Zachos Et. Al., 2001

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Trends, Rhythms, and Aberrations in Global Climate 65 Ma to Present

Author(s): James Zachos, Mark Pagani, Lisa Sloan, Ellen Thomas, Katharina Billups
Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 292, No. 5517 (Apr. 27, 2001), pp. 686-693
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Stable URL:
Accessed: 19/10/2010 00:12

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regional mantle response. For sites far from the ice 80. M. Nakada, K. Lambeck,in GlacialIsostasy, Sea-level 88. G. Roux,in Initiationin l'OrientAncien,J. Bottero, Ed.
sheets, the primarycontribution is from the region- and Mantle Rheology, R. Sabadini, K. Lambeck, E. (Editionsdu Seuil, Paris, 1992), pp. 37-56.
al response to the change in water load, although Boschi, Eds. (Kluwer,Dordrecht,Netherlands, 1991), 89. R.Jones, Annu. Rev. Anthropol.24, 423 (1995).
there remains a component of global flow in re- pp. 79-94. 90. R. Cosgrove, J. Allen, B. Marshall,Antiquity 64, 59
sponse to the distant glacial unloading, and the 81. W. R. Peltier,Science 265 195 (1994). (1 990).
resulting viscosity estimate will partly reflect man- 82. K. Lambeck,J. Geol. Soc. London 152, 437 (1995). 91. J. F. O'Connell, J. Allen, Evol. Anthropol. 6, 132
tle conditions beneath the ice sheets. Likewise, for
83. , Antiquity 70, 588 (1996). (1998).
sites near the rebound centers, the response will be
84. , Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 142, 43 (1996). 92. A. Thorneet at., J. Hum. Evol. 36, 591 (1999).
largely determined by the mantle beneath the ice
load, but there will remain a smaller component 85. T. W. Jacobson,Sci. Am. 234, 343 (1976). 93. R. Grunet al., J. Hum. Evol. 38, 733 (2000).
that is determined by mantle conditions further 86. T. H. van Andel, in Landscapesand People of the 94. J. Gibb,R. Soc. N. Z. Bull. 24, 377 (1986).
away. Thus, although the regional results should FranchthiRegion, T. W. Jacobson, Ed. (IndianaUniv. 95. P. L. Woodworth et al., Geophys. J. Int. 136, 651
indicate whether lateral variation is likely to be Press, Bloomington,IN, 1987), pp. 3-64. (1999).
important, they will not lead to definitive values. 87. G. Roux, Ancient Iraq (Penguin, London, 1992). 96. M. Ekman,Global Planet. Change 21, 215 (1999).


