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CLASS: English 3 honors TEACHER: Ms.

Mixon TITLE OF LESSON: Chapters

21-24 The Catcher in the Rye

Students will learn about about the themes and events that happened in chapters 21
through 24.

DO NOW Assignment:
The class will sit quetly observing,and take notes of the interview with holden.


80% of the class will score a get 8 out of 10 questions correct on the Quiz.

STANDARDS ADDRESSED: 12. Understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts
of decisions. Career-ready individuals understand the interrelated nature of their actions and
regularly make decisions that positively impact other people, organizations, the workplace,
and the environment. They are aware of and utilize new technologies, understandings,
procedures, and materials and adhere to regulations affecting the nature of their work. They
are cognizant of impacts on the social condition, environment, workplace, and profitability
of the organization.

- Powerpoint
- Interview questions
- Quiz
- Kahoot
- Candy

The class will have a think-pair-share moment to answer the question, What is the theme
of the interview?
(What does the teacher do?):
We are going to first have a sketch where there is an interview with holden addresing some
of the themes in the novel particulary regarding our chapters. Then we will give the students
10 minutes to complete the 10 question quiz with help from their peers in their groups.We
will then go over the presentation.

GUIDED PRACTICE (What do the students do?):

Students will take notes on the powerpoint.

Students will talk with their groups and share their thoughts on the discussion
uestions.Students will shared their answers in front of the whole class and a discussion will
be started.The students will take notes and a quiz as well.

Students will answer reading study questions after each slide.
Students will take a 10 question quiz on what happened throughout our assigned chapters.

We actually had the students in groups so they can help one another.


For students with glasses, we will sit them somewhere where they believe that they will be
successful. For students with ADD, we can give them a copy of the powerpoint where they
can go back and review just in case they missed something. For the student with dyslexia, we
can make sure to present with a soft voice where they will be able to understand us and we
will make sure to work with them individually just to clear up any misunderstanding or

CLOSURE/ REFLECTION: I was not sure how I felt about teaching in a group,but it went
well. I think we did well with explaining the information and engaging the class. We could
have been louder and let groups know when they were losing points. We did not have
time to play the kahoot at the end,but that was just an extra game. The grading after class
was hard,because everyone had a different answer or some almost had it,but not all the

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