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Go, a complex game popular in Asia, has frustrated the efforts of artificial-intelligence researchers for decades.


Google masters Go
Deep-learning software excels at complex ancient board game.
BY ELIZABETH GIBNEY reveals in research published in Nature on famously beat grandmaster Garry Kasparov in

27January1. It also defeated its silicon-based 1997, was explicitly programmed to win at the
computer has beaten a human rivals, winning 99.8% of games against the game. But AlphaGo was not preprogrammed
professional for the first time at Go current best programs. The program has yet to play Go: rather, it learned using a general-
an ancient board game that has long to play the Go equivalent of a world cham- purpose algorithm that allowed it to interpret
been viewed as one of the greatest challenges pion, but a match against South Korean pro- the games patterns, in a similar way to how a
for artificial intelligence (AI). fessional Lee Sedol, considered by many to be DeepMind program learned to play 49different
The best human players of chess, draughts the worlds strongest player, is scheduled for arcade games2.
and backgammon have all been outplayed by March. Were pretty confident, says Deep- This means that similar techniques could be
computers. But a hefty handicap was needed Mind co-founder Demis Hassabis. applied to other AI domains that require recog-
for computers to win at Go. Now Googles This is a really big result, its huge, says Rmi nition of complex patterns, long-term planning
London-based AI company, DeepMind, claims Coulom, a programmer in Lille, France, who and decision-making, says Hassabis. A lot of
that its machine has mastered the game. designed a commercial Go program called the things were trying to do in the world come
DeepMinds program AlphaGo beat Fan Crazy Stone. He had thought computer mastery under that rubric. Examples are using medical
Hui, the European Go champion, five times of the game was a decade away. images to make diagnoses or treatment plans,
out of five in tournament conditions, the firm The IBM chess computer Deep Blue, which and improving climate-change models.

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In China, Japan and South Korea, Go is other programmes categorize images from have developed a conservative (rather than
hugely popular and is even played by celebrity pixels (see Nature 505, 146148; 2014). Then aggressive) style, adds Toby Manning, a lifelong
professionals. But the game has long interested it played against itself across 50computers, Go player who refereed the match.
AI researchers because of its complexity. The improving with each iteration, a technique Googles rival firm Facebook has also been
rules are relatively simple: the goal is to gain known as reinforcement learning. working on software that uses machine learn-
the most territory by placing and capturing The software was already competitive with ing to play Go. Its program, called darkforest,
black and white stones on a 1919 grid. But the leading commercial Go programs, which is still behind commercial state-of-the-art Go
the average 150-move game contains more select the best move by scanning a sample of AI systems, according to a November preprint4.
possible board configurations10170 than simulated future games. DeepMind then com- Hassabis says that many challenges remain
there are atoms in the Universe, so it cant be bined this search approach with the ability to in DeepMinds goal of developing a generalized
solved by algorithms that search exhaustively pick moves and interpret Go boardsgiving AI system. In particular, its programs cannot
for the best move. AlphaGo a better idea yet usefully transfer their learning about one
Deep learning of which strategies are system such as Go to new tasks; a feat that
ABSTRACT STRATEGY is killing every likely to be success- humans perform seamlessly. Weve no idea
Chess is less complex than Go, but it still has too problem in AI. ful. The technique is how to do that. Not yet, Hassabis says.
many possible configurations to solve by brute phenomenal, says Go players will be keen to use the software
force alone. Instead, programs cut down their Jonathan Schaeffer, a computer scientist at the to improve their game, says Manning, although
searches by looking a few turns ahead and judg- University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, Hassabis says that DeepMind has yet to decide
ing which player would have the upper hand. In whose software Chinook solved3 draughts in whether it will make a commercial version.
Go, recognizing winning and losing positions 2007. Rather than follow the trend of the past AlphaGo hasnt killed the joy of the game,
is much harder: stones have equal values and 30 years of trying to crack games using comput- Manning adds. Strap lines boasting that Go is
can have subtle impacts far across the board. ing power, DeepMind has reverted to mimick- a game that computers cant win will have to
To interpret Go boards and to learn the best ing human-like knowledge, albeit by training, be changed, he says. But just because some
possible moves, the AlphaGo program applied rather than by being programmed, he says. The software has got to a strength that I can only
deep learning in neural networksbrain- feat also shows the power of deep learning, which dream of, its not going to stop me playing.
inspired programs in which connections is going from success to success, says Coulom. SEE EDITORIAL P.437
between layers of simulated neurons are Deep learning is killing every problem in AI.
strengthened through examples and experi- AlphaGo plays in a human way, says Fan. 1. Silver, D. et al. Nature 529, 484489 (2016).
2. Mnih, V. et al. Nature 518, 529533 (2015).
ence. It first studied 30 million positions from If no one told me, maybe I would think the 3. Schaeffer, J. et al. Science 317, 15181522 (2007).
expert games, gleaning abstract information player was a little strange, but a very strong 4. Tian, Y. & Zhu, Y. Preprint at arXiv
on the state of play from board data, much as player, a real person. The program seems to pdf/1511.06410.pdf (2015).


Dog DNA probed for clues

to human psychiatric ills
Project will compare gene data to owners assessments of how their companions behave.
BY HEIDI LEDFORD determine why some dogs are more prone to the genetic links to human psychiatric disorders

disorder than others. Her owner, Marjie Alonso by analysing DNA samples from thousands
ddie plays hard for an 11-year-old of Somerville, Massachusetts, has enrolled her of people. Those efforts have in recent years
greater Swiss mountain dogshe in a project called Darwins Dogs, which aims met with some success in schizophrenia and
will occasionally ignore her advanced to compare information about the behaviour depression. But for some conditions, includ-
years to hurl her 37-kilogram body at an of thousands of dogs against the animals DNA ing OCD, not a single robust genetic link has
unwitting house guest in greeting. But she profiles. The hope is that genetic links will been sifted from the background noise of
carries a mysterious burden: when she was emerge to conditions such as canine compul- normal genetic variation.
18months old, she started licking her front sive disorder and canine cognitive dysfunction Human studies are difficult in part because
legs aggressively enough to wear off patches a dog analogue of dementia and possibly the species is so genetically diverse, says
of fur and draw blood. Alzheimers disease. The project organizers have Wynne. Dogs, however, are more genetically
Addie has canine compulsive disordera enrolled 3,000dogs so far, but hope to gather homogeneous. Selected over thousands of
condition that is thought to be similar to data from at least 5,000, and they expect to begin years for particular characteristics, they dis-
human obsessivecompulsive disorder analysing DNA samples in March. play less genetic variation than do humans.
(OCD). Canine compulsive disorder can cause Its very exciting, and in many ways its Pure-bred dogs, in particular, have been ren-
dogs to chase their tails for hours on end, or way overdue, says Clive Wynne, who studies dered highly genetically consistent to achieve a
to suck on a toy or body part so compulsively canine behaviour at Arizona State University homogenous appearance and behaviour.
that it interferes with their eating or sleeping. in Tempe. Dogs also live side-by-side with humans,
Addie may soon help researchers to Researchers have long struggled to find which some think can make them a better

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