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PLN (PERSERO) DUSAT MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSIUMK 5 PLN Enfiniring TENJINIRING Tim Supervisi Konstruksi & QA/QC PLTU Lontar Extension 51 Raya Mauk, Ds. Lontar, Kee. Kemi Provnsi Banten = Indonesia Telepon: 021 - 29665516. Fax: 024 - 29665516 No 0403/KON. QAQC/PTLLONEXT/2017 Tangerang, 28 April 2017 Lampiran 1 (Satu) bendel Perihal Result of Review on Field QAIQC Document Kepada Yth, KTSK Lontar Extension PT PLN (Persero) Pusmankon JL Raya Mauk, Desa Lontar, Kecamatan Kemiri, Tangerang, Banten Dengan hormat Bersama ini disampaikan bahwa pada pelaksanaan inspeksi bersama atas Waste Water Collection Piping at Power Block Area pada hari Selasa tanggal 25 April 2017 yang lalu Kontraktor telah menggunakan dokumen QA/QC yang belum diproses persetujuan PLN sebagai acuan pelaksanaan pressure test. Hari ini melalui e-mail, diterima draft dokumen QA/QC, yang setelah kami telaah dan pelajari dalam proses review, maka didapatkan hasil sebagaimana tersampaikan dalam lampiran. Kontraktor selanjutnya perlu melakukan revisi atas dokumen QA/QC termaksud seturut arahan dan saran yang diberikan di dalam comment sheet. Untuk itu, sekiranya dapat dipergunakan terlampir juga disertakan draf surat pengantar penyampaikan hal tersebut pokok surat Demikian disampaikan, terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, PTLQA/QC LONTAR EXTENSION cl M. EDY SUNARTO Tembusan 1. PT. PLN (Persero) UIP PJJB 1, Manajer (L/O) 2. PT PLN Enjiniring, PM Lontar Extension (L/O) Model 1001 Inssaid UO $9 Bzb0. oz LX3Ni “3UNSSIUd Aq JLLWISONGAH @INNSGNS 6 7 “paypene 9 aed esp nok uo uaas se uaUWOD annoadso4 SUIMOI/O} LOISIRO4 AYR oa 8 “paypene § aed esp inoA Uo uaas se uaUItUIOD anradsa4 BuImol}o} UoIsinas ay) Og L “paypene p aifed esp anod uo uaas se quawiluoD annradsas SUImo}}o} UoISIna1 OMY 0g 9 “paypene ¢ aed esp sno uo uaas se yuawiWioD annsadsos Sulmo||o} UOIsinad atp1 OG s ‘ABujpuodsa1s09 syua,U09 Jo ajqeL auY pay v _ jenoidde saumo Aq asn ainynsqns € ‘woRDa1109 101m, aysem yreauiapun Bune%s 0} Jo}1d easy 990]9 JoMod sped! .eU) ail ns asU z _ ‘anoge umoys se Bay 420/g 12Mod — ainpar0dg 3UNSOL, ‘anssaug :peau Ajgesinpe pearsut |[eys JuauN20g 3O/¥D pamiwigns au Jo apALL T sh : “ON - = “ON 3SNOdS3 YOLIWALNOD ‘inawwio SLN3WINOD Nid ronan (MW STEXT) ddS49 NOISN3LX3 YVINOT ‘vauV 19018 YAMOd 2 oO ‘vb/dIN/dSS 0 3UNGIIONd ONILSAL IUNSSAYd - ee : - - snivis | “Agu YOLDVULNOD “Aaa Nid FILUL SLNAINDOG / SONIMVEG 4aSWWNN LNAWND0G / SONIMVIG _ L102-00-82 £00 W 1d ava 4LN0 YOO SLN3INNIOG / SONIMVUG 40 1WAOUddY 4O4 malaga’ wn ISWNULSNOM NAWAPVNVIN Lvsnd (oras4ed) NTd Ld 6G,

Date oe 25 apil2017__| Name: Maia Una a A= Arcatecture ; G= Civil: C zz a Vs LONTAR EXTENSION COAL FIRED STEAM POWER PLANT 1X 31SMW A METHOD STATEMENT FOR PRESSURE TESTING PROCEDURE POWERBLOCK AREA DOC NO: SSP/MP/044 Rev.00 T [ Chet = Approved | Position | on ~_ SHE | const_| PLN Signature fxs lh, | Name Weer | Aa | (eater _| Date [ay pail ti fep| | = = a I CLIENT N¢ ae PROIECT TAR ENTENSION CO CONTRACTOR DOCUMENT REVIEW COMN NO. mech JeLecT | lac SUPPORT DIAPPROVED as NOTED DRNOT APPROVED | Dlineortaation APPROVAL DOES NOT RELIEVE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERROR OR DEVIATIONS FROM CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR _ | RECORD By ____DATE LOG | DATE our _| COMN NO o | iano FIRST ISSUED FOR APPROVAL | Rev. no | starus | _ DATE REVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUES AE g PT. PERUSAHAAN LISTRIK NEGARA (PERSERO) AGENCY OF THE MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY ‘GOVERMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LONTAR EXTENSION COAL FIRED STEAM POWER PLANT CONTRACT NO - 0436 PUDAN.02.01/01R/2015 PT. PLN (PERSERO) PLN DWG No. BLACK & VEATCH Building a world of difference. Sumitomo Corporation PUSAT ENJINIRING KETENAGALISTRIKAN TTT OWNER DOCOMENT TITLE ‘OWNER DOCUMENT NOWBER | OWNER REV NO LONTAR EXTENSION COAL FIRED STEAM | paoucct | oocumeNT NUMBER POWER PLANT (1 X 315 MW) 169965, ‘SSPRaPIO4A o PRESSURE TESTING PROCEDURE (CODE = POWER BLOCK AREA Waste Water Collection AREA