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English majors, year II

Lecture 6
Most pronouns replace full noun phrases, and can be seen as economy
devices. Personal and demonstrative pronouns, for example, serve as pointers to the
neighbouring text (usually preceding text) or to the speech situation. Other pronouns
have very general reference, or can be used for substitution or ellipsis. In this section,
we survey the major pronoun classes: personal pronouns, reflexive pronouns,
demonstrative pronouns, and indefinite pronouns.
Pronouns have a very different pattern of use from nouns.

1 Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns have different forms according to
number: singular, plural (e.g. / vs. we)
person: first person, second person, third person (e.g. I vs. you vs. she)
case: nominative, accusative, possessive (e.g. I vs. me vs. mine)
gender: masculine, feminine, neuter (e.g. he vs. she vs. it).
Personal pronouns and corresponding possessive and reflexive forms
person personal pronoun possessive reflexive pron.
nominative accusative determiner pronoun

1st singular I me my mine myself

plural we us our ours ourselves
2 singular you you your yours yourself
plural you you your yours yourselves
3rd singular he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its - itself
plural they them their theirs themselves

A Case forms of pronouns

The form of the personal pronoun varies according to case. Nominative
personal pronouns like I, he, she are used for the subject of a clause, whereas
accusative personal pronouns like me, him, and them are used for other
positions in the clause, such as object. The possessive determiners (e.g. my, her)
and possessive pronouns (e.g. mine, hers) are in effect the genitive case forms of
personal pronouns.

Anca Cehan 1
B Person forms in pronouns
In spite of their name, personal pronouns may have both personal and non
personal reference. /, me, you, he, she, him, her, we, and us generally refer to
people, while it has non-personal reference. The plural pronouns they, them,
theirs can have both personal and non-personal reference, because they is the
plural of he, she and it:
1 You hear about guys beating up women and stuff and yet they love
them much. <personal reference >
2 Those are great pictures, arent they? Did you see them? <non-
personal reference>
Person in pronouns actually relates people, things, etc. to the speech
situation. The three persons ( f i r s t , second, third) are generally used as follows:
First-person pronouns refer to the speaker/writer.
Second-person pronouns refer to the addressee(s ) .
Third-person pronouns refer to other people or entities, which are neither
the speaker/writer nor the addressee.

1.1 Person and pronoun usage

The above definitions of the first-, second- and third-person categories are clear
enough and apply to the vast majority of personal pronoun uses. However, there
are some problems and special cases.

A First person: we
While the singular pronoun I is unambiguous in referring to the speaker, the
plural pronoun we/ us/ ours can vary according to context. We can be inclusive,
including the addressee(s) (I + you):

What game should we play?.

It can also be exclusive, excluding the addressee(s) but including other

people (e.g. I + my family):

Nancy, we love you.

The speaker can make the reference more explicit by adding other words to
We all believe in h i m , ' said the 18-year-old chairwoman.
We Americans are spoilt,' he said.
Another more explicit method is to use I/ we in coordination with another
pronoun or proper noun:
Weve got a bond in common, you and I.

Anca Cehan 2
Well, it was late, and me and my friend Bob, wed been to a game.
Notice that w e in these examples is used as a subject, but is reinforced by
a loosely attached coordinated phrase. However, in general, it is left to the
addressee to decide the reference of we from the situation.
In a very different way, the meaning of we can also vary in academic
writing. Two uses of we can be distinguished:
1 We spoke of special chalk.
2. We are now able to understand why our information about the
states of motion is so restricted in quantum mechanics.
In 1, editorial we is used, which refers to the author(s) of the text. This use
sometimes occurs even when there is only one author. In 2, we refers to the
author(s) and reader(s), assuming a common understanding shared by both.
A third use of we is obsolete and associated to the royals:

3. We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. (Queen

4. When we start talking we often cease to listen.
In 4, we refers to people in general; we here is similar to the generic
pronoun one.

All these meaning differences are usually implicit, so the readers must
decide the intended meaning in each case.

