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Established in 1977 /

THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2017 / RAMADAN 6, 1438 AH emergency number 112 NO. 16482 44 PAGES 150 FILS


Gulf row rattles Trump anti-Iran axis
Great danger

Expat now a dirty word? 31, (Agencies): Just 10

days after President
Donald Trump called
on Muslim countries
to stand united against
By Nejoud Al-Yagout are entitled to it. My question is: Who Iran, a public feud be-
put it there? Have we ever wondered? tween Qatar and some
T he word expat is a dirty word. There are only travelers
in the vast expanse. Unfortunately, we live in a world of
borders and nations, so if we are going to assign a term for
It is this greed we have that has sent
our men and women to war. It is this
of its Gulf Arab neigh-
greed that has forced us to create in- bours is jolting his at-
those living within these boundaries, let us call them locals. tempt to tip the region-
This way there will be no divide. Because we are so good at stitutions to protect ourselves. From
dividing, and we come up with millions of excuses to justify what? From lions? No, from other hu- al balance of power
our behavior. This is not just about Kuwait, but regarding man beings. We build walls, we uti- against Tehran.
countries all around the world. All over the globe, locals and lize passwords, we wear longer cloth- Saudi Arabia and the Unit-
expats, those who are entitled and minorities, the rich and ing, we keep secrets: all to protect ed Arab Emirates (UAE) are
the poor, and so on and so forth ad innitum. When will our ourselves from human beings. From incensed by Qatars concil-
hearts break so we can nally see? When we are close to a young age, we are taught that we be- iatory line on Iran, their re-
a world war, when natural disasters threaten our existence? long to one nation, one ideology, one way, our way. And we gional archrival, and its sup-
What will it take for us to awaken from this stupor of separa- wonder why the world is lled with so much violence. We are port for Islamist groups, in
tion? so misaligned with our essence. And this is why we use dirty particular the Muslim Broth- KUNA photo
It is time. This is the shift. Technology has brought us so words such as expats, minorities, and all the other derogatory erhood, which they regard as HH the Amir welcoming his Qatari counterpart as the latter arrives
close to one another. We can travel. And we rave about our terms to label those we consider beneath us. We hide behind a dangerous political enemy. in Kuwait for a visit.
visits to other countries. Yet only as long as the nationals of our beliefs, because it is the strongest defender of our very The bickering among the
the countries we visit stay in their countries, we feel safe. Be- own prejudices. Sunni states erupted after
cause we do not want to share our resources with anyone. We Time to awaken. Time to ascend. Continued on Page 37
Other Voices

Believers ... infidels

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli
Former Minister of Oil
RECENTLY, some believers among Egyptian youths
killed more than 40 people, majority of them were children
and women; whereas the number of injured doubled the
number of those murdered in the early days of the month
of Ramadan.
At the end of the massacre, the believers among Egyptian
youths left a note saying, May your fast be accepted, in
the tourist bus which was transporting Egyptian Christians
who were visiting one of the Christian monasteries.
Then came Salman Al-Obeidi, their colleague in the
non-Islamic takri bloody bigotry creed, born and raised
in the United Kingdom but originally from Libya, who
went on to commit suicide to hellre, an evil abode
taking with him scores of children and youths, and leaving
behind a lot of injured in one of the theaters in Britains city
of Manchester during a simple musical concert.
All the killings which have been occurring for years in
a devilish manner are destructive, given that they are com-
mitted in the name of Islam and the Islamic creed; whereas
in reality, actual Islam and its doctrine are totally innocent.
Unfortunately, these atrocities are committed by our
brethren in faith without having any ofcial, religious,
educational, informative or awareness movement from
governments, institutions and religious groups with their
diversities to denounce such actions and to spread the spirit
of love and coexistence among humans belonging to a dif-
ferent race or religion.
This move which concurs with Chapter 49:13 of the
Holy Quran, O mankind, indeed We have created you
from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that
you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you
in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you
This is because, the nobility and piousness of these peo-
ple are the ones that misleading clerics have been propa-
gating in the dark historic era which this nation has gone
through, where unfortunately millions are living in
with twisted awareness which has never had any basis in
Security forces inspect the site of a suicide attack where the German Embassy is located in religion, doctrine or morality.
US$/KD 0.30350/60
Kabul, Afghanistan on May 31. A massive explosion rocked a highly secure diplomatic area of
Kabul on Wednesday morning, causing casualties and sending a huge plume of smoke over
Meanwhile, as these pseudo-Muslims commit their
atrocities, just look at the actions of
Euro/KD 0.3413 the Afghan capital. (AP)
our brethren proudly in human-
ity, who are being branded as indels
Yen/KD 0.0027 WASHINGTON: US Sec- Diplomatic area hit by our brethren in faith.
retary of State Rex Till- We will present two incidents in
British /KD 0.3913 erson has authorized the
which the heroes are adorned with
State Department to notify
KSE +58.5 pts at closing May 31
See Page 35
Congress of the Trump ad-
ministrations sale of pre-
cision-guided munitions
for Saudi Arabia to use
Kabul truck bomb kills 90 real spirit of humanity as ordained by
Our Creator, not the one advocated by
our extremists or their scholars.
Last week, two people were stabbed
Dow -54.98 pts at 21:25 May 31 in its Yemen campaign, a KABUL, May 31, (Agencies): At least 90 them disgured and charred, as anguished resi- to death in the city of Portland in the
See Page 36 senior US diplomat said on people were killed and hundreds wounded dents searched for missing relatives. Dozens of US state of Oregon. The two were
Tuesday. Al-Baghli
Wednesday when a massive truck bomb ripped mangled and upturned cars choked the roads as stabbed as they attempted to stop their
Nasdaq -26.86 pts at 21:25 May 31 The notication is one
of the last steps in the arms
through Kabuls diplomatic quarter, bringing wounded survivors and panicked schoolgirls attacker from bothering two Muslim women who were on
carnage to the streets of the Afghan capital just scrambled to safety.
sale process and triggers a The attack underscores spiralling insecurity Continued on Page 37
days into the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
FTSE -6.56 pts at closing May 31 formal 30-day review to al-
low members of Congress to Bloodied corpses littered the scene and a in Afghanistan, where the NATO-backed mili- Email:
attempt to pass legislation to huge cloud of smoke rose from the highly- tary, beset by soaring casualties and desertions,
Nikkei -27.28 pts at closing May 31 stop any sale. fortied area which houses foreign embassies, is struggling to beat back insurgents.
In this powerful attack 90 people have been
US lawmakers intro-
duced legislation last week
after the rush-hour attack tore a massive crater
in the ground and blew out windows several killed and 400 wounded, including many wom- Saudi school shooting kills 2
Gold $1,266.20 per oz (London) seeking to block about
$500 million of a $110 miles away. en and children, said the governments media
No group has so far claimed the powerful centre, with health ofcials warning the toll RIYADH, May 31, (AFP): A disgruntled ex-employee of a Saudi
billion arms sale to Saudi could climb further. private school shot dead two staff members and injured a third on
NYMEX crude $48.40 pb Arabia, including the por- blast, which ofcials said was caused by 1,500
President Ashraf Ghani slammed the attack Wednesday, the schools chairman said, but no children were pres-
tion on precision-guided kgs (1.6 US tons) of explosives hidden inside a
as a war crime.Afghanistans intelligence ent.
Brent crude $50.86 pb missiles and other offen-
sive weapons. (RTRS)
sewage tanker, in what appeared to be a major
agency blamed the Taleban-allied Haqqani The rare shooting happened at Kingdom School, which is owned
intelligence failure. by billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
3-month $ LIBOR rate 1.20178% Network for the attack.
Continued on Page 37 Rescue workers were digging bodies from
the rubble hours after the explosion, many of Continued on Page 37 Continued on Page 37

Death to 7 in Kuwait case

KUWAIT CITY, May 31, (AFP): A Kuwaiti appeals
court on Wednesday sentenced seven young men to
death for the abduction and rape of a disabled 13-year-
old boy, the victims lawyer said.
Ibrahim al-Bathani told AFP that the court over-
turned a 10-year jail term handed in April by a lower
court against the seven accused.
He said the seven defendants, aged 18-23, abducted
Continued on Page 37

Ramadan Timings
Iftar ............................... Thursday .................. 18:43
Imsak ........................... Friday........................ 03:05


KUNA photos
HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Wednesday received HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and HH the Prime Minister
Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah at Bayan Palace.

Ministry panel to probe alleged

question leakage, exam results
Waive aptitude test for students obtaining 95 pc for admission in medicine
By Rana Salem
Al-Seyassah Staff
KUNA photo
After announcing results Deputy FM Al-Jarallah meeting with Ambassador Abdawi.
of the secondary school
nal examinations in arts, Al-Jarallah meets Algerian envoy
the sciences and religious
sections, Minister of Edu- Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister gional and international develop-
Khaled Al-Jarallah met with Algerian ments.
cation and Higher Edu- Ambassador to Kuwait Abdelhamid The meeting was attended by As-
cation Dr Mohammad Abdawi on Wednesday. sistant Foreign Minister for the Deputy
Abdul-Latef Al-Fares has During the meeting, they discussed Foreign Ministers Affairs Ambassa-
bilateral relations and the latest re- dor Ayham Al-Omar. (KUNA)
set up a committee to in-
vestigate suspicious ques-
tion leakage, examination
results, and list of names
submitted for retirement
in July.
In a related development,
education sector has been ex-
pecting the reform revolution
promised by Minister of Educa-
tion and Higher Education Dr
Mohammad Al-Fares upon as-
suming office.
They are excited about reform,
especially as theyve realized the
time specied for laying down the
comprehensive strategy to direct the
ministry in dealing decisively with
pending issues.
In this regard, the minister has
taken a decisive step to set up an
advisory council to provide opin- An old wooden boat undergoing maintenance. (Ghazi Qafaf KUNA)
ions in education plans but the
committee held only one meeting
in April.
Violations News in Brief
Series of legal and administrative
violations are still happening in the
ministry. Bid to rationalize expenses: Ministry percent compared to the previous year,
One of such incidents is the re- of Finance has reviewed a number of stud- reaching KD 42m. The sector regis-
newal of tenure of an assistant un- ies to rationalize expenditure for the cur- tered 60 deals compared to 81 deals the
dersecretary by the Higher Educa- rent scal year, reports Al-Shahed daily. month prior, with average deal value
The daily quoting sources said the falling to KD 706,000 per deal. On the
tion Council, disregarding the fact other hand, the commercial sector wit-
that the man has served for over 36 total public expenditure of 2017/2018
Top & above: some photos from the awareness session organized by NSH GVH. budget went up by 5.3 percent compared nessed only four deals worth KD 13m.
years. to 2016/2017 budget. They explained the Although moving at a slow pace,
Many pledge not to consume tobacco anymore This is in addition to late conr-
mation of some directors general
overall expenditure was KD 19.9 billion prices continued to decline, as a result of
divided into 8 items, with the cost of economic uncertainty, and demand/sup-
who worked in acting capacity for commodities and services in each item ply levels in the market, the report said.
NSH observes UNs No Tobacco Day over one and a half year.
Other raging issues include fail-
reaching KD 2.9 billion. They noted
a difference of KD 457 million was
recorded in commodities and services

Bid to complete projects: Assis-
ure to announce the outcome of tant Undersecretary for Road Sector at
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: On the oc- sessions in different places includ- they will stop smoking and using to- for the current year compared to KD 2.5
casion of the World No Tobacco Day, ing work locations. During these bacco. investigations into fake certicates Ministry of Public Works Eng Ahmad
at the Public Authority for Applied billion in the previous year.
NSH Global Village Harmony (NSH sessions, theoretical and practical NSH urges other organizations They added salaries item constituted Al-Hassan says the new contractors
GVH) held an awareness session, training was provided on ways to in Kuwait to carry out health edu- Education and Training (PAAET), 34.6 percent of the total expenditure will soon commence work for execu-
which is part of a series of aware- observe personal hygiene stan- cation programs for the members and failure to review KD90 deduc- that reached KD 6.9 billion (4.5 tion of the projects (Project 238) for
ness sessions conducted by NSH to dards and prevent health problems, involved in their projects, and se- tion from housing allowance of percent more than the previous year) development of Al-Bidaa Roundabout
raise health awareness, change the particularly those resultant from cure hygiene kits for them, in view expatriate teachers and retroactive with salaries of Kuwaiti personnel con- and development of Sabah Al-Ahmad
commonly-seen wrong practices and smoking and use of tobacco. of its considerable health benefits. payment of the allowance to female stituting KD 4.3 billion and those of City-Wafra Road (Project 222), reports
teachers, especially as the latter expatriates KD 600 million, while KD Aljarida daily.
reduce the morbidity rate among the The sessions were delivered by a This is in the best interest of He stressed the keenness of the
Indian community in Kuwait. The multilingual team in English, Hindi, the beneficiary companies them- issue was backed by a court judg- 1.6 billion was allotted for the Army.
ministry to nish the projects and ben-
session was delivered by Pani J. An- Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali selves, it added. ment. et from them in order to ease trafc
thony. and Odiya languages. This was aimed This extended program reects the Meanwhile, MP Faisal Al- Property deals down 42 pc: Residen- movement in those areas.
According to a press release, the at ensuring clear and effective deliv- commitment of NSH for social devel- Kandari urged the Minister of tial property deals in Kuwait declined by Eng Al-Hassan afrmed that the
decision to conduct these informative ery of information. opment and health promotion in the Education and Higher Education 42 percent in April compared to March infrastructural project in East Jahra
sessions for the community members The team affirmed that the health Kuwaiti society. to waive aptitude test for out- due to sluggish market activity, with re- area (Project 192) and the project for
was taken during a meeting of the education offered to the members With lower rates of illness particu- standing students who obtained covery depending on oil price rise, Kuwait construction of Ministries Complex
NSH Board chaired by its President of the Indian community is ben- larly among workers, there will be 95 percent and above to enable International Bank said on Tuesday. in South Surra area (Project 256) will
Sabu and in the presence of P.V. San- eficial for the members and their less demand for health care services them gain admission to the Fac- A total of 305 deals worth KD 89 also commence soon, as the relevant
thosh, Abdul Rahman, Dileep Kumar work. and fewer sick leaves. This in turn million [$293.15m] were registered in contracts were signed recently.
and V.G. Nair. During the recent session, the ef- will reduce the rate of absenteeism ulty of Medicine without further
April, compared to 528 deals, valued at He added that the Road Sector mid-
Based on NSHs strategy of forts undertaken for the benet of the and lead to higher productivity. stress. KD 51 million, in March. Average deal June will inaugurate the 1.25km bridge
medical care and health education community were commended, and NSH Global Village Harmony is a He observed there is no justi- value fell by 27 percent compared to afliated to contract Project 213 in
for the community in Kuwait, and the volunteers were urged to continue voluntary organization registered un- cation for making students sit for last month, reaching KD 291,000 per the west part of Jamal Abdul Nasser
its vision to advance the health their good work with the moral sup- der the Indian Embassy in Kuwait. It another test, adding only applicants deal, the bank said. Road towards Kuwait City as well as a
conditions of members of the In- port of the Indian Embassy. won the GCC Best CSR Gold Award who obtained foreign secondary Sales in investment sector fell by service road under the bridge heading
dian community and improve their At the end of the session, several of 2017 and the National Excellent certicates should go through the 42 percent quarter-on-quarter and 51 towards East Sulaibikhat Roundabout.
personal hygiene, it conducted the attendees came forward and pledged CSR Award of 2016. process.


Legal Eagle

Well-being of a child a must to maintain custody

Child custody reward can be contested

By Atyab Alshatti, Esq. daily life and chances of losing the custody. the custodial parent neglects the or fullling their daily needs), hit- is reason to petition the custody.
activities, Common Reasons For Losing childs health care needs (e.g., fails ting or abusing the child, and/ or The child must be in the care of an
T he grant of child custody to
a parent following a divorce
judgment does not mean such cus-
child custody
is based upon
Child Custody
1. Neglecting childs health.
to take the child to a doctor, fails to
provide the child with medication,
encouraging the child to misbe-
have, this is a reason to petition the
able adult that makes sure the child
is safe and provided with all his or
the actions the Having the child being sick with- etc.) then this is a valid reason for a custody. her needs.
tody reward cannot be contested by While many parents may feel that
the non-custodial parent at a later custodial parent out providing him or her with the petition to be led against the par- 3. Illness. When the custodial
takes and the proper health care or taking him ent. parent falls ill with a condition that the battle is over once they have
time. If certain actions, which are been granted custody, they should
deemed detrimental to the childs behavior they or her to the hospital. It does not 2. Bad behavior. If the custodial makes them unable to take care of
exhibit in their mean that any time the child gets parent is having an inappropriate the child. Even if they had this con- be aware they must be committed
well-being are committed by the
custodial parent, a petition can be life. The more sick the custodial parent will lose romantic relationship or leaving the dition when the custody was ini- to the well-being of their child(ren)
led to terminate their custody and responsible and custody because that will not be ra- house all night for partying, and as tially granted, but if the condition to maintain such custody.
have it granted to the other spouse. committed the tional. Many kids catch a cold, u a result become careless about the worsens that prohibits the parent
Since child custody is closely custodial parent is to his or her or rash because it is a common oc- childs needs (e.g. not preparing the from properly caring for himself Email: LawyerAtyabalshatti@
related to the custodial parents children, then such parent faces less currence as human beings but once childs meals, washing their clothes or herself and the child, then this

Eating healthy food, jogging after

breaking the fast ideal in Ramadan
Avoid consuming artificial drinks: Dr Bu-Hamad
31, (KUNA): People tend,
during the holy month
of Ramadan, to spend
hefty amounts of money
to purchase all kinds of
food, paving way for con-
sumption all the way to
Sohoor (pre-dawn meal
prior to fasting).
This would cause weight in-
crease due to eating unhealthy
food during such holy occasion,
like food heavily cooked with oil,
articial juices that contain arti-
cial sugar.
KUNA magazine Al-Derisha
(Kuwaiti dialect for window) in-
terviewed Family Doctor Jaber Bu-
Hamad to discuss the issue, and the
main mistakes committed by fast-
ing people during Ramadan.
Dr Bu-Hamad said one of the
main wrong habits people incline
to make is consume articial drinks
that contain manufactured sugar,
along with sweets, which lets those
who fast feel numb and tired after a
short period of Iftar, in addition to
low energy and high sugar levels in
the body, which would take more
KUNA photos time to get rid of.
Top & above: People jog, walk, ride cycles after breaking of the fast during
Ramadan. Harm
He noted that deep-fried food
and pastries also harm the stomach
Kuwait Today after having a relatively long period
of empty stomach, which also caus-
es increase of weight, adding that
the best solution is to follow Proph-
Prayer Timings Umm Al-Maradem 33 30 - 8ft SE
et Mohammad (PBUH) teaching of
Sea Island Buoy - - - - -
Fajr .................................................... 03:16 Salmiyah 38 32 - 8ft SE having some dates, water at break-
Sunrise ............................................... 04:49
Zohr .................................................... 11:46 4 days forecast - Marine ing the fast and then go to prayer
Asr ........................................................15:20 Thursday, June 01 time, and later eating salad and
Maghrib ............................................. 18:43
Isha .................................................... 20:13 Expected weather ..............................Hot + rising dust soup, followed by a small portion
Sea state ....................................... Moderate to rough of the main course.
Wave height.........................................................3-7 ft
Weather Max Temp............................................................. 42C Bu-Hamad said other dishes,
Expected weather for the next 24 hours: Min Temp.............................................................. 32C which contains more oil, could be
By Night: Dust will subside gradually with moder- Wind Direction .......................................................NW delayed three hours or more to al- KUNA photos
ate to fresh north westerly wind, with speed of 25-50 Wind Speed ...............................................25-50 km/h Eating of healthy food during breaking of the fast ideal in Ramadan.
km/h. Friday, June 02 low the stomach consume the al-
By Day: Dusty with fresh to strong north westerly Expected weather .................................................. Hot ready eaten food and to be prepared
Sea state ........................................Slight to moderate
wind, with speed of 50-60 km/h.
Wave height.........................................................2-5 ft for another meal.
Station Max Min
Max Temp............................................................. 41C As for sport, the doctor said prac-
Kuwait City
33 Min Temp.............................................................. 30C
Wind Direction .......................................................NW
ticing sport after Iftar within one or Iftar among projects aim to support needy people: IHRS
Kuwait Airport 44 33 two hours is the best time for those
Abdaly 43 31 Wind Speed ...............................................15-38 km/h
Bubyan 44 30 Saturday, June 03 who fast, noting that little and bal-
Failaka Island
Expected weather .................................................. Hot
Sea state ........................................Slight to moderate
Wave height.........................................................2-5 ft
ance jogging is better for the body.
In conclusion, the doctor also Al-Ajmi reveals about directives for firemen
Ahmadi 39 35 Max Temp............................................................. 42C cautioned diabetics prior to fast-
Min Temp.............................................................. 31C
Wind Direction ................................................... NW-N
Wind Speed ...............................................12-35 km/h
ing to reduce eating sugary food
and drinking a lot of water during
to break their fast while performing duties
Sunday, June 04 Iftar.
4 days forecast - Weather Expected weather .................................................. Hot Bu-Hamad also called on Thy- KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Head
Sea state ........................................Slight to moderate
Thursday, June 01 Wave height.........................................................2-5 ft roid patients to abide by their of the labor union at Kuwait Fire
Expected weather ..............................Hot + rising dust
Max Temp............................................................. 42C
Max Temp............................................................. 43C daily medical dose provided by Service Directorate (KFSD)
Min Temp.............................................................. 30C
Min Temp.............................................................. 32C Wind Direction .......................................................NW their doctors prior fasting and Khalid Al-Ajmi revealed about
Wind Direction .......................................................NW after.
Wind Speed ...............................................25-50 km/h
Wind Speed ...............................................15-35 km/h directives for reghters to
Friday, June 02 Tide times at Shuwaikh Port break their fast in the midst of
Expected weather .................................................. Hot performing their duties of re
1st high tide: .......................................................15:45
Max Temp............................................................. 41C
Min Temp.............................................................. 30C 2nd high tide: ......................................................05:35 extinguishing and rescue opera-
Wind Direction .......................................................NW 1st low tide:.........................................................09:52
Wind Speed ...............................................15-38 km/h 2nd low tide: .......................................................22:44 tions at the incident sites during
Sunrise: ..............................................................04:49 the month of Ramadan, reports
Saturday, June 03
Expected weather .................................................. Hot
Max Temp............................................................. 42C
Min Temp.............................................................. 31C
Sunset: ...............................................................18:42
Recorded yesterday at Kuwait Airport
dept of KSC Al-Rai daily.
In an interview, he explained
Wind Direction ................................................... NW-N
Wind Speed ...............................................12-35 km/h
Sunday, June 04
Expected weather .................................................. Hot
Max temp .............................................................. 47C
Min temp ............................................................... 34C
Max Rh .................................................................21%
wins top spot that these directives are based
on a religious fatwa intended
Max Temp............................................................. 43C
Min Rh ..................................................................07%
Max Wind.................................................... N 57 km/h KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Mem- to spare firemen from the se-
Min Temp.............................................................. 30C Total Rainfall in 24 hrs ........................................0 mm bers of the Photography Depart- rious harms they sustain as
Wind Direction .......................................................NW a result of their hard and ex-
Wind Speed ...............................................15-35 km/h Recorded yesterday at South Dolphin ment at Kuwait Science Club won
Min/Max/ Air Temp .......................................... 31/39C top place in the 6th Sharjah Arab hausting efforts under the hot
Marine Forecast Min/Max Rel Hum ............................................24/53% sun for many hours. Such kind
Station Max Min Sea Todays Wind Direction/Wind Speed........................ N/44 km/h
Photography Award, which was
Rec Exp Surf Waves Prev Wave Dir/Max Wave Ht ........................... SW/3 ft recently organized in Sharjah, the of work might result in symp-
Ht Dirn Min/Max Sea Surface Temp .................................-/- C United Arab Emirates by the Un- toms such as loss of balance
South Dolphin 38 31 28 8ft SE Sea Current ......................................End of Upwelling
Umm Mudayrah 35 30 - 8ft SE ion of Arab Photographers under and concentration, dizziness,
Beacon M28 - - - 8ft SE Directorate General of Civil the patronage and in the presence loss of consciousness, faint-
Beacon N6 39 30 - 8ft SE
Qaruh Island 33 30 - 8ft SE Aviation, Meteorological Dept. of the Supreme Council member ing, rash, headaches and pain Iftar project carried out by the East Asia Committee at IHRS.
and Ruler of Sharjah Emirate His in the body.
deaths Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin
Mohammad Al-Qasmi, reports
These are mainly caused by other sectors such as the oil poor.
Fatima Abdullah Habib Al Hamdan, 69 years old, buried on Wednesday. Con- sunstroke, which is the most sector in consideration of the Al-Hashash said the commit-
dolences: (Men) Fintas, Block 2, Street 13, Diwan Al- Hamdan, Tel: 99011450. Al-Qabas daily. serious of all symptoms result-
Secretary General of Kuwait high salaries, rewards and less tee has carried out charitable ac-
(Women) Fintas, Block 2, Street 19, House 7; Shareefa Habib Ghloom Ali, wife ant from exposure to extreme exposure to danger compared to tivities in many countries such
of Mohammad Akbar Taqi, 64 years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolence: Science Club Ali Al-Jumaa ex- heat.
(Men) Mishref, Al-Wazzan Mosque, Tel: 99299282. (Women) Jabriya, Block 12, plained that this years competi- KFSD. as Indonesia, the Philippines,
Husainiyat umm Talal Al-Habib; Ahmad Hashim Bader Al-Gharabali, 33 years
Al-Ajmi afrmed that re-
tion had four categories - por- ghters can break their fast by Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia,
old, buried on Wednesday. Condolence: (Men) Shamiya, Diwan Al-Gharabali, trait, reportage, natural and slow
Tel: 99754599. (Women) Mishref, Block 2, Street 2, House 36; Mutha Rashed consuming necessary liquids Head of East Asia Commit- Vietnam and Laos.
Zewayed Al-Mutairi, wife of Khaled Mitlaq Al-Mutairi, 38 years old, buried on shutter. Photographer Abdulaziz such as water and juices to com- tee at the Islamic Heritage Re- The projects include estab-
Wednesday. Condolence: Riqqa, Block 2, Street 16, House 328, Tel: 99779758- Al-Asousi won rst place in the lishment of mosques, wells,
66139945; Seta Hasan Said Al Ajmi, wife of Saad Salman Al-Hamada, 68 natural category, and photogra- pensate for the loss of uids vival Society (IHRS) Jamal Al-
years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolence: At Sabhan cemetery only, Tel: from their bodies due to their Hashash has said Iftar Project schools, hospitals and distri-
pher Ahmad Al-Essa came sec-
99888736; Hessa Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman Al-Saloom, widow of Ahmad ond position in the slow shutter exposure to high temperatures. is among the projects aimed at bution of copies of the Holy
Abdullah Al-Mijel, 95 years old, to be buried on Thursday after Asr prayers.
category. He indicated that work in supporting needy people in the Quran in different languages.
Condolence: (Men) Rawda, Diwan Al-Mijel, Block 1, Damascus Street, Tel: KFSD has become very difcult The committee also provided
22560733 (Women) Surrah, Block 5, Street 5, House 15, Tel: 25345436. Participants in the competi- region and its carried out inside
tion were from 21 Arab and Gulf especially after many reght- the mosques established by Ku- shelter and nancial support to
May 31, 2017 countries. ers left the sector and joined waiti donors to bring joy to the orphans.


KUNA photos
Left: His Highness the Crown Prince with Sheikh Nasser (left) with the Prime Minister (center) and Defense Minister (right).

His Highness Crown Prince receives senior officials

His Highness the Crown Prince Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad His Highness the Crown Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- then met Deputy Premier and De- Deputy Premier and Interior Minis-
Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah at Bayan Palace on Prince also received His High- Sabah. fense Minister Sheikh Mohammad ter Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sa-
Al-Sabah met His Highness Sheikh Wednesday. ness the Prime Minister Sheikh His Highness the Crown Prince Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and bah. (KUNA)

Kuwait public spending highest

in the Gulf region based on GDP
Large portion goes in paying public employees salaries
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: According to a statistic pre- on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), reports Al-Qabas
pared by the Central Bank of Kuwait, the countrys daily.
public spending is the highest in the Gulf region based The statistic was prepared in the form of a graph which was pre-
sented along with the govern-
ments work agenda and then
referred to the parliament. KUNA photos
As per the statistic, Kuwaits His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with
spending rate is 56.4 percent Interior Minister Sheikh Khaled.
of the GDP, which is very high
compared to that of Oman (51.5
percent), Qatar (42.7 percent), Govt center part of corruption
Saudi Arabia (36.2 percent) and
the United Arab Emirates (30
The statistic compared these MPW to exempt factories from
gures with the international g-
ures issued by the Eurostat the
statistical ofce of the European
dealing with government center
Union. It was discovered after KUWAIT CITY, May 31: The Ministry per cent in the science stream. She was
comparison that Kuwaits ex- of Public Works is contemplating on followed closely by Muneera Mubarak
penditure rate based on the GDP the exemption of factories that produce Gareeb, the top Kuwaiti achiever, who
is higher than Europes average asphalt mixtures from dealing with the had a score of 99.77 per cent.
rate of 47 percent, the United governmental center concerned with In the literary section, Raghd Aburya,
States of Americas 32.5 percent, developing and manufacturing asphalt from Jordan, came rst with a score of
Japans 36.8 percent, Canadas mixtures, reports Al-Shahid daily quot- 99.38 per cent while Hessa Khalid Al
40.8 percent and Britains 39.4 ing sources. Aseemi was the top Kuwaiti student with
percent. Sources disclosed this action 99.29 per cent.
According to analysts, this rate was taken after giving these fac- In the religious studies, Ali Othman
of public spending reects the tories two months to produce the Ali, from Chad, topped the students
extent of governmental interven- mixture to solve the flying peb- with 99.20 per cent whereas Shayma
tion in the national economy. It bles issue. Sources pointed out Dawood Al Asoosi was the top scorer
also indicates the ongoing spend- the ministrys decision to contract among Kuwaitis with a score of 97.84
ing and consumption ination, with new factories for asphalt per cent.
which poses a burden on the na- mixtures is a manifestation of Ali was the only boy to reach one of the
tional budget. the failure of factories tasked ear- three highest honours and the three Ku-
The public spending in Kuwait lier to develop asphalt mixtures waiti top achievers are girls.
reached more than KD 19 billion and lack of supervision. Sources Education Minister Mohammad Fares
in the current scal year, with a said factories contracting with the congratulated the successful students as
Students in action large proportion being allocated governmental center are part of he announced the much-anticipated re-
for paying public employees sal- the corruption which caused the sults, Kuwaiti daily Al Seyassah reported
Aviation Technology college to receive graduates aries and other nancial benets. flying pebbles problem. on Tuesday.
However, the analysts and He said that 29,078 passed the high
Sources added the exemption of facto-
rating agencies afrm difculty school diploma exams and the success
Deputy Dean and Board of Trus- major elds of specialization of the Ministry of Education and ries without accounting is useless while
in control and rationalization rate was 78.13 per cent, a drop by nine
tees Member of the College of Avi- aircraft mechanic and aircraft en- Higher Education. contracting with new factories will only
because there is a natural an- per cent (around 3,000 students) over last
ation Technology Eng Marzouq Al- gineering. He added the aircraft Talking about the aircraft engi- nual increase in the salary cap, as result in delays and burden the State with
Shari announced that the college mechanic graduates can work as neering specialization, Al-Shari more nancial losses. years scores.
well as in the current spending of The minister said that 19,280 students
will receive graduates from the maintenance engineers in the eld said the college accepts graduates several ministries and authorities
Letters Department in the second- of engine and electronics. from the Letters and Science de- took the science section exams and that
which are not adhering to the ra- An Egyptian, a Jordanian and a 15,491 passed them, a success rate of
ary stage starting from the coming He pointed out those interested partments in the secondary stage tionalization principle. Chadian topped in Kuwaits high 80.35 per cent.
academic year 2017/2018. in pursuing the aircraft mechanic with minimum grade of 60 percent It is worth mentioning that Ku- school diploma exams as girls, once In the literary section, the success rate
He said the Letters Department course must have a minimum for this specialization. He clari- waits public spending rate based more, outperformed boys in academic was 75.06 per cent after 12,652 students
graduates will be allowed to join grade of 65 percent in Science ed the students who pursue this on the GDP increased after the achievements. out of 16,701 passed.
the technician departments, par- during the secondary stage. He specialization bear the cost of their sharp fall in the nominal GDP Wafa Saeed Hassan, from Egypt, In the religious section, 1,236 took the
ticularly aircraft maintenance. He afrmed this specialization is part studies as it is not included in the which was affected by the drop topped the 37,217 students who sat for the exams and 953 secured their diplomas, a
disclosed the college offers two of the internal scholarship program internal scholarship program. in oil prices. exams with a near perfect score of 99.94 success rate of 75.65 per cent.

News in Brief

German embassy advice to visitors: Consul

General at the German Embassy Marsha Kolimbherg
advised those planning to visit Germany with valid
Schengen visa on their old passports to bring the old
passports along with the new electronic passports and
to ensure their names are the same in both passports,
reports Al-Qabas daily.
She said the German Embassy welcomes those whose
Schengen visas are on their old passports, urging them to
visit the embassy to put the visa
in the new passports and cancel
the old one. She added they
must submit a written request
stating their desire to obtain a
new visa together with the old
and new passports. Once the
application is received, the em-
bassy will look into the reason
for obtaining the visa which is
issued if proven the reason does
not violate German laws. Those
who intend to spend their vaca-
tion in Germany should apply Kolimbherg
for visa early, not a few days
before the travel date in order to avoid any problem, she

Al-Subaie lauds decision: Chairman of Board
of Directors of the Union of Investment Companies
(UIC) Bader Nasser Al-Subaie commended the
decision No. 6/2017 taken by the Public Investment
Authority in response to the requests of the union.
The decision included cancelation of pre-censor-
ship, giving an opportunity for suggestions to be
discussed again.
He highlighted the positive impact of the decision
which prevent delay in holding the general meetings
of the investment companies, the matter that led to
exposing the companies to bans including halting the
circulation of their shares in the stock exchange.

MoH allocates budget: The Ministry of Health has
allocated a budget of KD 2.970 million for the import of
emergency generators and to supply hospitals and health
centers with refrigerators for storing dead bodies and
plasmas, regular refrigerators, air conditioning units, mi-
crowaves, central air conditioning system and elevators,
reports Al-Rai daily quoting sources.


Parliament discusses budgets and

final accounts of several govt bodies
Session adjourned until June 5 to deliberate on budgets
By Abubakar A. Ibrahim
Arab Times Staff
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: The Parliament,
in its special session on Wednesday, dis-
cussed the nal accounts and budgets of
several government institutions including
the Direct Investment Promotion Author-
ity, National Fund for the Support and
Development of Small and Medium Enter-
prises, Anti-Corruption Public Authority,
KUNA photo Public Authority for Food and Nutrition,
Kuwaits Ambassador Al-Yahya and Moroccan Minister Alami. Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK), Environ-
Kuwait, Morocco discuss fostering ties ment Public Authority (EPA), Public Au-
thority for Compensation, Kuwait News
Means of promoting bilateral relations Yahya said. Agency (KUNA), Public Authority for Ap-
was the focus of a meeting between Ku- Kuwait was named Capital of Arab
waits Ambassador to Morocco Abdul- Youth for 2017 and will carry out on plied Education and Training (PAAET),
latif Al-Yahya and the Moroccan Min- Moroccos path with a renewed and dis- and Public Authority for Youth and Sports.
ister of Youth and Sports Rachid Talbi tinct spirit that bolsters the role of Arab After the discussion, the Parliament approved the
Alami on Wednesday. In a statement youth, he added. budget of KUNA for scal 2017/2018 and rejected
to KUNA following the meeting, the Ku- For his part, the Moroccan minis-
waiti envoy lauded the Kingdoms good ter extolled the bilateral ties, voicing its nal accounts for 2015/2016. It also approved
organization of the celebrations of Mo- his countrys support for sports in Ku- the 2015/2016 nal accounts and 2017/2018 budgets
rocco Capital of Arab Youth for 2016. wait, a country highly respected on the of PAAET and the Public Authority for Youth and
The celebrations, organized as part Arab, regional and international scenes, Sports.
of the Arab League, constitute a frame- thanks to excellent performances of The Parliament approved as well the 2015/2016 nal ac-
work for boosting cooperation and com- Kuwaiti athletes in different contests. counts of the following government agencies: Direct Invest-
munication amongst the Arab youth, Al- (KUNA) ment Promotion Authority, National Fund for the Support
and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, Anti-
Corruption Public Authority, Public Authority for Food and
Admission capacity at PAAET is 9,877 seats Nutrition, CBK, EPA and Public Authority for Compensa-
KU allocates 100 seats for Bedoun It decided to return reports of the Budgets and Final Ac-
counts Committee, which rejected the budgets of Kuwait
Institute for Scientic Research (KISR) and the Public Au-
students who score 90 pc & above thority for Social Security (PASS), to the government to
pave way for submission of new draft bills on the budgets of
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Dean of Ad- the registration hall and staff are ready to these institutions.
mission and Registration at Kuwait Uni- receive the applicants who are invited to Parliament Secretary MP Auda Al-Ruwaei adjourned the
versity Dr Adel Malallah disclosed that visit the deanship. session until June 5, 2017 to continue deliberations on the
100 seats in the upcoming academic Dr Al-Malallah wished success to eve- budgets.
year 2017/2018 have been allocated for ryone. Earlier, in its regular session on Wednesday last week, the
Bedoun students who scored 90 percent In another similar development, Dean Parliament approved the nal accounts and budgets of the
and above, reports Aljarida daily. of Admission and Registration at Pub- Public Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Fish Resources
He afrmed that their admission is lic Authority for Applied Teaching and (PAAAFR), Public Authority for Manpower (PAM), Public
conditional with the approval of Central Training (PAAET) Dr Rabah Al-Najada Authority for Civil Information (PACI), Kuwait Municipal-
System for Remedying the Status of Il- announced the allocation of not more ity, Zakat House, Public-Private Partnership Authority, Pub-
legal Residents (CSRSIR), according to than ve percent of seats for all catego- lic Authority for Industry (PAI), Capital Markets Authority,
the decision taken during the University ries of non-Kuwaitis including children Credit Bank of Kuwait and Kuwaiti Fund for Development
Council meeting regarding the university of military men to the admission capacity while it rejected the nal accounts and budgets of KISR and
admission policy. of Kuwaitis. PASS. It also approved the budget of Kuwait Ports Author-
Dr Al-Malallah said the deanship will She said the Bedoun applicants will ity (KPA) but rejected the nal account.
convene several meetings with the Infor- be treated like citizens in the admission Parliament Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim announced then
mation Center to organize the mechanism process. that he would call for special sessions to discuss the nal ac-
counts and budgets of other government agencies according
of admission, assuring that there are no Dr Al-Najada revealed that the ad- to Article 85 of the Constitution. He stressed the need for
technical problems in the registration mission capacity for the rst semester special sessions to complete discussions on reports of the
portal system and that the enrollment is 9,877 seats, assuring that there are no Budgets and Final Accounts Committee before setting the
process is moving smoothly without any technical problems in the portal registra- date for the closing session of the current legislative round.
problems. tion. This is in line with Article 85 of the Constitution, stating that
He stressed that the deanship is work- She afrmed that the deanship coor- the National Assembly has an annual session of not less
ing on overcoming all obstacles that dinated with the IT Center to verify and than eight months. The said session may not be prorogued
could face the applicants, indicating that carry out maintenance of the portal. before the budget is approved.


Local banks are safe from any

form of hacking, assures CBK
Panel to review basic systems of societies
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: As the spate of global hack- formation systems of the local banks are safe from any
ing continues unabated at government websites, hospi- form of hacking, reports Al-Nahar daily.
tals and big companies with the most recent of such According to the Central Bank of Kuwait, only one local bank
deadly viruses being Ransomeware, the Central Bank of experienced a minor anonymous attempt of illegitimate access,
Kuwait has allayed fears of the general public saying in- but it was not considered to be hacking of automation system.
A team of representatives from
the Central Bank of Kuwait and
other local banks has taken nec-
essary preventive measures to
avert further expansion of ille-
gitimate incursion and made sure
the action is of no effect. The
systems have been declared safe
and strong enough to protect the KUNA photo
electronic network. His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah
see off Bahrains Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.
In the meantime, the local
banks have been instructed to
liaise with Online Banking Ser- Bahrains PM leaves Kuwait after visit
vices Company (K-net) to im-
plement further procedures by Bahrains Prime Minister Prince His Highness the Amir Sheikh
Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and an Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
sending SMS containing unsta- accompanying delegation on Tuesday received Prince Khalifa and his dele-
ble password to each customer left Kuwait after a short friendly visit. gation earlier.
to make it impossible for any in- Prince Khalifa was seen off by His The two sides exchanged friendly
truder to operate a banking trans- Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh talks amid an atmosphere of warm
action in any account. Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad sentiments that reflected the deep-
Meanwhile, Ministry of So- Al-Sabah, Deputy Minister of Amiri rooted ties between the leaders and
cial Affairs and Labor Under- Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah the peoples of the two countries, as
secretary Dr Matar Al-Mutairi Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and well as the sincere efforts to enhance
issued administrative Decision Defense Minister Sheikh Mohammad them on all levels, within the frame-
No. A/2291/2017 to form a Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, work of the historical relations among
committee which will review Deputy Prime Minister and Interior the member states of the Gulf
the basic systems of ofcially Minister Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah Cooperation Council (GCC).
recognized societies according Al-Sabah, a host of Sheikhs, minis- His Highness the Crown Prince
Al-Ghanim poses with guests in a group photo ters and advisors and senior officials Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber
to Law No. 24/196, reports Al- from the Premiers Diwan, and Al-Sabah was present at the recep-
Jareda daily.
KCCI chairman receives Al-Nasrallah The daily obtained a copy of
ambassadors of the two countries. tion. (KUNA)
the decision stating that the com-
Chairman of Kuwait Chamber of and then eulogized the society for In response, Al-Nasrallah thanked mittee will work for one year un-
Commerce and Industry (KCCI)
Mohammad Thunaiyan Al-Ghanim
playing a vital role through initia-
tives for improving and developing
the host and expressed delight in
visiting KCCI. der the leadership of the assistant Total cost KD 3.253 billion
Wednesday received in his ofce the talents of youths in the aspect of He declared that the visit would in- undersecretary for legal affairs
with the assistant undersecretary
the Board Chairman of Kuwait Pub-
lic Relations Society Jamal Jassem
Al-Nasrallah and some members of
the board.
He said the society has been en-
couraging Kuwaiti youth to seek em-
ployment in the private sector and
terpret consistent support of KCCI to
the society and assistance in sever-
al activities that will help the society
actualize its objectives in all spheres
for social development, director
of Charitable Societies Depart-
ment and a number of ministry
MPW development plan
Al-Ghanim welcomed his guests entrepreneurship in various elds. of growth and development. employees as members.
The target of the committee is
to ensure that the basic systems
contains seven projects
follow related laws, Cabinet and
No intention to submit new budgets administrative decisions. It must
submit a memorandum to the un-
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Ministry of
Public Works development plan for the
current scal year contains seven projects
north, such as South Mutlaa, Sabiyyah
and Abdali. It is noteworthy the northern
regional road is part of the international
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: The gov- to technical objections to the inserted the nal accounts of PASS and KISR dersecretary; mentioning names
of societies whose basic systems at a total cost of KD 3.253 billion, and KD road networks for Arab countries being
ernment has no intention to submit numbers but the remarks of monitor- but since voting for or against the 329.1 million has already been allocated upgraded under the integration program
new budgets for the Public Authority ing authorities. violate such laws and decisions,
budgets was done as one, the result suggestions to rectify violations for projects in the current annual budget, for regional land transportation networks.
for Social Security (PASS) and Ku- Sources pointed out the parlia- was rejection of the budgets of both reports Al-Qabas daily. The projects also include four construc-
and address the erring societies.
wait Institute for Scientic Research mentary objections are related to institutions. The committee is required to An ofcial source said two of the pro- tion projects, notably Kuwait International
(KISR) to the Parliament, reports Al- certain job appointments and admin- submit a report to the undersec- jects are for Road Sector, and they Sheikh Airport Terminal 2, while remaining three
Jareda daily. istrative procedures. Meanwhile, MP Riyad Al-Adasani Jaber Bridge and northern part of the re- projects are health related covering the
warned the government against sub- retary every three months and it
Sources revealed the government Sources added the government is authorized to ask for the help gional road (phase 2). The latter will ac- Police, Maternity and Pediatrics hospitals.
will submit the same budgets that the has no reason to change the budget mitting new budgets with the same experts who will attend its meet- commodate the anticipated increase in The projects will enhance expansion of the
Parliament rejected earlier, clarify- gures, indicating the previous dis- gures as this will be considered a ings but they will not participate population, in addition to movement of healthcare system in line with the growing
vehicles from new residential areas in the population and residential expansion.
ing the rejection of MPs was not due cussion in the Parliament was about futile action. in the voting process.



Israel legitimacy point to ponder

Wars ruin Arab identity

THE British magazine The Economist wants to needed press institutions and create professional jour-
remind the entire world and the Arabs about what hap- nalists who are capable of putting across the proper
pened fifty years ago the defeat of Arabs during its media message.
war with Israel on June 5, 1967 and for that reason the In conclusion, we would like to send a message to
magazine has chosen the topic of this war for its cover the GCC capitals concerning the current crisis among
story, columnist Dr Hamed Al-Humoud wrote for the relevant member States that it should not last long.
Al-Qabas daily Wednesday. Not only the crisis but also the official silence should
KUNA photo In its analysis the magazine has referred to the not last long because this silence is likely to open the
First Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Sabah in talks with UN General Assemblys psychological effect of the victory achieved by Israel door for baseless rumors and pollute the GCC atmo-
President Peter Thomson.
during this said war. The Jews have depicted this vic- sphere.
tory as Divine. The magazine wonders if this is just a In other words, the concerned officials should deal
victory or a Divine test. with the crisis transparently and hasten to dot the is

Kuwait role in achieving However, prior to the analysis by The Economist

and immediately after the Arabs tasted the June
defeat, the founder of Israeli State and former prime
minister David Ben Gurion, had actually put the same
and cross the ts and contain the differences if any
on the basis of goodwill as well as on the keenness
to protect the GCC entity and foil the attempts that
may be exerted by the foes of the nation who harbor
ill for this part of the world.
question and he had called on the then Israeli govern-

2030 SDGs wins UN praise ment to withdraw from all Arab territories which had
been occupied by Israel during the June 1967 war
except the City of Jerusalem.
Moreover, Ben Gurion had warned the Jewish
religious currents about their religious tendencies that

If you do good, you do good for yourself; and if
you do evil, [you do it] for yourself. Then when the
final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden
had become rampant in Israel in the aftermath of the your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as
they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they
Boost in ties with ILO sought victory against the Arabs in that war because they
promoted the idea that the victory had taken over with [total] destruction, (Al-Isra, Ayat
by the Jews over the Arabs signi- 7), columnist, the representative of the State of
fied that they were the chosen Kuwait to the Gulf Cooperation Councils Advisory
NEW YORK, May 31, people of God. Committee and former MP Dr Abdulmohsen Jamal
But Ben Gurion according to wrote for Al-Qabas daily.
(KUNA): UN General This is one of the Quranic verses that talk about
the book written by Arthur
Assemblys President Hertzberg who is also professor at incessant conflicts among groups of mankind, includ-
Peter Thomson praised the Brown University in the United ing Muslims and Jews, and how the conflicts will
persist till end of the journey of life. The Al-Aqsa
on Tuesday Kuwaits States of America under the title
Mosque, where the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
support for the UNGA Fate of Zionism, had highlighted
the then sudden religious tendency went on the night journey, is regarded as one of the
in general and in con- that had surfaced among the Jews holy lands of Muslims. The Israelis are trying to
Al-Humoud occupy the land, destroy it and build the Solomon
tributing to achieving to such an extent, Ben Gurion had
Temple on its debris!
the 2030 Sustainable shown his resentment against the
configuration of the Jews near what they call the Their current efforts indicate they want to exploit
Development Goals Wailing Wall after the Israeli occupation of East the weaknesses and cracks within the Arab and
(SDGs). Jerusalem stressing Zionism represents a secular Muslim worlds. One of the miracles of Islam is the
Thomson made the remarks movement. foretelling of another assemblage of Jews within the
during a meeting with visiting However, if the magazine wants to remind us of Palestinian territory making efforts to destroy and
the defeat, then we would like to tell the British maga- commit heinous acts against innocent civilians by
Kuwait First Deputy Prime evicting land owners from their homes and territo-
Minister and Foreign Minister zine that a majority of the Arabs have forgotten this
date, because over the past fifty years, the Arabs have ries.
Sheikh Sabah Khaled
Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. faced a lot of defeats, losses and civil wars and more-
KUNA photo over, this period was full of defeats. An incident occurred last Saturday in the Portland
Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Sabah and his team talking to UK Ambassador to UN The meeting took place on the
sidelines of the UNGAs session In other words, we have not forgotten not only the City, which is the largest city in the American State of
Matthew Rycroft. June 5, 1967 date, but the importance of the Palestinian
to elect non-permanent members Oregon located at the confluence of River Willamette
of the UN Security Council cause which took a back seat during this period to and River Colombia, Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote for
(UNSC) for 2018-19. such an extent this cause no longer is seen as the Arab Al-Shahed daily.
FM meets UKs UN envoy Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled reit- central cause, because as many as nine million Syrians Two young women including a veiled Muslim
erated Kuwaits commitment to have become refugees and hundreds of thousands of boarded a train at the Hollywood Station. Their pres-
Kuwait First Deputy Prime Minister non-permanent members of the UN achieving the 2030 SDGs. Palestinian refugees who were living in Syria have ence caught the attention of a Christian man who
and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Security Council (UNSC) for 2018-19. The meeting was attended by been reluctant to leave that country to seek another approached them and uttered some racial statements
Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah held It also touched on historic rela- Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaleds office refuge and this has resulted in the Palestinian cause such as All Muslims should die as well as insults.
talks in New York late Tuesday with tions between the two countries, as Director Ambassador Sheikh Dr losing its centralization in the Arab world. According to the official spokesperson of Portland
British Ambassador to UN Matthew well as underlining ongoing cooper- Ahmad Nasser Al-Sabah, Meanwhile, we say in the wake of shock June Police, the suspect was making a lot of noise and mur-
Rycroft. ation and coordination regarding Kuwaits Permanent representa- 1967 defeat, the Arabs attributed this to the fact that muring some words, many of which were regarded as
tive to the UN Mansour Al-Otaibi they had failed to realize the extent of backwardness hate-filled and racist.
The meeting was held on the side- issues tabled at UN or Security and Deputy Assistant Foreign
lines of the UNGAs session to elect Council. (KUNA)
of their ruling regimes and their political, economic Three men approached in defense of the women.
Minister for International and educational systems compared to that of Israel. One of them was quoted saying, You cant deal with
Organizations Nasser Al-Hayyen. This was also attributed to the fragile intellectual state them that way as you can see they are young girls.
Meanwhile, Kuwait looks for- of the Arabs prior to this defeat. However, this Christian criminal shifted the aggres-
ward to establishing closer ties with In this context, we say while the Jews believed that sion on the men who were trying to defend the ladies.
Other Voices the International Labor Organization
(ILO) in the Middle East, a Kuwaiti
their victory on June 5, 1967, was Divine satisfaction, According to Sergeant Simpson, Eyewitnesses
the Arabs started believing their defeat in this war was revealed that the man was shouting while attacking the
diplomat said on Wednesday. Divine punishment because of their non commitment men who were protecting the ladies. Two of them died
Kuwaits Permanent Delegate to Islam. This happened under the military and dicta-
to the United Nations (UN) in the attack while the third one sustained injuries.
torial regimes which had introduced themselves as The attacker had stabbed Namkai-Mech and Ricky
Why go to unbelievers ? Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim
made the remarks in a meeting
secular and democratic. John Best, a 53-year old father of four. He was arrest-
However, this phenomenon of intellectual extrem- ed after he stabbed the third victim Micah David-Cole
with ILO Director General Guy
Ryder, where the two officials dis- ism was boosted by the success of the Iranian Islamic Fletcher, who is still receiving treatment in a hospital.

Solace found in West cussed issues of mutual concern.

