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Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in

Men and Women: A Clinical Practice Guideline Update From the
American College of Physicians
Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; Mary Ann Forciea, MD; Robert M. McLean, MD; and Thomas D. Denberg, MD, PhD; for the Clinical
Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians*

Description: This guideline updates the 2008 American Col- Recommendation 2: ACP recommends that clinicians treat os-
lege of Physicians (ACP) recommendations on treatment of low teoporotic women with pharmacologic therapy for 5 years.
bone density and osteoporosis to prevent fractures in men and (Grade: weak recommendation; low-quality evidence)
women. This guideline is endorsed by the American Academy of
Family Physicians. Recommendation 3: ACP recommends that clinicians offer
pharmacologic treatment with bisphosphonates to reduce the
Methods: The ACP Clinical Guidelines Committee based these risk for vertebral fracture in men who have clinically recog-
recommendations on a systematic review of randomized con- nized osteoporosis. (Grade: weak recommendation; low-quality
trolled trials; systematic reviews; large observational studies (for evidence)
adverse events); and case reports (for rare events) that were pub-
lished between 2 January 2005 and 3 June 2011. The review was Recommendation 4: ACP recommends against bone density
updated to July 2016 by using a machine-learning method, and monitoring during the 5-year pharmacologic treatment period for
a limited update to October 2016 was done. Clinical outcomes osteoporosis in women. (Grade: weak recommendation; low-
evaluated were fractures and adverse events. This guideline fo- quality evidence)
cuses on the comparative benets and risks of short- and long- Recommendation 5: ACP recommends against using meno-
term pharmacologic treatments for low bone density, including pausal estrogen therapy or menopausal estrogen plus progesto-
pharmaceutical prescriptions, calcium, vitamin D, and estrogen. gen therapy or raloxifene for the treatment of osteoporosis
Evidence was graded according to the GRADE (Grading of in women. (Grade: strong recommendation; moderate-quality
Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) evidence)
Recommendation 6: ACP recommends that clinicians should
Target Audience and Patient Population: The target audi- make the decision whether to treat osteopenic women 65 years
ence for this guideline includes all clinicians. The target patient of age or older who are at a high risk for fracture based on a
population includes men and women with low bone density and discussion of patient preferences, fracture risk prole, and bene-
osteoporosis. ts, harms, and costs of medications. (Grade: weak recommenda-
Recommendation 1: ACP recommends that clinicians offer tion; low-quality evidence)
pharmacologic treatment with alendronate, risedronate, zole-
dronic acid, or denosumab to reduce the risk for hip and verte- Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:818-839. doi:10.7326/M15-1361
bral fractures in women who have known osteoporosis. (Grade: For author afliations, see end of text.
strong recommendation; high-quality evidence) This article was published at on 9 May 2017.

O steoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease charac-

terized by decreasing bone mass and microarchi-
tectural deterioration of bone tissue that leads to an
increased risk for bone fragility and fracture (1). Al-
though osteoporosis can be present in any bone, the
hip, spine, and wrist are most likely to be affected. Os-
teoporosis is found in an estimated 200 million people
See also: worldwide (2), and an estimated 54 million men and
women in the United States have osteoporosis or low
Editorial comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 852 bone density (3). Approximately 50% of Americans
Summary for Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-24 older than 50 years are at risk for osteoporotic fracture
(4). The economic impact of osteoporosis on the health
care system is estimated to be $25.3 billion per year by
CME/MOC activity 2025 (3).

* This paper, written by Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; Mary Ann Forciea, MD; Robert M. McLean, MD; and Thomas D. Denberg, MD, PhD, was developed for
the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians. Individuals who served on the Clinical Guidelines Committee from initiation of the
project until its approval were Thomas D. Denberg, MD, PhD (Chair during development of the guideline); Mary Ann Forciea, MD (current Chair); Michael
J. Barry, MD; Molly Cooke, MD; Nick Fitterman, MD; Russell P. Harris, MD, MPH; Linda L. Humphrey, MD, MPH; Devan Kansagara, MD, MCR; Robert M.
McLean, MD; Tanveer P. Mir, MD; Holger J. Schunemann, MD, PhD; and Timothy J. Wilt, MD, MPH. Approved by the ACP Board of Regents on 27 April
Author (participated in discussion and voting).
Nonauthor contributor (participated in discussion but excluded from voting).

818 2017 American College of Physicians

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Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women CLINICAL GUIDELINE
Risk factors for osteoporotic fracture include (but Table 1. The American College of Physicians Guideline
are not limited to) increasing age, female sex, post- Grading System*
menopause for women, hypogonadism or premature
ovarian failure, low body weight, history of parental Quality of Strength of Recommendation
hip fracture, ethnic background (white persons are at Benets Clearly Outweigh Risks Benets Finely Balanced
higher risk than black persons), previous clinical or and Burden or Risks and Burden With Risks and Burden
morphometric vertebral fracture, previous fracture due Clearly Outweigh Benets

to minimal trauma (that is, previous osteoporotic frac- High Strong Weak
ture), rheumatoid arthritis, current smoking, alcohol in- Moderate Strong Weak
Low Strong Weak
take (3 or more drinks daily), low bone mineral density
(BMD), vitamin D deciency, low calcium intake, hyper- Insufcient evidence to determine net benets or risks
kyphosis, falling, and immobilization (5). Another risk
* Adopted from the classication developed by the GRADE (Grading
factor for osteoporotic fracture is long-term use of cer- of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation)
tain medications, the most commonly implicated being workgroup.
glucocorticoids, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, aro-
matase inhibitors, cancer chemotherapeutic drugs, and
gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (5). GUIDELINE FOCUS AND TARGET POPULATION
Osteoporosis can be diagnosed by the occurrence This updated guideline presents additional avail-
of fragility fracture. In patients without fragility fracture, able evidence on treatments, including new medica-
osteoporosis is often diagnosed by low BMD. Dual- tions and biologic agents, to prevent fractures in men
energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the current gold and women with low bone density or osteoporosis
standard test for diagnosing osteoporosis in people since publication of the ACP 2008 guideline, and re-
without an osteoporotic fracture. Results of DXA are places the 2008 guideline (7). Several therapies in-
scored as SDs from a young, healthy norm (usually fe- cluded in the 2008 guideline have been excluded from
male) and reported as T scores. For example, a T score the update, including calcitonin, which is no longer
of 2 indicates a BMD that is 2 SDs below the compar- widely used for osteoporosis treatment, and both
ative norm. The international reference standard for the etidronate and pamidronate, neither of which are FDA-
description of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women approved for the prevention of fractures or treatment
and in men aged 50 years or older is a femoral neck of osteoporosis. One new biologic, denosumab, a hu-
BMD of 2.5 SD or more below the young female adult man monoclonal antibody approved by the FDA for
mean (2). Low BMD as measured by DXA is an imper- treatment of osteoporosis, has been added since pub-
fect predictor of fracture risk, identifying less than one lication of the 2008 guideline. Different medications for
half of the people who go on to have an osteoporotic the treatment of osteoporosis may affect various parts
fracture. of the skeletal system differently. The target audience
Bone density can also be classied according to for this guideline includes all clinicians and the target
the Z score, the number of SD above or below the ex- patient population includes men and women with low
pected BMD for the patient's age and sex. A Z score of bone density and osteoporosis. These recommenda-
2.0 or lower is dened as either low BMD for chrono- tions are based on a systematic evidence review spon-
logical age or below the expected range for age, sored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Qual-
and those above 2.0 are within the expected range ity (AHRQ) (6, 8). This guideline is endorsed by the
for age (6). Risk scores that combine clinical risk factors American Academy of Family Physicians.
with BMD testing results, such as FRAX (the World
Health Organization Fracture Risk Assessment Tool), METHODS
can be used to predict fracture risk among people with
Systematic Review of the Evidence
low bone density.
The evidence review was conducted by AHRQ's
Pharmacologic treatments for osteoporosis include
Southern California Evidence-based Practice Center
bisphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate, ibandro- RAND Corporation. Appendix 1 (available at Annals
nate, zoledronic acid), peptide hormones (teriparatide .org) summarizes the methods for the evidence review,
[the 1,3,4 amino acid fragment of parathyroid hor- and additional details can be found in the reports (6, 8).
mone] and calcitonin), estrogen (in the form of meno- Reviewers searched databases from 2 January
pausal hormone therapy) for postmenopausal women, 2005 to 3 June 2011. A machine-learning method was
and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) used to update the searches, once in 2014 and then
(raloxifene for postmenopausal women). Most of the specically on bisphosphonates, calcium, vitamin D,
treatments aim to prevent bone resorption. Deno- and estrogen through 12 July 2016 (9). Appendix 2
sumab (a new biologic agent), dietary and supplemen- (available at shows the search methodol-
tal calcium, and vitamin D are also used for treatment. ogy for the update. Reviewers also did a limited search
Bazedoxifene, a SERM, has recently been approved by on the recently FDA-approved drug bazedoxifene from
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with con- 1 January 2013 to 26 October 2016. Evidence tables
jugated estrogen for prevention of osteoporosis. for studies identied in the 2016 update search are Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017 819

