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MO classe Parameters Name RNC6 RNC3 RNC1

Channel Switching dlRlcBufUpswitch 500 1000 500

Channel Switching ulRlcBufUpswitch 256 512 256
Channel Switching dlRlcBufUpswitchMrab 0 1 0
Channel Switching ulRlcBufUpswitchMrab 1024 8 1024
Channel Switching inactivityTimer 15 30 10
Channel Switching hsdschInactivityTimer 3 2 2
Channel Switching inactivityTimerPch 5 30 5
Channel Switching ulDownswitchBandwidthMargin 75 50 50
Paging utranDrxCycleLength 6 5 6
RRC t323 30 120 120
RRC t313 7 3 7
UeMeasControl reportingRange1a 6 8 6
UeMeasControl nonUsedFreqThresh4_2bRscp -96 -101 -96
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1a 9 10 10
UeMeasControl utranRelThresh3aEcno 1 -1 1
UeMeasControl utranRelThresh3aRscp 2 -3 2
UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh4_2bEcno 0 1 0
UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh4_2bRscp 0 2 1
Channel switching to be tunned as well on remaining RNC1 and 6
Channel switching to be tunned as well on remaining RNC1 and 6
Channel switching to be tunned as well on remaining RNC1 and 6
Channel switching to be tunned as well on remaining RNC1 and 6
there is no URA_PCH on RNC3 ( timer on RNC6 should be set as RNC1)
To be set as RNC1 and RNC3
there is no URA_PCH on RNC3
To be set as RNC1 and RNC3
there is no URA_PCH on RNC3
To be set as RNC1 and RNC3
To be set as RNC1 and RNC6
To be set as RNC1 and RNC6
There is no IFHO preferred on RNC1 and RNC6
To be set as RNC1 and RNC3
to be tunned on TNC3
to be tunned on TNC4
There is no IFHO preferred on RNC1 and RNC6
There is no IFHO preferred on RNC1 and RNC6
Features RNC6 RNC3 RNC1
FastDormancyHandling 0 0 1
RabCombination021 1 0 1
LoadBasedHandoverToGsm 0 1 1
EulMbrQosProfiling 0 1 0
HsMbrQosProfiling 0 1 0
HsdpaMobilityPhase2 0 1 0
LteCellReselection 0 1 0
RabCombination016 0 1 0
RabCombination020 0 1 0
RabCombination031 0 1 0
RabCombination038 0 1 0
RabCombination056 0 1 0
RabCombination059 0 1 0
ReleaseRedirectLte 0 1 0
RimUtraSiLteInfoTransfer 0 1 0
ThpSupportHspa 0 1 0
0 Idle
1 SRB (13.6/13.6)
2 Conv. CS speech 12.2
3 Conv. CS unknown (64/64)
4 Interact. PS (RACH/FACH)
5 Interact. PS (64/64)
6 Interact. PS (64/128)
7 Interact. PS (64/384)
8 Stream. CS unknown. (57.6/57.6)
9 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (0/0)
10 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (64/64)
11 SRB (13.6/13.6), preconfigured
12 Conv. CS speech 12.2 , preconfigured
13 Stream. PS (16/64) + Interact. PS (8/8)
Conversational CS unknown (64/64) + Interactive PS
15 Interact. PS (64/HS)
16 Interact. PS (384/HS)
17 Stream. PS (16/128) + Interact. PS (8/8)
18 Interact. PS (128/128)
19 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (64/HS)
20 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (384/HS)
21 Interact. PS (URA/URA)
22 Stream. PS (128/16) + Interact. PS (8/8)
Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (128/16) +
Interact. PS (8/8)
Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (16/128) +
Interact. PS (8/8)
25 Interact. PS (EUL/HS)
26 2* Interact. PS (64/64)
27 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (64/64)
28 Interact. PS (128/64)
29 Interact. PS (384/64)
30 Interact. PS (384/128)
31 Interact. PS (128/384)
32 Interact. PS (384/384)
33 Conv. CS speech (7.95/7.95)
34 Conv. CS speech (5.9/5.9)
35 Conv. CS speech (4.75/4.75)
36 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (64/128)
37 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (128/64)
38 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (64/384)
39 2* Interact. PS (64/128)
40 Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60)
41 Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60), preconfigured
42 Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Interact. PS
Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Interact. PS
Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Interact. PS
Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Interact. PS
46 Stream. PS (128/HS) + Interact. PS (8/HS)
Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Interact. PS
Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Interact. PS
Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (128/HS) +
Interact. PS (8/HS)
Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + Stream. PS
(16/128) + Interactive PS (8/8)
Conv. CS Speech (12.65, 8.85, 6.60) + 2*Interact. PS
52 Interact. PS (128/HS)
53 Interact. PS (16/HS)
54 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)
55 2* Interact. PS (128/HS)
56 2* Interact. PS (384/HS)
57 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)
58 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (128/HS)
59 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (384/HS)
60 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (128/HS)
61 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + 3* Interact. PS (64/HS)
2* Interact. PS (EUL/HS) (always present but updated
in P7 with 2ms TTI)
63 Stream. PS (16/HS) + 2* Interact. PS (64/HS)
Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (16/HS) +
2*Interact. PS (64/HS)
Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (128/HS) +
2*Interact. PS (64/HS)
66 3* Interact. PS (64/HS)
67 Interact. PS (16/16)
68 Interact. PS (16/64)
69 Interact. PS (64/16)
71 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + 3* Interact. PS (64/64)
72 Stream. PS (16/HS) + Interact. PS (8/HS)
73 Stream. PS (32/HS) + Interact. PS (8/HS)
74 3* Interact. PS (64/64)
75 Stream. PS (128/HS) + 2*Interact. PS (64/HS)
76 Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + 2* Interact. PS (128/128)
Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (16/HS) +
Interact. PS (8/HS)
Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + Stream. PS (32/HS) +
Interact. PS (8/HS)
91 Conv. CS Speech (12.2, 7.95, 5.9, 4.75)
Conv. CS Speech (12.2, 7.95, 5.9, 4.75),
Conv. CS speech (12.2, 7.95, 5.9, 4.75) + Interact. PS
94 SRB (3.4/3.4)
95 SRB (3.4/3.4), preconfigured
113 Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (16/HS)
Conv.CS unkn(64/64) +

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