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Reseana00 Indian Roads Congress pecial Publication 60 AN APPROACH DOCUMENT FOR ASSESSMENT OF REMAINING LIFE OF CONCRETE BRIDGES NEW DELHI 2062 rice Ra estas) Resme2002 Fin Published Noverbr, 2002 (Rights of Publication and Trnation are Reserved) ‘Printed a Mls. Dee Kay Printers, New Dit (2000 copies CONTENTS Personnel of Bridges Specifications and Standards Commitee Baceground Insoducton Degradation Causing Factors, Deterioration Processes and Damage Modes Deterioration Rates Mathodoogis fr Life Predictions General Procedare for Life Assessment Action Plan References Resrena002 Page Ow @ u 29 ~ 33 56 osreaso2 cus Desert andminennce ie cyle Degradation ele de t earsion ‘ipl terion models Shem epreseniation ofthe proes of extention wai sone cover Probability tbo fnction of sie life de 1 catbonation 6 robbins function of servic ie eto 1. Conse cove vit st carbonation induced 8 ateination of serie fe with respect 0 coneion of ‘ecement 9, Type plot of potion essunce 10. Reliontip betwen coves, cifxon coetlentD), ‘lone cope) nd time of ation 1, Deck sen ating ve. ine 12. Vale ample sess story 150% rbsbitty carve 1M. Typical Marto eta process 15. rae offre pobbility (Iueative presentaon) 16 Crovsseton of «calms (degradation bath in conrele ot aoe) 17. ios seston of = bea 18 Reductions in sail crosesctns and compresve cacy of column 1B, Reduction inthe bending epucy of « bea 2. Chocdemeasuement oie deck Ampendic: Nseries! sean fom erate ® ae eaenee an = Respsoomn PERSONNEL OF THE BRIDGES SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE (as on 1473001) 1. $¢-Stam Director General (Road Dev.) & Addl (Caner Seceury © the GoM. of Tada, Minsy of Read Transport 2 Highway, Trsepor ‘Bhawan, New Deh 1001 2 NK Sie Menibe Technica, National Highays (CoConvener) _Authonty of India, Plot No. G6, Sect, ‘sh, New De 1045 3. Teche Bginer (V. Velaythan), Ministry of Road Transport sax 4 Highways, Transport Bhavan, New (Menberseey) Duo Members 4 RNAgmesl Chef BgiaeerNDZ1, CPWD, Niman Bhavan, ‘NewDelie inant 5 CR Alimehndasi Chairman & Managing Dicector, STUP [Gone id, 1003, Ratee Cheer 213, ‘Nema ons Mimta 00021 6 DSB ‘Consulting Engineer, Sie Oven Wiliams Inmovesient Li, lnovesimen House, 1072, 1. SS.Ctaknirty Managing Ditto, Consting Engg, Services (ti 57, Nero Place, New Del 10019 A CV.Kand (ens 1.21135 Mahavir, Bhop-42016 9. DK Kamere (Chief Eapines Block No-A8, Pung No 12 Hai liOreer'sQrs, Maal, Mabaso 1. Keisan Kant (Chief General Manger, National Highways ‘Aube of nds, at No, Seto 10, oa New DOS Roms Pai eat ws ral SSE BOD A te Se ian nde aa o iResreo0 Nina Kosh Dr R Kapoor iy Kame NV. Mera MK Makar AD Nai MVB.Ra0 De TN. Subba Rao .Srsraa Murthy A. Ramsins SA, Rea Rama Samah NeSsrent GS GARD) & Ad. See, MOST (Ret), 56 ald paren Vases Now Dit 1018 Dict, Unie Ins i, Gurgaon ‘Managing Disor,UP Sat ese Corpeton Td Set Bhavan 1, Mast Mohan Mala ag Lan 2300 Pinal Soy, Mars PUD (Ret), Sait, Alas Nag, Wor, Mun2S ‘12, CR. Pah, New Dei 10018 GARD) & Add Sey MOST (Rent), B86, Sear 26 NODA2OL01 vee Coordinator Brie & Instrumentation ‘hginecog, Coal Rand Research site, PCR New Del-110020 ‘Chaman, Contra Canaan (P) LA 2nd ow, Pky Pas Mans 40005 hie Pies Re) HN $1158, Garg Enclave! Flat No. 23, Saeagar Colony, Hyena Preieat(Opeaton) & Dy. Managing itr, Ensen & oubro Li, ECC Conse. Cro, ‘Mowat Pomanalee Road, Nanaasiam, ‘Bowne 99, Chena 0089 Dy. Maiging Dieetr, Gomon Inia Li, ‘Common Hous Prine, 40025 Secety tothe Govt. of Mia, Pale Works Department, Lower Lachumets, Sellar 8001 Executive Distr, Intron Cant {ees vt Li, 1 Green Ps, Now Dast1016 ‘Chie Bgine, Minis of Road Transport & Fgh apt Baan New Del 1001 « SR Tanke De MG. Tank Mabey Tandon PRvi The chiet gine oe The Pini Sey 10 “Te Chie ages) ‘Te Chie Ege) ‘Tei gest ‘Techie Ere) Sir Tet “The Engineer. Chet on The Direcoe & Heat (CistEnee) “They. Diseor een “The Diety,RDSO mesee2in2 ‘Seca, Maruti PWD (Rett). 