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CLINICAL GUIDELINE Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women

found in Appendix Tables 1 and 2 (available at Annals SERMs

.org). High-quality evidence showed that raloxifene re-
duces vertebral fractures in osteoporotic women; how-
Grading the Evidence and Developing ever, it did not statistically signicantly decrease the risk
Recommendations for nonvertebral or hip fractures compared with pla-
This guideline was developed by ACP's Clinical cebo (34, 121127).
Guidelines Committee (CGC) according to ACP's Bazedoxifene is FDA-approved in combination with
guideline development process, details of which can conjugated estrogens for the prevention of osteoporo-
be found in ACP's methods paper (10). The CGC used sis (20 mg, with 0.45 mg conjugated estrogen). The
the evidence tables in the accompanying systematic re-
systematic review did not nd any randomized con-
view (8), full report (6), and update when reporting the
trolled trials (RCTs) with this combination that had pri-
evidence and graded the recommendations by using
mary fracture outcomes.
the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assess-
ment, Development and Evaluation) methodology
(Table 1). Estrogen Therapy for Postmenopausal Women
Moderate-quality evidence showed no difference
Peer Review in reduced fracture with estrogen treatment in post-
The AHRQ systematic review was peer-reviewed menopausal women with established osteoporosis (40,
and posted on the AHRQ Web site for public com- 41, 123, 128 130). This differs from the 2008 guideline,
ments. The 2014 evidence review was also peer- which reported high-quality evidence that estrogen
reviewed through the journal. The guideline was peer- therapy was associated with reduced risk for vertebral,
reviewed through the journal and posted online for nonvertebral, and hip fractures in postmenopausal
comments from ACP Regents and ACP Governors, who women (7, 131). Studies included in the 2008 guideline
represent physician members at the national and inter- focused on postmenopausal women or those with low
national level. bone density as opposed to the newer data, which fo-
cused on postmenopausal women with established
Calcium or Vitamin D
Moderate-quality evidence showed that the overall
effect of calcium or vitamin D alone on fracture risk is
Bisphosphonates uncertain. Studies showed no difference between cal-
High-quality evidence showed that bisphospho- cium alone and placebo for reduced vertebral and non-
nates, including alendronate (11 42-43 45), risedro- vertebral fracture risk (132157), although adherence
nate (34 36, 42, 46 77-78), and zoledronic acid (79 was low. Data on the efcacy of vitamin D alone for
85), reduce vertebral, nonvertebral, and hip fractures
reducing fracture risk are mixed, and the overall effect
compared with placebo in postmenopausal osteopo-
is uncertain (34, 129, 134 139, 142144, 146, 148, 149,
rotic women. High-quality evidence also showed that
152, 158 189-190 209).
ibandronate reduces the risk for radiographic vertebral
fractures, although evidence is insufcient to determine
the effect of ibandronate on hip fractures (38, 86 94). Physical Activity
Moderate-quality evidence showed that zoledronic Evidence is insufcient to conclusively show the ef-
acid reduces radiographic vertebral fractures in osteo- fect of physical activity on fracture risk (210 218). There
porotic men (95). are no studies that evaluated the comparative effective-
ness of physical activity with that of other interventions.
High-quality evidence showed that treatment with
denosumab reduces radiographic vertebral, nonverte-
bral, and hip fractures compared with placebo in post- COMPARATIVE BENEFITS OF TREATMENT
menopausal osteoporotic women (96 108). One Japa- WITHIN AND AMONG CLASSES FOR REDUCING
nese trial and its 1-year open-label extension study
included postmenopausal osteoporotic women with
prevalent radiographic vertebral fractures and showed Evidence is insufcient to determine the compara-
that denosumab protected against radiographic verte- tive effectiveness of pharmacologic therapy or the su-
bral fractures (101, 109). periority of one medication over another, within the
same class or among classes, for prevention of frac-
Teriparatide tures (21, 29, 40 42, 123, 129, 130, 139, 149, 156, 175,
High-quality evidence showed that treatment with 199, 201, 208, 219 234). Network meta-analyses ad-
teriparatide reduces radiographic vertebral and non- dressing the lack of head-to-head comparisons be-
vertebral fractures compared with placebo in post- tween the drugs mostly show no statistically signicant
menopausal osteoporotic women (34, 110 120). differences among the various therapies (235239).
820 Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017

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Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women CLINICAL GUIDELINE


FRACTURE RISKS Bisphosphonates
Bone Mineral Density Low-quality evidence showed that bisphospho-
Moderate-quality evidence from post hoc analysis nates are associated with atypical subtrochanteric frac-
of 1 RCT showed that low femoral neck BMD did not tures, and the FDA has issued a warning for these
predict the effect of alendronate on clinical vertebral or drugs (255). Evidence suggests that this adverse event
nonvertebral fracture risk (240). may be related to treatment duration, because the rate
of atypical fractures for women taking bisphosphonates
FRAX Risk Assessment for less than 2 years was 1.78 per 100 000 and in-
Moderate-quality evidence from post hoc analysis creased to over 100 per 100 000 in women taking the
of 1 RCT showed no signicant interaction between drugs for 8 years or more (256).
fracture risk as assessed by FRAX and the efcacy of Low-quality evidence also showed that bisphos-
raloxifene for reducing the relative risk for vertebral phonates are associated with osteonecrosis of the jaw,
fractures in women older than 75 years (241). although this side effect is rare (257282).
Prior Fractures (Prevention vs. Treatment) The 2008 guideline reported that bisphosphonates
Evidence is insufcient for prevalent fractures to may be associated with atrial brillation; however, most
predict the efcacy of alendronate or raloxifene treat- new evidence suggests that there is no increased risk
ment in reducing risk for fractures in postmenopausal (126, 283288). A recent post hoc double-blind exten-
women, because studies reported conicting results sion of the HORIZON-PFT trial found no difference in
(240, 242244). Moderate-quality evidence from post atrial brillation with 9 years versus 6 years of treatment
hoc analysis of 1 RCT showed that postmenopausal with zoledronic acid in osteoporotic postmenopausal
women with prevalent vertebral fractures beneted women, although women treated for 9 years had a
more from teriparatide treatment than those without higher incidence of any arrhythmia (14.1% vs. 4.2%; P =
prevalent fractures (245). 0.02) (85). One study showed that bisphosphonates
were associated with increased risk for incident acute
Age myocardial infarction (hazard ratio [HR], 1.38 [95% CI,
High-quality evidence showed that bisphospho- 1.08 to 1.77], after cardiovascular disease risk factors
nates and teriparatide are at least as effective for older were controlled for) after a median 3.6 years of
patients as they are for younger patients (246 249). follow-up (289). A population-based cohort study also
Sex showed that bisphosphonates were associated with in-
Evidence is insufcient regarding the effectiveness creased risk for cardiovascular events, including atrial
of therapies to prevent fractures or treat osteoporosis brillation (adjusted HR, 1.55 [CI, 1.04 to 2.39]) and
in men, because few relevant studies have been pub- congestive heart failure (adjusted HR, 1.65 [CI, 1.36 to
lished (28, 50 52, 82, 90, 136, 157, 166). Two RCTs 1.99]) (290). In contrast, a recent meta-analysis con-
evaluated vitamin D treatment in men and women and cluded that there is no signicant association between
reported on fractures (136, 166). One study showed oral or intravenous bisphosphonate use and total car-
that calcium plus vitamin D3 reduced the risk for frac- diovascular events, stroke, myocardial infarction, or car-
ture among elderly women but not elderly men (136). diovascular death (287).
The other study showed no difference in fracture re- High-quality evidence showed that bisphospho-
duction for elderly men treated with intramuscular in- nates are associated with mild upper gastrointestinal
jection of ergocalciferol, whereas women had in- symptoms (83, 291303), and a network meta-analysis
creased risk for wrist fractures (166). did not show statistically signicant differences be-
tween the various bisphosphonates for gastrointestinal
Race/Ethnicity symptoms (304).
High-quality evidence from post hoc analysis of 2 High-quality evidence showed that zoledronic acid
RCTs showed that compared with placebo, raloxifene is associated with hypocalcemia (odds ratio [OR], 7.22
decreases the relative risk for vertebral fracture but not [CI, 1.81 to 42.7]) (81, 305). High-quality evidence also
nonvertebral or hip fracture among Asian women (250), showed that zoledronic acid is associated with
consistent with ndings from U.S. studies. inuenza-like symptoms (OR, 6.39 [CI, 5.76 to 7.09])
Glucocorticoid Treatment (79, 81, 82, 306 308). A recent secondary analysis of a
double-blind RCT showed an increased incidence of
Moderate-quality evidence showed that alendro-
uveitis (1.1% [CI, 0.5% to 2.1%]) and episcleritis (0.1%
nate, risedronate, and teriparatide reduced fracture risk
in patients taking glucocorticoids (30, 219). [CI, 0.0% to 0.7%]) in women treated with zoledronic
acid (309).
Renal Insufciency Ibandronate is associated with myalgias, cramps,
Evidence is insufcient from trials assessing the ef- and limb pain (OR, 2.25 [CI, 1.57 to 3.29]) (92, 310), and
fect of renal function on the efcacy of alendronate, zoledronic acid is associated with adverse effects in-
raloxifene, and teriparatide in preventing fractures in cluding atrial brillation (OR, 1.45 [CI, 1.14 to 1.86])
osteoporotic women (251254). (81), arthritis and arthralgias (OR, 2.82 [CI, 2.32 to Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017 821

