Measurement: B. de Pauw, S. Vanlanduit, K. Van Tichelen, T. Geernaert, K. Chah, F. Berghmans

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Measurement 46 (2013) 36473653

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Benchmarking of deformation and vibration measurement

techniques for nuclear fuel pins
B. De Pauw a,b,c,, S. Vanlanduit b, K. Van Tichelen c, T. Geernaert a, K. Chah d, F. Berghmans a
Brussels Photonics Team B-Phot, VUB, Brussels, Belgium
Department of Mechanical Engineering (MECH), VUB, Brussels, Belgium
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCKCEN), Boeretang 200, Mol, Belgium
Service dElectromagntisme et de Tlcom, Universit de Mons, Facult Polytechnique, Blvd. Dolez 31, Mons, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Understanding the mechanical interactions between the coolant and the core structure in
Received 31 October 2012 nuclear reactors helps to determine the lifetime, health or optimal design of the reactor
Accepted 3 July 2013 core. The ow of the coolant produces vibrations in the reactor core containing the fuel
Available online 13 July 2013
assemblies that consists of a matrix of fuel pins. We report on an evaluation of the perfor-
mance of different vibration measurement techniques considered for measuring the ow
Keywords: induced vibrations on a fuel pin mock-up. These techniques include a laser Doppler vibrom-
Fiber Bragg gratings
eter (LDV), a grid method (GRID), ber Bragg grating sensors (FBGs), electrical strain gages
Strain gages
and two types of accelerometers. In this paper we rst show the practical aspects of the
Accelerometer validation experiments before proceeding with the inuence of the techniques on the pin
Grid method dynamics. Finally we compare the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the level of determination
Laser Doppler vibrometer of the response signal of the sensors for low amplitudes and low frequencies. We conclude
Nuclear fuel pins that for our setup the optical techniques and MEMS-type accelerometer prove to offer supe-
MYRRHA rior performance. Considering the space constraints, we believe that the ber Bragg gratings
are the best candidate for vibration monitoring in nuclear reactor core mock-ups.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to reduce the amplitude of the vibrations as much as pos-

sible. However installing too many of such spacers may
A nuclear reactor fuel bundle can experience different cause signicant pressure drops across the different fuel
ow situations. Axial ow of the coolant generally prevails pin sections. The absence of those spacer grids in combina-
along the fuel elements. The ow exerts forces on the fuel tion with higher ow velocities, denser coolants and lower
pins which may result in vibrations of the individual fuel pin diameters could lead to an increased occurrence of
pins and of the fuel assembly. Mechanical damage due to ow induced vibrations [14]. Furthermore excessive struc-
excessive vibration is known to limit the life of fuel assem- tural support is detrimental to neutron economy. Assessing
blies and hence it is important to understand ow-induced the vibrations of fuel pins and fuel assembly is therefore of
vibration and damage mechanisms to prevent problems at utmost importance when designing a nuclear reactor.
the design stage and assist station owners in predicting the Vibration data need to be obtained rst through careful
life of nuclear components [2,3]. modeling of the ow-induced vibrations and second
Mitigating ow-induced vibrations is possible by using through suitable measurements of the dynamics of the fuel
spacer grids to maintain the gap between the fuel pins and pins using adequate vibration sensors. This paper deals
with the latter and attempts at identifying the best candi-
date measurement technique or sensor for measuring ow
Corresponding author at: Brussels Photonics Team B-Phot, VUB,
induced vibrations on nuclear fuel pins in a mock-up of a
Brussels, Belgium.
reactor core fuel assembly. The main boundary conditions
E-mail address: (B. De Pauw).

0263-2241/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3648 B. De Pauw et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 36473653

6.35 mm

steel tip steel tip

laser weld plastic Lead-Bismuth plastic spring (1)
steel cylinder
(1) (2) (3) (5) (3) steel cylinder (6) laser weld
(4) (4)
20 mm 60 mm 720 mm 580 mm 20 mm

1400 mm

Fig. 1. The structure of the fuel pin mock-up on which the performance evaluation was performed.