Al Areas Contract No. PRESSURE TESTING as PROCEDURE DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD prev) pate | Rages [Regge [Arges | _desarnon oO | 18/Apr/2017 | | Issued for use - a — PRESSURE TESTING SP e@rnonnen Contract No. Document No. ‘SSPIMP/O44 PROCEDURE L April 28, 2017 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PURPOSE SCOPE eee EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & TEST MEASURING DEVICE. TEST LIMITS TEST PROCEDURE = HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL .... QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITYCONTROL HYDROSTATIC TEST RECORD FORM ATTACHMENT: Marked Up Isometrics — Test Coverage 0436.PJIDAN.02.04/01R/2015 PAGE 34 45 7-4 : >| Contract No. |: 0436.PJIDAN.O2.01/DIR2015 | Rey PRESSURE TESTING _ —} | PROCEDURE Document No. | os | As - _| Date April 28, 2017 a = 1 PURPOSE a2, Pipeline This document presents the methods and procera steps taken in the pressure testing of underground / under slabVo verify quality of piping materials used and confirm tightness or integrity of piping joints that are welded, oF screwed or adhesive joinfed or joints made by other method of delete /inthout + 2. SCOPE This covers pressure testing of installed underground / under slab metallic and non metallic piping with test performed before the backfilling or concreting over the installed piping system. Particularly, this procedure is intended for the pressure testing of underground / under slab UPVC Waste Waier Collection piping for Boiler Building which includes the following a] 150-40GDK910-11PHNU-N 1/1 A b] 150-40GDK916-11PHNU-N AFC Dawitas a7 c} 150-40GDK913-11PHNU-N 1/3 weil 95 : ¢] 150-40GDK913-11PHNU-N 2/3 Mamettic Danis d}_150-40GDK913-11PHNU-N 3/3 C4 e] 150-40GDK911-11PHNU-N f]_ 200-40GDK-11PHNU-N 1 g]_200-40GDK-11PHNU-N 2 h] 200-40GDK907-11PHNU-N i] 200-40GDK909-11PHNU-N j] 300-40GDK915-11PHNU-N 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 k]_ 200-40GDK906-11PHNU-N 1] 300-40GDK915-11-PHNU-N m] 200-40GDK902-11-PHNU-N 7 n] 200-40GDK803-11-PHNU-N 0] 150-40GDK901-11-PHNU-N. 3. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND TEST MEASURING DEVICE 3.1) Air Compressor ~ For Pneumatic Leak Test, Soap Bubble Leak / Pressure Testing, complete w/ valves, fittings & hose connection OR | ty PRESSURE TESTING PROCEDURE 0436,PUIDAN.02.0101R2015 | Rey | SSPIMPIO44 | sae a Ay | Date | Apri 28, 2017 | 3.2) Test Pump - Hydrostatic Test, complete with valves, fittings and hose connestion. 3.3) Filling Pump (tanker truck mounted) — For Hydrostatic Test 3.4) Clean Water, Tanker Trucked — In, For Hydrostatic Test 3.5) Soap Solution - For Prgumatic Leak Test ¥ a REE Ey cation carbo {2D UPVC Caps; 300, 200 & 150 dia, Poved 37) %' or %' Coupling and Nipples ¥ and scales as \.3@) 4’ or Ball or Gate Valves aphpnate UPVC Adhesive Wouped onjp: 9 Test uimits Cr «LEAKAGE REPAIR 3¢ MEROD OF RESAMR : 1.5 x Design Pressure 0 minutes minimum or * After "soap bubble” check or Leak Detection for all joints @& Complete. or leak observed , OR © After “Visual Check” for Leaks of all joints with NOR leak NETHER pressure dectase obser- 9f3) TestCoverage : See attached marked isometrics yes: 97.1) Test Pressure 9A2) Holding Time SF TEST PROCEDURE G1) Pneumatic 2ssestre Testing — Soap Bubble Leak Test * Install all caps at open ends and connect coupling / nipples and valves * Complete tightly all connections for the test ine. * Start and run compressor and open compressed air injection line. sn/ Fill the Hin line with compressed air to specified test pressuresthen oa sist eoas bubble leaktesting ofaijeints nehe hold ba yup N Mark any or ail joints with leak, si atfetnts, toko holding Vine. Commence So4p bubble” hie aan . t ‘nptsre prassuce, ended oa «After all leaking joints are identified, ESIC ac a ola = Open vent and release pneumatic pressure in the line to zero (0) ** Sop compressor tuple ie, and al/ [ Contract No. _ | = 0496 PJ/DAN.02.01/DIR/2015 PRESSURE TESTING rea SPMD = |Date= Api28, 2017 bar gauge filling vales. During pressurizing, the repair join usiescsnsciuion Redo the jest Qpove, procedure.64 « If no leaks are found |. the test is successful and completed. 