Trends, Rhythms, and Aberrations in

Global Climate 65 Ma to Present
James Zachos,2* Mark Pagani,l Lisa SLoan,l ELLen
Thomas,2'3 Katharina BiLLups4
Since 65 millionyears ago (Ma),Earth'sclimate has undergonea signifi- the global climate system (8-15). More-
cant and complex evolution,the finer details of which are now coming to over, in altering the primary boundary con-
light through investigations of deep-sea sediment cores. This evolution ditions and/or mean climate state, some or
includes gradualtrends of warmingand cooling driven by tectonic pro- all of these events have altered system sen-
cesses on time scales of 105 to 107 years, rhythmic or periodic cycles sitivity to orbital forcing (16), thereby in-
drivenby orbitalprocesses with 104- to 106-yearcyclicity, and rarerapid creasing the potential complexity and di-
aberrantshifts and extreme climate transients with durationsof 103 to versity of the climate spectrum. This would
105 years. Here,recent progressin definingthe evolution of global climate include the potential for unusually rapid or
over the CenozoicErais reviewed.We focus primarilyon the periodicand extreme changes in climate (17, 18).
anomalouscomponentsof variabilityover the early portionof this era, as Although Earth's climatic history has
constrainedby the latest generationof deep-sea isotope records.We also been reconstructed with an array of proxies
consider how this improved perspective has led to the recognition of applied to both marine and terrestrial sedi-
previouslyunforeseenmechanismsfor alteringclimate. ment archives, much of the progress in
resolving the rates and scales of Cenozoic
Through study of sedimentary archives, it solar energy budget, obliquity changes the climate change can be attributed to the
has become increasingly apparentthat dur- latitudinal distribution of insolation. Be- development of high-resolution deep-sea
ing much of the last 65 million years and cause the orbital parameters vary with dis- oxygen (8180) and carbon (863C) isotope
beyond, Earth's climate system has experi- tinct tempos that remain stable for tens of records (19). Since the early 1970s, 6180
enced continuous change, drifting from ex- millions of years (2), they provide a steady data have served as the principal means of
tremes of expansive warmth with ice-free and, hence, predictable pacing of climate. reconstructing global and regional climate
poles, to extremes of cold with massive The orbitally related rhythms, in tum, change on a variety of geologic time-scales,
continental ice-sheets and polar ice caps. oscillate about a climatic mean that is con- from millennial to tectonic. These records
Such change is not unexpected, because the stantly drifting in response to gradual are multidimensional in that they provide
primaryforces that drive long-term climate, changes in Earth's major boundary condi- both climatic and stratigraphicinformation,
Earth's orbital geometry and plate tecton- tions. These include continental geography and can be quickly generated with automat-
ics, are also in perpetual motion. Much of and topography, oceanic gateway locations ed mass spectrometers. The first marine
the higher frequency change in climate (1O' and bathymetry, and the concentrations of isotope records were relatively coarse, but
to 15 years) is generated by periodic and atmospheric greenhouse gases (3). These still provided valuable insight into the gen-
quasi-periodic oscillations in Earth's orbit- boundary conditions are controlled largely eral structureof the Pleistocene glacial and
al parametersof eccentricity, obliquity, and by plate tectonics, and thus tend to change interglacial cycles (20). These were fol-
precession that affect the distribution and gradually, and for the most part, unidirec- lowed by records delineating the long-term
amount of incident solar energy (Fig. 1) tionally, on million-year (My) time scales. patterns of Cenozoic climate change (21-
(1). Whereas eccentricity affects climate by Some of the more consequential changes in 23) and, eventually, the first global compi-
modulating the amplitude of precession and boundary conditions over the last 65 My lation of records for the Cenozoic (resolu-
thus influencing the total annual/seasonal include: North Atlantic rift volcanism, tion of 105 to 106 years) (24).
opening and widening of the two Antarctic The last decade has witnessed a rapid
'EarthSciencesDepartment,Universityof California, gateways, Tasmanian and Drake Passages growth in the inventory of high-resolution
SantaCruz,CA95064, USA.2Departmentof Earthand (4); collision of India with Asia and sub- isotope recordsacross the Cenozoic, aided by
Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, sequent uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan the greater availability of high-quality sedi-
Middletown,CT06459, USA.3Centerfor the Studyof
Global Change, Yale University,New Haven, CT Plateau (5); uplift
of Panama and closure of ment cores recovered by the Deep Sea Dril-
06520-8105, USA.4Collegeof MarineStudies,Uni- the Central American Seaway (6) (Figs. 1 ling Project(DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Pro-
versityof Delaware,Lewes,DE19958, USA. and 2); and a sharp decline in pCO2 (7). gram (ODP). The improvedperspective pro-
*To whom correspondenceshould be addressed.E- Each of these tectonically driven events vided by these recordshas led to some of the triggered a major shift in the dynamics of most exciting scientific developments of the