Moreover, he said that
Kuwaits support of the ILO is
Revolution of 1979 and the involvement of the then
Iraqi president Saddam Hussein with a bloody war
with Iran which claimed the lives of hundreds of thou-
Portlands Mayor commended the three victims,
saying other people should emulate their action. He
stressed that the current political atmosphere encour-
By Ahmad Al-Sarraf correct opinion, we resort to the infi- needed given the increasingly sands of Iranians and Iraqis. ages racism.
dels for advice. If we want to protect turbulent situation in the region, In the meantime, we have observed that the US Namkai-Mechs mother wrote on her Facebook
T his article is an extract from an
article written by the Syrian col-
league Mohammad Al-Bawadi and
our borders and our very existence
from our brothers in the doctrine, ori-
as he heaped praise on the ILO
for its commitment to sort out the
invasion of Iraq in 2003 aggravated both extremism
and sectarianism in that country and this invasion
marginalized the role of the Sunni sect and gave birth
page that she is proud of her child and he will forever
remain a hero for protecting the young women.
gin and language, we find no one to Palestinian labor crisis.
posted on the Phoenix website. support us except the infidel. On the meeting with Ryder, to the Islamic State or the so-called DAESH in Iraq.
Many people, intelligent, igno- Al-Ghunaim said it also tackled In conclusion, we say although 50 years have The verdict issued by Court of Cassation on the
If we want to get the correct so-called Al-Fintas Group case is deemed as an
rant or ordinary, say the same thing information, we only find sources the agenda of the ILOs forth- passed since this defeat of the Arabs by Israel in June
about us being backward. They say coming annual conference on 1967 which is gone down in history as the six-day-war unprecedented verdict in the history of Kuwaiti judi-
and documents from the infidels? ciary. Three sons of the top ruling family were issued
the reason is we are nowhere near When we want to increase the food June 5th, which features such we have observed that we have yet to understand the
Islam. However, did Japan, the pressing issues as youth unem- political roots which created Israel but we are still with sentences reaching up to five-year imprison-
production we use the seeds of the arguing over trivial issues such as normalization or ment, Dr Wael Al-Hassawi wrote for Al-Rai daily.
United States, Europe, China and ployment and efforts to fight
infidels. When we are tired of wash- child labor, amongst others. non-normalization of ties with Israel, ignoring the fact I do not know the background of the crime com-
even Russia progress because they ing clothes with our hands with
are close to Islam or any The Kuwaiti diplomat under- that we have lost Syria as a result of the Arab-Arab mitted by these individuals against Kuwait. I do not
water from the sea, scored Kuwaits eagerness to infighting and Arab civil wars. think the verdicts were in favor of any big families
other religion? when we want clean
Is adherence to Sharia or adhere to ILO guidelines and that are against them. However, what I consider the
drinking water, we laws, saying better relations with Also: most important is that Kuwaiti people have always
religion the secret of their import desalination
stability? What is the rela- the ILO can only enhance labor The Gulf-Qatari crisis looks more of an informa- been asking why they do not see verdicts being issued
plants, and we import productivity in his country. tional aspect only and this means there is no political or executed against the top or high-ranking officials of
tionship between religion washing machines the country, while ordinary citizens are jailed and
and manufacturers of air- crisis at official level between Doha and both Riyadh
and means of trans- and Abu Dhabi, because the official channels of the persecuted just because of tweets or some state-
craft, intercontinental bal- port, air conditioners Kuwait First Deputy Prime ments.
listic missiles, laboratory Minister and Foreign Minister Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member States have
for offices and not referred to any differences among these States, Today, the issuance of such a judgment broke the
experiments, development homes, lipsticks, Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad barrier, as to see top people being given penalties like
and discoveries? Al-Sabah met in New York late rather this difference has been fanned by the media
deodorants, shaving and this means discussing the motives of behind this ordinary people.
Why do our govern- cream, toothpaste, Tuesday Cote dIvoires Foreign A state of justice and equality cannot be estab-
Al-Sarraf Minister Marcel Amon-Tanoh. and who stands to benefit from such differences,
ments allow thousands of and even straw lished without applying the true criteria of justice
clerics to curse the infidels The meeting was held on the columnist Nasser Khamees Al-Mutairi wrote for
brooms from the infidels. sidelines of the UNGAs session Annahar daily Wednesday. advocated by our Islamic religion. When we look at
from the pulpits of their mosques In the land of infidels, a citizen is various countries around us in the East and West, we
to elect non-permanent members It is obvious and it is unfortunate that some of the
and call them descendants of mon- not arrested because he attacked a Gulf media have taken the role of crises makers and find there is progress and development in these coun-
keys and pigs; that they will burn in of the UN Security Council
cleric. In our countries punishment (UNSC) for 2018-19. this is against the rules and regulations of successful tries because they apply clear standards in their societ-
the fires of hell, but no sooner some- awaits us. media because these media have contaminated the ies.
one is sick the person takes the Sheikh Sabah Khaled
In the land of the infidels, women Al-Hamad Al-Sabah also held Gulf arena by spreading poison, which shall only help
first available flight to the country do not hide behind a veil, nor do promote sedition and differences among the GCC
of the infidels for treatment. Not just talks in New York Tuesday with Kuwait is one among the top countries in the
they judge the man with the length French Ambassador to UN governments and the peoples. region in terms of care, sponsorship, and preservation
that, their children attend the best of his beard and shortness of his Francois Delattre, on need of As a matter of fact, it not only the Qatar News
universities in the country of the of the holy book, Abdulrahman Al-Awwad wrote for
garment. In their countries, they do coordination and cooperation Agency which spread the breaking news through the Al-Sabah daily.
infidels to receive the best educa- not allow fatwas to control their over issues discussed by the UN alleged statements but the real breakthrough came
tion. and Security Council.
Every person can clearly see the interest of Kuwait
lives, the Constitution is stable and from the satellite TV channels based in the GCC coun- in this aspect from the weekly, monthly and yearly
Can someone tell us why we the laws are clear. tries and some e-websites in addition to tweets and
abandon our herbs and other medi- competitions being organized by the highest authority
Yes, we want a secular, demo- freak voices which harbor nothing good for the Gulf in the country under the patronage of His Highness the
cines when we fall sick and accept
the medicines manufactured by the
cratic, free and beautiful homeland Waste collecting nation. Amir of the State of Kuwait. In addition, contests are
like the homes of the infidels, a In this context, we say all Arab countries except regularly held in schools to uphold the interest of chil-
infidels and receive treatment in
their hospitals at the hands of their
homeland in which the scientist, the timings changed the GCC nations at the moment are suffering from dren in the Holy Quran.
doctor, the university professor, and wars and crises. We infer some people are currently Kuwait shows lot of care to the holy book and its
doctors? Why when the poor are the teacher are given the same KUWAIT CITY, May 31: striving to tear apart the unity of the GCC member
forced to leave their homelands, Director-General of Kuwait sciences, particularly during the month of Ramadan
respect as the cleric. We want a States by sowing seeds of conflicts among these States when efforts are increased to distribute copies of the
they find only the unbelievers to homeland that does not differentiate Municipality Engineer Ahmad by using the media as a weapon.
receive them with open arms, Al-Manfouhi said he has called Quran and teach its sciences.
between a Hindu, a Christian, a Such being the case, we suggest both the Arab and The international contest held by Kuwait for mem-
receive shelter in their houses of upon all cleaning companies the Gulf media are currently in need of a dire and
Shiite or a Sunni. which have a contract with the orization and recitation of Quran is among the best
worship and even the heads of Will we ever be able to this type urgent treatment. These media are in an imperative
churches to wash their feet? Kuwaiti Municipality that the religious contests. It is always held under the sponsor-
of a country, or will we continue to need of an objective, serious and effective method ship of His Highness the Amir, which indicates the
When our countries are struck by cleaning of the streets and col- capable of managing the crises instead of creating
curse the infidel West and suffice lecting garbage should be done interest of the State in holding such contests.
natural calamities such as famine with the dream of imitating it, its them or helping the media run out of control which
and others, why do we seek assis- after breaking the fast in the eve- Such an interest of the country in Quranic sciences
system, its laws and its style of life can be done with wisdom and objective study far away is not new. It has long experience in serving and car-
tance from the countries of the infi- ning during the month of from the fabricated agitation and illusions which will
either in public and sometimes in Ramadan, reports Al-Rai daily. ing for the Quran on its land. Hundreds of Quranic
dels in the form of food and clothing secret -- to enjoy its benefits and serve only the foes of the nation. contests have been held to reflect its civilized position,
to our children? Why do we deposit He told the daily, this is done
relax in its justice and beauty of its to protect the workers who are Consequently, we suggest all the media institu- originality of its kind people and its leading place in
our money, bonds, shares and real nature? fasting and have to work under tions in the region should abide by the rules and mor- this important field, all of which we are very proud
estate into the banks of the infidels, the direct heat of the sun. als of the media profession and ingrain the same in the
is it not for the sake of safe keeping? minds and the hearts of the journalists.
He added, this decision should
And if we want a fair, impartial and email: be welcomed by the cleaning In the meantime, we call for building the much- Compiled by Zaki Taleb


Court Cases/Crime

Maid attempts suicide

Bedoun inmate acquitted

of trading in hash, heroin
By Jaber Al-Hamoud ries, as was indicated in the medical
Al-Seyassah Staff and Agencies report.
The defense counsel Lawyer
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: The First Thamer Al-Azmi stressed that his cli-
Circuit of the Criminal Court acquit- ent had denied the charges from the
ted a Bedoun prisoner at the Central onset of the investigations and that
Jail of trading in hashish, heroin and the other suspects were the ones who
intoxicants. attacked his client. He said his client
An officer from the Drug Con- sustained serious injuries in the hands
trol General Department (DCGD) of the attackers, which was afrmed
disclosed the friend of the accused in the medical report.
possessed the drugs and intoxicants
for personal consumption and trad-
ing. A secret agent approached him Woman robbed: An unknown man
to make a deal. After ending the stole KD 330 cash and jewelry worth
deal, the friend KD 2,000 from the house of a Kuwaiti
was arrested in woman in Qosur area, says Al-Seyas-
front of his house sah.
with the marked When the Operations Room of
money in his pos- Ministry of Interior received infor-
session. He later mation about the burglary which oc-
told investigators curred when the woman stepped out
that the money of the house with her family members KUNA photo
and drugs belong to take Iftar meal, securitymen rushed
to the location along with ofcers Visibility took a hit as dust prevailed throughout the day in Kuwait.
to his friend who
is a prisoner at from the General Department for
the Central Jail. Criminal Evidences. Air traffic normal despite dusty weather
Lawyer for Haider Evidences were collected and n-
Bedoun prisoner, gerprints were lifted to determine the Flights at Kuwait International General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) gation has not been affected by partment has warned of minimal
Attorney Imaam Haidar, pointed out identity of the burglar. A case was Airport are operating as normal announced Wednesday. the weather, DGCA spokesman visibility as a result of northwest-
loopholes in the statements of her cli- registered and investigations are on- despite dusty weather conditions Current visibility is at 1,400 Mansour Al-Hashmi told KUNA. erly gusts at a speed of 70 kms
ents friend. She said her client was going. in the country, the Directorate square meters and ight navi- Kuwaits meteorological de- per hour. (KUNA)
in the jail when the crime was com- Meanwhile, two unknown indi-
mitted while stressing there is no con- viduals stole 20 dozen cigarette packs
nection between the conscated drugs
and her client. She added the lawsuit
documents do not present any evi-
dence against her client.

from a mobile grocery shop alongside
Rahiya Road and escaped without
getting caught. Securitymen are car-
rying out investigations to nd and
arrest the suspects.
Kuwaiti riddled with bullets,

another bludgeoned to death

Ruling overturned: The Appellate
Circuit of the Misdemeanor Court Maid attempts suicide: A Nepalese
overturned the verdict issued by maid who attempted to commit sui-
the Court of First Instance which cide by consuming detergent inside
imposed a fine of KD 100 each on her sponsors house, has been referred
three Syrians for engaging in a pub- to the intensive care unit of the Adan
lic brawl near a known roundabout Hospital for treatment, reports Al-Rai New visa ban puts families in serious crisis
in Jleeb Al Shuyoukh area. The daily.
court instead acquitted the third sus- As soon as the Operations Room of
pect. Interior Ministry received a call from By Meshal Al-Sanousi
The Public Prosecution had charged the sponsor police and paramedics Al-Seyassah Staff and
the three Syrians of exchanging blows rushed to the house and took the maid Agencies
with the rst and second suspects and to the hospital.
unidentied others on one side and A case has been registered at the KUWAIT CITY, May
the third suspect and an unidentied Sabahiya Police Station. Police are 31: A 21-year-old Ku-
person on the other. In the ght, the investigating why the maid wanted to waiti citizen was shot
third suspect sustained serious inju- end her life. dead inside his house in
Waha, Jahra area. The
identity of the murder-
er is yet unknown but
intensive investigations
are ongoing to nd the
According to security
sources, when the Operations
Room of Ministry of Interior
received a distress call from a
Kuwaiti citizen who reported
nding his sons corpse inside
his house, securitymen, ofc-
ers from the General Depart-
ment of Criminal Evidences
and an ambulance were dis-
patched to the location.
They found a Kuwaiti youth
lying dead with three bullet
MoI photo
wounds in his head and two bul-
let wounds in his abdomen.
Body of the Asian expatriate found hanging from the tree. The victims father informed
securitymen that he last saw his
son alive when the latter took the
2 drug peddlers held Suhoor meal and went to his
bedroom to sleep. He said he has
no knowledge of whether his son

Lankan commits suicide had any problems or issues with

The corpse was referred to the
By Meshal Al-Sanousi Forensics Department for autop-
sy. Securitymen led a case and
Al-Seyassah Staff Drug peddlers held: Criminal Se- launched investigations to nd and
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: A Sri Lankan curity Men arrested two Kuwaitis for arrest the murderer of the youth.
expatriate committed suicide by hang- peddling in illicit drugs and seized 200 Meanwhile, a former ofcer
ing himself from a tree in Ardiya area. grams of heroin and Shabu in their pos- of Ministry of Defense murdered
According to security sources, when session. a 1975-born Kuwaiti citizen in
the Operations Room of Ministry of A security source said ofcers from broad daylight.
Interior received information about the Criminal Security Sector received re- According to security sourc-
incident, securitymen rushed to the lo- port about the activities of two citizens es, the victim was walking to a Top and above: Municipality inspectors during a raid at various stores issuing citations for violations.
cation and found the man hanging from who peddled in narcotics and placed mosque noontime for prayers
when the suspect drove towards
the tree with a rope noosed around his them under surveillance.
Guarded by search and arrest warrant, him and intentionally knocked Municipality issues citations in massive raids
neck. The corpse was pulled down with him down on the road. He then
the help of ofcers from the General security operatives raided the apartments
stepped out of his vehicle, took Emergency Team A afliated tions for conducting activities be- Kuwait Municipalitys Pub-
Department of Criminal Evidences, and of the two suspects after conrming valid- a brick, and hit the victim on the to the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Mu- fore obtaining license. lic Relations Department stated
referred to the Forensics Department. ity of the report and recovered 120 grams head with the brick, thereby kill- nicipality recently embarked on Meanwhile, ofcials of the the campaign coincided with
The details of the deceased were of heroin and 80 grams of Shabu respec- ing him. This incident occurred an intensive campaign at Qurain Farwaniya Municipality went on the launch of a media aware-
checked to discover he is a Sri Lankan tively. They admitted selling the contra- in front of several passersby, who Markets, factories in Subhan, an inspection tour of some ware- ness campaign of the Municipal-
expatriate. Necessary action was taken. band to clients. tried to stop the suspect; howev- and cooperative society stores houses, restaurants, shops, ity dubbed Your Health is Trust
er, the latter managed to escape to ascertain the level at which kitchens and supermarkets in aimed at exhibiting readiness
after committing the murder. the shops and restaurants abide Ardiya Industrial Area, and is- of the monitoring authorities in
Securitymen eventually man- by Kuwait Municipality regula- sued 61 citations for various vio- various branches of the Munici-
aged to nd and arrest him. When tions. lations. pality to intensify campaigns in-
they questioned him, he explained The campaigns led to the issu- Jahra Municipality ofcials also side cooperative societies, the
that he has been in a dispute with ance of 131 citations for various conducted campaigns at some warehouses of food companies,
the deceased since childhood. With violations. 15 citations were is- shops and restaurants within the wholesale foodstuff markets, as
the intention of murdering him, he sued over failure to use signposts governorate and cited 14 viola- well as shops and restaurants
observed the victim for three days to indicate activities and 48 cita- tions in some markets there. during and after Ramadan.
before committing the murder.

Visa ban crisis: The recent de-
cision announced by the Ministry
GMRP cuts cash for 1,652 Kuwaitis
of Interior banning the renewal KUWAIT CITY, May 31: The Gov- and who are actually beneciaries of and the manpower authority are fully
of family visa for parents, sib- ernment Manpower Restructuring the support provided by the state as per linked so the transaction will be au-
lings and other relatives of ex- Program (GMRP) has stopped the the decision issued by the Council of tomatically terminated in case of any
patriate workers, except children disbursement of labor support for Ministers regarding the disbursement discrepancy.
and spouses, has caused serious 1,652 Kuwaiti male and female em- of the social allowance and the allow-
crisis among expatriate families, ployees in May out of the 57,633 af- ance for children to professionals and
reports Al-Jarida daily. ter ending their work permits in the craftsmen and employees of non-gov- Indian nabbed: An Indian expa-
The daily quoting a source said private sector, who were paid KD ernmental organizations. triate was arrested for impersonat-
the problem is more overwhelming 38.522 million, reports Al-Rai daily. Al-Majdali has called on everyone ing a woman by wearing niqab
on some expatriates who served The Secretary-General of the pro- working in the private sector and who and abaya and sitting in front of
Kuwait diligently for several dec- gram Fawzi Al-Majdali told the daily benet from the employment support a mosque in Salmiya area to beg for
ades before retirement, and later the decision of the Council of Minis- to renew his/her work permit a month money from worshippers, says Al-
transferred their residence on chil- ters No. 613 of 2015 obliged all na- before it ends, so as not to put himself/ Seyassah.
dren who were born and bred in tional manpower to register with the herself in an unenviable position. According to security sources, se-
the country. He said the decision, General Authority for Manpower and He also called on the licensees to curitymen were on their regular pa-
which was issued last Thursday get a valid work permit to benet from renew their commercial licenses well trol around mosques and commercial
and became effective the follow- the support allocated by the State. in advance in order to continue get- complexes when they noticed a wom-
ing Sunday, led to congestion at Al-Majdali pointed out the work ting the support for the employees an sitting in front of the entrance of a
various residency departments in permit creates a database whereby from the state. mosque in Salmiya area and holding
all six governorates. private sector employees are excluded Al-Majdali revealed the GMRP a carton to collect money.


Introduction of taxation seems inevitable

VAT implementation poses challenge for GCC insurers: A.M. Best

LONDON, May 31: Uncertainty Saudi Arabia and the United kets may have to rush towards come more restrained in recent goods and services in the value rect classification of all busi-
persists as to when precisely Arab Emirates (the UAE) are in implementation. years, reecting the decrease in chain, including outsourced ser- ness transactions.
Value Added Tax (VAT) will be the process of establishing sepa- In a news brieng, VAT Im- revenue from the sharp fall in vices. With regards to the credit
introduced in the member states rate national legislation to simul- plementation Poses Signicant the oil price. As a result, the in- The briefing also notes that quality of insurers, A.M. Best
of the Gulf Cooperation Coun- taneously adopt taxation on 1 Challenges for GCC Insurers, troduction of VAT at a standard few insurers appear to be pre- believes that there likely is to
cil (GCC), and the process sur- January, 2018. A.M. Best states that as imple- rate of 5% appears inevitable as pared for the change in legisla- be an adjustment period, where
rounding a roll-out. Laws for the implementa- mentation laws have yet to be governments seek to bolster their tion, with some assuming that insurers will have to take a hit
However, given the fiscal tion of VAT under the uni- passed, this has resulted in a de- inward receipts. any impact would be limited. to move in-line with the re-
pressures in the region, the in- fied Gulf Cooperation Coun- bate as to whether the target date Aneela Mather-Khan, associ- Salman Siddiqui, associate quirements.
troduction of taxation seems cil (GCC) Value Added Tax is achievable. ate nancial analyst, said: A.M. director, added: A.M. Best This could affect operating
inevitable and could cause (VAT) Framework Agreement Whilst there may be some Best notes that the implementa- believes that insurers should performance and capitalisation,
short-term cash-flow issues for are still to be passed in most delay, in A.M. Bests opinion, tion of the VAT rules will in- consider the implementation of although this would likely be a
insurers. GCC member states, but should VAT likely is to be introduced crease the cost of doing busi- VAT as part of their risk man- short-term effect, while compa-
The GCC member states of the deadline remain, this could as quickly as possible. Public - ness for insurers in the GCC as agement framework, paying nies adjust pricing as policies
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, mean that companies and mar- nancing across the GCC has be- VAT will be applied to almost all particular attention to the cor- renew.

Kuwait registers estimated

fiscal deficit of -3.6% in 16
PwC issues first quarterly economic bulletin on ME
DUBAI, May 31: PwC
issued today the rst
in a series of regular
economic bulletins on
Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Planning and Developing, Dr Kha- the Middle East. The
lid Mahdi during a press conference to announce the annual results of the fol-
lowing report for the developing plan. report, which builds on
a range of similar pub-
lications published by
the rm globally, looks
at the dominant themes
driving Middle Eastern
economies and the op-
portunities and chal-
lenges ahead for the
Key ndings
2016 was probably the low
point for oil exporters. Ac-
cording to PwC economists,
economic prospected in 2017
should improve, helped by
stronger oil prices over the
A view of the celebrations year. The monthly Purchas-
ing Managers Indices (PMIs),
Exports to ME AUD$ 2.8 bln last year support this outlook with all
showing an ongoing upswing
in Jan-Apr 2017, indicat-
Victoria celebrates twenty years ing better growth prospects
of commitment to MENA region Nevertheless, oil prices still
remain well below break-even
levels for most oil exporters and
DUBAI, May 31: The State Govern- with an ongoing commitment to the scal reform and decit nanc-
ment of Victoria is celebrating 20 years highest international standards of ing will continue to be key policy
of trade, tourism and investment links quality management, food safety and priorities in 2017 and beyond.
with the Middle East region. Halal accreditation, said Butler. PwC stressed three key chal-
The Australian state set up its Vic- The MENA region is also an im- lenges for the regions economies:
torian Government Business Ofce portant export region for Victorian First, low oil prices resulted
(VGBO) in 1997 to drive trade and in- service providers, particularly in in large scal decits for oil pro-
ducing countries that now need
vestment links with the region, which the building and construction sector to be reined in. GCC govern-
two decades later has seen Victorias where companies have established ments collectively registered a
annual exports to the Middle East and ofces in the UAE and beyond. decit of around -11.1% of GDP
North Africa (MENA) region grow to Education is another important ex- in 2016, ranging from an estimat-
AUD$2.49 billion (US$1.85 billion). port sector with organizations offering ed -3.6% in Kuwait to a burden-
Over a 10 year-long period (2006- in-country courses and over 6,300 stu- some -20.6% for Oman
2016), Victorias total exports into dents from the MENA region enroll- Second, scal reforms are hard
the MENA region was valued at ing in Victorian education institutes to do and even harder to sustain:
AUD$29.34 billion (US$21.76 bil- energy subsidies were cut across
last year. Victoria is the most popular the board (resulting in a GCC
lion). Australian study destination for Saudi average of 2.8% ination); popu-
Victoria has had a long-standing Arabian students, who account for the lar backlash against rising petrol
and ongoing commitment to the largest cohort of MENA students in the prices has caused some govern- Kuwaits Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim and ILO Director-General Guy Ryder shakes hands after signing the
MENA region which has been estab- state (around 2,900 in 2016). ments to reconsider this policy agreement.
lished through a sense of deep trust Tourism and yet many more difcult re-
and a mutually benecial relationship forms are in the pipeline Bid to promote decent work for Palestinians
that has been harnessed for 20 years, Tourism and aviation links be- And nally, the issue of hidden
tween Victoria and the region have costs for oil importing countries
said John Butler, Commissioner for
the State Government of Victoria in
the Middle East, Africa and Turkey.
been enhanced over the years, with
Emirates Airline, Etihad Airways
manifested in sizable structural
decits in countries like Egypt Kuwait grants $0.5 mln to support ILO
and Qatar Airways all ying daily to and indirectly, negatively affecting
There are many countries in the countries that heavily rely on remit- BEIRUT, May 31: Kuwait pledged women and men and their families in prove livelihoods, and it barely trans-
MENA region that have played a vital Melbourne. tances and exports from the GCC $0.5 million to support the ILOs De- the occupied Arab territories, the In- lates into employment gains.
role in the Victorian economy as both a Emirates Airline has a long-term rela- But is there cause for con- cent Work Agenda in the occupied ternational Labour Organization (ILO) Perhaps no other indicators mirror
source of imports and as an export des- tionship with Melbourne, having spon- cern? Palestinian territory (OPT), during says in a new report. the vulnerable situation of Palestinian
tination. We can only see our relation- sored the famous Collingwood Football Whilst this environment cre- a signing ceremony at the ILO head- The 2017 edition of The situation livelihoods as dramatically as those re-
Club and the Emirates Melbourne Cup, ates challenges for business, such quarters in Geneva. of workers of the occupied Arab ter- lated to the labour market, the report
ship strengthening further as we grow Jamal Al-Ghunaim, Ambassador ritories cites stringent constraints on states.
even closer together and develop the the agships among a portfolio of key as managing new taxes, the re-
port identied a growing number and Permanent Representative of the movement and economic activity, a Unemployment in the Occupied Pal-
successful two-way collaboration be- partnerships in the state. State of Kuwait to the United Nations longstanding blockade of the Gaza estinian Territory remains pervasive,
Etihad Airways also has a strong of opportunities, particularly as
tween Victoria and the region. the major Gulf economies look Ofce and other International Organi- Strip, and a stalled peace process cou- higher than in any other country in
Through a variety of programs connection with Melbourne, which for alternative sources of nanc- zations in Geneva, made over the con- pled with intensifying Israeli settle- the Middle East and North Africa, and
and business initiatives, the VGBO is home to Australias Etihad Stadium ing. This includes the debt mar- tribution to ILO Partnerships and Field ment activity as critical determinants more than twice the regional average.
has assisted Victorian exporters and and has seen the UAEs national car- kets and privatisation initiatives. Support Department Director Juan of continued deterioration in the occu- More than a quarter of the Palestinian
provided assistance to Middle East, rier become the lead sponsor of Mel- Richard Boxshall, PwC Mid- Felipe Hunt, in the presence of ILO pied territories. labour force is unemployed; joblessness
bourne City Football Club. dle Easts Economist echoed Director-General Guy Ryder. Examines among youth remains above 40 per cent.
African and Turkish companies and Kuwaits contributions since 2009 Fewer than half of Palestinians above 15
organizations to source products and With a vibrant arts scene, a passion the positive sentiment for the re-
gions economic outlook: account for 85 per cent of funding for The Director-Generals annual re- years of age are economically active, and
services, business introductions and for great food and Australias leading ILO programmes in the OPT. The new port, submitted to the ILOs Interna- two thirds of youth now remain outside
sporting events, its no surprise that The urry of activity in debt
investment opportunities with Vic- markets, privatisation and PPPs funding brings Kuwaits total con- tional Labour Conference in June, ex- the labour force. Less than one in ve
toria. Victoria is known for its amazing has only just got started and should tributions to the ILOs promotion of amines employment and labour market women work.
tourism experiences, said Butler. generate interesting business op- Decent Work and social justice in the conditions and rights of workers in the The situation is particularly dire
Exports West Bank, including East Jerusalem,
Investment portunities in the next few years. Arab States region to $US 4.5 million for the 2 million Palestinians living
The Victorian food and beverage Investors can expect to see GCC since 2009. Gaza and the occupied Syrian Golan. in Gaza, which has been sealed off by
sector is a key component of the Vic- Victoria also offers a highly-skilled economies make increasing use of Kuwait has been always keen to The harsh reality facing all efforts land, air and sea for the past decade.
torian economy and the industry has and innovative workforce across a international debt markets and to support ILO and its interventions in to strengthen the Palestinian labour Unemployment here remains well
built a well-established relationship range of industries, including world- work harder to attract foreign direct the OPT, said Jamal Al-Ghunaim. market is the control that the occupa- above 40 per cent, and the majority of
with the MENA region. Each year, class capabilities in biotechnology and investment in the next few years. We praise ILOs work and achieve- tion exercises over the Palestinian bor- economically active youth 60 per
life sciences, carbon trading, automo- He added: Foreign investors ments in Palestine. I refer in particular ders and the access to land, water and cent are jobless. Among graduates,
up to 100 of Victorias top F&B com- natural resources, ILO Director-Gen-
tive, aerospace, defense and ICT. will want to see that govern- to the adoption in 2016 of the social joblessness is almost universal. Ga-
panies attend the annual Gulfood ex- security law for workers in the private eral, Guy Ryder, says in his foreword zans remain unable to move for work
hibition in Dubai, joining a Victorian Equally, Victoria is a signicant ments have credible and commit-
ted plans to control the public - sector which will contribute to achiev- to the report. elsewhere. The overall economic and
Minister who leads the delegation of destination for MENA exporters and ing better livelihoods for the Palestin- The space for opportunities to labour market situation is suffocating,
nances. Introduction of VAT and
the states high performing companies investors, added Butler, With direct excise tax in the GCC is an early ian people, he added. work, farm, produce and create jobs the ILO Director-General adds.
to the region. daily ights into our capital city Mel- opportunity for GCC govern- The Director-General and the Am- in the occupied territories remains se- In the West Bank, the restrictions on
During the period 2006-2016, Vic- bourne, and a reputation for leader- ments to signal to international bassador of Kuwait agreed on the im- verely constrained, Ryder says. movement and economic activity and
toria exported AUD$10.24 billion ship in Islamic banking, Victoria is investors their commitment to portance of mobilizing for additional re- The report calls for the reanimation the overbearing presence of Israeli set-
(US$7.6 billion) worth of food and an attractive destination for prospec- scal reforms. sources that would secure more funding of the peace process with a view to tlements have fragmented the labour
tive investors into our great state. The issue also highlights the for the ILO project on social security. achieving the two-state solution. market and impeded the development
agriculture products into the MENA As I indicate in my Report to the One of the aims of the Oslo agree- of a viable and vibrant Palestinian
region. Melbournes attractiveness to live and growth potential of Egypt and Saudi
Arabia, viewed by PwC as pockets upcoming ILC: the Palestinian Au- ments was to establish well-function- economy, the report stresses.
In the UAE alone, Victorias food work is underpinned by its position as thority and indeed a viable Palestinian ing labour markets for both Israel and The effect of working in Israel and
one of the top cities in the world, as of opportunity in the region.
exports were doubled over the past state cannot stand on their own nan- the Palestinians. This remains little the settlements
10 years (2006-2016). During this voted by the Economist Intelligence cially, Ryder said. more than a distant aspiration, Ryder The report also notes that a lack of
period, Victoria exported AUD$2.84 Units annual Global Liveability Report, At PwC, our purpose is to From his side, the Ambassador of continues. The promotion and ap- alternatives has obliged an increasing
billion (US$2.1 billion) worth of food which consistently ranks the Victorian build trust in society and solve Kuwait indicated that his countrys plication of social justice and decent number of Palestinian men and women
and agriculture products to the UAE. capital as number one. important problems. Were a latest contribution could be used to work must continue as vital corner- to seek work in Israel and the settle-
The UAE consists of 24 percent of The city is also the fastest grow- network of rms in 157 countries support the building of a social secu- stones of the peace effort, he says. ments. Average wages of Palestinians
with more than 223,000 people rity institution in OPT and promised to Economic growth does take place working in Israel are more than twice
Victorias total exports and 35 percent ing in Australia, forecast to overtake who are committed to delivering work with the ILO for the mobilization in both the West Bank and Gaza, but as high as in the West Bank. About one
of Victorias total food export into the Sydneys population as early as 2030. quality in assurance, advisory of additional funds. the ILO mission that travelled to the quarter of the total wages earned by
MENA region. Melbournes population has grown and tax services. Find out more A multitude of obstacles arising out region to document the report found Palestinians of the West Bank comes
Victoria is a leading exporter of more quickly than any other Austra- and tell us what matters to you by of 50 years of Israeli occupation domi- that it remains well below its potential. from employment in Israel or Israeli
superior food and beverage products lian city over the past 10 years. visiting us at nate the everyday reality of working Current growth is not enough to im- settlements in the West Bank.


World News Roundup

additional tactical training, McGrath said.
Contrary to values
Lawmaker assails Trump moves: Te-
Deportation order resa Alonso Leon envisioned a better life
in a promised land when she was brought
from Mexico to America as a young
girl. Instead, her family wound up in an
inhumane judge unheated house in Oregon with no indoor
plumbing, eking out a living by picking
SAN FRANCISCO, May 31, (AP): A Trump admin- strawberries.
istration order to deport a man who entered the coun- It is all the more remarkable, then, that
Alonso Leon became one of the rst people
try illegally nearly three decades ago and became a brought to the US illegally to become a
respected businessman in Hawaii was inhumane lawmaker in America when she was elected
and contrary to the values of the country and its legal last November to Oregons Legislature.
system, a federal judge wrote Tuesday in an unusu- Alonso Leons victory shows that
ally impassioned opinion. human potential does not know immigra-
President Trump has claimed that his immigration tion status, and that among Americas
policies would target the bad hombres, 9th US immigrants, especially those who have
Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephen Reinhardt come here as children and beneted from
said. The governments decision to remove Magana the right to education,
Ortiz shows that even the good hombres are not their potential offers
safe. leadership for the
Reinhardt said the 9th Circuit lacked authority to country, said Arturo
block the March order to Vargas, executive
deport Ortiz to Mexico. Still, director of the Na-
he said it was difficult to see tional Association of
how the order was consistent Latino Elected and
with President Donald Trumps Appointed Ofcials.
The irony that
promise of an immigration sys- Alonso Leon was
tem with heart. elected the same day
Reinhardt said Ortiz, who that Donald Trump
came to the US in 1989, was beat Hillary Clinton Leon
well-established in Hawaiis is not lost on her.
coffee farming industry, paid We didnt get our woman president that
his taxes and had three US citi- we were hoping for, but they got me as a
zen children from whom he legislator, Alonso Leon said with a laugh
Reinhardt would be torn away. in her small ofce in the Oregon Capitol.
Nicole Navas, a US Department of Justice spokes- Alonso Leon, a Democrat, became a US
woman, said the agency declined comment on the citizen in 2012. Now, with Trump stepping
case. up immigration enforcement, she sees
Reinhardt is considered to be one of the most lib- herself as a defender of her constituents.
eral judges on the 9th Circuit and his rulings often Her district is centered around the predomi-
place him on the side of immigrants and prisoners. nantly Latino town of Woodburn, 30 miles
Reinhardt wrote a 2012 opinion striking down (48 kms) south of Portland.
US Customs and Immigration Enforce-
Californias gay marriage ban. ment, known by its acronym as ICE,
He also wrote a 1996 opinion that struck down a already has focused on the town, stopping
Washington state law that prohibited doctors from two vans loaded with workers in February
prescribing medication to help terminally ill patients and taking several people away. Alonso
die. Leon is a former Woodburn City Council
Appeals member. (AP)

Reinhold joined the nations largest federal appeals
court in 1980 after being nominated by President Town probed over mosque denial:
Jimmy Carter. The US Department of Justice has opened
His opinion in the Ortiz case came as the US an investigation on a New Jersey citys
Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with a Mexican rejection of a planned mosque, a spokes-
immigrant who faced deportation after he was con- man conrmed on Tuesday.
Brooklyn College graduates listen during commencement ceremony where Sen Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, delivered the The US Attorneys ofce in New
victed of having consensual sex with his underage keynote address on May 30 in New York. The former Democratic presidential candidate, who hails from Brooklyn and Jersey, in conjunction with members of
girlfriend. attended the school for a year, urged graduates to stand together and not let demagogues divide the country. (Inset): the departments civil rights headquarters
The justices ruled unanimously that Juan Esquivel- Brooklyn College humanities and social sciences graduate Ameera Badamasi (center), from Nigeria, hugs a student after in Washington, DC, is examining whether
Quintana had committed a crime under California the colleges commencement ceremony. (AP) ofcials in Bayonne, New Jersey, properly
law, but his conduct did not violate federal immigra- denied plans to build a mosque, according
tion law. to Matthew Reilly, a spokesman for the
Also Tuesday, a divided 11-judge panel of the 9th New Jersey ofce.
Circuit upheld a law that bars people who are in the Justice The Bayonne Muslims, the group seek-
country illegally from avoiding deportation if they are ing to construct the mosque, led a federal
habitual drunks. The law holds that those people do lawsuit against the city last week.
not have good moral character. News of the federal probe came on
the same day that another New Jersey
The ruling overturned a decision by a smaller 9th
Circuit panel that included Reinhardt that said alco- Critics slam purging voter lists municipality, Bernards Township, agreed
holism is an illness, not a moral defect. to pay $3.25 million to resolve allegations
by the US government and a Muslim group
The rulings come against a backdrop of stepped up
immigration enforcement by the Trump administra-
tion. US immigration arrests increased nearly 40 per-
SC to hear voter case that the town illegally rejected plans for a
The agreement between Bernards, which
cent in early 2017 from a comparable period last year, WASHINGTON, May 31, (Agencies): lem is negligible and really used to is located about 30 miles (48 km) west of
according to figures provided by immigration offi- The US Supreme Court on Tuesday justify suppressing the Democratic New York City, and the US Department
cials. However, actual deportations were down from agreed to hear a case over voting vote. of Justice will allow the Islamic Society of
late January to late April compared with a year ago. rights that is part of a long-running Last week, the Supreme Court Basking Ridge to build a new prayer facility.
Ortiz, 43, won a reprieve from deportation in 2014 dispute between Republicans and found Republican lawmakers in North Federal law prohibits local governments
and was seeking legal status on the basis that his wife Democrats. Carolina guilty of illegally using race from imposing an undue burden on reli-
and children are US citizens when the government The court said it would consider an to draw up congressional districts that gious exercise through land use regulations.
without any explanation ordered him in March to appeal from the Republican-controlled would dilute the strength of African- Bayonne ofcials could not immediately
report for removal the next month, according to state of Ohio after a lower court American voters. be reached for comment late on Tuesday.
Reinhardt. Votive candles bearing the photos of blocked a policy to purge voter-regis- The Supreme Court will be critical (RTRS)
Ortiz has at least one conviction for driving under two men who were fatally stabbed on tration lists of people who do not vote in determining whether such policies
the influence, but Reinhardt said that was not the basis a Portland, Oregon, light-train while regularly, saying it violated federal are lawful, already acting in some
for his removal order. law. cases and considering taking up US Army discharges soldier: The US
trying to stop another man from Army has discharged an American-French
Ortiz appealed to the 9th Circuit in an effort to harassing two young women with an The states officials argue that more.
canceling the registration of voters dual citizen who had enlisted despite hav-
block the removal order. Now, he will be returned to anti-Muslim tirade, sit on a rain-
Mexico and face a 10-year bar on his return, the judge soaked memorial on May 30 in who had appeared inactive for six Sued ing fought with Russia-backed separatists
in eastern Ukraine, ofcials said Tuesday.
said. Portland. Taliesin Myrddin Namkai- years helped keep voting rolls current The American Civil Liberties Guillaume Cuvelier, 29, was able to
Meche, 23, and Ricky Best, 53, died and accurate. Union last year sued Ohio Secretary join the Army this year even though he
in the attack. (AP) But critics say that purging voter of State Jon Husted, arguing that the had espoused extreme right-wing French
A student originally from Mexico, Eric Cruz lists was aimed at removing minori- state was violating the 1993 law, nationalist views and had fought for the
Lopez was among the most visible immigration activ- ties, poor voters and others who tend which prohibits states from striking Kremlin-backed Donetsk Peoples Repub-
ists on the University of Connecticut campus up to support the Democratic Party. registered voters by reason of the
until he was charged with spray-painting expletives America An appellate court ruled in persons failure to vote. The 6th
lic in 2014.
Private First Class Guilluame Cuvelier
about President Donald Trump on the walls of September last year that the Ohio Circuit agreed. was discharged from the US Army on May
school buildings. authorities had violated the National Husted called the Supreme Courts 24, 2017, Army spokeswoman Valerie
Now his arrest is hurting the push for a bill that Suspect yells slogans: A murder sus- Voter Registration Act, passed by decision to hear his states appeal
pect accused of killing two men during an Mongello said in a statement, without giv-
would allow students without legal immigration status anti-Muslim rant against two girls on board
Congress in 1993 to make it easier to encouraging. Maintaining the integ- ing a reason for the move.
at the states public colleges and universities access to a train in Oregon appeared in court on register to vote. rity of the voter rolls is essential to Cuveliers case was rst reported by The
financial aid. Tuesday, shouting slogans and defending The Supreme Courts decision to conducting an election with efficiency Washington Post, prompting the Army to
Cruz, who had testified himself in favor of the leg- his act as patriotism. hear the case represents a victory for and integrity, Husted said in a state- launch an investigation into whether any
islation, was charged on May 7 with more than 100 Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, did not the Ohio authorities. ment. recruitment procedures were violated when
counts of misdemeanor vandalism. Police said he enter a plea during his brief arraignment on Critics condemned the move. Under Ohios policy, if registered Cuvelier signed up. A March 2014 execu-
gave a statement admitting to the vandalism and offer- charges including two counts of aggravated The right to vote is not a use-it-or- voters miss voting for two years, they tive order bars US citizens from assisting
ing to discuss restitution. He did not respond to lose-it right, said Demos, a liberal are sent registration confirmation the Donetsk Peoples Republic by way of
murder, which carry the death penalty. funds, goods or services.
requests for comment. Get out if you dont like free speech think-tank. notices. If they do not respond and do
The case led state House leaders to postpone a not vote over the following four According to his large digital footprint,
and You call it terrorism, I call it patriot- Lists Cuvelier also spent time ghting with the
planned vote last week on legislation that would open ism. You hear me? Die, he shouted in the years, they are removed from the
Ohio removed hundreds of thou- rolls. Kurdish peshmerga in northern Iraq before
up $165 million in institutional financial aid to stu- courtroom, anked by two deputies. heading to America. (AFP)
dents without legal status at public colleges and uni- Death to the enemies of America. sands of people from voter-registra- Husted has said Ohios policy has
Leave this country if you hate our free- tion lists in 2015, civil rights groups been in place since the 1990s under
versities. Those students are studying under an
Obama-era executive order known as the Deferred dom, he added. Christian is due back in say. both Republican and Democratic sec- Pennsylvanias N-plant to close:
Action for Childhood Arrivals, which grants them court on June 7. The majority of those purged voted retaries of state. The Three Mile Island Generating Station
special visas. Attending the hearing on Tuesday was Democratic, including a high propor- Freda Levenson, legal director of in Pennsylvania, the site of the worst
State Sen Beth Bye, a West Hartford Democrat and Micah Fletcher, who was wounded as he tion of African Americans and the ACLU of Ohio, expressed confi- nuclear accident in the United States four
co-chair of the legislatures Higher Education tried to defend a black 16-year-old and her Hispanics, they say. dence that the Supreme Court would decades ago, announced on Tuesday that it
Committee, said shes still hopeful lawmakers will Muslim friend as they rode on a crowded As we have seen time and time uphold the 6th Circuit ruling. Ohios would close in 2019 pending major policy
look past the arrest and to the bigger picture. train on Friday. again, homeless voters and other mar- purge of eligible voters has served as reforms.
Christian allegedly targeted the teens, ginalized voters have to fight to make a powerful mechanism of voter sup- Exelon Corporation, which operates the
Its frustrating to see this one persons action, in a one of whom wore a hijab, with racial and plant south of Harrisburg, said it plans to
moment in time, hurt the hopes and dreams of hun- their voices heard in the electoral pro- pression, Levenson said in a state-
religious insults. cess, said Brian Davis of the ment. close the station around September 2019.
dreds of Connecticut college students, putting their Two other men who tried to intervene Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Husted said he has made maintain- President and CEO Chris Crane called it a
hopes and dreams out of reach, she said. His actions were fatally stabbed. Homeless (NEOCH). ing accurate voter rolls a priority in difcult day for the plants 675 employ-
are not indicative at all of who these students are. Fletcher told the local NBC station on Rules governing voting rights are order to increase election integrity and ees, their families and customers.
Connecticut Students for a Dream, for which Cruz Tuesday that he was trying to come to the source of many legal disputes in voter confidence, including removing Staff are expected to start transitioning
worked as an organizer, wrote to lawmakers distanc- terms with the tragedy. I got stabbed in the United States. nearly 560,000 dead people from the out within six months of the nal shut-
ing themselves from his actions. the neck on my way to work, randomly, by Republicans say new restrictions rolls and resolving instances of more down, the Chicago-based corporation said.
The group plans a rally at the state Capitol on a stranger I dont know, for trying to just be are needed to crack down on voter than 1.65 million voters who were Exelon said it would make shutdown
Wednesday to make another push for the legislation. a nice person, said the 21-year-old univer- fraud. Most Democrats say that prob- registered more than once. notications to the Nuclear Regulatory
For four years, we have marched, rallied, and sity student. Like, I dont know what to do Commission within 30 days, terminate
organized for these proposals, said Camila after that, you know. capital investment projects required for
Bortolleto, a spokeswoman for the group. Weve Im healing. Thats what Im doing. As Cleveland Division of Police, shot Tamir of killings that fueled protests against use long-term operation and cancel 2019 fuel
won support from all of Connecticuts higher educa- much as I can, in whatever way I can. Rice as he played in a playground with a by US police of deadly force, particularly purchases and outage planning.
tion institutions, dozens of community groups, labor According to reports, Christian was a toy gun that red pellets, one of a string against minorities. Still, the corporation held the door open
unions, and legislators in both parties. ... Its resound- known white supremacist and had appeared Patrol Ofcer Loehmann had been to preserving the plant, saying reforms to
at an alt-right rally in Oregon in April charged with rule violations concerning his Pennsylvania state energy policy to support
ingly clear: Our state supports these proposals. application process to be considered a cadet
But some conservatives, including commentator during which he had yelled racist slurs nuclear power could provide one of many
while giving a Nazi salute. (AFP) with the division of police, specically potential solutions.
Ann Coulter, have latched on to Cruz Lopezs arrest answers he had provided on his personal Exelon said it is committed to nding
as an example of why they say the students dont
history statement, Cleveland Director of the best solution, saying nuclear energy
deserve support. Policeman who shot Rice fired: Public Safety Michael McGrath said at a contributes $2 billion a year to Pennsylva-
Cruz led a protest march on campus in November An Ohio police ofcer who fatally shot a news conference. nias economy and supports 16,000 direct
following the presidential election and appeared black 12-year-old boy in 2014 was red Those violations had been conrmed and indirect jobs in the state.
before the Board of Trustees in December to demand on Tuesday after an internal investigation during an investigation that included a dis- But a recent slide in energy prices, with
the school codify protections for the students after found he provided inaccurate information ciplinary hearing on May 2, McGrath said. natural gas sinking 64 percent over a dec-
Trump said he planned to reverse the previous admin- on his application to join the police, city Frank Garmback, a second ofcer ade, has left nuclear energy at a disadvan-
istrations executive order. ofcials said. involved in the shooting, will be suspended tage. It remains expensive and offers few
Timothy Loehmann, a rookie with the Christian Rice for 10 days for improper tactics and receive opportunities to cut overhead costs. (AFP)


People tie ribbons at the base of the last pillar to stand at Ground Zero during a ceremony for the 15th anniversary of the end of the nine month recovery effort at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum on May 30, in New York City. The
event honored rescue and recovery workers and the sacrices they made. It was announced today by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, 9/11 Memorial Board Chair and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, and
Board Member and former Daily Show host Jon Stewart that plans are underway for a permanent dedication at the 9/11 Memorial to honor rescue and recovery workers at Ground Zero after the September 11 attacks. (AFP)

Intelligence HealthCare

Wider WH overhaul expected Medicare plans to replace Social Security numbers on cards
Trump blasts probe,
urges Page testimony
Iowa GOP sens doubt repeal
ALTOONA, Iowa, May 31, (AP): Low- ing his presidential campaign, and by most people get covered or risk nes. It
WASHINGTON, May 31, (Agencies): US President ering expectations, Iowas two Repub- congressional GOP candidates since its would continue to provide subsidies for
Donald Trump sought to insert himself into congres- lican senators say the long-promised 2010 enactment. private health insurance, but at a reduced
sional probes on Russia on Wednesday, urging lawmak- repeal of Obamacare is unlikely, and But writing legislation that can pass level. And it would cut taxes on upper-
ers to hear from one of his former advisers, Carter Page, any nal agreement with the Republi- with only Republican votes has proven income people that Democrats raised to
to counter testimony by directors of the FBI and CIA. can-controlled House is uncertain. agonizing. nance their Affordable Care Act.
Trump has been dismissive of probes by the FBI and The comments Tuesday by Sens. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.,
several congressional panels into alleged Russian med- Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst come as canceled a March vote after opposition Improve
dling in the 2016 presidential election and potential col- the Republican-controlled Senate moves from party conservatives and moderates As a candidate and as president,
lusion by the Trump campaign. In a series of morning forward on its work to dismantle the would have sealed its defeat, and the two Trump has made reassuring promises
tweets, the Republican president quoted a Monday let- 2010 health care bill while facing con- wings of the GOP spent weeks blam- about health care. While offering few
ter from Page in which he asked to address the House icting demands within their own party ing each other for the bills demise. The details, hes vowed to improve cover-
Intelligence Committee promptly and referred to faulty House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and lockstep Democratic opposition. House subsequently passed it by a nar- age and cut costs. Days ago the president
testimony from US intelligence ofcials. of Calif, speaks at The Common- Both senators are active players in the row margin. tweeted, I suggest that we add more
Trump accused Democrats of blocking Pages testi- wealth Club in San Francisco, May health care debate. Ernst says the Senate will be able to dollars to Healthcare and make it the
mony, without citing evidence but referring to an uni- 30. (AP) You cant repeal it in its entirety, make individual changes to Obamas best anywhere. ObamaCare is dead - the
dentied report. Ernst told reporters after a joint appear- law where only a simple majority vote Republicans will do much better!
So now it is reported that the ance with Grassley in suburban Des is required. However, both the House GOP bill
Democrats, who have excoriated Moines. For instance, she mentioned changing and Trumps own budget would make
Carter Page about Russia, dont It was a frank admission from loyal mandatory health care benets required big cuts across a range of health care
want him to testify. He blows America conservatives representing a state Re- by insurers as ripe for Senate action. programs, from insurance to medical
away their case against him & publican Donald Trump carried in No- Ernst stopped short of saying whether research.
now wants to clear his name by vember. The Senates libuster rule any legislation passed in the Senate In the poll, three-in-four said they
Trumps covfefe tweet: A midnight means that Republicans who control would be accepted by the House. dont think the narrowly-passed House
showing the false or mislead- tweet by Donald Trump unleashed a wave
ing testimony by James Comey, of sometimes mocking speculation by the Senate with 52 seats cant repeal We will be working with the House, bill fullls most of Trumps promises.
John Brennan ... Witch Hunt! Internet users wondering what the US the entire law. she said. Thirty-ve percent it fullled none of his
Trump wrote on Twitter, refer- president meant by writing covfefe in Youve got to have 60 votes and we promises, while 40 percent said the bill
ring to the former directors of dont have 60 votes at this point, Grass- Promises fullls some Trump promises.
an apparently unnished Twitter post that
the FBI and CIA. Trumps early lingered online for hours. ley said. Meanwhile, President Trump has Only 4 percent said the GOP bill
Trump morning tweets came as his ad- At 12:06 am ET (0406 GMT), Trump Grassley, in his seventh term, is a sen- called the House-passed health care bill fullled all of the presidents promises,
visers are planning to establish a wrote: Despite the constant negative press ior member of the Finance Committee, a great plan, but a new poll nds that while another 10 percent said it deliv-
war room to combat mounting questions about com- covfefe. which oversees the laws tax and Med- three out of four Americans do not be- ered on most of his promises.
munication between Russia and his presidential cam- The post, since deleted, was followed icaid provisions. Ernst, elected in 2014, lieve it fullls most of his promises.
paign before and after Novembers election. by a Trump message at 6:09 am ET (1009 says she has been part of an informal The poll out Wednesday from the
However, the presidents penchant for tweeting could GMT) that sought to put a playful tone on GOP health care working groups dis- nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation WASHINGTON: Old Medicare cards will
complicate White House efforts to tamp down the scan- the misre, saying, Who can gure out the cussions. also found a growing share of the pub- be going in the shredder.
dal if the messages appear to address the investigations. true meaning of covfefe ??? Enjoy! As much as Id love to go back and lic concerned that the GOPs American Ofcials said Tuesday the govern-
Pages letter was reported by the Washington Exam- The original message, which seemed to scrap the whole darn thing, were simply Health Care Act will have negative ment is on track to meet a 2019 deadline
iner. Reuters has not veried the contents of the letter. A have been the start of a Trump complaint unable to do that, Ernst said. consequences for them personally by in- for replacing Social Security numbers
House Intelligence Committee staffer said on Wednes- about media coverage, soon became a top creasing their costs, making it harder to on Medicare cards with randomly gener-
trend on Twitter. Other Senate rules permit the GOP
day the panel does not make public its communications. majority to repeal portions of Obamac- get and keep health insurance, or reduc- ated digits and letters to protect seniors
Some users sought clarication from against identity theft. Planning for the
dictionary company Merriam-Webster. are without Democratic support but ren- ing quality.
Dominate der other parts of the law off limits. There is nothing in this poll, that if massive transition has been underway
They did not get a denition but did draw
Page, who advised Trump during his presidential a response. That just allows us to tinker around you were in the Senate, would cause you for years.
campaign, is one of several Trump associates of interest Wakes up. Checks Twitter... Uh.... the edges, Ernst earlier told Eric Bor- to rush out and pass the House bill, said Beneciaries and their families
to congressional investigators in the Russia probes that Lookups fo(r)... Regrets checking Twitter. seth, an Altoona, Iowa, businessman Drew Altman, president of the founda- should start seeing changes next April,
have begun to dominate his 4-month-old presidency. Goes back to bed, @MerriamWebster who implored her to get rid of that tion, a clearinghouse for health system Medicare announced Tuesday. Thats
Moscow has denied US intelligence agencies conclu- wrote after Trumps rst tweet ignited a monstrosity. information. It was the latest in an ongo- when the agency will begin mailing out
sion that Moscow interfered in the election campaign to slew of possible denitions and jokes, as ing series of Kaiser polls on health care. new cards to more than 57 million elder-
try to tilt the vote in Trumps favor. Trump has denied well as defenses of the president. Divisions Senators are on recess this week, back ly and disabled beneciaries. Theyll be
any collusion. Covfefe also made its way into the What Grassley and Ernst did not men- in their home states sounding out constit- instructed to destroy their old cards after
Meanwhile, a top communications aide to Trump has Urban Dictionary, a website that collates tion are divisions within the Republican uents. In Washington, staffers are work- they get the new one. New cards may be
resigned, in what many inside and outside the White online word submissions. (RTRS) caucus in the Senate. Getting every Re- ing on a legislative framework that can used right away.
House see as the rst exit before a wider overhaul. publican on board is proving arduous. get 51 votes. In the poll, only 8 percent Health care transitions can be noto-
Fresh off Trumps rst ofcial trip abroad, his admin- House Republicans passed a measure said the Senate should pass the House riously tricky for the government. Re-
istration is looking for ways to respond more aggressive- Flynn to provide some docus: Former
National Security Adviser Michael Flynn May 4 axing major parts of the 2010 Af- bill as it is. member the Obamacare computer
ly to allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election will provide documents to the Senate intel- fordable Care Act, including hundreds of The House-passed AHCA would system that didnt work at rst? Or the
and revelations of possible ties between Trumps cam- ligence committee as part of its probe into billions in extra Medicaid money that 31 eventually lead to 23 million fewer Medicare drug program rollout, when
paign and Moscow. White House communications direc- Russias meddling in the 2016 election, states now receive for expanding to cov- people covered, according to a recent millions of low-income beneciaries
tor Michael Dubke announced his resignation Tuesday. The Associated Press has learned. er more lower-income Americans under Congressional Budget Ofce estimate. couldnt get their prescriptions lled
Dubke said in a statement it had been an honor to serve Flynns decision Tuesday came as the federal insurance program. While it would reduce average premi- initially?
Trump and my distinct pleasure to work side by side, President Donald Trumps personal at- Such provisions, as well as the non- ums over time, it could also destabilize In a statement Tuesday, Medicare
day by day with the staff of the communications and torney, Michael Cohen, rejected a House partisan Congressional Budget Ofces coverage for people with health prob- chief Seema Verma said the Trump ad-
press departments. However, Trump has privately and intelligence committee request for informa- estimate that 23 million Americans lems in some states. ministration is aiming for a seamless
publicly pinned much of the blame for his administra- tion, and former White House staffer Boris would lose health insurance, make the The GOP bill would eliminate former transition over a 21-month period that
tions woes on the communications effort. Epshteyn conrmed he has been contacted House bill a non-starter with several Re- President Barack Obamas Medicaid ex- will involve coordination with bene-
In terms of messaging, I would give myself a C or a C for information as part of the House inves- publican senators. pansion and limit future federal nanc- ciaries, family members, hospitals, doc-
plus, Trump said in an interview on Fox News Channel tigation. Erasing Obamas health care law was ing for that safety net program. It would tors, insurance companies, pharmacies
early in his term. In terms of achievement, I think Id Meanwhile, Trump and Russian Presi- a top promise of Donald Trump dur- repeal the unpopular requirement that and state governments.
give myself an A. Because I think Ive done great things, dent Vladimir Putin sounded similar tones
but I dont think I have I and my people, I dont think as they criticized the ongoing US scrutiny
weve explained it well enough to the American public. of Russias attempts to sway the presiden-
Trump has long believed that he is his most effec- tial election.
tive spokesperson and has groused about supporters and Flynns cooperation was the rst signal
that he and the Senate panel have found array of documents and information related Inc., did consulting work for a Turkish
aides not defending him vigorously enough. At the same common ground. Congressional investiga- to his contacts with Russia. Flynns attor- businessman that required Flynn to register
time, he often undermines his staffers, contradicting their tors continue to press for key documents in neys had argued the request was too broad with the Justice Department as a foreign
public statements and sending inammatory tweets that the ongoing investigation, and the retired and would have required Flynn to turn agent earlier this year. The other, Flynn
derail their efforts to stay on topic. lieutenant general is trying to limit damag- over information that could have been used Intel Group LLC, was used to accept
White House spokesman Sean Spicer pushed back ing disclosures that hostile Democratic against him. money from Flynns paid speeches. Among
Tuesday on the idea that a broader reorganization was lawmakers could use against him. In response, the Senate panel narrowed the payments was more than $33,000
imminent, but he acknowledged the president is frustrat- Flynn had previously invoked his Fifth the scope of its request. It also issued Flynn received from RT, the Russian
ed with news stories that are absolutely false, that are Amendment protection against self-incrim- subpoenas seeking records from Flynns state-sponsored television network that
not based in fact. That is troubling. ination in declining an earlier subpoena businesses. US intelligence ofcials have branded as a
from the committee, which sought a wide One of the businesses, Flynn Intel Group Flynn Putin propaganda arm of the Kremlin. (AP)


World News Roundup

Scottish First Minister and Leader of the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon, acknowledges the applause after unvelling the Scottish National Partys (SNP) election manifesto in Perth, south-east Scotland on May 30, as campaigning
continues in the build up to the general election on June 8. (AFP)

Scottish nationalists to seek independence vote, Brexit seat

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon the United Kingdom and back into the Eu- bid in late 2018 or early 2019, but said she to convince a sceptical electorate. Sturgeon said she wanted an indepen-
said Tuesday that she would demand a ropean Union. could extend that timetable if there was not A series of polls have shown that support dence referendum towards the end of the
new independence referendum and a seat Scotland must have a choice about our sufcient clarity about the consequences for independence is holding steady at about Brexit negotiations, so that voters can
at the Brexit negotiating table if her party future a choice between following the of Brexit, with Britain due to leave the EU 45 percent, the same result as in 2014. make a genuinely informed choice about
wins the most seats in Scotland in the Brit- UK down the Brexit path or becoming an in March 2019. British Prime Minister Theresa May has the future of our country.
ish election. independent country, she told hundreds of The SNP hopes to hold a referendum said now is not the time for another ref- The SNP goes into the June 8 general
Presenting the Scottish National Partys SNP activists in Perth. before the current term of the semi-autono- erendum, and Scotlands unionist parties, election defending 54 of the 59 Scottish
manifesto for the vote, Sturgeon pledged Sturgeon conrmed that she wants a re- mous Scottish Parliament runs out in 2021, including Mays Tories, oppose another seats in the 650-member British parlia-
to pursue her plan to take Scotland out of run of the SNPs failed 2014 independence while still giving party leaders enough time referendum. ment. (AFP)

Britain Britain

Attacker bought parts himself June 8 election battle tightens

UK police release
3 bomb suspects PM May could lose majority
LONDON, May 31, (Agencies): Prime
LONDON, May 31, (Agencies): British police say Minister Theresa May could lose con-
three of the 14 people arrested over the Manchester
arena suicide bombing have been released without
trol of parliament in Britains June 8
election, according to a projection by EU fears London could veto
charge, and the investigation so far has found bomber polling company YouGov, raising the
Salman Abedi acted largely
alone as he assembled his
prospect of political deadlock just as
formal Brexit talks begin. 18 budget over Brexit talks
deadly device. Britains Prime Minister Theresa May In stark contrast to opinion polls that BRUSSELS, May 30, (AFP): The EU ers nancial commitments made by the
Russ Jackson, head of the visits Simon Jersey, a business uni- have until the past week shown May fears Britain could veto the EUs 2018 bloc while Britain was a member.
police Northwest Counterter- form supplier in the constituency of on course for a big win in the snap budget during the Brexit negotiations set The 2018 draft calls for 161 billion
rorism Unit, said analysis of Hyndburn in Accrington, Lancashire election she called, the YouGov model to start after the British elections on June euros in commmitments, or funds set
surveillance camera footage country on May 30. (AFP) suggested May would lose 20 seats 8, a top ofcial said Tuesday. aside for programmes that could exceed
and other evidence had shown and her 17-seat working majority in Germanys Gunther Oettinger, the a year -- an increase of 1.4 percent over
the 650-seat British parliament. European Unions budget commis- the 2017 budget.
that Abedi himself made most sioner, said the picture would become A total of 55.4 billion euros is pro-
of the purchases of the core The YouGov constituency projec-
components of the bomb. Britain tion, based on 50,000 interviews over
clearer after the vote as the European
Commission, the EU executive, un-
posed for structural and investment
funds in the bloc, while another 59.6 bil-
Many of his movements the course of a week, showed May veiled its 2018 draft EU budget of 161 lion euros is earmarked for agriculture
Abedi and actions have been carried Spotlight on old IT systems, cuts: would win 310 seats, down from the billion euros ($180 billion). and rural development.
out alone during the four days The catastrophic IT failure at British 331 seats won by her predecessor Da- Oettinger told a press conference The commissions proposal will now
from him landing in the country (to) committing this vid Cameron in 2015. the British government has said that for be discussed by the European Parlia-
Airways that ruined travel plans for solely formal reasons it cannot take a ment and member states.
awful attack, Jackson said. 75,000 people has raised questions about The opposition Labour Party could
win 257 seats, up from 232 seats in big decision on the budget during the Meanwhile, Britains healthcare sys-
The bombing killed 22 people and injured more some older airlines focus on costs to the election campaign. tem faces spiralling costs if expat pen-
than 100 after a show by American singer Ariana detriment of investment in new computer 2015, YouGov said. Smaller parties, He said that based on the principle of sioners living in other parts of the Euro-
Grande at Manchester Arena. Grande announced systems. including the Scottish National Party probability and predictability Britain was pean Union return after Britain leaves
Tuesday that she and other top stars including Jus- As British Airways resumed full service and Northern Irish parties, could win unlikely to veto the budget. the bloc, a study by an independent
tin Bieber, Coldplay and Miley Cyrus will return Tuesday, shares in its parent company, 83 seats, The Times newspaper quoted But elections are elections. We have health charity warned on Wednesday.
to the city to perform at a benet concert on Sunday. International Airlines Group, dropped 3 YouGov as predicting. to wait and see who will be governing. Some 190,000 British pensioners
Meanwhile, police trying to unmask a possible net- percent as investors appeared to worry that If the YouGov model turns out to be There is sort of a residual risk in there, are currently receiving healthcare in dif-
the companys quality of service may have accurate, May would be well short of Oettinger said. ferent EU countries at a cost of around
work around Abedi searched a property in Wigan, 20 If after the elections there were to be 500 million a year for Britains state-run
miles (32 kilometers) northwest of Manchester, briey been undermined by recent efforts to save the 326 seats needed to form a govern-
money. a different position on the part of the UK National Health Service (NHS).
evacuating neighbors as the bomb squad was called in. ment in June, when formal Brexit ne- government ... in such a case we would But the Nufeld Trust study said this
The house is one of more than a dozen searched in Disaster struck on Saturday, when the gotiations are due to begin. have to change our draft, he added. could rise to 1 billion (1.1 billion euros,
Manchester and beyond since the May 22 attack in an companys computer systems went down May called the snap election in a Some additional expenses such as $1.3 billion) if the pensioners returned
investigation that has involved 1,000 police ofcers. and there was no functioning back-up. The bid to strengthen her hand in negotia- credits for youth employment, would be due to higher health costs in Britain com-
airline cancelled all ights and only man- tions on Britains exit from the Euro- threatened, a commission ofcial said. pared to other EU countries.
Police say Abedi returned to Britain from Libya, aged to resume full service on Tuesday.
his parents homeland, on May 18. They are trying to pean Union, to win more time to deal It would be necessary then to dip into If the NHS needed to host people cur-
Although cost cutting has been good with the impact of the divorce and to agriculture funds to nance security and rently receiving care abroad it would also
re-create his movements before he detonated a bomb for the share price in the last year, it will migration projects. have to create additional bed spaces
hidden in a knapsack at the concert and are trying to come back to bite IAG if it stops them strengthen her grip on the Conserva- Both British and EU ofcials in Brus- the equivalent of two extra hospitals.
track a blue suitcase he was seen with in closed-circuit from doing what they are supposed to do: tive Party. sels expect Britains exit bill to be the Under a reciprocal scheme, British
TV footage. Fly passengers to their destinations, said But if she does not handsomely beat most sensitive aspect of the negotia- pensioners have the right to go to any
Kathleen Brooks, the research director at the 12-seat majority Cameron won in tions with one estimate at 40-60 billion EU member state and receive the same
Rule City Index. (AP) 2015, her electoral gamble will have euros ($42-65 billion), which mainly cov- health rights as the local population.
Jackson said police could not rule out the existence failed and her authority could be un-
of a wider network around Abedi. Eleven men remain dermined just as she tries to deliver attack have shown Mays lead over the edged that its predictions were contro-
in custody on suspicion of terrorism offenses, but Scotland Yard hires detectives: Fans what she has told voters will be a suc- Labour Party narrowing, with some versial and allowed for a wide margin
Jackson said three men a 20-year-old, a 24 year old of dark dramas about London crime-ght- cessful Brexit. suggesting she might not win the land- of error.
and a 37-year-old were released Tuesday without ers will get their chance to become real-life Sterling traded half a percent lower slide predicted just a month ago. YouGov Chief Executive Stephan
charge. detectives with a new recruitment drive against the US dollar after the YouGov The polls painted a complicated Shakespeare told The Times that the
The arrested suspects have not been identied or launched Wednesday by the Metropolitan data was published. It was trading at picture of public opinion, with voting model had been tested during the run-
Police better known as Scotland Yard. $1.2800 early on Wednesday. intentions being inuenced by both the up to the EU referendum last year and
charged. Abedis older brother Ismail is reported to be In a rst for British policing, detectives
among them, and his father and younger brother have When May stunned politicians and deadly Manchester attack and Mays that it had consistently put the Leave
will no longer need to have served as patrol nancial markets on April 18 with her
been detained in Libya. ofcers in uniform, as police chiefs aim to unpopular social care proposals. campaign in the lead.
Also Tuesday, Londons Metropolitan Police said nd greater diversity and specialist skills call for a snap election, opinion polls In contrast to YouGovs model, oth- The YouGov research allowed for
military backup for police, brought in after the bomb- such as dealing with cyber crime. suggested she could emulate Margaret er projections suggested May would big variations in the outcome of the
ing, was gradually being reduced now that the U.K.s London continues to change and so do Thatchers 1983 majority of 144 seats win soundly. The Electoral Calculus election, ranging from as high as 345
ofcial threat level from terrorism had been lowered its criminals, Detective Chief Superinten- or even threaten Tony Blairs 1997 La- website, which predicts the results seats for the Conservatives, 15 more
from critical to severe. dent Stephen Clayman, head of the re- bour majority of 179 seats. based on polls and electoral geogra- than their current number, to as low as
Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said mili- cruitment programme, said in a statement. But polls had shown Mays rating phy, said May would win 371 seats and 274, The Times said.
tary personnel will remain in readiness to support the Complex crimes such as cyber-crimi- slipping over the past month and they Labour 205 seats. The model allowed YouGov to as-
police, should it be necessary. nality and the pressing need to protect vul- fell sharply after she set out plans on Betting markets give a more than sess the intention of every type of vot-
Ofcials also said extra police stafng that had been nerable people mean our investigators need May 18 to make some elderly people 80-percent probability of May win- er, from where they live to how they
added to protect public gatherings over the holiday to develop new expertise, Clayman said, pay a greater share of their care costs, ning an overall majority, though bet- voted on Brexit, their age and social
weekend would be reduced. adding that he wanted to see more recruits a proposal dubbed the dementia tax ting markets were wrong ahead of the background, in order to weight the re-
The railway station next to Manchester Arena, who look and feel like the Londoners we by opponents. unexpected Brexit result in the June 23 sults.
which had been shut since the blast, reopened Tues- serve. (AFP) A total of seven polls carried out referendum. Shakespeare said the gures could
day, easing transport woes for residents. since the May 22 Manchester suicide The Times said YouGov acknowl- change dramatically before June 8.
Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham and Transport Harris walks free: Veteran childrens
Secretary Chris Grayling were among those who laid entertainer Rolf Harris, convicted of a
wreaths at Victoria Station, which also suffered dam- string of sex attacks on women and girls,
age in the concert blast. walked free from a British court on Tues-
Burnham said the city had pulled together through day after a jury could not reach a verdict on Harris said in a statement read out by his the UK, tricking them into low-paid jobs and
what has been our darkest week. further charges. lawyer outside the London court. taking their wages, prosecutors said.
Meanwhile, former Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher The 87-year-old Australian, an artist and Im 87 years old, my wife is in ill- The four men, Sabastian Mandzik, 40,
paid homage to the victims of a suicide bombing in his television presenter who also topped the health and we simply want to spend our Robert Majewski, 45, Pawel Majewski, 27,
home town, telling the crowd Manchester I love you music charts in both Britain and Australia, remaining time together in peace, he said. and Seweryn Szymt, 20, were convicted
on a stage lit up by 22 candles, British media reported. had been on trial for allegedly abusing girls (AFP) at Newcastle Crown Court for transport-
Britains worst militant attack in 12 years targetted as young as 13 between 1971 and 1983. ing people for exploitation, conspiring to
an Ariana Grande pop concert in the northern English Harris had denied the four charges force people into labour and conspiring to
city last week. against him. 4 jailed for trafficking: A British court conceal criminal property.
Whilst Im pleased that this is nally all jailed four men on Tuesday for their in- The sentences ranged from ve to 12
over, I feel no sense of victory, only relief, volvement in trafcking Polish workers into Clayman Harris years imprisonment. (RTRS)