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CLINICAL GUIDELINE Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women

3.45]), headaches (OR, 3.18 [CI, 2.57 to 3.97]), and uve- tumors, and more deaths due to breast cancer than
itis (OR, 12.1 [CI, 1.78 to 516]). placebo (354).
Evidence is insufcient to associate bisphospho-
Calcium and Vitamin D
nates with increased cancer risk, because studies re-
Although previous data suggested an association
port conicting results (292, 311326).
between calcium supplementation and increased risk
Denosumab for myocardial infarction, moderate-quality evidence
High-quality evidence showed that denosumab is shows no association (355). One study showed in-
associated with mild upper gastrointestinal symptoms creased risk for hypercalciuria with vitamin D supple-
(OR, 1.74 [CI, 1.29 to 2.38]) (43, 327). Moderate-quality mentation (356).
evidence showed that denosumab is associated with
increased risk for infection (risk ratio [RR], 1.26 [CI, 1.01
to 1.57]) (328). One small RCT reported a slight in- MONITORING OF PATIENTS WITH
crease in bacterial cellulitis with patients treated with OSTEOPOROSIS
denosumab compared with placebo (1.3% vs. 0.6%), There is no evidence from RCTs regarding how of-
but no increase in serious infection (1.1% vs. 1.5%) ten to monitor BMD during osteoporosis treatment.
(109). Denosumab has also been associated with rash/ Moderate-quality evidence suggests that most women
eczema (OR, 1.96 [CI, 1.46 to 2.66]) (43, 96, 97). A post do not need regular monitoring (357368). Data from 1
hoc analysis of the open-label extension of FREEDOM study (365) showed that only 10% of women with nor-
(Fracture Reduction Evaluation of Denosumab in Os- mal or mildly osteopenic DXA scores (T score > 1.49)
teoporosis every 6 Months) conrmed 2 events of atyp- develop osteoporosis within 15 years; 10% of women
ical femoral fracture and 8 events of osteonecrosis of with moderate osteopenia (T score, 1.50 to 1.99) de-
the jaw through 8 years of denosumab therapy (100). velop osteoporosis within 5 years; and 10% of women
with advanced osteopenia (T score, 2.0 to 2.49) de-
velop osteoporosis within 1 year. Another study
High-quality evidence showed that teriparatide is
showed no improvement in prediction of hip or major
associated with mild upper gastrointestinal symptoms
fractures in women who had BMD measured 4 years
(OR, 3.26 [CI, 2.82 to 3.78]) (113, 117, 329, 330), head-
after baseline (357). Overall data from several studies
ache (OR, 1.46 [CI, 1.27 to 1.69]) (113, 117, 331), and
(358 363) showed that women treated with antiresorp-
hypercalcemia (OR, 12.9 [CI, 10.5 to 16]) (116, 117,
tive treatment (including bisphosphonates, raloxifene,
331, 332). Other adverse effects include renal side ef-
and teriparatide) beneted from reduced fractures with
fects (OR, 2.36 [CI, 2.01 to 2.77]) and hypercalciuria
treatment even if BMD did not increase.
(OR, 2.44 [CI, 2.08 to 2.86]) (254). There were no inci-
dent cases of osteosarcoma associated with use of this
medication in the rst 4 years of the voluntary Forteo DURATION OF PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY
Patient Registry safety study (333), and in a postmarket- Low-quality evidence showed that the appropriate
ing case series study encompassing 9 years of osteo- duration of treatment is uncertain, although high-risk
sarcoma cases, no patient reported use of teriparatide patients may benet from more than 5 years of treat-
before diagnosis of osteosarcoma (334). ment (240, 242, 369 371). One study showed no cumu-
SERMs lative difference in the risk for nonvertebral fractures in
High-quality evidence showed that raloxifene is as- women continuing alendronate therapy for 5 versus 10
sociated with hot ashes (OR, 1.58 [CI, 1.35 to 1.84]) years (18.9% vs. 19%) (240). Post hoc analysis of this
(122, 123, 335340) and thromboembolic events (OR, study showed that women with femoral neck T scores
1.63 [CI, 1.36 to 1.98]) (122, 336, 341346). Raloxifene of 2.5 or worse and baseline prevalent vertebral frac-
is also associated with pulmonary embolism (OR, 1.82 ture had reduced fracture risk by continuing alendro-
[CI, 1.16 to 2.92) (122, 341, 345, 347) and cerebrovas- nate therapy for 10 years versus stopping after 5 years
cular death (OR, 1.56 [CI, 1.04 to 2.39]) (122, 341, 342, compared with placebo (11.1% to 5.3%) (242). Another
348 350). A study comparing postmarketing surveil- study on zoledronic acid showed no difference for clin-
lance of raloxifene in younger women (aged <75 y) ver- ical vertebral fractures, hip fractures, nonvertebral frac-
sus older women (aged 75 y) showed no difference in tures, or all clinical fractures in women who continued
overall adverse effects from raloxifene (351). to receive the drug for 3 versus 6 years (369).
The Figure provides a summary of the recommen-
Estrogen Therapy for Postmenopausal Women dations and clinical considerations.
High-quality evidence from the Women's Health
Initiative showed that menopausal hormone therapy
was associated with increased risk for cerebrovascular FUTURE RESEARCH
accidents and venous thromboembolic events (7, 352). Most of the evidence for treating osteoporotic men
One subsequent assessment of the trial showed that is based on trials that included women, and further
the higher incidence of breast cancer decreased after research is needed on the treatment of men. Studies
therapy was discontinued (353). Another study showed directly addressing the efcacy of pharmacologic
that estrogen plus progestin therapy was associated treatments for reducing fractures in patients with os-
with more invasive breast cancer, more node-positive teopenia are also needed.
822 Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017

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Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women CLINICAL GUIDELINE

Figure. Summary of the American College of Physicians guideline on the treatment of low bone density or osteoporosis to
prevent fractures in men and women.