686 27 APRIL2001 VOL 292 SCIENCE


last decade, including the discovery of geo- zoic (Fig. 2). Roughly - 3.1%oof this reflects Long-termtnends. The 8 0Orecordexhib-
logically abruptshifts in climate, as well as deep-sea cooling, the remainder growth of its a numberof steps and peaks that reflect on
"transient"events, brief but extreme excur- ice-sheets, first on Antarctica(-1.2%o), and episodes of global warming and cooling, and
sions often associated with profoundimpacts then in the Northern Hemisphere (-1.1%o). ice-sheet growthand decay (Fig. 2). The most
on global environments and the biosphere We consider the climate evolution depicted pronouncedwarmingtrend,as expressedby a
(25-28). Moreover, these high-fidelity deep- by this recordunderthree categories:(i) long- 1.5%odecrease in 68O, occurredearly in the
sea records have facilitated efforts to extend term (-106 to 107 years), (ii) short-termor Cenozoic, from the mid-Paleocene (59 Ma)
the "astronomically calibrated" geological orbital-scale (-104 to 105 years), and (iii) to early Eocene (52 Ma), and peakedwith the
time scale back into the early Cenozoic (29, aberrations or event-scale (- 103 to 104 early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO; 52
30), an achievement previously considered years). to 50 Ma). The EECO was followed by a
difficult, if not impossible. Carbon isotope
data have proved to be equally invaluablefor
stratigraphiccorrelation, and for providing A Eccentricity:400 ka and 100 ka 0
insight into the operationof the global carbon 0.06 \
cycle (31). In essence, by detailing both the
rate and magnitude of past environmental
perturbations,the latest generation of Ceno- Age(ka) 0 200 400 600 800 1000
zoic deep-sea isotope records has opened
windows into a climatically dynamic period
in Earth history. This, in turn, has proven
invaluable for developing and testing new 414Ma - E
theories oni mechanisms of past climate Summer - . Winter _ S
change (32-34), and for providingthe frame-
work to assess the influence of climate on the B Obliquity:
41 kyr
environment(35). 25
The Deep-Sea Stable Isotope Record
As a framework for this review, oxygen and
21 1 , , , , . . 30 Mag
Age (ka) 0 200 400 600 800 1000
carbon isotope data for bottom-dwelling,
deep-sea foraminifera from over 40 DSDP
and ODP sites representing various inter-
vals of the Cenozoic were culled from the
literature and compiled into a single global
deep-sea isotope record (Fig. 2) [Web table C Axial precession: 23 kyr 50 Ma5
1 (36)]. The numerical ages are relative to -0.08 [ ~
the standard geomagnetic polarity time
scale (GPTS) for the Cenozoic [Web note 1 0.00
(36)] (37). To facilitate visualization and 0.08 0
minimize biases related to inconsistencies Age(ka) 0 200 400 600 800 1000
in sampling density in space and time, the
raw data were smoothed and curve-fitted 69 M
with a locally weighted mean. The smooth-
ing results in a loss of detail that is unde- uimmer Winter
tectable in the long-time scale perspective.
The oxygen isotope data provide con-
straints on the evolution of deep-sea tem-
perature and continental ice volume [Web
note 2 (36)]. Because deep ocean waters * shallow seas mountains/
are derived primarily from cooling and . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~paeu
sinking of water in polar regions, the deep- Fig. 1. Primaryorbitalcomponentsare displayedon the left, and Cenozoicpaleogeographyon the
sea temperaturedata also double as a time- right.Thegravitationalforces exertedby other celestial bodiesaffect Earth'sorbit.As a result,the
averaged record of high-latitude sea-sur- amount and, more importantly,the distributionof incomingsolar radiationoscillate with time