72, Pit Paar Mp Opp. Polar Hospi, Wor, ‘Mat 0008 ‘1, Kenia Via, Sector, Khas, av Mubnt1000 Nonaping Diet, Taon Constants) ik Ti Link Rend, lngpura xt, Now ‘DG Werks} CPWD ts) AB, DA Ps, Nil Now Del-110063 (SK. De. MP, Plc Works Deparment," ‘Wan toc Sap Biya, Bho 42004 (GPa), R88 Deparent, Block No.4 nd For, New Suey, Gndinaga-0010 (Rabi, Pues Works Dept, Weer Bulg, Block G4 Fl, Kea 700001 (Ss. La LP Puli Works Dep, akon 25001 Puna. D. BAR Branch, Fal 147001 (i Prala), Minis of Road Transport & ipivay, Tempo va, Ne Deh 1001 KR Ciel, Banglore S001 (6. Sesvannve Highways Resch Station, P..No.2971, 76, Ser Patel Roa, Chen sons | Buses of nda Standards, Mara lava, 9, ‘Rada Zafar Marg. New Dela 110002 (BK. Bar, VSM, $C) Dy. Dietr Gener (figs, Border Roads Directorate, Seema Soda evan Narva, Deh Cat, ‘Newete 110010 (ny Natiova itr Bids & Suen) Reseach, Deagn & Standards Orsnsstion, wo mesrn002 “AL The Addl Diretor {Kaban Kumar), Ad Dietor Gene, Go {CPwD, cenal espn Oran, Nieman Bw, New Datel effi Members 41. resident ‘AB, Passe Teen Reads Congss Secretary (Works), Mobarashta PLW.D, nals Mum 20082 Sharma DGARD)& Ad Sey Minisy Of Road Tanager & Hiphsays, Trangest ‘sven, New Deh 11000 6. Sharan, Chit Eoginer, Minis of Read ds Cnges Trane & Higa, Tanspon Bhavan, ‘New D100 © baRD) Coresponding Members Engine. Chi Ret), Ho, Sector 16, Pati 94113 3, Set, Node 20301 Chie Constant, Contin Boag, Serves (i) L1s $1 Neh ioe, New Del 1019 igdasan Corsa, Co Li, Hncoa House, a Buin Stats Nag, ba (), ima 088 6 ‘The Technical Ditetr (H, Guha Views), Simplex Coote Pies ( Fr tab, Vaan 20d Foo, 82, Nee Pie, NowDetic1 10089 45, De VAC Ron 46 Shit Stan 4. SP. Kedar w rRc-sr.s0.2002 AN APPROACH DOCUMENT FOR ASSESSMENT OF REMAINING LIFE OF CONCRETE BRIDGES BACKGROUND ‘The Bridge Maintenance and Rehabilitation Committee (8-9) in its meeting held on 4.7.97, constituted a Sub-group ‘consisting of Dr. M.G, Tamhankar (Convenor), S/Shri SS. Chakraborty, Ajit Singh, M.Y:B. Rao, A.K. Hatit and Mahesh Tandon as members for preparing draft report on Assessment of Remaining Life of Coneree Bridges. The draft document prepared by its Convenor, Dr, M.G. Tamhankar, was discussed by the Sub-group and in the B-9 Committee in is number of| meetings. The final drat was approved by the B-9 Committee in its mesting held at Mumbai on 20.12.99. The personnel of 'B-9 Committee which approved this document is given below: AG. Besse Convenor (Co(Re) NH, Hyderabad CoConvenoe {© Stee Rama Mr) DA Keahere Mentor Ssteary MEMBERS sok Kart Bast DT Sabba Rao Pease NV Rao 55. Chalebory SA Resse AK Han aN Rengaewany $6 older ‘Nitsingh eV {Gusdip Sinh PY. Mane Dr MG. Ttankar NW. Meri Matec Tendon sme v-ficio Mombore President IRC o(RD) (0B. Rajon (Pra Kamae) Seer, IRC (SC Shams) Corespondng Members MeBhice ¥G.Pataedoon MP. Gasp Rao SR Tene NoTinte ‘The Bridges Specifications and Standards Commitee ring its messing held on 14th July, 2001 approved the document for printing as a Special Publication of the IRC ‘subject to certain modifications in light of the comments made bby the members. The draft was approved by the Executive ‘Commitioe in its meeting held onthe 16th December, 2001.and Tater by the Council of the TRC in its 16th meeting held at Kochi (Coshin) on the 8th January, 2002. 