are the following. First the fuel assembly support and the a length of 1.400 mm (Fig. 1). We chose these dimensions
spacers tend to limit the vibration amplitudes upfront. Sec- to be as close as possible to those of the actual pins that
ond the ow should not be disturbed by installing the sen- will be used during the operation of the nuclear reactor
sors and the latter should not suffer from the ow either. specically targeted in our research.1 To simulate the pin
Due to these design considerations the sensors should be internal the cylindrical tubes were lled with a piece of solid
able to measure low amplitude signals of various frequen- leadbismuth (5) supported by hollow PVC spacers (3). A
cies and should be minimally intrusive. We therefore con- spring (6) was inserted to simulate pressure on the leadbis-
ducted a comparative study of different types of sensors muth. The tube was sealed with laser welded (2) tips (1). We
that can measure vibrations on fuel pins, with the aim to use a pulsed air jet together with a signal generator for the
identify the best candidate to integrate in a hydraulic excitation of the fuel pins (see [12]). The air jet excites the
experiment characterizing the fuel assembly hydrody- fuel pins without any physical contact. The switching time
namic behavior and eventually in the nuclear reactor core of this air valve can be controlled so as to excite the fuel pins
itself. We considered a set of optical and electro-mechani- with a pulse. The air valve has a maximum excitation fre-
cal sensors and techniques consisting of strain gages (SG) quency of 1 kHz which is determined by the 1 ms minimum
[6,7], accelerometers (piezoelectric (PIEZO) and MEMS) switching time. We could hence determine the natural
[8], ber Bragg gratings (FBGs) [4,5,13], a laser Doppler frequencies of the rst modes of the fuel pin and obtain
vibrometer (LDV) [9] and a grid method (GRID) [11]. the resonance frequencies of the different fuel pins both
To compare these sensors and techniques we have built with and without sensors (by using the non-contact LDV
a setup that can hold one fuel pin mock-up in air (without as a reference measurement technique).
any spacer grid) and we characterized the vibration param-
eters of pristine pins. Then we evaluated the effect of 2.2. Boundary conditions
attaching the sensors to the fuel pin on the vibration
parameters. Finally we carried out a comparative experi- We also constructed a rigid supporting structure (Fig. 2)
mental campaign and we compared the performance of that consists of aluminum proles (40  120 mm, 5.3 kg/
the sensors based on the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and m). We xed several pins in the structure and determined
the response to an applied excitation. The quality of the lat- their natural frequencies. The maximum observed differ-
ter are evaluated based on an R2 regression factor (also ence in resonance frequencies for several measurements
called the level of determination), on SmirnovKolmogorov and installments of one pin was 0.8% (0.7 Hz) for the rst
tests for normality of the residuals and nally on the noise mode and 1.8% (0.5 Hz) for the second mode (Fig. 2). The
in the sensor responses. difference in natural frequencies from one pin to another
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. reached 1.5% (0.10 Hz) for the rst mode and 5%
First we deal with the construction of the experimental (1.5 Hz) for the second mode. Using a student-T based
setup. We then discuss the experimental method and more signicance test we conclude that our setup reproduces
particularly the excitation signal, the recording of the out- the same vibrational conditions within a 96% certainty.
put signal and the data processing. Finally we deal with the
experimental results and with the analysis of the sensor re-
sponses. In this analysis we rst discuss the non-contact 3. Validation of vibration measurement
optical techniques as they can reveal the inuence of the
attachment of these contact sensors on the vibration fea- 3.1. Methods
tures of the fuel pins. We then report on the results for
those contact sensors. During initial evaluation tests we excited the fuel pins
with a shaker (Brel & Kjaer mini shaker type 4810) that
generates a simple harmonic (sine waveform). We ob-
2. Setup tained the resonance frequencies experimentally and

2.1. The fuel pins 1

The MYRRHA reactor of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK.CEN)
[1] This accelerator driven reactor will be able to sustain nuclear ssion
We manufactured four fuel pin mockups from stainless reactions driven by a proton accelerator and uses a liquid eutectic mixture
steel cylindrical tubes (4) with a diameter of 6.35 mm and of lead and bismuth as spallation source and reactor coolant.
B. De Pauw et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 36473653 3649

Fig. 2. Schematic of the experimental setup (top) with the results of the initial experiments (bottom). We observe that the resonances are in the vicinity of
8.5 Hz and 29 Hz.