Balladur probed over kickbacks:

Former French prime minister Edouard
Extremism Balladur has been placed under formal
investigation over allegations that possible
kickbacks may have helped nance his 1995
presidential election campaign, a judicial
source said on Tuesday.
Warning to IS recruits In the so-called Karachi Affair, judges
are trying to unravel a series of nebulous
dealings by middle-
Former Gitmo inmate men and possible
kickbacks linked to
among six detained the sale of Agosta
class submarines by
the French govern-
PARIS, May 31, (Agencies): A former Guantanamo ment to Pakistan in
Bay inmate is among six people from an alleged ji- the 1990s.
hadi recruiting network linked to the Islamic State Balladurs of-
group who were detained on Tuesday, a French ju- ce said he would
dicial source said. contest the decision
Among the suspects arrested was Sabir Mahfouz in Frances highest
Lahmar, who was freed from the US detention center appeals court. Balladur
in Cuba in 2009 after France agreed to accept him, There is no
said the ofcial, who spoke on condition of anonym- evidence in the les seen by lawyers that
ity to discuss the case. he personally participated in his capacity
Lahmar was one of six Algerians detained in as prime minister in setting up a system of
Bosnia in 2001 on suspicion kickbacks to nance his election campaign
Pope Francis kisses a young child as he arrives for his weekly general audience, in St Peters Square, at the Vatican on in 1995, the statement from his ofce said.
of plotting to bomb the US May 31. (AP) Ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy, who was
embassy in Sarajevo. The Jus- budget minister at the time, has rejected
tice Department later backed media speculation that he might have
off the allegations, but held known of the payments as he was also
the men at Guantanamo for spokesman for Balladur when he was run-
years. Former French Presi- ning for the presidency. (RTRS)
dent Nicolas Sarkozy agreed
to take him in April 2009, and
Lahmar moved to Bordeaux Probe opens of 19 French MPs: The
later that year. Paris prosecutors ofce says it has opened
The French ofcial said an investigation into 19 French members
Lamar, at 48, is the oldest of of the European Parliament after a col-
Macron league claimed they used aides for political
the four men and two women
who were arrested and said that there were no indica- activity in France while they were on the
tions the group was plotting an attack. parliaments payroll.
Five of the suspects were detained in Bordeaux, The ofce said Tuesday that, in addition
one in Paris. to the lawmakers, more than 20 parliamen-
Meanwhile, Frances new government has issued tary aides are under investigation for alleg-
edly receiving money through an alleged
a thinly-veiled warning that its citizens who become breach of trust.
ghters for the Islamic State group could be killed. The ofce would not name any of the
Asked Wednesday about a report that French targets of the probe. It conrmed that
forces are involved in targeted killings of French IS French Minister for European Affairs
militants in Iraq, government spokesman Christophe Marielle de Sarnez has led a slander
Castaner neither conrmed nor denied The Wall complaint against the European Parliament
Street Journals ndings. member who made the claims and belongs
He simply replied: I say to all ghters who join to Frances far-right National Front party.
the Islamic State group and then go abroad to wage Several National Front members have
war: waging war brings risks, and they must assume been under a similar investigation for alleg-
those risks. edly cheating the European Parliament out
of about 300,000 euros ($336,000) paid to
Elected aides. (AP)
President Emmanuel Macron, elected May 7,
says crushing IS is a top priority. Vucic sworn in as Serbia prez:
Citing Iraqi ofcers and current and former French Aleksandar Vucic was sworn in as Serbias
ofcials, the Journal said French special forces have president on Wednesday, pledging to work
enlisted Iraqi soldiers to hunt and kill French nation- for peace and stability in the war-weary
als who have joined ISIS senior ranks. A mourner pays her respects at the coffin of the late Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis at Athens Cathedral on May 31. Balkans while strengthening the countrys
In related news, rights group Amnesty Internation- The government declared four days of official mourning following the death of the former prime minister at age 98. (AP) armed forces.
al accused France on Wednesday of using emergen- Vucic, a former ultranationalist turned
cy powers to ght terrorism as a pretext for clamping self-declared pro-European Union
down on peaceful protests, including over sensitive
environmental and labour issues. Europe reformer, formally stepped down on
Wednesday from his prime ministers post
The report comes just days after President Macron after winning the presidential election by a
said his government would ask parliament to extend landslide in April.
by several months the emergency powers introduced The opposition, which has alleged ir-
in 2015 to counter the threat of militant attacks. regularities during the election campaign
Emergency rules giving French police wider Standing up to Trump including muzzling the media, plans
protests later Wednesday against Vucics
search and arrest powers were introduced after Is-
autocratic rule.
lamist gunmen and suicide bombers killed 130 peo-
ple in and around Paris in November 2015.
Amnesty said that between November 2015 and 5
Europe gets mojo back We must create a region where differ-
ences are an advantage and not the basis for
clashes, Vucic said in his inaugural speech
May 2017, authorities had used their powers to issue in parliament.
155 decrees prohibiting public gatherings. BERLIN, May 31, (RTRS): If Presi- the best shape it has been for almost
dent Donald Trump wanted to make a decade, its growth outpacing Amer- There have been enough burials in
It also said 639 measures preventing specic indi- the Balkans, it is time to give birth, he
viduals participating in public assemblies had been an impression with his rst visit to icas in the rst quarter of this year.
added, referring to the wars in the southern
imposed, including 574 that targeted labour law re- Europe last week, he unquestionably The migration crisis has somewhat European region in the 1990s in which
forms protesters. succeeded. eased, and with it the political fallout he took an active role as a supporter of
The new government has said that following last In their own ways, German Chan- from recent militant attacks. All of expanding Serbias borders at the expense
weeks Manchester attacks claimed by Islamic State, cellor Angela Merkel and new French these problems as well as Europes of its neighbors.
the emergency measures should run beyond mid- President Emmanuel Macron this far right may well return. But for While we have to talk to everyone, we
July to Nov 1. weekend signaled just how little con- now, the political energy seems to be also have to strengthen our defense capac-
Emergency laws intended to protect the French Serbias newly re-elected President dence they now have in American with the center. Merkel and Macron ity, Vucic said. (AP)
Aleksandar Vucic waves during an global leadership. It seemed a direct are determined to take advantage of it.
people from the threat of terrorism are instead being
response to Trumps performance at
used to restrict their rights to protest peacefully, said inauguration ceremony, in Belgrade,
Serbia on May 31. Vucic has been the NATO summit and G7 meetings. Picture Mitsotakis mourned: Hundreds of
Amnesty International researcher Marco Perolini.
Under the cover of the state of emergency, rights sworn in as Serbias president, telling Both leaders are playing to their For the United States, this is a mourners gathered in central Athens
his supporters that he will work on own domestic audiences. Merkel mixed picture at best. Successive Wednesday to pay their respects to Con-
to protest have been stripped away with hundreds of peace and stability in the Balkans. (AP) stantine Mitsotakis, the former conservative
activists, environmentalists, and labour rights cam- who faces German national elec- US leaders particularly Trump
tions in September received a full have long tried to persuade Europe to prime minister who died this week aged 98.
paigners unjustiably banned from participating in Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras,
protests. minute of applause for her widely stand up for itself, to take more re-
Macron, who reviewed national security with de- Europe reported Sunday comments that the sponsibility for its own defense and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, and
Greeces 76-year-old former king, Con-
fence chiefs on Wednesday, said security measures United States and UK could no longer other issues. The manner in which it
is now happening, however, will feel stantine, were among mourners ling past
for the summer period would be reinforced taking be relied upon. Macron is fresh from his cofn at Athens Cathedral on the eve of
Navalny loses defamation case: his own election victory, keen to lock like a slap in the face. Indeed, it is
into consideration the state of emergencys planned Multi-billionaire Alisher Usmanov has won his funeral on the island of Crete.
extension. in a reputation as a strong centrist supposed to. Mitsotakis served as prime minister be-
a defamation lawsuit against Russian opposi- force who can stand up to Trump and In more normal times, Merkel
Obviously there is no question of diverting what tion leader Alexei Navalny. tween 1990 and 1993. Although he was con-
is a state of emergency to ght terrorism ... in any Russian President Vladimir Putin. and Macron both natural Atlanti- sidered by some of his political opponents to
The judge at Moscows Lyublinsky district
way whatsoever, government spokesman Chris- court on Wednesday ordered Navalny to Caught in the middle is Britain, cists would likely prefer to bolster have been a divisive gure, the government
tophe Castaner said. remove his YouTube documentary about with Prime Minister Theresa Mays ties with Washington and London. declared four days of ofcial mourning.
He added that anti-terrorism legislation presented Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedevs alleged government appearing badly out of With Brexit and Trump, they feel Supporters credit him with advocating
in the summer would look at resolving any issues re- wealth from the web and publish a retraction. step with the European mood as it ne- the United States and UK have taken scal restraint years before Greece was hit
lated to the state of emergency. Usmanov has sued Navalny over the ndings. gotiates Brexit. stunningly wrong turns and they by severe nancial crisis, but critics said
Amnesty said the current measures included pow- Navalny said he would appeal the ruling. intend to be seen lling the gap. he contributed to a highly charged political
Navalny, who made his name with a blog
Game This has been supercharged by atmosphere in the late 1980s.
ers to ban demonstrations on vague grounds and pre- Mitsotakis son, conservative opposi-
vent individuals attending protests. exposing ofcial corruption, has published le- Having been widely seen as match- Trumps behavior at the NATO sum-
gal documents showing that Usmanov, along ing Trump at his own game in a ma- mit last week. The US president quite tion leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis, was at the
With Macron expected to push through new eco- cathedral to receive condolences. (AP)
nomic reforms in the coming months, there is poten- with several other Russian billionaires, trans- cho series of competitive handshakes, literally shoved another leader aside,
tial for more widespread demonstrations across the ferred lucrative assets to a charity foundation Macron this weekend threw himself failed to make an expected pledge
country. run by Medvedevs former classmate. into a public face-off with the Russian to honor the Article Five mutual de- Armstrong wins top award: British
Medvedev has denied any connection to leader. As Putin stood next to him at fense clause and still does not seem scholar Karen Armstrong on Wednesday
In the run-up to the election, Emmanuel Macron the property while Usmanov has insisted that
promised to protect the right to protest in France. a press conference outside Paris, the to understand how alliance members won Spains Princess of Asturias award
the transfer of the ownership of a luxurious French president lambasted Kremlin- fund defense. We dont know what for social sciences in recognition of her
Now he is President, he must turn his words into ac- mansion to the charity foundation was a bona
tion, said Perolini. linked news outlets and Moscows ac- happened behind closed doors but investigations into world religions.
de business deal. (AP) tions in Ukraine, the Middle East and Merkel and Macrons actions this Organizers described Armstrong as
With the battle lines already being drawn be-
tween the new president and the unions on labour beyond. He also threatened French weekend suggest it wasnt pretty. an international reference point for her
law reform, President Macron must stop the misuse Russian meddling fiction: Russias military action in the event of further In many respects not that much comparative studies of Islam, Christianity
President Vladimir Putin has dismissed alle- chemical strikes in Syria. will change. The NATO alliance and Judaism.
of anti-terrorism powers to restrict peaceful protest A holder of the Order of the British
and end Frances dangerous and dizzying spiral to- gations of Russian meddling in last years US The speed with which Europes will remain a central plank of Euro-
presidential election as ction invented by new centrist duo the established pean defense, and that will depend on Empire title, Armstrongs works include
wards a permanent state of emergency. the bestselling The Battle for God: Fun-
Democrats to divert the blame for their defeat. Merkel and freshly minted Macron US military muscle. Links between
Also: In an interview with French newspaper Le have demonstrated their newly the US and European militaries will damentalism in Judaism, Christianity and
Figaro released Tuesday, Putin reafrmed his muscular self-condence is striking. probably continue to deepen, despite Islam and Holy War: The Crusades and
BERLIN: German state police were questioning a Their Impact on Todays World.
17-year-old asylum-seeker Tuesday after a tactical strong denial of Russias involvement in the Only recently, both France and Ger- diplomatic rhetoric to the contrary.
Armstrong, 72, said she was moved at
unit took him into custody on suspicion that he was hacking of Democratic National Committee many looked as though they might But major European states appear having won the prize.
planning a suicide attack in Berlin. emails that yielded disclosures that proved fall to the far right. That they have to have now made a decision to take Speaking to The Associated Press by
Police in Brandenburg state said the teenager embarrassing for Hillary Clintons campaign. not done so appears to have given the more into their own hands, ready for telephone, she said she began writing about
The claims of Russian interference were political establishment a boost. the day when Washington proves ab- religion not out of peace or love, but because
was detained Tuesday in the village of Gerswalde, driven by the desire of those who lost the
100 kilometers (60 miles) northeast of Berlin, after Economically, the euro zone is in sent. she saw fear and what people with prejudice
US elections to improve their standing, and hatred were capable of doing.(AP)
they learned he had sent a farewell message to fam- Putin said in the interview recorded during
ily members and told them that he had joined the his Monday visit to France.
jihad, or holy war. They want to explain to themselves and international affairs. (AP) $75 mln appeal for Libya: The United
the Transylvanian countryside, meeting local
The WhatsApp message talking about jihad to the prove to others that they had nothing to do Nations on Tuesday launched a $75.5-mil-
suspects family was sent within the last week and with it, their policy was right, they have
producers of cheese, jam and salami during a
private visit. lion (67.5-million-euro) appeal to tackle a
Brandenburg authorities were told of it late Monday done everything well, but someone from Prince Charles visits Transylvania: He met Wednesday with locals in Viscri, swelling humanitarian and migration crisis
night by two other German states, Brandenburg po- the outside cheated them, he continued. Britains Prince Charles has stepped into where he owns a house. He also is expected in Libya.
lice spokesman Torsten Herbst told The Associated Its not so. They simply lost, and they must to tour three medieval churches that have The UNs High Commissioner for
Press. acknowledge it. been vandalized, with a view to restore them. Refugees (UNHCR) said the funds would
He said police were investigating and the teen was The people who lost the vote hate to The region has 250 medieval Saxon go toward providing essential services for
still being questioned but so far police had no evi- acknowledge that they indeed lost because displaced people, refugees and asylum-
the person who won was closer to the people churches that belonged to Saxons or ethnic
dence that a concrete attack was planned. Germans. Romania has fewer than 15,000 seekers.
The federal Interior Ministry said it had no indica- and had a better understanding of what The appeal is in partnership with the
people wanted, the Russian leader said in a Saxons, down from a quarter of a million in
tions that an attack had been imminent. UNs International Organization for Migra-
reference to President Donald Trump. 1990. tion (IOM).
The state Interior Ministrys ofce identied the Charles received an honorary degree for
suspect as Syrian, but Herbst said investigators were Russias hopes for a new detente under We have urgent work to do in Libya
Trump have been shattered by congres- his devotion to Romania on Monday. He and can only do it together, said UNHCR
checking to see whether he falsely registered as a said he was enticed by the hilly, woody and
Syrian but was actually from a North African coun- sional and FBI investigations of the Trump head Filippo Grandi in a statement. We
campaigns ties to Russia. In the Le Figaro fertile landscape he encountered in Transyl- are going the extra mile in trying to make
try. interview, Putin said the accusations of vania 20 years ago. (AP) a difference for hundreds of thousands of
meddling leveled at Russia have destabilized Putin Prince Charles people. (AFP)


World News Roundup


Haley to visit Israel

Israeli rule cause of
Palestinian hardship
JERUSALEM, May 31, (Agencies): Fifty years after
Israel occupied the Palestinian territories, its policies
in the West Bank and Gaza are at the root of
Palestinian hardship, the United Nations said
Occupation policies and practices remain the key
cause of humanitarian needs in the occupied
Palestinian territories, the UN Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said
in a report.
West Bank and Gaza residents suffer from a lack
of basic security, it said, adding that the split between
President Mahmud Abbas West Bank-based
administration and the rival Islamist movement
Hamas in Gaza also restricts
humanitarian work.
At its heart, the crisis is
one of a lack of protection for
Palestinian civilians -- from
violence, from displacement,
from restrictions on access to
services and livelihoods, and
from other rights violations.
Israel occupied the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip dur-
ing the 1967 Six-Day War.
Abbas Repeated efforts to negotiate a
solution to the conflict and Demonstrators hold pictures of Nasser Zafzafi, leader of the Rif regions protest movement, during a demonstration against corruption, repression and unemploy-
establish an independent Palestinian state alongside ment in the northern city of al-Hoceima on May 30. (AFP)
Israel have stalled.
A wave of unrest that broke out in October 2015
has claimed the lives of 266 Palestinians, 41 Israelis, Thousands rally in Morocco for release of protest leader
two Americans, two Jordanians, an Eritrean, a
Sudanese and a Briton, according to an AFP tally. Several thousand people took to the tested against the seizure of swordfish observed by Muslims during the holy off with the demonstrators.
Israeli authorities say most of the Palestinians streets in Morocco after dark on caught out of season. month of Ramadan. A similar demonstration took place
killed were carrying out knife, gun or car-ramming Tuesday to demand the release of the Nasser Zefzafi, who has emerged The protesters shouted slogans in the neighbouring town of Imzouren,
attacks. leader of months of protests in the as the head of the grassroots Popular including We are all Zefzafi and with a strong police presence, images
Protests neglected northern Rif region. Movement, was arrested on Monday End militarisation, with hundreds of on social media showed.
The region has been shaken by after three days on the run. them brandishing photographs of the Smaller protests were held in the
Others were shot dead during protests or clashes, social unrest since the death in October Demonstrators came out near the detained leader. capital Rabat and the commercial
while some were killed in Israeli air strikes on the of fishmonger Mouhcine Fikri, 31, who centre of Al-Hoceima for a fifth straight Anti-riot police attempted to dis- capital Casablanca but were broken
Gaza Strip. was crushed in a rubbish truck in the night at around 10 pm (2200 GMT), perse the protest, but pulled back fol- up by police, Moroccan media report-
OCHAs 15-page Humanitarian Overview for fishing port of Al-Hoceima as he pro- after the breaking of the daytime fast lowing a tense but non-violent stand- ed. (AFP)
2016 notes a sharp fall in bloodshed over the year
compared to 2015.
Palestinian fatalities from conflict-related vio-
lence in the occupied Palestinian territories and
Israel declined by 37 percent compared with 2015, Diplomacy
it said.
The decline in Israeli fatalities was 48 percent.
However, Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes
in the West Bank, including annexed east Jerusalem,
had peaked, it said. Gabriel, Cavusoglu to meet over airbase row
In the West Bank, more Palestinians were dis-
placed in 2016 (1,601, including 759 children) due to
demolitions of their homes by the Israeli authorities
than in any year since OCHA began recording the
phenomenon in 2009, it said.
In the Gaza Strip, where unemployment is among
Putin lifts restrictions on Turks
MOSCOW, May 31, (Agencies): mentarians to the base which is used steps in future then we will reconsid-
the highest in the world, a strict Israeli blockade has Russias President Vladimir Putin has by the international coalition fighting er.
been in force for over a decade. lifted restrictions on hiring Turkish the Islamic State group. Turkeys foreign minister earlier
Israeli restrictions on the entry of national staff of workers and on Turkish firms operat- The relationship with Turkey is said on Tuesday it is not possible to
aid organisations to and from Gaza intensified in ing in Russia, the Kremlin said on one of Germanys most important allow German lawmakers to visit
2016, with 31 percent of permit applications to enter Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Wednesday, under a deal to mend rela- outside Europe, in part due to its troops stationed at Turkeys Incirlik
or exit Gaza denied, OCHA said. Cavusoglu (left), welcomes Slovenias tions hurt by Turkeys downing of a three-million-strong ethnic Turkish air base now, although Ankara might
That is up from an average of four percent in 2015, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Russian jet in 2015. population, the legacy of a massive reconsider if it saw positive steps
it added. Foreign Affairs, Karl Erjavec (right), at Putin also partially restored a mutu- guest worker programme in the from Berlin.
It said humanitarian operations in Gaza were his official residence in Ankara, on al agreement on the movement of each 1960s and 1970s. Turkey has prevented German law-
impeded by restrictions imposed by the Hamas May 31. (AFP) countrys citizens that was suspended However, ties between the NATO makers from visiting the roughly 250
authorities, donors blocking contact with them, the after Turkey shot down the plane near allies have been strained especially troops stationed at Incirlik as part of
ongoing closure of the Rafah crossing with Egypt the Syrian border, the Kremlin added. since a failed coup in Turkey last year, the US-led coalition against Islamic
and the internal Palestinian divide. The Russian leader agreed to lift and have worsened over multiple State, saying that Berlin needs to
some of the restrictions after meeting issues including a referendum cam- improve its attitude first.
his Turkish counterpart Tayyip paign to expand President Recep
Haley to travel to Israel: US Ambassador Nikki Erdogan in early May. Tayyip Erdogans powers.
Haley, who has accused the United Nations of anti- Relations plunged further after Three Turkish soldiers were killed
Israel bias, will travel to Israel next week and deliver Proposal Turkey imprisoned Deniz Yucel, a in clashes with Kurdistan Workers
an address to the UN Human Rights Council in Russia is still keeping a ban on German-Turkish journalist with Die Party (PKK) militants in the southeast-
Geneva. Turkish tomato imports, in the face of Welt, on terror charges earlier this year ern province of Diyarbakir, security
Haley will be the first US ambassador to address a Turkish proposal to lift the bar out- while Germany granted political asy- sources said on Wednesday.
the rights council, speaking at a session on June 6 side the Russian growing season. lum to some Turkish military officers Earlier in the day, the army said
that will be followed by a speech on the US role at In response, Ankara imposed pro- accused of involvement in the attempt- arplanes had killed two PKK militants
the council, the US mission said. hibitively high import tariffs on ed putsch. in the Lice district of Diyarbakir.
Rouhani Raisi Turkeys largely Kurdish southeast
The former governor of South Carolina has criti- Russian wheat from mid-March, but Missions
cized the UN rights body as corrupt and the US resumed purchases after the presi- has been rocked by violence following
administration has been weighing a withdrawal from dents meeting on May 3. Berlin has warned it could move its the collapse of a 2-1/2-year ceasefire
the council. Mideast 250 military personnel stationed at the between the state and the PKK in
We havent made a decision yet, Haley told Incirlik base, flying Tornado surveil- 2015.
Germanys Foreign Minister Sigmar lance missions over Syria and refuel-
reporters when asked if the United States would quit Gabriel will fly to Turkey for talks
the council. Rouhani win certified: Irans election ling flights for partner nations battling
watchdog certified President Hassan next week over the thorny issue of IS jihadists, to another location in the A Turkish court on Tuesday acquit-
Possible Rouhanis reelection as fair on Tuesday, access to the Incirlik military air base region, likely Jordan. ted two Turkish men who were
dismissing claims by the defeated hardline near Syria, his Turkish counterpart Turkey justified preventing the charged with aiding and abetting their
Haley said she would discuss possible reforms at candidate who had asked for investigation Mevlut Cavusoglu said Tuesday. younger brother in the 2005 shooting
the council and then we will make a decision after German parliamentary group from vis-
into alleged widespread fraud. We will discuss the question of iting the air facility by accusing Berlin death of their sister in Germany.
that. The Guardian Council confirmed Incirlik, Cavusoglu told a televised of having offered political asylum to Hatun Surucu, a 23-year-old
From June 7 to 9, Haley will hold meetings with Tuesday in a letter the results of the 12th press conference of the meeting Turkish nationals who took part in the divorced mother, was killed by three
Israeli and Palestinian leaders during her visit to presidential election in Iran, Salman planned for Monday. July 2016 attempted coup. shots to the head in Berlin by her
Israel and visit a UN peacekeeping mission in the Samani, the spokesman of the interior min- The airbase in southern Turkey has At the moment, it is impossible for youngest brother in what prosecutors
region. Haley said she was hoping to meet with istry, was quoted as saying by the state been at the centre of a bilateral row us to open Incirlik to German depu- described as an honor killing
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and media. since Ankara earlier this month ties, Cavusoglu said Tuesday. meant to punish her for her Western
Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, but that these Rouhani easily secured reelection for a blocked a visit there by German parlia- If (the Germans) make positive lifestyle.
meetings had yet to be confirmed. second term in the May 19 vote, winning
more than 57 percent of the vote. His main

challenger, hardline judge Ebrahim Raisi,
Gaza faces power cuts: When Gazas 2 million received 38 percent. Syrian refugees, said the UNHCR. The group includes children, babies area exposed to the elements and the seri-
residents break their dawn-to-dusk fast during the Raisi has accused Rouhani of inappro- We urge Algeria and Morocco to work and women -- including at least one preg- ous threat of scorpions and snakes since
Muslim holy month of Ramadan, much of the terri- priately using state media and government with us on ending this dangerous and unten- nant woman reportedly in need of urgent April 17, it added.
offices for campaign purposes. able situation for these stranded desperate Caesarean section, the statement said. At the time, Morocco accused its neigh-
tory is engulfed by darkness and homes have to rely Syrian refugees, it said in a statement. The Syrians have been stranded in the bour of expelling the refugees to sow
on generators or batteries for the post-sundown fam- He also protested against the voting proce-
dure, accusing the interior ministry of not trouble and generate an uncontrollable
ily meals. flow of migrants.
sending enough ballot papers to cities and
Rolling power cuts, a mainstay of life in a decade villages where he had the most support. Algeria categorically rejected the alle-
of Hamas rule in the blockaded Gaza Strip, have The ministry has denied the allegations, gations as false.
never been worse. saying that long queues affected all cities It sparked a diplomatic spat, with each
Power is only on for four hours at a time, followed and millions of people could not cast their country summoning the others ambassa-
by 14 to 18 hours of outage and the blackouts votes despite standing in line for hours. dor.
could grow even longer amid an escalating struggle Some reports on violations were not The land zone between the two coun-
for dominance between the Islamic militant Hamas valid, and some were referred to the judi- tries has been closed since 1994. The
and its West Bank-based rival, the Palestinian ciary, Guardian Council spokesman North African rivals have very difficult
Authority of internationally backed President Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei told state television. relations, especially over the question of
Mahmoud Abbas. The Guardian Councils announcement Western Sahara. (AFP)
Abbas, whose government pays Israel for the elec- came as no surprise as its influential chair-
tricity, has stepped up financial pressure on Hamas man, Ahmad Jannati, said last week that he
could confirm the validity of the election AI slams Egypt law: A new law rati-
in recent weeks by threatening to reduce its funding fied by Egypts president that imposes
despite violations.
in hopes of forcing his rivals to cede ground. Protests against the presidential election unprecedentedly harsh restrictions on
But in a new twist, Israels energy minister said he results in 2009 rocked Tehran and other NGOs could be a death sentence for
would block any additional electricity cuts until fur- cities for months, marking the biggest chal- human rights groups in the country, rights
ther review. Yuval Steinitz argued that Israel should lenge to the Iranian authorities in the last group Amnesty International said Tuesday.
not be drawn into an internal Palestinian problem, a two decades. (RTRS) In a statement, it called the law, signed
decision that also effectively shields Hamas, Israels by President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi a day
earlier, a catastrophic blow for human
enemy, against Abbas.
Gazas residents have adapted to worsening hard- UN urges to help Syrians: The UN rights groups working in Egypt.
ships with ingenuity and stoicism. refugee agency on Tuesday urged Morocco The severity of the restrictions imposed
and Algeria to provide safe passage for by this law threatens to annihilate NGOs in
In some apartment buildings, residents have File photo shows a Palestinian family warm themselves by a fire outside their the country, at a time when the authorities
dozens of Syrian refugees trapped in no-
pooled resources to buy communal generators. Most mans land between the two countries. makeshift house during a power cut in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip. escalating crackdown on dissent makes
Gazans buy food daily because they can no longer Prompt action by both governments is Gazas 2 million people endure daily electricity cuts of 14 to 18 hours at a time their work more important than ever, said
use refrigerators. needed in facilitating the immediate and and now face even longer blackouts because of an escalating power struggle Najia Bounaim, the groups North Africa
safe passage of the forty-one vulnerable between Palestinian governments. (AP) campaign director. (AP)



Men probing brands held

Taiwan backlash over

Emirates ban on flag
TAIPEI, May 31, (Agencies): Emirates, the Middle
Easts largest airline, faced erce criticism in Tai-
wan Wednesday after it reportedly banned cabin
crew from wearing the islands ag on their uni-
forms due to pressure from China.
Taiwans Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it had
lodged protests with Emirates in both Dubai and
The airlines cabin crew traditionally wear the
ag pin of their own country on their uniforms.
But a leaked internal email, apparently from an
Emirates manager and circulated by local media,
ordered Taiwanese Emirates staff to replace the is-
lands ag pin with a Chinese one.
We have been instructed by the Chinese Gov-
ernment that with immedi-
ate effect, Emirates airline
cabin crew are to follow
the One China policy, the
email read.
China still sees self-
ruling Taiwan as part of its
territory waiting to be re-
unied. Tensions have rap-
idly worsened since Beijing-
sceptic Taiwanese president
Tsai Ing-wen took ofce last
Ma year. Chinas State Councillor Yang Jiechi (left), meets with Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (right), at Abes ofcial residence in Tokyo on May 31. (AFP)
Beijing has stopped all
ofcial communication with Taipei, increased mili-
tary drills and sought to isolate the island interna-
Beijing says Taiwan is part of one China, but
North Korea
Tsai refuses to acknowledge that concept.
Her Beijing-friendly predecessor Ma Ying-jeou
recognised the policy, which led to an unprecedent-
ed cross-strait rapprochement.
The foreign ministry said it cannot accept Emir-
A new balance of terror
ates decision. China is sparing no effort to sup-
press us on the international stage, it added.
Taiwanese Emirates workers were outraged by
the move.
My initial reaction was shock, indignation, and
Why Pyongyang clings to its nukes
anger, an employee at the airline told news website PYONGYANG, North Korea, May 31,
Taiwan Sentinel. (AP): Early one winter morning, North Ko-
Apple Daily cited an unnamed staff member who
believed the decision was made because Emirates
was seeking to add more Asia routes, especially in
A rocket designed to inter-
cept an intercontinental bal-
rean leader Kim Jong Un stood at an obser-
vation post overlooking a valley of rice pad- US tests ICBM defense system
listic missile is launched from dies near the Chinese border. Minutes later, WASHINGTON, May 31, (AFP): The Though it succeeded in the last test
China. four projectiles plunged into the sea off the
Vandenberg Air Force Base US military said Tuesday it had inter- in 2014, it failed during the three prior
in California on May 30. The Japanese coast. cepted a mock-up of an intercontinental attempts against slower-moving, non-
Pentagon says it has shot North Korea had just run its rst simu- ballistic missile in a rst-of-its-kind test ICBM missiles.
Men probing Ivanka brands held: A man inves- lation of a nuclear attack on a US military
tigating working conditions at a Chinese company down a mock warhead over that comes amid concerns over North The intercept of a complex, threat-
that produces Ivanka Trump-brand shoes has been the Pacic in a success for base. Koreas weapons program. representative ICBM target is an in-
arrested and two others are missing, the arrested Americas missile defense North Korea, which is testing ballistic A ground-based interceptor launched credible accomplishment for the GMD
program. The test was the missiles faster than ever, is rapidly becom- from Vandenberg Air Force Base in system and a critical milestone for this
mans wife and an advocacy group said Tuesday. rst of its kind in nearly three California successfully intercepted an program, Syring said.
Hua Haifeng was accused of illegal surveillance, ing a better equipped and more formidable
years. And it was the rst test adversary. Some experts believe it might be intercontinental ballistic missile target The success of Tuesdays test is a
according to his wife, Deng Guilian, who said the ever targeting an interconti- red from the Reagan Test Site in the watershed moment for the US mili-
police called her Tuesday afternoon. Deng said the able to build missiles advanced enough to
nental-range missile like North reach the United States in two to three years. Marshall Islands, the military said in a tarys effort to establish an effective
caller told her she didnt need to know the details, Korea is developing. (AP) statement. though limited ground-based de-
only that she would not be able to see, speak with And that poses a game-changing problem
for the US, which for its part is also esca- The test saw a rocket from the fense against ICBMs.
or receive money from her husband, the familys Ground-based Midcourse Defense It came a day after North Korea test-
breadwinner. lating, successfully shooting down a target (GMD) system blast into space and red yet another ballistic missile, the
China Labor Watch Executive Director Li Qiang ICBM launched from a Pacic island with then deploy its exo-atmospheric kill latest in a series of launches that have
said he lost contact with Hua Haifeng and the other a California-based interceptor missile on vehicle, which smashed into the dum- ratcheted up tensions over Pyong-
two men, Li Zhao and Su Heng, over the weekend. Tuesday. my ICBM, destroying it in a direct col- yangs quest to develop weapons ca-
By Tuesday, after dozens of unanswered calls, he If North Korea launches a pre-emptive lision. pable of hitting the United States.
had concluded: They must be held either by the nuclear strike on an American military base This system is vitally important to Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain
factory or the police to be unreachable. in Asia, would the US recoil and retreat? the defense of our homeland, and this Jeff Davis said Tuesdays trial was not
China Labor Watch, a New York-based nonprot, Would it strike back, and risk losing Wash- test demonstrates that we have a ca- timed specically in response to ten-
was planning to publish a report next month alleging ington in a second wave of attacks? pable, credible deterrent against a very sions with Pyongyang but that in a
real threat, Vice Admiral Jim Syring, broad sense, North Korea is one of the
low pay, excessive overtime and the possible misuse Accompanied director of the US Missile Defense reasons why we have this capability.
of student interns. It is unclear whether the under- Agency, was quoted as saying. They continue to conduct test
cover investigative methods used by the advocacy In the March launch, North Korea sent
four Scuds into the ocean 300 to 350 kms The exercise marked a signicant launches, as we saw this weekend,
group are legal in China. Chung Moon step for the GMD system, which has while also using dangerous rhetoric
(185 to 220 miles) off Japans coast. State
media called it a drill of troops who will had a checkered record in previous that suggests they would strike the
tests. United States homeland, Davis said.
Answers on trademarks sought: A group of Asia strike the bases of the US imperialist ag-
Senate Democrats has sent a letter to US President gressor forces in Japan in a contingency.
Donald Trump requesting information about a raft of They said Kim was accompanied at the Bruce Bennett, a North Korea expert and War breaks out on the Korean Peninsula.
trademark approvals from China this year that they THAAD units dropped: launch by nuclear weapons specialists. defense analyst with the RAND Corpora- North Korea launches an ICBM that ap-
say may violate the US Constitutions ban on gifts South Koreas Defence Ministry Analyst Jeffrey Lewis and his col- tion, offers these scenarios: pears to be coming down short, well west of
from foreign governments. leagues at the Center for Nonproliferation
intentionally dropped mentioning
Studies in Monterey, California, quickly North Korea has a stockpile of nuclear California. But on the way down it bursts in
Chinas rapid approvals after years of court bat- that four more launchers had been
realized the Scuds were on a trajectory warheads and the ability to launch them a nuclear explosion, possibly causing some
tles have raised questions as to whether the trade- deployed for the controversial US
marks will prevent you from standing up to China on that, with a southerly tweak, would have from submarines or remote, hard-to-detect damage to US territory. Pyongyang then
THAAD anti-missile system in a re-
behalf of American workers and their businesses, port to President Moon Jae-ins top sent them raining onto Marine Corps Air sites on land. Fearing an attack from the US, threatens more serious damage to the Unit-
the eight senators, led by Michigan Democrat Deb- aides, his ofce said on Wednesday. Station, Iwakuni, on the southern tip of Ja- it launches a pre-emptive nuclear strike on ed States if there is any nuclear retaliation or
bie Stabenow and Connecticut Democrat Richard Moon has ordered a probe at pans main island. the South Korean port of Busan and tells the US intervention in the conict, raising the
Blumenthal, wrote in the letter Tuesday. the defence ministry, saying it was Before the simulation, US and South United States that if there is any nuclear re- risk of millions of people dead.
Chinas most recent nod for a Trump trademark, very shocking the launchers had Korean forces were conducting joint mili- taliation, it will re nuclear weapons at US With the weight of history on his shoul-
covering clothing, came on May 6, bringing to 40 been brought in without being re- tary drills involving F-35 ghters based at cities. ders, how would a US president respond?
the number of marks China has granted or provision- ported to the new government or to Iwakuni, home to some 10,000 US and Jap- Would President Donald Trump, or who- Bennett asks. How should he respond?
ally granted to the president and a related company, the public, presidential Blue House anese personnel. The F-35s had reportedly ever succeeds him, risk losing Los Angeles, On April 15, Kim Jong Un watched mili-
DTTM Operations LLC, since his inauguration. If spokesman Yoon Young-chan said trained for a decapitation strike on Kim or Chicago, to defend Americas allies? tary units from his million-man armed forc-
there are no objections, provisional approvals are on Tuesday.
Jong Un and his top lieutenants. North Korea tries another ballistic mis- es goose-step by, and then applauded at the
The Defence Ministry intention- sile launch like the one on March 6. But most varied array of missiles and transport
formally registered after 90 days. China has also re- ally omitted details about the Ter- Kim, apparently, was practicing how to
jected or partially rejected nine Trump trademarks take them out rst. just before the missiles hit the water near vehicles the North has ever displayed.
minal High Altitude Area Defence
since the inauguration. (THAAD) system battery (THAAD) The Cold War concept of mutually as- Japan, a nuclear weapon on one or more of The message of this years military pa-
in a report last week, when the sured destruction works when each side them detonates, downing a few commercial rade was clear. North Korea is, or is nearly,
new government was preparing for is convinced neither would survive. North aircraft or sinking some cargo ships. This able to strike pre-emptively against a re-
China postpones part of cyber law: China has Moons summit with US President Korea isnt likely to reach that stalemate would convince the world that Kim Jong gional target. It is preparing to withstand a
postponed enforcement of part of a cybersecurity Donald Trump next month, Yoon level. If it succeeds in building nuclear- Un has a real nuclear arsenal and isnt shy retaliatory attack if it does, and it is building
law that companies warn violates Beijings free- told a brieng. (RTRS) tipped ICBMs that can reach the US main- about using it. the arsenal it needs to then launch a second
trade pledges but says most of it will take effect Would Trump react with a nuclear attack wave of strikes, this time at the US main-
Thursday as planned. land, the dynamic could be much more
volatile. on North Korea? land.
Communist authorities say the measures are Chois daughter returns:
needed to prevent crime and terrorism and to protect The equestrian daughter of South
privacy. Companies and foreign governments com- Koreas Rasputin, whose lavish
plain the law will hamper market access and is being lifestyle in Europe was allegedly days later, chief engineer Hector overboard or killed on the MV Sage Indonesian passenger plane carrying Sriwijaya Air overshot the wet
funded by millions of dollars in Collado, 55, fell to his death from Sagittarius and his body disposed of 146 people skidded off the runway runway at the airport in Manokwari
rushed into force before Beijing has told companies city, said transport ministry spokes-
how to comply. This certainly will be a huge im- bribes, returned home Wednesday a deck. at a later time, by a person or per- as it landed in the eastern Papua
to face questioning by prosecutors The New South Wales state sons unknown, said coroner Sharon region Wednesday, an ofcial said, man J. Adravida Barata.
pact, said Michael Chang, a vice president of the TV footage showed people being
investigating an inuence-peddling Coroners Court found they were Freund. (AFP) the latest mishap to hit the countrys
European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. evacuated from the plane, as it
scandal that has rocked the country. victims of foul play, following an aviation sector.
The situation is still a lot of uncertainty and un- rested on its belly on grass next to
Chung Yoo-Ra is the daughter 18-month inquest. No one was hurt after the Boeing
claried terms, Chang said. We still see a lack of the runway.
tangible rules for business to follow. of Choi Soon-Sil, the close con- Mr Llanto was either thrown Plane overshoots runway: A aircraft operated by domestic carrier
dante of impeached ex-president The airport will be closed for
The latest version of measures sent to companies Park Geun-Hye and the woman at several hours so that the plane can
on regulation of cross-border movement of data says the heart of the scandal which top- be removed, Barata added. (AFP)
they take effect Thursday but enforcement is post- pled Park.
Parliament approves
poned for 18 months to Dec 31, 2018. Choi dubbed the female Moons PM pick Lee
Rasputin for her strong inuence Vietnam condemns 6 to death:
over Park is on trial along with SEOUL, May 31, (RTRS): Courts in Vietnam have sentenced
Ex-statistics chief jailed for life: Chinas ex- the ex-president. South Koreas parliament six men to death for drug-related
statistics chief was jailed for life on Wednesday for Prosecutors say cash for Chungs approved President Moon offenses in two separate cases.
accepting 153 million yuan ($22.4 million) worth of equestrian training came from State-run Tuoi Tre newspaper
Jae-ins selection of Lee reported a court in central Nghe An
bribes, becoming the latest senior ofcial to be con- electronics giant Samsung, which Nak-yon as prime minister
victed in a sweeping anti-corruption campaign. had handed over the money as part province on Tuesday convicted ring
Wang Baoan, the former head of the National on Wednesday, backing leader Phan Dinh Tuan and four
of an attempt to curry favour with
Bureau of Statistics, was also found guilty of using her powerful mother. (AFP) the former lawmaker and other men on charges of trafcking
his position to help others with such things as loan governor of South Jeolla 102 kgs (224 pounds) of heroin.
Tuan was found guilty of
applications, project approvals and employment, ac- Province to become the rst
cording to a court in the northern province of Hebei. 2 victims of foul play: Two conrmed cabinet nominee masterminding parts of the rings
He is the latest in a long line of ofcials to be Filipino seamen who mysteriously under the new leader. operations from his prison cell with
brought down by President Xi Jinpings unprec- disappeared or died in separate a smuggled cellphone.
incidents on a Japanese coal ship
Moon nominated Lee af- Meanwhile a court in southern
edented anti-corruption drive started more than four ter winning elections earlier Dong Nai province sentenced an-
in Australian waters were killed, a
years ago. coroner ruled Wednesday. This photo taken and released by on May 31, this month to replace for- other man to death for transporting
Former China Telecom boss Chang Xiaobing was In 2012 Cesar Llanto, 42, chief shows rescue team members and airport ofcials conducting an mer president Park Geun- 14 kgs (31 pounds) of metham-
also sentenced Wednesday to six years in prison and chef on the Sage Sagittarius, van- evacuation after a Boeing aircraft operated by domestic carrier hye, who was impeached phetamine.
ned 500,000 yuan for graft. ished as it steamed to Newcastle Sriwijaya Air overshot the wet runway at the airport in Manok- after a corruption scandal. Court ofcials are unavailable for
on Australias east coast. Some 15 wari, in Indonesias eastern Papua region on May 31. (AFP) comment Wednesday. (AP)


World News Roundup

Subcontinent Lat/Am

Body of Noriega cremated: The

Refugees face acute crisis body of former Panamanian dictator
Manuel Noriega was cremated on
Tuesday, a day after the 83-year-old
India rejects an Australian died in a Panama City hospital, a
friend of the family told reporters.
The private ceremony was attended
request to join naval drills by only a handful of relatives
among them his
NEW DELHI, May 31, (Agen- Tuesday, killing six people, de- three daughters
cies): India has rejected an Aus- stroying 20,000 homes and forc- and friends at
tralian request to take part in ing the evacuation of 600,000 a crematorium in
joint naval exercises with the residents. the capital.
United States and Japan for fear Indias Navy said it had pulled His ashes
of antagonising China, which has 27 Bangladeshis from the water were given to his
warned against expanding the in the Bay of Bengal Wednesday widow.
drills, navy ofcials and diplo- during search and rescue opera- It was a
mats said. farewell as the
tions following the cyclone. family wished.
Australia formally wrote to the Meanwhile, an Indian navy The ashes will be
Indian defence ministry in Janu- ship has plucked 33 people and a held by his wife
ary asking if it could send naval body from rough seas off Bang- Felicidad, said Noriega
ships to join the July wargames ladesh, ofcials said Wednesday, Philippine troops escort rescued civilians at a village on the outskirts of Marawi on the southern island of Mind- Ruben Murgas, a
as an observer, in what military a day after Cyclone Mora bat- anao on May 31, Philippine troops have killed 89 Islamist militants during more than a week of urban battles but friend of Noriegas and a former direc-
experts saw as a step toward tered coastal areas with violent a nal showdown is expected to be erce as the gunmen protect their leaders and hold hostages, authorities tor of state radio during the strong-
eventual full participation. winds and rain that left six dead. said. (AFP) mans reign. (AFP)
Four of-
cials from In-
dia, Australia Eight die after church feast: Brazil floods displace 50K: Floods
and Japan told At least eight people have died
and hundreds remain hospital-
Philippines and landslides in northeastern Brazil
have killed six people and driven
Reuters India
blocked the ised after suspected food poison- 50,000 people from their homes,
ing at a church feast in a remote authorities said Tuesday.
proposal and Heavy rain swelled rivers, causing
northeastern Indian state, police
suggested that
Canberra send said Tuesday. Lower house OKs tax reform bill mud slides, felling trees and harming
water supplies, they said.
ofcers to Hundreds of worshippers vom-
The number forced to ee in
watch the ex- ited and complained of stomach
ercises in the
Bay of Bengal Modi
ache after they ate rice and meat
after mass in Ri-Bhoi district of
Meghalaya state on Sunday.
89 militants killed in urban battle Pernambuco and Alagoas states rose
from an earlier estimate of 30,000, the
regional governments said.
from the decks of the three par- MARAWI, Philippines, May 31, military spokesman Brigadier- The bill, yet to be published and Both states declared emergencies af-
ticipating countries warships, Seven children are among (Agencies): Philippine troops have General Restituto Padilla said which still needs Senate approval, ter the ooding, which left two dead in
instead. those to have died. killed 89 Islamist militants during Wednesday. is expected to be a leaner version Pernambuco and four dead in Alagoas.
China has also been con- Authorities say they suspect more than a week of urban battles However Padilla warned of of an initial draft that drew opposi- President Michel Temer, who is
cerned that Prime Minister the food served to nearly 2,000 but a final showdown is expected more intense battles ahead, with tion from some lawmakers to mea- ghting for his political future amid a
Narendra Modis avowedly people at the Nongkya village to be fierce as the gunmen protect the military believing three of the sures deemed to burden low- corruption crisis, briey abandoned the
nationalist government has church was stale. their leaders and hold hostages, militants main leaders were likely income families. capital Brasilia to y over the disaster
stepped up public engagement authorities said Wednesday. still in the city. The tax reform measure is criti- zone on Sunday. AFP)
of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Attack helicopters fired rockets That 10 percent is most likely cal to President Rodrigo Dutertes
spiritual leader who lives in ex- Lanka flood toll over 200: economic program, which focuses
International aid arrived into on Wednesday morning into parts the area that is heavily guarded 3K arrested in Venezuela: Ven-
ile in India and whom it regards of Marawi, a Muslim city in the and defended by any armed men if on infrastructure spending and fis- ezuelan police have arrested nearly
as a splittist. Sri Lanka on Wednesday as the cal efficiency to lift growth to as
death toll from the islands worst south of the mainly Catholic they are protecting any individual 3,000 people in the two months since
Philippines, that were still con- of high value, Padilla said. much as 8 percent before his six- a wave of anti-government protests
oods and landslides in well over year term ends in 2022.
trolled by the militants fighting The militants are also holding an erupted, a judicial campaign group said
Refugees face crisis: Aid a decade climbed to 202.
on Tuesday.
workers warned Wednesday of Foreign Minister Ravi Karu- under the black flag of the Islamic unknown number of civilians hos-
State (IS) group. tage, according to Padilla and other President Nicolas Maduros op-
an acute crisis in Bangladesh nanayake said 16 countries had MANILA: Philippine President ponents accuse him of repressing
after a cyclone destroyed thou- rushed relief supplies and medi- President Rodrigo Duterte authorities. They initially took a Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday
declared martial law across the priest and up to 14 other people protesters who are calling for elections
sands of homes and devastated cine to assist more than 600,000 denounced the daughter of former to remove him from ofce. He accuses
camps housing Rohingya refu- people driven from their homes entire southern region of Mindanao hostage at the start of the crisis. US president Bill Clinton for crit- them of plotting a coup against him.
gees, leaving many without food following Fridays monsoon del- in response to the crisis, which he icising him over a joke about rape, Foro Penal (the Criminal Justice
uge. described as the start of a major Also: and questioned whether she was
or shelter. Forum) has counted 2,977 people
Hundreds of thousands of Ro- We also have a lot of enquir- campaign by IS to establish a foot- MANILA: The lower house of just as outraged by her fathers arrested during the deadly unrest, of
hingya live in the overcrowded ies from other countries and or- hold in the Philippines. Congress in the Philippines passed affair with a White House intern. whom 1,351 are still in detention,
camps on the southeast coast af- ganisations wanting to know our Eighty-nine militants had been a much-anticipated tax reform bill Duterte was incensed by director Alfredo Romero told a news
ter eeing violence in neighbour- immediate needs. We are moved killed in the fighting and the on Wednesday, aimed at generating Chelsea Clinton tweeting at the conference.
ing Myanmar. by the spontaneous response, amount of territory in the city that revenue to fund a multi-billion dol- weekend that he was a murderous Of those, 197 have been jailed after
Cyclone Mora battered the Karunanayake told reporters in the remaining gunmen controlled lar infrastructure program key to the thug with no regard for human being sentenced by military courts,
coastal area of Coxs Bazar on Colombo. had been cut to just 10 percent, governments economic agenda. rights. said a lawyer working for the group,
Alonso Medina. (AFP)


World News Roundup

This undated handout photograph received from Museums Victoria in Melbourne on May 31, shows a dragon- This undated handout photograph received from Museums Victoria in Melbourne on May 31, shows a faceless
sh, one of many species hauled up from the deep waters off Australia during a scientic voyage studying parts sh, which has only been recorded once before by the pioneering scientic crew of HMS Challenger off Papua
of the ocean never explored before. (AFP) New Guinea in 1873, one of many species hauled up from the deep waters off Australia during a scientic voy-
age studying parts of the ocean never explored before. (AFP)

Faceless fish among weird deep sea Australian finds

Faceless sh and other weird and won- deep-sea cameras. Sea on May 15. their own light through bioluminescence, Weve got 27 scientists on board who
derful creatures, many of them new spe- Chief scientist on board The Investiga- They also came across an unusual he added. are leaders in their elds and they tell me
cies, have been hauled up from the deep tor Tim OHara from Museums Victoria faceless sh, which has only been re- Another nd was carnivorous sponges that around one-third of what weve found
waters off Australia during a scientic told AFP Wednesday the search area corded once before by the pioneering sci- that wield lethal spicules made of silicon, are new species, said OHara, with sev-
voyage studying parts of the ocean never was the most unexplored environment entic crew of HMS Challenger off Papua effectively glass. They get small crusta- eral thousand specimens so far retrieved
explored before. on earth. New Guinea in 1873. ceans hooked on their Velcro-like spines, and two weeks of the trip still to go.
The month-long journey off the coun- Bright red spiky rock crabs, puffed-up It hasnt got any eyes or a visible nose to be slowly digested in-situ. Life at such depths is one of crushing
trys eastern seaboard has been survey- cofnsh, blind sea spiders and deep sea and its mouth is underneath, OHara This technique differs from most deep- pressures, no light, little food and freez-
ing life lurking in a dark and cold abyss eels have been collected since the scien- said from the ship. sea sponges, which feed on bacteria and ing temperatures, with animals that call
that plunges four kilometres (2.5 miles) tists began their voyage from Launces- At such huge depths, it is so dark that other single-celled organisms ltered from it home evolving unique ways to survive.
below the surface, using nets, sonar and ton in Tasmania north towards the Coral creatures often have no eyes or produce passing currents. (AFP)