1. INTRODUCTION With ever increasing stock of distressed bridges and dwindling resource position for maintaining the same, the need of assessment of remaining useful life of bridges in Bridge ‘Management Systems cannot be over emphasised. It has been ecognised that despite its crucial role the life assessment bas huded explicit modeling and- numerical evaluation of its ‘absolute value due enormous complexities in the degradation mechanism, an lack of data-base on material degradation and bridge performance, The problem has got further compounded duc. to uncertainties associated with material properties, onstruction details, exposure conditions, deterioration rates land the quality of maintenance. Rc'sr0.202 ‘Therefore, to predict as to how Tong the given bridge will last is peshaps beyond the present level of development ofthe subject. At best one can try to estimate whether the given bridge ean reach a specific age, with the help of probability Aistnbution function of service life. This is also possible if the scceptable degree of failure probability can be predetermined. thas been emphasised” that our design philosophy comprises number ofessential and interacting elements, suchas behavioral mode, sin dfning stitctry performance, Sods under wich these cia shoal be iid, ‘vant shatter proper, wich shold ebly racial fate constuction proce ‘cos ome no pits and ain But the present day predictive models, however, consider the first three ofthe above elements reasonably accurately. The relationship between materials forming the structure and the Overall response ofthe structure is often 0 complicated that this indeed poses a question as to whether the service life prediction can ever be generalised However, givens crcial ole distesod or rehabilitated bridges, it becomes imperative to make a beginning inthis direction. I is necessary to create awareness to keep tack of performance aginst the assumed expectations in general and to lok into specific issues, such a: xing lad caring eps ee of dates sated oie “Stes ofsaprecens fh envionment insofar, td islet of ep sont os ine tie ome ate sk deesoaton IResP-0.2002 ‘There is also an vegent need to document daa, wherever available, on degradation causing factors, deterioration processes, damage modes, and deterioration rates. With these ‘bjectives in the background, this document aims at presenting the existing status of the subject by symhesising the available knowledge in the fields of material degradation and life assessment to ntiat further steps and make a beginning towards introducing the concept of life prediction. Given the developmental stage of this subject, the document is prepared as an approach document only, to enable engineers to appreciate the need ofthe subject, to understand present status of the knowledge and is limitations, and to Introduce road map for furwe course of ations. Obviously the subject has nt attained the level where it ean be enforced as @ part of normal design procedure 11, Durability Concept Durability is the property expressing the ability of the -tractre/componentp oduct to maintain te required performance level over atleast a specified time under the iTuence of the degradation factors, The minimum acceptable values for performance (ormaximum acceptable values for depradation) are falled durabilcy limit states. The limit-state is a performance requitement erica tothe service life, whieh can be set with regard tocither he ultimate limitorthe serviceability limit. Anew feature here is the incorporation of time into the design problems. I, thereby. allows the possibility of treating degradation of materials tas an essential par of structural calculations. Traditionally, the ‘durability design is based on implicit rules for materials, material ‘compositions, working conditions, sructura dimensions, etc. (eae, minimam concrete cover, maximum water/eement ratio, ‘minimum cement content, cack width limitations, cement type, ‘coatings on concrete, categorisation of exposure conditions). tResrso.2002 1.2, Service Life ‘The concept of service life can be approached from at least three different aspects: i) technical, (i) functional and (i economic, ‘The service life of bridge span, component or its consiing materials is defined asthe period of time after installation during which its essential properties meet or exceed ‘minimum aeceptable values, when routinely maintained, Tt is the period during which no excessive expenditure is required in ‘operation, maintenance or repaf. Fach component has an expected service life, The exact definition of service life is fobscuted by the maintenance routines performed during the Service life. Maintenance can influence the Tength of sevice life and hence, the definition of service life should include ‘pen routinely maintained". Some components, such as, bearings, expansion joints, wearing coat, require periodic maintenance or replacement, whereas, the main structural ‘eomponents may also require periodic inspection and preventive Iaintenance but are expected to perform their expected functions uring their service life. Required service life imposed by general rules, the client or the owner ofthe structure is called the target sevice life. Fig, 1 shows a generalised pattem of Aleterioration and maintenance eyeles in the life of a bridge Considering the corrosion-induced deterioration, life of the structure can be split into following four periods, Fig. 2 1+ sn wt hs at os ED nae Hn Time whco the effect of COelorider reaches ste 2000 Union ui) “T+ tne when fiat vnble sgn of damage dv wo eorovon is ated (eg, cack sii) 1T,- tne wien damage cache seis level affting tet ‘Stop te, wile sacks salig), vir nd ofthe operon peat ine when suse eects le stage 5 ResP02012 specifications and detailing of structural components Various service/design life periods are prescribed in the ‘iertute according t importance, ig. Deterloraion and maintenance ie yc ‘According to the Danish Road Directorate’, Ts, the ‘operational period should be a miniawum 100 years and Ts, « minimum of 50 year. ig, 2 Degradation eye due to corrosion! 13, Design Life Distnetion needs to be made between Service Life and Design Life. The design life is period considered (possibly fongor than the service Ife) that will give suiciently high probability of the stractue achieving the required service Tie The design life would depend upon the importance of the structure. It would ensure required safety against falling below fhe target service life. The design life would influence the Ses for © major supession bigs over te Sts of esi ve indestdthat the convenona sevice Lie of fh states sel Be 200 eats Tile UK. according o BSH, iis assumed to be 120 ‘Torte constnton of sutures for Ores Link Beween eam and Swede, th owners have specie a service Feo 100 yeu out hich he 50 years must be tally fee of mainemancs, wile minor concrete reps will be feceple afer th fi 8D year Dirt cron ap ave dart sign ies. Figure fn vary om brie t ge as well as wit wie ge of ‘cra js amatuer of component Typical ‘pues fc diferent eomponcas arse nthe owing Snes dsign eof he Bie Sie design ie of he re with este minor concrete reps (ea cr every 20 yer) Fountain es abutments ewig \aying depending spon ype and Ste! main merburs: Same a design i fhe ee with peas minor pining (ees aer ‘rey 6 yea and mor pitino er every 12 year) Conte dsting + Same a design lie of he bide Varying depending pon tp (22 1syeam spuion joints + Varying depending wpon pe and salty (es 13 pen) Rcsrso.2002 Euro-code 1 (CEN-1994) presents the classification for te target service life as shown below: Clans Targe Service Tie (ven Example “exper sects 2 2 Replaces sucturl pas, ee betes x 0 aiding erste and oer 4 100 Moment biling stcres, ‘eign eo nie In fact, it isnot feasiblevo design abridge Fora very specific life period. The available experience of traditional materials is ‘often inappropriate and many