We consecutively evaluate and compare the input and out-

1 put signal for each sensor or technique.
We consider a periodic, sine-like output signal with a
Coherence function

frequency equal to that of the input signal. We compare

these signals with a least-squares (LS) tting algorithm
and evaluate the quality of the data with a SNR calculation
and a goodness of t test. For the goodness of t test we
rst estimate the amplitude, the frequency, the phase
and the DC shift from the LS t. Second we calculate the
R2-value. The latter, also known as the level of determina-
tion, is dened as
X y  fi 2
1 Hz
frequency 140 Hz R2 1  i
: 1
i y 2
i  y
Fig. 3. Coherence function of a bare fuel pin. We show that for the shaker
excitation the response of the structure is linear.
In this Eq. (1), yi is the measured data at point i and fi is
the value of the tted data at point i. The mean of the data
is given by y. A rst indication of the quality of the sensor is
found that the rst two modes were always in the vicinity then quantied by how close R2 is to 1. Finally we calculate
of 8.5 Hz and 29 Hz (Fig. 2). As a sidenote we also esti- the residuals in order to evaluate the sampling of the sys-
mated the damping ratios2 for the rst two resonances for tems and trends in the noise. The evaluation consisted of
a pristine fuel pin in the order of 7.5% and 5.3%. We note that SmirnovKolmogorov tests of normality [10]. The lower
the structure response to the shaker excitation is linear, as the value of these tests, the lower the probability that
conrmed by the LDV measurements (Fig. 3).3 We chose to sources of noise were present during measurement.
perform the evaluation at the rst mode (accurately mea- We apply this method for all the tested sensors or tech-
sured with the LDV before each evaluation) because the fun- niques and we compared the results. These are dealt with
damental mode will always be excited when random forces below for the non-contact techniques and the contact
(such a the coolant ow) are exerted on the fuel pins. We set sensors.
the amplitudes of the harmonic excitation signals with
discrete steps on a signal generator. These amplitudes then 3.2. Non-contact techniques
effected a transverse displacement of 10 lm up to 60 lm.
To measure axial strain (with the FBG and SG), the First we evaluate non-contact optical measurement
transversal displacement (with GRID), the velocity (with techniques. These systems require optical access to the fuel
the LDV) or the acceleration (with PIEZO and MEMS), we pin. The tested non-contact sensors include the laser Dopp-
apply the excitation force with the shaker at 1/3 height ler vibrometer (LDV) and a grid method (GRID).
of the fuel pins. This location helps to avoid the occurrence The LDV is a laser based vibration sensor that measures
of the standing wave nodes and to average the displace- the Doppler shift of the diffuse reection of a laser beam by
ment of the rst mode. For all sensors we measure during the structure under test (see also [9]). The smooth steel
8 s at a 1024 Hz sampling frequency (except for GRID surface of the fuel pin does not reect a sufcient amount
where 512 fps was the highest achievable frame rate). of light in a diffuse fashion. We eliminate this problem by
applying a small piece of reective tape to the fuel pin
(Fig. 4) at the location of the impinging laser beam. Attach-
The damping ratios were estimated using the bandwidth at half power.
The nonlinearities can be estimated from the coherence function
ing this patch of reective tape did not inuence the vibra-
between the input and output. Except for near the resonances (as tion parameters (resonance frequencies) of the fuel pin
expected), the coherence is 1. structure (Fig. 9 and Table 1). We show that for the lowest
3650 B. De Pauw et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 36473653

Fig. 4. Close-up of the non-contact measurement aids on the fuel pin with the grid for GRID (bottom) and the reective tape for LDV (top).

Table 1
Original natural frequencies of the pristine pins and the effect of attaching the sensors on these frequencies.

Sensor name Orig 1st mode (Hz) Orig 2nd mode (Hz) Dx 1st mode (Hz) Dx 2nd mode (Hz)
LDV 8.45 29.42 0.09 0.04
GRID 8.44 28.23 0.76 1.70
FBG 8.42 28.00 0.15 1.88
SG 8.52 29.42 0.67 0.34
PIEZO 8.44 28.23 0.49 2.92
MEMS 8.44 28.23 0.88 2.29

Fig. 5. Close-up of the contact sensors attached to the fuel pin with from top to bottom the SG, the FBG, the PIEZO and the MEMS.