face temperatures (SST). The deep-sea car- (123). Thereare three orbital perturbationswith five periods:eccentricity(at 400 and 100 ky),
bon isotope data, on the other hand, provide obliquity(41 ky),and precession(23 and 19 ky).(A) Eccentricityrefersto the shapeof Earth'sorbit
insight into the nature of global carbon aroundthe sun, varyingfrom near circularto elliptical.This effect on insolationis very small,
however, and by itself should not account for changes in Earth'sclimate duringthe past. (B)
cycle perturbations[Web note 2 (36)] (38),
Obliquityrefersto the tilt of Earth'saxis relativeto the planeof the eclipticvaryingbetween 22.10
and on first-order changes in deep-sea cir- and 24.50. A high angle of tilt increasesthe seasonal contrast,most effectively at high latitudes
culation patterns [Web note 3 (36)] (39) (e.g., winters in both hemisphereswill be colder and summershotter as obliquityincreases).(C)
that might trigger or arise from the climatic Precessionrefersto the wobble of the axis of rotationdescribinga circlein space with a periodof
changes. 26 ky. Modulatedby orbitaleccentricity,precessiondetermineswhere on the orbitaroundthe sun
(e.g., with relation to aphelion or perihelion)seasons occur, thereby increasingthe seasonal
Cenozoic Climate: From Greenhouse contrastin one hemisphereand decreasingit in the other.The effect is largestat the equatorand
to Icehouse decreaseswith increasinglatitude.Theperiodsof the precessionalsignalmodulatedby eccentricity
are 23 and 19 ky, the periodsobservedin geological records.(D) Continentalgeographyrecon-
Our benthic compilation shows a total 18O8 structed for five intervalsof the last 70 My (designed using the commercialPaleogeographic
range of 5.4%oover the course of the Ceno- InformationSystem). SCIENCE VOL 292 27 APRIL2001 687

17-My-long trend toward cooler conditions (-0.6%o) must reflect increased ice volume character(48), with a mass as greatas 50% of
as expressed by a 3.0%orise in 818O with (24, 41), though independentconstraints on that of the present-dayice sheet and bottom
much of the change occurringover the early- temperaturederived from benthic foraminif- temperaturesof -4?C (18). These ice sheets
middle (50 to 48 Ma) and late Eocene (40 to eral Mg/Ca ratios argue for a slightly greater persisteduntil the latterpartof the Oligocene
36 Ma), and the early Oligocene (35 to 34 ice-volume component (-0.8 to 1.0%o)(42). (26 to 27 Ma), when a warmingtrendreduced
Ma). Of this total, the entire increase in 8"O This long-term patternof deep-sea warming the extent of Antarctic ice. From this point
prior to the late Eocene (-1.8%o) can be and cooling is consistentwith reconstructions until the middle Miocene (- 15 Ma), global
attributedto a 7.0?C decline in deep-sea tem- of early Cenozoic subpolarclimates based on ice volume remained low and bottom water
perature(from - 12? to -4.5?C). All subse- both marine and terrestrialgeochemical and temperaturestrendedslightly higher (49, 50),
quent 81 8O change reflects a combined effect fossil evidence (43-47). with the exception of several brief periods of
of ice-volume and temperature(40), particu- Following the cooling and rapid expan- glaciation (e.g., Mi-events) (39). This warm
larly for the rapid >1.0%o step in 8 "O at 34 sion of Antarcticcontinentalice-sheets in the phase peaked in the late middle Miocene
Ma. On the basis of limits imposed by bot- earliest Oligocene, deep-sea 180 values re- climatic optimum (17 to 15 Ma), and was
tom-water and tropical temperatures,it has mained relatively high (>2.5%o), indicatinga followed by a gradual cooling and reestab-
been estimated that roughly half this signal permanent ice sheet(s), likely temperate in lishment of a major ice-sheet on Antarctica