Science Space

Ethically disputed Iran cancels project for sending human into space
Doctor is pioneering Space junk could hurt economies
three-parent babies SYDNEY, May 31, (Agencies): The jects, said space debris expert Moriba versity of Chicago.
KIEV, May 31, (AFP): A 34-year-old woman tried to growing amount of fast-moving space Jah from the University of Texas, who Scheduled to launch in summer
debris orbiting the Earth could lead to is at the conference. 2018, the Solar Probe Plus will y
have a baby for 15 years before she turned to a pio-
This NASA photo obtained May 31, catastrophic collisions with satellites, I believe that we are certainly on within 4 million miles of the suns sur-
neering doctor in Ukraine and a groundbreaking but face right into the solar atmosphere.
ethically disputed three-parent procedure. 2017 shows inside the Space Sta- hurting economies, researchers warned a path to what I call a tragedy of the
tion Processing Facility high bay at Wednesday ahead of a summit to coor- commons, he told the Australian It will be subjected to brutal heat and
She became the mother of NASAs Kennedy Space Center in radiation like no other man-made
dinate efforts to remove the junk. Broadcasting Corporation, adding
a healthy baby boy in January Florida, as technicians prepare the structure before.
There are an estimated 170 million that a major collision was inevitable
at a private clinic in Kiev us- Neutron star Interior Composition without action to tackle the problem. The purpose is to study the suns
ing a process called pronuclear pieces of so-called space junk left
Explorer, or NICER, payload for nal behind after missions that can be as big Youve driven on the roads here outer atmosphere and better under-
transfer that inserts the cou- packaging on April 6, 2017. (AFP) when you have a lot of mist or fog, and stand how stars like ours work.
ples genes into a donors egg. as spent rocket stages or as small as
paint akes in orbit alongside some you have to go really slow, and you The announcement came during a
The procedure had been pre- just dont know whats really around ceremony honoring astrophysicist Eu-
viously used to treat serious $700 billion of space infrastructure.
But only 22,000 are tracked, and you. Thats the perfect analogy to gene Parker, professor emeritus at the
genetic diseases. space right now, Jah said. University of Chicago.
But doctor Valeriy Zukin with the fragments able to travel at
become the rst to use it to speeds above 27,000 kmh (16,777 Greene said scientists were develop-
mph), even tiny pieces could seriously ing technologies set to be operational
help two separate infertile cou-
damage or destroy satellites. in 18 months to track all debris so MIAMI: SpaceX is poised to blast off
ples have children in this way. spacecraft could move around them. its next delivery of food, supplies and
There are patients whom we cannot help to have The space junk problem has science experiments to the astronauts
been getting worse every year, Ben Another idea in the works was
their own genetically-related baby unless we use this Earth-based high-powered lasers that living at the International Space Sta-
method, the 60-year-old told AFP at his Nadiya clin- Greene, head of Australias Space tion on Thursday.
Environment Research Centre which could be red into space to push the
ic. Some two million women across the globe use in debris around a little bit, with the pro- The launch of SpaceXs 11th com-
vitro fertilisation (IVF) to get pregnant every year. is hosting the two-day conference of mercial resupply mission aboard an
international space environment scien- gramme 75 percent ready, he added.
But Zukins treatment targets a tiny percentage of Trump Obama unmanned Dragon cargo ship is sched-
women whose embryos suffer from a disorder called em- tists in Canberra, told AFP. Also: uled for 5:55 pm (2155 GMT) on June
bryo arrest that can either stunt development or kill them. Were losing three or four satellites 1, and will be broadcast live on NA-
a year now to space debris collision. TEHRAN, Iran: Irans semi-ofcial
The difference in the method Zukin uses is that SAs website.
a womans egg is rst fertilised with her partners
Discovery Were very close, NASA estimates, of ILNA news agency is reporting that
the countrys space organization is If all goes as planned, a Falcon 9
sperm. within ve to 10 years of losing every- rocket will propel the Dragon into low-
cancelling a project to explore sending
Then its nucleus is transferred to a donors egg that thing. Earth orbit, where it will eventually
Trump keeps world guessing: Donald Greene added in a statement that a
humans into space.
has been stripped of its own nucleus. Trump has decided to pull the United Iran sent a monkey into space in connect with the space station, circling
The egg is thus almost entirely made up of genetic States out of the Paris climate accord, catastrophic avalanche of collisions January 2013 and it had announced a the Earth at a height of some 250 miles
material from the couple plus a tiny amount (about US media reported Wednesday, as the which could quickly destroy all orbit- goal of sending a person by 2018. But (400 kilometers).
0.15 percent) from the female donors DNA. president kept the world guessing saying ing satellites is now possible, noting Wednesdays report quotes Moham- The cargo ship should arrive Sunday
Not everyone however shares Zukins enthusiasm. an announcement will come in the next that more collisions were creating ex- mad Homayoun Sadr, deputy head at 8:30 am (1230 GMT).
Ukraines conservative clerics argue that the tech- few days. tra debris. of the space organization, as saying the It is packed with almost 6,000
nique breaches ethical norms. An American pullout would deal a dev- With society heavily dependent on cost was judged to be prohibitive an pounds (2,700 kilograms) of science
A child can only have two parents and the presence of astating blow to global efforts to combat satellites for communication and navi- research, crew supplies and hardware.
climate change less than 18 months after estimated $15 to $20 billion over 15
a third person and especially the DNA of a third per- gation, and powering key industries years. The supplies for special experiments
the historic 196-nation pact was signed such as transport, nance and energy, include live mice to study the effects of
son is morally unacceptable, Father Feodosiy of the in Paris, fruit of a hard-fought agreement Iran has long held the goal of de-
dominant Ukrainian Orthodox Church told AFP. the growing cosmic junkyard could veloping a space program, generating osteoporosis and fruit ies for research
between Beijing and Washington under threaten economies.
It violates the sanctity of the marriage between Barack Obamas leadership. unease among the United States and on microgravitys impact on the heart.
woman and man. The Australian economy is entirely other countries concerned about Teh- The spacecraft is also loaded with
Trump said early Wednesday an an-
Other religions have also weighed in on the issue nouncement was imminent on whether the dependent on space, Greene said. rans ballistic missile programs. solar panels and equipment to study
with the Roman Catholic Church opposing the move Were a big country with few people neutron stars.
United States will remain part of the land-
and the only way we can service it, The weather forecast for Thurs-
because it would involve the destruction of human mark deal on cutting carbon emissions.
embryos as part of the process. The Church of Eng- I will be announcing my decision whether its with surveillance, safety CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida: A days launch was 70 percent favorable,
land has said ethical concerns have not been suf- on the Paris Accord over the next few or search-and-rescue, is from space. NASA spacecraft will aim straight for NASA said.
ciently addressed. days. Make America Great Again! the The barriers to entry for building the sun next year. If the launch is postponed for any rea-
Even some scientists have reservations. president tweeted, as several US media spacecraft were also falling, making it The space agency announced the son, another opportunity opens at 5:07
They warn against jumping to early conclusions reported he had made up his mind to quit easier for rms to launch their own ob- red-hot mission Wednesday at the Uni- pm (2107 GMT) Saturday, June 3.
about how successful the method would be if it were the accord.
to be applied to the general population. The Axios website was rst to report
Trumps decision was made, citing two of the afterlife is unwrapping intriguing Scientists on Tuesday said they exam- of Cairo, in the most sophisticated genetic
We cannot talk about its wide use yet, Larysa Tu- sources with knowledge of the matter, insight into the people of ancient Egypt, ined genome data from 90 mummies from study of ancient Egyptians ever conducted.
manova, a professor at Kievs Institute of Pediatrics, while other media including CNN, CBS, The DNA was extracted from the teeth
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, told AFP. including a surprise discovery that they had the Abusir el-Malek archaeological site,
ABC and Politico reported the White scant genetic ties to sub-Saharan Africa. located about 70 miles (115 kms) south and bones of mummies from a vast burial
First, we have to monitor the newborns health un- House was expected to announce a with- ground associated with the green-skinned
til they turn at least three, she said. drawal once details of the process have god Osiris. The oldest were from about
Other experts point out that the three-parent tech- been worked out. 1388 BC during the New Kingdom, a high
nique a different form of which has also produced a The United States is the worlds second point in ancient Egyptian inuence and
baby in Mexico was initially being developed for those biggest carbon emitter, after China. culture. The most recent were from about
at very high risk of passing on serious genetic diseases. Under Obama, Washington had pledged 426 AD, centuries after Egypt had become
Zukin strongly defends the work at his clinic. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26- a Roman Empire province.
We explain the essence of the method to each pa- 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. There has been much discussion about
tient, he says. We report possible risks. Under Trump, who once called climate the genetic ancestry of ancient Egyptians,
And there is currently a line of hopeful mothers change a hoax, the country has resisted said archeogeneticist Johannes Krause of
ready to pay the 12,000 euros ($13,100) it takes to un- intense pressure from its partners to com- the Max Planck Institute for the Science of
mit to respecting the global accord. Human History in Germany, who led the
dergo the pronuclear transfer procedure. Since taking ofce on Jan 20, however,
We have patients from Poland, the Netherlands, study published in the journal Nature Com-
Trump has sent contradictory signals on the munications.
Denmark, France, Israel, Portugal and Brazil, he Paris deal reecting the different cur-
says. Are modern Egyptians direct descen-
rents within his administration, on climate dants of ancient Egyptians? Was there
Zukin thinks between 10,000 and 20,000 women change but also on the wider issue of the
a year could potentially be candidates for using the genetic continuity in Egypt through time?
United States role in the world and their Did foreign invaders change the genetic
method to conceive a gure large enough to seek relation to multilateralism.
out a foreign partnership that could study how best to White House spokesman Sean Spicer, makeup: for example, did Egyptians be-
asked on Tuesday whether Trump believes come more European after Alexander the
use this technique. Great conquered Egypt? Krause added.
His health centre is now working with Chinas human activity is contributing to climate
change, told reporters, Honestly, I havent Ancient DNA can address those ques-
Shanghai University to determine the genetic causes tions.
of abnormalities in embryo development at an early asked him that. I can get back to you.
(AFP) This le handout image from NASA taken from the Space Shuttle Discovery The genomes showed that, unlike mod-
stage. on Aug 6, 2005, shows the International Space Station ying over the North ern Egyptians, ancient Egyptians had little
I hope that through joint efforts, we will be able to Caspian Sea and Kazakhstan following the undocking of the two spacecraft. to no genetic kinship with sub-Saharan
nd in a more targeted way those whom this method Ancient Egypt genetics unwrapped: The growing number of fast-moving space debris orbiting the Earth could lead populations, some of which like ancient
will help, Zukin says. DNA from mummies found at a site once to catastrophic collisions with satellites, hurting economies, researchers warned Ethiopia were known to have had signi-
known for its cult to the Egyptian god on May 31, ahead of a summit to coordinate efforts to remove the junk. (AFP) cant interactions with Egypt. (RTRS)
Okja, Cars 3 in Edinburgh Fest lineup attendance

Amerika Square, Son of Sofia bookend LA Greek Fest

LOS ANGELES, May 31, (RTRS): The Los Angeles Greek Film Festi- ca Film Festival in April. and Francis Fisher, which will screen with the US premiere of Sotiris
val will open with the West Coast premiere of Amerika Square Yan- Psykous lm is a dark fairy tale featuring 11-year-old Misha, a Tsafoulias feature crime thriller The Other Me.
nis Sakaridis tragic story set in modern Greece as the country copes young Russian boy who, brought to live in Athens by his mother, is Documentary screenings include the premiere of Frozen Ambro-
with dual crises of nancial collapse and overwhelming immigration. surprised to learn she has remarried. Mishas imagination soon takes sia, from sports lmmaker Constantine Papanicolaou, about his skiing
The fest takes place June 7-11 at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. over to protect him from his new life. adventure on Greeces Mount Olympus; and the premiere of George
It will showcase 13 features, 22 shorts, and 15 documentaries from the The fest will also screen Nikos Koundouros The Ogre Of Athens, Lagdaris With the Hoes and the Terrarium Forks.
US, France, the UK, Germany, Cyprus and Greece. This years pro- voted number-one lm of all time by the Hellenic Film Critics As-
gram includes a record 40 premieres: 19 US, 10 West Coast, seven Los sociation. It marks a departure role for comic actor Dinos Iliopoulos, Also:
Angeles and four world premieres. who plays a timid man embroiled in a life-and-death situation. The LOS ANGELES: The Edinburgh International Film Festival will open
We carefully selected a program that embodies the 2017 festival screening is LAGFFs homage to the director and his works following and close with British lms Gods Own Country and England Is
theme, Building Bridges, says LAGFF head Aris Katopodis. Each his passing in February at age 90. Mine,and show Netixs Okja, which recently caused a stir as an
title represents creating a bridge - whether it is between relationships, Other lm include: Petros Charalambous Boy On The Bridge, a ofcial selection in Cannes.

races or countries, and the problems and triumphs encountered in drama based on a novel by Eve Makis; Michele Poulos documentary Disneys Cars 3 will have its UK premiere amid the festivals 151
reaching the goal. A Late Style Of Fire: Larry Levis, American Poet; Babis Tsokas feature lms, which include titles from US independents and a docu-
Amerika Square, which won the Fipresci award at the 2016 Thes- documentary Our Own Maria Callas; and the L.A. premiere of writ- mentary section.
saloniki Film Festival, centers on an ensemble of characters: Nakos, a er-director Clio Fanourakis rst feature, Xamou. Having focused on Finland and Mexico in recent years, the interna-
racist bent on harming the thousands of refugees in his Athens neigh- In addition, fest-goers will be able to see Swing Away, starring tional spotlight falls on Poland this year and includes the international
borhood, the lms titular Amerika Square; Tarek, a Syrian ex-military John OHurley and Shannon Elizabeth, and Soa Exarchous new fea- premiere of Katarzyna Adamiks thriller Amok.
doctor looking to smuggle himself and his daughter out of Greece; and ture Park, set in Athens Olympic Village ten years after the Games, There is no overriding theme to the EIFF, with the organizers prefer-
Billy, a tattoo artist at the lms center who falls in love with Tereza, where wilding youths, injured retired athletes and stray dogs roam ring to include a selection that spans UK, European, US, and interna-
an African singer also looking to escape. As time runs out, the three among the ruins and decaying sports venues. tional lms and docs across all genres.
stories merge. Shorts at LAGFF include Daphne Matziarakis Academy Award- Its a large lm festival, said artistic director Mark Adams. We
The festival close on Sunday evening will feature the West Coast nominated 4.1 Miles, Giannis Ziogkases Ethnophbia, the west have the prestigious Award for Best British Feature Film, American
premiere of Elina Psykous drama Son of Soa, which took the best coast premiere of Phedon Papamichaels dramatic short A Beautiful independents, an international section, and doc awards. It means we
picture prize in the international narrative feature category at the Tribe- Day, written by Angeliki Giannakopoulos and starring James Brolin can nd a reason to include a wide range of lms.


In this image released by Disney, Geoffrey Rush portrays Barbossa (left), and Johnny Depp portrays Captain Jack Sparrow in a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. The
movie earned $326 million worldwide. (AP)


Family dysfunction in Aprils Daughter

LOS ANGELES: Disneys Pirates

Closeness heavy-hearted period drama
of the Caribbean sequel sailed to By Jessica Kiang girl. The tone is merry, but one family member seems the press notes, that the director was confronted with
the top of the North American box more ambivalent. Ilana (extraordinary rst-timer Darya death, that I saw someone die slowly. So its inclusion
ofce during the four-day Memo-
rial Day weekend, raking in nearly
$78.5 million, industry gures
ts relatively rare that the business of lm review-
ing confronts us with a genuine ethical dilemma. But
Balagovs debut feature, which played in the
Zhovner), Davids tomboy sister who works alongside
their mechanic father, Avi (Artem Tsypin), is curiously
is part of Balagovs authorial intent to insert his own
experiences into his lm, but the disingenuous way he
showed Tuesday. removed from the event and uncomfortably feminized does it makes it feel like a betrayal.
Cannes Un Certain Regard sidebar and is, even without
Dead Men Tell No Tales, its most controversial segment, a demanding, difcult
in a dress insisted on by her stern mother, Adina (Olga
the fth installment in the wildly Dragunova). Later, she changes back into her overalls
watch, presents an unavoidable one. At the lms ap- If April and her daughter Valeria were guests on

popular franchise starring Johnny and sneaks out to meet her burly lover Zalim (Nazir
proximate midpoint, occasioning a urry of walkouts Zhukov), who is of Kabardian background, a local eth- The Jerry Springer Show or the trashy talk shows
Depp, sunk another major new during its Cannes press screening, a group of characters south-of-the-border equivalent, Jose Luis the episode
studio movie Baywatch nicity that has its own language and customs. Ilana and
which came in third place and only are shown watching a scratchy and degraded VHS tape Zalims relationship has earned Ilanas mothers deep- might conceivably be called, First my mom stole my
managed to bring in a disappoint- on which plays footage of anti-Semitic Islamist violence est disapproval, and Ilanas Jewishness is a secret from kid, then she took my baby daddy! Such outrageous
ing $23.1 million in ticket sales, and murder. Fuzzy and diffuse as it is, the sequence tabloid behavior is almost too extreme to be believed,
Zalims friends. They meet clandestinely. and yet Aprils Daughter director Michel Franco
Exhibitor Relations said. goes on for a long time, and even though the lm is
Another Disney offering, set in 1998, the images it presents are realistically ren- Stability displays an almost maddening sense of restraint when
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, dered, a triumphalist, hate-lled aesthetic made familiar The familys general stability is abruptly overturned, reenacting exactly that kind of family dysfunction, re-
placed second with $27.2 million by recent phenomena: Islamic State recruitment videos, peating (without necessarily advancing) the style of his
terrorist propaganda, and hostage executions. The very however, when David and his ancee are kidnapped 2012 success After Lucia, which also premiered in
in its fourth week out. and a ruinous ransom is issued. Even the sale of Avis
The lighthearted story of a major issue is, its not just realistic; according to the Cannes Un Certain Regard section.
band of mist space adventur- press notes, its real. workshop will not raise the amount necessary, and Although the Mexican directors odd, arms-length ap-
ers played by Chris Pratt, Closeness is a tough-minded, rigorously composed, while the Jewish community rally round, the decision proach may be celebrated in a festival context (Aprils
Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper quite brilliantly acted story of the challenges of everyday is made that most of their charity must go to secure the Daughter won this years UCR Jury Prize), its too cold
and Vin Diesel has taken in religious prejudice and ethnic divides in the bleak heart return of the ancee. Increasingly desperate, Ilanas and disengaged for most moviegoers, which severely
$340.5 million domestically since of Russias North Caucasus, and in many ways Balagovs parents make a deal whereby a local Jewish family will limits the audience for a story that, if told in more con-
it opened on May 5. (AFP) uncompromising but stylized social realism rewards as supply the rest of the ransom if Ilana marries their son. ventional terms, would have no trouble attracting interest.
much as it punishes. But in including this real video es- But Ilanas willful, independent heart is set on Zalim, Likewise, those who connected with the incredible depth
sentially a snuff movie within a ction narrative and not despite his occasional brutality. of Spanish actress Emma Suarez in Pedro Almodovars
LOS ANGELES: While the The plot is perhaps overly schematic, but the lmmak-
domestic box ofce is experienc- announcing it as such, a line is crossed. Julieta (particularly in those scenes when the character
Its not as though Balagov doesnt create the perfect op- ing compensates, with DP Artem Yemelyanovs inven- worries about the whereabouts of her missing daughter)
ing a major slump, Disney stands tive, often subjectively woozy camerawork particularly
out as the studio with the mostest portunity to warn the viewer: In a somewhat unnecessary will have a hard time adjusting to her role as April, whos
as of Tuesday morning, Disney ourish the lm is signed by the director, featuring brief valuable in tying us in to Ilanas perspective. Zhovner is a more competitive than maternal toward her two kids,
crossed the $3 billion mark in titles at the beginning and the end in which he introduces real discovery: The closeness of the title also tells in how dowdy Clara (Joanna Larequi) and skinny 17-year-old
global box ofce. himself as a native of Nalchik, the town depicted, and tells close-up-heavy the photography is, but even with nowhere Valeria (Ana Valeria Becerril).
About two thirds of those ticket us that the narrative is based on the true story of a kidnap- to hide, she makes Ilana a riveting, complex, frequently The pair look nothing like sisters, and Franco does little
sales have from from the inter- ping that occurred there in the late 1990s. Certainly there unlikable but very real character, whom we watch in un- to help us puzzle out the fact that they are so related.
national box ofce, $1.9 billion, is in general a fraught and combative relationship with the blinking shots as druggedness or drunkenness or anger or Frankly, its anybody guess why characters do what
while domestic grosses account for truth (Alexander Sokurovs producers credit seems oddly self-pity suffuses the strong-jawed beauty of her face. they do in Aprils Daughter, which may be both real-
$1.1 billion. appropriate in this regard): In Balagovs retelling, a grimy So the grittily inspired craft darkly illuminates a story istic and admirably nonjudgmental on Francos part, but
The movie to push the studio little local news story becomes a tale of love across the whose value lies in how authentically it mines the spec- it makes for a confusing and at times clinical moviegoing
past the milestone was Pirates of barricades, in which duty to family and tribe is weighed icity of its arcane setting. But can any of that excuse experience, as the director applies his detached Michael
the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No against the desires of the individual heart. But this is not the lapse in judgment that is the inclusion of that video, Haneke-like style to material that begs a certain amount
Tales, the fth installment in the Romeo and Juliet, and there is precious little pining be- rather than a restaged or offscreen version of it? This of clarication. When April arrives a few scenes into the
franchise starring Johnny Depp neath balconies. is not a snowakes plea for a trigger warning: Peo- movie, she looks young and beautiful enough to be Clara
that becomes increasingly depend- Unfolding in boxily appropriate 4:3 format, which ple dying for real on-screen is one of the most basic and Valerias sister an incorrect assumption that she
ent on international sales, but man- taboos we have, and it is not for anyone else to make
ages to make bank regardless. By forces subjects into close proximity to t in the frame, it openly encourages. April is a fascinating character, play-
Tuesday morning the movie had starts with a celebration: A Jewish family that has rela- the decision as to whether you are comfortable breaking ing the role of mother when it suits her, yet ercely jealous
earned $326 million worldwide, tively recently settled in Nalchik celebrates the engage- it. Apparently, the tape was one that Balagov and his of her two daughters, and too blind to recognize the rivalry
$247.8 million of which have ment of the son David (Venjamin Katz) to a local Jewish friends found as teenagers, and it was the rst time, per or the damage it can do. (RTRS)
come from overseas markets.
China alone has accounted for
$92.3 million in sales, which is direct from a script by Ryan En- Bleth Sharp, and Jeff Morrone Nate Parkers Birth of a Na- A security ofcial said a formal
more than the $78.2 it has made in gle, based on a pitch from Jaime are executive producing. tion. (RTRS) request for a ban has not yet been
the US (RTRS) Primak Sullivan about a woman Union is the star and executive received.

ghting to protect her family dur- producer of BETs Being Mary A ban would require a recom-
LOS ANGELES: Gabrielle Union ing a home invasion. Jane. Will Packer Prods. is one BEIRUT: Lebanon is seeking to mendation from a six-member
will star in and produce the home- Union will produce with Will of the production companies on ban the new Wonder Woman committee from the Ministry of
invasion drama Breaking In with Packer through his Will Packer the series. movie because its lead actress, Gal Economy, a process that has not
shooting starting in July in Los Productions along with James Unions lm credits include the Gadot, is an Israeli a reection yet began, the ofcial said, speak-
Angeles. Lopez, and Practical Pictures two Think Like a Man movies, of how the decades-old animosity ing on condition of anonymity
V for Vendetta director Craig Perry and Sheila Taylor. Almost Christmas, Top Five, between the two neighbors is also because he was not authorized to
James McTeigue is on board to Jaime Primak Sullivan, Valerie Saldana Union Bad Boys II, Sleepless, and infused in the cultural scene. talk to reporters. (AP)


People & Places


Uplifting drama

Megan Leavey a
wartime romance
LOS ANGELES, May 31, (RTRS): Megan
Leavey is a wartime romance, the twist being
that its of the platonic interspecies variety. Ga-
briela Cowperthwaites based-on-a-true-story
drama recounts the deep bond shared by a Marine
and her German Shepherd, which was forged in
training, strengthened in combat, and cemented in
retirement. Often too clunky for its own good, and
(ahem) doggedly apolitical throughout, this ear-
nest feel-good tale nonetheless manages to pull on
the heartstrings with sufcient gentleness. Aided
by a charismatic lead turn from star Kate Mara
(and her canine sidekick as well), it should receive
a warm, if perhaps not heroic, welcome from the-
atrical audiences.
Her life going nowhere
fast in 2003, Megan
(Mara) nds it untenable
to continue living at home
in Valley Cottage, New
York, with her shrill di-
vorced mother (Edie Fal-
co), whos now shacked up
with the man (Will Patton)
for whom she left Megans
father (Bradley Whitford).
Thus, for reasons only
Mara briey sketched, Megan
hops aboard a bus headed straight for a military
base where, a short basic-training montage later,
shes a full-edged Marine. Still, her course re-
mains wayward, and upon being caught urinating
in public after a night out on the town, shes sad-
dled with a most dishonorable duty: cleaning the
kennels of the regiments bomb-snifng dogs.
Watching her comrades work with the animals
motivates Megan to do likewise, and she gets her
chance when a particularly unruly pooch named Left to right: David Hasselhoff, Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron pose for photographers during a photocall to promote the premiere of Baywatch on May 30 in Berlin.
Rex bites the hand of his human partner, shatter- (AFP)
ing it in six places. Though shes initially terried
of Rex, Megan heeding the advice of her tough
but kind superior (Common), as well as a fellow
handler (Tom Felton) whos recently returned Film
from Iraq soon learns to project condence and
compassion in equal measure to her four-legged
companion. Before long, theyre an inseparable
pair, whether running drills or hanging out togeth-
er on Megans bed.
Actor about to become a published author
Making a relatively smooth transition into
ction after her acclaimed 2013 documentary
Blacksh, director Cowperthwaite doesnt
linger too long on any of these early getting-to-
know-you sequences, preferring to paint in clear,
Hart wants to be Oprah of Comedy
bold lines and colors so that the pace doesnt lag. By Brent Lang of the City of Brotherly Love. His father, Henry Witherspoon,
As a result, the proceedings feel distinct if not missed much of Harts childhood. He was in and out of jail, and an
particularly deep, a shallowness thats also at-
tributable to cinematographer Lorenzo Senatores
visuals, which are a cut above competent but still
S top trying to get Kevin Hart to eat another french fry!
It was an impulse order. Hart tried to change to a kale salad,
only to be sweet-talked into indulging by the waitress at the Mata-
addict. The drugs, and escalating parental screw-ups, such as the
time Witherspoon dropped Hart off at the wrong school, caused his
mom to limit his visits.
overly enamored with shaky-cam compositions dor Room, one of those chic Miami eateries where the walls are We come from a situation, says Robert Hart, Kevins older
that wobble whether the action is anxious or se- Indian Bollywood actors Vivek alabaster and the trellises adorned with climbing bougainvillea.
Oberoi (left), and Neetu Chan- brother. We come from the worst living conditions.
date. Yet its a functional style that proves most After inhaling four or ve stfuls of golden fries, Hart insists hes When Hart performs stand-up, he treats his father as a jester, ar-
suited to the lms centerpiece, in which Megan dra pose for a photograph done. He hands the plate to the bodyguard sitting at a nearby table,
during a promotional event in riving coked up to cheer his son at spelling bees or giving his kids
and Rex having been deployed to Iraq must but each time the waitress walks by, she plops more savory pota- another familys dog when they wanted a puppy. But there was a
identify homemade bombs (IEDs) along a barren Mumbai on May 30. (AP)
toes in front of him. darker side to Witherspoon. In the book, Hart recounts how his
desert road; suspense is generated via a combina- Dont bring them back over here, Hart cries in mock exaspera- father broke into his mothers house to steal money. Another time,
tion of shrewd plotting and aesthetic in-the-mo- tion. Finally, he grabs a glass of water and dumps it on the fries. he robbed Robert Harts barbershop and crashed his car.
ment bedlam. Thats how you stop yourself, he declares. Then turning to his He didnt escape any of it jail, drugs, addictions, ruining
Megan eventually strikes up an affair with bodyguard, Hart points to the bowl of drowning fries your family to a point where my mom didnt want me and my
fellow Marine Matt Morales (Ramon Rodri- Hart is a man of discipline. If you track his movements on social brother to be around him, Hart says. Seeing the stuff rsthand.
guez), despite the fact that he prefers the Mets media and with 32.7 million Twitter followers and 51.5 mil- Seeing the reality behind drugs and addiction, and what it can re-
to her beloved Yankees. But its Rex who con- lion Instagram fans, many do you know hes a physical tness ally do to a person, thats why I dont do drugs. I learned what I
tinues to be the true object of her affection, and junkie. He rises every morning at 5:30 to hit the gym, and last shouldnt be doing from what my dad did.
Megan Leavey is at its best when focusing on August he ran 35 miles in a relay that took him from Mount Hood Hart says his father is now sober and the two have reconciled.
the shared trust and love that underscore their to the Oregon coast. He routinely shares pictures of himself in mid- At some point, Hart decided it was important for his two young
partnership. While Mara lacks the sort of rough- crunch or hoisting barbells in the air. children, Heaven and Hendrix, to know their grandfather.
and-tumble grit one might expect to nd in a You cant expect to give 100% if youre not in a physical place It takes too much time and energy to keep hate alive, Hart
Marine like Megan, her performance is rich and to give 100%, says Hart, 37. says. In return, Witherspoon makes an effort with the children.
nuanced even in those (frequent) moments when Chopra Grifn Right now, the actor and comedian is arguably the hardest- Hes as good as he can be, Hart says. Hes very much in their
platitudes and stilted dialogue threaten to under- working person in show business. Hes appeared in nearly a dozen lives. He talks to them. He sends them messages. He Facetimes.
mine authenticity. As it details the aftermath of movies since 2013, many of them in leading roles and most of them Hes serious about making his presence felt.
a battleeld trauma that leaves both its protago-
nists scarred and alone, Cowperthwaites lm Variety box ofce hits. Thats to say nothing of the grueling stand-up tours
that put him on the road for weeks at a time. The animated lm
If Hart has conicted feelings about his father, theres no am-
biguity in his love for his mother. It was she, Hart says, who gave
segues into a more predictable uplifting mode. Captain Underpants, featuring Harts voice, debuts in theaters him his work ethic. A computer analyst at the University of Penn-
Yet even at its most schematic and schmaltzy, LOS ANGELES: With her ABC June 2, and in December he headlines Jumanji: Welcome to the sylvania, she told her sons to set goals and achieve them. And she
its a cut above likeminded efforts such as Max show Quantico on summer hia- Jungle alongside Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black. He recently lived out her maxim.
and Army Dog, and represents a reasonably tus, Priyanka Chopra is making wrapped Untouchable, a dramatic comedy with Bryan Cranston She was forever in school, Hart remembers. She was always
moving tribute to an unlikely, and unbreakable, waves on the big screen. that will open in 2018. trying to get a new level within her education a new masters
friendship. Sources tell Variety that the Working with Hart on the Jumanji sequel motivated Black to or a new degree. She was constantly pushing to be the best version
Baywatch star is in negotiations step up his own acting. I raised my game a couple of notches out of herself.
to join the indie drama A Kid of the intimidation factor, says Black. Hes a king of the indus- When Hart decided he wanted to do stand-up, his mother agreed
East meets West, and the two gingerly fall in Like Jake, starring Jim Parsons
love through art in Charles de Meauxs The try. Ive done a lot of movies, but when someone is on re, at the to pay his rent for a year as he worked to get noticed. Hed com-
and Claire Danes, and is also in peak of their powers, you feel like you have to earn your spot. mute daily from Philadelphia to the comedy clubs in New York,
Lady in the Portrait, a period yarn evoking the talks to board the New Line com-
unique rapport between a French missionary and As if he didnt have enough going on, Hart is also about to be- hitching rides or taking the bus from his home in the afternoon
edy Isnt It Romantic opposite come a published author. I Cant Make This Up: Life Lessons, and returning at four in the morning. As he opened up about his
the Manchurian Empress whose portrait hes or- Rebel Wilson.
dered to paint. Exquisitely-costumed and voluptu- his rst book, hits stores June 6. In his stand-up act, Harts comedy personal life, he could feel the audience leaning in and responding.
Chopra will shoot A Kid Like
ously shot, the lm evokes life in the Qing Dynas- Jake in June and then immedi- draws from personal experiences, delving into the cheating that In the beginning, I was trying to be versions of what I saw or
ty court with studied elegance and rare intimacy ately begin production on Isnt It torpedoed his rst marriage or his hardscrabble youth growing up what other people were doing, he remembers. It was all, Whats
that make it more than just another Bertolucci or Romantic in July before returning in North Philadelphia. Onstage, stories about his alcoholic and the new shtick? Oh, man, everyones coming onstage and theyre
Zhang Yimou wannabe. Added last minute to the to Quantico this fall. drug-addicted father are played for laughs. using music. I need to give them some music or I need to be loud.
Cannes ofcial selection as a tribute to Chinese Meanwhile, Chopra hit back at In print, Hart gets real. The rst piece that clicked centered on a ght hed had with his
diva Fan Bingbing, whos serving on the jury, critics Wednesday for trying to People get to see the comedic persona, but theres more to me, girlfriend.
the lm will denitely pique art-house interest in shame her over a dress she wore Hart says. This is a story that can be told, and I chose to tell it. Its Think comedic Oprah, Becky says.
Europe, but isnt likely to make a dent in Chinas during a meeting with Indian funny, but there are serious components to it. Hes going to build companies and invest in companies and do
commercially driven market. Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Kevin Darnell Hart was born on July 6, 1979 to Nancy Hart, the things that Oprah and LeBron James do, where they dont just
If anything, the story itself serves as an allegory The actress was accused of a single mother, and brought up in one of the toughest sections do their craft they create industries. (RTRS)
of Chinese-Western co-productions, in which disrespecting the prime minister
by wearing a knee-length dress
both sides are simultaneously turned on and put revealing her lower legs during
off by each others values and working methods. Sam Simon, comedy writer and of animals and a supporter of cess to education and employment was 77.
an audience with Modi in Berlin. co-creator of The Simpsons, has underprivileged communities. in underserved communities in the Comeback star Lisa Kudrow
However, the narrative is too languorous and low- (Agencies)
key to fully convey its motif of cultural collision launched the Sam Simon Charita- The majority of the founda- Los Angeles region. (RTRS) conrmed the news on Twitter,
ble Giving Foundation with a $1 tions efforts will be directed at adding, He left us with many
or to analyze the aesthetic impulses behind Orien- wonderful gifts. Most importantly,
talism with any depth. WASHINGTON: President Donald million donation to People for the improving the welfare and treat-
The Emperor Qianlong (who lived from 1711- Trump says celebrity Kathy Grifn Ethical Treatment of Animals. ment of animals, particularly those LOS ANGELES: Actor Robert an example of what a truly good
should be ashamed of herself for Simon, who died at age 59 in captivity. It will also focus on Michael Morris, known for play- soul looks like. A cause of death
1799) reigned over what many historians consid- has not yet been reported.
ered the Golden Age of the Qing Dynasty, the appearing in a video holding what in March 2015, was a strong programs that provide pathways ing Mickey Deane in HBOs The
looked like Trumps bloody head. advocate of the humane treatment out of poverty through creating ac- Comeback, died on Tuesday. He Morris was a high school and
Manchurian conquest of China. He enlisted Eu- college teacher before shifting
ropean missionaries to introduce Western knowl- In a post on his Twitter account
Wednesday morning, the president to the entertainment industry in
edge and art into his court, with Italian Jesuit Gi- 2005. His former student Michael
useppe Castiglione wielding the most inuence. says, My children, especially my
Patrick King wrote the part of
The story takes place circa 1755, when French 11-year-old son, Barron, are hav-
ing a hard time with this. Sick! Russell gets a Mickey in The Comeback for
missionary-painter Jean Denis Attiret (Melvil Grifn, who helped with CNNs Morris. (RTRS)
Poupaud) catches the eye of the emperor (Huang
Jue) for his drawing of exotic European ora and
New Years Eve coverage, has Hollywood star
apologized, saying that the brief
fauna. video was too disturbing and LOS ANGELES, May 31, LOS ANGELES: Maggie Gyl-
Fan, at perhaps her most imperious and brittle, wasnt funny. (RTRS): Keri Russell, a for- lenhaal has come on board to
plays the beautiful Ulanara, second empress to I went too far, she says mer Mouseketeer who later star in and produce the independ-
Qianlong. Not only is she jealous about the em- in a second video. I sincerely starred in the coming of age ent drama The Kindergarten
perors favors to other consorts, but she is deeply apologize. TV drama Felicity and Teacher, with lming starting on
insecure about his undying love for his late wife. Many people online called for currently plays a Russian July 10 in New York.
When she sees (or imagines) his longing at the Grifn to be jailed. spy in The Americans, has Maven Pictures is producing
sight of the portrait of the late Empress Xiaoxian The rst video showed a received a star on the Holly- the lm, based on Nadav Lapids
drawn by Castiglione, she entreats Qianlong to straight-faced Grifn slowly wood Walk of Fame. Israeli lm of the same name. Pro-
lifting the bloody head. She origi- Russell, 41, rst appeared ducers on the lm are Maven Pic-
commission one of herself as well. She hopes the tures co-founders Trudie Styler
painting will arouse the same desire in him a nally described the project with on television in the 1990s on
photographer Tyler Shields as an Disney Channels All New and Celine Rattray, Gyllenhaal,
commentary on the power of the image and the Mickey Mouse Club, with and Talia Kleinhendler.
cultural differences between the East and the West artsy fartsy statement mocking
the commander in chief. (AP) castmates including Justin Sara Colangelo is directing
regarding arts purpose, whether to interpret or re- Timberlake, Britney Spears from her own adapted screenplay.
produce reality. Keri Russell poses at a ceremony honoring her with a star on the Jenny Halper brought the project
and Christina Aguilera.
LOS ANGELES: The estate of Hollywood Walk of Fame on May 30 in Los Angeles. (AP) to Maven. (RTRS)


Concert for pope

Youth musicians
escape violence
RIO DE JANEIRO, May 31, (Agencies): Just rehears-
ing could get them shot. But for the youth musicians
of one of Rio de Janeiros most violent slums, their
bravery will pay off Saturday with a concert in front
of the pope.
Twenty-six amateur musicians aged between 14
and 19 will perform for Pope
Francis and an audience also
including 400 children brought
from areas of central Italy dev-
astated in earthquakes.
It will fulll a dream for the
young Brazilians. Their Or-
chestra of Tomorrows Mare,
named for the Mare favela
(slum), had been scheduled to
play during the popes visit for
World Youth Day in 2013, but
Pope Francis the performance was cancelled
in heavy rain.
We were really sad because we had prepared spe-
cial pieces for him, said cellist Debora Santos, 18,
up at Rios towering statue of Christ the Redeemer, In this Sept 4, 2016 le photo, Chris Martin of Coldplay performs at The Budweiser Made In America Festival in Philadelphia. Coldplay will join Ariana Grande at a charity
where the original concert was meant to have taken concert called One Love Manchester in Manchester, England on June 3, 2017, two weeks after a bomber killed 22 people at Grandes concert in Manchester. (AP)
Its really gratifying to see all our efforts rewarded
four years later, Santos said.
The road to Rome is long from the Mare, a crowd-
ed warren of alleys and small streets where heavily
armed drug dealers hold sway.
Clashes during aggressive police raids result in
frequent episodes of stray bullets injuring and killing
bystanders. One Love Manchester to honor, raise funds for victims
The Mare Networks group, a non-governmental
organization, said there have been 18 violent deaths
in the favela between January and April this year
more than in all of 2016.
A police operation meant that on Monday, two of
Bieber to join Grande at concert
the musicians were unable to join the rest of the or- NEW YORK, May 31, (Agencies): The suicide bombing injured 111,000 units for the week, knock-
chestra for a farewell Catholic Mass up by Christ the Justin Bieber, Coldplay and Katy more than 100, many of them ing One Direction member Harry
Redeemer on the Corcovado. Perry will join Ariana Grande at a members of Grandes large, young Styles solo self-titled album off the
Weve had to cancel many rehearsals because of
the violence, said double bassist Bruno Costa, 16. charity concert in Manchester, Eng- female fan base. Grande was un- top place and into the No. 3 spot on
He also has a very unique problem with his enor- land, on Sunday. harmed but she later canceled sev- the Billboard 200 after just a week.
mous instrument: Its very complicated for me to get Grande announced Tuesday that eral concerts scheduled in London Rapper Kendrick Lamars
around, because of its huge size. The drug trafckers the One Love Manchester show and Europe through June 5. Damn. moved back into second
think Im carrying a weapon or even a body! will be held at the citys Old Traf- Sundays show will be broadcast place with another 97,000 units sold
The orchestra was founded by Carlos Eduardo ford cricket ground just under two live by BBC television and radio, in its sixth week of release.
Prazeres in 2010 as a way of rebuilding his life after weeks after a bomber killed 22 peo- Tuesdays statement said. The Billboard 200 album chart
the murder in 1999 of his father, a famous conductor This le photo taken on Nov 22, 2015 ple at the pop singers concert in Grande said in an open letter on tallies units from album sales,
called Armando Prazeres. His blood-stained car was shows singer Alanis Morissette at- Manchester. her social media accounts last week song sales (10 songs equal one al-
found in the Mare. tending the 2015 American Music Other performers will include that There is nothing I or anyone bum) and streaming activity (1,500
Seven years later the project is active in all the Awards at Microsoft Theater in Los Pharrell Williams, Miley Cyrus, can do to take away the pain you streams equal one album).
Mares schools and has taught 2,200 children. Angeles, California. Jagged Little Usher, Niall Horan and Take That. (her fans) are feeling or to make this
Many of them are prisoners of their surroundings, On the digital songs chart, which
Pill, the blockbuster 1995 feminist Proceeds will go to an emergency better. However, I extend my hand
with very limited horizons. But today our young musi- rock album by Alanis Morissette, will measures online single sales, Puerto
cians dream of studying in Vienna and playing in great take on a new form next year as a mu- fund set up by the city of Manches- and heart and everything I possibly Rican singer Luis Fonsis Despac-
orchestras, Prazeres said. sical. (AFP) ter and the British Red Cross. can give to you and yours, should ito featuring Justin Bieber held
Santos, the cellist, said she fell in love with classi- Tickets go on sale Thursday. you want or need my help in any onto the top spot for a third week
cal music and the instrument when she heard Bach on We will not quit or operate in way. with another 137,000 copies sold.
the internet. Im sure I can go far if I work hard. My fear. We wont let this divide us. Also:
dream is to play for the Berlin Philharmonic. We wont let hate win, Grande
In Rome, the pope will get a smattering of tradi- said in a statement. Our response NASHVILLE, Tenn: George Strait, LOS ANGELES: Country music art-
tional Brazilian music but also two tangos from his to this violence must be to come Dolly Parton, Kelsea Ballerini, ist Clay Walker has signed with
Argentine homeland. closer together, to help each other, Eric Church, Reba McEntire, United Talent Agency (UTA) for
Pope Francis will be given a white violin signed by to love more, to sing louder and to Toby Keith, Willie Nelson and worldwide representation in music,
students and be asked to autograph another that the live more kindly and generously Shel Silverstein will be honored by the agency announced on May 30.
musicians will bring back to their friends in the Mare. the Academy of Country Music dur- A 25-year veteran of the country
They only dream of getting out of the Mare, Praz- than we did before.
The singer added: Music is ing a television special. music scene, the Texas native re-
eres said. I wanted to change that, to show that peace ACM announced Tuesday the
is possible. meant to heal us, to bring us togeth- leased his self-titled debut album in
er, to make us happy. So that is what special award honorees for the 1993. Eleven No. 1 country singles
John Allman ACM Honors show, to be held in followed, including Whats It to
it will continue to do for us.
Jagged Little Pill, the blockbuster 1995 feminist The benet will take place at Nashville on Aug. 23 and broadcast You, If I Could Make a Living,
rock album by Alanis Morissette, will take on a new the Old Trafford cricket ground. at a later date on CBS. This Woman and This Man, and
form next year as a musical. Variety Proceeds will benet victims of Strait will receive the Clife Rumor Has It, along with sales
The piece will turn the albums music into a story
last weeks suicide bombing at Stone Icon Award and Parton of 11 million albums, according to
about a modern and multi-generational family and will receive the Gary Haber Lift- the agency. His rst studio release
their complex dynamics, touching on issues of gender LOS ANGELES: Grease actress and Grandes show at another venue in
the northern English city, the Man- ing Lives Award. The Gene Weed since 2010s She Wont Be Lonely
identity and race, producers said in a statement. singer Olivia Newton-John said on Tues-
day that her breast cancer has returned and Milestone Award will go to Bal- Long is due out later this year.
The Jagged Little Pill musical is set to open in chester Arena.
spread to her lower back. lerini, while Church will receive Walker, who was diagnosed with
May 2018 at the American Repertory Theater at Har- Islamic State claimed credit for the Merle Haggard Spirit Award.
vard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Newton-John, 68, who became an advo- the bombing, which killed 22 peo- Multiple Sclerosis in 1996, founded
cate for healthy living and medical research McEntire and radio DJ Bob King- the Band Against MS foundation.
The musical will be directed by Diane Paulus, the after her rst bout with breast cancer in ple and took place moments after sley will receive the Mae Boren
theaters artistic director who led Broadway revivals 1992, will undergo radiation treatment and Grande nished playing. Since 2003, the artist has helped the
of Hair and Pippin, with a script by Diablo Cody, Axton Service Award, while Keith, foundation raise more than $5 mil-
is condent of returning to work later this All proceeds from Sundays One Nelson and Silverstein will get the
who wrote the breakaway 2007 movie hit Juno year, her representatives said in a state- Love Manchester concert will go lion through various charity events.
about teen pregnancy. ment. Poets Award. Said UTAs Nick Meinema in an-
to the We Love Manchester Emer- The TV show Nashville will
Morissette hailed the chemistry with Paulus and I decided on my direction of therapies gency Fund which was set up by the nouncing the signing: Were ex-
Cody and called the project my musical theater after consultation with my doctors and receive the Tex Ritter Film Award.
Manchester City Council in partner- cited to have Clay as a new client.
dream come true. natural therapists and the medical team at
ship with the British Red Cross. His world-class voice, performance
The director and writer are already taking these my Olivia Newton-John Cancer Well-
deeply personal songs that are part of my souls mar- ness and Research Centre in Melbourne, The fund has already raised more LOS ANGELES: California rock style and commitment to philan-
row to a whole other level of hope, freedom and com- Australia, Newton-John said. than 5 million pounds ($6.4 mil- band Linkin Park scored its 6th thropy makes him an artist that we
plexity, Morissette said in a statement. The statement said the Physical singer lion), organizers say. No.1 Billboard album on Tuesday are thrilled to represent. We look for-
was postponing her June US and Canadian Grande, 23, is offering free tick- with One More Light, according ward to working with him on some
Empowerment tours. ets to the charity concert to all of to data from Nielsen SoundScan on innovative new opportunities.
With hit songs such as You Oughta Know, You The back pain that initially caused her those who were at her Manchester Tuesday. Walker is managed by the Irv
Learn and Hand in My Pocket, the album was to postpone the rst half of her concert
tour, has turned out to be breast cancer that show on May 22. The studio album sold more than Woolsey Company.
considered a declaration of female empowerment as
has metastasized to the sacrum, Tuesdays
Morissette brought an assertive rock voice to tales of statement said. (RTRS)
modern living and relationship angst. hometown of Macon, Ga., on Saturday. Fans hoping to pay their respects are around ve years ago, although the singer
She won the Grammy for Album of the Year for
The ceremony, which will be closed to asked to form a motorcade route between didnt publicize the news.
Jagged Little Pill when she was 21, making her the LOS ANGELES: Apple plans to premiere the public, is scheduled for 1 pm at Snows the funeral home and the Rose Hill Cem- Allman had canceled many scheduled
youngest artist ever at the time to win the prestigious Carpool Karaoke: The Series, an original Memorial Chapel in downtown Macon, the etery. tour dates in recent months due to health
award. series based on the viral sketch bit from Macon Telegraph reported. The Southern rocker from the Allman concerns including an irregular heartbeat, a
The albums songs will be worked into stage form CBSs The Late Late Show with James After the ceremony, Allman will be Brothers died this past Saturday at the age respiratory infection, and a hernia. (RTRS)
by Tom Kitt, who also worked on the musical adapta- Corden, on Aug 8 four months after
the tech giant previously expected.
buried at Macons Rose Hill Cemetery. His of 69 due to complications of liver cancer.
tion of Green Days American Idiot. late brother, Duane, and fellow band mate His longtime manager, Michael Lehman,
The musical plans for Jagged Little Pill had been Eddy Cue, Apples senior VP of internet Berry Oakley are buried there as well. said Allmans liver cancer resurfaced LOS ANGELES: SoundCloud announced
announced several years ago without details. software and services, announced the date Tuesday that its chief content ofcer, Ste-
Morissette recently reappeared in the news when in a tweet Tuesday. phen Bryan, will be leaving the company
her former business manager was sentenced to six The series will be available to subscrib- at the end of the month.
ers of Apple Music, the tech giants music Bryan joined SoundCloud three years
years in prison for stealing nearly $5 million from her. subscription service regularly priced at ago and, as a press release states, played
$9.99 per month. Carpool Karaoke: The a critical role in closing key label and
The musical On Your Feet! on the lives of Cu- Series, produced by CBS Television Stu- publishing deals for SoundCloud, which
ban-American crossover sensations Gloria and Emil- dios and Fulwell 73, will feature a unique enabled the launch of both SoundCloud
pairing of celebrities in each episode, such Go+ and the Companys new mid-priced
io Estefan will close on Broadway after a respectable as John Legend with Alicia Keys and
run of nearly two years, the production said Tuesday. subscription plan, SoundCloud Go.
Billy Eichner with Metallica. He is the fourth major executive to leave
The musical, which traces the lives of the husband- Corden appears in at least two episodes,
wife music team set to hits such as Conga and the company this year, following COO
alongside Will Smith and LeBron James. Marc Strigel, nance director Markus
Rhythm Is Gonna Get You, will close August 20, The trailer for the show shows Corden and
the Marquis Theatre said. Harder and general counsel Neil Miller.
Smith in a helicopter for a singalong to R. In a statement, the company said that
But On Your Feet! will quickly have a new life Kellys I Believe I Can Fly. Bryans direct reports will assume his core
in October, with both a previously announced US Apple Music will debut a new install- responsibilities, and will report directly to
tour starting in Miami, the Estefans home, and an ment of the 16-episode series each Tues- SoundClouds executive leadership team.
international production to open in the Dutch city day. Other celebrity pairings will include The company does not have immediate
of Utrecht. Miley, Noah, Billy Ray and the entire plans to replace Bryan.
Gloria and Emilio Estefan, who were both born in Cyrus family; Shakira and Trevor Noah;
Shaquille ONeal and WWE star John Stephens ability to negotiate favorable
Cuba, became international stars with Miami Sound deals for SoundCloud with key industry
Machine as the couple discovered a new audience by Cena; Game of Thrones stars Sophie
Turner and Maisie Williams; Queen players was instrumental in getting us
infusing pop songs with Latin rhythms. to where we are today, and we wish him
The musical charts the professional rise of the Latifah and Jada Pinkett Smith; and
John Legend, Alicia Keys and Taraji P. the best, said Alex Ljung, SoundCloud
couple as well as off-stage drama, including Glorias Henson. (RTRS) co-founder and CEO. Under Stephens
mothers initial reluctance to accept Emilio, and a In this April 22, 2017 photo, British singer-songwriter Paolo Nutini performs during leadership, our world-class content, strat-
1990 bus crash that seriously injured Gloria and raised his debut concert in Mexico City. A trip to Mexicos Caribbean coast inspired Nu- egy, and creator products teams established
fears she would never perform again. LOS ANGELES: A private funeral for tini to do his rst tour in Mexico and South America. The Scotland-born musician pivotal industry partnerships that prepared
singer Gregg Allman will be held in his mixes the inuences of the 1970s, Prince and Sixto Rodriguez in his work. (AP) us for our next phase of growth. (RTRS)


Young, style-savvy Muslim women

Covered-up chic: Big brands wake up to modest fashion

LONDON, May 31, (AP): When DKNY was one of the rst Western when design houses Max Mara and Also:
Ruba Zai uploaded her rst video brands to launch a Ramadan collec- Alberta Ferretti starred hijab-wearing FLORENCE, Italy: Alessandro
online, the Netherlands-based Afghan tion aimed at wealthy Arab shoppers Somali-American model Halima Aden
student just wanted to share with in the Gulf. on their catwalks for Milan Fashion Micheles midseason Cruise 2018
other Muslim girls and women how Since then, several others have Week, one of the industrys most collection was as artistically ec-
she styled her headscarf. She had no followed suit. Dolce&Gabbana has prestigious events. centric as the portraits hanging in the
idea her hijab tutorials would be an been selling a luxury collection Mainstream fashion is now talking Medicis private Vasari Corridor that
internet hit, watched by hundreds of of abayas long, loose robe-like about modest fashion as a thing. Ten guests took to arrive at the exclusive
thousands worldwide. dresses and matching heads- years ago, if you were a brand coming runway show Monday evening at the
The 23-year-old now blogs full carves since last year in the Middle from a religious background and tried Pitti Palace venue.
time, sharing ideas for how to look East, Paris and London. At the more to sell it in department stores, calling It was a night of Renaissance in-
fashionable yet covered-up with a affordable end of the market, Span- it a modest or Muslim brand would dulgence for the Gucci crowd, with
million Instagram followers. Zai had ish chain Mango is also promoting be a kiss of death, said Reina Lewis, celebrity guests including Elton
tapped into a fast-growing market for a Ramadan collection of tunics, a professor at the London College of John, Kirsten Dunst, Jared Leto,
so-called modest fashion, fueled by kaftans and maxi dresses for the Fashion who has written two books Dakota Johnson, accompanied by
young, style-savvy Muslim women second year. about the topic. sisters Stella Banderas and Grace
from London to Malaysia who have Earlier this year, Nike became the While the majority of those inter- Johnson.
long felt their needs ignored by main- rst major brand to launch a pro ested in covered-up fashion are young, Before they runway show, guests
stream designers. hijab, a headscarf made in high- cosmopolitan Muslim women, the were treated to private time with
I just couldnt relate at all to the tech fabrics aimed at female Muslim term modesty emerged in the niche Botticellis masterpieces in the
clothes you see in the mainstream athletes. Even Marks and Spencer, market as a useful one because its not Ufzi Gallery and a guided walk
brands, Zai said from her home in A member of the staff poses for a picture at the Aab boutiq store at Upton that stalwart British department store faith-specic, Lewis added. along the Vasari Corridor built by
Rotterdam. When we rst started Park, in London. (AP) known for cardigans and practical Nazmin Alim, a designer who the Medicis to connect the Ufzi
talking about our style on social shoes, launched a $64 burkini a founded the London-based modest with the Pitti Palace that is other-
media, there was no interest in the call, and covered-up chic is a niche of Muslim consumers especially full-body swimsuit last summer in fashion brand Aab a decade ago, says wise closed to the public for renova-
fashion world in this group of people: thats slowly making its way into around the month of Ramadan, the UK. she used to have to buy fabric herself tions.
Theyre just Muslims, why should mainstream fashion. From exclusive which started last week, when many But perhaps the most visible and visit a tailor to get work wear that The evening concluded with a per-
we target them? designers to fast-fashion chains, Muslims buy new clothes and dress sign yet that mainstream fashion is still adhered to her faiths modesty formance by singer-songwriter Beth
Big brands are waking up to that retailers are trying to court millions up. In 2014, US fashion house embracing the Muslim market was edicts. Ditto in a private garden.

Rickshaws hit
Life is a struggle
for China drivers
BEIJING, May 31, (AFP): The
makeshift red-canopied vehicles are
ubiquitous in Beijing: rickshaws
traversing narrow alleyways and
skyscraper-lined avenues alike.
A historic mode of transport, they
have survived Chinas modernisation,
and remain an integral part of city liv-
ing but for the drivers, life remains
a struggle.
Near the lofty Forbidden City,
where emperors once lived, a man
surnamed Guo has worked as a rick-
shaw driver for 10 hours every day for
the last 30 years.
The boom of cars, electric scooters,
and, more recently, shared bikes, has
not managed to kill his business.
It hasnt changed anything, Guo
said with a smile.
Appearing in China at the end of
the 19th century, rickshaws originally
had two wheels and were pulled by
their driver on foot, with passengers
seated at the back.
Today, most of the vehicles are
tricycles. Some still have pedals and
are propelled by physical force, but
the majority are equipped with electric
or gas engines.
The drivers must be licensed and
operate within government-dened
zones, mainly around scenic down-
town lakes.
But others tinker with their own
vehicles and work illegally, without
licenses. They are targeted by police
ofcers who accuse them of danger-
ous driving, trafc disruptions, and
tourist scams.
Li Wei is among them. A young
father hailing from the impoverished
central Henan province, he drives
from 8:00 pm until dawn.
Working in constant fear of being
caught by the trafc police, Li speeds
up when he sees a uniformed ofcer.
The 29-year-old has been caught A timeline representing 500 years of American literary history greets visitors at the American Writers Museum in Chicago. (AFP)
six times in four years, each time hav-
ing to pay a ne of 1,000 yuan ($145).
Unlicensed work also carries the Da Vinci contraptions brought to life in Bruges exhibition
risk of having the rickshaw worth
2,000 yuan ($290) conscated.
But for Li the rewards are worth the
gamble. On weekends, he takes home
partygoers spilling out of bars, earn-
ing 500 yuan ($73) a night.
Museum puts modern spin on literary history
Though this is a hefty sum in China CHICAGO, May 31, (AFP): At ed are books themselves, as museum principally the quantity of works that
and his wife also works she is an Chicagos newly-opened American organizers wanted to avoid replicating is presented, covering a big variety of
assistant at a clothing store but Writers Museum, Jack Kerouacs a library. instruments, machines, war machines,
they can still only afford a tiny, dilapi- biographer tells an audience how the While there are rooms with books and other objects in the same place,
dated apartment in Beijing. Beat Generations bible was inspired and places to read, the space is domi- said technical designer Vincent
His father, also a rickshaw driver, by the authors deep affection for his nated by touch screens, multimedia Damseaux.
lives with them. country. exhibits and interactive elements such You see the technique he was
It has been four years since Li rst On the Road is a love letter to as manual typewriters on which visi- designing in that period and you still
took the job, and he confesses he is America, says Dennis McNally, tors can hammer out a few sentences. nd a correlation with what you have
already tired of earning a living this standing just steps from the 120-foot When you think American writ- today, he added. The gear box - that
way. (36.5-meter) scroll on which Kerouac ing museum, you think: Ill just be is something youll nd on your bikes
But having worked in factories and typed out his best-known book. reading a wall of text. But, its very today - but it was already invented at
restaurants in Shanghai, he concedes He loved being an American and interactive, said Jennifer Depoorter, that time.
that driving for a living is far better. he romanticized it, he said of the 24, who was playing a word game on Leonardos designs were varied
Asked what he would do instead, novel depicting a post-World War II a touchscreen table. and pioneering. Though he was not
if he could, he shrugs his shoulders in generation looking to break out of the Also inconspicuous is the museum the rst to conceive of each design,
defeat. societal constraints of the 1950s. itself, which occupies the second oor he made signicant improvements
He explains: I have no idea how I The rst-of-its-kind museum is of a nondescript downtown Chicago to many. The exhibition shows
would make a living otherwise. dedicated to writers who helped shape ofce building, marked by only one weaponry was a common theme in his
Americas history and culture -- from sign. work, with gruesome bladed war con-
Ernest Hemingway to chef Julia Child traptions envisaged. He also imagined
to rapper Tupac Shakur. Also:
Visitors examine an exhibit of Chicago writers at the American Writers Mu- the helicopter, plane, submarine and
The theme of the museum is to seum in Chicago. (AFP) BRUGES: Leonardo da Vincis bridges ahead of his time.
click really look at American writing and bird-like ying machine and portable
bridge have been brought to life in a
American writers, and celebrate them offering quick glimpses into the prise bookshelf -- an interactive wall
in the way that we celebrate all kinds works of writers in various genres and that reveals morsels of information new exhibition opening on Thursday DALLAS: Heritage Auctions has
Alcoholics Anonymous: If you of people, like sports heroes and media. about authors through video, sound in the Belgian city of Bruges. halted the planned offering of a guitar
know someone who cant stop drink- movie stars, said museum president or text. One hundred machines invented or purported to have been played by Jimi
ing and would like to help them please Carey Cranston.
Concludes enhanced by the Italian Renaissance Hendrix at the 1967 Monterey Pop
The late rapper Shakur is featured
check us out and we promise to try to This museum is in fact the brain- A timeline exhibit begins with for the lyrics to his 1995 song Dear mastermind have been realised, by Festival amid concerns its not that
help at There are no child of an Irish immigrant. Malcolm Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, born in using plans he drew himself. They particular instrument.
fees. This is a genuine public service. Mama, exploring, as the exhibit puts
OHagan, a retired businessman, was 1490, who penned a memoir depicting it, the realities of addiction, violence will be on display in Bruges for six Dallas-based Heritage on Tuesday
surprised to discover that the United Native American life. It concludes and poverty. months, before embarking on a world announced the guitar, originally esti-
Drinking problem?: Friends of States had no institution dedicated to 500 years later with Oscar Hijuelos, Nearby is a tribute to Harper Lee, tour over 10 years. mated to bring up to $750,000, will no
Bill W. are available to help. Totally its authors. the son of Cuban immigrants, who author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Some of the 500-year-old designs, longer be up for sale on June 17.
condential. Email: rohsecretary@ It took seven and a half years to wrote about assimilating into Ameri- the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel deal- including the bird-like aeroplane, have A Heritage statement says auction make plans and raise the necessary can culture. ing with race inequality. been created at full life-size scale. house experts examined the instru-
funds to get the project off the ground. To see the ways in which the Even though a lot of people are Others are scale models made of wood ment and cited concerns that it may
I think it took someone with an words of so many people have moved suppressed at some point in their lives and other materials of the age. not be the same guitar Hendrix played
Narcotics Anonymous: NA can populations throughout time, I think Although others have turned at the Monterey, California, event.
help with addiction problems. Totally outsider perspective, said Cranston, or at some point in our history, their
confidential: 94087800 English/Arabic. adding that Chicago was chosen for its really inspiring, said Nura words are still out there, and we cel- drawings by the painter of the Mona Heritage previously announced the
its rich literary past and tourist draw. Mazmabi, 38, who was visiting the ebrate their words. And, I think thats Lisa into three-dimensional reality, Fender Stratocaster would be offered

The museums exhibits breeze museum with members of her writing what makes it American, said visitor organisers say this is the biggest such for sale in Beverly Hills, California,
Cancer online support group: If through hundreds of years of Ameri- group. Alex Messina-Schultheis, 25. exhibition of its kind. via a private collector from the United
you are Cancer patient or family mem- can literature, culture and history, The museum also includes a sur- One thing conspicuously understat- The highlight of this exhibition is Kingdom.
ber ghting with this deadly disease,
come join our online support group.
Best way of dealing with this disease as National Breast Cancer Aware-
ness Month (NBCAM). The primary
Latest pm; Friday and Saturday Weekly
Civil ID no., mobile number, age,
rating to
you to visit the Grand Mosque, which
is one of Kuwaits most treasured
is providing support and share our ex-
perience with each other. There are lot purpose is to promote self examina- Bangladesh embassy notice: with CCR in the e-mail subject. No religious and cultural landmarks to
of things which even doctors cant tell tion and screening mammography as The Embassy of the Peoples Repub- entry fee. discover the beauty of Islamic arts
so be member of this website and start the most effective way to save lives by lica of Bangladesh in Kuwait will fol- Chess coaching, round robin: and architecture. Free guided tours are
sharing your experiences which may detecting breast cancer at early stage. low the following ofce hours during Registrations are open for chess available all year round on ofcial
help others. October is recognized For more information visit: http:// the Holy month of Ramadan. Sunday coaching and the summer round robin Invitation to Grand Mosque: The to Thursday 09:30 am to 3:30 Challenger Series. Send your name Visits Department is pleased to invite Continued on Page 23


Overheard in the Souk

the grapevine
The heat is on and its for real! Everyone able and sustainable anymore. What at peak times of the evening in Ramadan long line of cars begining to pile up. Maybe The government, as usual, has issued
is trying to escape the heat this Ramadan do you expect when you sell your tick- can be a very taxing ordeal. Often, driv- the tedious waiting will encourage all of us a decision prohibiting people to work in
but how? Classes are still on and those ets like hot cheap pancakes? Now the ers endlessly orbit the space endlessly, to walk where we can and leave the cars open spaces when temperature is very
working in ofces cant just call the day dilemma of those who have bought low a primal sport almost. Those with a more at home. high. This is to prevent them from heat-
off. Some are planning to y out soon and fare tickets last year and who are ying predatory colouring stalk shoppers leav- stroke and possibly dying from dehydra-
checking on some budget airlines. But be next month. ing the malls and follow them back to tion. This decision will benet majority of
wary when booking for future ights with They have two options, either they re- their parking spots and the most ruthless Fasting 30 days of Ramadan during Muslims who fast in this country.
some budget airlines. fund the ticket or rebook it to another air- of the lot turn their blinkers on even as summer season with high temperature People would agree the importance of
Make sure that the budget airline that line. Chances are, youll pay more than the hapless party hastily put their bags ranging between 40 to 50 degrees would taking this advice from the government
you have chosen is still ying high when save more. What a hassle! Well as they in the car. not be an easy task for Muslim worship- because there are reports people die from
its time for you to y. Take the case of say, you get what you pay for! But there are always people more hei- pers. No doubt the heat wave at this time heat wave. So, now the question remains
one of the budget airlines that has re- nous, in this case it is those who position is so scary and deadly especially to those whether people will pay heed to this gov-
who fast and working in open spaces at
cently announced the suspension of its themselves at the end of an aisle and wait ernment ban and save their lives or will
ight as the company deemed it not vi- Finding a spot in a malls parking lot for a space to open up even as they see a the same time. they defy it and risk their lives?

