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Vibration of Multi Degree of

Freedom Systems
Dhiman Basu
IIT Gandhinagar
Degrees of Freedom (DOF)
5-Storied Building with
Columns axially inextensible
Beams are rigid
5 independent displacements are
required to specify the lateral
deformation profile
5 DOFs, one at each floor
5 (linearly) independent
deformation shape

Mode-4 Mode-5
Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3
5 5
5 5 5 4
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
3 2
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
1 0
0 0 0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Any instantaneous deformation profile is a linear combination of these

Physical Modeling and
Problem Description
Physical Modeling

Each storey can be modeled

with a mass- spring-dashpot
Floor mass contributes to the
Columns contribute to the
spring stiffness
Dashpot accounts for the
inherent damping

NOTE the equivalence of 2nd and 3rd figures Springs

and dashpots are acting laterally
Problem Description
n-Storey building (n-DOF system) is
subject to time varying force
Find out the response say, displacement
time series at the floor levels

Whether response of an n-DOF
system is equivalent to that of n
number of SDOF systems??

YES, In Some Sense!!!

To Illustrate this, Lets explore the Physics of the problem in a

Simplistic way
Physics of the Problem
Dynamic Equilibrium Equation

Free Body Diagram of i-th floor

Force Equilibrium Resistive Force

Applied Force=Resistive Force Inertial Force
Force Resisted by Spring
Applied Force = Pi (t ) Stiffness
Force Resisted by Dashpot
Inertial Force, f I (t )= miu&

Spring Force, f S (t )= ki (ui - ui- 1 )- ki+ 1 (ui+ 1 - ui )

Dashpot Force, f D (t )= ci (u& i - u&i- 1 )- ci+ 1 (u
& &
i+ 1 - ui)

f I (t )+ f D (t )+ f S (t )= Pi (t )
mi u&i + ci (ui - ui- 1 )- ci+ 1 (ui+ 1 - ui )
& & & & &
+ ki (ui - ui- 1 )- ki+ 1 (ui+ 1 - ui ) = Pi (t )

mi u&
& &i- 1 + (ci + ci+ 1 )u&i - ci+ 1u&i+ 1
i + - ci u
Damping Resistance

+ - ki ui- 1 + (ki + ki+ 1 )ui - ki+ 1ui+ 1

= Pi (t )
Stiffness Resistance

Dynamic Equilibrium of i-th Floor, i = 1,2,..,n

Assembling the Dynamic Equilibrium Equations for all the Floors
[M ]{u&
&}+ [C ]{u&}+ [K ]{u}= {P} Dynamic Equilibrium of MDOF System
[M ]= Mass Matrix (Diagonal here)
n- number of coupled equations
[C ]= Damping Matrix (Tri-diagonal here) Procedures are available to solve
[K ]= Stiffness Matrix (Tri-diagonal here) coupled equations
{P}= Excitation Vector Such theory is beyond the scope
Uncoupled or Modal Analysis
First ignore the damping and set the excitation vector as zero-
--What we get is Undamped Free Vibration Problem
[M ]{u&
&}+ [K ]{u}= {0} n-dimensional Eigenvalue Problem

n number of frequencies
n number of mode shapes

Mode shapes and frequencies are used with some

linear-algebraic operations

n- number of coupled equations are equivalently converted into

n- number of uncoupled equations
J-th uncoupled equation M *j&
&j (t )+ C j j (t )+ K j j (t ) = Pj (t )
& * *

M *j , C*j , K *j , Pj* (t ) Generalized Mass, Damping, Stiffness and Force

j Deformation in Generalized Coordinate Interpret as j th SDOF System

Solving these n number of SDOF systems and using the n

number of mode shapes, Floor displacement time series are
obtained as

{u (t )}= { }1 1 (t )+ { }2 2 (t )+ ... + { }n n (t )
j= 1
{ }j j (t ) = [ ]{ (t )}

NOTE: Decoupling of MDOF to a number of SDOF systems is

Possible , If Damping Matrix is of some Special form---Rayleigh

[C ]= [K ]+ [M ]
Alternatively, C *j can often be specified directly as a fraction
of critical damping
C *j = Ccr j = 2 K *j M *j
( )
Mathematical Physics of the
Eigen Value Problem
Let {u}= { } (t ) { } is a time independent vector
[M ]{u&
&}+ [K ]{u}= {0} [M ]{ }&
&(t )+ [K ]{ } (t )= {0}

Pre-multiplying by any admissible vector

{ } [M ]{ }&&(t )+ { } [K ]{ } (t )= {0}

Scalar Scalar
Choice of Negative constant is to
{ } [M ]{ } &&(t ) enforce a vibration phenomenon

- = = - n2
{ } [K ]{ } (t )

Independent of Time Must be

time independent constant
&(t )+ n2 (t )= 0 (t )= A cos nt + B sin nt
(- n2 [M ]{ }+ [K ]{ }) (t )= {0} [K ]{ }= n2 [M ]{ } Eigen value problem

Solve the eigen value problem for eigen value n2 and

mode shapes { }
Orthogonality Property of mode
Connsider i-th and j-th mode shapes
[K ]{ }i = ni2 [M ]{ }i { }j [K ]{ }i = ni2 { }j [M ]{ }i