Age 180 (%o) Climatic Tectonic Biotic 13 C (%o)

(Ma) 5 4 3 2 1 0 Events Events Events -1 0 1 2 3
0 Plt. Large mammal extinctions_I
_ DePanama Great American Interchange"
t Antarctic
> | ;t ice-sheet Seaway closes - Hominidsappear
10 2 <:. LS | Asian monsoons C4grassesexpand
10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1~intensify
~ ~ E.
E. Antarcticice-sheet
O -1= Mid-Miocene ColumbiaRiver
IClimatic Optimum Volcanismin
CD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Horses
20 TibetanPlateauuplfit sa rsea lions ..ea
>- accelerates seals&sealionsappear __
. 4 --Mi-JGlaciationl Red Sea Rifting Coral Extinction
= Late Oligocene Plate reorganization
& Andeanuplift
Q E~~~~~~~~~
~~ Warming
DrakePassage largecarnivores&
3030 qt)
X | O |
other maimmalsdiversify
.) -G Tasmania-Antarctic archaicmammals&
- cD ?O- l Passaoe opens broadleaf forests decline,
- <Small-ephemeral
_l baleen whales appear
w. ~~~~Ice-sheets
- Ice-sheets appear plate reorganization&
40 I reductionin seafloor
0 _ Partial or Ephemeral , primatesdecline
U Full Scale and Permanent A whale

L __ whales
5050 a | t E. Eocenie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
appear ~~~ 3 ~
IClimsatic Optimumiic N. A
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ - La 1te daeo c-ene Rifting &tlanticM
Volcanism a al extinction
1 t / ~~~~~~~~~~~~erl
Tlzb M1blkaximumzz
otc Benthic exti'nction

60 O

- MeteorImpact -K-T Mass Extinctions

70 -
?? 40 8? 12?
TernpclrtLlc (0C)`

Fig.2. Globaldeep-sea oxygenand carbonisotope recordsbasedon data fractionationthat exceeds -1.0%o in some intervals.Priorto 15 Ma,
compiledfrom morethan 40 DSDPand ODPsites (36). The sedimentary interbasingradients are insignificantor nonexistent (39). The 8180
sections from which these data were generatedare classifiedas pelagic temperaturescale was computedfor an ice-freeocean [-1 .2%oStandard
(e.g., from depths >1000 m) with lithologies that are predominantly MeanOcean Water (SMOW)],and thus only applies to the time pre-
fine-grained,carbonate-rich(>50%) oozes or chalks.Most of the data ceding the onset of large-scale glaciation on Antarctica (-35 Ma)
are derivedfrom analyses of two common and long-livedbenthictaxa, (43). From the early Oligocene to present, much of the variability
Cibicidoidesand Nuttallides.To correct for genus-specificisotope vital (-70%) in the 8180 recordreflects changes in Antarcticaand North-
effects, the 8180 values were adjusted by +0.64 and +0.4%o (124), ern Hemisphere ice volume (40). The vertical bars provide a rough
respectively.The absolute ages are relativeto the standardGPTS(36, qualitative representationof ice volume in each hemisphere relative
37). The raw data were smoothed using a five-pointrunningmean,and to the LGM,with the dashed bar representingperiods of minimalice
curve-fittedwith a locally weighted mean. With the carbon isotope coverage ('50%), and the full bar representingclose to maximumice
record,separatecurvefits were derivedfor the Atlantic(blue)and Pacific coverage (>50% of present). Some key tectonic and biotic events are
above the middle Mioceneto illustratethe increase in basin-to-basin listed as well (4, 5, 35).