B Second person: you

You is similar to we in inviting different interpretations. For example, since
you can be either singular or plural, it is not always clear whether it refers to
one person or more than one. As with we the plural use can sometimes be
specified by a following nominal expression:
And what did you all talk about?
You two are being over optimistic
Are you guys serious?
You all is particularly common, and is three times more frequent in
American English conversation than in B r i t i s h E n g l i s h c o n v e r s a t i o n : t h i s
form ( a l s o transcribed yall) is especially a feature of southern American

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C Third person: it, he, she, they
Generally third-person pronouns are important in making referential links
in a text or a conversation. In the following examples, we underline the
antecedent, i.e. the noun phrase a pronoun refers back to:
1 My cousin works at Jons. Shes a designer, shes very famous. She
designs a lot of clothes for Lord Browning. Her best friend is Princess
2 On his arrival in Hobart, Mr. Bond told journalists he was not
finished yet.
Third-person pronouns are usually anaphoric as in 1, where the
antecedent precedes the pronoun. But it is also possible, as in 2, for a pronoun
to go before its antecedent (cataphoric use).
It also acts as a dummy pronoun, which does not have a specific
reference, but has the role of 'place filler', particularly as an empty subject:
Its cold. <weather>
It is eight o'clock in the morning. <time>
It's a long way from here to there. < distance>
Empty it also appears in special clause types (extraposition and clefting).

1.2 Generic use of personal pronouns

The personal pronouns we, you, and they can all be used to refer to people
in general:
We cannot nibble at quantum theory. If we are to digest it properly it
must be swallowed whole.
You've got to be a bit careful when youre renting out though.
Ross duly' appeared in a multi-million pound advertising campaign and
the rest, as they say, is history.
These generic pronouns tend to retain a trace of their basic meaning as
first-, second-, or third-person pronouns. Thus we is typical of written style, and
places the focus on shared human experience or knowledge, including the
speaker's. You is typical of spoken English; choice of t h i s generic pronoun
appeals to common human experience, inviting empathy from the hearer.
They, also common in speech, can be roughly glossed 'people, not you or
A fourth pronoun capable of expressing the meaning 'people in general is
the generic pronoun one; it occurs rather infrequently in formal speech or in
One can have too much of a good thing.

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1.3 Case: nominative vs. accusative personal pronouns
Most of the personal pronouns have a distinction between nominative
and accusative case forms: Ime, hehim, sheher, weus, theythem. The
use of these forms is generally straightforward: the nominative is used as
subject, and the accusative as object or complement of a preposition.
In some positions, however, there is variation. There is a tendency for the
accusative form to spread in popular usage into contexts traditionally reserved
for the nominative form:

A Variation in pronoun choice after forms of be

A: Whos there?
B: It is I./ Its me.
Although the nominative form (e.g. I) is the historically older and formally
prescriptive form and traditionally considered correct after the copula be, the
accusative form (e.g. me) is the normal choice in practice, in both conversation
and the written registers.

B Variation in pronoun choice after as and than

We find more or less the same pattern after as and then in comparative
3 She's as bad as me and you!
4 You are closer to death than I.
The accusative form (me) predominates as in 3, especially in

C Stand-alone noun phrases

Where a noun phrase stands on i t s own, without being integrated into a
clause, the accusative forms are again commonly used:
A: Who told him?
B: Me.
Me and my friend Bob, weve been to a game.

1.4 Some oddities of pronoun use

Certain inanimate objects are sometimes referred to with a feminine pronoun
form, although the use of it is more common today. This has been true for ships,
countries, cars, and until recently, hurricanes, which now are given alternative
masculine and feminine names and referred to as he or she as appropriate. (Note that
once an animal or anything else has been given a gender-marked proper name, the
appropriate feminine or masculine pronoun tends to be used.)

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The controversy continues as to whether or not it is sexist (or discriminatory) to
use the third person singular masculine form when one intends to include both the
meaning of he and she, as in

When a person first arrives in a new country, he has many adjustments to


For now, this controversy will have to be resolved by each individual. As some people
find such references offensive, stylistic alternatives are possible and often preferred.

When a person first arrives in a new country, he or she has many

adjustments to make. (use of he or she)
When people first arrive in a new country, they have many adjustments to
make. (use of plural)
In verbless or elliptical utterances, the object pronoun sometimes replaces the subject
form, which would be expected in a complete sentence or in a partially reduced
sentence with a verb form.
Who received the letter? I received the letter. / I did. / Me.
As mentioned previously, in full sentences with the copula be, personal pronouns
functioning as subject noun predicates used to take the subject form in formal English:

It is I.
This is she.
This usage is now changing even in formal English, and in informal English, the object
form of the pronoun is definitely preferred:
Its me.
Thats her.
However, the desire to use formal English and be correct may lead some native
speakers to use I even as a conjoined direct object or a conjoined object of a
?This concerns only you and I.
?The article was written by Nancy and I.
?Between you and I, hes a fool.
These forms are becoming colloquially acceptable, and they are occurring with ever-
increasing frequency even though they are prescriptively incorrect.