two modes the effect of the reective tape on the reso- accelerometer (PIEZO) and a MEMS-type accelerometer
nance frequencies is on the order of 0.04 Hz (or 0.5%) and (MEMS).
0.09 Hz (or 0.3%). This effect is of the same order of magni- A strain gage is a small electrical circuit that changes its
tude as the differences summarized in Fig. 2 and can hence electrical resistance when strained (see [6,7]). This change
be neglected. Finally we evaluate the LDV with the method can be measured using a Wheatstone bridge and amplied
described in Section 3.1. consecutively. To read out the resistive strain gage signals
A grid method consists of capturing 2-D or 3-D images we use a quarter-bridge Wheatstone bridge in a three-wire
and analyzing the phase differences between grid lines in layout and glue a single strain gage (Model: EA-13-031DE-
the images (as in [11]). We use a grid of alternating gray 350E from Vishay MM)4 on the fuel pin structure. Attaching
and black lines with a density of four lines per millimeter the SG to the pin (Fig. 5) induces a resonance frequency shift
to correlate pixels (Fig. 4). The grid was approximately of 0.340.67 Hz (Table 1). This shift is close to the uncer-
6 cm long and 8 mm wide. The grid inuenced the stiffness tainty on the measurement as a result of the xation and
of the fuel pin, causing the eigenmode frequencies to shift. therefore the SG has a limited effect on the vibrational
We show a difference in resonance frequency of 0.76 Hz parameters of the fuel pin. The processing of the SG signals
(1st mode) and 1.70 Hz (2nd mode) after attaching the grid is carried out as already described in Section 3.1.
and reinstalling the pin (Table 1). This difference is not The ber Bragg grating (FBG) is an optical measuring
negligible compared to the uncertainty on the measure- technique based on optical bers (see also [4,5,13]). A
ment because of the xation (see Section 2.2). We capture FBG consists of a periodic variation of the refractive index
images at a frame rate of 500 fps for 4 s. We consecutively of the core of an optical ber and is fabricated using dedi-
t a sine through the correlating lines of the grid, which cated laser-based techniques. The FBG is characterized by a
yields the displacement as a function of time. We average resonance wavelength at which it reects broadband light,
this data and apply the analysis described in Section 3.1. referred to as Bragg wavelength kB. kB is a function of the
axial strain applied to the optical ber. We use a Bragg
3.3. Contact sensors grating5 with a nominal Bragg wavelength of 1548 nm at

Second we evaluate contact sensors: in particular ber 4

Strain gage parameters: 350 X, STC 13 lm/F (25 lm/C).
Bragg gratings (FBG), strain gages (SG), a piezo-type 5
Fabricated at the Universit de Mons (Belgium).
B. De Pauw et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 36473653 3651

100 % 100 %
R quality factor

R quality factor


0% 90 %

10 m 60 m 10 m 60 m
Signal amplitude Signal amplitude

Fig. 6. Overview of the quality factor for all the sensors (left) and a zoom of the top 10% (right) as a function of the signal amplitude.


Smirnov MEMS

SNR (dB)


10 ACC
10 m 60 m
Signal amplitude
Fig. 8. Overview of the SNR for all the sensors as a function of the signal
Fig. 7. Mean Smirnov (top) and Kolmogorov (bottom) test of normality
values for the tested sensors. 3741B122G model from PCB Piezotronics with a sensitivity
of 1000 mV/g and a 2 g (19.6 m/s2) measurement range.
The resonance frequencies shift with 0.882.29 Hz when
room temperature and a grating length of approximately
pasting the accelerometer to the pin (Fig. 5). This substan-
5 mm. We process the spectrum of the light reected by
tial effect is due to the fact that this sensor has fairly large
the FBG with a commercially available FBG-scan 804 (from
dimensions and mass (9.92 g). We summarize the effects
FBGS International) interrogator with a wavelength resolu-
as a result of both accelerometers in Table 1.
tion up to 0.5 pm (0.4 l).6 We glued the FBG to the pin
(Fig. 5) with a 200 l prestrain. As a result the resonance fre-
quencies of the fuel pin increased 0.15 and 1.88 Hz (Table 1), 4. Results and Conclusions
which is comparable to the uncertainty on the measure-
ments introduced by the xation. Finally we process the 4.1. Results
FBG signals as described in Section 3.1.
Accelerometers are devices that pick up the proper For the non-contact optical measurement techniques,
acceleration of an internal test mass and convert it into the LDV outperforms GRID (Fig. 6): the LDV returns a R2
an electrical signal [8]. We evaluate both a piezo-electronic quality factor of 99.9% compared to 96.2% for the lowest
and a MEMS type accelerometer. A piezo-electric based amplitude signal measured by the grid technique. We ob-
accelerometer that ts the dimensional constraints is the tain an analog result for the SNR where the LDV has a ratio
PCB Piezotronics 352A24 model (Fig. 5) and and has a sen- of 68.5 dB and the grid technique 45.5 dB, again for the
sitivity of 100 mV/g. This accelerometer shifts the reso- lowest signal amplitude. The reduced sum of residuals also
nance frequencies with 0.492.92 Hz. This is signicantly shows that the sine-wave is almost perfectly reproduced
higher than with the other contact sensors and is to be ex- for the LDV. The LDV has a medium Smirnov and Kolmogo-
pected because of the larger mass (0.8 g) and dimensions rov value for all displacement amplitudes (Fig. 7). So for
of this sensor. The MEMS type accelerometers perform bet- the LDV there is a balance between the noise suppression
ter when picking up low frequency variations. We use the and statistical errors. The grid method on the other hand
combines a lot of data (because of the averaging) and still
produces a somewhat higher Smirnov and Kolmogorov va-
1 le = 1/106 DL/L. lue. Therefore the noise is slightly larger and the output
3652 B. De Pauw et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 36473653