Tongues Way

Flyers from the events.

tion of the Grand Mosque publications Shorts and sleeveless shirts are not June 5 much awaited Summer Islamic classes engage them in various activities includ-
and souvenirs; End of tour. allowed. Female visitors: should wear this year immediately after Eid ul Fitr. ing eld visits. Competitions are held on
click According to these age groups: head cover and long loose clothing
TIES Ramadan breakfast: The
TIES Center will be hosting Ramadan
The classes were launched in 1994 Islamic Quiz, Recitation of Quran and
Age group: 5 to 9 years old: Morn- (available at the mosque). when it was widely felt by the parents Elocution
iftars, providing appetizers, the main
Latest ing: 60 visitors max; Evening: 20; 10 Foods and drinks are not allowed that there was a need to impart fuller Date: July 1 to Aug 24; Timings:
course and drinks. Bring your favorite 4:00 to 6:30 pm; Venue: Indian
to 15 years: Morning: 100 visitors max; inside the prayer halls. knowledge to students when compared
side dish or dessert to share with
Evening: 45; 16 and above: Morning: For school visits, teachers are to that imparted in their regular schools Community School, Junior Branch;
Continued from Page 22 140 visitors max, Evening: 105: responsible for their students and are
friends and family. Pre-registration
This year IMA (Indian Muslim As- Salmiya, Kuwait.
Tour language: Arabic- English- required to cooperate with the staff sociation, Kuwait) with the coordination
working days between (9-11 am) Monday, June 5 and Wednesdays,
French; Arabic (English upon prior members of the Grand Mosque. of IPC, opens the doors of its well-
June 7, 14 and 21 @ 6:30pm
and (5-7 pm), within a special tour request); Arabic- English- French; Photography is allowed inside the known 2-month long, Summer Islamic General
program designed to cater to the needs Contact address: Villa No 67, Street
Arabic (English upon prior request); Grand Mosque (please note that disre- Classes program to students in Kuwait
413, Block 4, Shuhada Area, Kuwait
of different age groups. The program Arabic- English- French: Arabic (Eng- spectful poses are strictly prohibited).
Phone: +(965) 25231015; Email:
from LKG up to 12th standard. Offering Share your story with Amricani:
is as follows: lish upon prior request) If you would like to book a tour, a syllabus with a wide range of Islamic Do you or any of your family mem-
Reception; Auditorium show; (ac-
Rules and Regulations: please contact us: subjects such as Quran reading/under- bers, acquaintances or friends happen
cording to age group); Touring the Please arrive in time for your visit. Tel: 22980813/ 22980815/ standing/memorization, Prophets Life to have a story with the American
July 1
Mosque; Q & A; Art workshops; (ac- All visitors are kindly required to 22980812 and Day to day Jurisprudence. Apart Missionary hospital in Kuwait
cording to age group between 5 and abide by the mosques dress code. Email: IMA summer classes: Indian Mus- from this, teachers work on Personality
18 years old); Snack break; Distribu- Male visitors should wear long pants. Fax: 22473708 lim Association (IMA) announces its Development of the students and also Continued on Page 24



Dr Al Anoud Al Sharekh Gustav Gropp, Ahmad Bassam, Jihad Sadeddin Jihad Sadeddin, Sara Al Kidim, Gustav Gropp

BBS graduated 98 students this year

Al Bayan Bilingual School celebrates graduating class 2017

Under the patronage of Dr Al
Anoud Al Sharekh, a researcher,
academic and activist focused on
youth and gender demographics,
GCC security, bi-cultural trends
and is currently a Research As-
sociate at the London Middle East
Institute. She lectures in institutions
in the region and abroad, and has
published numerous books and ar-
ticles focusing on political identity,
cultural politics, gender and kinship
policies in the Arabian Gulf.

KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Al Bayan
Bilingual School (BBS) today ofcially
graduated 98 students of the class of
2017, who are prepared to leave school
behind and begin a new chapter in
their academic life. Held in the Arraya
Ballroom at the Courtyard Marriott, the
ceremony commenced with the Kuwaiti
national anthem followed by a recita-
tion of the Holy Quran.
This years ceremony was attended
by the honorary guest Speaker Dr Al
Anoud Al Sharekh, school owners and
members of the board of trustees, BBS
parents, the BBS Acting Director, High
School staff and teachers and other
members of the school community.
Once students were seated, Master
of Ceremony and High School Princi-
pal, Jihad Sadeddin, welcomed guests
and invited BBS Director, Gustav
Gropp to the podium.
In his opening remarks, Gustav
Gropp congratulated both students
and their parents on this signicant
accomplishment and said: Gradua-
tion, by denition, inspires in us the
anticipation of open roads, open hearts
and open minds. Auspicious as this
graduation may appear, it only marks
the point in time at which ones world
exponentially bigger.
What message do we send out to
the world from BBS via our lives?
The question is rather simple, yet
profoundly relevant. I encourage you
to step out be who you are, keep the
BBS values we so cherish. We are
proudly waiting in anticipation of
your successes he ended.
High School Principal, Sadeddin,
later introduced keynote speaker,
Dr Al Anoud Al Sharekh to deliver
her speech. During her speech Ms.
Al Anoud expressed her happiness
to be sharing this moment with BBS
graduates and said: 40 years ago my
mother chose to enroll me in a school
that is called Al Bayan, in its rst lo-
cation in Al Yarmouk Area, now and
after 40 years I am honored to be the
rst former BBS student that stands
here as a graduation guest speaker,
what is more beautiful about this
graduation ceremony is my daughter
who is BBS class of 2017.
Fawzia Al Sultan created a smart
solution for education in Kuwait and
collaborated with all entities to build
this cultural edice. And as many of
people, that believed in her, supported
her dream I am sure that you will nd
us 98 creative solutions for many
deciencies that we face today and
you will make a positive change that
will leave an important trail like this
school that you are graduating from.
Later during the ceremony, class
valedictorian Ahmad Bassam and
salutatorian Sara Al Kidim were hon-
ored for their high academic achieve-
ments. In order to qualify for these
two awards, students must achieve the
highest and second to highest cumula- Photos from the graduates.
tive GPA throughout High School.
Several other students were awarded
for their outstanding achievements in
academics, athletics and community ofcial period of offering medical services in Kuwait? living in Kuwait informed President Saifudheen Nalakath in a
service including the Council of Interna- Please share with us your story or your memory during those press release. For more details contact: 55062071 or email at
old days by writing the event and sending it to the following email
tional Schools (CIS) Award, the Senior
Project Award, the Student Government
Notes: 1. Please send your story only to the above mentioned
Award and the Al Mufarrej Award that email. Story shared in Instagram, Facebook or Twitter will not be NYF offers free yoga classes: NYF Kuwait offers free yoga,
is given annually to an 10th or 11th considered. breathing, meditation and reiki classes by a well-experienced female
grade student. The ceremony concluded 2. Please write your story or memory and sign it with your full yoga teacher for all age groups. Classes are given on the basis of dif-
with the traditional presentation of diplo- name, and your contact number. ferent health problems, stress and other problems by different tech-
mas by Keynote Speaker, Dr Al Anoud 3. It will be great if you send us your personal photos or those of niques. Contact: 99315825.
Al Sharekh, Chairperson and Board of the place related to the story (optional).
Trustees, Dr Martha Thompson, BBS
Your story will be part of a new book to be published by DAI.
Director, Gustav Gropp, and High I am condent that your contributions will be an essential part of Leadership Excellence Course: The Leadership Excellence
School Principal, Jihad Sadeddin. the history of Amricani. Share with us! Course (LEC) is a course modeled on the Seerah of Rasoolullah who
About Al Bayan Bilingual School is the best model of leadership for all mankind. The LEC focuses on
(BBS): the lessons that we can learn from the Seerah of Rasoolullah and see
The Al Bayan Bilingual School KIFF anti-drugs campaign: As part of the Fraternity fest, how we can apply them in our lives to become winners in this world
(BBS), is a non-prot Arabic-Eng- Kuwait India Fraternity Forum (KIFF) is conducting Anti-Drugs and the next.
Campaign among Indians living in Kuwait. According to the The objectives of the course are 1. Understand what leadership
lish university preparatory educa-
tional institution, which fosters an click available statistics of Indian Embassy, 60% of the convicted is from the Seerah of Rasoolullah and how to apply it in our lives
environment for students to de- Indians in Kuwaiti Jails are arrested on drug-related cases. The today 2. Understand the purpose of our lives and learn to live that
velop the intellectual qualities, ethi- recent cases of death and captives of Indian drug abusers is purpose with condence 3. Understand the importance of connect-
cal values, and positive attitudes General a threatening news. To defend and to campaign against such ing to Allah and learn how to do it 4. Understand how to leverage
required for effective participation social crisis by protecting individuals as well as the society has your strengths and overcome weaknesses 5. Understand how to
and leadership in the overall devel- Continued from Page 23 become obligatory. In this current situation, Kuwait India Fra- articulate your life goal and create a road map to achieve it.
opment of Kuwait and the rapidly ternity Forum is conducting campaign by distributing handouts, For more information please visit or call
changing world. (Mustashfa Lemraicani) during the years from 1914-1967, the conducting counseling, seminars etc. to educate the Indians 99514995 / 66363310.


Most transit-friendly city in America

For train and transportation buffs, NYs a paradise

By Melanie Carroll station. The street entrance can be There was a World War II-era message and his jaw nearly dropped. It features sengers about three-fths of a mile
deceiving: It looks and feels like an telling riders to observe meatless days, 12 constellations painted in gold (1 kilometer), at up to 17 mph (27
Iis afoneyoure a rail fan or happen to have
in your family, New York City
great place to visit. Arguably the
actual subway station because it once
was, although now its got museum
wheatless days and porkless days to
help win the war. An undated ad for
leaf and 2,500 stars, 59 of which are
illuminated by LEDs. We talked with
kph). There are cool views of the
island, Manhattan and the Ed Koch
signs on it. You even have to go down Lux laundry soap informs women a friendly, informative attendant at Queensboro Bridge, but my slight fear
most transit-friendly city in America, two ights of stairs below street level, donning pantyhose to expect runs un- the information booth beneath the sta- of heights prevented me from enjoy-
New York dazzled my 8-year-old son, just like you would for a real subway less they use their product after each tions famous four-faced clock, who ing it as much as I could have. I was
not only with its ubiquitous subway station, to enter. wearing. One of my favorite ads, from told us where to nd the nearby New relieved to soon be on rm Roosevelt
lines but also with various train- Inside, my son loved the old-fash- 1912, addressed onboard heating regu- York Transit Museum Gallery Annex Island ground. We briey checked
related destinations. During our urban ioned wooden subway turnstiles from lations. It decreed that between Oct 15 & Store in Grand Central. Its a good out the 2-mile-long island (3.2-kms),
adventure, we visited the best-known the last century. But the old passenger through April 15, passenger cars would place to buy train-related books, toys named for Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
train terminal in the nation, crossed cars on the platform level really got be equipped with suitable heating and memorabilia. If you dont feel before heading back to Manhattan on
the East River on an aerial tram and his attention. He pretended that one apparatus to heat the cars between 40 like trekking to the exhaustive mu- the tram though you can also take a
strolled through vintage passenger of the cars, once used in an elevated and 65 degrees F, except when a storm, seum in Brooklyn, this smaller space subway back under the river.
cars. train in Brooklyn, was rolling down accident or emergency caused the heat- may do the trick. But in New York, transporta-
Simply riding the subway, at $2.75 the tracks and he was running after it ing system to fail. Sounds downright Our next stop was the Roosevelt tion buffs dont have to hunt down
a pop, was a treat for us. On our way to get on. The beautiful lightweight chilly, right? Island aerial tramway , which offers the tram, Transit Museum or even
to the New York Transit Museum in wooden body coach was made in stellar views as it rises as high as Grand Central to get their kicks. Just
downtown Brooklyn, we took the Q Newark, Ohio, in 1907 for the Brook- Iconic 230 feet (70 meters) to cross the grab a subway map free from the
train, which runs over the Manhattan lyn Rapid Transit Company, or BRT. Leaving Brooklyn, our next stop East River. The nearly three-minute manned station kiosks or down-
Bridge. Despite stormy skies, we had The car was in service in New York was the iconic Grand Central Ter- ride between Manhattan and tiny load one on your phone, and go for
a good view of the Brooklyn Bridge between 1908 and 1969 before its minal , which 82 million passengers Roosevelt Island is a steal for $2.75. a ride. Whether you encounter rush
across the way, the East River below restoration in 1979, according to the ow through each year. The massive (Just like the subway, it requires the This June 10, 2016 photo shows hour commuters, a mariachi band, a
and lower Manhattan from the last New York Transit Museum. station, built 104 years ago, is still use of a prepaid MetroCard, which the interior of Grand Central Termi- preacher or a panhandler, its bound
car. We walked several blocks and I was fascinated by the old advertise- captivating. In the main concourse, riders swipe at the turnstile to enter.) nal in New York with the constella- to be colorful but it also happens to
eventually found the museum in the ments and announcements posted my son peered up at the green ceiling, The windowed cabins are suspended tions from the zodiac designed into be the cheapest and most efcient way
decommissioned Court Street subway inside the 20 retired passenger cars. famous for a depiction of the zodiac, on cables and carry up to 109 pas- the ceiling. (AP) to traverse the city. (AP)

New tie breaker

Contest features
youngest player
WASHINGTON, May 31, (Agen-
cies): The 291 word whizzes vying
on Wednesday in the 90th Scripps
National Spelling Bee will include the
contests youngest-ever competitor,
and new tiebreaking rules are aimed at
avoiding the dead-heat endings of the
last three years.
Competing for a $40,000 rst-
place cash prize, spelling virtuosos
ranging in age from 6 to 15 will face
off at Gaylord National Resort and
Convention Center. The contest con-
cludes with nals on Thursday at the
Washington-area resort.
The contestants include Edith
Fuller of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who
recently turned 6 and is the youngest
participant to qualify for the national
spelling bee. Her smiling face and
blonde curls appear in a photograph
on, where she is
identied as Speller No. 290.
She is one of more than 11 million
youths who competed in earlier spelling
bees in all 50 US states, US territories
from Puerto Rico to Guam, and several
nations from Jamaica to Japan, contest
ofcials said in a news release.
New rules this year are aimed at
preventing tie endings like last years,
when joint winners both got $40,000
cash prizes.
Bee ofcials will administer a
Tiebreaker Test to all spellers in the
competition at 6 pm (2200 GMT) on
Thursday. The test will consist of 12
spelling words, which contestants will
handwrite, and 12 multiple-choice
vocabulary questions.
If it is mathematically impossible
for one champion to emerge through
25 rounds, Bee ofcials will declare
the speller with the highest tiebreaker
score the winner. If there is a tie on
the test, judges will declare co-cham-
A worldwide audience tunes into
the increasingly challenging Bee,
which is broadcast live on ESPN.
The competition started in 1925,
when 11-year-old Frank Neuhauser
In this May 11, 2016 le photo, a No. 7 subway train rides the rails in the Queens borough of New York. If youre a transportation buff, New York City is the perfect destination. (AP)
correctly spelled the ower gladi-
olus to become the rst national
Road of adventure This year is the 90th national Bee,
after nals were suspended due to
World War Two from 1943-1945,
according to contest ofcials.

Route 66, US Mother Road revs back to life What started as a quaint contest
with nine students has ourished into
a national treasure where hard work is
recognized and rewarded, and the les-
LOS ANGELES, May 31, (AFP): sons learned can last a lifetime, said
For decades, Route 66 captured the
imagination of travelers the world Moscow metro mixes Lenin, Wifi & selfie spots the Bees executive director, Paige
over, offering a glimpse of a bygone Shaheer Imam never thought it
era of American history, when people would take so long to get back to the
hit the road in search of adventure and
a better life. Indonesian rainbow village net sensation National Spelling Bee.
The 13-year-old from Catonsville,
The two-lane highway established Maryland, made his rst appearance
in 1926 and coined the Mother SEMARANG, Indonesia, May 31, tures of angels wings and whales around the hamlet. during Barack Obamas rst term
Road by John Steinbeck seemed to (Agencies): An Indonesian hamlet can be seen for miles around,
dubbed the rainbow village after climbing up the hillside like a gigan-
Also: as president. Shaheer was just eight
encompass the essence of America, MOSCOW: Rub a dogs nose for years old, and he spelled capri-
threading through eight states from being given a makeover in a ka- tic staircase. cious and quinzaine correctly on
leidoscope of colours is attracting Domestic and foreign visitors luck. Look back to Russias 1917
Chicago to Santa Monica. Bolshevik revolution. Marvel at a stage.
hordes of visitors and has become have been ocking to the village
But after it was decommissioned in an internet sensation. to snap pictures, which have been mosaic spaceman. Maybe even The following year, he went to a
the 1980s in favor of larger and faster The collection of about 200 mod- rapidly spreading on Instagram and watch a ballet. new school that didnt participate in
thoroughfares, Route 66 appeared est homes on a hillside above a riv- Facebook. Moscows metro is one of the the Scripps bee program. In 5th grade,
headed for the dustbin of history er used to be a typical, low-income This is very special, extremely busiest and most visually stunning he was home-schooled and lost a
as the mom and pop stores, kitschy Indonesian neighbourhood that creative, Maya Susanti, an Indo- underground systems in the world. regional bee for home-schoolers to
motels, diners and petrol stations that was lthy and gloomy. nesian visitor who came to the vil- It is a tourist site in its own right. his older sister. In 6th grade he won
lined the road gradually shut down. But residents of the Wonosari lage with her friends told AFP. Created as a showcase for the his school and nished second at his
Entire towns folded up and what community in Semarang decided The village used to look plain Soviet Union, its elaborate, spa- regional bee. In 7th grade he nished
had been a 2,400-mile (4,000 kilome- The End of the Trail for Route 66 an extreme makeover was needed, but now there are so many good cious stations are adorned with mo- third at regionals.
ter) carnival became to a large extent sign is seen at Santa Monica pier in and received money from the local spots for taking pictures. saics, marble statues and stained This year, he nally made it back
a 2,400-mile ghost town, explained Santa Monica, California. (AFP) government and several compa- Community leader Yosep Tri Pr- glass that tell the story of the com- by winning his regional bee over a
David Knudson, founder and execu- nies to carry out the project. awoko added: Every single alley- munist state. friend from school and his 9-year-old
tive director of the non-prot National Wallis said the fastest growing The houses were re-painted in way has become a favourite spot When it opened in 1935, the brother. On Tuesday morning, he took
Historic Route 66 Federation. groups of tourists on Route 66 are a dizzying array of colours during for a photoshoot, its great. metro had just 11 stations and at- his place among 290 other spellers at
In recent years, however, the iconic Chinese and Brazilians, as well as Eu- a month-long overhaul which cost Villagers are enjoying the tourism tracted 285,000 curious riders on a convention center outside Washing-
road that has been immortalized ropeans drawn by the idea of the open about $200,000, and the polluted boom sparked by the makeover. the rst day. Today there are 206 ton as the 90th Scripps National Spell-
in countless books, movies, music space and the road trip of a lifetime. river nearby was also cleaned up. Surani, a local ower seller who stations and up to nine million pas- ing Bee began with a written spelling
(Get your kicks on Route 66), and I have clients in their 20s and 70s The local mayor opened the like many Indonesians goes by one sengers a day. and vocabulary test.
a TV series has been experiencing a who are fascinated by this road and newly decorated hamlet on Java name, said local people were feel- The Moscow metros immacu- In a year when the bee is welcom-
nostalgia-driven revival that is attract- everyone is looking for convertible island to the public in mid-April and ing the benets: I hope our liveli- late stations are a mix of old and ing its youngest-ever participant,
ing tourists from around the globe. Mustangs and Harley Davidsons to the community quickly became a hoods keep on getting better. new. Get off at Ploshchad Revo- 6-year-old Edith Fuller, Shaheer is
Foreigners come to travel the experience it, said Zsolt Nagy, who local landmark known as the rain- The makeover and ow of visi- lutsii (Revolution Square) and you setting a more unusual record, for the
twice a year organizes Route 66 road bow village. tors has also encouraged residents will see passengers going up to a
road because it gives them a chance The buildings many of which to keep the community clean, and statue of a border guard and rub-
longest gap ve years between
to experience America before we trips that cost up to $8,000 per person. appearances. His frustrating wait
are decorated with art such as pic- rubbish bins have been put up bing his dogs nose for luck.
became generic, said Michael Wallis, Business is booming, the roads are shows just how tough it can be to
a historian and author of Route 66: better, the signs are better, its coming emerge from a eld of 11 million
The Mother Road. back to life, said Zsolt, who is from It has been an amazing transfor- Driving today along stretches of 1930s novel of the great depression, spellers in the US and abroad.
Its still the road of adventure Hungary and who fell in love with the mation, he said of the town which the fabled highway 85 percent of The Grapes of Wrath, the story of Every year I would make the goal
because nothing on Route 66 is open road about 10 years ago when boasts four museums, 27 large murals which can still be traveled one can a family that embarks on a journey that I would come back and I would
predictable, he added. I often say, he traveled it. I think the legend is and is considered one of the jewels of see renovated motels with blazing along Route 66, eeing the Oklahoma try to come as far as I could. If it
You know what you are going to get growing like crazy. Route 66. neon signs, newly opened museums, dustbowl for California. didnt happen, then I would say that
at McDonalds ... but if you are on an Bob Russell, the mayor of Pontiac, There is a special aura for Route quirky sights and souvenir shops And while the road for many may next year I will improve more upon
old two-lane such as Route 66, you about two hours southwest of Chica- 66 to the overseas people because it galore. evoke images of a more innocent my vocabulary and then I would make
could go into a cafe, a greasy spoon, a go, said his small community of about represents freedom, the open road, There are also half-abandoned America, as encapsulated in Norman it back, Shaheer said. But each year,
pie place, a diner and you dont know 12,000 people is a prime example of your scarf around your neck and your communities and crumbling ghost Rockwells paintings, Route 66 had a it didnt happen. I came really close
what youre going to get. the resurgent interest in the road. hair blowing in the wind. towns that echo Steinbecks epic more sinister side for black travelers. sometimes.


Project one of the largest in Kuwaits ICT sector

Zain signs groundbreaking Smart Meters deal with MEW

KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Zain, the
leading telecommunications company
in Kuwait, announces signing a devel-
opment, management, and operation
agreement with the Ministry of Elec-
tricity and Water (MEW) in Kuwait for
the development of interconnectivity
support of the Smart Meters System
Project. The signing ceremony took
place at MEWs main headquarters
in the presence of His Excellency
the Minister of Oil and Minister of
Electricity and Water, Engineer Essam
Abdulmohsen Al Marzouq, and Zain
Kuwaits Chief Executive Ofcer, Ea-
man Al Roudhan.
Zain won the ofcial bid to become
the strategic partner to MEW with
respect to managing the smart metering
components of the project for a period Al Marzouq and Al Roudhan signing the agreement. Al Marzouq and Al Roudhan with Zain and MEW ofcials.
of seven years. As part of the agree- revolutionize the process of obtaining Kuwait to a more strategic level. We forms part of Zains strategic plans to reected across society. Zain is set to introduce utility pay-
ment, Zain will manage the systems electricity and water readings, which are very pleased with this development, expand smart cities solutions in Kuwait Zain will supply and install 5,000 ment systems where residents will be
of smart electricity and water reading and given that the smart meters project as we look to transform into an inclusive smart meters that meet with interna- able to pay electricity and water bills
will be taken automatically and can
meters in Kuwait. The projects initial is one of the largest in Kuwaits ICT digital telecommunications provider. One tional standards. The company will also through prepaid or postpaid plans.
capacity will include 880,000 smart be tracked in real-time. The massive
project costs KD 22 million, and will sector, we are proud to be a central part such plan was Zains strategic investment manage the smart meters operating Zain will also offer its own payment
meters, with the possibility of a future of its deployment and management. in neXgen, a leading smart city advisory systems, including the development channels as an option, including the
expansion to 1.2 million in total. As see Zain building and installing the
meters over the next two years, and The implementation of a project of this and consulting services provider. The and management of a massive database companys website, branches, kiosk
part of MEWs plan, the rst batch of scale is a testament to the countrys execution of such a signicant project specially developed for this project, and machines, and more. The smart meters
smart meters will be utilized in proper- then managing and operating them for efforts to catalyze the uptake of e- is a crucial step in harnessing the power training MEWs call center staff to ser- project aims to eliminate the require-
ties within the investment, industrial, the subsequent ve years. government services, and embodies of our digital infrastructure in order vice consumers around the clock. Zain ment for a manual process to obtain
and agricultural sectors, then followed Eaman Al Roudhan, Zain Kuwaits the public sectors interest in beneting to develop truly connected, intelligent will also introduce a secure e-payment meter readings, replaced instead by a
by residential properties. Zain will CEO said, Todays agreement with from the private sectors experience in environments. Technology continues to system through MEWs ofcial website state-of-the-art electronic platform that
manage and operate the smart meters MEW is an extension of previous areas such as customer care. This proj- play a vital role in all aspects of life, and and through a mobile app where con- automatically collects meter readings,
project in collaboration with a number partnerships and mutual cooperation ect stands as a huge boost to Kuwaits as Zain is the leading provider of mobile sumers can monitor their smart meters while also being able to inform MEWs
of global strategic partners, including that Zain has enjoyed with various public-private partnership program. technology innovations in, we are totally readings in real-time and receive bill support team of any failures within the
E&Y and Ericsson. The project is set to Ministries and public authorities in Al Roudhan continued, This project committed to having these competencies reminder notications and more. system in real-time.

Event attended by more than 100 media representatives

Marriott Hotels holds Iftar for local media

KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Marriott
Hotels in Kuwait organized a Ramadan
Iftar for the local media on Sunday May
28, at Al Thuraya Ramadan Tent at the
JW Marriott Kuwait City. The event
was attended by more than 100 media
representatives from different newspa-
pers and magazines in Kuwait.
The Iftar was a great opportunity for
Marriott Hotels to raise awareness about
the different offers and promotions
available throughout the holy month
of Ramadan. The JW Marriott Kuwait
invites guests to enjoy the perfect
Ramadan experience at the breathtak-
ing Al Thuraya Tent. The tent offers
traditional settings complemented by
live cooking stations, scrumptious
seasonal specials and breathtaking
ambience. Al Thuraya embodies the
special occasion, accompanied by stun-
ning Ramadan decoration and soothing
live oud music, all combined to create
the perfect invitation into a comfortable
homely setting.
Photo by Iehab Qurtal
Guests will also stand the chance to
win valuable prizes every week, includ- Photo from the event
Zain volunteers at the Iftar hall in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh.
ing free airline tickets from KLM-Air
France, vouchers from Sama Dental the stunning oriental decoration and Ramadan in style at the Blendz on behalf of Marriott Hotels Kuwait

Zain holds Ramadan Centre, gift bags from Sebamed and

facial treatments from Amana Clinic.
Moreover, the Courtyard by Marriott
tent-like surroundings as well as the
weekly rafe draw to win valuable
prizes, makes The Atrium the perfect
Ramadan venue to enjoy unforgettable
restaurant at Residence Inn by Marriott
Kuwait. Blendz offers sumptuous
Iftar and Ghabka buffets featuring a va-
riety of oriental and international dishes.
management and associates, I would
like to wish Kuwaits nationals and
residents Ramadan Mubarak.
Aoun added Marriott Hotels in
Kuwait welcomes guests throughout the

Iftar meals initiative holy month of Ramadan at the Atrium

Restaurant. Courtyard Kuwait offers
a generous Arabian feasts featuring
time with friends and family. It will
leave guests mesmerized, not only by
the lavish buffets but by the warm and
Arraya Ballroom also offers a wide
range of buffets for Iftar and Ghabka,
perfect for corporate events.
Kuwait always try to offer their guests
exceptional Ramadan experiences,
including rich Iftar and Ghabka buffets,
delicious Ramadan dishes, live cooking inviting atmosphere. George Aoun, Cluster General Man- live entertainment and valuable prizes at
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Zain, the ing the Holy Month. The Iftar meal stations and live music. In addition, Furthermore, guests can celebrate ager at Marriott Hotels in Kuwait, said competitive prices.
leading telecommunications company banquets are supervised by Zains
in Kuwait, held its annual Iftar Al volunteers team and are spread in
Saem initiative to provide fasting in-
dividuals with Iftar meals as part of its
two main halls in Kuwait as part of a
strategy to cover the most populated
Food stations, live music and good ambience
extensive Corporate Sustainability and areas of Kuwait in order to assure the
Social Responsibility program dur-
ing the Holy Month of Ramadan. The
company distributes daily Iftar meals
maximum amount of individuals If-
tar needs are covered.
Ramadan presents a special occa-
Marina Hotel hosts Ramadan Ghabqa for local media
throughout the Holy Month in two dif- sion for Zain to communicate and in-
ferent Iftar halls in Jleeb Al Shuyoukh teract with the Kuwaiti community it KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Reinforcing
and Khaitan. operates in through its extensive CSSR its relationship with the local media,
Zains campaign is part of its grow- campaign. Zains team started pre- Marina Hotel Kuwait celebrated the be-
ing support for charitable and social paring for the Iftar campaign prior to ginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan
oriented programs, and is a reection the coming of Ramadan to assure the by hosting an exclusive Ghabqa. This
of its Corporate Sustainability and So- process of distributing more meals to informal annual event was organized
cial Responsibility strategy. One such a larger geographical footprint goes in honor of the members of the press to
program Zain organized before the smoothly. thank them for their continuous support
start of the Holy Month featured the Zain afrmed that its social and on all activities undertaken by the hotel.
distribution of Machla Boxes to un- CSSR campaign during the Holy The evening witnessed a host of
guests who all gathered at the Kamar
derprivileged families. Month of Ramadan will include an Al Marina Tent to enjoy the distinctive
Zains annual Iftar Al Saem ini- extensive array of initiatives and pro- hospitality of the special event. Guests
tiative, which comes for the twelfth grams that will focus on helping less were welcomed by the entire manage-
consecutive time this year, is consid- fortunate people to enjoy Ramadan ment team and greeted upon arrival.
ered a main pillar of the companys happily, as well as celebrating the true Nabil Hammoud, General Manager of
comprehensive CSSR campaign dur- spirit the Holy month brings. Marina Hotel Kuwait wished the guests
a Ramadan Kareem while inviting them
Offer valid till Sept 15, 17 to an evening of Oriental hospitality.
A diverse range of sumptuous buffet
lled with superb Arab delicacies and
cuisines from the live cooking stations
Etihad Airways offers free stopovers was arranged for the guests. The special
Ghabqa buffet comprised of a large
to Economy Class guests from ME array of delicious food, in addition to
seafood meals and a choice between
Photo from the event.
shawrama, pasta and mixed grills, Ra-
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Etihad Air- bi experience. madan drinks, mouth-watering desserts
ways, the national airline of the United More than 4.4 million guest arrivals and avored Shisha. The evening was tude to AirFrance/KLM, for sponsoring cially prepared every Ramadan with Iftar experience as well as for private
Arab Emirates, will offer one nights were recorded in Abu Dhabi in 2016, further enhanced by the sounds of soft the Kamar Al Marina Tent. new selective decorations, and Oriental functions and corporate events, Salwa
free accommodation at the Radisson proving that the emirate is becoming a oriental music. The highlight of the evening was the music to reect the traditional feel of Sabah Al Ahmed Theatre and Hall of-
Blu hotel on Abu Dhabis Yas Island favourite hub for stopovers. Guests can Hammoud expressed his apprecia- exciting Rafe Draw which granted a the Holy month. With a capacity to fers personalized attention and can ac-
to all guests travelling in Economy take advantage of world-famous lei- tion to the media for their ongoing sup- range of fabulous prizes adding more accommodate up to 200 guests. Kamar commodate up to 500 guests at a time.
Class from the Middle East, Africa and sure and business attractions, include port saying We organize this annual joy to the evening. The Ghabqa lasted Al Marina tent has proven to be the It also offers a selection of different
Pakistan, and stopping over in the na- miles of beautiful white sand beaches, event as a sincere token of appreciation till after midnight and Marina Hotel favorite venue for companies and indi- menus for Iftar and Sohour at exclusive
tional capital. The offer is valid from theme parks such as Yas Waterworld towards the members of the local me- ensured that each and every guest had a viduals to host their own private Iftars prices and is fully equipped to cater for
now until Sept 15, 2017. and Ferrari World, unforgettable des- dia. We continuously strive to honor the truly memorable evening lled with fun or Ghabqas during the whole month of groups and organizations.
Mohammad Al Bulooki, Etihad ert safari expeditions, arts and cultural media and value them as our strategic and exceptional delight. Ramadan. For more information, please visit
Airways Executive Vice-President institutions such as Manarat Al Saadi- partner. He further extended his grati- The Kamar Al Marina tent is spe- For larger groups seeking a unique our website:
Commercial, said: Etihad Airways is yat and the soon-to-be-opened Louvre
delighted to invite guests to experience Museum, exquisite local and interna-
Abu Dhabi for themselves. The capi- tional dining, world-class golf, and the
tal of the United Arab Emirates has so Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi
much to offer all types of travellers, Grand Prix and its race track, Yas Ma-
whether they are after culture, a beach rina Circuit.
break or sports and adventure. Abu Dhabi also offers a wide range
As the national airline, Etihad Air- of shopping opportunities to suit all
ways is an integral part of this incred- tastes with a large choice of popular
ible city and those who transit through outlets and brands. The city boasts a
Abu Dhabi should be encouraged by selection of spacious high-end shop-
us to experience it. This offer is for ping malls such as Yas Mall, Abu Dha-
guests to make time to explore the bi Mall, Marina Mall, and The Galleria
many attractions Abu Dhabi has to of- one of the worlds most luxurious
fer during their stopover. The beautiful shopping centres.
desert; a visit to the spectacular Sheikh Etihad Airways has been running
Zayed Grand Mosque among the stopover programmes since 2011, and
worlds biggest; a tour of the many offering guests a variety of services in-
attractions on Yas Island, or sampling cluding airport meet & assist, transpor-
the emirates world class hotels and tation, accommodation, tours, and visa
restaurants are all part of the Abu Dha- processing services. Etihad Airways Boeing 787 Dreamliner Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Abu Dhabi


h o r o s c o p e
By Jacqueline Bigar
Happy birthday for Thursday, June 1, 2017:
times. You seem to know who is calling before
the phone even rings. Start documenting your
psychic abilities. Tonight: Make fun weekend
Aries - (Mar 21 - Apr 19) **** You might feel pressured by a family
member. You have a desire to accomplish an
important goal and impress a higher-up. If you
pressure for you in your life. Tonight: Let
someone else treat.
**** Listen to what is happening with some
friends or associates. Those around you seem
to be very straightforward and direct right now.
This year you might say something but then act
in an inconsistent manner. Others are often
plans. **** You could feel as if you are running
around in circles trying to handle different
slow down the pace, exhaustion could occur or
perhaps a desire to lighten up the moment will
Virgo - (Aug 23 - Sept 22): A loved one could be rather obtuse at best. Ask
questions, if need be. Enjoy some downtime
confused when relating to you. The mixed mes-
sages coming from you could be the source of
Aquarius - (Jan 20 - Feb 18) issues. Take an overview in order to see what is
going on and what needs tending immediately.
take over. Tonight: Home is where your heart is. **** Someone close to you could be unduly
negative. Trust this person to change his or her
with a partner. Tonight: Where your friends
a problem. If you are single, after September ***** You might be in a position where you Confirm important requests and/or demands. Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) mood when he or she is ready, and not a minute
you might meet someone who knocks your
socks off. Be willing to open up with this per-
would like to head in a certain direction but the
other party involved wants to stop you in your
Tonight: You can say no to someones
manipulation. **** Confusion seems to surround commu-
sooner. Understand your responsibility when
dealing with someone who isnt being realistic.
Sagittarius - (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
son. If you are attached, your sweetie might not tracks. Try to talk this person into looking at nication. A misunderstanding between you and Tonight: Avoid a controlling friend. **** Honor an authority figures request.
know which voice of yours to listen to at times. the matter from your perspective. Tonight: Taurus - (Apr 20 - May 20) someone else is likely to develop. Do not allow
You might notice an element of chaos that sur-
Open up a conversation. VIRGO is intrigued
by your devil-may-care attitude.
Make plans to visit with a special loved one.
***** Your creativity emerges when an
this to happen in the future. Learn to confirm
key details and facts with this person. Tonight: Libra - (Sept 23 - Oct 22) rounds you on the personal and/or domestic
The Stars Show the Kind of Day Youll
Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average;
Pisces - (Feb 19 - Mar 20) associate decides to rain on your parade. You Head to a favorite haunt with favorite people.
*** A lot is going on around you, and you
front. Juggling the different factors involved
could prove somewhat challenging. Avoid hav-
2-So-so; 1-Difficult **** You might be quite idealistic in your
views and goals; an associate is nearly the
might want to separate yourself from this per-
son. You need to accomplish what you want. A Leo - (July 23 - Aug 22) can sense the energy. Finding out what is going
on behind the scenes might be more challeng-
ing a knee-jerk reaction. Tonight: Could go till
the wee hours.
Capricorn - (Dec 22 - Jan 19) opposite. You could disagree with this per-
son, but note that you both want the same
friend who can be flaky at times adds his or her
unique energy to your plans. Tonight: Fun and
*** Observe your financial inclinations, and
be willing to say no. A friend or loved one
ing than you originally had thought. Be aware
of others moods. Know that time is on your
**** Reach out to someone who often gives results from the situation. Perhaps you can games! knows how to move you into the realm of side. Tonight: Get as much R and R as possible. Born today: Comedian Amy Schumer
you good advice and offers a unique perspec- try each of your suggestions. Tonight: Go indulgence with ease. Try to resist being (1981), actress Marilyn Monroe (1926), actor
tive. Your sixth sense comes through at odd with the flow. Gemini - (May 21 - June 20) coaxed into saying yes and creating more Scorpio - (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Morgan Freeman (1937)

home decor indoor gardening beauty tips taste buds

keep colors light and soft cyclamen walnuts onion rings

Pastel furnishings, white walls, and a light neu- Cyclamen an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous These are the only type of nut that have a signi- Ingredients: Several large onions; 1 cup all-pur-
tral area rug make this living room feel lighter and plant, both in foliage and owers. While this plant cant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Theyre also pose our; 1 teaspoon salt; 1-1/2 teaspoons baking
brighter and therefore larger. The chair offers com- can be nicky, its big, bright blooms pop up in the rich in biotin and vitamin E, which helps protect powder; 1 egg, separated; 3/4 cup milk; 1 table-
fortable seating, but exposed legs, they consume dead of winter, making a little extra effort truly your cells from DNA damage. Since your hair rarely spoon vegetable oil; Peanut oil.
less visual space than a club chair would. worthwhile. gets much shielding from the sun, this is especially Method: Slice onions into rings. In 1 bowl, mix
Even though it looks tropical, cyclamen prefer great. Too little biotin can lead to hair loss. Walnuts together our, salt and baking powder. In another
cool temperatures and indirect light. also have copper, a mineral that helps keep your bowl, beat egg yolk, then stir in milk and vegeta-
A north-facing windowsill that stays around 50 natural hair color rich and lustrous ble oil. Combine wet and dry ingredients, stir until
to 60 degrees Fahrenheit is also suitable.Its a smooth. In a third bowl, beat egg white until soft
heavy drinker, says Moore, so keep the soil moist peaks form, then fold into egg-our mixture, stirring
(but not wet) and check often. until smooth. Dip onion rings into batter and deep

Dear Abby
Man doesnt share wife
dreams of seeing world
By Abigail Van Buren
Dear Abby: Ill be retiring next year. My husband
is already retired. When I do, I want to travel in the
U.S. and internationally. We are healthy, able to
travel and we have the funds to do it.
The problem is, my husband isnt crazy about trav-
eling. Hell go if I book it, but he fusses the whole Photos from the event.
time until we go. Its not like he has to do anything.
I do all the booking and packing.
All he has to do is show up.
IMA Kuwait organizes Welcome Ramadan events
I told him one of my bucket
list items was to live in Mexico Under the patronage of Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Masjid Al-Kabir, topic Muslim Personal Law and modern challenges.
for a month. Because I hate cold Indian Muslim Association (IMA) English Unit in coordination with IMA Salmiya unit Event was well managed by members of Salmiya Unit. Event started with the
weather, I want to live somewhere organized a public event in English on Welcome Ramadan on May 19 at Masjid Al- Quranic recitation and translation in English by Master Faiz Zafar Khazi, Bashar
warm. Muzaini, Salmiya. Khan convened the event while event was concluded with vote of thanks by Fahim
Can you give me some advice Guest Speaker Muhammed Naqwi, Katheeb and TV presenter spoke on the Sub- Ahmed. Dinner packets were served at the end of the event.
ject Ramadan and Taqwa, quoting from Quranic verse, he said that purpose of IMA also conducted similar programs in Abbasiya, Abu Halifa and City units
on this matter? Help me change fasting is to attain Taqwa (Peity). to welcome Ramadan where different scholars were invited to address the gath-
his mind about seeing the world Another speaker of the day Sharafuddin Soo, a well known speaker spoke on the ering.
before we are no longer able to. Or
Abigail Van Buren do you think I need to nd a travel

whats on today
Bucket list in Virginia
Dear B.L.: You may need to do exactly that, emergency number 112
and the way to change your husbands mind
about travel might be to say it. Not everyone Civil ID info: 1889988
has wanderlust. If hes a conrmed homebody
who regards travel as a punishment instead Site for checking travel ban
of a privilege, you should not have to suffer
for it. speak about the universal contemporary Contact 60477786. Arnis/Eskrima training: Eskrimador-

THURSDAY human experience and to export these Kuwait a member of Cacoy Doce Pares
ideas from the United States to Kuwait. World Federation now opens a new
Dear Abby: My doctor prescribed medication AUK Graphic Design Capstone Exhi- DEAN PROJECTs rst exhibition in TIES Center classes: TIES Center
bition: The American University of Ku- batch of training. Learn the Philippine
to control my migraines, but I have to take the pills Kuwait was ten years ago, and for the is conducting a series of classes about national sports, which is Arnis/Eskrima
four times a day at breakfast, lunch, dinner and wait (AUK) cordially invites you to visit the gallery, this project marks the passage some of the Prophets and Messengers
10th Annual Graphic Design 2017 Cap- with the authentic style and techniques.
bedtime. Although Im not ashamed, I dont want to of time and an anniversary. Blue Nights of God who strove very hard to spread Training schedule will be every Friday
have to explain why I am taking the medication be- stone Exhibition taking place from May brings together diverse artists working monotheism and teach their respective
22 until June 1 at the Promenade Cul- from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm @ Kaifan
cause Im afraid there may be a stigma attached to it. across disciplines to address contempo- peoples how to worship God. Their mes- Sports Complex-Karate Gym. Text or call
I dont know what to do. If I try to vary the times, I ture Centre located at The Promenade rary issues of our existence and to share sage was not only spiritual; they also
Mall, 3rd Ring Road, Opposite Qadsiya. #50292148-Herms.
end up forgetting to take a pill. What should I do? these experiences with a broader, more taught people how to conduct their daily
The exhibition will be open according global audience. lives and develop the living conditions on
Prescribed in San Antonio to the following schedule: Artists featured in the show: Lluis earth. Free IFRA coaching classes: Indian
Dear prescribed: Take the medication on May 27-June 1; 9-11 pm Barba, Vincent Beaurin, Tim Berg & Re- In this series, we will focus on the fol- Football Referees Association (IFRA)
time as instructed by your physician. If you The AUK Graphic Design Capstone bekah Myers, Carlos Betancourt, Mel lowing prophets: Adam, Nouh (Noah), will be starting free refresher/coaching
need a reminder, program it into your cell- represents an opportunity for senior stu- Bochner, Max Steven Grossman, Brad Ibrahim (Abraham), Ayoub (Job), Yousuf classes for existing referees, new re-
phone. Theres no more stigma attached to dents to fully incorporate their design Howe, Hendrik Kerstens, Robert Polidori, (Joseph), Mousa (Moses), and Eisa (Je- cruits, those aspiring to be referees and
taking medication to prevent headaches than strengths and learning into a focused, Hunt Slonem, and Donald Sultan. sus) may peace, mercy and blessings even those who would like to learn about
there is in taking it for any other medical rea- extended process of research and visual of Allah (to Whom all might and majesty the laws of the game at IEAS Salmiya
expression. The diversity of projects and
son. If you prefer not to be questioned about is ascribed) be upon them all. (Don Bosco).
it, excuse yourself and do it in the restroom. resolutions are wide-ranging, from social Experience Science for Adults: We will not only focus on historical Classes will be from 9:00 am to 12:00
activism campaigns to corporate identity Registration is now open for Experience pm every Friday.
rebranding and entrepreneurship. Science for Adults.
facts, but will also deduce some impor-
tant lessons whose application in our Those interested may call 99519439 or
Dear Abby: Hi. I have a problem. My best friend Why should kids have all the fun?! daily interactions and chores determine get in touch with any IFRA member for
is moving away to a different state this summer. The ve week programme will be held our success and salvation. registration.
Blue Nights at Sultan Gallery: DEAN on Saturday from 10:00 am-11:30 am at
School is ending soon. She is my only friend, and PROJECT is pleased to announce the Join us every Thursday at 7 pm to
Im currently dating her brother. Hes the only boy the Yarmouk Cultural Centre. learn about the life and times of those
opening of its next exhibition, Blue Registration is limited to 16. You may IPC Arabic Course: IPC Rawdah La-
I like, and she is my only friend. I dont know what Nights, which features the work of eleven messengers of rm resolve.
to do. register at either the Amricani Cultural The TIES Center is the social and dies Section will commence the Arabic
contemporary artists. Curated by Mark Centre, Sunday to Thursday 10:00-3:00 Conversation Course. The students must
Ill be in ninth grade in a couple of months, which Dean, this group show of contemporary educational hub for English Speaking
means Ill have to start high school without a best or the Yarmouk Cultural Centre, Sunday Muslims in Kuwait. For more information, have successfully completed at least 3
pop art is a continuation of the Miami- to Thursday 10:00-6:00. levels of Arabic. Placement test will be
friend or a boyfriend. What should I do? Ill be all based gallerys biannual collaboration please call 25231015 or e-mail info@ti-
For more information, please or visit taken by those who took Arabic class
alone. with the historical Sultan Gallery in Ku- outside IPC.
Savannah in Colorado wait. It will be on view from May 16 to Class is every Friday from 9-11 am.
June 15, 2017
Dear Savannah: Not quite! A lot of changes The exhibitions title takes its name Ramadan Sports Mania 2017: Don
FRIDAY IPC Rawdah-22512257
occur when students leave the lower grades
from Joan Didions memoir, Blue Nights, Bosco Oratory Kuwait is once again
and start high school. Even established originally published in 2011. Much like pleased to announce its Ramadan FBC tournament: Filipino Badminton Tagalog Khutba for Filipinos: The
friendships can change. When school begins, Didion a writer known for exploring the Sports Mania for the Indian Community Committee (FBC) is inviting all badmin- Ministry of Awqaf, Islam Presentation
many of your classmates will be in exactly the cultural values and experiences of Ameri- in Kuwait. ton enthusiast in Kuwait to join their regu- Committee, & Kuwait Philippine Cultural
same position as you. If you are friendly, Im can life the works in this group show The event will conclude the follow- lar badminton tournament being held Center (KPC Center) invites all Filipino
sure youll nd others who will be open to be- comment on contemporary pop culture ing indoor sports: 4-a- side rink foot- every Friday from 8 am to 7 pm at Ku- Muslim & Muslima to hear Khutba
ing friendly to you. and the current global mood. Visually, all ball tournament (mens and ladies); 3 wait Disabled Sports Club, Bin Khaldoun (Sermon) in Tagalog every Friday at
the works in Blue Nights contain or are -a- side rink tie breaker tournament; Hawalli. Over 10 badminton courts are Marzouq Al-Badr Mosque, Abu Bakr
the color blue. Similar to Didions titular 7-a-side mens, ladies and mixed box now available for badminton practices Al-Siddeeq St (at the back of Ambassador
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also reference to the nal lingering hours of cricket tournament; open carom (single/ and tournament and it is open for all na- Supermarket and SM Supermarket, near
known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by daylight in summer, the blues used in the doubles) tournament. tionalities and from different badminton Salhiya Police Station & Kuwait Airways
her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby show warn of darkness, though simul- The tournaments will be played on a organizations. Exclusive-private court Bldg) in Kuwait City. There will be a com-
at or P.O. Box 69440, Los taneously seem to suggest that it may league cum knockout basis during the are also available on per hour rental. For munity started and lunch after Friday
Angeles, CA 90069. never come. Figurative and abstract, the Holy month of Ramadan at the IEAS more information, please contact Dr Chie prayers at KPC Center in Farwaniya. For
(Source: Universal Uclick) exhibited works are executed in diverse Quadrangle (Don Bosco) in Salmiya. Umandap 97197268 further information, please call KPC
media, yet cohesively come together to For registration and more information: Center, Tel 4712574.


Couch slouch
Kelly newsmagazine features Putin

Kahl & Sherman takes CBS

reins as Glenn Geller departs
LOS ANGELES, May 31, (RTRS): Glenn with Megyn Kelly.
Geller is stepping down from his role as CBS No matter what, the newsmagazine will
Entertainment president, two months after feature a Putin story. But a one-on-one inter-
suffering a mild heart attack. CBS has opted view carries a lot more juice and newsmak-
to recongure its entertainment leadership, ing potential than a public presentation that
with plans to promote longtime scheduling happened two days earlier.
chief Kelly Kahl and recruit Thom Sherman Sunday Night will air at 7 p.m. Eastern
from the CW. opposite CBS 60 Minutes and is the rst
Kahl, a 21-year CBS veteran who is one of NBCs stated plans for Kelly when the
of CBS Corp chief Leslie Moonves most network lured her from Fox. The second part,
trusted lieutenants, has been named the new and nancially the most important, is her 9
president of CBS Entertainment. Sherman, am weekday talk show that starts in the fall.
who has been with CW since 2006 and has Kelly interviewed several people each
been a key architect of its recent success with night on her Fox show, but usually it was
superhero actioners and offbeat dramedies, only for a couple of minutes with a stranger.
will be senior executive vice president The centerpiece of Sunday Night will be
of programming for CBS. The network in-depth interviews that require more time to
announced the new roles for Kahl and Sher- get to know her subject better.
man Tuesday afternoon. News of Gellers Fortunately, its not brain surgery, she
departure and Kahl and Shermans ascension said. No ones going to die if I dont get it
rst broke Tuesday morning in Variety and perfectly on the rst try. But Im enjoying
other outlets. this. Its nice, after 12 years in the business,
Kahl impressed the industry when he to be learning a new skill.
was tapped to handle a big portion of CBS
May 17 upfront presentation to advertis-
ers at Carnegie Hall. Kahl has been CBS Vanessa Hudgens will join the judges
scheduling chief for nearly 20 years, but he panel on So You Think You Can Dance
had never handled the rundown of CBS this summer, Variety has learned.
new schedule on the big stage, until this year The High School Musical alum becomes
when he was needed to ll in for Geller. the third judge for Season 14, alongside
Kahls condence on stage sparked immedi- Nigel Lythgoe and Mary Murphy, who will Asia gets up to speed with VR
ate speculation that he was in line for an ex- return after a long hiatus from the Fox show.
panded role given Gellers health concerns. Last season, Paula Abdul and Jason
Sherman has a deep background in
creative development, having served as
president of J.J. Abrams Bad Robot banner
DeRulo served as judges with Lythgoe, and
departed ahead of this upcoming season. Cat
Deeley will return as host.
Android software creator unveils new phone
and as an ABC drama development exec Hudgens will make her debut on the June
12 season premiere, which will showcase the SAN FRANCISCO, May 31, (Agencies): A ing hardware technology startups. Also:
before his CW tenure. Kahl has been a creator of the Android software powering The Essential will have to compete in a
longtime steward of the CBS programming Los Angeles auditions for the long-running
crowded eld.
LOS ANGELES: Picture this: you are the only
dance competition series. smartphones around the world steps into the male student at an all-female university and
brand with an innate sense of what works and hardware market with a handset that promises Andy Rubin has quite a reputation and
what doesnt on the broadcast platform. Hes I am so excited for Vanessa to join Mary anything he launches will be accorded a fair the most sought-after bachelor among some
and me on the judging panel for the 14th to tackle the clutter, complexity and rapid 100 model-looking female students. You are
also been a CW board member, represent- obsolescence of current devices. measure of respect, Jackdaw Research analyst
ing CBS interest in the joint venture with season of So You Think You Can Dance. Jan Dawson said. free to choose to date whoever you want. If
Andy Rubin said in an online post that he is you play your cards right, not only will you get
Warner Bros., for years. There was instant chemistry in the audition issuing a high-quality phone called Essential
This is a dynamic, talented and very rounds, and I know the SYTYCD fans will Skeptical yourself a perfect date.
that includes accessories such as a 360-camera The plot of Crush Academy, a virtual
experienced executive team to lead a divi- love her as much as we do. Vanessa is an that can be attached magnetically. Im extremely skeptical that this phone will
sion that will create the next generation accomplished artist and brings her own brand do any better than any other recent attempt to reality (VR) game in-the-making developed
For all the good Android has done to by Hong Kong company Go VR Immersive.
of hits for CBS, said Moonves. Kelly of enthusiasm and energy to our panel, said help bring technology to nearly everyone, it change the smartphone market.
has been part of my team since he was an Lythgoe, who in addition to serving as a Rubin showed off the Essential phone dur- Starring real models and actresses and shot
has also helped create this weird new world on location, the VR game is the companys
intern at Lorimar 27 years ago, added judge is executive producer. where people are forced to ght with the very ing an on-stage interview at a Code Confer-
Moonves. He has a brilliant programming ence in California late Tuesday. He said that next ambitious move following its production
technology that was supposed to simplify their of Infernal Affairs, a VR mini-series with
mind, sharp business acumen and great his company is also working on a digital as-
Financial-services rm USAA said it lives, he said. sistant device along the lines of Google Home Media Asia and iQiyi adapted from the iconic
analytical skills for our evolving television The Essential smartphones will rst be
audience. He is also highly respected by will allow its ads to run again in Fox News or Amazon Echo. 2003 Hong Kong crime thriller lm of the
Channels Hannity after pulling them out released in the United States, where they can Essential is creating a new Ambient same title.
his colleagues at CBS and our key external be reserved at the website
stakeholders, and he knows how to make due to controversy surrounding the networks operating system to power the home assistant. The plot is similar to some dating games
popular anchor. for $699. The 360-camera can be ordered for Rubin said the goal is to make it capable of available in the market, but we will star
all parts of the network work together to an additional $50. interacting with the broad array of smart appli- real actresses and shoot on real locations
form a winning team. The San Antonio, Texas, company,
which offers nancial products and insur- Rubin expects Essential phones, which are ances or household gadgets no matter which instead of computer generated visuals. It is
Moonves added, Through our work at powered by Android software, to begin ship- company makes them. an immersive, interactive drama targeting
The CW, Ive had a front-row seat to see ance to veterans and their families, indicat- ping in about 30 days.
ed last week that it would take its commer- Building bridges is the way we are thinking a pan-Asian audience, says Howard Tian,
Thoms outstanding creative instincts and Rubin said he created the company behind about this home device. co-founder of Go VR Immersive, which is
programming vision in action, continued cials out of rotation in what it considered Essential to use 21st-century methods to build
to be opinion shows on cable-news The Essential home assistant will have still in the process of raising funds for the
Moonves. He has developed and nurtured products for the way people want to live in the a touch screen as well as voice-command VR game.
an incredible roster of critically acclaimed, program in the wake of Hannitys remarks. 21st century.
A handful of smaller advertisers said they capabilities. Rubin wants the device to be
commercially successful and fan favorite That mission includes letting people decide able to synch with digital assistant software
shows for The CW and other companies. He would cease advertising on Fox News what features they want on phones, keeping SAN FRANCISCO: Nest Labs is adding
Channels Hannity after the programs made by Amazon, Apple, Google and oth-
also has strong relationships across the com- products simple, using premium materials ers. Googles facial recognition technology to a
munity, a deft creative touch and a desire for popular host, Sean Hannity, over several and enabling devices to evolve so they dont high-resolution home-security camera. The
broadcasts promoted an unproven theory I want to be inclusive, Rubin said at Code.
making shows that create a passionate bond become outdated every year. The premise is that consumers dont want device offers a glimpse of a future in which
with the audience. about the murder of a Democratic National Googles abandoned Project Ara dabbled just one companys products in the living increasingly intelligent, internet-connected
Committee staffer, then said he would halt with the idea that smartphones users could computers can see and understand whats go-
discussion of it for the time being out of
room. We have to inter-operate.
customize their devices with modular com- Rubin is chief executive of Essential, which ing on in peoples homes.
Megyn Kellys debut on NBC News this concern for the victims family. ponents. Motorola however recently began is the rst company spun out of a design studio The Nest Cam IQ, unveiled Wednesday,
Sunday is a real-life cliffhanger involving We heard concerns from many members to sell its own Android-powered modular at the venture fund he founded after leaving will be Nests rst device to draw upon the
Russian President Vladimir Putin. who watch and listen to these programs, smartphone. Google. same human-like skills that Google has
The former Fox News Channel personal- USAA said in a statement released on Rubin was a co-founder of Android, which Essential also launched a household as- been programming into its computers for
ity is in Russia to participate in an onstage Tuesday. Our goal in advertising has always Google bought in 2005. sistant called Home that looks like an angled instance, to identify people in images via its
question-and-answer session with Putin on been to reach members of the military com- Google makes Android software which hockey puck with a screen. The device will widely used photo app.
Friday at the St. Petersburg International munity who would benet from USAAs powers most of the worlds smartphones compete against the Echo and The camera costs almost $300, but owners
Economic Forum. She also is pushing for an well-known commitment to service. Today, available free to device makers. Alphabets Google Home speaker, which are will also need to pay an additional $10 per
offstage interview that would be featured on the lines between news and editorial are But Rubin left the company about three powered by the Alexa and the Google Assis- month for a plan that includes the facial recog-
the rst episode of NBCs Sunday Night increasingly blurred. years ago to launch a fund devoted to cultivat- tant voice services respectively. nition technology.