Summary of the American College of Physicians Guideline on the Treatment

of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women

Disease/Condition Low BMD or osteoporosis

Target Audience All clinicians

Target Patient Population Adults with low BMD or osteoporosis

Interventions Evaluated Bisphosphonates: alendronate, risedronate, ibandronate, zoledronic acid; denosumab; teriparatide; selective estrogen
receptor modulators (raloxifene, bazedoxifene); estrogen, calcium, vitamin D
Outcomes Evaluated Reduction in fracture (total, vertebral, nonvertebral, spine, hip, wrist, other), adverse events

Benefits of Treatment Bisphosphonates, denosumab, teriparatide, raloxifene: reduction in vertebral fracture

Alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, denosumab, teriparatide: reduction in nonvertebral fracture

Alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, denosumab: reduction in hip fracture

Harms of Treatment Bisphosphonates in general: mild upper GI symptoms, atypical subtrochanteric fracture, osteonecrosis of the jaw

Raloxifene: cardiovascular (serious), thromboembolic events, pulmonary embolism, cerebrovascular death, hot flashes

Ibandronate: myalgias, cramps and limb pain

Zoledronic acid: atrial fibrillation, arthritis and arthralgias, headaches, hypocalcemia, uveitis or ocular events possibly or
probably related to the study drug, influenza-like symptoms

Denosumab: mild upper GI symptoms, rash/eczema

Teriparatide: upper GI symptoms, renal, headaches, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria

Recommendations Recommendation 1: ACP recommends that clinicians offer pharmacologic treatment with alendronate, risedronate,
zoledronic acid, or denosumab to reduce the risk for hip and vertebral fractures in women who have known osteoporosis.
(Grade: strong recommendation; high-quality evidence)

Recommendation 2: ACP recommends that clinicians treat osteoporotic women with pharmacologic therapy for 5 years.
(Grade: weak recommendation; low-quality evidence)

Recommendation 3: ACP recommends that clinicians offer pharmacologic treatment with bisphosphonates to reduce the
risk for vertebral fracture in men who have clinically recognized osteoporosis. (Grade: weak recommendation;
low-quality evidence)

Recommendation 4: ACP recommends against bone density monitoring during the 5-year pharmacologic treatment
period for osteoporosis in women. (Grade: weak recommendation; low-quality evidence)

Recommendation 5: ACP recommends against using menopausal estrogen therapy or menopausal estrogen plus
progestogen therapy or raloxifene for the treatment of osteoporosis in women. (Grade: strong recommendation;
moderate-quality evidence)

Recommendation 6: ACP recommends that clinicians should make the decision whether to treat
osteopenic women 65 years of age or older who are at a high risk for fracture based on a discussion of
patient preferences, fracture risk profile, and benefits, harms, and costs of medications. (Grade: weak
recommendation; low-quality evidence)

Inconclusive Areas of Evidence Comparative effectiveness trials evaluating pharmacologic treatments for low bone density or osteoporosis
are lacking. In addition, although FRAX scores are widely used, there is a lack of evidence linking FRAX
scores to treatment efficacy.

High-Value Care The current evidence does not support frequent monitoring of women with normal BMD for osteoporosis,
because data showed that most women with normal DXA scores did not progress to osteoporosis within 15
years. Data also does not support monitoring BMD during the initial 5 years of treatment in patients taking
pharmacologic agents to treat osteoporosis. Clinicians should select generic drugs to treat osteoporotic
patients when possible.

Clinical Considerations Comparative effectiveness of the different treatments is unknown.

Treatment duration is unknown, although high-risk patients may benefit from longer treatments.

BMD = bone mineral density; DXA = dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; FRAX = World Health Organization Fracture Risk Assessment Tool; GI =
gastrointestinal. Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017 823

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CLINICAL GUIDELINE Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women

RECOMMENDATIONS Although the direct evidence is insufcient to de-

Recommendation 1: ACP recommends that clini- termine the appropriate duration of pharmacologic
cians offer pharmacologic treatment with alendronate, therapy, most studies that evaluated the benet of
risedronate, zoledronic acid, or denosumab to reduce treatment continued therapy for up to 5 years. Continu-
the risk for hip and vertebral fractures in women who ing treatment after the initial 5 years may be benecial
have known osteoporosis. (Grade: strong recommenda- for some patients and may be appropriate after reas-
tion; high-quality evidence) sessing the risks and benets of continuing therapy.
High-quality evidence showed that pharmacologic Post hoc analysis from an RCT (242) suggested that pa-
treatment in postmenopausal women who have osteo- tients treated with alendronate who had preexisting
porosis (T scores 2.5 or those who have experienced fractures or those with a BMD of 2.5 or less after 5
fragility fractures) is benecial for preventing further years of initial therapy may benet from continued
bone loss and reducing the risk for initial or subsequent treatment, because these patients experienced a de-
fractures. Some bisphosphonates (alendronate, rise- creased incidence of new clinical vertebral fractures.
dronate, and zoledronic acid) and the newer biologic Recommendation 3: ACP recommends that clini-
agent denosumab reduce radiographic vertebral as cians offer pharmacologic treatment with bisphospho-
well as clinical, nonvertebral, and hip fractures. nates to reduce the risk for vertebral fracture in men
who have clinically recognized osteoporosis. (Grade:
Both bisphosphonates and denosumab are associ-
weak recommendation; low-quality evidence)
ated with mild gastrointestinal symptoms. Denosumab
Data that specically apply to men are sparse.
is also associated with increased risk for infection and
However, no evidence suggests that outcomes associ-
rash or eczema. Bisphosphonates are associated with
ated with pharmacologic treatment would differ be-
atypical subtrochanteric fractures and osteonecrosis of
tween men and women if based on similar BMDs. Data
the jaw. Although there is no association between bis-
for men are extrapolated from studies that included
phosphonates and atrial brillation, some studies have
women with T scores of 2.5 or less or those who have
reported increased cardiovascular events. Zoledronic
experienced fragility fractures. Moderate-quality evi-
acid is associated with hypocalcemia, inuenza-like
dence from 1 study that detected fractures radiograph-
symptoms, arthritis and arthralgias, headache, and
ically showed that zoledronic acid reduced vertebral
fractures in osteoporotic men (95). In women, some bi-
When prescribing bisphosphonates, clinicians sphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate, and zole-
should discuss the importance of adherence. Factors dronic acid) reduce vertebral, nonvertebral, and hip
associated with poor adherence include side effects fractures. The overall quality of evidence was down-
and the inconvenience of taking medications, absence graded to low owing to indirectness. Bisphosphonates
of symptoms for underlying disease, comorbid condi- are associated with adverse effects, including mild gas-
tions, age, and socioeconomic status. trointestinal symptoms, atypical subtrochanteric frac-
Although evidence showed that raloxifene and tures, and osteonecrosis of the jaw.
ibandronate reduce radiographic vertebral fractures, Recommendation 4: ACP recommends against
and teriparatide reduces vertebral and nonvertebral bone density monitoring during the 5-year pharmaco-
fractures, studies have shown no benet for these logic treatment period for osteoporosis in women.
drugs to reduce all fracture types; therefore, they are (Grade: weak recommendation; low-quality evidence)
not recommended as a rst-line pharmacologic treat- Current evidence does not show any benet for
ment. Raloxifene is associated with serious harms, such bone density monitoring during treatment. Moderate-
as thromboembolism. Calcitonin, which is no longer quality evidence showed that women treated with
widely used for osteoporosis treatment, was not con- antiresorptive treatment (including bisphosphonates,
sidered in this guideline. raloxifene, and teriparatide) beneted from reduced
Calcium and vitamin D may be added as dietary fractures with treatment, even if there was no increase
supplements to osteoporosis treatment regimens, al- in BMD or if BMD decreased. There was no evidence
though the effectiveness of these regimens on fracture for BMD monitoring for men.
prevention is unclear. The majority of trials with bispho- Recommendation 5: ACP recommends against us-
sphonate therapy gave women calcium supplements ing menopausal estrogen therapy or menopausal estro-
and many also gave vitamin D; therefore, supplemen- gen plus progestogen therapy or raloxifene for the
tation with these agents may be considered. However, treatment of osteoporosis in women. (Grade: strong
dosages should be carefully considered, because ex- recommendation; moderate-quality evidence)
cess dosing has been associated with hypercalcemia Moderate-quality evidence showed that meno-
(221, 372377). Moderate-quality evidence showed no pausal estrogen treatment did not reduce fracture risk
association between calcium supplementation and in- in postmenopausal women with established osteopo-
creased risk for myocardial infarction (355), but a large rosis. Evidence from a previous systematic review (131)
trial demonstrated an increase in kidney stones (137). showed that estrogen decreased fracture risk; how-
Recommendation 2: ACP recommends that clini- ever, many of these studies focused on postmeno-
cians treat osteoporotic women with pharmacologic pausal women with low bone density, or on postmeno-
therapy for 5 years. (Grade: weak recommendation; pausal women in general rather than those with
low-quality evidence) established osteoporosis. Estrogen treatment is associ-
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Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women CLINICAL GUIDELINE

Table 2. Summary of Evidence on Pharmacologic Treatments for Low Bone Density and Osteoporosis