2 Possessive pronouns
The possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, etc.) are like possessive
determiners, except that they constitute a whole noun phrase. (The antecedent is
underlined in the examples below:)

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1 The house will be hers when they are properly divorced.
2 Writers have produced extraordinary work in conditions more
oppressive than mine.
The possessive pronouns replace an entire noun phrase and can function as
subjects or objects:
A: Hal has an excellent word processing program.
B: Really? Mine has more options. (subject)
A: Do you like Joes new car?
B: I prefer yours. (object)
Possessive pronouns are typically used when the head noun can be found in
the preceding context: thus in 1, hers means 'her house and in 2, mine, means 'my
conditions'. Here the possessive pronoun is parallel to the e l l i p t i c use of t h e
To make the possessive noun phrase emphatic, a possessive
determiner precedes own:
We have a wine tasting, and everybody makes their own. <makes
their own wine>
The possessive form with own typically refers back to the subject of the
clause (like reflexive pronouns).
Possessive pronouns depend a great deal on context for t h e i r interpretation.
Consequently they are far more common in conversation than in the written

3 Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns end with self in the singular and -selves in the plural.
Each personal pronoun has a corresponding reflexive pronoun, and in fact you
has two reflexive forms: yourself (singular) and yourselves ( p l u r a l ) :

Personal: I we you he she it they

Reflexive: myself ourselves yourself/-selves himself herself itself themselves

The third person masculine singular reflexive pronoun himself; the third person
plural reflexive pronoun themselves, and the neutral, formal third person pronoun
oneself are formed differently from the others in that they contain the object form
(Accusative) of the personal pronoun + self/ selves, whereas the others consist of the
possessive determiner + self/ selves. *Hisself and *theirselves also occur in some
nonstandard dialects of English.

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3.1 Reflexive pronouns in their reflexive use
The most common use of reflexive pronouns is in their basic 'reflexive'
role: to mark some other element of the clause as referring back to the
subject (underlined below.):
1 Most consultants are just selling themselves.
2 We're all looking very sorry for ourselves.
The reflexive pronoun most commonly f i l l s an object slot ( a s in 1) or a
prepositional complement slot ( a s in 2) in the same clause as the co-referential
subject (signaled here by underlining). The reflexive pronoun has to be used if co-
reference is intended. For example, if them were used instead of themselves in 1
(consultants are selling them) the meaning would be different: that consultants
were selling some other products.
Reflexive pronouns are used l i k e t h i s only when there is a co-referential
subject in the same clause. Notice, in 3, that his big brother not he, is the subject
of the non-finite clause, and therefore him is used instead of himself:
3 He wanted [his big brother to treat him as an equal].

3.2 Emphatic use of reflexive pronouns

A reflexive pronoun can be used for emphasis, immediately following the
emphasized noun phrase (underlined):
1 Unfortunately I myself did not have this chance.
2 This explains why the representation of the totem is more sacred
than the totemic object itself.
With subject noun phrases, as in 1, there is another variant of this
construction. The reflexive pronoun is separated from i t s noun phrase, and placed
later in the clause. This word order is preferred in conversation:

3 IlI do the preparation myself.

3.3 An asystematic use of the reflexive pronouns

The reflexive pronoun seems to be alternating with subject and object pronouns
in ways that are not semantically reflexive.
What about yourself? (= you)
We expected yourself to take the lead. (= you)
The text was first copyedited by my mother and myself. (= me)
Mr. Dennison, Mr. Pappas, and myself have spent hundreds of hours. (= I)
On behalf of myself and Delta Airlines, . . . (= me)
From a syntactic view, such uses of reflexives are a form of asystematic
variation. They may at times reflect the speakers or the writers insecurity over whether

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to use the subject or object pronoun or a reflexive pronoun, or their desire to use a
phonetically more salient form in juxtaposition with one or more proper names. These
may also be instances where a first-person narrator is interacting with several other
people and uses ourselves instead of us to capture the interactive, dual, speaker-
listener role that everyone is experiencing:
Id like to remind ourselves. . .