tv highlights
Cinema programme from Thursday 01/06/2017 to Wednesday 07/06/2017

Abu Shanab Football Match (Madrid vs 360 4 00:05 The Boss Baby Dobaara: See Your Evil (Hindi) Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 01:30 pm
Juventus) Humpback Whales 3D 03:30 pm, 06:30 pm
Avenues 9 22:00 Minions Avenues 3 22:30 (No Sat) Ajial 3 22:00, 00:15
Secret Ocean 3D 07:30 pm
Sharqia 1 23:15 Sharqia 2 21:45 (Sat) Avenues 1 21:30 360 11 22:00, 00:05 Sachin: A Billion Dreams (Hindi)
Muhalab 1 21:45 Fanar 2 21:45 (Sat) Avenues 2 22:00 Bairaq 1 23:45 Wednesday
Fanar 2 23:30 (No Sat) Fanar 1 22:00
Fanar 4 21:45 (Sat) Fanar 2 21:30 (No Sat) Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
The Exception 360 6 22:00
00:30 (Sat) Avenues 3 21:45 (Sat) Bairaq 1 21:45 Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
Plaza 00:05
Marina 1 00:30 360 1 21:45 (Sat) Avenues 10 21:45 05:30 pm
360 4 22:00 Ajial 2 21:45, 00:30
360 7 00:45 360 8 21:45 (Sat) 360 15 21:30 Sharqia 2 23:00 (No Sat) A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
Al-Kout 1 00:15 (No Sat) Al-Kout 1 21:45 (Sat) Laila 22:00 Muhalab 3 22:00 Godha (Malayalam) 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
00:30 (Sat) Fanar 4 22:15 (No Sat) Humpback Whales 3D 12:30 pm
Gifted Safra 5 Njoom (Kuwaiti)
Plaza 21:30
Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 07:30 pm
Al Feran (Kuwaiti) 00:30 Ajial 1 21:30, 00:05
Avenues 9 00:15 Avenues 4 00:45 Marina 3 23:45 Journey to Space 3D 08:30 pm
Avenues 6 22:15, 23:45 360 8 00:15 (No Sat) Rarandoi Veduka Chuddam
Avenues 10 00:05 360 2 22:15, 00:45 Thursday
Sharqia 2 21:30, 01:15 (No Sat) 00:30 (Sat) (Telugu)
360 7 22:30 Al-Kout 1 22:00 (No Sat)
00:30 (Sat) Ajial 4 21:30, 00:15 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
Al-Kout 4 23:00, 01:00 A Beautiful Planet 3D 10:30 am
Muhalab 2 23:00, 00:30 Hasan wa Boqloz (Arabic)
Fanar 5 22:15, 23:45, 01:15 07:30 pm
360 3 21:30, 23:00, 00:30
Avenues 7 23:00
How to find us IMAX Flying Monsters 3D 11:30 am
Muhalab 3 00:15 Imax film programme at The Scientific
Al-Kout 2 21:45, 23:15, 00:45 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
Marina 2 23:00, 01:00 1. 360 Zahraa Area, South Surra, 6th Ring Road, corner of Center Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 12:30 pm
Bairaq 3 00:05 360 8 22:15 (No Sat) King Faisal Highway
Sunday Journey to Space 3D 05:30 pm
Laila 00:05 Al-Kout 3 22:15 2. Ajial Ajial Complex, Fahaheel Humpback Whales 3D 08:30 pm
Alien: Covenant Here Alone 3. Al Bairaq Between Jaber Al Ali East & Al Agalia West Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
4. Al Fanar Al Fanar Complex, Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am Friday
Avenues 1 23:30 Avenues 3 00:30 07:30 pm
360 5 23:15 360 6 01:00 Sultan Center, Salmiya A Beautiful Planet 3D 02:30 pm, 06:30 pm,
5. Al Kout Al-Kout Complex, at the end of the Coastal Road, A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am 09:30 pm
360 13 22:00
Jurassic World Fahaheel 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm Journey to Space 3D 03:30 pm
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long 360 14 21:45, 00:15 6. Al Muhalab Al Muhalab Complex, Behind Hawally Clinic, Hawally
Journey to Space 3D 12:30 pm Humpback Whales 3D 04:30 pm
Haul Humpback Whales 3D 05:30 pm Secret Ocean 3D 05:30 pm
360 15 23:30 7. Al Sharqiya Arabian Gulf Street, Souq Sharq, near the Amiri Hospital
Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 08:30 pm
Marina 3 21:45 8. Laila Gallery Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 07:30 pm
Avenues 8 22:15
King Arthur: Legend Of The 9. Marina Marina Mall, Between Salem Al Mubarak Street & Monday Flying Monsters 3D 08:30 pm
360 12 21:45, 23:45 Sword Arabian Gulf Street, Salmiya Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Saturday
Bairaq 2 23:30 Sharqia 3 22:00 10. Metro Metro Complex, Farwaniya, near Crowne Plaza Hotel & A Beautiful Planet 3D 10:30 am Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
Laila 21:45 Muhalab 1 00:05 Farwaniya Garden 05:30 pm, 07:30 pm Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
Fanar 3 23:15 11. Plaza Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya Humpback Whales 3D 11:30 am 05:30 pm, 07:30 pm
Fast & Furious 8 Marina 1 22:00 12. The Avenues The Avenues Mall, Al Reggai near Al Rai, 5th Ring 09:30 pm A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
360 13 00:30 Avenues 2 00:05 Road & Ghazali Road Intersection Flying Monsters 3D 12:30 pm, 06:30 pm 03:30 pm, 08:30 pm
Fireman Sam: Alien Alert! Avenues 11 22:00, 00:30 NB: Friday no show before 1:30 pm Journey to Space 3D 08:30 pm Journey to Space 3D 12:30 pm, 06:30 pm,
360 1 21:45 (No Sat) Regular show KD3:000; 3D-Digital KD3.500; VIP show 09:30 pm
Sharqia 1 21:45 00:30 Tuesday
KD6.000. On Monday, price is KD1.500 except Digital movies. Humpback Whales 3D 01:30 pm
Muhalab 2 21:30 Al-Kout 3 00:30 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
Cinescape cinema movies inquiries and Fax Back hotline 1803456 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 02:30 pm
Fanar 3 21:45 Bairaq 3 21:30 Journey to Space 3D 10:30 am Secret Ocean 3D 04:30 pm
Marina 2 21:30 13. The Scientific Center IMAX Opp Holiday Inn, Salmiya, Gulf Road 04:30 pm Notes: All lms are in Arabic.
Avenues 7 21:30 Mantaqh Mahzourah Flying Monsters 3D 11:30 am For English, headsets are avail-
360 5 21:45 Sharqia 3 00:30
14. Grand Al-Hamra Grand Al-Hamra, tel: 22270333, www.grand
09:30 pm able upon request. Film schedule is
Al-Kout 4 21:30 Fanar 1 00:45 15. Grand Gate Grand Gate, tel: 22056464, A Beautiful Planet 3D 12:30 pm, 02:30 pm, subject to changes without notice.
Bairaq 2 22:00 Avenues 8 00:30 05:30 pm, 08:30 pm For information call 1 848 888 or visit

Czech Republic enforces smoking ban after years of debate

China struggles to kick world-leading cigarette habit

BEIJING, May 31, (Agencies): Most
smokers in China, the worlds largest
tobacco consumer, have no intention UK backs 1st-line use of Keytruda
of kicking the habit and remain un-
aware of some of its most damaging
health effects, Chinese health ofcials
and outside researchers said Wednes-
Meet to provide clues on immunotherapy combos
day. WASHINGTON, May 31, (RTRS): mune system. That allows the im- point inhibitors. They are also test-
An estimated 316 million people As a wider range of drugs that mune cells to recognize and attack ing the new treatments with older
smoke in China, almost a quarter of the enlist the bodys immune system cancer cells the same way they drugs like chemotherapy.
population, and concerns are growing to ght cancer become available, ght infections caused by bacte-
about the long-term effects on public clues about which combinations ria or viruses. For certain cancers, Also:
health and the economy. will prove most effective are ex- like melanoma, the treatments can LONDON: Britains cost-effective-
The vast majority of smokers are pected at the upcoming meeting mean long-term survival for around ness agency NICE has decided that
men, of whom 59 percent told survey- of the American Society of Clinical 20 percent of patients. Researchers Merck & Cos immunotherapy drug
ors that they have no plans to quit, ac- Oncology. and drugmakers are now focused on Keytruda can be used in previously
cording to a decade-long study by the The ASCO meeting, which starts testing whether these new drugs can untreated lung cancer patients un-
Chinese Center for Disease Control Friday in Chicago, draws tens become more powerful, and treat der special funding arrangements.
and Prevention and Canadian research- of thousands of specialists from more people, in combination. The National Institute for Health
ers with the International Tobacco around the world. This year it will We need to probably add to and Care Excellence (NICE) said on
feature more than 250 presenta- those regimens to have the best Wednesday that it could not recom-
Control project. In this Dec 2, 2016 photo, a man smokes near a no-smoking sign outside mend routine use of the medicine in
tions involving immune-system- chance of eradicating all of the
Such numbers have prompted ef- an ofce building in Beijing. (AP) boosting drugs known as check- clones that lead to (drug) resis- newly diagnosed patients, given the
forts to restrict the formerly ubiqui- point inhibitors, with the lions share tance, said Craig Tendler, head of drugs high cost and uncertainties
tous practice. Major cities including it would happen by the end of 2016, count the actual number of smokers of research focused on drugs that late development and global medi- about overall survival benets.
Beijing and Shanghai having recently but that has yet to materialize. has continued to increase. Rising pros- target a protein called PD-1, includ- cal affairs at Johnson & Johnsons But the agency backed Keytruda
moved to ban public smoking, with They have to gure out whats perity means cigarettes have become ing Merck & Co Incs Keytruda, Janssen division. To get from 20- use within the Cancer Drugs Fund,
Shanghais prohibition going into ef- important as a health policy, said more affordable, while low taxes keep Bristol-Myers Squibb Cos Opdivo 25 percent of patients up to 50 per- signalling that it had the potential to
fect in March. In 2015, the central Geoffrey Fong of Canadas Univer- the cost of some brands at less than $1 and Roche Holding AGs Tecentriq. cent and beyond is going to require satisfy the criteria for routine use on
government approved a modest nation- sity of Waterloo, one of the authors of a pack. The drugs work by releasing mo- other approaches. the National Health Service (NHS)
wide cigarette tax increase. Wednesdays study. Every third man Sixty percent of Chinese smok- lecular brakes, or checkpoints, that In some cases, researchers are for this group of patients but needs
But Chinese and international health that you pass on the street in China will ers were unaware that cigarettes can tumors use to avoid the bodys im- combining different types of check- more investigation.
ofcials argue that more is needed, in- die of cigarettes. When you have lead to strokes and almost 40 percent
cluding a nationwide public smoking cheap cigarettes, people will smoke werent aware that smoking causes
ban, higher cigarette taxes and more them. heart disease, according to the study, trys status as one of the last havens till now and it was up to restaurant (OUD).
aggressive health warnings. Such ac- In line with global trends, smok- which was released on World No To- for tobacco smokers in Europe. owners to decide whether to allow it in The drug, RBP-6000, is a monthly
tions are critically important, Yuan ing rates among Chinese have fallen bacco Day, when the World Health Or- The ban, which applies to inside their establishments. injectable opioid, used to treat OUD as
Jiang, director of tobacco control for slowly over the past 25 years, by about ganization and others highlight health areas of bars and restaurants as well a part of a treatment plan that includes
as public places like cinemas, was ap- Also: counselling and psychological support,
the Chinese Center for Disease Con- 1 percent annually among men and 2.6 risks associated with tobacco use.
trol, said in a statement released with percent among women, according to a proved by Parliament following years WASHINGTON: British drugmaker Indivior said.
of heated debate and signed by Presi- Indivior Plc said on Tuesday it applied OUD is characterized by a compul-
Wednesdays study. separate study published in April in the
A public smoking ban appeared medical journal The Lancet. The Czech Republic is enforcing a dent Milos Zeman, a chain smoker. for a new drug application to the US sive use of opioid substances, when
imminent last year. The government Yet because of Chinas population smoking ban in bars, restaurants and Unlike most of Europe, Czechs Food and Drug Administration to mar- they are taken in excessive amounts,
health ministry said in December that growth 1.37 billion people at last cafes, putting to an end to the coun- had remained tolerant of smoking up ket its drug to treat opioid use disorder often serving no medical purpose.
SABB picks Goldman for Alawwal merger QP will study raising production capacity
Saudi British Bank (SABB) has ap- SABB and Goldman Sachs de- Most recently it advised Rowan State-run Qatar Petroleum is tlenecks from the trains, located in said in a statement.
pointed US investment bank Gold- clined to comment on Wednesday. Companies in 2016 on the forma- considering whether to raise the Ras Laffan Industrial City. Qatar Petroleum is determined
man Sachs to advise on a proposed Alawwal, which is 40 percent tion of a joint venture with Saudi production capacity of its lique- The study is expected to be to continue its lead position in the
merger with fellow Saudi Arabian owned by Royal Bank of Scotland Arabian state oil giant Saudi Ara- ed natural gas trains, in order to completed before the end of this gas industry with its expansion
lender Alawwal Bank, sources fa- , has selected JPMorgan as its ad- mco to own, operate and manage process additional gas that will be year, allowing Qatar Petroleum plans, both inside and outside the
miliar with the matter said. viser on the deal, Reuters reported offshore drilling rigs in the country. produced at its planned new North to begin work on the expansion State of Qatar.
SABB, which is 40 percent on May 29. Although the time frame for the Field project, the company said on early next year if it chooses that In April, Qatar Petroleum an-
owned by HSBC Holdings, and Goldman Sachs, which is seek- bank merger has yet to be agreed, Wednesday. option. nounced its intention to develop
Alawwal said on April 25 they had ing a licence to trade Saudi stocks, one of the sources told Reuters on Qatar Petroleum said it had This agreement provides Qa- a new gas project in the south-
agreed to start talks on a merger has worked on six merger and ac- May 29 that the accounts of the two signed an agreement with Japans tar Petroleum with the option of ern sector of the North Field
that could create the kingdoms quisition deals in the kingdom since banks could be consolidated by the Chiyoda Corp to conduct a de- increasing its LNG production with with a capacity of about 2 billion
third biggest bank with assets of 2007 prior to the bank merger, ac- end of 2017, though the merger tailed study of modications that minimum investment... company cubic feet per day for export.
nearly $80 billion. cording to Thomson Reuters data. would take longer. (RTRS) would be needed to remove bot- president Saad Sherida al-Kaabi (RTRS)

Market Movements 31-05-2017

Change Closing pts Change Closing pts
AUSTRALIA - All Ordinaries +5.30 5,761.30 INDIA - Sensex -13.60 31,145.80
GERMANY - DAX +16.38 12,615.06 HONG KONG - Hang Seng -40.98 25,660.65
S. KOREA - KRX 100 -1.77 4,737.61
PHILIPPINES - All Shares -5.28 4,685.50
JAPAN - Nikkei -27.28 19,650.57
EUROPE - Euro Stoxx 50 -6.63 3,554.59
FRANCE - CAC 40 -22.31 5,283.63

Moodys affirms ratings on two Kuwaiti banks

Move follows affirmation of Kuwait govt issuer rating with stable outlook Cut-exempt Nigeria, Libya pump more
Moodys Investors Service
ness of the Kuwaiti sovereign.
NBKs Aa3 long-term deposit ratings
and the (P)Aa3 senior unsecured rating
NBKs ratings could also come un-
der upwards pressure if the bank mate-
rially enhances its regional and global
OPEC oil output rises in May: survey
(Moodys) has afrmed of its funding subsidiary (NBK SPC franchise and develops cross-border LONDON/DUBAI, May 31, (RTRS): ed because their output has been Output in Iran and the United Arab
National Bank of Kuwait Limited) benet from three notches of synergies, while controlling host coun- OPEC oil output rose in May, the rst curbed by conict. However, supplies Emirates was steady. Iran was al-
government support uplift, from the try risks, and reducing balance sheet monthly increase this year, a Reu- from both nations staged a partial re- lowed a small increase in the OPEC
S.A.K.P.s (NBK) Aa3 and banks a3 standalone baseline credit as- concentrations. ters survey found on Wednesday, as covery in May, lifting overall OPEC agreement and, having sold the oil it
Kuwait Finance House sessment (BCA). KFHS A1 long-term Additionally, positive pressure on higher supply from two OPEC states output by 250,000 bpd to 32.22 mil- had held in oating storage, appears
exempt from a production-cutting lion bpd. to have reached a short-term peak.
K.S.C.P.s (KFH) A1 long- deposit ratings benet from six notches KFHs ratings could develop as a result deal, Nigeria and Libya, offset im- The biggest increase came from Ni- The UAE, with lower compliance
term deposit ratings, and of uplift from the banks ba1 BCA. of improvements in its nancial perfor- proved compliance with the accord geria, where the Forcados production than other Gulf producers, has said
Moodys support assumptions take mance and a successful execution of its by others. stream began loading cargoes for ex- suggestions that it is failing to com-
changed the outlook on into account the capacity and willing- restructuring plan to address legacy is- A drop in output in Angola and Iraq port. The Forcados pipeline had been ply fully can be explained by the gap
these ratings to stable from ness of the government to provide ex- sues and reduce complexity. and continued high compliance from mostly shut since it was bombed by between its own gures and those
traordinary support to banks in case of Downwards pressure on the banks Gulf producers Saudi Arabia and Ku- militants in February 2016. estimated by the secondary sources
negative. need. The afrmation of the sovereign ratings could develop from a signicant wait helped lift OPECs adherence In Libya, the state oil rm said that OPEC uses to track compliance.
The rating action follows with the supply cut deal to 95 percent output had reached 827,000 bpd on OPEC announced a production tar-
rating with a stable outlook indicates deterioration of domestic operating con-
Moodys decision to afrm and that this capacity is expected to remain ditions, as captured in Moodys Macro
from 90 percent in April, according to Wednesday, around levels last seen get of 32.50 million bpd at its Nov. 30
change the outlook on Kuwaits Reuters surveys. in 2014. But production is still half the meeting, which was based on low g-
unchanged. In addition, in terms of Prole for the country. Asset quality de- The Organization of the Petroleum 1.60 million bpd Libya pumped be- ures for Libya and Nigeria and includ-
Aa2 government issuer rating to sta- willingness to support, Moodys main- terioration, beyond the banks historical Exporting Countries pledged to re- fore the 2011 civil war. ed Indonesia, which has since left.
ble from negative, as announced on tains a very high probability of support through the cycle performance, arising duce output by about 1.2 million bar- While the exempt nations pumped No new target was announced last
26 May 2017. Please see Moodys in case of need for the two banks, given either from the banks regional expo- rels per day (bpd) for six months from more, those bound by output targets week to reect this change or the ad-
changes outlook on Government of the Kuwaiti authorities track record in sures or from the weakening credit pro- Jan. 1 as part of a deal with Russia boosted compliance. Adherence by dition of Equatorial Guinea, which
supporting all banks encountering dif- le of large domestic customers, and/ and other non-members. OPEC with the deal has been higher OPEC said on May 25 joined the
Kuwaits Aa2 rating to stable from Oil prices has gained some ground than in the past, reaching a record group with immediate effect. The
negative; afrms rating. culties and NBKs and KFHs high im- or a material deterioration in the banks but an inventory glut and rising sup- according to the International Energy country will be added to the Reuters
Ratings Rationale portance to the countrys banking sys- capitalisation, protability and liquidity ply by outside producers has kept Agency and other analysts. survey from June.
Moodys afrmation and change tem, as the two largest Kuwaiti banks because of intrinsic fact0ors would also prices below the $60 a barrel that Angolan supply showed the larg- The Libyan and Nigerian increases
in outlook to stable from negative on by assets and deposits. In addition, exert negative rating pressure. Saudi Arabia wants. A sustained out- est decline due to fewer scheduled mean OPEC output in May averaged
the banks long-term deposit ratings is KFH is 49% owned by various Kuwaiti Lowering of Moodys government put rise from Libya and Nigeria poses exports after a jump in April. Iraq 32.22 million bpd, about 470,000 bpd
driven by the afrmation and change in government entities. support assumptions would also place further challenges. exported slightly less crude from its above its supply target, adjusted to
What could change the ratings up/ negative pressure on the banks ratings. To provide additional support for southern terminals, the survey found. remove Indonesia and not including
outlook to stable from negative on the prices, the producers decided at a Saudi Arabia pumped more al- Equatorial Guinea.
Kuwait governments Aa2 issuer rating. down Supported ratings that are closer to the meeting last week to prolong the deal though its compliance was the The Reuters survey is based on
The banks long-term deposit ratings ben- According to Moodys, upward rat- government level and benet from a until March 2018. They discussed second-highest in OPEC. Even shipping data provided by external
et from uplift resulting from Moodys ing pressure on the banks ratings could high degree of support, such as NBKs whether to include Nigeria in the out- with Mays increase, the total curb sources, Thomson Reuters ows
expectation of a very high likelihood of develop following sustained improve- and KFHs deposit ratings, are particu- put cap but decided against for now, achieved by OPECs top producer data, and information provided by
government support and are therefore ment in operating conditions for banks larly sensitive to changes in these as- OPEC delegates said. Saudi Arabia is 564,000 bpd, well sources at oil companies, OPEC and
sensitive to changes in the creditworthi- in Kuwait. sumptions. Nigeria and Libya were exempt- above the target cut of 486,000 bpd. consulting rms.

Targets to bring down inventories to 5-yr average

Poor volumes eclipse valuations

ME funds turn bearish OPEC, non-OPEC committed to cut inventories


towards UAE equities and non-OPEC countries are com-

mitted to bringing global oil inven-
tories down to the industrys ve-
DUBAI, May 31, (RTRS): Mid- attractive on a fundamental basis year average, Saudi Energy Minister
dle East fund managers have for the medium term, said Mo- Khalid al-Falih said on Wednes-
turned bearish towards equities in hammed Ali Yasin, chief execu- day, adding he saw the target being
the United Arab Emirates for the tive of Abu Dhabis NBAD Se- reached in the very near future.
rst time in more than two years curities. Speaking in Moscow after a
because of low trading volumes We believe that after Septem- meeting between OPEC and Russia,
and nancial pressure on some ber, the share prices of these com- Falih and his Russian counterpart
companies, a monthly Reuters panies will improve and reect Alexander Novak also said they
poll showed on Wednesday. more their fair value compared to saw their cooperation in oil markets
Six out of 13 leading portfolio peers in the region. lasting after the current joint oil
managers (46 percent) polled in The latest poll also showed output agreement expires in March
the last week expect to cut alloca- fund managers had become more next year.
tions to UAE stocks over the next negative toward equities in Qatar, Our joint declaration with Russia
three months, while only three (23 where 54 percent now expect to concluded that while the rebalancing
percent) plan to raise them the cut their allocations and none to goal is on its way to being achieved,
most negative balance towards the increase them. Last month, the ra- more needed to be done to draw in-
market since July 2014. tios were 38 percent and zero. ventories towards the ve-year aver-
In the previous poll a month Several managers said uncer- age, Falih said.
ago, 31 percent of the surveyed tainty about oil prices, after global Falih reiterated his countrys posi-
managers expected to reduce allo- producers agreed last week to ex- tion to do whatever it takes along
cations and 38 percent to increase tend output cuts for nine months
them. (For the full results, click but shied away from stronger ac- with Russia to help stabilise the oil
on) tion to prop up prices, was weigh- market, signalling an open-ended
Fund managers have tradition- ing on the outlook for Gulf equi- policy to reduce the inventory over-
ally praised the UAE for its di- ties in general. The Pioneering Spirit vessel crosses the Bosphorus lines offshore section. Ofcials from the Swiss-owned hang and balance the market.
Strait in Istanbul on May 31. The strait was closed company told state-run Anadolu Agency, the Maltese-
verse economy, which has helped to trafc and ferry lines have also been suspended agged ship vessels nal destination would be Anapa Agreement
the country ride out the slump in Outlook
Wednesday due to the transiting of the 382-meter-long on the northern Black Sea coast in Russia, where the It is necessary to work out new
oil prices. With an average trail- The fragile outlook for oil and 124-meter-wide vessel, which will carry out the rst pipe-laying for the Turkish Stream project will start.
ing price-to-earnings ratio of 9.3 prices, which failed to rally de- framework principles for continued
construction of the Turkish Stream natural gas pipe- (AP)
times, Dubai stocks are cheaper spite the nine-month extension, steady cooperation between OPEC
than equities in most other region- continues to weigh on regional and non-OPEC even after the expi-
al and emerging markets. multiples, said Mohamed el Ja-
mal, managing director of capital
To build Gulfs biggest shipyard ration of the Vienna agreements,
Novak said on Wednesday.
But the poor performance of
the Dubai stock index is starting markets at Abu Dhabis Waha Last December, Russia and 10
to affect funds decisions, at least
for now. The index is up just 1
percent over the last 12 months,
This month only 23 percent of
funds anticipate increasing their
Saudi Aramco-Hyundai in $5.2bn deal other non-OPEC nations agreed
to join OPECs output cuts for the
first time in 15 years. Last week,
underperforming other major allocations to Middle Eastern eq- KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia, May 31, reas Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. lion for a 19.9 percent stake and OPEC and non-members led by
bourses in the Gulf and MSCIs uities and 8 percent expect to re- (RTRS): Saudi Aramco plans to The 4.3 square kilometre (1.7 Hyundai up to $70 million for 10 Moscow agreed to extend cuts in
emerging market index, which is duce them; last month, the ratios build the Gulfs largest shipyard square mile) shipyard will be located percent. The governments Saudi output by a further nine months to
up 25 percent. were 38 percent and 15 percent. through a joint venture with three at Ras Al Khair on Saudi Arabias Industrial Development Fund has March 2018.
This performance has de- But managers remain positive companies that it announced on east coast. agreed to provide a debt facility Oil prices dropped more than
pressed trading volumes in Dubai, towards the regions most oil- Wednesday, a $5.2 billion project The directors expect that the worth about $1 billion. 4 percent after the decision as the
making it less attractive for insti- sensitive market, Saudi Arabia, aimed at helping reduce the econo- Maritime Yard will be the largest in As part of the deal, Saudi Aram- market had been hoping oil produc-
tutions. Meanwhile, a few com- with 46 percent planning to raise mys reliance on oil. the Arabian Gulf in terms of produc- cos parent rm will buy 20 jack-up ers could reach a last-minute deal
panies such as Drake & Scull and their allocations and none to re- Low oil prices have drastically tion capacity and scale, Lamprell drilling rigs as well as offshore sup- to deepen the cuts or extend them
Arabtec have seen their share pric- duce them. slowed Saudi Arabias economy so said in a statement. port vessels and services from the further, until mid-2018. On Wednes-
es plunge this year, partly because That is because international it is trying to create manufacturing Major production is expected to joint venture, Lamprell said. day, global benchmark Brent crude
of plans to raise fresh capital. index compiler MSCI will de- jobs and produce goods and services start in 2019 with the yard hitting Lamprell shares jumped 13 per- futures were down 52 cents at $51.32
cide on June 20 whether to study which traditionally it has imported. full capacity by 2022. cent after the announcement. a barrel by 0838 GMT.
Negative the possibility of including Saudi Its strategy is to use large amounts It will be able to work on four off- Bahri will buy at least 75 percent Both Moscow and Riyadh said
Another negative for Dubai Arabia in its emerging market in- of government money and the pro- shore rigs and over 40 vessels a year of its commercial vessel require- cooperation would continue beyond
has been a soft real estate mar- dex, while FTSE has said it will curement budgets of big state-run including three very large crude car- ments over 10 years from the ven- the current agreement as both coun-
ket; many major stocks, including decide this September whether to enterprises, such as national oil rm riers (VLCCs), Aramco said. ture - a minimum of 52 commer- tries were still trying to nd ways to
banks and blue-chip developer raise Saudi Arabia to the status of Aramco, to attract foreign expertise The government will cover about cial vessels including a signicant co-exist with US shale oil producers,
Emaar Properties, are heavily ex- a secondary emerging market. to develop strategic industries. $3.5 billion of the total cost, with number of VLCCs, Lamprell said. which are not part of the global out-
posed to property prices. This has been keeping Saudi Aramco said it had signed a share- the remainder funded by the joint U.S. oileld services and equip-
Tremendous value remains in shares on asset managers radar put reduction deal.
holder agreement with National venture, said Lamprell, which will ment provider McDermott Interna-
a number of UAE stocks. How- since the start of the year, as they Shipping Co of Saudi Arabia (Bah- invest up to $140 million and own tional has said it will build a fab- I attended a meeting of the Saudi
ever, sentiment on the ground has slowly start to build positions ri), a state-controlled rm which 20 percent of the venture. rication yard at the Ras Al Khair and Russian leadership at the Krem-
been hurt badly by tight liquidity, in anticipation of entry into the ships oil for Aramco, London-listed Aramco will own 50.1 percent, complex and move some of its oper- lin during which both our nations
some high-prole corporate bal- MSCI index. United Arab Emirates engineering investing as much as $351 million. ations gradually from Dubai to Ras renewed their determination to re-
ance sheets needing rehabilitation, Managers are slightly more rm Lamprell Plc, and South Ko- Bahri will invest up to $139 mil- Al Khair by the mid-2020s. balance the global crude oil market
and the drip feed of corporate and positive on Egyptian shares, with in the interest of greater market sta-
government cost-cutting, said 46 percent expecting to increase bility and restated our commitment
Akber Khan, head of asset man-
agement at Doha-based Al Rayan
their exposure and only 8 percent
to cut it.
Investments in Egyptian govt securities jump 13% to doing whatever it takes to attain
those goals, Falih said.
Investment. This month Egypts central CAIRO, May 31, (RTRS): Foreign Egypt used to attract higher in- The central bank raised its key President Vladimir Putin met with
Many managers cited valua- bank unexpectedly raised inter- investment in Egyptian government ows into government bonds and interest rates once again by 200 ba- Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed
tions as a factor that could change est rates by 2 percentage points securities rose 13 percent in the past bills before the 2011 uprising drove sis points on May 21 in an attempt bin Salman on Tuesday in Moscow
week to hit 136 billion Egyptian off foreign investors. to curb soaring ination of over 30 where both hailed their growing
their approach to UAE equities in to combat high ination. The pounds ($7.53 billion), the head of The central bank ditched its for- percent.
a positive direction late this year. stock market initially tumbled in public debt at Egypts Finance Min- eign exchange peg of 8.8 pounds Central Bank Governor Tarek partnership in oil markets and dia-
The discount valuation of response, but many institutional istry, Sami Khallaf, said on Wednes- per dollar in early November, and to Amer has said nearly $1 billion logue on Syria in a departure from
UAE markets to emerging mar- funds said this created an oppor- day. help stabilise the newly oated cur- in new foreign investment entered past hostilities between the top glob-
kets makes their blue chips very tunity to buy. It was at 120 billion pounds a rency it raised interest rates by 300 the country following the last rate al producers and major players in the
week earlier. basis points. hike. Middle East.


NYC becomes latest city to cut back on ties with Wells US fines Deutsche Bank $41mn over money laundering violations
New York City is cutting back its in city deposits. Authority, a city agency used to - The US Federal Reserve on Tues- and 2015, a New York unit of the called mirror trades in which bank
ties with Wells Fargo, making it the I encourage Wells Fargo to nance major capital improvements. day ned German nancial giant bank, Deutsche Bank Trust Com- clients disguised the movement of
latest major city or state govern- quickly clean up its act and do right Being a lead bookrunner allows Deutsche Bank $41 million over fail- pany Americas, processed billions money out of that country.
ment to suspend its business rela- by the millions of customers who banks like Wells to be the main ures to screen billions of dollars in of dollars in potentially suspicious The bank settled with New York
tionship with the bank following its trust the bank with their savings. bank when a city agency needs to potentially suspicions transactions. transactions for European afliates and British authorities over the
sales practices scandal. Until then, we will not be entering issue fresh debt. The penalty was only the latest without proper screening. matter in January, agreeing to pay
Mayor Bill de Blasio and new contracts with the bank, de New York City is one of the in a string of legal woes the bank In addition to the ne, Deutsche nearly $630 million.
Comptroller Scott Stringer said Blasio said in a statement. largest bond issuers in in the faces in the United States. Last Bank will be required to improve in- Deutsche Bank has been thrust
Wednesday they will vote as More importantly, the two said country, issuing more than $7.1 month, Deutsche Bank paid more ternal anti-money laundering con- into the US political spotlight in re-
members of the citys Banking they will vote to end Wells Fargos billion in bonds for general obli- than $150 million for unsafe and trols, which regulators at the Fed cent months, because it is a credi-
Commission to bar city agen- role as senior book runner for the gations as well as Transitional unsound foreign exchange prac- found to be decient. tor to President Donald Trump and
cies from renewing or expanding citys general obligation bond sales Finance Authority bonds in 2016 tices and lax oversight. The Justice Department report- his businesses, causing critics to
existing contracts with the bank. as well as book runner for the New alone. The ban will be effective In the latest incident, the Federal edly also is investigating Deutsche accuse the administration of con-
Wells currently holds $227 million York City Transitional Finance for one year. (AP) Reserve said that between 2011 Banks actions in Russia and so- icts of interest. (AFP)

Equity holdings up at 46.9%, bonds rise to 39.9 pct

Global funds raise eurozone equities, cut UK assets

LONDON, May 31, (RTRS): Global
investors raised their eurozone equity
holdings in May, betting the rally has Consumer price data could add to debate ahead of ECB meeting Green mutual funds rebound
further to run, but cut their exposure to
UK assets, reecting uncertainty around
the outcome of a snap general election, a
Reuters poll showed on Wednesday.
Eurozone bond yields bounce on inflation miss after Trump-induced retreat
The Reuters monthly asset allocation LONDON, May 31, (RTRS): Euro zone the most. At one point they were down percent compared to 1.2 percent in April. BOSTON, May 31, (RTRS): After showed that none plan to increase coal
survey of 47 fund managers and chief in- government bond yields briey fell on as much as 2-4 basis points, outperform- High-grade euro zone bond yields have US President Donald Trumps elec- use as a result of Trumps policies.
vestment ofcers in Europe, the United Wednesday after data showed ination ing the rest of the euro zone market. dropped in recent days on below-forecast tion last November, investors pulled Many planned to continue a shift to
States, Britain and Japan was carried dropping well below the European Cen- Most other euro zone government ination numbers from Germany and nearly $68 million from so-called cheaper and cleaner alternatives, in-
out between May 15 and 30, after an tral Banks target ahead of a meeting of bond yields were little changed as Eu- Spain. Draghi said on Monday that even green mutual funds, reecting fear cluding wind and solar.
emphatic win for pro-European Union policymakers next week. Ination in the ropean trading drew to a close, having though risks to euro zone growth have de- that his pro-coal agenda would hurt A White House ofcial did not
(EU) candidate Emmanuel Macron in single currency bloc fell below expecta- been lower for most of the day. clined, he was convinced that an extraor- renewable energy rms. respond to a request for comment
the French presidential elections. tions to 1.4 percent in May, according to The ination numbers havent been dinary amount of monetary policy sup- But now investors are pouring about the administrations efforts
This triggered a relief rally in Euro- early estimates, well below the ECBs superb, but the overall bigger picture is port was still necessary. Ination numbers money back in, boosting net deposits to boost coal or its position on wind
pean equities, which pushed towards a target of just below 2 percent and com- that weve moved away from the dea- are under particular scrutiny ahead of an in 22 green funds to nearly $83 mil- and solar subsidies. Lipper classies
two-year high, as the threat to the EU pared to 1.9 percent in April. tion risk and we are moving steadily to- ECB meeting next week. lion in the rst four months of 2017, green funds as those with screen-
from far-right candidate Marine Le Pen This supports the widespread view wards the ECB target, said ING strate- Policymakers are divided on the is- according to data from Thomson Reu- ing or investment strategies that are
was neutralised. It also encouraged fund -- one put forward by ECB President gist Padhraic Garvey. sue although they are set to take a more ters Lipper unit. based solely on environmental crite-
managers to raise their eurozone stocks Mario Draghi on Monday -- that the cen- Also, the core ination rate has been benign view of the economy when they Investors renewed faith in the ria. Many make it a point to avoid pur-
exposure around 1 percentage point to tral bank should keep its current ultra- fairly steady around 1 percent. meet on June 8 and will even discuss funds reects a growing belief the chasing shares of traditional oil, gas or
18.7 percent of their global equity port- loose monetary policy stance in place. Ination excluding energy and unpro- dropping some of their pledges to ramp president will not succeed in reviving mining companies.
folios, the highest level since August The yields on government debt from cessed food -- known in markets as core up stimulus if needed, four sources with the coal industry and will not target For a graphic showing the turna-
2016, the survey showed. Italy and Portugal, countries seen ben- ination because it strips out the effect direct knowledge of the discussions told the government subsidies that under- round in green-fund investments, see:
Peter van der Welle, a strategist at eting the most from ECB stimulus, fell of factors such as oil prices -- was at 1 Reuters. pin renewable power, which have bi-
Robeco, acknowledged that the bar for partisan support. The funds, while still an investment
European equities had been raised given point to 9.2 percent of their global equity But a projection by polling company Overall, equities edged up from last It also sends a positive sign for niche, have become increasingly pop-
the huge inows and the fact that the portfolios. They also trimmed their UK YouGov suggested May could lose her months 46.8 percent to 46.9 percent of the wind, solar and energy efciency ular over the past decade amid rising
Macron victory was discounted by the bond holdings by 1 percentage point to majority in parliament, raising the pros- global balanced portfolios, the highest rms and make up a large portion of worries about climate change. They
market. But he remained overweight 8.9 percent of their global xed income pect of political deadlock as formal Brexit since January 2016. Bond holdings rose the green-fund portfolios. tend to draw younger and more envi-
eurozone equities saying: In our view The coal industry faces problems ronmentally minded investors who see
(the) eurozones economic growth mo- portfolios. talks begin. The prospect of a hung par- to 39.9 percent, the highest since Febru-
in the marketplace that are too big for prots in the burgeoning renewable
mentum has further to run. Prime Minister Theresa Mays deci- liament pushed sterling lower, towards a ary. any government to solve, said Mur- power industry.
Political risk is rising again, however, sion to call a snap general election for one-month low touched on Friday, before Trevor Greetham, head of multi-asset ray Rosenblith, a portfolio manager Solar and wind power are creat-
as over the weekend Italys 5-Star move- June 8 has added to the uncertain outlook the currency recovered somewhat. at Royal London Asset Management for the $209 million New Alternatives ing a lot of jobs. There is a long-term
ment voted in favour of a proportional for UK assets, which are still overshad- A 68 percent majority of poll partici- (RLAM), expressed some caution: Fund , among the US green funds see- secular trend taking place, said Joe
electoral system, raising the chances of owed by the prospect of Britains nego- pants who answered a question on ster- Global growth is coming off the boil ing investor inows. Trump cant Keefe, Chief Executive of Pax World
an autumn general election. tiations to leave the European Union. ling thought the pound would rise in the and ination pressures are easing. This is bring back coal, he said. Theres Management LLC, whose $418 mil-
Investors were less bullish on the May called the election in a bid to event of an increased majority for the good for bonds but stocks may not take nothing that can bring it back. lion Pax Global Environmental Mar-
outlook for UK assets, cutting their ex- strengthen her hand in the Brexit nego- Conservative party, but several thought bad news kindly and we have taken prof- A Reuters survey of some 32 utili- kets fund is one of the biggest in the
posure to UK stocks by 1 percentage tiations by increasing her majority. gains would be modest. its after a good run. ties in Republican states last month green fund sector.

US pending home sales fall

Begin saving now
Ways homebuyers can leap
down the payment hurdle
LOS ANGELES, May 31, (AP): but borrowers have to renance once
Housing market recovery intact
Saving up for a down payment is the their equity grows above 20 percent
biggest hurdle for many would-be in order to get out of paying PMI. WASHINGTON, May 31,
homebuyers, particularly those look- Until then, PMI is tax-deductible. (RTRS): Contracts to buy
ing to make the leap from renting to Buyers may not need to save for previously owned US homes
owning. a down payment at all if they are US
More than two-thirds of renters military veterans, servicemembers or fell for a second straight
consider setting aside money for a residents of certain rural areas. The month in April amid a sup-
down payment the No. 1 obstacle to Department of Veterans Affairs and ply squeeze, but the housing
buying a home, according to a recent the US Department of Agriculture
survey by real estate data provider have zero-down payment loan pro- market recovery remains
Zillow. That edged out other con- grams for qualied borrowers. supported by a strong labor
cerns, including job security and a Explore other options market.
thin supply of homes on the market. Saving for a down payment some-
While there are home loans that times takes more than cutting back The National Association of Real-
require as little as 3 percent down, on dining out or travel. A quarter of tors said on Wednesday its Pending
rising home prices, especially in ex- rst-time homebuyers in 2016 used Home Sales Index, based on con-
pensive coastal states, keep driving gift money from relatives or friends tracts signed last month, dropped 1.3
up the amount of money buyers need to round out their down payment, percent to 109.8. Contracts fell in the
to come up with for a down payment. according to the NAR. And more Northeast, Midwest and South, but
Even so, many rst-time buyers than 10 percent tapped their retire- surged 5.8 percent in the West.
are managing to save enough on their ment savings without the usual hefty Coming on the heels of recent data
own. Some 76 percent used their sav- penalties for an early withdrawal. Of showing a drop in home building and
ings to fund their down payment last course, before withdrawing money sales of both new and previously owned
year, according to the National As- from your 401(k) or IRA accounts homes, the decrease in contracts sug-
sociation of Realtors. Here are some consider that a big withdrawal will gests a moderation in housing activity.
tips to consider when working to- mean your retirement savings wont Still, housing is expected to contribute to
ward that down payment on a home: grow as swiftly. Borrowers with low gross domestic product this year.
Start soon or moderate income, and teachers, We think that the housing recovery
Begin saving now. Renters may reghters or other public service job will continue over time based on favora-
want to calculate what their extra holders may also qualify for down ble fundamentals in the market, but we
monthly costs would be as a home- payment assistance through thou- have seen some weakening in a number
owner and then set aside that amount, sands of federal, state or local pro- of home sale measures lately, said Dan-
minus rent and utilities. This accom- grams aimed at helping homebuyers. iel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan in
plishes two goals: Saving money for There are more than 2,100 funded New York.
a down payment and getting you ac- programs, many of which help cover Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (front, center left), and Spanish Premier Mariano Rajoy (front, center right), For now, we think the recent soften-
customed to the nancial constraints the down payment and closing costs pose with businessmen at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, Spain, May 31. Narendra Modi is on an ofcial visit to ing in sales is a pause in a broader up-
of living with the costs of homeown- through loans that can sometimes be Spain. (AP) ward trend.
ership. forgiven over time, or paid back only
Another strategy that may help: once the buyer sells the home, ac- Modi urges Spanish firms to invest in India Drop
open a separate savings account just cording to Down Payment Resource, Economists had forecast pending
for your down payment. That will a tracker of homebuyer assistance Indian Prime Minister Narendra ed. rms, Modi said in an interview home sales, which become sales after
help lessen the temptation of using programs. Modi on Wednesday urged Span- Modi, who arrived in Spain late published in Spanish business daily a month or two, rising 0.5 percent last
the funds for something else. Consider using home equity ish rms to invest in India, saying on Tuesday from Germany, his rst Expansion. month. They fell 3.3 percent from a year
Youll also have to set aside A newer approach to coming up the fast-growing country offered stop on a four-nation Europe tour, Spain is Indias seventh largest ago. That is the rst year-on-year drop
money for closing costs, which can with a down payment involves let- many opportunities in areas rang- was scheduled to meet with King trading partner in the European since last December and the largest since
run into the hundreds or thousands of ting investors put up some of the ing from tourism to energy. Felipe VI later on Wednesday. Union. June 2014.
dollars. money in exchange for a slice of the India is an enormous country He was also to meet Spanish Two-way trade totalled 4.72 bil-
and it offers many opportunities business leaders as part of his push lion euros ($5.27 billion) in 2016, an The PHLX housing index was little
Weigh loan options potential value in the home. to Spanish rms in all sectors, to drum up more foreign investment 8.5 percent increase over the previ- changed amid a broadly weaker stock
The type of home loan you get may San Francisco-based Unison now he said in Hindi as he arrived at in India, the worlds fastest-growing ous year, of which Spanish exports market. The dollar fell against a basket
determine how much of a down pay- has a program available in 12 states Spanish Prime Minister Mariano major economy. made up nearly 1.26 billion euros. of currencies, while US Treasury prices
ment you need. For many years, buy- and the District of Columbia that of- Rajoys ofcial residence in Madrid Spanish rms are global lead- The number of Spanish rms that were trading higher.
ers sought to put down 20 percent of fers to match up to half of a 20 per- for talks. ers in sectors that are a priority operate in India has risen to over Demand for housing is being driven
the purchase price. That would lower cent down payment on a home. The I invite Spanish rms to partici- for us. We want to attract tourism, 230 currently from just 70 in 2008. by a tight labor market, marked by a
their monthly mortgage payment and match isnt a loan, in that the buyer pate in our development, he add- infrastructure, energy and defence (AFP) 4.4 percent unemployment rate, which
allow them to avoid having to pay for doesnt have to make payments, but is generating wage increases and boost-
private mortgage insurance, or PMI. still benets from the lower cost of ing employment opportunities for young
But as home prices have risen, that
trend has waned. Loans that require
making a 20 percent down payment.
There are several payback scenar- Economy buoyed by business and household spending Americans.
The housing market remains support-
as little as 3 percent up front have ios, but essentially the company col- ed by historically low mortgage rates,
become more common. As a result, lects a 35 percent share of the gain, if with the 30-year xed mortgage rate
the median US down payment has
declined to 10 percent the past four
any, in the sale of the home. Should
the home decline in value, the com-
Canada Q1 economic growth leaps to 3.7% averaging 3.95 percent, the lowest level
since last November.
years, according to the NAR. The pany also shares in the loss, poten- OTTAWA, May 31, (AFP): Canadas also increased, the agency said. raised concerns about the durability Sales activity, however, remains con-
housing market is not a matter of 20 tially receiving less money back on economy roared back to life in the rst Housing growth was largely due to of the Canadian recovery. strained by tight inventories, which are
percent down payment or bust, said its original investment. three months of this year, as more busi- strong resale activity in the Toronto It noted the rise in Canadian con- driving up home prices. Housing inven-
Greg McBride, chief nancial analyst If the homeowner hasnt sold the ness and household spending pushed area, as well as more home renova- sumer spending in a report Wednes- tory has dropped for 23 straight months
at You can get into a home after 30 years, a property ap- growth to 3.7 percent, the govern- tions. Business investment in equip- day, but said business investment re- on a year-on-year basis.
house with a low down payment, but praisal is used to determine how ments statistical agency announced ment and machinery, meanwhile, re- mained relatively weak. Home resales declined 2.3 percent in
youre going to have to come up with much Unison gets paid. The home- Wednesday. bounded following declines in four of Non-energy exports, meanwhile, April and could decrease in May as an-
the money for closing costs. owner also has the option to buy out The gross domestic product (GDP) the previous ve quarters. continue to underperform and hous- other report on Wednesday showed ap-
Lenders offer loans backed by Unison any time after their third year was in line with expectations after an The increased investment was con- ing imbalances have risen, the IMF plications for loans to buy a home fell for
government mortgage companies in the home. Unison also doesnt annualized 2.7 percent uptick in the centrated in industrial machinery and said. a third straight week last week.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that share in the equity that the home- nal months of 2016 placing Cana- equipment, computers, and medium The IMF upped its 2017 growth The large declines in the Northeast
require only a 3 percent down pay- buyer builds as they pay down their das growth ahead of its G7 peers. and heavy trucks, buses and other ve- forecast for Canada to 2.5 percent and Midwest suggest seasonal factors
ment. Borrowers can ask to have mortgage or from investments, like a By comparison, US GDP grew 1.2 hicles. (from 1.9 percent), followed by 1.9 exaggerated the recent slide in pending
their PMI waived once the equity in kitchen remodel. percent in the quarter. Mineral exploration also rose sharp- percent in 2018 (from 2.0 percent). home sales, said Mark Vitner, a senior
their home reaches 20 percent. Theres a very clear trade off here Purchases of passengers cars and ly following eight consecutive quar- But it said: Canadas traditional en- economist at Wells Fargo Securities in
Borrowers with less-than-sterling in that you are surrendering future trucks led the increase in consumer ters of decline, as oil and gas activity gines of growth have slowed, hobbled Charlotte, North Carolina. Mortgage
credit may have a better shot qualify- equity, said McBride, noting that spending, according to Statistics Can- picked up. by longstanding structural problems applications add a note of caution, how-
ing for loans backed by the Federal home equity is increasingly becom- ada. However, exports edged down. of low labor productivity growth and ever.
Housing Administration. The FHAs ing Americans principal way to fund Spending on housing, water, elec- Although the data signaled an end to population aging that have affected the A third report showed manufacturing
program requires 3.5 percent down, their retirement. tricity, gas and other fuels, recreation a long period of stagnant growth, the ability of Canadian rms to compete activity in the Midwest region acceler-
and culture, and clothing and footwear International Monetary Fund (IMF) globally and create jobs. ated to a 2-1/2-year high in May.

Burgan Bank offers cardholders chances to win cash back

Burgan Bank recently launched a amount at a maximum refund of KD transactions only.
new summer promotion offering 1,000. Burgan Bank ATM and credit
its cardholders the chance to win Customers who spend more will cards accommodate customers
back their spending when using have higher chances of winning. As different needs with exibility and
A yer of Burgan Banks sum- their cards locally and internation- such, with every international trans- convenience for all nancial trans-
mer campaign. ally. action, they will receive two chances actions. For more information on
The summer promotion is de- to enter the draw while every local Burgan Bank products or services,
signed as a three month campaign transaction provides them with one customers can contact the personal
starting from June 1st to Aug 31st such opportunity. All credit card hold- banking executive at the branch, or
2017, creating opportunities for more ers who make local or international contact the call center on 1804080.
winners, where ve winners will be transactions will be eligible to partici- For more information, customers can
announced every month who will pate in the draw, while ATM cardhold- also log onto the banks website on
be refunded with their transactions ers will be eligible with international

Watani Investment Co remains committed to supporting Kuwaits public sector: Al-Hamad

In historic deal advised by NBK Capital, KNPC signs $6.2bn facility

KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Watani In-
vestment Company K.S.C.C (NBK
CAPITAL) is pleased to announce
Kuwait National Petroleum Compa-
nys (KNPC) signing of $6.2bn (KD
2.0bn) Export Credit Agency (ECA)
backed corporate borrowing to fund
the completion of the Clean Fuels Pro-
ject (CFP).
Following the signing of the KD
1.2bn ($4bn) corporate loan facility in
April 2016, NBK CAPITAL continued
to carry out its role, as the Exclusive Fi-
nancial Advisor to KNPC, by securing
the second tranche of KNPCs external
debt nancing geared towards funding
the completion of the CFP. KNPCs
solid credit standing and strategic im-
portance to the State of Kuwait, facili-
tated the transactions success. Faisal Al-Hamad Rani Selwanes
Supported by a regionally unri-
valed credit, the transaction involved Chief Executive Ofcer of NBK CAP- tion of seven ECAs located in Japan,
the following ECAs; Her Britannic ITAL said: The NBK Group, along South Korea, Italy, Netherlands, and
Majestys Secretary of State acting with NBK CAPITAL, are delighted the United Kingdom and 11 global
through the Export Credits Guarantee to have been able to support KNPC banking institutions.
Department (operating as UK Export in the planning and execution of this On NBK CAPITALs Investment
Finance UKEF), Korea Trade In- landmark and historic transaction. I am Banking Services, Selwanes added
surance Corporation (K-sure), The also extremely proud of the quality and Proven by NBK CAPITALs regional
Photo from the event. Export-Import Bank of Korea (KEX- effort of our transaction team. track record and unmatched interna-
IM), SACE S.p.A (SACE), Japan Al-Hamad added, This is an impor- tional experience, we will continue to
Bank among 50 most powerful listed companies in Kuwait Bank For International Cooperation tant milestone and a major step forward support the government needs includ-
(JBIC), Nippon Export and Invest- for the oil sector and we hope to witness ing, but not limited to, arranging senior
ment Insurance (NEXI) and Atradi- its continued success and evolution. bank nancing, debt capital market is-

KIB recognized by Forbes Middle East us Dutch State Business (Atradius).

Notwithstanding the rapidly uc-
tuating market conditions, KNPC se-
NBK CAPITAL remain committed
to supporting Kuwaits public sector,
whether at the sovereign or quasi-sov-
suances (bonds and sukuk), and other
nancial advisory services.
By way of background, Clean Fuels
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Kuwait strongest businesswomen across the cial institutions in Kuwait. He also cured long tenor borrowings composed ereign level for their future strategic ini- Project is one of the strategic projects
International Bank (KIB) was re- country. stressed that this accolade is a clear of a combination of direct and covered/ tiatives that require NBK CAPITALs of Kuwait National Petroleum Com-
cently recognized by Forbes Mid- Minister of State for Cabinet reection of KIBs important role insured facilities. The covered/insured specialized advisory services. pany and Kuwait at large, which is
in the local banking sector, as it facilities had an overwhelming de- Furthermore, Rani Selwanes Man- aimed at upgrading and expanding the
dle East as one of the top 50 listed Affairs and Acting Minister of mand from various nancial institu- aging Director and Head of Invest- existing KNPC two reneries at Mina
companies in Kuwait at the Cel- Information, Sheikh Mohammed continuously contributes to the de- tions located regionally and interna- ment Banking Group concluded in Abdulla and Mina Al-Ahmadi. The
ebrating Kuwaits Success awards Al Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sa- velopment and advancement of the tionally. saying, This is the largest corporate project will help increase conversion
ceremony. Organized by Forbes bah, and President of Arab Pub- nation through greater economic On the successful signing of the nance transaction under ECA cover. of fuel oil to higher value products in
Middle East, this annual ceremony lisher House and Publisher of diversication. Common Terms Agreement and the The successful signing was achieved order to meet expected market demand
was held to honor companies and Forbes Middle East, Dr Nasser He added that KIB is a rm be- Loan Agreement, Faisal Al-Hamad through the engagement and coopera- and tighter specications.
individuals that have made signi- Bin Aqeel Al Tayyar, presented liever that private institutions play
cant contributions towards the de- the prestigious award to Acting a key role in supporting the growth
velopment and continuous progress Chief Executive Officer at KIB, and stability of Kuwaits economy.
of Kuwait. Mohamed Said El Saka. This Accordingly, the Bank constantly
As part of the ceremony, the top exclusive ceremony brought to- works to innovate and develop its
50 listed Kuwaiti companies were gether heads of the regions top banking solutions to suit the di-
recognized for their inuential lead- public and private companies, as verse needs of the market, doing so
ership within the local market, as well as local and regional diplo- while strictly adhering to Shariah
well as their strong, robust nancial matic entities. law. He concluded by congratulat-
performance and impressive growth. On this occasion, El Saka ex- ing all companies, as well as indi-
Additionally, among those honored pressed his delight at receiving viduals, who were honored during
during the ceremony were a number this prestigious award on behalf of the ceremony, and wished them
of the largest and most inuential pri- KIB, placing the Bank on the list many more successes and achieve-
vate companies in the region, and the of the most prominent listed nan- ments in the future.

Part of banks initiative to enhance e-payment methods

KFH launches Visa Checkout service

KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Kuwait
Finance House (KFH), in association
with Visa, is the rst bank in Kuwait
to launch Visa Checkout (VCO), a
service, which enables quick, safe
and secure online payment.
Group General Manager Retail Sheikh Dr Khaled Al-Mathkoor during a seminar.
Banking at KFH, Fadi Chalouhi
said that this innovative service is
offered to KFHs credit and prepaid
cardholders as part of the banks
initiative to enhance e-payment
For consumers and online retail-
ers, Visa Checkout offers an easy
and secure way to pay online. En-
rolling in Visa Checkout is intuitive
and simple, and customers can use
any KFH Visa credit or prepaid card
or even other KFH branded cards to
make purchases from a desktop, lap-
top, tablet or mobile device. Once
enrolled, customers simply provide
their username and password to
complete the payment process with-
out ever having to leave the mer-
chants website. AUB Ramadan TV ad AUB staff visiting the hospital.
He added that KFH customers can
visit, click Enroll Now
on the Visa Checkout page and fol- Bank offering charitable, religious, social welfare activities during Ramadan
low the simple steps to add a KFH
credit or prepaid card, and enjoy the
A yer of KFH Visa Checkout service. quick, easy and more convenient pay-
ment method for customers in a very
AUB launches unique social program
secure manner. KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Ahli such as issuing the Imsakiya prior AUB added: In line with AUBs
Chalouhi indicated that KFH strat-
Gulf Bank announces exclusive egy focuses on offering innovative
banking services and products to its
United Bank (AUB) announced the
launch of its social program dur-
to Ramadan, as well as driving an
employee religious seminar under
commitment towards charity work
that is in line with the Holy Month
ing the Holy Month of Ramadan, the name How do we get ready for of Ramadan, the Banks social pro-
automotive offers during Ramadan customers, while continuously keep-
ing abreast with latest banking tech- through which it offers a number
of charitable, cultural, religious and
Ramadan?, delivered by Sheikh Dr.
Khaled Al-Mathkoor, AUBs Chair-
gram includes a number of social ini-
tiatives which include visits by staff
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Rein- Gulf Bank representatives are nology in order to meet the aspiration
of its customers and maintain the social welfare activities, in order to man of the Fatwa and Shariah Su- to children in hospitals, distributing
forcing its keenness to provide available at all car dealers across play an active role in serving the pervisory Board. Many employees gifts with an objective of easing their
convenient and added value ser- Kuwait, to present the best services banks pioneering position as a world
leading Islamic nancial institution. community. attended the seminar. pain, and bringing more joy and hap-
vices to its customers, Gulf Bank and facilities to the banks custom- Visa Checkout now has more than Ahli United Bank declared its The Bank has organized its Rama- piness to them throughout the month.
recently announced exclusive au- ers and non-customers when pur- 20 million consumer accounts, hun- keenness to develop its social pro- dan Quran Recitation Competition, The Bank also encourages its em-
tomotive offers for its customers chasing their dream car. dreds of thousands of large and small gram for the month of Ramadan, which is being held for the third con- ployees who are interested in volun-
during the Holy Month of Rama- Gulf Bank will continue to merchants across 26 countries includ- year after year, to ensure the best ac- secutive year. This year, the compe- teering to participate, in such social
dan, in cooperation with top car embark on collaborations with ing the UAE in the region. tivities that t the nature of the Holy tition has been developed to include work.
dealers in Kuwait. Gulf banks car dealers to present the best Month and deepen the Banks asso- four primary categories: male and AUB, in collaboration with social
customers can benet from these offers to its customers through- ciation with the community. female employees, staff members volunteering groups, will hold a num-
offers when vis- out the year, This year, the Bank has launched a children and the public, for children ber of activities that include distribut-
iting the cars in its effort to TV commercial to celebrate the Holy whose ages range between 6 to four- ing food and clothes to less fortunate
showrooms and cater to its cus- Month of Ramadan, carrying a wel- teen years old. families along with a number of visits
meeting the tomers various come message, Ramadan is here, In an effort to promote and encour- to the elderly in homes and distribut-
The message focuses on the values age religious awareness through me- ing gifts and Girgean.
banks repre- needs while that unite us in Ramadan, such as vis- dia, AUB will support the prominent AUB concluded, We believe
sentatives to - offering the iting family and relatives, celebrat- Hadith program Ahadith Wa Ebar, in the importance of social giving,
nance their new car through Gulf best services. ing with children on the occasion of which is broadcasted on Al Rai TV and as a leading nancial institution
Bank. To nd out more about Gulf Girgean, as well as exchanging greet- throughout the month of Ramadan, that operates in line with the Islamic
The top car dealers in Kuwait in Banks promotions and offers, cus- ings, congratulations, and spreading and is presented by Sheikh Dr. Ab- Shariah, we are committed to inter-
cooperation with Gulf bank are: tomers can visit one of Gulf Banks joy and happiness in the hearts of all. dulaziz Al Qassar, a member of acting with our local community and
Lexus, Toyota, BMW, Ford, In- 56 branches; contact the Customer AUB said in a press release: Our AUBs Fatwa and Shariah Super- supporting its well-being throughout
niti, KIA, Nissan, Honda, Chev- Contact Centre on 1805805, or log social program throughout the month visory Board. The program aims to the month of Ramadan, a time when
rolet and Cadillac. The exclusive on to the Banks bilingual website of Ramadan includes an extensive thoroughly address a chosen number good deeds are expected, and to help
offers are valid until June 30, 2017. at Fadi Chalouhi array of activities and initiatives of Hadiths. people in need.