688 27 APRIL2001 VOL 292 SCIENCE


by 10 Ma (51, 52). Mean 8 "O values then evolved through the Cenozoic, particularly The mean sampling density varies from
continuedto rise gently throughthe late Mio- during the transitionsbetween different gla- roughly 2 ky for the 0- to 4-Ma time slice to
cene until the early Pliocene (6 Ma), indicat- cial states (unipolar to bipolar)? To address 9 ky for the 31- to 35-Ma time slice, thereby
ing additional cooling and small-scale ice- this, we turn to high-resolution time-series limiting resolution of the high-frequencyor-
sheet expansion on west-Antarctica(53) and spanning four intervals: 0.0 to 4.0, 12.5 to bital-scale periodicities in the oldest inter-
in the Arctic (54). The early Pliocene is 16.5, 20.5 to 24.5, and 31.0 to 35.0 Ma, each vals. Nevertheless, resolution is high enough
markedby a subtle warming trend (55) until representingan interval of major continental to avoid signal aliasing of lower frequency
-3.2 Ma, when 8"O again increasedreflect- ice-sheet growth or decay. The time-series periods.
ing the onset of NorthernHemisphereGlaci- are from DSDP and ODP Sites 659 [0 to 4 These and other benthic 8"O time-se-
ation (NHG) (56, 57). Ma (58)], 588 [12.5 to 16.5 Ma (59)], 929 ries demonstrate that climate varies in a
Rhythms.Given this frameworkfor long- [20.5 to 24.5 (60)], and 522 [31 to 35 Ma (61, quasi-periodic fashion during all intervals
term trends, how has the tempo and ampli- 62)] (Fig. 3). Two of the records, Sites 659 characterized by glaciation, regardless of
tude of orbital scale climate variability and 929, have orbitally tuned age models. the location and extent of ice-sheets. In
terms of frequency, much of the power in
the climate spectrum since the early Oligo-
A 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
2.0 -0.5 cene appears to be concentrated in the
obliquity band (-40 ky) (Fig. 4). Addition-
al power resides in the eccentricity bands,
a 3.0 0.5 although the signal strength is more vari-
able. For example, 8"O variance in the
100-ky frequency band is exceptionally
4.0 00-40M pronounced over the last 800 to 900 ky
following a mid-Pleistocene shift (63), but
5.0 weaker through the early Pleistocene and
12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 Pliocene when the signal was dominated by
B o.o | |' '''' variance in the 41-ky band (64, 65). Similar
secular shifts in the power of the 100-ky
cycle occurred in the late Oligocene and
a 1.0
early Miocene. Power in the 400-ky band is
00 exceptionally pronounced in the early Mio-
2.0 cene, whereas it is relatively weak in the
Pleistocene (66, 67), and early Oligocene
12.5 - 16.5 Ma (61. 68).
20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 A Bandwidthfor 800 lags on 4999 values at At = 1-0 80% level Cl
17.01 :6958
12.18 100 41 659 5t9
0.o 0.0-4.5 Ma

1.0 L0. 5


31 31.5 32 32.5 33 33.5 34 34.5 35 0.100
D o.o 0,,,,
B Banwidth for 800 lags on 4282 values at At = 1.0 80% level Cl
3.699 400 126 929A 5t80
2.671 95
4 20.5-25.0 Ma
Q 1.0 Oi-1

CO2.0 4- 522
X 0.614

3.0 1.0 - 35.0 Ma

Fig. 3. (A throughD) High-resolution 4-My-long8180 time series representingfour intervalsof the
Cenozoic.ThedataarefromSite659, easternequatorialAtlantic(58); Site 588, southwestPacific(59); 0.100
Site 929, westernequatorialAtlantic(60); Site 522, southAtlantic(61); and Site689, SouthernOcean
000 -

Freq (ky) 200.0'

66.6 .020 40.0 .030 28.5
22.2 .050

(68). Samplingintervalsrangefrom3 to 10 ky.Note that the 8180 axeson all plotsareset to the same Fig. 4. Spectraldensity as a function of fre-
scale (3.0%o),thoughat differentrangesto accommodatethe changein meanoceantemperature/ice quencyfor (A) the Plio-Pleistocene(0 to 4 Ma)
volumewith time. The Plio-Pleistocene ages for Site 659 are constrainedby oxygen isotope records and (B) Oligocene-Miocene(20.5 to 24.5), as
directlyor indirectlycalibratedto NorthernHemispheresummerinsolationat 65?N, based on the based on the benthic8180 time series of Sites
astronomical solutionsof BergerandLoutre(123).TheSite929 age modelis alsocalibrated to an orbital 659 and 929. The analyses were performed
curvederivedfromthe formulationsof Laskar(2) with correctionsfortidaldissipation(29).Theupper using the Blackman-Tuckeymethod (Arand
curvesin (A)and (C)representGaussianband-passfiltersdesignedto isolatevarianceassociatedwith Software). Both records were detrended and
the 400- and 100-kyeccentricitycycles.The 400-ky filter has a centralfrequency= 0.0025 and a resampledat 1-ky steps. Both records have
bandwidth= 0.0002;the 100-kycentralfrequency= 0.01 and bandwidth= 0.002. Filterswere not been tuned to the orbital spectrum Atlantic
constructedfor the two records,at sites 588 and 522, whichhave not been orbitallytuned. [Web note 1 (36)] (58, 60). SCIENCE VOL 292 27 APRIL2001 689