4 Reciprocal pronouns
The reciprocal pronouns each other and one another are similar in use to
reflexive pronouns. They refer back to the subject of the clause, and occur as
object or prepositional complement:
We always speak Romanian to each other.
They got along, they admired one another.
Reciprocal pronouns express a mutual relation between two or more
parties: e.g. A and B hate each other means A hates B and B hates A.
For these forms the subject must be conjoined or plural:
Bob and Dick cant stand each other.
The five children in that family helped one another throughout their lives.
Each other is far more common than one another.
Prescriptive tradition and some current grammar books state that the rule for
distinguishing the two reciprocal pronoun phrases, each other and one another, is
dependent on the number of participants involved: each other should be used with two
participants and one another with more than two:
Bob and George dislike each other.
The three sisters are devoted to one another.
Quirk et al. (1985) reject this rule and offer an explanation based on register
rather than number: each other is informal, and one another is used in more formal
contexts. The American Heritage Dictionary (1992) states that one another is preferred
over each other in temporally ordered series of events or things:

The waiters followed one another into the room.

Amundson (1994) noted that the written mode seems more amenable to the use
of one another than the spoken mode, whereas each other appears to occur freely in
both speech and writing.
Another factor in the use of reciprocal pronouns appears to be the animacy - or
even humanness - of the referents. For one another, all subject participants tend to be
animate or human, whereas participants can be inanimate in the case of each other:
These sentences have nothing to do with each other.

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To sum up, each other is clearly the more frequent and flexible reciprocal
pronoun; in fact, it seems to be used by some English speakers and writers to the
exclusion of one another.

4.1 The meaning and use of reflexive and reciprocal pronouns

A potential cross-linguistic problem derives from the distinction English makes
between plural reflexive pronouns and reciprocal pronouns.
The children hit themselves.
The children hit each other.
Many languages (Romanian among them) can use virtually the same forms to refer to
both the reflexive and reciprocal meaning and allow the context to disambiguate.

5 Demonstrative pronouns
The four words this, that, these, and those act as demonstrative
determiners. They also act as demonstrative pronouns, which match the
determiners in their meaning and function:
That was by far my favourite ride. It was just incredible.
A: What are these, mom?
B: Those are called hot plates.
Like demonstrative determiners, demonstrative pronouns contrast in terms
of singular (this, that) and plural (these, those), and in terms of 'near' reference
(this, these) and 'distant reference ( that, those).
Demonstrative pronouns can often be considered as alternatives to the
pronoun i t . These pronouns all refer to something in the context either in the
neighbouring part of the text or the external situation. But unlike the pronoun it,
demonstrative pronouns are usually pronounced with stress and so carry greater
communicative weight.

A: What a neat picture.

B: Yeah, I should put that in a frame or something and keep it.
The demonstrative pronouns are much less frequent than the personal
That is the most common of the demonstrative pronouns. That is
especially common in conversation, where it often has a vague reference:

That's what I thought.

This, on the other hand, is most frequent in academic writing. Both this
and these are used commonly for textual linkage. For example:

Anca Cehan 10
We must accept that the positive part of conventionalism <.. .> cannot offer useful
advice to judges in hard cases. These will inevitably be cases in which the explicit
extension of the various legal conventions contains nothing decisive either way.
But it must now be said that, so far from being a depressing conclusion, this states
precisely the practical importance of conventionalism in adjudication. <.. .> This
explains why cases do not come to court <...>.
This passage illustrates the two major types of linkage with demonstrative
pronouns. The pronoun these refers back to a specific noun phrase antecedent (hard
cases). In contrast, the pronoun this is used here to refer back to a more extensive piece
of text, which includes several preceding sentences.

5.1 Demonstrative pronouns referring to humans

The demonstrative pronouns are usually not used to refer to humans. A major
exception to this rule, though, is when they are used in introductions:

Sally introduced them. 'Danny, this is my friend Sarah.'

Similarly, callers in a phone conversation will often identify themselves using the
demonstrative pronoun this:
Hi, this is Larry.

6 Indefinite pronouns
There are three main classes of indefinite pronouns: the compound pronouns
somebody, everything, anyone, etc.; the quantifiers some, all, any, etc.; and the
pronoun one.

6.1 Compound pronouns

There are four groups of compound pronouns, beginning with the determiners
every, some, any, and no:
every- some- any- no-
everybody somebody anybody nobody
personal reference everyone someone anyone no one

neuter reference everything something anything nothing

No one is normally spelt as two words, although the hyphenated spelling no-one
also occurs.
The meanings of compound pronouns match the meanings of noun phrases with
the corresponding determiners, except that they refer to indefinite persons or things.
'He brought me some natural food.'
I have brought something for you from Doctor Fischer.

