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Lucozade Sport advert

The Lucozade Sport advert outline

Song Woodkid Run Boy Run

Lone runner coming to the end of his run, drinks Lucozade.
Thinks/sees someone watching him from a bush.
Chases ensues between the runner and the man in the bushes . Multiple camera angles/shots and techniques will be
used to show off the intense chase.
Runner eventually runs out of breath and is confronted by the chaser.
Chaser turns out to be himself, this is the idea of him competing with himself and yourself being the only one
holding yourself back.
The copy of the runner encourages the runner to drink the Lucozade.
Runner sprints of into the distance with and empty bottle in focus.
Linear narrative
Red bull
Target audience
Age - 16-36
Demographic C2,D,E.
Actor will be 19 years old.
Cast and crew
Main character - Alec Berryman
Chaser Alec Berryman
Tom Saunders
Alec Berryman
Project schedule
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