inflammation in your body is directly related to the foods you eat. There are foods that promote
inflammation as well as foods that fight inflammation. Choose from foods that fight
inflammation if you suffer from a known inflammatory condition or fibromyalgia.

Keep a food diary to see if these foods do indeed reduce your symptoms. Most of what it takes
to fight inflammation is to eat a diet that is well balanced and that contains the anti-
inflammatory foods noted above.

Remember that proper nutrition and a balanced diet helps the body maintain an optimal level of
health, which makes it much better equipped to support and promote healing and overall
DR.BRAD WEEKS talks on inflammation: 1.
Whole Food: 2.

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