modern high technology products fue relatively untied, Hence, the anticipated durability cam only be an estimate, its prediction bein subject to many variables, Iu ‘eneal the designer has in mind a useful fife for the bride “Tongwith reasonable level of maintenance from time to time 2, DEGRADATION CAUSING FACTORS, DETERIORATION PROCESSES AND DAMAGE MODES ‘he process in which the resistance (and thereby performance) decreases with ime i called degradation process, ‘faterls and components have finite service lives since they tradually undergo chemical, physical or mechanical changes {sulting in degradation and reduction in tei ability to perform ts required, Degradation processes are numerous. The type and the rtes of deterioration processes determine the resistance and rigidity of the materials, sections and the elements constituting the bridge struct RcsPso-002 2.1. Degradation Causing Factors ‘Commonly recognised degradation causing factors can broadly be categorised into the following: Wate Linu (nin wtetagutingrepediplsing zoe, 6) Soli (eg, som, fein of we) ‘Vapour busy, mien pore) (3) Aggressive te continents Carton dose (esting to cabonation) Gores (romoigesoson Supe ending to expansive ration wit coment) ‘Act (nobis cent) ‘Mies Gang panies wh ge) 2 ‘Armonia (eding to dient of once) 2 High vege mmsion nes (sey een) (Gi) oot agents 0) Temperature 2 Gedlet 1 Gye 2 Sa enn (9) Foundation condo Sasol eta ning Yo selene (oi) Time dependent materia characteristics Cece in omer Relation insta inesrena012 (ote ds detig sao, put rset eset im Pop eg ew) Cae wunccntnou cls ~ Batu 2 Gate ey it bil, ae : Sater “ciate infvnces on bridge component cae farther sat dend xo macro, mesand mit mae, coespondins tn stendapetctement a escent Teeny ficou and Gran ofthe depedaton ca Deven pote bid, eat paral oon Sa aot orof see asthete apeaane® 22 Degradation ProcssesMechanisms ridge component fail ifthe sng of hat component set eetent to rss the acl Toad efecs, The i no ong componcat i fected due 0 eri rein erie, which the mater of the id deartaon Paquet The sequence of eel oF Ba capa CuI cernetl changes 12 088 OF OFS change acta! mae or composes when exon ropes of natn of grdaton fac, is called 1 on meri, The degrdaton process FO ‘ikem pattems a sted below i epadaion process proposing Hnely wih Hig, ©Bs Dearie ove ges wea an of Bip poner doin dove 8 HH uy ERM acting dentin procs ae (as pence HME, Er make, 0 resean2om (0) Two-stage ection of dezadion oes, ea, degradation fotcon ae fast in thc of ever on area, (rine cae of conng on el member Fig. 3 depicts the above paters of degradation. Some of ve commonly observed deterioration processes are the Mowing: 22.1. Fatigue : It is defined as the tendency of the lateral to break under repeated cyclic stresses considerably Slow the ultimate tensile stress, Cyclic loading induces or “opagates the pre-existing cracks inthe bridge. Movement of quently occurring heavily loaded commercial vehicles ean ‘use fatigue damage in road bridges. The fatigue action ‘mprises three phases: a) crack nucleation in which invisible ranges occur, (b) rack propagation in which micro-racks ‘ov ta visible macroscopic dimensions, and (e) instant failure. 22.2, Corrosion of steel : Bridges in a coastal belt ve shown premature distress due to corosion of steel arising 1m salinity in the air. Comosion of steel in conerete girder abe faster than that inthe steel in the deck slab due t0 deiding of reinforcement in girders especially atthe Tap joints th accompanying honey-combing, Corrosion is the mechanism, which is in most cases an portant parameter 10 influence the load-carrying capacity 4 the service life ofthe bridge. Ie can lead to a) Ios in see] atity, (b) possible loss in mechanical propestes of stel, fngth and ductility, (e) siting