7 ; = Release pressure in the piping system, disconnect all test connections and reinstate the line and ready it for mass concrete pour. G2 liydrostatic Bresette Testing «= Install all caps at open ends and connect coupling / nipples and valves for water filling (lowest or midpoint), pressure injection (pressurizing), vents (highest point) and drains (lowest point). * With vent vaives open, fill the lines to be tested with clean water trucked in to test site using the filling or discharge pump mounted to the tanker truck until water comes out of the vent valve. = Disconnect or isolate water filling line and connect pressure injection or pressurizing line from test pump. Vent valves are still in open position = Run or activate test pump to commence pressuring of line. Vent valves are closed when water coming out of the vent lines show no air content or is not bubbling any more * Continue pumping until 50% of specified test pressure, stop test pump and close pressure injection valve. Hold pressure in line for ten (10) minutes to equalize pressure in the piping being tested. «= After the intermediate holding time, re-start test pump and open pressure injection vaive. + Raise pressure to 75% of specified test pressure, stop pressure injection, close pressure injection valve and hold pressure for ten (10) minutes. * After the second intermediate pressure hold time has elapsed, resume pressurizing the line to 100% - 105% of specified test pressure and hold for thirty (30) minutes and conduct visual inspection of all joints to check for leaks. | Contract No | : 0436 PJIDAN.O2.01/0IR/2015 | prey PRESSURE TESTING oO sirene | SSPAPOH | PROCEDURE April 28, 2097 | Date * Test is successfully completed if no pressure drop greater (due to entrapped air in the piping system) than 2% - 3% of test pressure is observed at end / after the test hold time or no leaks are observed after full visual inspection of all joints in the piping system tested. iF Health, Safety and Environmental 71 Job Safety Analysis and HIRA for and curing the pressure testing shall be prepared. Approved edition shall be applied and implemented curing the test Beth document 4 Pe Submited previously ‘er yot P 2 Test Area shall be isolated / barricaded before start, during and until View completion of test period. and 3 Test water shall be drained into the nearest existing temporary drain pit appr. &. Quality Assurance / Quality Control &.1 Inspection of installed piping and testing of this piping system shall b2“AO refereed to ITP For Mass Conerete Pour, Document No. SSP.C.FORM.1010 ¥.2 Test set up shall be inspected to ensure that all filling and test 7 connections are properly made with vents at high points and filing, pressurizing and drain lines installed at low points of the tested piping system, ‘air OF ¥.3 All temporary ana joints shall be observed / visually inspected duringWwater filling, pressurizing and during holding periods fleaks obSérved shall be reason to abor test, repa &.4 —* Gointaffer which, testing is resumed. .g 24 Inspector shall Be awaie Thal entrapped air in the system could not be Completely vented and will react to significant rise and fall in Atmospheric temperature that in tum will cause increase or decrease test pressure indicated in the pressure gauges used. Insignificant decrease in pressure (i.e. 2% - 3% of indicated pressure) during final Hold Period is not cause for alarm but should be investigated / inspected as well — further visual inspection of joints for leaks. && 24 Successfully completed Pressure / Hydrostatic Testing for this piping system shall be reported using ip Test Record; Form No. SSP ME.FORM.P-001 Teakin ‘Feagupe | wW/ eg] aumeutis Suen Nid TANILOSNOS | ‘e001 ‘608 sz %0 Teureovi| snow [ox | waa |oelweorea| reney | veal | uBsag swewe eo Tse ‘au Buipion, (ea) emesnig ON aun oN par aunssoig 801 = oN aunpanorg oe ON al paxisjeu quewdinbg 80 wls]3o[v »aoM 40 OTE Svoersiaro zo Nvarrd 9er0 oN ene TANGLE XI Wei JONG WRAIS pau OD UOISUENE NOT! Hela duOOaY IS3L StHYESeHEAH Shale WY onions

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