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Planning and Pre-Production

Unit 8: Creative project


o Production Schedule
o Script / Shooting Script
o Storyboard
o Props List
o Crew List
o Location Recces
o Clearances and Confirmations
o Contingency Plan
Production Schedule
Please include location, time of film, what you are filming and teams
members including actors

Date: Monday 22nd to Friday 26th

Monday Tuesday Wedne Thursday Friday Saturd Sunday
sday ay
Working Working BUSY Finishing off Review all BUSY Get all
on pre- on pre- pre- research and equipment
production producti production top up pre- ready
on production
All day All day //////// All day All day //////// All day
Leo Leo //////// Leo Leo //////// Leo

(HALF TERM) Date: Monday 29th to Friday 2nd June

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Film Film Review Finish Edit Finish Review
scene 1 scene 2 footage filming Edit edit,
Leos and 3 start edit - and upload
bedroom Leos not possible start to site.
house to film this editing.
11am 10am All day 11am All 12pm All day
4pm 7pm 4pm day 10pm
Leo, Sara Leo Leo Leo, Leo Leo Leo
and Milo and Milo and
Milo Sara

Date: Monday 5th to Friday 9th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Edit Finish off Finish off 4pm Deadline -
improvements existing existing Sign off on Unit
if needed work work 8
All day All day All day
Leo Leo Leo
Props List

Item Item Description Who uses it When it is used

Doll The main item in this The mum At the

production is the freaky delivers it to beginning in
doll which appears to the boy. The scene 1 where
be able to control things main it is delivered,
character scene 2 where
comes into it makes the
contact with boy go crazy
it throughout and
the film. controls/moves
things and in
the last scene
where is at the
front door.
Phone The boys Samsung The boy. In scene 1
Galaxy S7 is his when we are
smartphone. introduced to
the boy and in
scene 3 when
he is using it to
contact his
Computer Main characters The boy. In the 2nd
personal computer (middle scene)
which he games on. in the evening
when the boy
is gaming and
distracted by
the doll.
Crew List

Person Role Dates Needed

Sara Brandis Actor playing mum. 31st May

Milo Macmillan Actor playing main 30th May, 31st May,

character of teenage June 1st
boy (no name)

Leo Brandis Camera Operator, From beginning of Unit

Lighting operator, production until
Researcher, Writer, deadline (June 9th)
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Type of room/area:


Location Address:

7 Western Road, Henley

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station:

Henley-On-Thames station

Nearest Bus stop:

Bus stop (next to Starbucks)

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Good controlled lighting. Lamps around When unwanted natural light comes
the room for different lighting. Natural through the windows, the blinds can be
light coming through the windows. adjusted to solve this. Shadows can be
solved by using lamps.

Sound Information: Solutions:

Blocked off from general noise, when People talking in the house and moving
the door is shut quite quiet. around making unwanted noise
solution is to tell people when I am
shooting so the noise can be brought to
Power Information Solutions:
Plug sockets around the room. The plug sockets arent in the right
place for a cable solution is to have
an extension lead at hand.

Hazards Solutions:
Knocking into things or slipping on the Be careful in my surroundings and make
floor. sure to keep an eye out when filming.
Clearances and Confirmations
You need confirmation emails from everyone that is featuring in your video.
Please screenshot these emails including the dates and times they are
agreeing to paste them below.





If you are filming somewhere that requires permission, please obtain

permission and paste the confirmation below.
- I am not filming anywhere that requires permission.
Contingency Plan
What are your plans for if something goes wrong? What back up actors,
locations and equipment do you have?

- If my main actor cant make it, then I have another person in mind that
I could contact that would likely be available to do it.
- If something happens which means my room is not available for filming
then there are two other bedrooms I could adapt to work fine.
- If my camera stops working there are 2 other available cameras I could
- If my microphone runs out of battery I have a spare battery to replace
it with.

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