and spalling of the eonerete ver and possible loss of effective concrete cross-section, loss of bond between steel and concrete in case of eracks ring parallel to the steel, and (e Toss of prestres in the case corrosion of pre-sresing steel, Prestessing steel apart, tm uniform corrosion may also suffer from pitting coresion, vice corosion, sess corrosion and hydrogen embritdement. ae 224.Combination effect (Synergy) : In actual service, degradation factors may interact increase the rat of degradation, ‘Synergistic actions aren fact difficult simulate orto account fr, + eoOsIN me STE, 1 veAR MD TER OF TEER hangers eg the effet of eoosion induced defects onthe fatigue stengthof = stelixidgs,orinuenceof temperature on creep in concrete bres, : 1 RNIN OEE In the presence of aggresive environment causing d eet 0 pee meres 10s pate’ Sooson dame epee ia an Above guidelines need to be revised with more experience and asthe data becomes available, For example, with respect to cracking ofthe cover which results from the expansive character of the iron oxides, it has been reported” that around 10-50 microns of corrosion penetration is enough t produce visible (0.05 mm wide) cracks. However, accuracy of prediction would Spend upon the estimation of the value i... Further, the technique may be suitable in RC components bit may not help in detecting damage to prestressed stel. Fr prestessing steel in View of their smaller diameters, initiation time alone should bbe considered to determine the onset of corrosion. 33, Deterioration Rate Due to Ingress of Chloride Because of exposure to the salt water in the coastal regions, concrete bridges are contaminated with chlorides. The presence of chlorides (resulting in the loss of alkaline environment), oxygen and water lead to corrosion of embedded steel, Chloride fons diffuse through the porous concrete and reach the corosion threshold value. The resultant racking of concrete cover allows intusion of chlorides and oxygen at @ rch fiste rate, hus accelerating the corrosion process. Existing éhlride in concrete is not considered inthe following expression. ‘As a result of chloride penetration a gradient is set up nea the ‘concrete surface. The time at which the erica chloride content| reaches the stel surface and de-passvate it, is regarded a the initiation time of corosion, Estimation of service life in this ease is based on FICK's second law on dffysion of chloride ion trough porous materials suet as, concrete". To model the ebloride transport process in| porous materia, i's assumed that a saturated condition exists ‘and that, FICK's Taw applies, even though corosion does not ‘ecur when the material is continuously saturated because of Jack of oxygen for eathodie reactions. In reality, there is @ combination of exposure conditions. Further, one of the assumptions in the derivation of FICK's 2" law is that the porous medium is homogencous, which is not the case for concrete. I i also assumed that the medium is non-reactive and non-absorpive, and that does not hold for concrete either. CClorde fons can be physically absorbed on to the surface of the pores and chemically combined to the aluminate. Furthermore, experimental testing in concrete specimens has shown that the difusion coefficient varies wit time, solution type and concentration. The time dependence is, in part, a direct consequence of the continuing cement hydration reactions 2s | and pore blocking, Despite the differences between the assumptions, FICK's law sill provides the only way available to mode! chioride ditfusion into concrete” I is expressed as COG) = 6, (Leaf 1K/2)/0D, 09) Whee, C0.) = clei concentration hg) a depth = cali corde concentration (kn) (atsuned 13 om below te ars) cit = eer fine D, = erie ation constant (rope of ‘route ewe) {= simein yur (inition tine, X= cover of ences) X = dept at which chloride concentration i equ (G2, dep hae tel ost). Thus, the init jon time is calculated using above expression on the basis of chloride measurements cariod out onthe bridge, and/or ftom measurements of carbonation. Instead of modelling chloride ingress gradient by eror function, the Formula is simplified by using a parabolic funtion as follows: As an illustration, Fig, 10 gives the theoretical service ie as a function of D, (Diffusion coefficient) and cover for C, (Chloride content as percent by weight of dy concrete} 0.2 pet cent and 0.1 per cent, Diffusion coefficient Dis ealelated as ‘equal to $000 * (W'C)’mm/year, Limited data is available since 26 Rcsr Dito efit 193 Time of investigation 6 rmesssn.2002 (1) is calculated using FICK's 2nd Law on the basis of ‘hioride measurements cared out on the structure. The resus fof chloride measurements are used for fing the curve to FICK's 2nd Law (Fig. 20). & Lm enn 2 oho 1 ML 4 Se re eee Fig, 2 Chri measarements ona bg deck . Si cone “The rate of deterioration of structure sed for evaluating points T,, T, and 7, is estimated on the basis of measurement fon the strutire ofthe electrical resistance, the moisture content, the porosity ofthe conerete and the annval average temperature and moisture variation, These are the primary parameters for ‘aleoating the deterioration of concrete. ‘The time perinds are intended to enable plan the bridge ‘repairing priorities aimed, at optimising available maintenance funds, For more details see Ref. 39. I, Life Predietion of Concrete Coating Based on ‘Accelerated Tests” Servie life prediction of concrete coating used to restrict, mesr.s0.2000 ingress of chlorides from salt-water environment based on accelerated tess in the laboratory is desribed in the following. ‘The example illustrates the application of accelerated test as ‘well as simulation of field condition Series of tests are performed inthe Inboratory on specially ‘designed surface coated concrete specimens immersed in sodium chloride fora long period (one year in the present cas). Due to the presence of coating, surface chloride concentration is not constant. The equilibrium chloride concentration (kg) assumed 1.3 em below the surface is hhence treated as surfice concentration. The regression analysis ‘carried out onthe test result values of concentration a 1.3 em fiom, the surface shows that it varies as square root of time, (Ck t") where kis the chloride ingress rate through coated or ‘coated layer. ‘The solution to the problem of semi-infinite medium whose surface concentration varies in proportion tothe fonction Of time (Square root) is obtained by Laplace Transform of diffesion equation, as cm 9 = kv PEt )] He cut rat cot x= dat © = Chlrdeconcenmton D, = ion cont The tests results generate data to know the values for the coated as well as the uncoated surfaces. Since these values ae valid forthe laboratory scale tests, they have to be modified for their actual application in the field. Hence, Keotitet= Here Kg A K ee donot the regression based values for K coefiiens obtained inthe tests on coated and uncoated specimens. K,,, isthe value calculated from the field data ‘The following data is considered iss) = 0171 kei (clr tsb value) x © 4 em Cocton of set) D, = at emjear {= 50 yeas (ese conoson proton eiod) Come ~ 89 4G? (Susie chai concentration related to ever conn) Keay = 1008 Kn, = 7829 (bined on eresng the tet dt) Using above equation and above data with all quantities except being known, the protection time provided by the specific coating can be calelated. [In the present case t ‘equalled 29 years Refer [17, 18, 47] for more details “

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