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xWelcome to the Summoning Information Page!

Below you'll find an assortment of information about the 72 Goetic Demons/Spirits

for aspiring Goetic Summoners who don't know where to begin. First of all, these
entities are NOT demons; the vast majority of them appear to be Gods of old who
simply lost power and worshipers. We cannot trace the origin of some entities, but
almost none of them appear in the old rolls of fallen angels or biblical demons.

The main text where most of our information is based off of is called The Lesser
Key of Solomon, also known as Clavicula Salomonis Regis or Lemegeton. Published at
some point during the 17th-century, using materials obviously derived from
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, this text appears to be one of the many grimoires in the
Goetia tradition, stemming from the Greek Magickal Papyri as elaborated upon by
Jake Stratton Kent. This tradition includes a large array of texts, from Iuratus
and Heptameron through Grimorium Verum, with bits of the praxes winding up in Afro-
Carib practices.

Though it claims to have been written by King Solomon, whose birth predated
Christs by 900 years. Here are a number of versions, in order of reliability:

The Lesser Key of Solomon: Detailing the Ceremonial Art of Commanding Spirits Both
Good and Evil By Joseph H. Peterson
Peterson does the best with straight transcriptions of old manuscripts. If you
want Lemegeton as it people used it at the time, this is the edition for you.
There's also an online edition which is simply a copy/paste of materials in the
Sloane MSS:

Lemegeton: The Complete Lesser Key of Solomon By Mitch Henson
Henson standardizes his edition of Lemegeton from 3 resource manuscripts as well as
White transcription itself. Henson's edition is the best edited synthesis of
multiple mss that's available, and is thus recommended by /sum/ and /omg/. A copy
appears in the Mega library.

The Lesser Key of Solomon Goetia By S.L. Mathers
Mathers drew from a single manuscript accessible to the Golden Dawn at the time,
the White transcript of Sloane's Manuscripts. It was edited, and altered, by
Aleister Crowley, who also drew the connection between these materials and the GMP.

Aleister Crowley's Illustrated Goetia: By Lon Milo DuQuette
Very clear on how to evoke on a budget and an overall decent version for beginners.

Next up we'll get to the meat of the matter. A quick step by step guide by A.M.S.

So you want to get started but don't like reading dense occult texts? Here's how to
do it,
quick, dirty, and cheap.

First, you will need:

* A big enough space, a typical bedroom is enough if you move the furniture out
of the way.
* Chalk or some other way of drawing on the floor, preferably in such way that
you can clean it up later. Tape, as in painters tape or duct tape works well for
this, but also has you making angular shapes. It has the advantage of being able
to write on it.
* Incense and an incense burner. These can be typically be picked up for a few
* Three candles, any color is fine, but try to make them all the same color and
shape. Beginners should go with black or white on inclination. Advanced students
can standardize via 777 or other tables of Kabbalistic correspondence (more on this
* The seal of the spirit you wish to summon. It's usually easiest to just print
this out, but the books tend to call for etchings on metal. Metal etching is
really easy with weak acid from a hardware store and the appropriate metal, which
you can get cut into squares or disks for pennies on the dollar, at most hobby
retailers. Appropriate metals can be found in 777 and others, or even Agrippa.
* A wand. A tree branch should work just fine, but if you simply grab a stick
it taken from a try by a single stroke from your cutting tool and stripped of bark.

* The Hexagram of Solomon. It's also usually a good idea to just print this
out, unless you want to spend on a premade medallion or maybe embroider it onto a
- Note, some Hexagrams of Solomon may or may not have varying words inside the
circle. These do not invalidate other forms of the Hexagram or make one better than
the other. Generally these differences are due to trajectories of work.

Here's what you do:

0. Make sure you've done all your prep work. This includes re-reading this entire
document, knowing which planet the entity is tied to, and how you're going to
invoke that planet. This is covered in step 11.

1. At the direction mentioned for the spirit in the text (this can vary, if in
doubt, go with East), draw a triangle big enough to hold your incense burner and
the seal. You generally want it to be about three feet across.

2. Draw a circle on the ground, big enough for you to fit inside (at least 22 ft
wide, or something like 11 paces to walk the perimeter of, several feet to the west
of the triangle.

3. Around the edge of the circle, write the names of whatever God or Gods you have
the most faith in.
(If you're not sure about what names to use, just write "YHVH ADNI AHIH AGLA"
over and over again. This is something else you can tinker with, and 777 should
provide tons of inspiration)

4. Once the names are written out, draw another circle around them and the first
circle you drew.

5. Place the seal and incense burner into the triangle, and the candles at the
three points of the triangle.

6. Make sure you have the wand and the hexagram ready inside the circle.
Once you're done with the setup, it should look like this:
*Notice the cardinal directions
**The four candles outside the circle were not mentioned in this guide, and are
therefore not mandatory, but you can play and tinker with this.

