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Absenteeism: Its effect on academic performance of selected SHS

Literatire Review

Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation. Traditionally,

absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator of poor individual performance, as well as

a breach of an implicit contract between employee and employer; it was seen as a

management problem, and framed in economic or quasi-economic terms. More recent

scholarship seeks to understand absenteeism as an indicator of psychological, medical,

or social adjustment to work. Students who are always late or absent in school lose

valuable instruction for themselves, they also disturb classes and disrupts other

students concentration. Educators agree that prompt and regular attendance is an

important key to a student. Students should be taught to demonstrate respect for peers

and staff. One way to do this is to practice prompt and regular school attendance.

Causes of Absenteeism

1. Phobic Adolescence: during the growth of a teen, there is a lot of fear developed as

a result of physical changes in the body like pimples growing on your face or hair

growing everywhere. This scares the teens away from school.

2. Lack of Interest: students can be lacking interest in study, which could be as a result

of content that is difficult for them to grasp pushing them away from school.

3. Teacher approach: the approach used by the teachers may not be understandable

to the students and could lead them t lose interest in school.

4. Pamperness from the family: excessive pocket money could lead to extra activities

outside the school.

5. Private couching: Flexible private couching encouraged by some parents could

drive a number of students away from conventional school time table.

6. Diseases: Diseases that needs medical attention could make the student stay


7. School Infrastructural Facilities: Lack of facilities is a hindrance to attendance of

the students.

8. Entertainment: accessibility of entertainment facilities like internet shops can divert

the attention of some students away from school.

Absenteeism an lead to depression and also result in poor quality of education as a

result of time lost while being away from school. It could also lead to moral degradation

that leads to drug abuse, early pregnancies or any unruly behaviour.




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