Treatment Effect on Fracture Risk in Osteoporotic Women and Adverse Events and Evidence Fair Price for 1-Day
Evidence Quality Quality Supply*

Vertebral Nonvertebral Hip

Bisphosphonates Summarized Summarized Summarized As a class: atypical subtrochanteric Summarized individually
individually below individually individually fracture, osteonecrosis of the below
below below jaw (low-quality)
Alendronate Improves; high-quality Improves; Improves; Mild upper GI symptoms Generic: $9
high-quality high-quality (high-quality) Brand-name
(Fosamax): $130
Ibandronate Improves; high-quality Uncertain Uncertain Mild upper GI symptoms Generic: $60
(high-quality); myalgias, cramps Brand-name
and limb pain (Boniva): $588
Risedronate Improves; high-quality Improves; Improves; Mild upper GI symptoms Generic: $136
high-quality high-quality (high-quality) Brand-name (Actonel):
Zoledronic acid Improves; high-quality Improves; Improves; Mild upper GI symptoms, Generic: $66
Improves in high-quality high-quality hypocalcaemia, inuenza-like Brand-name (Reclast):
osteoporotic men; symptoms (high-quality); atrial $1105
moderate quality brillation; arthritis and
arthralgias, headaches, uveitis
Denosumab Improves; high-quality Improves; Improves; Mild upper GI symptoms Brand-name (Prolia):
(injectable) high-quality high-quality (high-quality), infection $1047
(moderate-quality); rash
Teriparatide Improves; high-quality Improves; Unknown Mild upper GI symptoms, Brand-name (Forteo):
(injectable) high-quality headache, hypercalcemia $2767
(high-quality); hypercalciuria,
renal adverse effects
Raloxifene Improves; high-quality No effect No effect Hot ashes, thromboembolic Generic: $2.40
events (high-quality); pulmonary Brand-name (Evista):
embolism, cerebrovascular $70
Calcium and Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Increased risk for hypercalcemia NA
vitamin D
Menopausal Improves in Uncertain Improves in Increased risk for cerebrovascular NA
hormone postmenopausal postmenopausal accidents and thromboembolic
therapy women (not women (not events (high-quality)
selected for having selected for
osteoporosis in the having
studies); osteoporosis in
high-quality the studies);
Does not improve in high-quality
women with
GI, gastrointestinal; NA = not available.
* Formulation and dosing vary. Generics are available where indicated. Data were obtained from the Healthcare Bluebook (www.healthcareblue-

ated with serious harms, such as increased risk for cere- score of 2.5) may reduce their fracture risk. This evi-
brovascular accidents and venous thromboembolism, dence comes from a post hoc analysis of 2-year
and these harms signicantly outweigh the potential follow-up data from 4 large RCTs of postmenopausal
benets. Although raloxifene has some benet in re- women with advanced osteopenia and no prevalent
ducing vertebral fractures, it does not reduce hip frac- vertebral fractures that showed that treatment with rise-
ture or nonvertebral fractures and is associated with dronate signicantly reduced the risk for fragility frac-
serious harms, including thromboembolism. ture compared with placebo (73% lower than placebo)
Recommendation 6: ACP recommends that clini- (378). This effect is similar to fracture reductions seen in
cians should make the decision whether to treat os- women with osteoporosis undergoing the similar treat-
teopenic women 65 years of age or older who are at a ment. Duration of treatment in these studies was 1.5 to
high risk for fracture based on a discussion of patient 3 years.
preferences, fracture risk prole, and benets, harms, Although the current evidence is limited to a post
and costs of medications. (Grade: weak recommenda- hoc evaluation of risedronate in women with advanced
tion; low-quality evidence) osteopenia, the CGC believes that the benet of frac-
Low-quality evidence showed that treatment with ture reduction is likely to be similar across all bisphos-
risedronate in women with osteopenia (dened as a T phonates, on the basis of data in osteoporotic women.
score of 1.0 to 2.5) near the osteoporosis threshold (T However, the efcacy of other bisphosphonates has Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017 825

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CLINICAL GUIDELINE Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women

not been directly evaluated in osteopenic women, are not intended to override clinicians' judgment. All ACP
and no study has been conducted to primarily assess clinical practice guidelines are considered automatically with-
the effects of fracture prevention in women with drawn or invalid 5 years after publication, or once an update
osteopenia. has been issued.
The rate of progressive bone loss and the risk for
fracture range widely across the osteopenic spectrum Disclaimer: The authors of this article are responsible
and according to additional factors, such as age. The for its contents, including any clinical or treatment
risk for severe adverse effects increases with prolonged recommendations.
use of bisphosphonates. Given the limited evidence
supporting benet, the balance of benets and harms Financial Support: Financial support for the development
of treating osteopenic women is most favorable when of this guideline comes exclusively from the ACP operating
the risk for fracture is high. Women younger than 65 budget.
years with osteopenia and women older than 65 years
with mild osteopenia (T score between 1.0 and 1.5) Disclosures: Dr. Fitterman chairs the test writing committee
will benet less than women 65 years of age or older for internal medicine for the American Board of Internal Med-
with severe osteopenia (T score < 2.0). icine and receives a consultation fee for this work. Authors not
named here have disclosed no conicts of interest. Authors
Clinicians can use their own judgment based on
followed the policy regarding conicts of interest described
risk factors for fracture, or they can use a risk assess-
at Disclosures can also
ment tool. Several risk assessment tools, such as FRAX
be viewed at
(World Health Organization Fracture Risk Assessment All nancial and intel-
Tool), are available to predict fracture risk among un- lectual disclosures of interest were declared, and potential
treated people with low bone density (379). Although conicts were discussed and managed. Dr. Wilt participated
FRAX is widely used, there is no evidence from RCTs in the discussion for this guideline but was recused from vot-
demonstrating a benet of fracture reduction when ing on the recommendations because of active indirect nan-
FRAX scores are used for treatment decision making. cial and intellectual conicts. A record of disclosures and man-
Factors that increase the risk for fracture in women in- agement of conicts of interest is kept for each CGC meeting
clude lower body weight, smoking, weight loss, family and conference call and can be viewed at
history of fractures, decreased physical activity, alcohol about-acp/who-we-are/leadership/committees-boards-councils
or caffeine use, low calcium and vitamin D intake, and /clinical-guidelines-committee/disclosure-of-interests-for
corticosteroid use (7, 380, 381). -clinical-guidelines-committee.

Requests for Single Reprints: Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA,

INCONCLUSIVE AREAS OF EVIDENCE American College of Physicians, 190 N. Independence Mall
Comparative effectiveness trials evaluating phar- West, Philadelphia, PA 19106; e-mail, aqaseem@acponline
macologic treatments for low bone density or osteopo- .org.
rosis are lacking. In addition, although FRAX scores are
widely used, evidence linking FRAX scores to treatment Current author addresses and author contributions are avail-
efcacy is lacking. One post hoc analysis of a trial with able at
raloxifene showed that treatment efcacy did not vary
according to FRAX score (241), and at age 75 years, the
risk reduction for vertebral fracture was similar across References
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ing the manuscript submission option at Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017 839