Bridges quits ABK holds its 56th weekly draw

UK-based nancial broker NEX Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) held Ahmad Abduljaleel Ibrahim Abu
Group said its nance head, Stuart its 56th Double Your Salary weekly Zayed, Sharq Branch
Bridges, had stepped down from draw on May 23, 2017 at the Banks New customers who transfer their
the board and would leave the com- Head Ofce in the presence of a salary to ABK receive KD 100 and
pany later in the year. representative from the Ministry of will automatically be entered into the A yer of ABKs Double
Samantha Wren, currently the Commerce, announcing the names weekly draws to double their salaries. Your Salary campaign.
chief commercial ofcer for NEX of the winners. The promotion in- Existing customers who are already
Markets, has been appointed to the cludes weekly draws, with two win- transferring their salary to ABK are
role of chief nancial ofcer, NEX ners per draw. The campaign will entered into a separate draw.
Group said. Bridges, who joined run until 27th June, 2017. For more information about Al
NEX Group in 2009 when it was The winners were: Ahli Bank of Kuwait please visit eah-
known as ICAP, took on the role of Ibrahim Amara Sulaiman Ibrahim, or contact a customer service
CFO in September 2015. (RTRS) Farwaniya Branch agent via Ahlan Ahli at 1899899.

China factories hum in shadow of debt risk

Moodys raises global outlook China still treats foreign firms unfairly, says EU lobby group
HONG KONG, May 31, and up versus forecasts of 51.0 in a Re- BEIJING, May 31, (AFP): Doing fend free trade and denounce And 54 percent said foreign-in- Of the companies polled, most of
uters poll. business in China remains difcult protectionism as the United States vested companies were treated un- whom have been in China for more
(RTRS): Chinas industrial The latest ofcial PMI readings for many European companies and retreats into America First policies fairly compared with their Chinese than 10 years, half said they felt
engine cranked up again add to broader evidence that down- most are still being treated unfairly, under Donald Trump. competitors, little changed from less welcome than when they rst
in May, reassuring inves- ward pressure on growth has eased a lobby group said Wednesday, But the results of the latest busi- previous years. entered the Chinese market.
lately, said Julian Evans-Pritchard, undermining Beijings claims that it ness condence survey by the That was particularly obvious in Competition is also intensifying
tors worried about slow- China Economist at Capital Econom- welcomes foreign investment. European Union Chamber of Com- environmental regulation, with the with 60 percent of European compa-
ing growth in the worlds ics. China is facing growing pressure merce in China suggest Beijing has vast majority of European compa- nies expecting Chinese rms to close
Looking ahead, however, we sus- to provide a level playing eld and a long way to go before its rhetoric nies saying foreign rms were sub- the innovation gap by around 2020.
second-biggest economy as increase market access for over- matches reality. jected to far more stringent enforce- Chinese rms are catching up,
pect that the current stability ... will
it grappled with debt risks prove temporary. With the regula- seas rms who have long com- Forty-nine percent of the 570 re- ment than Chinese enterprises. said Harborn.
and tried to shake off a plained about the countrys hostile spondents said operating in China More than half said there had The Chinese government
tory crackdown on nancial risks still and biased business environment. became more difcult in 2016, a been no increase in market access should feel comfortable that it does
stinging ratings downgrade weighing on credit growth, it will be The survey comes ahead of slight pick-up from the previous in their industry, unchanged from not need to protect its industries.
difcult to avoid a further slowdown in an EU-China talks in Brussels on years reading of 56 percent. the previous survey. Looking beyond 2017 European
from Moodys Investors the coming months. Thursday where two-way invest- But 45 percent said conditions European companies are not companies are largely pessimistic,
Service. Private surveys on factory activity ment and trade will be high on the were about the same, up from 38 afraid of competition, they just want with only 15 percent expecting reg-
Moodys sees an improving for most Asian economies will be re- agenda. percent a year earlier. to compete on a level playing eld, ulatory obstacles to decrease and
leased on Thursday. In recent months Chinese lead- A steady six percent said there said Mats Harborn, president of the 40 percent expecting the situation
global outlook even as it warned Chinese stocks, edged higher and ers have taken the mantle to de- had been an improvement. lobby group. to worsen.
of a slowdown in China later in the the onshore yuan hit a four-month high
year as liquidity-tightening mea- against the dollar.
sures take effect. Activity in Chinas steel indus- it will be sustainable given ofcial China will reverberate through nan- 2017 growth outlook from the current Theresa Mays Conservatives, shaking
The ratings agency said the biggest try grew at the fastest pace in a year pledges to cut debt levels of nearly 300 cial markets and the global economy. 2.6 percent. investors condence that May would
risks to global growth, including pro- in May, supported by an increase in percent of GDP. Moodys said it expected G20 econo- One factor Moodys said had im- easily win a majority in next weeks
tectionism and European Union exits, new orders. The steel sector PMI rose In cutting Chinas sovereign rating mies, which account for 78 percent of the proved the outlook was the election of national election.
seemed to have subsided, although an to 54.8 from 49.1 in April, climbing for the rst time in nearly 30 years last global economy, to collectively grow at Emmanuel Macron as French Presi- Moodys singled out Britain as one
opinion poll in Britain pointed to the above the 50-point mark that separates week, Moodys cited the contradiction an annual rate of 3.1 percent this year and dent, which reduced the risk of a Eu- of the advanced economies that shows
danger of a hung parliament in elec- growth from contraction. between using stimulus to meet growth next, from 2.6 percent in 2016. ropean Union exit by a major country. signs of slowing, as Brexit-related un-
tions next week. Trade headwinds remain a risk, with targets and trying to reduce debt in the In a positive sign, factory output in In Britain, which is negotiating its certainty weighs on consumer spend-
Moodys expects 2017 growth for US President Donald Trumps admin- economy. Japan, the worlds third-biggest econ- exit from the bloc, a new constituency- ing and investment.
China at 6.6 percent, in line with the istration keen to tackle what it regards The big question for investors is omy, grew at the fastest pace in almost by-constituency modelling by YouGov On Monday, European Central Bank
ofcial target of at least 6.5 percent. as Chinas unfair and illegal sales of how far Chinese authorities will go in six years, taking production to its high- showed the Conservative Party might President Mario Draghi said euro zone
Chinas ofcial Purchasing Manag- underpriced steel. their attempts to curb bubble risks. est level since 2008. lose 20 of the 330 seats it holds while growth may be improving but ination
ers Index (PMI) eased worries about a The steel sector helped drive Chi- Most analysts argue that Beijing will South Koreas industrial output de- the opposition Labour Party could gain remains subdued, arguing that the ex-
sudden slowdown after a run of weak nas strong rst-quarter growth, but the tread carefully for fear of knocking the clined unexpectedly, however, adding nearly 30 seats. traordinary monetary policy support
readings of April data. The PMI was at reliance on the investment-led model economy hard, though investors worry an element of uncertainty for the cen- The news came after a string of opin- was still needed to raise ination back
51.2 in May, steady from Aprils 51.2 has raised questions about whether that a signicant credit contraction in tral bank, which plans to upgrade its ion polls showed a narrowing lead for to the banks 2 percent target.

Still the fastest rate of growth of any major economy

Indias annual growth slows to 7.1%

NEW DELHI, May 31, (AFP): In- boost revenues by dissuading people that demonetisation has had an impact
dias growth slowed to 7.1 percent from using cash, which makes it easi- on the overall growth for the econo-
last year, according to ofcial data er to avoid tax. my, Sunil Sinha, principal economist
released Wednesday, weaker than The move hit cash-dependent sec- at Fitch India told AFP.
analysts expected but still the fastest tors like real estate, jewellry and ag- Now that cash is by and large back
rate of growth of any major economy. riculture, and triggered massive lines in place, that condence is back with
GDP growth for the 12 months end- outside banks in the weeks afterwards consumers that they no longer have
ed March 31 was well below a revised as authorities struggled to print re- to stand in queues and that cash will
gure of eight percent for the previous placement notes fast enough. be available when they need it, he
year, and follows the governments Indias chief statistician, however, added.
shock move last November to ban most rebuffed claims that the slowdown in In a report published earlier this
of the currency in circulation. growth was a result of the note ban. week the World Bank said the funda-
This is a sharper deterioration than The argument that the number has mentals of Indias economy remained
what I expected, Ashutosh Datar, turned out low or it is a consequences strong and predicted an uptick in the
economist at IIFL Institutional Equi- of the policy, those are statements I economy with a national goods and
ties, told AFP. would be much more cautious about services tax due to be introduced on
The fourth quarter (6.1 percent) is making, Indias chief statician TCA July 1.
a bit weaker than what I expected. Anant told reporters. The move will likely yield sub-
However the country of 1.25 billion The economy is growing reason- stantial growth dividends from higher
is still reporting faster growth than ri- ably well ... these are relatively high efciencies and increase state rev-
val China, at 6.7 percent in 2016. growth rates, he added. enues in the long term, the bank re-
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has While the full impact of the note ban ported.
defended his move to remove all 500 is still not known, analysts had expected However, Aditi Nayar, principal
(around $7.50) and 1,000 rupee notes a pick-up in the fourth quarter as con- analyst at ratings rm ICRA, predict-
Hartland Estates villas from circulation as a necessary strike sumers who had held back in the weeks ed a muted pick up in growth with
against corruption. after the cash ban stepped up spending. GDP growth likely to increase by 10-
The government argues it will [The fourth quarter] clearly shows 20 basispoints in FY 2017.
70% of phase 1 and 2 of the project has been sold out

Sobha Hartland adopts green city standards

DUBAI, May 31: Sobha Group, the the same time also helps in blocking
leading premium real estate devel- the heat. VLT refers to the amount
oper has adopted the norms of sus- of visible light that passes through a
tainability and green city standards glazing system, in this case the glass
within Sobha Hartland the only panels used in the villa.
fully integrated freehold commu- 70% of phase 1 & 2 in Sobha Hart-
nity on the Dubai Water Canal. The land have been sold out. The devel-
resort-style luxury housing project, opment will provide both investors
encompasses 8 million square feet and end-users with natural panoram-
of freehold community in Mohamed ic views, world-class amenities and
bin Rashid Al Maktoum City and is a Dubais top attractions like the Burj
$4 bn mixed-use development strate- Khalifa, Meydan Mall, Downtown
gically located in the heart of Dubai. etc are just 3km away. The commu-
Surrounded by 2.4 million square nity also includes a country club, two
feet (30%) of greenery and set along international schools (one of which
the Dubai Water Canal, Sobha Hart- is now operational), three boutique
land encompass a limited collection hotels, premium restaurants, retail
of ultra-contemporary villas, town- outlets and leisure activities.
houses, modern mid & high-rise Phase 3 of the project will be
apartments. The development offers launched shortly. To get a rsthand
a range of luxury products cater- experience of large, lavish and spa- A yer of Gulf Banks Al Danah weekly draws
ing to both individuals and families PNC Menon, Chairman, Sobha cious homes, our lavish show apart-
alike looking for the ideal homes in
Dubai. The development has com-
ment and villas are ready and avail-
able for viewing at the Hartland
Lucky winners bag KD 1,000 prize each for week May 21-25
menced with the launch of Hartland ting in each room by either using full Sales gallery.
Greens, Hartland Townhouses and
Hartland Estates.
brightness or minimum dim lighting.
Both investors and end-users look-
PNC Menon, Founder and Chair-
man, Sobha Group, said, With a
Gulf Bank names winners of Al Danah draws
Each offering in Sobha Hart- ing at investing in Sobha Hartland legacy of 41 years in the region the
will also have added options to avail KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Gulf Bank the 3rd Quarterly Draw for the prize becoming an Al Danah winner.
land are Smart Home enabled. The brand is synonymous to quality and held its Al Danah daily draws on 28 of KD 500,000 will be held on Sept Gulf Banks Al Danah account is
Hartland Estates villas are inbuilt of L-shaped villas which provide this propels us to introduce higher
maximum privacy from neighboring May 2017 announcing the names of 28. The nal Al Danah draw for 1 open to Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti
with infrastructure required to make standard of living and smarter tech- its winners for the week of May 21 Million Kuwaiti Dinars will be held residents of Kuwait. Customers re-
your villa fully automated. All units with spacious private gardens nologies in our homes. As one of the 25, 2017. The Al Danah daily draws on Jan 11, 2018 whereby the Al Da- quire a minimum of KD200 to open
controls of the villa like AC, light, and large decks and pool. Clear glass greenest projects in Dubai, Sobha include draws every working day for nah Millionaire will be announced. an account and the same amount must
music, curtains can be controlled is used in all the villas where the Hartland also has a unique advan- two prizes of KD 1,000 per winner. Five reasons why the Al Danah ac- be maintained as for customers to be
by an ipad. The villas also offer full Visual Light Transmission (VLT) tage of having a residential develop- The winners were: (Sunday 21/5): count is the Best: eligible for the upcoming Al Danah
variable lighting option wherein an percentage is higher to maintain the ment surrounded in a green forest Sameer AbdulQader Naji Bedair, 1) Kuwaits single biggest yearly draws. If the customers account bal-
end-user can choose the scene set- inow of natural light inside but at setting right in the heart of the city. Haitham Abdulredha Abdulla Ka- cash prize of KD 1 Million ance falls below KD200 at any given
kooli; (Monday 22/5): Latifa Moham- 2) Kuwaits biggest quarterly cash time, a KD2 charge will be made on
med Bader Al-Bader, Bader Fallah prizes, up to KD 500,000 a monthly basis to the account until
TIIP: US open to resuming talks with EU Abdulkarim Abdulkarim; (Tuesday
23/5): Mohsen Abdulkareem Edrees
3) Two winners of KD 1,000 every
working day
the minimum balance is met. Cus-
tomers who open an account and/ or
WASHINGTON, May 31, (AFP): Its no mistake that, while we huge free trade area on both sides Al-Mansour, Esraa Sayed Mahmoud 4) The most chances to win deposit more will enter the daily draw
The United States is open to re- withdrew from TPP (the Trans- of the Atlantic, screeched to a halt Sayed Al-Zelzelah; (Wednesday 5) Only Bank that transfers your within two days. To take part in the
suming talks with the European Pacic Partnership trade deal with when Trump was elected on a cam- 24/5): Raghad Sulaiman Khaleel chances to win from the previous year Al Danah 2017 upcoming quarterly
Union on the Transatlantic Trade Pacic Rim economies) we did not paign that went heavy on protec- Al-Kurdi, Dunia Mahmoud Odeh; to the current year and yearly draws, customers must
and Investment Partnership, a se- withdraw from TTIP, Ross said. tionist talk and policies. (Thursday 25/5): Dana Ali Ibraheem Only Al Danah Makes Million- meet the required hold period for
nior US ofcial said Tuesday. The remarks marked a shift for the One of Trumps earliest such Al-Ghareeb, Amira Abdulsaheb Has- aires. each draw; customers can visit one
It makes sense to continue TTIP administration of President Donald moves was to back the US with- san. Al Danah also offers a number of of Gulf Banks 56 branches, transfer
negotiations and to work towards a Trump and come as the United States drawal from another free trade Gulf Banks Al Danah 2017 draw unique services including: the Al Da- on line, or call the Customer Contact
solution that increases overall trade and Germany clash on policies includ- agreement, the TPP, which had been lineup includes daily draws (2 win- nah Deposit Only ATM card which Center on 1805805 for assistance and
while reducing our trade decit, ing diplomacy and trade. signed by the United States with 11 ners per working day and each re- helps account holders deposit their guidance. Customers can also log on
US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Launched in 2013, negotiations countries in the Asia-Pacic region, ceive KD 1,000). Al Danahs 2nd money at their convenience; as well to
Ross said on CNBC. on the TTIP, which would set up a including Japan and Australia. Quarterly draw for the prize of KD as the Al Danah calculator to help ners, to nd out more about Al Danah
250,000 will be held on 29 June and customers calculate their chances of and its winners.

Australia probes leak Name: Kuwait Sharia Bloomberg Todays Todays closing Prev closing % 1-week 3-month YTD 12-month 24-month
Index name ticker value as of value value change change change change change change
Compatible Indices Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Composite AMIC May 31, 2017 177.23 175.52 0.97% 1.62% -4.92% 6.20% 17.48% -2.37%
Australias corporate regulator said on Wednesday it is Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Kuwait Only AMIC May 31, 2017 169.47 167.74 1.03% 1.73% -3.98% 6.05% 15.68% -3.96%
investigating how details of a A$6.2 billion ($4.63 billion) Providers: Al Madar Finance Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Active
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Banking Sector
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
banking levy were leaked, a disclosure that triggered a Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Investment Sector AMIC May 31, 2017 51.46 51.26 0.39% -1.75% -11.78% 9.53% 10.34% -20.57%
sell-down in the stocks of the countrys ve biggest banks. & Investment Co. Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Insurance Sector AMIC May 31, 2017 22.66 23.06 -1.73% -3.00% 3.52% 43.71% 39.27% -18.39%
We think this is important to market integrity, which Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Real Estate Sector AMIC May 31, 2017 49.93 49.60 0.67% -0.11% -6.61% 2.42% 7.87% -8.58%
goes to the heart of the Australian market, Australian
Description: Index of Sharia Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Industrial Sector AMIC May 31, 2017 144.64 143.45 0.83% 1.87% -4.11% 19.34% 20.08% 2.97%
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Services Sector AMIC May 31, 2017 226.86 223.11 1.68% 4.37% 7.72% 14.92% 29.01% 12.44%
Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) Chairman compatible companies traded Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Food Sector AMIC May 31, 2017 388.83 388.92 -0.02% 0.40% 0.84% 2.29% 12.22% -1.41%
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Islamic Sector AMIC May 31, 2017 132.33 131.52 0.62% 1.03% -11.80% 2.58% 15.96% -9.09%
Greg Medcraft told a parliamentary hearing in Canberra. Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Non Kuwaiti Sector AMIC May 31, 2017 489.17 489.14 0.01% -0.19% -18.53% 10.33% 68.86% 55.79%
The governments plans to slap a 6-basis point tax on on the KSE Kuwait Stock Exchange Index - Price KWSEIDX May 31, 2017 6,785.37 6,726.87 0.87% 1.23% 0.27% 18.05% 25.65% 7.83%
the banks liabilities were leaked to the media before the S&P 500 SPX May 30, 2017 2,412.91 2,415.82 -0.12% 0.60% 0.71% 7.78% 14.95% 14.50%
ofcial announcement on May 9. (RTRS) Website: DJ Islamic Index. DJIM May 30, 2017 3,276.03 3,271.18 0.15% 0.67% 5.48% 12.71% 14.68% 9.77%

Company facing 18 lawsuits in Japan for investment damages

Toshibas future imperiled on nuclear woes, dubious ethics

TOKYO, May 31, (AP): The future of It was rst in the little things that Mu- fuel cycle, and retired in 2006, told Mitsubishi Estate Co.s snapping up Toshiba has been involved in the The best workers began to quit
Toshiba Corp is imperiled over bal- neo Morokuzu noticed signs of what he The Associated Press. Rockefeller Center, in those days had design of 17 reactors in Japan, includ- Toshiba, adding to the lack of govern-
looning costs at its US nuclear unit saw as an erosion of accountability at He still believes nuclear power is vi- gone sour, raising questions about the ing two at Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, ance, as only those who went along re-
Westinghouse, which led for bank- Toshiba. It hadnt always been that way. able, if operated with smaller reactors ability of Japanese managers to deal whose reactors sank into meltdowns mained, said Okamoto, who believes
ruptcy protection last month. Behind During the early decades after he joined criticized as inefcient and expensive with overseas businesses. after the March 2011 tsunami in north- nuclear power can be a good business
a great Japanese brands fall from Toshiba in 1970, he had been proud of but, he believes, are easier to control, The Westinghouse deal was imme- eastern Japan. with proper leadership.
grace is a fateful decision to bank on what he called a spirit of humanity given the lessons of Chernobyl, Three diately criticized by analysts and the Auditors questioned its reporting Toshiba now faces 18 lawsuits in
an expensive overseas purchase. And among the workers. Mile and Fukushima. local media as overpriced. on the acquisition of CB&I Stone & Japan, led by banks, individuals,
no one had calculated on a nuclear ca- Toshibas history goes back nearly Toshibas strategy of setting ambi- Id like to make this the rst suc- Webster by Toshibas US nuclear unit overseas investors and other parties
tastrophe. a century and a half, rooted in tel- tious prot targets, under the banner of cess story, Nishida condently told Westinghouse. Four nuclear reactors for investment damages stemming
Price drops in oil and natural gas, egraphs and lamps. Its US history chuh-ren-jeeh, or challenge, came reporters then. Westinghouse is helping to build in from faulty management and account-
as well as beefed up safety regulations spans more than 50 years. One of the in the years around the 2006 Westing- Meanwhile, Toshiba was strug- South Carolina and Georgia are be- ing, totaling 32 billion yen ($290 mil-
that kicked in after the 2011 Fukushi- company founders, Ichisuke Fujioka, house deal, Morokuzu recalled. gling to differentiate its products in hind schedule and billions of dollars lion).
ma disaster, are chipping away at the a samurais son, brought the incandes- I feel so sad. The brand has been consumer electronics. The television over budget. Toshiba, in turn, is suing Nishida
appeal of nuclear power. cent light bulb to Japan, forging an al- tarnished. I hope Toshiba can pull to- business faced stiff competition from Koichi Okamoto, professor of so- and two subsequent presidents, for
But perhaps more fateful was liance with General Electric, and came gether, he said. low-cost Chinese manufacturers and ciology at Toyo Eiwa University damages over their responsibility in
Toshibas corporate culture of chas- to be known as the Thomas Edison In 2015, Toshiba acknowledged it high-end Korean brands. Demand for and governance expert, who has re- the scandal. There has been no ruling.
ing big money at the cost of ethics of Japan. had systematically doctored its books its personal computers fell in the face searched Toshibas problems, believes One former Toshiba engineer, who
and governance, already brewing People at Toshiba, like Morokuzu, from 2008, spanning the rule of three of formidable Dell, Apple and Hewl- its downfall came mainly because of spoke to AP on condition of anonym-
as it headed to the 2006 purchase of were the chosen of Japan. presidents. Inating prots was car- ett-Packard of the US, Acer of Taiwan misguided management, including ity because of his continued involve-
Westinghouse, according to former But Morokuzu began to see things ried out not only on one or two pro- and Chinas Lenovo. practices he says verged on power ment in the nuclear business, said his
employees and observers. he found disturbing like packs of jects but across the board, according Last year, Toshiba sold off its harassment. The goals had become colleagues had been skeptical about
In an embarrassingly unprecedent- company black limousines during out- to an investigation of the scandal by a household appliance business to unrealistic, and no one was stressing the Westinghouse deal, seeing it as a
ed move, the Tokyo-based company, ings to golf courses. He didnt approve panel of outsiders set up by the com- Midea Group of China, although the ethics, he said. dangerous bet.
long synonymous with Japans mod- of the use of company money for such pany. Toshiba brand has continued. It is now If leaders at the top start violat- Nishidas background was not in
ernization, reported nancial results personal pleasure. He was aghast, It had been with great fanfare that looking for a buyer of its mainstay ing compliance, then no one can stop nuclear engineering but he was too
this month without an audit. It had watching managers waving from their Atsutoshi Nishida, Toshibas then memory-chip business. them. So bosses shouldnt talk about condent, he said, when the deal in
earlier delayed it twice. It projected limousine windows to the other work- chief executive, announced the $5.4 If Toshiba survives, it will likely prot too much because that is al- fact carried huge pitfalls, especially at
a 1.01 trillion yen ($9.2 billion) loss ers. billion acquisition of Westinghouse be left with infrastructure operations, ready understood, he said, noting that the acquisitions exorbitant price.
for the scal year ended in March, and Its a problem when the border from British Nuclear Fuels in 2006. such as railways, power systems and Toshiba had become obsessed with Once the costs started mounting,
warned of substantial doubt about the between your own purse and the com- Other high-prole Japanese buyouts factory automation and ironically putting up the numbers. Big or small, management kept getting more des-
companys ability to continue as a go- pany purse becomes blurred, Mo- in the United States, like Sony Corp.s nuclear power as it still needs to main- companies like that will eventually go perate, trying to force a success and
ing concern. rokuzu, who specialized in the nuclear purchase of Columbia Pictures and tain and decommission reactors. down. things spiraled out of control, he said.

Layoffs rile Indias IT sector

Japans factory output rises MUMBAI, May 31, (AFP): Ex-
perienced Indian techie Raghu
Narayanaswamy lost his job re-
Indias IT sector boomed for
more than two decades as West-
ern companies subcontracted work
cently and fears he may not get to rms like Infosys, Wipro and
Ultra-low jobless rate masks grim reality another, as analysts warn of mas- Tech Mahindra, taking advantage
sive layoffs across the countrys of their skilled English-speaking
the economy is on a recovery path, sive monetary easing. This week Japanese government multi-billion-dollar information workforce.
TOKYO, May 31, (AFP): technology sector. The industry employs nearly
Yoshiki Shinke, chief economist at Ination data released last week gures showed the jobless rate at 2.8
Japans factory output Dai-ichi Life Research Institute, told showed consumer prices rose for the percent in April for the third consecu- IT outsourcing has long been four million Indians and rakes in
in April rose at its fastest AFP. fourth straight month in April but it tive month and the lowest since 1994. one of Indias agship industries revenues of move than $150 bil-
but experts say automation, a lion, according to the trade body
pace in six years, govern- Japans prospects have been im- was due largely to higher energy bills. Another key labour market meas-
failure to keep up with new tech- National Association of Software
proving on the back of strong exports, The rise, which came in at 0.3 per- urement -- the ratio of job offers to job
ment data showed Wednes- with investment linked to the Tokyo cent, was still way off the BoJs 2.0 seekers -- hit 1.48, meaning there were nologies and US President Donald and Services Companies (Nass-
day, in the latest sign that 2020 Olympics also giving the worlds percent ination target -- seen as cru- 148 positions available for every 100 Trumps clampdown on visas is com).
creating industry-wide upheaval. Although layoffs are not un-
the economy is gathering number three economy a shot in the cial to conquering deation blamed job hunters.
Indias business dailies have common in the industry, particu-
arm. for holding back the once-booming This is the strongest level in 43
steam. Japans GDP notched up its fth economy. years and is higher than before Japans reported that major IT rms are larly in the nal quarter of the -
Industrial production expanded straight expansion in the rst quarter, Meanwhile, Japanese employers are once-booming economy collapsed gradually laying off thousands of nancial year, union chiefs say staff
4.0 percent, rebounding from a the longest string of gains since 2006. scrambling to nd staff, unemploy- from a stock and real estate price bub- staff while research has claimed are being made redundant in un-
decline in March and rising at its The labour market is tight as sepa- ment is at its lowest level in more than ble in the early nineties. that hundreds of thousands of jobs precedented numbers this year as
quickest rate since June 2011 when rate data on Tuesday showed the na- two decades and the labour market Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may could disappear in the next four rms deal with narrowing prots.
it grew 4.2 percent. tions jobless rate stayed at 2.8 percent is tighter than it was during Japans claim Japans employment picture as a years, although the companies Companies are unwilling to
The gures come a day after sepa- in April, the lowest in more than two booming bubble economy years. win for his Abenomics growth policy themselves have refused to com- talk about the layoffs or how many
rate data showed consumer demand decades. This should be great news for the -- the jobless rate was 4.4 percent in ment on numbers. techies have been served notice to
remains weak despite years of govern- But private consumption, which ac- worlds number three economy, but 2012, the year he swept to power on a Narayanaswamy was caught up leave as part of their annual apprais-
ment efforts to boost spending. counts for more than a half of Japans analysts are warning not to pop the ticket to reignite the laggard economy. in the turmoil in March when he al, J.S.R. Prasad, chairman of the
Still, the latest output numbers are GDP, remains lacklustre as cash-rich champagne quite yet because it is But analysts are not convinced. was let go from one of Indias top National Confederation of Unions
good news for Prime Minister Shinzo rms have been reluctant to usher in mostly due to a shrinking labour force. Low unemployment is not an IT companies after 11 years of ser- of IT Employees, told AFP.
Abe, who swept to power in late 2012 on big pay hikes. And many jobs are temporary and pay achievement of Abenomics, said Ivan vice. He says his future prospects Indias top IT companies have
a pledge to reignite Japans once-boom- Japan has been struggling to defeat very little. Tselichtchev, an economics professor appear bleak. been complaining for a while
ing economy with a policy blitz compris- years of on-off deation and slow Japan tied with Iceland in 2016 for at Japans University of Niigata. I have been nding it extreme- about the difculty of picking up
ing massive monetary easing, stimulus growth that followed the collapse of an the lowest annual unemployment rate It is a structural phenomena and, ly difcult to nd a job these past new clients as businesses explore
spending and structural reforms. equity and property market bubble in -- 3.1 percent -- among 35 member unlike most other developed countries few months, the 40-year-old, who automation, robotics and innova-
The gures show that produc- the early 1990s. nations of the Organisation for Eco- it looks quite independent, or autono- is based in Indias commercial tive technologies such as cloud
tion will be strong in the April-June The Bank of Japan has struggled to nomic Co-operation and Development mous from the business cycle and eco- capital Mumbai, told AFP. computing.
quarter, underpinning the view that lift ination despite years of aggres- (OECD). nomic growth rates.

investment funds
Funds Fund Manager Valuation
Net Asset Prev NAV Valued date
Prev NAV Dated Currency Funds Fund Manager Valuation
Net Asset Prev NAV Valued date
Prev NAV Dated Currency
Value (NAV) Value (NAV)

National Bank of Kuwait Index Funds GCC Large Cap Index Fund Global Weekly April 26, 2017 KD 1.152 1.191 April 13, 2017
Equity Funds Al-Mamoun Fund A Global Weekly April 26, 2017 KD 0.635 0.652 April 13, 2017
Money Market Funds
Watani KD Money Market Fund II NBK Capital Weekly May 23, 2017 KD 1.026 1.024 April 11, 2017 Al-Mamoun Fund B Global Weekly April 26, 2017 KD 0.635 0.652 April 13, 2017
Watani USD Money Market Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 23, 2017 USD 10.210 10.202 April 11,, 2017 GCC Large Cap Fund Global Bi-weekly April 25, 2017 USD 144.980 146.310 April 11, 2017
Watani KD Money Market Fund (Acc Al-Noor Fund Global Bi-weekly Jan 31, 2017 SAR 197.090 197.090 Jan 24, 2017
to Islamic Shariah principles) II NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 1.024 1.023 April 11, 2017 Global Saudi Equity Fund Global Bi-weekly April 25, 2017 SAR 206.000 208.630 April 11, 2017
Watani USD Money Market Fund (Acc Money Market Funds Global Money Market Fund Global Weekly Nov 20, 2016 USD 1.160
to Islamic Shariah principles) II NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 23, 2017 USD 10.070 10.070 April 11, 2017 Sectoral Funds EPADI Fund Global Weekly April 25, 2017 USD 107.150 108.510 April 11, 2017
NBK Kuwait Equity Fund Watani Investment Co. Weekly March 18, 2017 KD 0.644 0.670 March 23, 2017 Islamic Funds Global GCC Islamic Fund Global Weekly April 25, 2017 USD 98.360 100.140 April 11, 2017
Gulf Equity Investment Fund Watani Investment Co. Weekly March 18, 2017 USD 11.080 10.105 March 23, 2017 Al-Durra Islamic Fund Global Monthly April 26, 2017 KD 1.169 1.197 April 13, 2017

Gulf Bank Kuwait Finance & Investment Co (KFIC)
Al Bashaer GCC Equity Fund Kwt. Fin. & Inv. Co. & Gulf Fin. House Monthly April 30, 2017 USD 6.973 7.037 March 28, 2017 Al Wasm Fund KFIC Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 0.420 0.421 Feb 15, 2017
Coast Fund Coast Investment & Dev. Co. Monthly March 28, 2017 KD 0.666 0.672 Feb 28, 2017 Al Bashaer GCC Equity Fund KFIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 USD 7.073 6.853 Dec 31, 2016
Sanaya Dow Jones Kuwait Index Fund Industrial & Financial Investment Co. Weekly Jan 26, 2017 KD 0.561 0.561 Dec 30, 2016
Markaz Capital Preservation Program 1 Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.912 0.917 Dec 31, 2016
Markaz Capital Preservation Program 2 Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.942 0.940 Dec 31, 2016
KAMCO Investment Fund KAMCO Monthly Jan 31, 2017 KD 1.065 0.889 Nov 30, 2016
Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund Bi-annual Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.417 1.418 Jan 31, 2017
KAMCO GCC Opportunities Fund KAMCO Monthly July 31, 2016 USD 115.890 114.380 Feb 29, 2016

KAMCO MENA Plus Fixed Income Fund KAMCO March 31, 2017 USD 11.840 12.551 Jan 31, 2017
Al Ahli Bank KAMCO Real Estate Yield Fund KAMCO March 31, 2017 USD 10.320 10.220 Jan 31, 2017
Al Ahli Gulf Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.901 0.894 March 31, 2017 Kuwait Education Fund KAMCO Quartely Sept 30, 2016 KD 1.457
Al Ahli Kuwaiti Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.802 0.812 March 31, 2017

Wafra International Investment Co.

Burgan Bank Wafra Equity Fund Wafra Co. Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.891 0.902 Feb 28, 2017
Burgan Equity Fund Burgan Bank Monthly April 23, 2017 KD 1.772 1.809 March 26, 2017 Wafra Bond Fund Wafra Co. Monthly March 30, 2017 KD 1.037 1.034 Feb 28, 2017
Masaref Investment Fund ISKAN Weekly April 30, 2017 KD 0.817 0.816 Feb 28, 2017
Fajir Islamic Fund Wafra Co. Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.659 0.675 Feb 28, 2017
Boubyan Bank
Boubyan KD Money Market Fund Boubyan Bank Weekly May 2, 2017 KD 1.062 1.062 April 25, 2017
Boubyan KD Money Market Fund II Boubyan Bank Weekly May 2, 2017 KD 1.008 1.008 April 25, 2017 Shuaa Capital Co.
Emirates Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Feb 7, 2017 AED 15.110 15.070 Jan 31, 2017
The Arab Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Feb 7, 2017 USD 28.160 29.040 Jan 31, 2017
Boubyan Capital Investment Co.
Boubyan USD Liquidity Fund Boubyan Capital Investment Co May 2, 2017 USD 10.200 10.200 April 25, 2017
Boubyan Multi-Asset Holding Fund Boubyan Bank April 30, 2017 USD 10.530 10.530 April 25, 2017 Al Aman Investment
Al Aman Islamic Fund Al Aman Investment Weekly April 30, 2017 KD 0.341 0.342 Dec 31, 2016

Kuwait Investment Co.
Local Fund Al Raed Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly May 18, 2017 KD 0.985 0.982 May 14, 2017 Tharwa Investment Co.
Kuwait Investment Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly April 30, 2017 KD 0.688 0.694 March 30, 2017 Tharwa Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Weekly May 5, 2017 KD 1.391 1.379 March 13, 2017
Al Hilal Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.540 0.540 April 29, 2017 Tharwa Arab Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Bi-weekly July 31, 2016 USD 1.977 2.251 June 30, 2016
Al Atheer Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly April 30, 2017 KD 1.095 1.095 March 31, 2017 Tharwa World Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly March 31, 2016 USD 1.024 0.986 March 15, 2016
International Global Bond Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly May 17, 2017 USD 25.050 24.840 April 26, 2017 Tharwa Islamic Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly May 5, 2017 KD 0.573 0.571 March 13, 2017
Diversified Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly May 17, 2017 USD 19.370 19.280 May 10, 2017
European Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly April 28, 2017 Euro 21.530 20.800 April 26, 2017 Bank Al-Bilad
Pacific Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly May 17, 2017 USD 30.650 30.430 May 10, 2017 Al Seef Fund Bank Al-Bilad Daily May 21, 2017 KD 0.400 0.403 May 7, 2017
North American Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Tw. Monthly April 28, 2017 USD 18.370 18.260 March 31, 2017

Commercial International Bank

National Investment Co. (NIC) CIB Money Market Fund (Osoul) CI Asset Management Weekly May 31, 2017 EGP 291.050 290.960 May 25, 2017
Al-Wataniya Fund NIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.604 0.613 Feb 28, 2017
CIB II Equity (Isthethmar) CI Asset Management Weekly May 31, 2017 EGP 145.350 142.050 May 25, 2017
Al-Darij Fund NIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.353 0.355 Feb 28, 2017
CIB and Faisal Islamic Al Aman CI Asset Management Weekly May 31, 2017 EGP 81.440 79.450 May 25, 2017
Mawarid Fund NIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.506 0.513 Feb 28, 2017
Hemaya CI Asset Management Weekly May 2, 2017 EGP 172.900 172.460 April 2, 2017
Zajil Fund NIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.752 0.744 Feb 28, 2017
Thabat CI Asset Management Weekly May 31, 2017 EGP 172.900 171.660 May 25, 2017
Al Mada Investment Fund NIC Weekly April 30, 2017 USD 0.766 0.773 Feb 28, 2017
Takamol CI Asset Management Weekly May 31, 2017 EGP 139.630 137.670 May 25, 2017

Misr El Mostakbel CI Asset Management Weekly May 28, 2017 EGP 24.580 24.370 May 21, 2017
Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz)
Mumtaz Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly May 18, 2017 KD 3 .912 4.045 April 13, 2017
MIDAF Kuwait Financial Center Weekly May 18, 2017 KD 2.993 3.086 April 13, 2017
Noor Financial Investment Co.
Noor Islamic Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly Feb 29, 2016 KD 0.613 0.645 Dec 31, 2015
Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly May 18, 2017 KD 1.547 1.596 April 13, 2017

Markaz Arabian Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Nov 10, 2016 KD 2.990 2.920 Nov 3, 2016
FORSA Financial Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly March 31, 2017 KD 0.954 0.972 Feb 28, 2017 Al Zumorroda Investment Co.
Real Estate Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly March 31, 2017 KD 1.415 1.412 April 13, 2017 Zumorroda GCC Fund Al Zumorroda Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2016 KD 0.481 0.543 Dec 31, 2015
Markaz Fixed Income Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly May 18, 2017 USD 11.570 10.970 April 13, 2017
Mawazeen International Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 26, 2017 USD 9.050 9.140 March 19, 2017 KFH Capital Investment Co.
Markaz MENA Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly May 18, 2017 USD 10.660 10.640 April 13, 2017 Muthanna Islamic Index Fund (MUDX) KFH Capital Investment Company Daily Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.357 0.354 Jan 31, 2017
Muthanna GCC Islamic Banks Fund KFH Capital Investment Company Daily Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.683 0.673 Jan 31, 2017
Kuwait & Middle East Financial & Inv. Co. Baitak GCC Fund KFH Capital Investment Company Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.916 0.957 Jan 31, 2017
Al Rouyah Fund KMEFIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 1.371 1.386 March 31, 2017
Gulf Gate Fund KMEFIC Monthly Oct 31, 2016 KD 0.944 0.918 Sept 30, 2016 CapCorp Investment Co.
CapCorp Local Fund CapCorp Investment Company Weekly March 30, 2017 KD 0.926 0.941 Feb 28, 2017
Global Investment House


Gazprom says bottom line burned by weak gas prices

Russian gas giant Gazprom on Analysts quizzed by the as a drop in price of 20 percent
Wednesday announced a drop Interfax news agency had pre- was partially made up by a
in first-quarter profits on the back dicted a steeper fall in profits. 13-percent increase in the vol-
of weaker gas prices in Europe, Overall sales meanwhile grew ume sold.
but the damage for the energy by four percent to 1.815 trillion Meanwhile, sales to the for-
mammoth was less than expect- rubles ($32 billion, 28.7 billion mer Soviet region fell by 13
ed. euros), mainly on the back of an percent.
Between January and March, increase in sales of crude oil and Gazproms gas exports hit a
the state-owned behemoth saw refined products, the company record high last year, despite
net profits fall by eight percent said. Europe looking to diversify its
compared to the same period a The total value of gas sales supply in the face of frosty rela-
year ago to 333 billion rubles to the key markets of Europe tions with Moscow over the crisis
($5.87 billion, 5.3 billion euros). and Turkey fell by 10 percent, in Ukraine. (AFP)

Kuwait ends month with

strong gains; volume up
Boubyan Bank climbs 16 fils; Americana flat
By John Mathews 19.97 pct to close at 721 fils while volume of over 2 million and
Arab Times Staff Madar Finance rallied 16.6 percent to International Financial Advisors
stand next. Educational Holding Co inched 0.1 fils into green. Coast
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: slumped 17 pct, the steepest decliner Investment Co dialed up 1.3 fils and
Kuwait stocks rallied on of the day and Ahli United Bank Securities House Co inched 0.1 fils
topped the volume with 8.9 million into red.
Wednesday to wind up the shares. Bayan Investment Co dialed up 0.6
month on a solid note. The Mirroring the days upswing, the fils on back of over 3 million shares
price index climbed 58.5 winners outnumbered the losers. 53 while Ektittab Holding and Arzan
stocks advanced whereas 35 closed Investment paused at 35.1 fils and 35
points to 6,785.35 pts flat. Of the 113 counters active on fils respectively.
extending the gains to third Wednesday, 25 closed flat. 2,806 Noor Financial Investment Co
straight session. Some of deals worth KD 16.6 million were inched 0.1 fils higher to 53 fils and Al
the counters saw renewed transacted a 225 percent surge in Imtiaz stagnated at 158 fils. Al Salam
value from the day before. took in 2 fils before settling at 52 fils.
buying even as the heavy- National Industries Group fell 2 National Real Estate Co climbed 5
weights closed mixed. fils to 111 fils taking months losses fils to 115 fils whereas Mabanee Co
The KSX 15 gauge rose 1.9 pts to 9 fils and Gulf Cable followed suit. and Tamdeen Real Estate Co paused
to 915.82 points while weighted Heavy Engineering Industries and at 780 fils and 410 fils respectively.
index was up 2.36 pts at 404.46 Shipbuilding Co slipped 7 fils to 217 Kuwait Real Estate Co added 0.8 fils
points. The volume turnover fils while Marine and Contracting and Mazaya Holding dialed up 2 fils
meanwhile rebounded from the Shipbuilding Co inched 1 fils into to close at 114 fils.
red. The market has been largely upbeat
multi-month lows plumbed in the Kuwait Food Co (Americana) so far during the week and has gained
previous session. 81.16 million paused at KD 2.670 and has rallied 96 points pts in last four sessions. It
shares changed hands a 242.8 270 fils during the month while has slid 60 points from start of the
pct surge from the day before. Kuwait Foundry Co was up 3 fils at month and is trading 18 pct higher
The sectors closed mostly in green. 295 fils. Boubyan Petrochemical Co year-to-date. KSE, with 208 listed
Consumer goods outperformed the stood pat at 579 fils and Al Qurain companies, is the second largest
rest with 4.74 pct gain whereas tele- Petrochemical gained 4 fils. bourse in the region.
communications shed 1.35 pct, the In the bourse related news, Kuwait
biggest loser of the day. In terms of Profits Finance and Investment (KFIC)
volume, real estate mustered the Jazeera Airways was unchanged at rebounded to post a net profit of KD
highest market share of 27 percent 474 fils and ALAFCO clipped 2 fils. 146,350 in the first three months of
while financial services followed The company has posted a 83.3% 2017, from KD 255,510 loss in first
with 25.3 pct contribution. surge in profits to KD 5.59 million quarter of 2016. Operating income
Among notable movers, for the quarter ending 31 March 2017 grew 76% year-on-year to reach KD
Commercial Bank of Kuwait rose 4 from year before period . 1.65 million.
fils to 345 fils while Boubyan Bank Combined Group Contracting Co Aayan Real Estate has recorded a
gained 16 fils to end at 420 fils. was flat at 595 fils and Equipment 164.7 percent jump in its profits to
National Investment Co added 3 fils Holding inched 0.5 fils lower. The KD 536,890 for the first quarter of
and Humansoft Holding, the highest companys first quarter losses nar- 2017 from same period in the year
priced stock in the bourse, soared 260 rowed by 12.4 percent to KD 354,460 before. During 2016, the profit saw a
fils to KD 4.180. from KD 404,490 in Q1 of 2016. 1.5% uptick to KD 2.75 million in
Zain fell 3 fils to 426 fils after KGL Logistics Co took in 0.5 fils 2016 from the previous year.
trading 1.7 million shares and to close at 54.5 fils while Metal and Ooredoo Kuwait has posted 26.6
Ooredoo jumped 40 fils to KD Recycling Co held ground at 85 pct jump in profits during the first
1.260. Logistics major Agility fils. NICBM jumped 24 fils to 226 quarter of 2017 to KD 12.93 million
climbed 19 fils to 725 fils and fils. Al Rai Media Group Co took in from KD 10.21 million in same peri-
Kuwait Telecommunications Co 2 fils . od last year. It had recorded a growth
(VIVA) dipped 14 fils to 835 fils Automated Systems Co climbed of 75% in profits to KD 46.67 million
National Bank of Kuwait was flat 10 fils to 290 fils and Yiaco Medical during 2016.
at 880 fils and Gulf Bank ticked 1 fils followed suit to wind up a 240 fils. Mowasat Healthcare has registered
into red. The bank has posted a 6.7 Zimah Holding dialed up 0.7 pts a 40.2% increase in net profits in the
pct increase in first quarter profit in whereas Mezzan Holding dipped 10 first quarter of 2017, to reach KD
to KD 9.36 million from KD 8.77 fils to 980 fils. 1.92 million as compared to KD 1.37
million in Q1 of 2016. The net oper- In the banking sector, Kuwait million in the year before period.
ating profit rose by 6.8% to KD 9.8 Finance House seesawed narrowly Al Ahleia Insurance s first quar-
million. before closing flat at 488 fils with a ter net profit dropped by 14.5% in
The market opened firm and volume of over 5 million while the first to KD 2.88 million from
moved higher in early trade. The Kuwait International Bank and Ahli KD 3.37 million in Q1 of 2016.
main index seesawed before heading United Bank rose 4 fils each to 249 Operational income dipped 39.6 pct
further north half way into the ses- fils and 439 fils respectively. to KD 1.58 million National Ranges
sion to peaked at 6808.5 pts. It Burgan Bank eased 1 fils to 327 Companys (Mayadeen) losses
retreated thereafter and traded flat in fils and Warba Bank eased 1 fils to shrank by 18.2 pct in the first quar-
the final hour before closing with 246 fils. Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait was ter of 2017 to KD 642,620 from
strong gains. not traded during the session. about KD 785,610 in same period
Top gainer of the day, Eyas scaled KIPCO fell 1 fils to 350 fils with a of 2016.

Mideast Stocks

MSCI shares lift Egypt

Ezdan spooks Qatar bourse; Dana jumps

DUBAI, May 31, (RTRS): A sharp its rights and defend its position. It Bank advanced 3.9 percent and Global
drop in property developer Ezdan has resisted legal efforts to make it pay Telecom Holding rose 1.4 percent.
Holding rippled across Qatars stock Pearl for years, and it is not clear if the Real estate developer Talaat
market on Wednesday while profit- latest legal action will have a different Mostafa Group rose 2.7 percent and
taking in blue chips dragged Abu result. investment bank EFG Hermes, which
Dhabi lower, although Dana Gas Profit-taking hit most Abu Dhabi will replace it in MSCIs emerging
jumped on hopes for payments from blue chip shares, taking the index market index on Thursday, fell 1.9
the Kurdistan Regional Government down 1.7 percent. First Abu Dhabi percent. EFG had gained sharply and
(KRG). Bank retreated 3.7 percent, its biggest Talaat Mostafa had dropped since the
Shares in Ezdan, Qatars largest single-day decline since it was formed index change was announced in mid-
listed developer, tumbled by a further by a merger on April 1. May.
9.3 percent. They have plunged since The Dubai index was almost flat as
the end of last week, when sharehold- 12 shares gained ground and 19 Saudi Arabia
ers gave preliminary approval for the declined. Small and mid-sized compa- The index was unchanged at
company to delist. nies generally outperformed again, 6,871 points.
The exchange said it had removed with Islamic Arab Insurance jumping
Ezdan from the QSE index after 6.0 percent. Dubai
Mondays close because of the deci- DAMAC Properties climbed 3.5 The index edged down 0.03 per-
sion, but the steep drop soured senti- percent. It will be included in the
ment toward other stocks. MSCI emerging market index on cent to 3,339 points.
Investors are fed up as a result of Thursday, so passive index-linked Abu Dhabi
the inaction of the regulatory authori- funds were expected to flow into it on
ties, the fact they did not reject the Wednesday. The index lost 1.7 percent to
delisting of such a major company, In Saudi Arabia, large-cap banks 4,427 points.
said one regional investor. Qatars outperformed with Banque Saudi Qatar
stock index lost 1.6 percent. Fransi adding 2.6 percent. The Saudi
Abu Dhabis Dana Gas jumped 5.1 index was flat. The index fell 1.6 percent to
percent and was the most heavily trad- Oil shipper National Shipping Co 9,901 points.
ed share on the bourse. (Bahri) rose 0.3 percent on news it had Egypt
An article on the website of Pearl signed a joint venture agreement with
Petroleum said Pearl, Dana and state oil giant Aramco, London-listed The index rose 0.8 percent to
Crescent Petroleum had applied to a Lamprell and South Koreas Hyundai 13,340 points.
US District Court for recognition and Heavy Industries to build and operate Kuwait
enforcement of awards made at the a shipyard on the kingdoms east
London Court of International coast. The index added 0.9 percent to
Arbitration against the KRG. Petrochemical shares lagged as 6,785 points.
The article said that documents Brent oil futures continued a sharp
associated with the US court filing decline, falling below $51 a barrel to a Bahrain
revealed Pearl was seeking another three-week low. Saudi Basic Industries The index was flat at 1,320
$26.5 billion in damages through a lost 1.3 percent. points.
final phase of arbitration, which was In Egypt, constituents of the MSCI
expected to begin in September. emerging market index buoyed the Oman
In a statement, the KRG said it local blue chip index, which climbed The index rose 0.4 percent to
would continue vigorously to pursue 0.8 percent. Commercial International 5,422 points.


UK space firms may need EU units after Brexit Uber fires engineer at center of trade secret suit
British companies may need to as saying in an interview published space sector a priority in its indus- Uber on Tuesday conrmed that to the litigation, according to an San Francisco-based Uber
set up subsidiaries in continen- on its website on Wednesday. trial strategy, remains a full partner it has red an engineer accused Uber spokesperson who asked said it pressed Levandowski for
tal Europe to take part in multi- The European Space Agency on such EU-funded programmes in a trade secrets suit involving not to be named. months to help with the investi-
billion-euro space programmes (ESA) is an intergovernmental until 2019, but the industry needed les he purportedly purloined The case stems from a lawsuit gation, and did not want to wait
funded by the European Union organisation with 22 European to prepare for the years beyond, from Alphabets self-driving car led in February by Waymo, for- until the matter made its way
after Britain leaves the EU, the member states, not an EU agen- ESAs Woerner told the FT. unit Waymo. merly known as the Google self- through the courts to decide
head of Europes space agency cy. But it manages some major He said it was urgent that Brit- The ring of Anthony Levan- driving car unit, which claimed whether to let him go.
told the Financial Times. EU-funded space programmes ain and the EU come to an agree- dowski came just ahead of a former manager Levandowski In mid-May, US District Court
We have a tremendous prob- such as Galileo, Europes 10 bil- ment on continued participation date set by a judge for Uber to took a trove of technical data Judge William Alsup issued a par-
lem with Brexit because it means lion euro ($11.2 billion) satellite in EU-funded programmes. If return les taken from Waymo. with him when he left to launch tial injunction that fell short of the
that UK companies ... are not eligi- navigation project, and Earth ob- not, a short-term solution could Levandowski missed a com- a competing venture that went complete shutdown of Ubers self-
ble to have a contract directly, the servation programme Copernicus. be for British companies to set pany deadline for assisting with on to become Otto and was later driving car efforts that Alphabet
newspaper quoted Jan Woerner The UK, which has made the up EU subsidiaries. (RTRS) an internal investigation related acquired by Uber. lawyers had requested. (AFP)

the bottomline Global stocks retreat, shave May

DALLAS: Exxon Mobil shareholders
Wednesday pushed the company to re-
port and disclose whether regulations
designed to reduce climate change
will hurt the oil giants business.
a British online trading company, said
it expected full-year pretax prot and
earnings to be modestly ahead of
last year, with full-year revenue seen
rising about 7 percent.
gains, oil prices hit 3-week lows
Investors holding 62 percent of The company, which provides on-
shares voted at the companys annual
meeting favored more disclosure
line stockbroking and trading services
to retail investors, said that despite a
Sterling dips on conflicting poll results
around the impact of global policies quiet fourth quarter in nancial mar-
aimed at limiting global warming to 2 kets, IGs revenue in the nal quarter US looming election in Britain has soured 10. US light crude traded at $48.31,
degrees Centigrade. of the year ending May 31 was higher NEW YORK, May 31,
sentiment. down $1.35, or 2.7 percent.
The vote is a defeat for the com- than in the same period a year ago. (Agencies): Major stock US stocks were down on Wednesday
Deutsche Bank shares ended the Both contracts were on track for
pany and a victory for environmental- In March the company had said its markets around the as nancials tumbled after JPMorgan
and Bank of America hinted at revenue day down more than 3.4 percent as their third straight monthly loss.
ists and shareholder activists, who saw fourth quarter had seen a better start
support for their proposal grow from and client recruitment was strong. globe fell on Wednes- weakness in the current quarter and oil warnings from US bellwethers JPMor- Unless some bullish news stops
gan and Bank of America on revenue this, prices will fall further in particu-
38 percent a year ago. (AP) (RTRS) day but were on track to prices fell to a three-week low.
weakness hit European peers. lar now with Brent trading below the
book moderate gains for JPMorgan blamed lower volatility The STOXX 600 has fallen 1.4 per- post-OPEC low and approaching $50 a
NEW YORK: Michael Kors Holdings LONDON: Irelands government has for the decline in trading revenue, while cent from its 21-month high hit earlier barrel, said Carsten Fritsch, commod-
plans to close up to 125 stores over announced that it will oat a quarter
May, while the sterling Bank of America said trading revenue in in May which much of the retreat seen ity analyst at Commerzbank.
the next two years with continued of troubled lender Allied Irish Banks, fell as conicting poll the second quarter was on track to be 10- in the latter half of the month. The Organization of the Petroleum
weak sales at its luxury stores. which was nationalised during the results stoked worries 12 percent lower than last year. In Britain, the FTSE ended the day Exporting Countries and other produc-
The London company also issues nancial crisis. Measures of market volatility are little changed but posted its best month ers, including Russia, agreed last week
a weak outlook and comparable store Dublin owns a 99.9-percent stake in whether the ruling Con- at rock-bottom, hitting trading desks of the year, helped by a weaker pound. to extend a deal to cut production by
sales were disappointing, sending the bank after rescuing it with almost servatives could lose at big banks. The US stock markets Italian stocks, which suffered a about 1.8 million barrels per day (bpd)
shares down 7 percent before the 21 billion euros ($23 billion) of tax-
seats in next weeks UK main gauge of investor anxiety closed heavy sell-off earlier this week on until the end of March 2018.
opening bell Wednesday. payers cash seven years ago. at its lowest level in over two decades
The retailer lost $26.8 million, or The bank, which collapsed under a general election. growing expectations the euro zone Traders covered short positions
on May 8. country may hold early elections, re- ahead of OPEC and some of these have
17 cents per share, after reporting crushing weight of bad debts, returned MSCIs global equity index, Financials, which have largely out- mained under pressures and fell XXX now been re-established, said Ole
a prot in the same period a year to protability in 2014. which tracks 45 stock mar- performed the broader market on bets
earlier. Earnings, adjusted for asset The governments long-held percent dragged lower primarily by Hansen, head of commodities strategy
kets, fell nearly 0.1 percent on of scal stimulus and simpler banking banks. at Saxo Bank.
impairment costs, were 73 cents per policy is that the state should exit its regulations under President Donald
share. The results topped Wall Street banking investments in a measured Wednesday, paring its month- The local banking index, hit by con- OPEC members Libya and Nigeria
expectations by 3 cents, according and prudent manner, returning owner- to-date gain to 1.8 percent. The Trump, are on track to decline 0.7 per- cerns over the rescue of two regional are exempt from the cuts, while US
to a survey by Zacks Investment ship to the private sector over time, index was on course for seven cent so far this year. lenders, fell 0.7 percent, and touched shale oil producers are not part of the
Research. (AP) said Irish Finance minister Michael JPMorgan was down 2 percent on its lowest levels in more than a month. agreement and have been ramping up
months of gains, which would Wednesday. Goldman Sachs fell 3 per-
Noonan in a statement issued late be its longest monthly winning Among Italian lenders, Carige fell production.
Tuesday. (AFP) cent and was the biggest drag on the 6.5 percent as a row over the com- Libyas oil production has risen to
NEW YORK: The New York Times streak in over a decade. Dow. Bank of America was down 2.5
The diminished appeal of stocks on panys management fuelled worries 827,000 bpd, climbing above a three-
said Wednesday it was offering percent.
buyouts to its newsroom employees in FRANKFURT AM MAIN: Deutsche Wednesday stoked safe-haven bids that its recapitalisation plans could be year peak of 800,000 bpd reached ear-
Adding to the pressure, oil prices delayed. lier in May, the National Oil Corpora-
a move aimed at eliminating multiple Bank, Germanys biggest lender, for gold and low-risk US and German fell as rising Libyan production fueled
layers of editing, to focus more on said Wednesday it would support On the broader market, the Basic tion said, after a technical issue that hit
government bonds. concerns that OPEC-led output cuts Sharara oileld was resolved.
reporting. three billion dollars worth of devel- Oil prices declined to a three-week Resources index, where major mining
are being undermined by several coun- companies are listed, was the biggest Shipping data on Thomson Reuters
A memo to staff cited by the news- opment projects in partnership with low as news of a rebound in Libyan
paper said an unspecied number of China Development Bank (CDB). tries that are excluded from the deal. sectoral faller, slumped 2 percent, fol- Eikon shows that, excluding pipeline
production exacerbated worries about Seven of the 11 major S&P sectors lowing iron ore prices sharpest rout of exports, Libya shipped an average of
buyouts would be offered to the news- CDB and Deutsche Bank agreed to a global oversupply despite OPECs
room staff, with the savings used to work together over the next ve years were lower, with the nancial indexs the year on fears of a supply glut. 500,000 bpd of oil so far this year, com-
hire as many as 100 new journalists. with an aim of supporting projects pact to extend output cuts last week. 1.13 percent fall leading the decliners. pared with 300,000 bpd average for 2016.
The Times newsroom was estimated worth $3.0 billion, the group said In late US morning trade, the Dow At 12:31 am ET, the Dow Jones Asia
at around 1,300 last year before an ear- in a statement, published as Chinese Jones Industrial Average fell 18.21 Industrial Average was down 30.8 Asian markets mostly rose Wednes- Gold
lier round of buyouts offered. (AFP) premier Li Keqiang visits Berlin. points, or 0.09 percent, to 21,011.26, points, or 0.15 percent, at 20,998.67, day after forecast-beating Chinese fac- Gold edged higher on Wednesday as
The two banks signed a memo- the S&P 500 lost 2.35 points, or 0.10 the S&P 500 was down 5.1 points, or tory data raised hopes for the worlds the dollar dipped and simmering geo-
randum of understanding expressing percent, to 2,410.56 and the Nasdaq 0.21 percent, at 2,407.81 and the Nas- number two economy, but gains were political tensions lent support, though
WASHINGTON: The Federal interest in promoting the renminbis Composite dropped 12.05 points, or daq Composite index was down 16.44
Aviation Administration is seeking limited following soft leads from Wall the metal was heading for its rst
internationalisation and in nancing 0.19 percent, to 6,191.14. points, or 0.26 percent, at 6,186.75. Street and Europe. monthly drop since December amid an
a $435,000 penalty against United economic cooperation between China, On the other hand, Europes broad
Airlines, saying the carrier failed to Shares of Michael Kors fell 9.9 per- China said Wednesday that its pur- increased chance of a US interest rate
Germany and other Belt and Road FTSEurorst 300 index edged up 0.25 cent to $32.69 after the luxury fashion
inspect a repair job before putting a Initiative countries, the statement chasing managers index of manufac- rise next month.
plane back into service. percent, at 1,537.42 after a sharp fall in retailer gave a bleak full-year forecast turing activity held up in May, beating The dollar dipped versus a currency
read. (AFP) euro zone ination led investors to be-
The FAA said Tuesday that United and said it would shut more than 100 expectations for a decline. basket, with sterling recovering after a
lieve the European Central Bank will full-price retail stores in the next two
mechanics replaced a fuel pump pres- Shanghai, which was closed Mon- poll showed the Britains ruling Con-
sure switch on a Boeing 787 in 2014, FRANKFURT AM MAIN: German not be quite as hawkish at its policy years. day and Tuesday for a holiday, ended servative party still in the lead, over-
and the plane was used on 23 ights car parts supplier Continental and meeting next week than had originally Mallinckrodt was down 1.4 percent up 0.2 percent, Sydney added 0.1 per- riding a previous projection of a hung
before the required inspection was per- Chinese internet giant Baidu will col- been expected. at $43.04, after sources said the drug- cent and Seoul was 0.2 percent higher. parliament in elections next week.
formed. The FAA said United used the laborate on technology for self-driving The biggest mover in currencies was maker is exploring a sale of its generic Singapore put on 0.2 percent and Ja- Still the dollars losses were limited
plane on two ights after being told the and connected cars, the two rms said sterling, which shed as much as 0.5 per- drug unit, in a deal that could fetch as karta gained 0.2 percent. given US consumer spending and ina-
inspection had been skipped. (AP) Wednesday. cent after a YouGov poll showed the rul- much as $2 billion. However, Tokyo ended 0.1 percent tion data published on Tuesday which
Both partners intend to develop ing Conservative Party might lose 20 of Analog Devices rose 2.5 percent to lower and Hong Kong shed 0.2 percent pointed to improved domestic demand
technologies, products and business the 330 seats it holds while the opposi- $86.91 after the chipmakers quarterly
NEW YORK: Put off by what they models ... for automated driving, after a one-day break. that should allow the Federal Reserve
see as exorbitant pay for Mylan ex- tion Labour Party could gain nearly 30 results came in above expectations. n Key gures around 0815 GMT to raise interest rates next month.
connected vehicles and intelligent seats in a national election on June 8.
ecutives, some big pension funds are mobility services, the company said Tokyo Nikkei 225: Down 0.1 Higher rates reduce demand for
attempting to block the re-election of Sterling fell to a six-week low Europe percent at 19,650.57 (close) non-interest bearing bullion and boost
in a statement, as Chinese Premier Li
a number of board members, includ- Keqiang was due to arrive in the Ger- of $1.2770 before recovering some European shares posted their fourth Hong Kong Hang Seng: Down the US dollar, making dollar-priced
ing Chairman and former CEO Robert man capital later Wednesday. (AFP) ground to $1.2838. It also slipped to straight month of gains on Wednesday 0.2 percent at 25,660.65 (close) gold costlier for non-US investors.
Coury, who received $100 million
0.8749 pound per euro, near Fridays though fresh political worries and the Shanghai Composite: Up 0.2 per- The market has been over-enthu-
last year. eight-week low of 0.8750. lack of new catalysts following a sur- cent at 3,117.18 (close) siastic in terms of the weakness (seen
Put off by what they see as exorbi- LYON: NBC News has nalised its The dollar fell 0.3 percent against a prisingly strong earnings season spurred Dollar/yen: Up at 110.95 yen from in gold). Once the rate hike happens,
tant pay for Mylan executives, some deal to take a 25 percent stake in basket of currencies following weaker- investors to lock in some prots in banks 110.76 yen people will focus on political uncer-
big pension funds are attempting to Euronews as it seeks to compete on than-forecast data on pending home sales. and commodities-related stocks. tainty and on the physical support (for
block the re-election of a number of a more global scale, the European Meanwhile, the yuan jumped to its The pan-European STOXX 600 in- Oil gold), said Hamza Khan, head of
board members, including Chairman broadcaster said on Wednesday. strongest in more than 6 months on bets dex ended the day little changed and
and former CEO Robert Coury, who NBC will pay 25 million euros Oil prices fell to a three-week low commodities strategy at ING.
received $100 million last year. ($28.1 million) for the stake and its
the Chinese central bank is now less in- up 0.9 percent in May, the slimmest on Wednesday on news that Libyan Fundamentally we favour the
They say huge paychecks were familiar peacock tail will feature clined to allow the currency to weaken rise since the streak of monthly gains output was recovering from an oileld upside. We see prices at $1,350 (an
awarded to executives as backlash in the logo of the newly renamed markedly against the greenback. began in February. technical issue, fuelling concerns that ounce) for the third quarter, and $1,250
from consumers and the US govern- EuronewsNBC channel. In commodities, Brent crude was Robust corporate prots, relatively OPEC-led output cuts to reduce global for the second quarter.
ment escalated over prices Mylan The US company, a unit of last down $1.94, or 3.74 percent, at cheap valuations and diminishing po- inventories were being undermined by Spot gold edged up 0.2 percent to
charged for its EpiPen emergency Comcasts NBCUniversal, will bring $49.90 a barrel. US crude was last litical risks have lured investors back producers outside the deal. $1,264.81 per ounce at 1346 GMT. It
allergy treatment. (AP) resources and know-how to help down $1.83, or 3.69 percent, at $47.83 into regional stocks. Benchmark Brent oil was down closed 0.3 percent lower on Tuesday
Euronews, based in the eastern French per barrel. However, with valuations now back $1.63, or 3.1 percent, at $50.21 a barrel after rising to a one-month high of
city of Lyon, revamp its production Spot gold prices rose $4.45 or 0.35 above historical averages, jitters over by 1341 GMT, after earlier touching $1,270.47. For the month, bullion is
LONDON: IG Group Holdings Plc, model from top to bottom. (AFP) percent, to $1,267.16 an ounce. early autumn elections in Italy and the $50.12 a barrel, the weakest since May down 0.2 percent.