7. Take a bath or shower, brush your teeth, get as clean as possible.

8. As you get into the bath, chant:
"Asperges me, hyssopo, et mundabor; lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.."

9. Put on a robe, or clean black or white clothes, or skyclad. Go barefoot in any


10. Light the incense and the candles. Make sure all other lights in the room are

11. To start, perform a banishing ritual like LBRP, or GRP, or Star Ruby or
whatever. You can also perform a preliminary invokation like Borneless One (not
recommended for starters).

Each spirit has a planet it's tied to. This determines the minor details of the
rituals. Luckily, all the correspondence is done for you. This is a master table
for Lemegeton work:
Around the outermost edge, you can find the zodiac. One step in, you can find the
planets ruled by that zodiacal sign. Another step is in the degree, as in 360
degrees. Yet another step in is the number of the entity in Lemegeton. Another
is the name of the entity, and finally, another step in is the planet ruling the
entity. For Lemegeton, this is all we need to know.

Find the name of your entity. Below it will be a planet, above it a number. Take
the lower planet, and write it down. This determines the time and the form of the
planetary invokation. Next, go here:
You want to summon the entity on the DAY of that planet, in the TIME of that
planet. For example, if you want to evoke Murmur, that's Mercury (in the auspicies
of Aries and Sol). Looking at the time table, this gives us a day of Wednesday in
the 8th hour after sunrise. THEN open up a sky-map, like Stellarium. Using that
day, and time, find a date to perform the ritual when the actual planet Mercury is
either just risen or at the apex of it's movement through the sky, that is both on
a Wednesday and in the 8th hour after sunrise.

If this is too constrictive, also check the nighttime hours, and make sure to look
over the movements of the Behenian Fixed Stars, for they're the root of planetary
powers to begin with:

Armed with this knowledge, we can invoke the power of the planet to aid our
conjuration. Each planet has it's own sigil, and the sigil of its intelligence,
angel and spirit. Go with spirit unless your planet is in retrograde, in
which case use intelligence. Use the angel in both cases. You simply need to
wear the sigil or mark it on your body. So, again, using the example of Mercury we
get the Angel of Raphael, the Intelligence of Tiriel and the Spirit of

Perform the invokation proper:
^This can be adapted in a number of ways. The easiest is to use the invoking
hexagram in the form of a star with a number of points equal to the number of
points around the summoning circle, vibrating the Godname, at least, if not the
angel name too, as you cast it.. In the example of Mercury, you'd go around the
room at 8 points making the specific hexagram, vibrating Elohim Tzabaoth each

12. Once you're all jittery, point the wand at the triangle and say:
I Evoke and conjure you [name of spirit] & being with power armed from your supreme
Majesty, I thoroughly command you by Beralanensis [Beralanensis], Baldachiensis,
Paumachi & Apologi-Sedes and your most powerful princes Genio Liachidi, ministers
of your Tartarean seat, chief princes of of your seat of Apologia, in your Ninth
Region; I exorcise & powerfully command you [spirit name] in and by him that said
your word, & it was done, and by all the holy and most glorious Names of the most
holy and true God, and by these his most holy Names: Adonai [Adonay], El, Elohim,
Elohe, Zebeoth [Zebaoth], Elion [Elyon], Escerchie ^Eskerie, Jah, Tetragrammaton
Saday That you forthwith appear and show yourselves here unto me before this
Circle, in a fair and humane shape, without any deformity or ugly show and without
delay, do you come, from all parts of the world to make & make [sic] rational
answers unto all Things which I shall ask of you; and come you peaceably, visibly
and affably without delay, manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the Name
[Names] of the Eternal living and true God Helioren I conjure you by the especial
and true Name of your God that you owe obedience unto, and by the Name of your
king, which beareth rule over you, That forthwith you come without tarrying, and
fullfil my desires, and command, and persist unto your End, & according to my
Intentions and I conjure Thee by him , by whom all Creatures are obedient [unto]
and by this ineffable name Tetragrammaton Jehovah [Jehova], which being heard, the
Elements are overthrown; The air is shaken, The sea runneth back, The fire is
quenched, The Earth Trembleth and all ye hosts of Celestials, Terrestrials &
Infernals do Tremble, and are troubled and confounded together. that [come] you
visibly and affably, speak unto me with a Clear voice Intelligible, and without any
ambiguity, Therefore come ye in the Name Adonay Zebeoth [Zebaoth]; Adonay [Adonay],
Amiorent, come, come why delay? Hasten: Adonay Saday, the Kinge of kings commandeth

By now, you should be getting effects. If not, don't panic, and continue with the
rite as normal. Sometimes it's there and simply choses not to manifest, or you
fucked up the protocol at some step. If you're getting WEAK effects, move on to
the second conjuration in the book. There are also orations in case the entity
starts go get unruly, but if you've done it right, you should at LEAST be getting
shadows, loud bangs or thumps, dogs barking, dogs stopping barking, flickering
lights, shadowy movements, or if you're lucky or talented, vapors.