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Current Author Addresses: Dr. Qaseem: American College of Other factors (e.g., whether the individuals were
Physicians, 190 N. Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA community dwelling vs. institutionalized, vitamin D de-
19106. cient vs. not)
Dr. Forciea: University of Pennsylvania Health System, 3615
3. What are the short- and long-term harms of the
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
various treatments when used specically to treat or
Dr. McLean: Yale School of Medicine, 46 Prince Street, Suite
302, New Haven, CT 06519. prevent low bone density or osteoporotic fracture? Do
Dr. Denberg: 7480 East 5th Avenue, Denver, CO 80230. these vary by any specic subpopulations?
4. How often should patients be monitored (via
measurement of BMD) during therapy, and how does
Author Contributions: Conception and design: A. Qaseem,
R.M. McLean, T.D. Denberg, M.J. Barry, M. Cooke. the antifracture benet vary with long term continued
Analysis and interpretation of the data: A. Qaseem, M.A. For- use of pharmacotherapy?
ciea, R.M. McLean, T.D. Denberg, M.J. Barry, M. Cooke, R.P.
Harris, L.L. Humphrey, D. Kansagara. Search Strategy
Drafting of the article: A. Qaseem, R.M. McLean, T.D. Den- The literature search included identied trials pub-
berg, M. Cooke, R.P. Harris, T.P. Mir. lished in the English language by searching MEDLINE,
Critical revision of the article for important intellectual con- EMBASE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
tent: A. Qaseem, M.A. Forciea, R.M. McLean, T.D. Denberg, Trials and Database of Systematic Reviews, the Ameri-
M.J. Barry, M. Cooke, R.P. Harris, L.L. Humphrey, D. Kansa-
can College of Physicians Journal Club database, the
gara, T.P. Mir, H.J. Schunemann.
Final approval of the article: A. Qaseem, M.A. Forciea, R.M.
National Institute of Clinical Excellence, the NHA Tech-
McLean, T.D. Denberg, M.J. Barry, M. Cooke, N. Fitterman, nology Assessment Program, the FDA's MedWatch da-
R.P. Harris, L.L. Humphrey, D. Kansagara, T.P. Mir. tabase, and relevant pharmacologic databases from 2
Statistical expertise: A. Qaseem. January 2005 to 3 June 2011 and was updated to
Obtaining of funding: A. Qaseem. March 2014 by using a machine-learning method (9).
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: A. Qaseem, Evidence was further updated specically for bisphos-
T.P. Mir. phonates, calcium, vitamin D, and estrogen through 12
July 2016. Reviewers also did a limited search on the
APPENDIX 1: METHODS recently FDA-approved drug bazedoxifene from 1 Jan-
This guideline update is based on an AHRQ evi- uary 2013 to 26 October 2016 (see Appendix 2 for the
dence report and an update of the systematic review search strategy). Only RCTs and published systematic
(131, 382). The key questions addressed are: reviews of RCTs that met inclusion criteria were in-
1. What are the comparative benets in fracture re- cluded in the assessment of effectiveness. Where no
duction among various pharmacologic treatments for RCTs were available, large observational studies (with
low bone density? more than 1000 participants), systematic reviews, and
Bisphosphonate medications: alendronate, rise- case reports (for rare events) were included (for exam-
dronate, ibandronate, zoledronic acid ple, assessment of effects in subgroups or assessment
Denosumab of particular serious adverse events).
Menopausal estrogen therapy for women (nu-
Quality Assessment
merous brands and routes of administration)
The quality of RCTs, observational studies, and
Parathyroid hormone 1,3,4: teriparatide
meta-analyses was assessed by using the Jadad scale,
SERMs: raloxifene
the NewcastleOttawa Scale, and the AMSTAR (Assess-
ing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews)
Vitamin D
criteria, respectively (383385). The overall quality
Combinations or sequential use of the above
of evidence and strength of recommendations was
graded according to ACPs' clinical practice guidelines
Exercise compared with the above agents
grading system (10).
2. How does fracture risk reduction resulting from
treatments vary between individuals with different risks Population
for fracture, as determined by the following factors: Studies were limited to those conducted in adults
BMD older than 18 years, healthy adults, those with low bone
FRAX or other risk assessment score density, or those with osteoporosis.
Prior fractures (prevention vs. treatment)
Age Interventions Evaluated
Sex Pharmacologic agents approved for use in the
Race/ethnicity United States including bisphosphonates (alendronate,
Glucocorticoid use risedronate, ibandronate, and zoledronic acid), teri- Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017

Downloaded From: on 06/08/2017

paratide, raloxifene, and menopausal estrogen thera- bazedoxifene* OR lasofoxifene* OR selective estrogen
py; the biologic agent denosumab; dietary and supple- receptor modulators OR serm OR serms
mental calcium and vitamin D; and physical activity. Search Strategy 3 (Monitoring)
osteoporosis or osteopenia or osteopaenia or frac-
Comparators ture* or bone mineral OR fractures[mh] OR bone
The efcacy or effectiveness of the intervention in density
question were compared with that of placebo or an-
other potency or dosing schedule for the same agent
or another agent in the same or another class.
Search Strategy 4 (FRAX)
Outcomes osteoporosis or osteopenia or osteopaenia or frac-
Outcomes evaluated include reduction in fracture ture* or bone mineral OR fractures[mh] OR bone
(total, vertebral, nonvertebral, spine, hip, wrist, other) density
and adverse events. AND
Target Audience Search Strategy 5 (Other Treatments)
The target audience for this guideline is all osteoporosis or osteopenia or osteopaenia or frac-
clinicians. ture* or bone mineral OR fractures[mh] OR bone
Target Patient Population
The target patient population is all adult men and
strontium OR tibolone OR pth OR parathyroid hor-
women with low bone density or osteoporosis.
mone* OR Estrogens[Mesh] OR Estrogens [Pharma-
Peer Review cological Action] OR estrogen*[tiab] OR estradiol* OR
The AHRQ systematic review was peer-reviewed calcium OR vitamin d OR teriparatide OR forteo OR
and posted on the AHRQ website for public comments. preos
The 2014 evidence reviews also underwent a peer re- Database Searched and Period Covered
view process through the journal. The guideline under- PubMed: 1 January 2014 to 12 July 2016
went a peer review process through the journal and Language
was posted online for comments from ACP Regents English
and ACP Governors, who represent physician members Search Strategy 6 (Adverse Events)
at the national and international level. osteoporosis or osteopenia or osteopaenia or frac-
ture* or bone mineral OR fractures[mh] OR bone
APPENDIX 2: UPDATE SEARCH METHODOLOGY adverse effects[Subheading] OR Drug Toxicity-
Database Searched and Period Covered [Mesh] OR toxicity[Subheading] OR adverse[tiab]
PubMed: 1 January 2014 to 12 July 2016 OR harm OR harmful OR safe[ti] OR safety[ti] OR
Search Strategy 1 (Bisphosphonates)
osteoporosis or osteopenia or osteopaenia or Web-Only References
fracture* or bone mineral OR fractures[mh] OR bone 382. Crandall CJ, Newberry SJ, Diamant A, Lim YW, Gellad WF,
Suttorp MJ, et al. Treatment to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women
With Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis: Update of a 2007 Report.
AND AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Reviews. Rockville, MD: Agency
alendronate* OR fosamax OR risedronate* OR act- for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2012.
onel OR etidronate* OR didronel OR ibandronate* OR 383. Manchikanti L, Singh V, Cash KA, Pampati V, Damron KS, Bo-
boniva OR pamidronate* OR aredia OR zoledronic acid swell MV. Effect of uoroscopically guided caudal epidural steroid or
local anesthetic injections in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation
OR zometa OR droloxifene* OR denosumab OR
and radiculitis: a randomized, controlled, double blind trial with a
bisphosphonate* two-year follow-up. Pain Physician. 2012;15:273-86.
Search Strategy 2 (SERMs) 384. Wells GA, Shea B, OConnell D, Peterson J, Welch V, Losos M,
osteoporosis or osteopenia or osteopaenia or frac- et al. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for assessing the quality of
ture* or bone mineral OR fractures[mh] OR bone nonrandomised studies in meta-analyses. Accessed at
/programs/clinical_epidemiology/oxford.asp on 5 April 2017.
385. Moore C, Holland J, Shaib F, Ceridan E, Schonard C, Marasa M.
AND Prevention of low back pain in sedentary healthy workers: a pilot
raloxifene* OR evista OR tamoxifen* OR nolvadex study. Am J Med Sci. 2012;344:90-5. [PMID: 22173041] doi:10
OR embo OR fendamex OR soltamov OR tamofen OR .1097/MAJ.0b013e3182364942

Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017

Downloaded From: on 06/08/2017

386. Silverman SL, Chines AA, Kendler DL, Kung AW, Teglbjrg CS, 387. Palacios S, Silverman SL, de Villiers TJ, Levine AB, Goemaere S,
Felsenberg D, et al; Bazedoxifene Study Group. Sustained efcacy Brown JP, et al; Bazedoxifene Study Group. A 7-year randomized,
and safety of bazedoxifene in preventing fractures in postmeno- placebo-controlled trial assessing the long-term efcacy and safety
pausal women with osteoporosis: results of a 5-year, randomized, of bazedoxifene in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: ef-
placebo-controlled study. Osteoporos Int. 2012;23:351-63. [PMID: fects on bone density and fracture. Menopause. 2015;22:806-13.
21779819] doi:10.1007/s00198-011-1691-1 [PMID: 25668306] doi:10.1097/GME.0000000000000419 Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017

Downloaded From: on 06/08/2017

Appendix Table 1. Evidence Table for New Randomized, Controlled Trials Identied in the Update
Study, Year (Reference); Study Characteristics Sample Characteristics Eligibility Interventions Outcomes Results