The variations in the amplitude of the bation in the global carbon cycle as inferred spread proliferationof exotic planktic fora-
Cenozoic deep sea 8`0 signal largely reflect from carbon isotope data. The three largest minifera taxa (74, 83) and the dinoflagellate
on changes in continental ice-volume and occurredat -55, 34, and 23 Ma, all nearor at Apectodiniiiin (84); and the dispersal and
temperature.For example, the largest oscilla- epoch boundaries.This last distinction is sig- subsequentradiationof NorthernHemisphere
tions are recordedover the last 800 ky during nificant in that it implies that each of these land plants and mammals (78, 85-88). The
the period of maximum NHG. The most re- climate events may have also had widespread recovery intervalis markedby a possible rise
cent independentconstraints on the isotopic and long-lasting impacts on the biosphere. in marine and terrestrialproductivityand or-
composition of seawaterduringthe last major The most prominentof the climatic aber- ganic carbon deposition (89, 90).
ice advance (20 ka) suggest that <1.0%o of rations is the Late Paleocene Thermal Maxi- In contrast,the next two climatic aberra-
the total range of -2.4%o for this period may mum (LPTM), which occurredat 55 Ma near tions are characterizedby positive oxygen
reflect changes in ice volume, the remainder the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundary. This isotope excursions that reflect brief extremes
temperature(69, 70). Conversely, the lowest event is characterizedby a 5? to 6?C rise in in Antarcticice-volume and temperature(27,
amplitude oscillations (-0.2 to 0.3%o)were deep-sea temperature(>1.O%onegative iso- 61). The first of these lies just above the
in the late Eocene prior to the appearanceof tope excursion) in less than 10 ky (Fig. 5) Eocene/Oligocene boundary(34.0 Ma) (Fig.
permanent Antarctic ice-sheets. Slightly (25, 26, 73). Sea surface temperatures as 3). It is a 400-ky-long glacial that initiated
higher amplitude oscillations (-0.5%o) oc- constrained by planktonic isotope records with the sudden appearanceof large conti-
curred in the early Oligocene, late Miocene also increased, by as much as 8?C at high nental ice sheets on Antarctica.This transi-
(71), and early Pliocene (72), when Antarcti- latitudesand lesser amountstowardthe equa- tion, referred to as Oi-1 (50), appears to
ca was close to fully glaciated. Conversely, tor (47, 74, 75). Recovery was gradual,taking involve reorganizationof the climate/ocean
larger amplitude (0.5 to 1.0%o)oscillations -200 ky from the onset of the event (30). An system as evidenced by global wide shifts in
are recordedin the latest Oligocene and early associated notable change in climate was glo- the distributionof marinebiogenic sediments
Miocene, the period when Antarctica was bally higher humidity and precipitation, as and an overall increase in ocean fertility (62,
minimally or only partially glaciated. evidenced by changes in the character and 91, 92), and by a major drop in the calcium
Abe-rrations.Perhapsthe most interesting patterns of continental weathering (76, 77). carbonatecompensation depth (93, 94). The
and unexpecteddiscoveries of the last decade The event is also characterizedby a -3.0%o second aberrationcoincided with the Oligo-
are the aberrations.These are loosely defined negative carbon isotope excursion of the ma- cene/Miocene boundary(-23 Ma) (95) and
as brief (- 10 to 105 y) anomalies that stand rine, atmospheric,and terrestrialcarbon res- consists of a brief but deep (-200 ky) glacial
out well above "normal"background vari- ervoirs (Fig. 5) (25, 78-80); widespreaddis- maximum (Fig. 3) (60). This event, referred
ability in terms of rate and/or amplitude,and solution of seafloor carbonate(75, 81); mass to as Mi-i (50), was followed by a series of
are usually accompanied by a major pertur- extinction of benthic foraminifera(82); wide- intermittent but smaller glaciations. Both
Oi-l and Mi-I were accompanied by accel-
A 3 erated rates of turnover and speciation in
certaingroups of biota, althoughon a smaller
scale than at the LPTM (96). Of particular
significance are the rise of modern whales
(i.e., baleen) and shift in continental floral
communities at the E/O boundary (97, 98),
613C and the extinction of Caribbeancorals at the
( O/M boundary(99). Furthermore,both tran-
690 N. lrueinpvi
A 690 B.ovula sients are characterizedby small but sharp
-1 -~*--"-- n865 B.ovula positive carbon isotope excursions (-0.8%o)
-M- 525 ,V. rueinivi suggestive of perturbationsto the global car-
---O--- 527 NV.Irtempyi
bon cycle (Fig. 2). Although records indicate
a number of lesser events in the Oligocene
B -1.0 - Late Paleocene and Miocene, none appearto approachOi-1
Thermal Maximum 14 and Mi-I events in terms of magnitude.
Implications for Climate Forcing
12 Mechanisms
6180 0.0 - Has the greatertemporalresolutionof Ceno-
(%o) 10 zoic climate afforded by the latest isotope
reconstructionsaltered our understandingof
0.5 - the nature of long- and short-term climate
change? The answer to this is both yes and
no. Perhapsthe most importantdevelopments
concern the glacial history of Antarctica,and
54.0 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 the scale and timing of climatic aberrations.
Age (Ma) In the case of the former,it is evident that ice
Fig. 5. The LPTM as recordedin benthic813Cand 8180 records(A and B, respectively)from Sites sheets have been presenton Antarcticafor the
527 and 690 in the south Atlantic(73), and Site 865 in the western Pacific(26). The time scale is last 40 My, and over much of that time have
basedon the cycle stratigraphyof Site 690 (30) with the base of the excursionplacedat 54.95 Ma. been extremely dynamic, implying a high
Theother recordshave been correlatedto Site 690 usingthe carbonisotope stratigraphy.Apparent
of and/orsensitivityto forc-
leads and lags are artifactsof differencesin samplespacing.The oxygen isotope values have been degree instability
adjustedfor species-specificvital effects (118), and the temperaturescale on the right is for an ing. As for the aberrations, their mere exis-
ice-free ocean. The negative carbonisotope excursionis thought to representthe influxof up to tence points toward the potential for highly
2600 Gt of methane from dissociationof seafloor clathrate(111). nonlinear responses in climate to forcing, or