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All the compound indefinite pronouns prescriptively require singular verbs.
Nevertheless, the use of a formally plural pronoun such as they, them, or their to refer
back to the following singular compounds is acceptable in informal usage, such as:

Everyone / Everybody has his/ their own way of doing things.

Nesbitt (1980: 60) reports that the everyone. . . their combination actually
occurrs far more frequently than the sexist his form and the wordy his or her form.
Presumably this same preference will carry over to the other indefinite pronouns and will
result in their increasing acceptability in combination with plural pronouns:
Somebody is driving without their lights.
Nobody had a good time, did they?
Has anybody brought a watch with them?
Bolinger (1977) hypothesised that compounds do not occur in free variation. He
suggests that one signals nearness in both a spatial and psychological sense and that
body signals distance. Thus:

This present is for someone / ?somebody very dear to me.

Who should introduce the speaker? I asked. Oh, anybody / ?anyone,
he replied.
Roth (1991) found that somebody occurrs with significant frequency in contexts
that are hypothetical, general, distant, and where the speaker/writer expresses neutral
or negative stance towards the NP. Someone, on the other hand, occurrs with
significant frequency in contexts that are concrete, proximate, intimate, and where the
speaker/writer expresses positive stance towards the NP. Someone occurrs very
frequently with verbs of communication such as say and tell:

Years ago when I worked in Hollywood, someone said, You dont

understand. This town is run on fear.
Compound pronouns are most common in conversation and fiction, and least
common in academic writing. As the examples below show, compound pronouns have a
general and often vague reference:
I enjoyed not having to say anything to anybody.
They gutted it and they put in all new offices and everything. There was
nothing in there.
The two personal forms in -body and -one have the same meaning, but somewhat
different distributions. Pronouns ending in -body are most common in conversation,
while pronouns in -one are preferred in the written register. Pronouns ending in -body are
also more common in American English than in British English.

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6.2 Quantifying pronouns (quantifiers)
Quantifiers can act both as determiners and as pronouns. In general,
the form of the word is identical for both.
Most quantifying pronouns are followed by of and a definite noun phrase, as in
some of the ..., several of my ...:

some (of), both (of), each (of), either (of), neither (of), all (of), many (of),
enough (of), any (of), much (of), several (of), none (of), (a) little (of), few
For example:
Bring all of your friends.
However, quantifying pronouns can also stand alone as a noun phrase (e.g. all in
1 below), and they can have an elliptic meaning, referring back to some previously
mentioned noun phrase (e.g. the second some in 2):
1 I just want to get my bonus, that's all.
2 A: I'll eat some of the steak.
B: I'll have some. <i.e. some of the steak>

6.3 The pronoun one

Apart from its use as a numeral, one has two uses as a pronoun:

A Substitute one, ones

One can replace a countable noun that has been mentioned before or is inferred
from the context. A singular noun is replaced by one, and a plural noun by ones.
An artist cannot fail; it is success to be one. <i.e. to be an artist>
You can test out the colors tonight and find which ones are best. <i.e. which
Note that unlike other indefinite pronouns, one and ones can follow a determiner
or semi-determiner: e.g. the one, those ones, another one, the last one. They can even
follow an adjective: the latest one. In fact, one is best seen as a replacement for a noun,
rather than for a whole noun phrase.

B Generic one, one's, oneself

One is also used as a generic pronoun referring to people in general. In this use,
one is singular and has no plural form. However, it has a possessive form one's (2) and
a reflexive form oneself (3).
1 One doesn't raise taxes with enthusiasm.
2 Success and acclaim were seen as a means of validating one's
3 One does not wish to repeat oneself unduly.

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Substitute one is far more common in conversation than in the written registers.
Generic one, on the other hand, is impersonal and rather formal in tone. It is largely
restricted to the written registers, especially fiction and academic writing.

7 Other pronouns
There are pronoun uses corresponding to semi-determiners. For example,
others, another, the other, the latter, the last, such.
Be self-reliant and helpful to others.
She said: Jack, I underestimated you.' 'Such was my suspicion,' he said.
The wh-pronouns what, which, who, whom, and whose are used to form
interrogative and relative clauses.
What's the problem?
But he's in the wrong, he's the one who's wrong.

The major types of pronoun are personal, reflexive, demonstrative, and
Personal pronouns refer to people and entities in the context of discourse;
they can also have generic reference.
Reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject, or for emphasis.
Demonstrative pronouns point to entities which are 'near' or 'distant' in
the context of discourse.
Indefinite pronouns are mostly quantifying words, related in form and
meaning to quantifying determiners.