Silverman et al, 2008 (122)*; Design: randomized, double-blind, Mean age: 67 y (range Inclusion criteria: generally healthy Interventions: Primary: incidence of new Number of participants with new clinical
bazedoxifene placebo-controlled NR) postmenopausal women aged Bazedoxifene, 20 radiographically vertebral fractures (no
Setting: multicenter Women: 100% 5585 y with osteoporosis by mg/d conrmed vertebral between-group differences were
Location: 206 sites in Asia-Pacic Race/ethnicity: 87% BMD or prevalent vertebral Bazedoxifene, 40 fractures after 36 mo observed):
countries, Canada, Europe, Latin white fracture mg/d of treatment in Bazedoxifene, 20 mg/d: 11
America, South Africa, and the Screened: 26 749 Exclusion criteria: diseases that Raloxifene, 60 mg/d bazedoxifene and Bazedoxifene, 40 mg/d: 11
United States Eligible: NR affect bone metabolism, Placebo placebo groups Raloxifene: 13
Jadad scale score: 3 Enrolled: 7492 interfere with bone mineral Given for 36 mo Secondary: incidence of Placebo group: 14
Withdrawn: NR densitometry, pathologic All participants received clinical vertebral Incidence of nonvertebral
Lost to follow-up: NR vertebral fracture, vasomotor oral daily calcium fractures and osteoporosis-related fractures (no
Analyzed: 6847 symptoms requiring treatment, up to 1200 mg nonvertebral fractures, difference among groups):
endometrial hyperplasia or and vitamin D, BMD change, bone Bazedoxifene, 20 mg/d: 5.7%
carcinoma, abnormal vaginal 400800 IU resorption markers Bazedoxifene, 40 mg/d: 5.6%
bleeding, cancer within 10 y of Method of AE Raloxifene: 5.9%

Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017

study, endocrine disorders assessment: Placebo: 6.3%
requiring treatment, untreated monitored by Post hoc analysis performed in women
malabsorption disorders, investigators regularly at high risk for fracture (BMD T
history of DVT, elevated score 3.0 and/or 1 moderate
cholesterol or triglyceride level, or severe vertebral fracture, or
use of androgen, estrogen, multiple mild vertebral fractures,
progestogen, or osteoporosis in whom nonvertebral fracture risk
medication was demonstrated) compared
with placebo: 50% reduction in
nonvertebral fracture risk with
bazedoxifene, 20 mg/d, vs.
placebo (P = 0.02)
Nakamura et al, 2014 (109); Design: randomized, double-blind Mean age: 69.9 y (range Inclusion criteria: Japanese Denosumab, 60 mg SC Primary: radiographic New or worsening vertebral fracture at
denosumab placebo-controlled with NR) postmenopausal women and every 6 mo morphometric new or 24 mo:
open-label active comparator Women: 95% men aged 50 y with 1 to 4 Placebo worsening vertebral Denosumab: 3.6%
(DIRECT study) Race/ethnicity: prevalent vertebral fractures Open-label fracture for Placebo: 10.3%
Setting: multicenter Japanese and BMD T score < 1.7 at alendronate, 35 denosumab vs. Denosumab vs. placebo decreased risk

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Location: Japan Screened: 2650 lumbar spine or 1.6 at the total mg/wk placebo at 24 mo for new or worsening vertebral
Jadad scale score: 2 Eligible: NR hip Calcium and vitamin D Secondary: new clinical fracture: HR, 0.343 (95% CI,
Enrolled: 1262 Exclusion criteria: >2 moderate were also given vertebral fracture, 0.1940.606)
Withdrawn: NR and/or any severe vertebral daily nonvertebral fracture, Incidence of new vertebral fracture at 24
Lost to follow-up: fractures on lateral spine Randomized was change in BMD, bone mo:
unclear radiography, performed in a turnover markers Denosumab: 2.2%
Analyzed: 1194 hyperparathyroidism, 2:2:1 ratio and Placebo: 8.6%
hypocalcemia, rheumatoid stratied by sex Reduction in risk of 74% (P < 0.001)
arthritis, Paget disease of bone, Incidence of nonvertebral fracture at 24
oral bisphosphonate use for mo: 4.1% in both the denosumab
>3 y, use of osteoporosis and placebo groups
medication within 6 wk before HR for incidence of new vertebral
study enrollment (6 mo for fracture with denosumab vs.
bisphosphonates), creatinine alendronate at 24 mo: 0.416 (CI,
concentration 2.0 mg/dL, 0.1800.962); P = 0.03
elevated values on liver function

AE = adverse event; BMD = bone mineral density; DVT = deep venous thrombosis; HR = hazard ratio; NR = not reported; SC = subcutaneously.
* This study was initially included in the 2012 report for the raloxifene group. We have abstracted the data here for bazedoxifene, which was newly approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Appendix Table 2. Evidence Table for Post hoc and Subgroup Analyses and Follow-up Studies Identied in the Update
Study, Year Study Characteristics Sample Characteristics Interventions Outcomes Results Conclusions
(Reference); Drug

Ito et al, 2017 (233); Per protocol analysis RCT inclusion criteria: ambulatory RCT: IV ibandronate, 1 mg/mo, vs. oral Vertebral and nonvertebral Incidence of vertebral fractures Fracture reduction efcacy
ibandronate, among subgroup of men and women with primary risedronate, 2.5 mg/d fracture at 6, 12, 24, and Patients with 1 prevalent vertebral fracture: of ibandronate, 1
risedronate persons with prevalent osteoporosis aged 60 y with No mention of calcium and vitamin D 36 mo Ibandronate: 11.2% mg/mo, was consistent
vertebral fractures BMD of lumbar spine or Risedronate: 12.6% across subgroups
MOVER study proximal femur <80% of young Patients with 2 prevalent vertebral examined, independent
adult mean and 1 to 5 prevalent fractures: of number of prevalent
vertebral fractures Ibandronate: 20.4% fractures and baseline
Analyzed: 1134 Risedronate: 22.1 % BMD values, and did not
Patients with femoral neck signicantly differ from
BMD T scores 2.5: that of oral risedronate,
Ibandronate: 13.7% 2.5 mg/d
Risedronate: 17.3% IV ibandronate, 1 mg/mo,
Patients with femoral neck is roughly equivalent to
BMD T scores >2.5: the dosage of 3
Ibandronate: 16.4% mg/quarter that is
Risedronate: 19.1% currently FDA-approved
Incidence of nonvertebral fractures
Patients with 2 prevalent vertebral
Ibandronate: 7.6%
Risedronate: 9.5%
Nonvertebral fractures in patients with
femoral neck BMD T score >2.5:
Ibandronate: 7.6%
Risedronate: 9.4%
Palacios et al, Post hoc analysis of the 7808 women aged 6090 y with RCT: denosumab, 60 mg SC, vs. placebo Fragility fracture at 36 mo Compared with placebo, denosumab Denosumab decreased
2015 (99); FREEDOM RC BMD T-score >2.5 but -4.0 at every 6 mo for 36 mo decreased risk for secondary risk for fragility fractures
denosumab lumbar spine or total hip At least 1000 mg calcium and 400 IU fragility fracture by 39% (incidence, similarly in all risk
Subgroups: prior fracture status, vitamin D daily 17.3% vs. 10.5%; P <0.001) subgroups
age, prior medication use In overall study population, denosumab
Prior fragility fracture was present decreased risk for fragility fracture
in 45% of the study population by 40% (13.3% vs. 8.0%; P < 0.001)
Similar results were seen in subgroup
analyses of prior osteoporotic
medication use, age, prior fracture
Papapoulos et al, Open-label extension of all 4550 postmenopausal women Initial RCT: Denosumab, 60 mg SC, or Primary: safety and Annualized incidence of new vertebral Yearly incidence of new
2015 (100); participants in the aged 6090 y with lumbar spine placebo every 6 mo for 3 y tolerability fractures with denosumab: vertebral and
denosumab FREEDOM RCT who did or total hip BMD T score >2.5 All participants received calcium, >1 g/d, Secondary: bone turnover Years 4 and 5: 1.5% nonvertebral fractures
not miss >1 dose of but 4.0 and vitamin D, 400 IU/d markers, BMD, new Year 6: 1.3% remained low during
investigational product; vertebral and nonvertebral Years 7 and 8: 1.3% open-label extension of