690 27 APRIL2001 VOL 292 SCIENCE


the possibility of unexpected anomalies in highly sensitive natureof ice-sheets to obliq- for a carbon cycle amplifier is provided by
forcing. uity-generatedchanges in high-latitudeinso- Oligocene-Miocene carbon isotope records,
Gateways or pCO2? With the previous lation, particularly when the polar regions which exhibit pervasive large-amplitude100-
less-detailed perspective of Cenozoic cli- (i.e., Antarctica) are only partially ice-cov- and 400-ky oscillations that are highly coher-
mate-that is, warm and ice-free in the be- ered, as in the Miocene. Although the benthic ent with the glacial cycles (60). Furthermore,
ginning to cold and glaciated at present- isotope records currently available for the reanalysis of ice-core data and other records
there was tendency to attributethe unidirec- ice-free Cenozoic lack adequateresolutionto indicate that the primaryresponse to eccen-
tional trend, Cenozoic cooling, to a single fully characterize obliquity variance, other tricity in the late Pleistocene benthic 8"O
factor such as the increasedthermalisolation proxy records (i.e., physical properties)sug- record is in temperature,not ice volume as
of Antarcticadue to the increased widening gest that the global climatic response was originally believed, and that ice volume
of the oceanic passages. However, as the dominated by variance in the precession-re- lagged eccentricity forcing, C02, and deep-
complex natureof the long-termtrend comes lated bands (30, 105). This supportsthe no- sea temperature by the appropriate phase
into focus, it is becoming clear that more than tion that the overall influence of obliquity on (70).
one factor was responsible.A case in point is global climate during ice-free periods, with- Thresholds,methaneeruptions,and orbit-
the transition into and out of the long-term out an ice-sheet amplifier, is weaker or less al anomalies. Characterizingthe timing and
Oligocene glaciation. Thermal isolation of apparent. scale of the three aberrationsdiscussed here
Antarctica by widening oceanic passages A more definitive finding, however, is the in the context of longer-termbackgroundpa-
may explain the initial appearanceof Antarc- verification of a strong pre-Pleistocene cli- leoenvironmentalvariabilityhas been critical
tic ice-sheets, but fails to explain the subse- mate response to eccentricity oscillations, as to the developmentand testing of hypotheses
quent termination. New reconstructions of exemplified by the concentrationof power at on their origins. To begin with, each aberra-
Cenozoic pCO2 (Fig. 6) (7, 100) have added the 100- and 400-ky periods (27, 67). Anal- tion was superimposedon a long-term grad-
anotherdimension to this argument,indicat- yses of the climate signal over those intervals ual trend in the same direction. In terms of
ing that this terminationoccurred at a time where it is pronounced (i.e., the Miocene) tempo, the step into the LPTM was much
when greenhousegas levels were declining or reveal a high degree of coherency with ec- more abrupt (-103 to 104 years) than that
already relatively low. This reinforces the centricity in terms of frequency and ampli- into the Oi-1 and Mi-l events (-105 years),
notion that moisture supply was the critical tude modulation. This finding supports the and the recovery more gradual.This, and the
element in maintaininglarge polar ice-sheets, class of models that relate amplification of fact that the direction of climatic change is
at least during the middle Cenozoic (101, power in the eccentricity bands to the filter- opposite (e.g., a warminginstead of cooling),
102). Although globally averaged precipita- ing effects of continentalgeography and dif- hints at a different mechanism. For the
tion should covary with pCO2, on regional ferences in land-sea heating on precession, LPTM, the abrupt negative -3.0%o global
scales other parameters such as circulation especially in the tropics (16). Here, power carbon isotope excursion (CIE) (Fig. 5) im-
patternsneed to be consideredas well. Future (temperature)can be shifted into the primary plicates a rise in greenhouse gas concentra-
efforts to model the onset of Oligocene gla- eccentricitybandsvia truncationof the cooler tions, most likely from the dissociation and
ciation should investigate the role of the hy- portion of precession-related insolation subsequentoxidation of 2000 to 2600 Gt of
drological cycle in maintaining large ice- change. What remains unclear is how these isotopically light (--60%o) methane from
sheets on an otherwise warmer than present effects are then exported to higher latitudes. marine clathratesas proposed by Dickens et
Antarctic continent. Similarly, with low Researchers have considered a variety of al. (33, 110). The carbon mass from this is
PC02 over the last 25 My, tectonic events mechanismsfor directlyand indirectlyampli- consistent with a reduction in ocean pH as
such as mountain building or oceanic gate- fying the response to precession forcing inferredfrom evidence for seafloor carbonate
way reconfigurations,which can alter ocean/ (106-109). This includes processes such as dissolution (111, 112). Although other sourc-
atmosphere circulation and heat and vapor ocean and atmosphericcirculationthat direct- es of CO2 have been considered (i.e., volca-
transport,may have had a dominant role in ly or indirectly influence heat-transport,pre- nic), the much greater masses required to
triggering large-scale shifts in climate (10, cipitation,and/orthe global carboncycle and generatethe CIE would alterocean chemistry
11, 103). Conversely, at these low levels, pCO2. Of these, the carbon cycle is most to an extent unsupportedby data.Why would
subtle changes in pCO2, at least within the appealing because of its long time constants, such a large mass of methane hydrate sud-
error of the proxy estimates, may be impor- but is difficult to verify because of the large denly dissociate at 55 Ma? Suggested trigger-
tant in triggering ice-volume changes, again number of variables involved. Still, support ing mechanisms range from the gradual
not just throughinfluences on radiativeforc-
ing, but also on atmosphericcirculationpat-
Fig. 6. Estimates of 0
terns and humidity. Clearly, in the case of Cenozoic atmospheric 0 a oo stp/Hapoc
long-term trends, with so many variables, pCO2 based
b on
o two ? Boron isotope/pH approach|
- Alkenone isotope approach
some still not well constrained (i.e., pCO2, independent proxies -

approximatetiming of tectonic events), the as measured in sub- E

task of relatingresponse to forcing is still far tropicaldeep-sea sed- a l I I
from complete. iment cores from the o0
Pacific.The first curve
Orbital pacing. Efforts to relate periodic
climate variabilityto forcing throughthe Ce- spanningmost of thIe NoData
Cenozoicis estimated0
nozoic have provento been far more success- fromsurfaceocean pH
ful. For example, it is now evident that the as derived from the __
primarybeat of the glaciated Cenozoic is in boron isotope ratios 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
the obliquity band, regardless of the state of of planktonicforamin-
ifers (7). The second Age(Ma)
other boundaryconditions or the location of
PC02 curvespanningthe Mioceneis basedon the 813Cvaluesof phytoplankton organiccompounds
ice sheets (e.g., Fig. 4). This is true for the knownas alkenones(100). Bothapproachesassume chemicalequilibriumbetween the ocean and
lower frequency 1.25-My period of obliquity atmosphere. In the intervals of overlap, both proxies provide nearly identical estimates of
as well (104). This observationconfirms the Daleo-DCO. SCIENCE VOL 292 27 APRIL2001 691


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27. J. C. Zachos, B. P. Flower,H. Paul,Nature 388, 567
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massive regional slope failure (115). changing climate system, as well as the re- 724 (1999).
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