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Geography Report

Year 5 Girls:

Tay An
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Tay has been an active contributor to class discussions within the geography
unit this term. Tay has shown a growing awareness of the local environment. Tay
particularly performed well with her efforts in producing her climate change poster.

Manet Bhatia
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 3
Comments: Manet has struggled at times to get involved with class discussion. She has
shown a basic understanding of why some places are like they are in terms of their
geographical features. I would encourage Manet to interpret received information on her
own terms as she can sometimes be caught up with the thought processes of other people.

Nikki Chan
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Nikki has often been quiet within her participation of class discussion, often
having to be insisted to get involved. However, Nikki has shown a great understanding of
understanding the content material with the work she has produced this term.

Aditi Kalvekar
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Aditi has been a great contributor to class discussions this term focussing on the
environment. Aditi has shown to have a growing geographical vocabulary. I was particularly
impressed with Aditis climate change poster which showed a sound understanding on the

Hanna Kim
Participation: 4
Overall knowledge of content: 3
Comments: Hanna has made steady progress throughout the term. Hanna sometimes
struggled with interaction with her peers and only contributed occasionally to class
discussions. When she did have input however I was always impressed with her knowledge.
I just wish I saw it more often.

Kate Matthews
Participation: 1
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Kate is a friendly student who has made very good progress in geography. Kate
interacted well with her peers and participated in all aspects of the lesson. Kate has been a
valued member of the class and she should be very proud of her achievements in

Sabrina Rolinek
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 3
Comments: Sabrina has made a steady progress throughout the term. Sabrina has showed
continued efforts in expanding her understanding of the key concepts and topics studied.
Sabrina needs to work a little harder at expanding her written answers and showing
evidence in her research. Overall Sabrina should be proud of her efforts

Erin Taku
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 1
Comments: Erin has made an excellent start to the year. she has put a lot of effort into her
assessment work and I was especially pleased with her achievements with her climate
change poster. Erin has been a valuable member to this class.

Jennica Wang
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Jennica has made steady progress throughout the term. She is a very quiet girl
who doesnt like getting involved in class discussions. However, it is clear that she is actively
listens to class discussions and discussed content with the high level of work she is
producing. Jennica should be proud of her achievements in geography.

Year 5 Boys

Max Di Veroli
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Max has made a good start to the year. He has actively contributed to class
discussion providing valuable input when required, however he can at times get caught up
in others kids distractive behaviour. Overall Max has showed a good level of understanding
of the key concepts of this terms work.

Phillip Grobler
Participation: 4
Overall knowledge of content: 4
Comments: Phillip has had a mixed term so far with his efforts in geography. He started the
term well with his efforts in recognising changes within a local environment. However there
has been a lack of interest from then on, even failing to hand in two key assessment tasks.
As a result of this Phillip has only shown a basic understanding on the concepts explored this
Hayden Milne
Participation: 1
Overall knowledge of content: 1
Comments: Hayden has made an excellent start to the year. Hayden interacted well with his
peers and participated in all aspects of the lesson. He has shown sound geographic skills and
his written responses showed close attention to detail. This is evidenced in Hayden works
on how Aborigines use different resources in their environment. Hayden should be proud of
his efforts this term.

Hamish Pollard
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 3
Comments: Hamish has made steady progress this term. He is an active contributor to class
discussions and much prefers expressions his points in an oral format. Hamish needs to
work on his written assessment and expand on his answers to show a greater understanding
of the content.

Benji Simes
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 3
Comments: Benji is a friendly student who has made steady progress in geography. He is an
enthusiastic learner who worked steadily in geography. He just needs to be more aware of
paying attention in class, as often when a task is being explained and set he has not being
paying attention and is unaware of what the task is.

Alexander Ward
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Alexander has made steady progress throughout the term. He has shown a good
understanding of the concepts discussed this term. This is evidenced in his efforts on his
climate change poster which showed a good level of research being put into his work.
Overall Alexander should be proud of his efforts.

Jason Yi
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Jason is a very enthusiastic young man. Unfortunately, at times that enthusiasm
can cause him to be distracting in the classroom environment. Jason has shown a good
understanding of the concepts discussed this term especially in his written response to
Aborigines use of resources in their local environments. Overall Jason has been a valuable
member to this class

Ray Zhang
Participation: 5
Overall knowledge of content: 3
Comments: Ray has shown mixed results so far this term. When is comes to class
discussions around content, Ray at times can sometimes seem disconnected and
disinterested in the concepts being discussed. However, when it comes to his written
assessments I have seen the level of effort that I have now come to expect from him. He
showed great descriptive detail in how Aborigines use different resources within their local
environment. I just wish he would carry this effort in all aspects of his study.