1 +1

Magnitude [SU]

Amplitude [SU]
0 -1
0 Hz 40 Hz 0s 0.5 s
frequency time

Magnitude [SU]

Amplitude [SU]
0 -1
0 Hz 40 Hz 0s 0.5 s
frequency time

1 +1
Magnitude [SU]

Amplitude [SU]

0 -1
0 Hz 40 Hz 0s 0.5 s
frequency time

1 +1
Magnitude [SU]

Amplitude [SU]

0 -1
0 Hz 40 Hz 0s 0.5 s
frequency time
1 +1
Magnitude [SU]

Amplitude [SU]

0 -1
0 Hz 40 Hz 0s 0.5 s
frequency time

1 +1
Magnitude [SU]

Amplitude [SU]

0 -1
0 Hz 40 Hz 0s 0.5 s
frequency time
Fig. 9. The spectrum of the fuel pins before (gray) and after attaching the sensors (black) on the left, overview of the measured data for the 35 lm signal
amplitude and tted to a harmonic on the right.
B. De Pauw et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 36473653 3653

data is less reliable. Nevertheless and overall both non- measurement. Further research will focus on the integra-
contact optical techniques perform very well. tion of the optical bers and sensors within the fuel assem-
For the contact sensors the differences in quality factors bly and carrying out measurements in the presence of
are more pronounced (Fig. 6). The MEMS accelerometer reactor coolant ow.
performs best with a consistent R2-quality factor of
99.7%, closely followed by the ber Bragg gratings (FBG) Acknowlegdements
yielding R2-quality factors between 92% and 99.5%. This
is in agreement with the SNR results where the MEMS The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding of the
has a consistent ratio of 65.4 dB while the FBG is some- Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCKCEN, Boeretang
where between 37.6 dB and 46.9 dB. The strain gage (SG) 200, Mol, Belgium). T. Geernaert is post-doctoral fellow
dangles signicantly lower in the list with a quality factor of FWO-Vlaanderen (Research Foundation Flanders). Sup-
of only 39.5% up to 84.5%. This trend is also reected in the port from the COST TD1001 action OFSESA and from the
SNR values which are between 21.9 dB and 32.2 dB. Finally Interuniversity Attraction Poles (IAP) Belgian Science Pol-
the piezo-type accelerometer has a maximum quality fac- icy is acknowledged as well. We also like to acknowledge
tor close to 0.6% and a SNR of 16.7 dB. We explain the rank- the help of the UMons for supplying the ber Bragg grat-
ing of the contact sensors with the high sensitivity of ings and the support of FBGS Int. as they allowed us to
1000 mV/g of the MEMS. The readout of the FBGs is done use their interrogator.
with a wavelength resolution of 0.5 pm, while the input
signal amplitude causes a wavelength shift of only a couple Appendix A. Excerpt of spectral data and time signals
of picometers. This is illustrated by the Smirnov and Kol-
mogorov tests values (Fig. 7) and and the excerpt of the See Fig. 9.
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