Biber, D., Conrad S., Leech, G. (2002) Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written
English, Longman
Downing, A., (2006) English Grammar. A University Course, Routledge
Greenbaum, S., Quirk R. (1990) A Students Grammar of the English Language, Longman
Huddleston, R., Pullum G., et al. (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, CUP
Leech, G. (1989) An A Z of English Grammar and Usage, Nelson
Quirk, R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J. (1972) A Grammar of Contemporary English,
Celce-Murcia, M., Larsen-Freeman, D. (1999) The Grammar Book, Heinle and Heinle
Vere, G., Cehan, A., Andriescu I. (1998) A Dictionary of English Grammar, Iai, Polirom

Exam questions
1. What role can play the genitive case forms of the personal pronouns?
2. Can personal pronouns have non-personal reference. If so, give examples and
3. Give an example of the inclusive use of the first person plural personal pronoun.
4. Give an example of the exclusive use of the first person plural personal pronoun.
5. What does we refer to in the sentence: In this article we spoke of inert gas.
6. What does we refer to in the sentence: As we saw in Chapter 2
7. Give an example of generic we in a sentence of your own.
Anca Cehan 14
8. Can the pronoun we be followed by a nominal expression? If so, give an example
in a sentence of your own.
9. Can the pronoun you be followed by a nominal expression? If so, give an
example in a sentence of your own.
10. Can personal pronouns be used as complements of prepositions? If so, give an
example of your own.
11. Explain which sentence is correct: Its I or Its me?
12. Explain which sentence is correct: Shes closer to death than he or Shes closer
to death than him.
13. What inanimate objects can be referred to with feminine pronoun forms?
14. What pronouns can be used in the gap: When a person is thirsty, needs to
15. Explain whether the sentence: This is she is correct.
16. Explain whether the sentence: The paper was written by Jane and I is correct.
17. What is the difference between possessive determiners and possessive
18. Can own be added to both possessive determiners and pronouns for emphasis?
Give examples.
19. Complete the following sentence: Help to more cake.
20. Give an example of reflexive pronoun which functions as a DO.
21. Give an example of reflexive pronoun used after a preposition.
22. Give an example of reflexive pronoun which functions as an IO.
23. Give an example of reflexive pronoun which functions as a predicative.
24. Explain the meaning difference between: She poured herself a drink and She
poured her a drink.
25. Explain the use of myself in the sentence: On behalf of my company and
26. Explain which of these sentences is correct: The great man himself visited us
and The great man visited us himself
27. Fill in the gap with a reciprocal pronoun: I didnt know that Max, Richard and Jan
were friends. Oh, yes, theyve known for years.
28. Translate into English: Copiii s-au lovit.
29. Illustrate the use of this as both determiner and pronoun.
30. Illustrate the use of that as both determiner and pronoun.
31. Illustrate the use of these as both determiner and pronoun.
32. Illustrate the use of those as both determiner and pronoun.
33. Explain what is odd about the sentence: Somebody is driving without their lights.
34. Explain what is odd about the sentence: Nobody had a good time, did they.
35. Explain what is odd about the sentence: Has anybody brought a watch with
36. Explain which form of the indefinite article is more appropriate in the following
sentence: This present is for someone/somebody very dear to me.
37. Illustrate the use of the quantifier some as both determiner and pronoun.
38. Illustrate the use of the quantifier both as both determiner and pronoun.
39. Illustrate the use of the quantifier each as both determiner and pronoun.
40. Illustrate the use of the quantifier either as both determiner and pronoun.
41. Illustrate the use of the quantifier neither as both determiner and pronoun.
42. Illustrate the use of the quantifier all as both determiner and pronoun.
43. Illustrate the use of the quantifier many as both determiner and pronoun.
44. Illustrate the use of the quantifier enough as both determiner and pronoun.
45. Illustrate the use of the quantifier much as both determiner and pronoun.
46. Illustrate the use of the quantifier several as both determiner and pronoun.

Anca Cehan 15
47. Illustrate the use of the quantifier none as both determiner and pronoun.
48. Illustrate the use of the quantifier little as both determiner and pronoun.
49. Illustrate the use of the quantifier a little as both determiner and pronoun.
50. Illustrate the use of the quantifier few as both determiner and pronoun.
51. Illustrate the use of the quantifier a few as both determiner and pronoun.
52. Does the indefinite pronoun one have a plural form? If so, give examples.
53. Does the generic pronoun one have a plural form? If so, give examples.

Anca Cehan 16

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