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(A Govt of India Enterprise)

Office of the PGMT, BSNL, CTO Bldg, Karakkatt Road , Kochi -682016.


No. AO (TRCC)/SUB LEDGER /2015-16/ Dated at Kochi -16 the 15.09.2015

Sub:- Agenda items to be discussed in HOCC to be held on 21 st & 22nd Sept.2015-reg,

I. Revenue Target (ABF) and Achievement in r/o Leased Circuits

Target assigned for 2015-16 - 75 Cr
Proportionate Target up to Aug-15 - 31.25 Cr
Achievement up to Aug.2015 - 2.12 Cr

In respect of most of the circuits billing is done annually. True picture of

achievement will emerge only after issue of Annual bills. Bills are being issued as per
existing tariff in time. It is ensured that there is no omission in billing.

Being commercially important customers disconnection of circuits is not strictly enforced, as

there is much competition in the present scenario. However payment is being vigorously
pursued through reminders over phone, notices etc.

Collection Efficiency - EKM SSA

Details as per
Aug-15 Jul-15 Jun-15 May-15 Apr-15 Mar-15 TARGET
Ist Month 46.23% 78.30% 59.01% 70.71% 48.37% 95%
3rd Month 96.94% 97.07% 27.16% 54.56% 99.29% 83.36% 99%

6th Month 98.84% 99.29% 95.04% 97.93% 100% 100% 100%

II. Liquidation of outstanding dues
1. Segment wise liquidation target for the year 2015-16 in respect of outstanding dues of
leased circuits for all segments except Segment IV (current year outstanding up to May 15
Target 127 thousand : Actual 155 thousand ) has been achieved.


SEG I (UPTO 31.03.2011) 0 0
SEG II (1.4.2011 to 31.3.2013) 478 356
SEG III(1.4.2013 to 31.3.2015) 31888 6271
SEG IV (1.4.2015 to 31.8.2015) 127 155

2. Action taken and proposed to be taken for recovery of o/s revenue to the maximum

After disconnecting the service , contacting the customer over phone by OSP section and
field staff to pursue the payment and availing reconnection of service. Also IVRS messages
are being given on regular intervals. Again through various notices and TRI visits , OSP
section persuades the defaulters to pay their outstanding amounts at the earliest .HPCs
and LBMs are conducted regularly. O/s cases above Rs.3000/- were reviewed in detail in
the HPC and all out efforts were taken by AO/JAO/TRIs and field staff to clear the dues.

In LBMs O/s above Rs.500/- and below Rs.3000/- cases were discussed in detail and
adequate measures were recommended and implemented for minimizing the out standing
dues. Notices were issued properly and regularly. Revenue recovery proceedings were
initiated in time for effecting the payment of dues.
Lok adalaths in association with Kerala Legal Service authority , Revenue Adalath in
consultation with Revenue Authorities , Reconnection melas etc were conducted
periodically. O/s above Rs.3000/- cases are being personally monitored by AO/CAO.


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