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A Country of Monkeys

Topic: Historical Revisionism

General Purpose: To share an opinion

Specific Purpose: To let people know a teenagers opinion on historical revisionism.

Audience: The People

Writers Persona: Teenager

Level of Formality: Informal

I was born in an era in which people enjoy their everyday lives under the shadow of a
dim memory. This great countrys past, just like all the other nations, is littered with the blood of
martyrs, traitors and people who wanted to make a difference. Most of the time the blood is spilt
by a foreign overlord bossing over the confused and hungry little people, whose sense of
nationalism grows every time a guard cracks his whip on a fellowmans back. But in a few rare
occasions the little people are oppressed not by a giant foreign demigod; but by another little
man whose selfishness exceeds infinity.

The term Imeldific was coined after the extravagantly cruel way the wife of
everybodys favourite dictator, Ferdinand Marcos, lives. The very term summarizes the whole
Martial Law Thingy that happened four decades ago. But I am told by the elders who lived in
those dark ages that people were arrested under peculiar circumstances. If you were kept away
inside an unknown jail, consider yourself lucky, as other people were tortured to death and
dumped away in a river or a street like trash. And as the whole nation suffered and screamed for
their lives the leaders of the land waltz to the tune of their agony. The Martial Law was not a
Thingy it was a disaster that has befallen mankind. No people must suffer these circumstances
only because a family of ugly insecure monkeys want to maintain power over their kin. What
happened during the seventies is a lesson taught to us by the devil so that in the future we could
choose the monkeys we put in office.

But sadly the lessons taught by our dark past must have fallen on deaf ears. The
Philippines has progressed slowly under different leaders, but now I feel like we have completely
undone that progress and we are slowly returning to the 70s. I am not talking about the current
president, whom everyone loves, but the supporters who treat him as a God. Dutertes platform
against illegal drugs and foul-mouthed personality has earned him a spot in Time Magazines
Worlds Most Influential People. And while people are offended, apprehended and suspended, his
adoring public are going gaga over him. Whats happening in the Philippines right now is a soft-
core version of the 70s martial law. There is no formal declaration of it (except in Mindanao,
which in my opinion is necessary...) but the feel of it somewhat coincides with the stories that I
have been told. Now the reasonable reaction of the people in cases like this would be to show
concern and tell the president to stop the killings, but I have encountered a lot of people in real
life and in social media that supports the blatant extra judicial killings; even calling the
Commission of Human Rights a fad and a group supported by the opposition. Whats worse is
that other people praise and justify the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos claiming the era to be
the golden age of the country. The family of the late dictator are slowly revising history in their
favour. Marcos Jr. Has served as senator, the wife of Macoy is currently a congresswoman and I
dont know what his daughter does but she sure is annoying.

The evil clan of ugly little monkeys, yes you too Sandro, are now being glorified by even
more ugly monkeys facing a computer screen and have access to slow, cheap, unlimited internet
plans. Its as if we have not learned a thing from the tyrannical ways that this family has acted in
the past and now we are giving them the bananas that they do not deserve. I hope and pray that in
the future the people do not suffer for letting the monkeys out of the zoo.

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