13. Welcome the spirit to the triangle by saying:

Behold your conclusion if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Salomon which
I have brought hear before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is
called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by god & without fear,
who potently evoked you and called you to appear, Therefore make rational answers
to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat
rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.Welcome [spirit name] I say you are
welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven & Earth &
Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed by the same power by
which I called you forth. I bind you that you remain affably and visibly here
before this circle, so constrained and so long as I have occasion for you, do not
to depart without my license until you have faithfully and truly performed my will
without any falsity,

14. Command the spirit to aid you in some way. Here are some tips on doing this:
* Be reasonable - spirits are apt to avoid summoners who make crazy demands.
* Give the spirit a deadline by which the task is to be finished. Allow it
plenty of time to work, but don't give it forever or it will never do anything.
* Stipulate that you and your loved ones are not to be harmed.
* Offer the spirit something in return. For small favors, offering to praise it
and spread its seal online should work.
* Formulate your request as a sigil and burn it*
15. Hold up the hexagram so that it can be seen from the triangle. Say something
"I bind you now to our contract by the Hexagram of Solomon and the authority of
the Most High."

16. Now that you've bound the spirit, time to get rid of it. Say:

O Thou [spirit name] Because thou hast very diligently answered my demands and
was ready and willing to come at my first call I do here license thee to depart
unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast.
Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly Exorcised and conjured
by these sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quiet1y,
and the peace of God be ever continued between me and the thee. Amen.

17. Banish again

18. Whew, it's all over. Turn the lights back on and clean the place up so you
don't have to answer any questions..

19. Post in the /sum/ thread about who you summoned, why, and what happened.

Here's what you need to be aware of:

* While setting up, DO NOT BREAK THE CIRCLE. It must be intact before you begin
your summoning and remain intact during the whole ritual.
* From the moment you first say "Hear me..." to the moment the ritual ends with
the License to Depart, DO NOT LEAVE THE CIRCLE.
* You may feel very tired or depressed or amped or otherwise out of balance for
about 24 hours after summoning. This is normal, and it will pass shortly.

Frequently Asked Questions

*What spirit is best to call on for a beginner?

- We'd agree that Orobas would be a good start, as his description states "He is
very faithful unto the Exorcist, and will not allow him to be tempted of any
Spirit." , which is beyond helpful in this field.

*Do I have to offer anything to the spirits and if so, what?

- You don't have to, but it's better to offer something as payment for their works.
Offering will also give them an incentive to lend you a hand.
For small favors, offer to praise it and spread its sigil online or wherever you
can. For larger favors, the most common offerings are alcohol, food and sex.
**Note: If you do offer alcohol or food, do NOT consume it unless you specifically
tell the spirit you will consume it on its behalf. Leave the drink out until it
completely evaporates, or the food out until its on the verge of decay, THEN
dispose of it.

*Aren't Demons Evil?

- Not exactly, while most of the 72 Goetic demons are interested in getting what's
beneficial to them regardless of cost, some of them are actually helpful and may be
beneficial towards the Summoner. The main thing to remember is that although the
Lemegeton refers to them as demons and dark spirits, they're mostly compromised of
gods and high beings from other older religions and pantheons where they were
revered, respected, and worshiped in their time. It is not to say that you
shouldn't be respectful when performing your rituals, because offending demons is
an extremely dangerous business.

*How to summon gf/not be forever alone?

- There are actually several demons who, as listed in the Lemegeton, actually
specialize in matters of love. A few examples are Sitri, Zepar, Uvall and Sallos.
These spirits, and others, have the power to possibly help regain a lost love or
help gain a new one. Expect to get your shit wrecked, tho.

*What's the difference between Invoking and Evoking?

- Evoking, or evocation, is the practice of summoning a spirit outside of your
body. In relation to the Goetia, evoking a spirit is the act of summoning a spirit
to show themselves to you on our physical plane, whether it be through smoke,
candle flickering, or physical presence.
- Invoking, or Invocation, is your practice of summoning a spirit inside your body.
In relation to the Goetia, invoking a spirit is the act of summoning a spirit into
your mind or into your presence on the astral plane and having the spirit show
themselves to you normally through an extra voice in your head or through whispers
in your ear.

For more information on anything listed here, further studies, other

interpretations and a huge world outside of the Goetia check out the /omg/ -
Occultism & Magick Library run by Thoth. It's well kept and constantly updated, you
won't be disappointed.

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