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all participants to receive fractures Annualized incidence of new nonvertebral total of 8 y of
denosumab with daily fractures with denosumab: denosumab therapy
calcium and vitamin D Year 4: 1.5%
for 5 y (total of 8 y of Year 5: 1.2%
denosumab exposure Year 6: 1.8%
for women originally Year 7: 1.6%
assigned to receive 3 y Year 8: 0.7%
of denosumab in initial Number of women with new fractures over
RCT) 8 y of denosumab therapy:
Wrist: 57
Rib: 17
Hip: 13
Ankle: 12
Sugimoto et al, 1-year open-label Japanese postmenopausal women RCT: denosumab, 60 mg SC every 6 mo, Vertebral and nonvertebral At 36 mo of denosumab therapy: Denosumab treatment for
2015 (101); extension phase of and men aged 50 y with 1 to 4 vs. placebo for 2 y fractures at baseline and at New vertebral fracture in year 3 vs. year 1: 3 y was associated with
denosumab DIRECT in which all prevalent vertebral fractures, All participants received supplements: 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 mo; rate ratio vs. placebo, 0.192 (95% CI a favorable benetrisk
participants received and BMD T score 1.7 at lumbar calcium, 600 mg/d, and vitamin D, BMD; bone turnover 0.0231.591); P = 0.1261 prole
denosumab spine or >1.6 at the total hip 400 IU/d markers Cumulative incidence of nonvertebral
fracture: 5.1% (CI, 3.47.7)
Cumulative incidence of major
nonvertebral fracture: 2.1% (CI, 1.14.0)
Crossover group (placebo year 1, then
denosumab years 2 and 3):
New vertebral fracture in year 3 vs. year 2:
rate ratio, 0.231 (CI, 0.1040.516); P <
Cumulative incidence of nonvertebral
fracture at 36 mo: 6.6% (CI, 4.69.5)
Cumulative incidence of major
nonvertebral fracture at 36 mo: 5.5%
(CI, 3.78.1)

Continued on following page

Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017

Appendix Table 2Continued
Study, Year Study Characteristics Sample Characteristics Interventions Outcomes Results Conclusions
(Reference); Drug

Black et al, Second extension of Women with postmenopausal Initial RCT: Women with postmenopausal Primary end point: BMD Clinical fractures at year 9 vs. year 6: Number Nearly all patients who
2015 (85); HORIZON-PFT osteoporosis osteoporosis randomly assigned to change of fractures was low and did not have completed 6
zoledronic acid receive annual zoledronic acid, 5 mg IV Secondary end point: signicantly differ by treatment.; too annual zoledronic acid
(n = 3889) vs. placebo (n = 3876) for fracture, bone turnover few for meaningful comparison infusions can
3y markers, safety Incidence with zoledronic acid for discontinue medication
First extension: randomly assigned to 3 9 y: 12.2% for up to 3 y with
additional annual infusions of Incidence with zoledronic acid for 6 y, maintenance of benets
zoledronic acid vs. placebo followed by placebo for 3 y: 9.5%
Second extension, double-blind: women HR, 1.11 (CI, 0.452.73)
who received rst and third doses of
zoledronic acid during the rst
extension, and had completed rst
extension, were randomly assigned to
receive zoledronic acid once yearly or
placebo for 3 additional years
All participants received oral calcium,
10001500 mg/d, and vitamin D,
4001200 IU/d, as supplements
Ferrari et al, Open-label extension of Postmenopausal women aged Initial RCT: Denosumab, 60 mg SC every Nonvertebral fractures, BMD Nonvertebral fractures: There was a further
2015 (98); FREEDOM 6090 y with lumbar spine or 6 mo for 3 y, vs. placebo Crossover group: reduction of 49% (rate reduction in the
denosumab total hip T-score >2.5 at the All participants received calcium, 1 g/d, ratio, 0.51; P = 0.005) for year 4 vs. nonvertebral fracture
lumbar spine or hip but 4.0 at and vitamin D, 400 IU/d years 13 rate that persisted
both locations Open-label extension: 4074 participants Long-term therapy group (up to 7 y of through 7 y of

Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 No. 11 6 June 2017

Long-term therapy group: 2343 who missed 1 dose of denosumab denosumab): reduction of 21 % denosumab therapy
Crossover group: 1731 during the rst 3 y of denosumab (rate ratio, 0.79; P = 0.0046) during
treatment continued into the fourth years 47 vs. years 13
year (long-term group), and the
placebo group started denosumab
therapy (cross-over group) through
year 7
Harvey et al, Post hoc analysis Postmenopausal women aged Teriparatide, 40 g/d (n = 544), vs. Morphometric vertebral Morphometric vertebral fractures: Teriparatide signicantly
2015 (119); according to baseline 4286 y teriparatide, 20 g/d (n = 541), vs. fractures; nonvertebral Teriparatide treatment was reduced the risk for
teriparatide fracture risk by FRAX placebo (n = 544) for 18 mo fractures associated with a statistically nonvertebral and
prediction tool in 1537 The 2 teriparatide dosage groups were signicant 66 % decrease in (HR, morphometric vertebral
women combined owing to similar effects on 0.34 [CI, 0.230.50]) fractures by a similar
fracture occurrence Any nonvertebral fractures: Teriparatide extent, regardless of
No mention of calcium or vitamin D dose treatment based on the pooled baseline fracture
doses was associated with an HR of probability
0.63 [CI, 0.440.90]
Silverman et al, Preplanned 2-y extension Postmenopausal women aged Bazedoxifene, 20 mg/d, was continued; 5-year ndings: new vertebral Incidence of new vertebral fractures at 5 y: The antifracture efcacy of

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2012 (386); of the 3-y study in 4216 5585 y with osteoporosis by participants receiving bazedoxifene, fractures (primary) and Bazedoxifene, 20 mg/d: 4.5% bazedoxifene on new
bazedoxifene postmenopausal women BMD or prevalent vertebral 40 mg/d group were transitioned to non-vertebral fractures, Bazedoxifene, 40/20 mg/d: 3.9% vertebral fractures
fracture 20 mg/d after 4 y ("40/20 mg"); changes in BMD, bone Placebo: 6.8% continued during 5 y,
placebo was continued turnover markers P < 0.05 and there was
Subgroup analyses were Relative risk reduction: antifracture efcacy
performed in the high-risk Bazedoxifene, 20 mg/d: 35% against nonvertebral
subgroup, dened as Bazedoxifene, 40/20 mg/d: 40% fractures in the high-risk
women with femoral neck T High-risk subgroup: bazedoxifene, 20 subgroup
score 3.0 and/or 1 mg/d, reduced nonvertebral fracture risk
moderate or severe or 2 vs. placebo (37%; P = 0.06); combined
mild vertebral fractures data for bazedoxifene, 20 mg/d and 40/20
mg/d, reached statistical signicance (34%
reduction; P < 0.05)
Palacios et al, Second extension of Postmenopausal women aged The bazedoxifene group from Silverman Incidence of new vertebral Cumulative incidence of new vertebral The efcacy of
2015 (387); Silverman et al, 55-85 y with osteoporosis by et al (386) continued to receive and nonvertebral fractures; fractures at 7 y: bazedoxifene against
bazedoxifene 2012 (386): years 67 BMD or prevalent vertebral bazedoxifene, 20 mg/d BMD change; safety Bazedoxifene, 40/20 mg: 6.4% (36.5% new vertebral fractures
fractures assessment relative risk reduction vs. placebo) was sustained over 7 y,
Bazedoxifene, 20 mg: 7.6% (relative risk but there was no effect
reduction) 30.4%) on overall incidence of
Placebo: 9.9% nonvertebral fracture
P < 0.001 for both bazedoxifene groups
vs. placebo
Overall incidence of nonvertebral fracture:
Bazedoxifene, 40/20 mg: 11.2%
Bazedoxifene, 20 mg: 12.0%
Placebo, 10.8%

BMD = bone mineral density; DIRECT = Denosumab Fracture Intervention Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial; FDA = U.S. Food and Drug Administration; FREEDOM = Fracture Reduction
Evaluation of Denosumab in Osteoporosis every 6 Months; HORIZON-PFT = Health Outcomes and Reduced Incidence with Zoledronic Acid Once Yearly-Pivotal Fracture Trial; HR = hazard ratio;
IV = intravenous; MOVER = MOnthly intraVenous ibandronatE versus daily oral Risedronate; RCT = randomized, controlled trial; SC = subcutaneous.

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