[K ]{ }j = nj2 [M ]{ }j { }i [K ]{ }j = nj2 { }i [M ]{ }j

Taking transpose on either side

{ }j [K ]{ }i = nj2 { }j [M ]{ }i [M ][
, K ] are symmetric

0 = (nj2 - nj2 ){ }j [M ]{ }i

{ }j [M ]{ }i

= 0 if i j
{ }j [K ]{ }i

If normalized properly
{ }r [M ]{ }r = 1

{ }r [K ]{ }r = nr2
Consequence of Orthogonality
[ ]= { }1 { }2 ...{ }n Modal Matrix

[ ] [M ][ ]= M * diag Generalized Mass


[ ] [K ][ ]= K * diag Generalized Stiffness

Undamped Free Vibration of MDOF
[M ]{u&
&}+ [K ]{u}= {0} Undamped Free Vibration Problem
{u(t = 0)}= {u0 } Initial displacement
Initial Conditions
{u&(t = 0)}= {u&0 } Initial velocity

Step-1: Solve the eigen value problem for all modes

[K ]{ }= n2 [M ]{ } All frequencies nj2 and Modal Matrix [ ]

Step-2: Displacement history
n n
{u}= [ ]{ (t )}=
j= 1
{ }j j (t )=
j= 1
{ }j (Aj cos nj t + B j sin nj t )
Step-3: Evaluation of arbitrary constants

Consider the instant t=0 and initial displacement

n n

{ }j Aj [ ] [M ]{u0 }= [ ] [M ] { }j Aj
{u0 }=
j= 1 j= 1

[ ] [M ]{ }j Aj = { }j [M ]{ }j Aj = M *j Aj
j= 1
[ ] [M ]{u0 }

Aj =
M *j
Consider the instant t=0 and initial velocity
n n

{ }j nj B j [ ] [M ]{u&0 }= [ ] [M ] { }j nj B j
{u&0 }=
j= 1 j= 1

[ ] [M ]{ }j nj B j = { }j [M ]{ }j nj B j = M *j nj B j
j= 1

[ ] [M ]{u&0 }

Bj =
nj M *j
Damped Forced Vibration of MDOF
Let {u}= [ ]{ (t )} [ ] is the Modal Matrix, known after Eigen Analysis
[M ]{u&&}+ [C ]{u&}+ [K ]{u }= {P (t )}
[M ][ ]{&
&(t )}+ [C ][ ]{&(t )}+ [K ][ ]{ (t )}= {P (t )}
[ ] [M ][ ]{&(t )}+ [ ] [C ][ ]{&(t )}+ [ ] [K ][ ]{ (t )}= [ ] {P (t )}
M * [C ][ ]{&(t )}+ K * { (t )}= {P* (t )}
{&&(t )}+ [ ]
[ ] [C ][ ]= C * A diagonal matrix, provided [C ] is Rayleigh Damping

1/2 1/2
Usually, C *
= 2 K * M * is the specified modal damping

M * {&(t )}+ C * {&(t )}+ K * { (t )}= {P* (t )} A set of uncouped Equations
j th uncoupled equation M *j&
&j (t )+ C j j (t )+ K j j (t ) = Pj (t )
& * *

System Displacement Response

{u (t )}= { }1 1 (t )+ { }2 2 (t )+ ... + { }n n (t )
j= 1
{ }j j (t ) = [ ]{ (t )}
Numerical Example
Undamped Free Vibration

Initial velocity at 5th floor is 0.1m/sec

Rest is zero
Stiffness Matrix [K]=

Mass Matrix [M]=

Results from Undamped Free Vibration

Eigen Values =

Modal Matrix =[ ]=

Normalizing w.r.t. roof

(for the purpose of
Mode-4 Mode-5
Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3
5 5
5 5 5 4
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
3 2
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
1 0
0 0 0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Diagonalization and Generalized Properties

[ ] [K ][ ]= K * =

[ ] [M ][ ]= M * =
Floor Displacement under
Free Vibration
Damped Force Vibration
Same Five Storey Building as Before but with 5% damping

Loading Data
C *j = Ccr j = 2 K *j M *j
( )
C * =

Generalized Force
P* = [ ]T {P}=

0.1680 * P1 (t )+ 0.6661* P2 (t )+ 1.4371* P3 (t )+ 2.3172 * P4 (t )+ 3.1400 * P5 (t )

- 0.4476 * P1 (t )- 1.2110 * P2 (t )- 0.9205* P3 (t )+ 0.9172 * P4 (t )+ 3.0892 * P5 (t )

0.5609 * P1 (t )+ 0.4029 * P2 (t )- 1.6713* P3 (t )- 1.1535* P4 (t )+ 2.8941* P5 (t )

0.5378* P1 (t )- 0.7437 * P2 (t )- 0.7351* P3 (t )+ 2.4435* P4 (t )- 2.1547 * P5 (t )

- 0.4094 * P1 (t ) + 1.1724 * P2 (t )- 1.6594 * P3 (t ) + 1.5773* P4 (t )- 0.9547 * P5 (t )

This completes the description of 5 SDOF systems

M *j&
&j (t )+ C *j&j (t )+ K *j j (t ) = Pj* (t ) j th SDOF system

Use Standard Procedure to solve each SDOF and combine

the response as
{u (t )}= [ ]{ (t )}
Floor Displacement Histories
Observe the Effect of Transient Vibration
Thank You

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