Year 6 Girls

Kimi Cabrera
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Kimi has shown steady progress in her efforts with geography this term. She is
at times a very reserved girl who often sits back and observes class discussions rather than
actively getting involved. However, her work ethic once a task is set should be admired and
the work she has put forward this term is commendable

Stella Chen
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Stella has made a good start to this term in geography. She has shown a sound
understanding of discussed concepts in class and that has been reflected in her work. I was
particularly impressed with her newspaper article response to urban development in a rural
area which showcased her ability to extract information from a written format and provide
her own thoughts.

Sarah Chung
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 1
Comments: Sarah has made and excellent start to the term in geography. She has been an
active member of class discussion always providing valuable input when required. She has
shown sound understanding of the key concepts discussed in class and that has been
reflected in her work. She should be proud of all of her effort, especially the work she
produced for her climate change poster which has a good level of research and careful
thought process.

Amy Mann
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Amy is a very enthusiastic young girl. She has been actively engaged in
classroom discussions around the key concepts of geography this term. Amy excelled when
is came to recognising local changes in a particular environment. Overall Amy should be
commended for her efforts this term.

Ruby Pascoe
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 3
Comments: Ruby has shown mixed result so far this term in geography. She made a great
start in the earlier discussions on the environment and noticing relevant changes to
communities. However Ruby has unfortunately not submitted two of her assessment tasks
which has led to her only showing a basic understanding of the concepts discussed this

Mia Sue
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 3
Comments: Mia has made a steady start to the term in geography. She is often reserved in
class discussions and needs to be encouraged to get actively involved. She has known a
good understanding of the concepts discussed this term in her written work. I particular
enjoyed reading her response to a newspaper article on urban development as she bought
up a number of good points.

Ziarne Wyatt
Participation: 4
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Ziarne has shown a good level of understanding the knowledge of content this
term focussing on environments. I was particularly impressed with the amount of work and
research that went into her climate change poster. Ziarne needs to be more considerate at
times of her fellow students as she can be sometimes distractive.

Year 6 Boys

Nicholas Bradshaw
Participation: 3
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Nick is a very quiet boy in class. He is often at times encouraged to get involved
in class discussions rather than actively trying to contribute. He has however shown a good
understanding of the key concepts discussed this term. However, he needs a little more
assistance in being more precise in his answers as they can at times be very disconnected.
This will come with time as Nicholas becomes more comfortable with using appropriate
geographic vocabulary.

Brendon Chien
Participation: 4
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Brendon is a very reserved boy in classroom discussion. He chooses to sit back
and observe these discussions rather than get involved. When a task is set however,
Brendon works efficiently to get his work done on time in a professional manner. Brendon
has shown a good understanding of the concepts discussed this term, especially his ability to
notice changes within a local environment.
Mitchell Mills
Participation: 2
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Mitchell is a friendly student who has made very good progress in geography.
Mitchell has shown a sound understanding of the key concepts discussed this term. This is
evidenced in his work on Aborigines use of resources within the environment where he
showed great detail in his work. Overall Mitchell should be happy with his efforts this term.

Joel Persini
Participation: 1
Overall knowledge of content: 2
Comments: Joel has shown a very good geographical vocabulary and a sound understanding
of this terms concept of the environment. Joel is able to compare localities in terms of their
human and physical features, describing similarities and differences. Although Joel is a very
enthusiastic boy, sometimes his enthusiasm can lead to being distracting to a number of his
fellow classmates.

Xavier Vitalis
Participation: 1
Overall knowledge of content: 1
Comments: Xavier is a very bright young man. He has shown a sound understanding on the
concept of the environment this term and the studies around this concept. I was particularly
impressed with his response to a newspaper article about urban development and the
strong views he put forward.

Jason Yu
Participation: 4
Overall knowledge of content: 5
Comments: I have been disappointed with Jasons effort this term within the geography
unit. Jason has failed to accomplish a number of his assessment tasks and has not shown a
great understanding of the content material.

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