exchange rates May 31

US dollar Sterling pound Euro Japanese yen Swiss franc Canadian dollar Swedish krona Saudi riyal UAE dirham Bahraini dinar Omani riyal
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .300300 .302050 .302050 .383176 .381645 .381645 .334871 .334324 .334324 .002658 .025574 .025574 .305471 .306215 .306215 .220892 .218656 .218656 .030844 .307630 .307630 .080087 .080586 .080586 .081452 .084107 .084107 .800857 .800356 .800356 .784229 .778728 .778728
Sell .304700 .304400 .304400 .393176 .391214 .391214 .343871 .341424 .341424 .002808 .028374 .028374 .315471 .313215 .313215 .229592 .228658 .228658 .035844 .357630 .357630 .081387 .081226 .081226 .083152 .082903 .082903 .809357 .808856 .808856 .789909 .789728 .789728
Muzaini Sell .304400 .304400 .304400 .391760 .391760 .342450 .342450 .002735 .002735 .314790 .314790 .227500 .227500 .081227 .081227 .082877 .082877 .808820 .808820 .791060 .791060
Dollarco Sell .304400 .304400 .304400 .391610 .391610 .391610 .342150 .342150 .342150 .002745 .002745 .002745 .313810 .313810 .313810 .226990 .226990 .226990 .081227 .081227 .081227 .082931 .082931 .082931 .808820 .808820 .808820
Commercial Bank Buy .301000 .302250 .302250 .387000 .387908 .387908 .338000 .338973 .338973 .002729 .002729 .310000 .311309 .311309 .224000 .224263 .224263 .034726 .034726 .079000 .080617 .080617 .082244 .082321 .082321 .801279 .802256 .802256 .785521 .785371 .785371
Sell .306100 .305850 .305850 .394000 .392528 .392528 .345000 .343011 .343011 .002761 .002761 .319000 .315017 .315017 .231000 .226934 .226934 .035140 .035140 .083000 .081577 .081577 .083071 .083302 .083302 .809332 .811812 .811812 .793416 .794725 .794725
Gulf Bank Buy .303000 .303000 .303000 .038623 .038623 .038623 .033705 .033705 .033705 .000272 .000272 .000272 .030958 .030958 .030958 .022390 .022390 .022390 .003462 .003462 .003462 .080650 .080650 .080650 .082300 .082300 .082300 .080018 .080018 .080018 .078650 .078650 .078650
Sell .305100 .305100 .305100 .039404 .039404 .039404 .034384 .034384 .034384 .000277 .000277 .000277 .031588 .031588 .031588 .022847 .022847 .022847 .003500 .003500 .003500 .081760 .081760 .081760 .083320 .083320 .083320 .081141 .081141 .081141 .079653 .079653 .079653
NBK Buy .303250 .303250 .390500 .390500 .333780 .333780 .002708 .002708 .306020 .306020 .218030 .218030 .034390 .034390 .080720 .080720 .082440 .082440 .080297 .080297 .786500 .786500
Sell .305600 .305600 .401380 .401380 .343620 .343620 .002788 .002788 .315870 .315870 .045910 .045910 .034980 .034980 .081430 .081430 .083120 .083120 .080993 .080993 .793090 .793090
Burgan Bank Buy .302000 .302000 .381888 .381888 .333628 .333628 .002683 .002683 .306249 .306249 .221085 .221085 .341663 .341663 .079231 .079231 .080894 .080894 .788229 .788229 .771820 .771820
Sell .306100 .306100 .402858 .402858 .351967 .351967 .002831 .002831 .323106 .323106 .233221 .233221 .360407 .360407 .083772 .083772 .085535 .085535 .833395 .833395 .816001 .816001
ABK Buy .300650 .303150 .303150 .384530 .387980 .387980 .333720 .336710 .336710 .027314 .027314 .308910 .308910 .224700 .224700 .034700 .034700 .082130 .080120 .080120 .082244 .082070 .082070 .797170 .797170 .783570 .783570
Sell .306750 .305250 .305250 .394790 .392530 .392530 .342950 .340990 .340990 .027649 .027649 .313140 .313140 .227270 .227270 .035470 .035470 .080120 .081650 .081650 .083071 .083440 .083440 .812290 .812290 .796450 .796450
KFH Buy .301290 .302000 .302000 .372696 .378104 .378104 .325002 .330297 .330297 .002666 .002666 .304068 .304068 .221229 .221229 .034411 .034411 .080190 .080418 .080418 .081875 .082108 .082108 .795065 .800636 .800636 .766641 .783907 .783907
Sell .306820 .305100 .305100 .408715 .400322 .400322 .358642 .349004 .349004 .002818 .002818 .320181 .320181 .230264 .230264 .035096 .035096 .081956 .081464 .081464 .083680 .083177 .083177 .817533 .809713 .809713 .793637 .792879 .792879
KBE Sell .304300 .304300 .380900 .380900 .332100 .332100 .082810 .082810 .806500 .806500
Danish krone Indian rupee Pakistani rupee Sri Lanka rupee Bangladesh taka Philippine peso Australian dollar Hong Kong dollar Singapore dollar Jordanian dinar Egyptian pound
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .041673 .416109 .416109 .004125 .046493 .046493 .002701 .028696 .028696 .001631 .019480 .019480 .003387 .003735 .003735 .005995 .055631 .055631 .218378 .216317 .216317 .036994 .036498 .036498 .214627 .215531 .215531 .423975 .423661 .423661 .014004 .016311 .016311
Sell .046673 .466109 .466109 .004813 .047253 .047253 .002991 .029018 .029018 .002211 .019900 .019900 .003971 .003779 .003779 .006295 .051300 .051300 .230378 .229317 .229317 .039744 .039596 .039596 .224627 .221531 .221531 .432976 .431061 .431061 .019912 .017150 .017150
Muzaini Sell .004713 .004713 .002901 .002901 .001987 .001987 .003766 .003766 .006112 .006112 .039066 .039066 .220740 .220740 .429340 .429340 .019300 .016754 .016754
Dollarco Sell .004760 .004737 .004737 .003050 .002916 .002916 .002270 .002014 .002014 .004000 .003819 .003819 .006350 .006158 .006158 .433500 .431140 .431140 .020000 .017031 .017031
Commercial Bank Buy .045566 .045566 .004000 .002000 .005000 .225000 .225509 .225509 .038792 .038792 .218641 .218641 .420000 .012000
Sell .046108 .046108 .006500 .004752 .004752 .002922 .002922 .003500 .002004 .002004 .003797 .003797 .007900 .006161 .006161 .233000 .228195 .228195 .039254 .039254 .221246 .221246 .436000 .432511 .432511 .020000 .017427 .017427
Gulf Bank Buy .004544 .004544 .004544 .225290 .225290 .225290 .038680 .038680 .038680 .021859 .021859 .021859
Sell .004603 .004603 .004603 .004790 .004790 .004790 .002950 .002950 .002950 .002020 .002020 .002020 .003830 .003830 .003830 .006200 .006200 .006200 .228250 .228250 .228250 .039460 .039460 .039460 .022103 .022103 .022103 .433550 .433550 .433550 .017040 .017040 .017040
NBK Buy .045070 .045070 .004690 .004690 .001940 .001940 .005930 .005930 .222040 .222040 .217140 .217140 .042546 .042546 .016610 .016610
Sell .045910 .045910 .004731 .004731 .002950 .002950 .002020 .002020 .006110 .006110 .230730 .230730 .219840 .219840 .043286 .043286 .017780 .017780
Burgan Bank Buy .448429 .448429 .004598 .004598 .028287 .028287 .001944 .001944 .036697 .036697 .005956 .005956 .221888 .221888 .215131 .215131 .418771 .418771 .016393 .016393
Sell .473082 .473082 .004879 .004879 .030028 .030028 .002056 .002056 .038985 .038985 .006319 .006319 .234137 .234137 .229868 .229868 .442840 .442840 .017382 .017382
ABK Buy .042900 .042900 .004650 .004650 .225020 .225020 .038840 .038840 .218110 .218110 .426650 .426650
Sell .046500 .046500 .004761 .004761 .002991 .002991 .002123 .002123 .006655 .006655 .227890 .227890 .039290 .039290 .220610 .220610 .433890 .433890 .018210 .018210
KFH Buy .045139 .045139 .004626 .004626 .002860 .002860 .001965 .001965 .003689 .003689 .005976 .005976 .219071 .219071 .216736 .222182 .424873 .424873 .016557 .016557
Sell .046161 .046161 .004784 .004784 .002932 .002932 .002011 .002011 .003828 .003828 .006224 .006224 .233676 .233676 .730811 .430811 .016912 .016912
KBE Sell .004694 .004694 .004694 .004694 .001984 .001984 .003778 .003778 .006060 .006060 .016990 .016990
Cyprus pound Yemeni riyal Thai baht South African rand Korean won Syrian pound Iranian Riyal Lebanese pound Malaysian ringgit Indonesian rupiah New Zealand dollar
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .009890 .011643 .011643 .008574 .085192 .085192 .017245 .000262 .001290 .004994 .004994 .000084 .000151 .001864 .001864 .067041 .660077 .660077 .000018 .000178 .000178 .209718 .207368 .207368
Sell .001069 .012643 .012643 .009124 .089342 .089342 .025745 .000277 .001510 .007194 .007194 .000086 .000251 .002064 .002064 .073041 .730077 .730077 .000024 .000245 .000245 .219218 .218358 .218358
Muzaini Sell .001223 .001223 .008947 .008947 .002170 .002170 .002029 .002029 .068947 .068947
Dollarco Sell .695000 .168730 .168730 .009000 .009820 .009820 .000750 .002425 .002425 .069800 .069775 .069775
Gulf Bank Buy .214130 .214130 .214130
Sell .023570 .023570 .023570 .000020 .000020 .000020 .218580 .218580 .218580
ABK Buy .213100 .213100
Sell .216700 .216700
KFH Buy .001970 .001970 .008738 .008738 .000197 .000197 .069859 .069859
Sell .002300 .002300 .009099 .009099 .000206 .000206 .071975 .071975
KBE Sell .001550 .001550 .002395 .002395

travellers cheques US dollar Sterling Euro local gold Gold 999 kg Gold 999 10 tola Gold ounce Gold gm 22k Gold gm 21k Gold gm 18k 100 gm 999 10 gm 999
BEC .3044000 .3925508 .3428514 BEC All rates in KD per unit of
Commercial Bank .3022500 .3925280 .3430110 Muzaini Exchange 12,484.770 1,475.890 398.765 11.460 10.940 9.370 131.675
.3051000 .3892300 .3441100
foreign currency
Gulf Bank
Al-Ahli Bank .3052500 .3925300 .3131400


UN warns Yemen conflict is leading to countrys collapse

UAE-backed forces gain control over Aden airport

SANAA, Yemen, May 31, (AP): seized by Shiite rebels, and Aden be- to land in Aden. Hadi ordered Emeiry a Security Council brieng that there chief warned Tuesday that civil war consequence of actions by ghters
Forces backed by the United Arab came his temporary seat of power. red and clashes broke out when are 60 thousand suspected cases of the is causing Yemen to spiral toward to- loyal to the former president and Shiite
Emirates have taken over the airport However, tensions have grown be- armed Hadi loyalists arrived at the air- cholera in its second outbreak in Yem- tal collapse with the threat of famine Houthi rebels and their supporters.
in the southern city of Aden, according tween Hadi and the UAE over control port to enforce his decree. Since then en in six months. increasing and over 55,000 suspected But it is also, sadly, a result of in-
to Yemeni security ofcials, further of Adens airport, the main gateway to control of the airport had remained The UN envoy said that Yemens cholera cases since late April. action whether due to inability or
fueling tension between internation- Yemens second largest city. UAE-led split between UAE-backed forces and collapsing medical sector contributed Stephen OBrien told the UN Secu- indifference by the international
ally recognized President Abed Rabbo forces have made several previous un- Hadi supporters. to the rapid outbreak, noting that less rity Council that Yemen now has the community, he said.
Mansour Hadi and the UAE. successful attempts to seize the airport. In May Hadi two senior ofcials than 45 percent of medical facilities ignominy of being the worlds largest OBrien called for urgent action to
The ofcials said that one soldier Hadis supporters accuse the UAE from the south who allegedly support- are functioning and only half of Yem- food security crisis. More than 17 stem the suffering in the Arab worlds
from among the forces guarding the of aiding groups attempting to cre- ed the separation and had ties to the enis have access to clean water. million people desperately need food, poorest nation, stressing that if there was
airport died in clashes Wednesday ate an independent government in the UAE. The move was met with protests The World Health Organization said including 6.8 million who are one no conict there would be no descent
morning. The ofcials spoke anony- south of Yemen, which would allow in the south and fueled further calls for in its latest update on Monday that the step away from famine, he said. into famine, misery, disease and death.
mously as they were not authorized to the leading economic power in the re- separation. disease continues to spread but at a slow- The people of Yemen are being But the UN envoy for Yemen, Is-
brief the media. gion to maintain a permanent presence Meanwhile, The United Nations en- er pace, putting the death toll at 471. subjected to deprivation, disease and mail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, told the
The UAE contributed forces to the in the south with its strategic ports. voy for Yemen said on Tuesday that A Saudi-led coalition has been bat- death as the world watches, OBrien council that serious negotiations on the
Saudi-led coalition that secured Hadis Conicts over the airport started in the cholera outbreak in the war-ravaged tling Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen warned. rst steps to a cessation of hostilities
return to the country following his ex- February when the head of airport se- country has killed over 500 people since since March 2015, in a war that has He said the countrys spiral down- have been slow and the key parties are
ile in 2014. Hadi was originally forced curity Saleh al-Emeiry, an ally of the the disease reemerged last month. killed more than 10,000 civilians. wards towards a total social, economic reluctant to even discuss the conces-
to ee the capital, Sanaa, when it was UAE, refused to allow Hadis plane Ismael Ould Cheikh Ahmed said at Meanwhile, the UN humanitarian and institutional collapse is a direct sions needed for peace.

France, India, Turkey, Japan, the

Continued from Page 1
board a train in the city.
It all started when the assailant be-
DAESH fighters seal off Mosul United Arab Emirates and Bulgaria
similarly reported damage to their em-
bassies, including shattered windows,
as the blast drew an avalanche of inter-
national condemnation.
gan chanting religious and racist in-

mosque preparing for last stand

The White House issued a scathing
sults towards the two Muslim women, statement condemning the atrocious
which prompted three men to intervene attack.
in a bid to stop the assailant from hurt- That this attack would occur dur-
ing the two women, and it was when ing the holy month of Ramadan un-
they got stabbed.
Two of them succumbed to their in- derscores the senseless and barbaric
nature of this attack, a White House
juries and died while defending people
who were complete strangers to them.
Australian girl on vacation killed in Baghdad blast spokesman said.
But to them, they were fullling their
sincere conviction and high moral BAGHDAD, May 31,
standard in the name of brothers in
humanity. (Agencies): Islamic State Russian jets halt advance on desert outpost: Syrian rebels Newswatch
The second incident took place in militants have closed the
Munich, Germany; where one of the streets around Mosuls
famous sports club, Bayern Munich,
decided to establish a mosque inside Grand al-Nuri Mosque, Strike kills IS propaganda agency founder Continued from Page 1
DUBAI: A Bahraini court on
the fence of its club for Muslims to residents said, apparently BEIRUT, May 31, (Agencies): A he was moving to the land of the ca- They identied them as Russian Wednesday ordered the dissolu-
practice their religion freely. in preparation for a - US-led coalition air strike on east- liphate in IS-held Al-Bab. because they ew in formation and tion of the main secular Waad op-
This idea was sparked by only one position group and the seizure of
of its players who wanted to perform nal showdown in the bat- ern Syria has killed a founder of He went on to move to ISs Syrian at higher altitude than Syrian jets.
its assets, Waad said on its Twitter
the Islamic State groups notori- bastion Raqa, but ed to Mayadeen A sortie of Russian jets bombed
his daily prayers. In respect of others tle over their last major ous Amaq propaganda agency, four months ago as the US-backed us to repel our advance after we account.
religion, the club designated a place stronghold in Iraq. Syrian opposition activists said on Syrian Democratic Forces drew near broke the rst lines of defence of The ruling is part of a wider
where its Muslim players, spectators Dozens of ghters were seen by Wednesday. to the northern city, Khaled said. the Iranian militia and took over crackdown by the Western-allied
and even visitors could go and perform residents taking up positions in the Rayan Mashaal, also known as We knew that he was founding advanced positions near the Zaza government that has included out-
their obligatory prayers easily and Baraa Kadek, was reportedly killed this (Amaq) agency in 2014 be- checkpoint, Saad al Haj, a spokes- lawing opposition groups, impris-
freely. past 48 hours around the medieval in coalition bombardment on the IS- cause he invited all the activists in man for Jaish Osoud al-Sharqiya, oning and trying prominent rights
How excellent and high their moral- mosque, the site where Islamic held town of Mayadeen, near Syr- Aleppo to join him, Khaled said. one of the main groups in the area campaigners and revoking the citi-
ity is, wishing at least for some of it, State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ias border with Iraq, on Monday. Amaq is ISs self-styled news told Reuters. zenship of a religious leader.
even if in small pieces, to fall into our declared an Islamist caliphate in Several Syrian activist Facebook outlet. Its channels on social me- The southeast of the Syrian de- It followed a Justice Ministry
blotted out nation; the nation which July 2014. pages, including the prominent dia application Telegram are often sert, known as the Badia, has be- petition led in March accusing the
was described in the Holy Quran as Islamic States black ag has been media collective Eye on the Home- the rst place that IS publishes its come an important front in Syrias National Democratic Action So-
ying from the mosque since the land, shared the news of his death. claims of responsibility for attacks civil war between President Bashar ciety, known as Waad, of serious
the best nation that ever existed violations targeting the principle
among humanity militants captured Mosul and seized Mashaal was one of the found- around the world. al-Assad, backed by Iran and
ers of Daeshs Amaq news agen- The US-led coalition has been Shiite militias, and rebels seeking of respecting the rule of law, sup-
swathes of Iraq and Syria in the sum- porting terrorism and sanctioning
mer of 2014. cy, Eye on the Homeland said, us- bombing IS targets in Syria since to oust him.
ing the Arabic acronym for IS. September 2014 and has been They are competing to capture violence. (RTRS)
Death to US-backed Iraqi government forces
retook eastern Mosul in January and
He and his daughter were killed heavily bombing Mayadeen since land held by Islamic State, which
in a coalition air strike on Mayadeen last week. is retreating as it comes under in-
began a new push on Saturday to cap- in Deir Ezzor province, the collec- The Britain-based Observatory tense attack in Iraq and along Syr- GENEVA: Donald Trump may
Continued from Page 1 ture the groups remaining enclave in be lighting up Twitter with strange
tive wrote. said on Friday that at least 80 rela- ias Euphrates basin.
the victim in September last year to a western Mosul, comprising of the Old A Facebook post reportedly writ- tives of IS ghters were killed in Haj said none of their ghters new words and attacks on allies but
chalet where they sexually assaulted City center where the mosque is located, ten by Mashaals brother was also coalition strikes on the town. were killed. Another FSA ofcial, in the battle for most attention per
him. and three adjacent districts alongside the being circulated as conrmation of More than 320,000 people have Said Seif from the Ahmed Abdo tweet the US president is losing.
The victim is a Kuwaiti citizen suf- western bank of the River Tigris. his death. been killed and millions displaced Martyrs group, also said Russian The world leader whose original
fering from partial mental disability, The fall of the city would, in effect, Neither the US-led coalition nor by Syrias conict, which erupted in planes hit the rebels when they be- tweets generate the most retweets
the lawyer said. mark the end of the Iraqi half of the the Syrian Observatory for Human March 2011 with protests against gan storming militia defences. is Saudi Arabias King Salman,
This is a historic verdict, Bathani Rights monitoring group could im- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The army and allied militias cap- according the latest Twiplomacy
self-styled caliphate. Meanwhile in study by communications rm Bur-
said. Syria, Kurdish forces backed by US- mediately conrm the news. Meanwahile, Western-backed tured Zaza checkpoint and Sabaa
Mohammad Khaled, the executive Syrian rebels said on Wednesday Biyar this month to stop Western son-Martsteller.
The convicts, four Kuwaitis, a Yem- air strikes are beseiging Islamic State In terms of output, there is no
eni, an Iraqi and a stateless person, forces in the city of Raqqa, the mili- director of opposition news network that Russian jets attacked them as backed Free Syria Army groups
Aleppo24, told AFP that Mashaal, they tried to advance against Iran- taking strategic ground vacated by contest: the Saudi king only tweet-
lmed part of the rape and threatened tants de facto capital in that country. ed 10 times during the period cov-
to post it on social media if the boy Up to 200,000 people still live in 31, had been a well-known media backed militias in a region of Syrias Islamic State.
activist before joining IS. southeastern desert. Jets from a US-led coalition ered by the study April 2016 to
spoke of his ordeal, Bathani said. harrowing conditions behind Islamic May 20 of this year.
Prosecutors found the videos on the I met him in 2012. Baraa They said six jets bombed their against Islamic State hit pro-gov-
State lines in Mosul, running low on (Mashaal) was one of the old revo- positions as they moved towards ernment Iran-backed militias on But those 10 tweets were each
phones of some of the defendants. food, water and medicine, and with lutionaries of Aleppo, he said. Zaza checkpoint near Sabaa Biyar, May 18 as they tried to advance retweeted more than 147,000 times
The ruling is not nal as the case difcult access to hospitals, the United According to Khaled, Mashaal a small town near the Damascus- south of Zaza towards Tanf, a base on average, dwarng Trumps
must go to the Kuwaiti supreme court Nations said on Sunday. worked as a media activist in Aleppo Baghdad highway and the borders on the Syria-Jordan border where 13,100 average retweets per tweet,
whose verdicts are nal. The Grand al-Nuri Mosque has until late 2013, when he announced with Iraq and Jordan. US troops are training FSA rebels. said the study, the sixth of its kind
The death penalty in Kuwait is car- become a symbolic focus of the cam- by Burson-Martsteller. (AFP)
ried out by hanging. paign, with Iraqi commanders pri-
vately saying they hope to capture it is particularly vulnerable as it has not families to ee but the intensity of the Zynab Al-Harbiya, 12, from Mel-
been renovated since 1970. Its tilt gave ghting has prevented people from es- bourne, went with her family to Bagh- CAIRO: Three army ofcers and
during Ramadan, the Muslim fasting a soldier were killed in an explo-
Gulf row month which started over the weekend
in Iraq.
the landmark its popular name al-
Hadba, or the hunchback.
The militants been countering the
dad to visit her sick grandfather when
she was killed early Tuesday local
sion in Egypts Western Desert on
Wednesday after a clash with mili-
Daeshs ghters know that the The Mosul offensive, now in its offensive with suicide car and motor- time when a car bomb exploded out- tants, the military said.
Continued from Page 1 mosque is the most important target eighth month, has taken much more bike bombs, snipers, booby-traps and side a popular ice cream shop, Foreign The incident comes days after Is-
Trump attended a summit of Muslim and they are preparing for a major bat- time than expected as Islamic State is mortar re. Minister Julie Bishop said. lamic State group jihadists gunned
leaders in Saudi Arabia where he de- tle there, said Hisham al-Hashemi, ghting in the middle of civilians and About 700,000 people, about a third More than 30 others were killed, Aus- down 29 Christians in an attack
nounced Shiite Irans destablising who advises several Middle East gov- using them as human shields. of the pre-war citys population, have tralian ofcial Frances Adamson said. southwest of the capital.
interventions in Arab lands, where ernment including Iraqs on Islamic Over the past few days, the militants already ed, seeking refuge either with Dozens more were injured, including The army said air strikes hit ter-
Tehran is locked in a tussle with Ri- State affairs. ordered dozens of families living in friends and relatives or in camps. Al-Harbiyas mother and an uncle, ac- rorists who had been detected in
yadh for inuence. But a battle in or near the mosque the Zanjili district to move into the Old Meanwhile, the death of an Aus- cording to lawmaker Bill Shorten. the Western Desert, destroying two
The spat shows no sign of abating, would put the building and its famed City to prevent them from escaping to- tralian girl in a Baghdad bombing un- The Islamic State group claimed re- of their vehicles.
raising the prospect of a long breach leaning minaret at risk, experts have ward the Iraqi forces trying to advance derscored why Australia was ghting sponsibility for the attack, which Iraqi When land forces combed the
between Doha and its closest allies said. area, an explosives vest went off as
from the northern side, a resident said. Islamic State militants in the Middle ofcials said involved apparently re- the ofcers dealt with items left
that could have repercussions around The minaret, several feet off the per- Government forces have been drop- East, the Australian foreign minister motely detonated explosives inside a
pendicular and standing on humid soil, behind by the militants, killing the
the Middle East. ping leaets over the districts telling said Wednesday. parked car. three ofcers and the conscript.
Qatari Amir Sheikh Tamim bin The incident took place near the
Hamad al-Thani arrived Kuwait on town of El-Bawiti, east of the site
ideology challenges the principle of Such animosities can have rami- Investigators were treating the case
Wednesday for talks with his counter-
part HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- dynastic rule. Riyadh and Abu Dhabi cations across the Middle East, where as a criminal matter and not a terrorist Kabul truck of Fridays attack on the Christians
who had been on their way to a
Sabah that are expected to address the also suspect Doha is complacent about Gulf states have used their nancial incident, the source said. monastery. (AFP)
rift. Kuwait, a past mediator between Iranian expansionism. and political clout to inuence events Saudi media spoke of disagree- Continued from Page 1
in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Yem-
Gulf states, has offered to help ease Some analysts speculate Riyadh and ments between the suspect and victims. The Taleban currently in the
tensions. Abu Dhabi felt condent to authorise en amid upheaval caused by the Arab There has been a shooting at King- midst of their annual spring offen- KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysia
But few expect an early end to what criticisms of Qatar by their deepening Spring. dom School in Riyadh, the US em- sive denied they were involved, Airlines ight from Melbourne to
is not their rst feud. Three years ago friendship with Trump, condent that Nonneman said Kuwait and Oman bassy said in a Twitter post, urging while strongly condemning the blast. Kuala Lumpur returned to the Aus-
Saudi Arabia and the UAE withdrew his opposition to Iran and all Islamist clearly did not want a major rift. Its people to avoid the area. The insurgent group rarely claims re- tralian airport shortly after take off
armed groups reects their views more not in the interests of anyone for this to School (is) closed, no children pre- sponsibility for attacks that kill large late on Wednesday after a passen-
their ambassadors from Doha for simi- ger attempted to enter the cockpit,
lar reasons, although they returned af- than Qatars. grow into a clash beyond a media cam- sent, it added. numbers of civilians.
When Trump gave fulsome support paign but sometimes these things By late afternoon an AFP photogra- the airline said.
ter less than a year. The Islamic State group has claimed The plane landed safely and the
Analysts point to the unusual will- in Riyadh and said, lets isolate Iran take on a life of their own, he said. pher observed only one police car en- responsibility for several recent bomb-
Iran, which denies Arab accusa- passenger was apprehended by
ingness of Qatari state-backed media that sent a signal to the UAE and Sau- tering the school grounds, which were ings in the Afghan capital, including a airport security, Malaysia Airlines
on one side, and Saudi and Emirati di, which felt emboldened and said: tions that it is engaged in subversion of quiet. powerful blast targeting a NATO con- said in a statement, stressing that
media on the other, to trade rhetorical lets let loose everything we have on Arab countries, appears to be gloating. Most schools in Saudi Arabia are on voy that killed eight people earlier this the ight had not at any point been
broadsides in public. Qatar, said Gerd Nonneman, profes- Kayhan, a newspaper closely associ- holiday. month. hijacked.
This suggests that point-scoring is sor of International Relations and Gulf ated with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Nobody answered the schools main The sound of the bomb, which went Flight MH128 returned to Mel-
taking priority over displays of unity Studies at Georgetown University in Ali Khamenei, said on Tuesday the phone line, and mobile numbers listed off near Kabuls busy Zanbaq Square, bournes Tullamarine Airport after
among some members of the Gulf Qatar. rift reected Saudi Arabias inability in the school handbook were either off reverberated across the Afghan capi- the operating captain was alerted
Cooperation Council (GCC), a Saudi- Acknowledging the tensions, the to form an alliance against Tehran. or unanswered. tal, with residents comparing it to an by a cabin crew of a passenger at-
dominated club of states that presents UAE minister of state for foreign af- Kingdom School is part of a group earthquake. Most victims appear to be tempting to enter the cockpit, the
itself as an outpost of stability in a tur- fairs, Anwar Gargash, wrote on Twit- owned by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, civilians. statement said. It had departed at
bulent region. ter on Sunday that the GCC countries Saudi school chairman of Kingdom Holding Co The vigilance and courage of Af- 11:11 pm Melbourne time and re-
turned at 11:41 pm. (RTRS)
In the Gulfs tightly-controlled me- are passing through a new sharp crisis whose diversied investments include ghan security forces prevented the
dia scene, attacks made by news out- that carries within it a great danger. Continued from Page 1 Citigroup and Time Warner. VBIED (vehicle-borne improvised
lets tend to be authorised by govern- Gulf ofcials and commentators Police were hunting a suspect of Ira- The school, which has several build- explosive device) from gaining entry WASHINGTON: A man armed with
ments. outside Qatar said it did not matter ings, opened in 2000 and offers boys to the Green Zone, but the explosion a semi-automatic rie was arrested
qi origin, a security source told AFP,
The GCC could harm it own inter- whether the remarks were fake be- and girls education from kindergarten caused civilian casualties, NATO in the early hours of Wednesday at
cause they reected Qatars sympa- describing the suspect as a teacher. to high school, according to its web-
ests in this ght and is at risk of be- said in a statement. Trump International Hotel in the
thies anyway. The man who was dismissed from site. US capital, averting what police
coming more vulnerable to Iranian en- the school four years ago on the basis The BBC said its Afghan driver Mo-
croachment, said a Western diplomat Dohas insistence in denying the The school has both a Saudi curricu- hammed Nazir was killed and four of called a potential disaster.
based in Doha. issue is marginal because in reality, on of anger issues and an unstable person- lum and an international programme their journalists wounded. Local TV Alerted by authorities in Penn-
The spats immediate cause was a the ground, Qatar conrms it adopts ality opened re at the administration leading to an American diploma. channel Tolo TV also tweeted that a sylvania, ofcers of the Metro-
purported Qatari state media report the policies that it is now trying to ofces, Talal Al Maiman, the school Kingdom Holding says on its web- staff member, Aziz Navin, was killed. politan Police Department detained
that the Amir had cautioned against deny, an editorial in Saudi-owned chairman, said in a statement. site that the schools group has more The explosion damaged several em- a man from the state, identied as
newspaper Al-Hayat on Monday said. Maiman gave no further details of than 4,000 students and 300 teachers at Brian Moles, 43, at around 1 am at
confrontation with Iran, as well as de- bassies in the area, which houses dip- the hotel a short distance from the
fending the Palestinian group Hamas A Gulf Arab ofcial said patience the victims or suspect but called the various locations in Riyadh. lomatic and government buildings and
gunman disgruntled. White House.
and Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shiite had run out. What is certain is the Since 2014 the Islamic State group is a maze of concrete blast walls, vehi- In his car, they recovered an
movement allied to Tehran. Gulf states led by Riyadh are not likely The security source identied the has claimed bombings and shootings cle barriers and armed security guards. AR-15 semi-automatic assault style
Qatar denied the report, saying its to tolerate such a deviation, if inten- victims as a Saudi and a person of Pal- that killed dozens in Saudi Arabia, tar- German Foreign Minister Sigmar rie, a handgun and ammunition,
news agency had been hacked, but tional, especially at this junction in our estinian heritage. geting minority Shiites and members Gabriel said the despicable attack police chief Peter Newsham told a
Saudi Arabia and the UAE allowed relationship with our hostile neighbour A teacher took a gun and then he of the security forces. killed an Afghan guard from the Ger- news conference. Moles was arrest-
their state-backed media to continue Iran. went to the school room and he killed But criminal shootings with multi- man embassy, and added that some ed for illegal possession of rearms.
running it, angering Doha. Al Raya, a government-owned Qa- the assistant school principal and one ple victims are unusual. employees had been injured, though The ofcers and our federal
The squabble revives old accusa- tari daily, hit back at Emirati reports of the employees, said the source In February last year a teacher re- he did not give further details. partners ... averted a potential dis-
tions that Qatar backs the Brother- on Friday by publishing pictures on its who asked not to be identied because portedly killed six people at an educa- He said the bomb had gone off in aster in the nations capital, News-
hood, which is present across most of front page of UAE journalists it called a formal statement would come later tion department ofce in the southern the immediate vicinity of the German ham said. (AFP)
the Muslim world and whose political mercenaries. from Riyadh police. region of Jazan. embassy.


Shermans Lagoon By J.P. Toomey


Book of

Mutts By Patrick McDonnell

Hagar The Horrible By Chris Browne


Beetle Bailey By Mort Walker

Scratch pad

odds n ends
RHENEN, Netherlands: Cau-
tiously at rst and then with
mounting curiosity, two giant
pandas stepped outside into
their new open-air enclosure at
a Dutch zoo on Tuesday, met
by a barrage of cameras and
Garfield By Jim Davis squeals of delight.
Female Wu Wen (Beautiful
Powerful Cloud) and her male
companion Xing Ya (Elegant
Star) were making their public
debut, marking the culmination
of a 16-year dream for the zoo
and Dutch ofcials.
The pair are now going on
show at Ouwehands Dier-
enpark zoo in central Rhenen,
housed in an imposing, pago-
da-style enclosure specially
built at a cost of seven million
euros ($7.4 million).
They arrived in The Neth-
erlands on April 13, after an
8,000-kilometre (5,000-mile)
journey from China and after
Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott years of negotiations in what
has been dubbed panda di-
But despite mounting panda-
mania here the two pandas
were rst given a few weeks of
quarantine and a chance to ac-
climatise to their new surround-
ings before going on show.
In the wild, pandas are soli-
tary creatures and the pair are
being housed separately and
will be brought together when
the female is on heat.
They will stay in the zoo for
some 15 years, and the hope
is that they will breed and help
replenish global panda num-
While pandas remain en-
Conceptis Sudoku Challenger Giant female Panda Wu Wen discovers her new enclosure during an ofcial unveil-
dangered, conservation work
and an increased awareness
ing ceremony at Ouwehands Zoo on May 30 in Rhenen. Wu Wen and male panda of their plight has led to a rise
The grid must be so completed that every row, column Xing Ya have been in quarantine for six weeks after their arrival from China and in numbers.
and 3x3 box has every digit from 1 to 9 inclusive were for the rst time introduced to their new living environment and invited guests. Some 1,864 pandas remain
(AFP) in the wild in China, an increase
DIRECTIONS: from around 1,000 in the late
1970s, according to the envi-
Fill each square
with a number, one
through nine.
contract bridge ronmental group WWF.
And just over 400 pandas
live in zoos around the world,
Horizontal By Steve Becker in conservation projects set up
squares should with Beijing. (AFP)
add to totals on
right. NEW YORK: A New York City
Vertical squares carriage horse is safely back
should add to in its stable after breaking free
totals on bottom. and running wild through rush
hour trafc.
Diagonal The horse, a 12-year-old
squares through mare named Goldie, broke
center should add Yesterdays solution free on Tuesday while being
to total in upper taken back to her stable in the
and lower right. Hells Kitchen neighborhood
of Manhattan. Witnesses say
THERE MAY BE Goldie soon went into a full
MORE THAN ONE gallop, cutting off cars and run-
ning across streets.
SOLUTION. After running eleven blocks,
Goldie returned to her stable
Todays Challenge on her own. She was not in-
Time 5 Minutes jured.
Answer to yesterdays puzzle 37 Seconds A carriage driver says it
Your Working wasnt that big of a deal and tells
Time __ Minutes WNBC-TV that Goldie probably
wanted some exercise after a
__ Seconds slow day at work. (AP)

Word by Word

Waters Miyah
Still waters run deep.
Al miyah al hadeah ameeqat al ghoor.


7571 Seven thousand five hundred

seventy one
Sabat alaf wa khamso maah
wa wahed wa saboun
Tomorrow: Triumph of mind over matter


King Pirates (left), Tribal team (right) pose for group photo during the PBLK 7th Season 58 Division A in Hawally.

Santillan scores 39 points to claim Best Player of the Game honor

King Pirates upset Tribal 140-135 in triple overtime

By Kathrina Perea Player of the Game honors. Mag-
banua added 25 points, while Fajardo

Ainslie gets badly needed

Special to the Arab Times
and Antonio chipped in with 17 points
KUWAIT CITY, May 31: It took apiece for the team.
140 points for King Pirates to come Tribal countered with impressive
away with an important victory in the numbers as well, with two players
PBLK 7th Season 58 Division A scoring more than 30 points each.
held at the Hawally Disabled Sports Player #12 nished with 35 points

victory in AmCup qualifiers

Club on Friday. followed by Niegas with 32 points.
In a matchup of epic proportions, James and Tacasan also made it to the
King Pirates outlasted Tribal at 140- scoreboard in double gures with 15
135 in triple overtime for the leagues and 14 points, respectively.
longest game this season. If the rst three quarters of the
Santillan delivered 39 points for game were an indication, Tribal was
King Pirates to bring home the Best more favored to win as they outscored
King Pirates comfortably only let- Oracle Team USA lead with six points
ting the other team lead by 2 points in
3 approved the rst quarter. Tribal led by 8 points HAMILTON, Bermuda,
heading into the fourth, 68-60.
The fourth quarter saw King Pi- May 31, (AP): Sir Ben Ain-
IAAF rejects 28 rates ll the 8-point gap behind im- slie regained his sea legs
portant shots by Santillan that put the after a few rough days in
Russians to play game into a deadlock at the end of
regulation, 95-95. Santillan scored 12 the Americas Cup quali-
MOSCOW, May 31, (AP): The of his 39 points in this quarter. ers on Bermudas Great
IAAF rejected bids from 28 Santillan went on to score 10 of the Sound.
Russians to compete as neutral teams 14 points in the rst overtime. Sir Ben Ainslie regained his sea
athletes on Wednesday and ap- Tribal countered with 14 combined legs after a few rough days in the
proved only three. points from James, Niegas, Cutler, Americas Cup qualiers on Ber-
Russia was banned from all in- Briones, Cristobal, and Tacasan, to mudas Great Sound.
ternational track and eld compe- Ainslie steered Britains Land
tition in 2015 amid allegations of Rover BAR to a badly needed victo-
widespread doping and a cover- BASKETBALL ry Tuesday after four straight losses,
up orchestrated by government leading the whole way to beat Swe-
ofcials. even the score at 109. dens Artemis Racing by 30 seconds
Former European javelin An aggressive second overtime on the opening day of the second
champion Vera Rebrik, who com- followed with most of the points round robin.
peted for Ukraine until 2014, was scored by both teams coming from We needed that one, said Ainslie,
approved to compete Wednesday foul shots. Santillan could only score who has struggled with speed and col-
along with 400-meter runner Kse- 5 points off free throws before sitting lisions aboard his foiling 50-foot cata-
nia Aksyonova and hurdler Vera out the rest of the game. The teams maran this spring. We had a couple
Rudakova. were tied at 121 heading into the third of really tough days and we really
A total of 15 Russians have and nal overtime. needed to turn that around. We had to
now been cleared to compete in- With Santillan on the bench, Mag- have some pretty frank conversations
ternationally as neutrals, while banua stepped up opening the round last night about how were sailing and
the IAAF with two big three-pointers. Tribal the setup of our boat and were able to
has rejected fought back with 14 points from Ros-
45 others.
Im grate-
ta, Niegas, and Cutler, but fell to the SAILING
Magbanua-led squad in the waning
ful to the seconds of the game. Magbanua went improve our performance markedly.
members on to make 15 of the teams 19 points Land Rover BAR had been strug-
of the Dop- in the third overtime to seal the win, In this photo provided by the Americas Cup Event Authority, Great Britains Land Rover BAR competes in the gling since Saturday, when it smashed
ing Review 140-135. Americas Cup qualifying on the Great Sound in Bermuda on May 30. (AP) into SoftBank Team Japan during the
Board for the prestart, punching a hole in its port
dedication With the victory, King Pirates
maintain the eighth spot in the PBLK hull. It lost badly and nearly sank as it
and diligence
7th Season 58 Division A stand-
Spectators advised to get to sporting events early returned to the dock. The British crew
they are giv- lost to two-time defending champion
ing to this on- Coe ings with 11 wins and 5 losses. Tribal Oracle Team USA and Emirates Team
going review
process, IAAF president Sebas-
drops to the fth spot with 11 wins
and 4 losses.
Meanwhile, Bad Bananas picked
England, Bdesh aim to banish batting blues New Zealand on Sunday before an
eye-opening loss to Groupama Team
tian Coe said in a statement. The France on Monday.
importance of this huge task should up a win against Hashtag, 101-66, to LONDON, May 31, (AFP): Spec- in England, as many a cold fan Lords, may not play at the Oval if There are huge expectations back
not be underestimated. There can hold on to the rst spot in the 58 Di- tators have long been advised to knows, remains. all-rounders Ben Stokes and Chris home in England, which has failed for
be no time constraints or deadlines vision A standings with 13 wins and get to sporting events early and Bangladesh highlighted the is- Woakes are fully t. 166 years to win back the silver trophy
when the protection of clean ath- 1 loss. Hashtag dropped to #9 with 9 they could miss the key part of sue in dramatic style by collapsing Bangladesh collapsed to 22 for it lost to the schooner America in 1851.
letes everywhere is at stake. wins and 6 losses. Thursdays Champions Trophy to 84 all out in reply to Champions six in 7.3 overs against India, not It would be unfathomable if the rst
Those already approved in- 58 Division B saw Cabalen and opener between England and Trophy title-holders Indias 324 for as bad as England on Monday, but team eliminated was led by Ainslie,
Furuya each pick up a win to close Bangladesh at the Oval if they seven in their nal warm-up match concerning all the same. who was knighted several months after
eliminations. Both teams are on arent in on time. at the Oval on Tuesday. But Mehedi Hasan, who top- winning his fourth straight Olympic
ATHLETICS standby for the crossover semi-nals Even in June, early morning Defeat by 240 runs was certainly scored for the Tigers with 24, said gold medal, in home waters in 2012.
against Division A leaders. cloud cover that aids swing is of- not want Bangladesh wanted any they still believed they could beat Ainslie helped Oracle Team USA rally
clude high jump world champion The PBLK 7th Season Inter-com- ten a key part of English cricket more than England, a much-im- England to defend the Americas Cup in 2013
Maria Lasitskene, 110-meter pany Division continues with FIL- conditions. Bangladesh coach Chandika before starting his own campaign,
hurdles world champion Sergei ASEAK, Trampo, and Banta each The proof came as recently as Hathurusingha tried to minimise which has the backing of the Duke and
Shubenkov and doping whistle- nabbing a win over Kuwait Engi- Monday when, across London at CRICKET the impact of Tuesdays reverse Duchess of Cambridge.
blower Yulia Stepanova, an Lords, England collapsed to 20 for by saying: Obviously it affects the Oracle Team USA leads with six
neers, HEISCO, and Burger King B- six in ve overs the worst start proved one-day side since the Ti- condence a little bit, but this is a
800-meter runner. Blades respectively. points, followed by Emirates Team
in one-day international history gers knocked them out of the 2015 practice game. New Zealand with ve and Land Rov-
Lasitskene recorded the big- In the 35+ Super Fathers Division, against the South Africa new-ball World Cup, wished to see their top The Champions Trophy opener
gest win yet for a neutral athlete JC Nets/Bad Bananas beat Man- er BAR with four.
duo of Kagiso Rabada and Wayne order suffer such a spectacular is set to feature several survivors Ainslie has been propped up by two
at last weeks Diamond League daragit, 101-91, to wrap up Fridays Parnell. slump against South Africa, even on both sides from Bangladeshs
meet in Eugene, Oregon, leaping games. bonus points earned from leading the
A green-tinged pitch did not if they were already 2-0 up in the 2015 World Cup win over Eng- standings after preliminary regattas the
2.03 meters to take rst place in Catch more PBLK action every nd favour with England captain three-match series. land, when a hundred from Mah-
the high jump. Friday at the Hawally Disabled last two years. If not for those points,
Eoin Morgan but even on more Yet it says something about mudullah and aggressive seam
The Russian track federation Sports Club. For more information, placid surfaces the issue of how Englands current white-ball ap- bowling propelled the Tigers to
hed be tied at the bottom of the eet
published a list of the 28 athletes please contact Alan Compuesto at best to bat under grey skies, proach that Jonny Bairstow, their a memorable success at the Ad-
with Artemis, SoftBank Team Japan
who were rejected Wednesday. 96681557. which can often set in all day only batsman to make a fty at elaide Oval. and Groupama Team France, all with
two points.
We hoped we wouldnt need them,
but certainly coming into this event its
6 track athletes handed doping bans after Olympic retests well-documented that were struggling
for straight-
line speed and

Tokyo organizers reach agreement on allocation of 2020 costs thankfully our

performance in
the Americas
TOKYO, May 31, (Agencies): Or- Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said meter relay gold in 2008, was banned for pendent review panel has ruled that he form part of his employment record, Cup World Se-
ganizers of the Tokyo Olympics the broad agreement was a big step two years. Two Ukrainians, javelin silver was not guilty of bullying. for his dealings with former AOC chief ries was very
reached a broad agreement Wednes- forward that would allow stakehold- medalist Oleksandr Pyatnytsya and pole The AOC said in a statement executive Fiona de Jong. strong, Ainslie
day on the allocation of costs for the ers to accelerate preparations toward vault bronze medalist Denys Yurchenko, In the lead-up to an election for AOC said. It was a
Wednesday that the independent panel, target for the
2020 Games with the metropolitan, staging a successful Olympics in 2020. were also banned for two years. comprising three senior judges, rec- president on May 6 which IOC vice
national and local governments of the With the games coming up in three They had already been stripped of president John Coates easily won, de team for the
ommended Tancred be severely rep- points, but also
seven prefectures and four other cit- years, we have to rush our prepara- their Olympic medals last year by the Jong said she had been bullied by Tan-
rimanded for his conduct, which will Ainslie as a new team in
ies hosting events. tion, Koike said. International Olympic Committee. cred while she was still employed there.
Governments outside Tokyo that are All the parties additionally agreed the Americas
There were also two-year bans Tancred, who denied the allegations, Cup to prove that we can race and win
to host competitions agreed on basic to set up a management committee for Ukrainian athletes Vita Palamar, stood aside from his position pending
principles concerning cost sharing. for collaborative projects which aims at this level.
Marharyta Tverdohlib and Maksym the independent investigations. In one of the many radical depar-
Yoshiro Mori, the head of the organ- to further reduce Mazuryk, who competed at the Olym- tures from tradition, this is the rst
izing committee, said the agreement costs. The com- pics but were not medalists. time the defender has sailed against
was a step forward. mittee will regu- The IAAF also announced an eight- Pole vault star Yelena Isinbayeva
on Wednesday quit as head of the challengers in the preliminaries. If Or-
I think our preparation has been at larly review the acle wins the qualiers, it will carry a
least one year behind, Mori said. We specic tasks supervisory council at Russias anti-
OLYMPICS doping agency, a step demanded by one-point bonus into the rst-of-seven
want to speed up the process now so related to games Americas Cup match beginning June
that we can catch up. preparation and international ofcials as Moscow seeks
to get its suspension lifted. 17. If a challenger wins the qualiers
The seven prefectures hosting events operation. year sanction for Natalia Lupu, who and then reaches the match, it will get
are Hokkaido, Miyagi, Fukushima, Organizers was the 800-meter European indoor Russian sports bosses agreed earlier the bonus point.
Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa and Shi- announced in champion in 2013. this month that Isinbayeva would leave After the second round robin, one
zuoka. The four other cities are Sap- December a The IAAF said the Ukrainian failed a in line with a request from the World challenger will be eliminated and Ora-
poro, Saitama, Chiba and Yokohama. rough estimate test in July, her second offense, so she Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), one cle will practice on its own while the
Representatives from seven prefec- Mori for the total cost could be disqualied from last years of a raft of criteria the country needs challengers sail their seminals and
tures expressed satisfaction that the of hosting the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, where she to fulll in order to get its drug-testing nals.
organizing committee and Tokyo Met- games of between 1.6 and 1.8 trillion reached the seminals of the 800. body RUSADA reinstated. Not only has Ainslie struggled with
ropolitan Government will pay for ex- yen ($13-$15 billion). Press reports, however, said that speed, but hes had three collisions. He
Isinbayeva would remain as a member
penditures to build temporary facilities Meanwhile, six Russian and Ukrainian In this July 31, 2010 le photo, hit the dock coming back from training
for venues outside the capital. track athletes were handed doping bans Australian Olympic Committee me- Russias Yulia Chermoshanskaya of RUSADAs supervisory board. in March and then slammed into the
Local governments had previously Wednesday after retests found they had dia and communications director Mike competes in a Womens 4x100m RUSADA has been suspended since back of Emirates Team New Zealand
objected to the idea that they would doped at the 2008 and 2012 Olympics. Tancred was found to have exhibited heat during the European Athlet- 2015 in the wake of the report by Rich- during a practice race, causing dam-
have to shoulder part of the costs to The IAAF said Russian sprinter Yulia disreputable conduct in his dealings ics Championships, in Barcelona, ard McLaren which uncovered wide- age that took the Kiwis three days to
build temporary facilities. Chermoshanskaya, who won 4x100- with a former executive, but an inde- Spain. (AP) spread doping in Russian sport. repair.


Branded goods inspired by iconic cars of the past

Land Rover launches stunning new collection of merchandise for 2017

KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Land Rover has
launched their premium lifestyle ranges of
clothing and merchandise for 2017, including Woods needs our help
an all-new Heritage Collection inspired by
iconic cars of the past.
The collection has been carefully designed
and selected with the same meticulous atten-
tion to detail that goes into designing and
Nicklaus laments how easy
developing its range of vehicles. Overseen by
design directors Gerry McGovern and Ian
Callum, the brand DNA runs throughout the
it is for players to withdraw
Collections in the same way as it does the DUBLIN, Ohio, May 31, (Agencies): Rory He put his forefinger to his thumb to signal
vehicles themselves. McIlroy isnt playing the Memorial to make zero.
The 2017 Land Rover Collection features sure a rib injury is fully healed before the US Never entered if I wasnt going to play,
an extended range of new products, includ- Open. Justin Rose cited a sore back in pulling Nicklaus said.
ing 2-in-1 waterproof jackets, new T-shirt out of the tournament where he earned his first He attributed some of it to money and said
styles and designs for men, women and PGA Tour victory. Paul Casey was another he understood withdrawals
children, high-quality leather phone and withdrawal because of a foot injury that has because its pretty much
tablet cases, an all-new luggage set, a new plagued him before. the norm today.
chronograph watch and a significantly Jack Nicklaus said McIlroy texted him to Would they withdraw
enhanced range of childrens products explain what was going on. back 30 years ago?
including sweatshirts, hoodies, caps, books, But a question about McIlroy led Nicklaus Probably not, because that
toys, rucksacks, pencil cases and lunch to lament how easy it is for players to with- wasnt the norm, Nicklaus
boxes, not forgetting of course Adventure draw from tournaments, especially as he con- said. We played through
Bear, offering up perfect ideas for Ramadan sidered his era with Arnold Palmer and Gary it. We had a ton of injuries
and Eid gifts. Additionally an extended Land Rover branded goods collections for 2017. and I played through it.
But thats sort of the norm
range of replica car models from the Land GOLF today.
Rover family are also available. mises the brands adventurous spirit and the the Collection, while technical graphics, route Nicklaus And the guys ... I made
Hannah Naji, Brand Director for Jaguar designers of this new Collection have drawn map designs and accounts of the Darin Gap Player. my own decisions. I didnt
Land Rover MENA says: The Jaguar and inspiration from the two Range Rover crews crossing bring the legendary British trans- He said he shared his concerns with PGA have an entourage. I didnt have a fitness
Land Rover Collections combine exceptional that conquered the Americas in 1971, which Americas expedition to life. Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan. trainer. I didnt have a nutritionist, whatever
design and originality with outstanding qual- included the infamous Darin Gap expedi- One highlight in the new Land Rover You think I had any injuries when I played? you all have, somebody to cut my toenails in
ity. In addition to a stunning range of heri- tion. Collection is the Heritage Trunk. Made in col- Do you think Arnold had any injuries when he the morning. I didnt have any of that. I did that
tage-inspired products, we have also created The Land Rover Heritage Collection is a laboration with renowned luxury luggage played? Do you think Gary had any injuries myself.
new core and lifestyle ranges which continue premium range of clothing, gifts and acces- makers, Globe-Trotter, this sturdy case has when he played? How many tournaments do Meanwhile, Nicklaus says Tiger Woods
to be stylish and relevant for all the family. sories, inspired by the all-conquering spirit of Tan leather handles and straps with a printed you think that we entered that we withdrew needs all of our help after he was arrested on
Land Rover Collection highlights perseverance. The navy and gold colours of cotton weave interior displaying the Overland from during the course of our career? Nicklaus a charge of driving under the influence early on
Land Rovers Heritage Collection epito- those original Range Rovers stand out across Expedition route map. said. Monday.

NSW rock Maroons with

big win in Origin opener
Maloney scores try and kicks 4 goals
BRISBANE, Australia, the Blues struck first when
May 31, (AFP): New Maloney backed up a surging
burst and off-load from Fifita to
South Wales posted their score under the crossbar in the
biggest win in Brisbane sixth minute.
with a commanding 28-4 NSW had the better of the
victory over holders exchanges, with scrum-half
Mitchell Pearce constantly in the
Queensland in the State play, before the Maroons hit
of Origin rugby league back with a spectacular try min-
series-opener on utes before the interval.
Wednesday. Dane Gagai took the ball deep
The Blues got the jump on into the Blues half before he
was tackled and from the next
the Maroons, winners of 10 of play scrum-half Cooper Cronk
the last 11 interstate series, to aimed a high kick towards the
seize the early momentum in left corner.
the three-match contest. Winger Corey Oates out- The new Jaguar XE SV Project 8
jumped Blake Ferguson to pluck
RUGBY the ball in the air and score.
But NSW finished the half Sports sedan offers supercar performance
with a try started and finished by
NSW, with fullback James Pearce after Wade Graham and
Tedesco and prop Andrew Fifita
outstanding, outscored the Frances Zakaria El Fakir (center)
is tackled by a South Africas player
Tedesco combined in the lead-up
SVO unleashed Jaguar XE SV Project 8
Maroons five tries to one and during their 2017 World Rugby U20 Maloneys conversion gave KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Jaguar SVO, following the successful thrilled by the F-TYPE Project
kicked away in the second half Championship match at Tbilisis the Blues a 12-4 lead at half- Land Rover Special Vehicle launch of Jaguar F-TYPE Project 7. The new XE SV Project 8
after leading 12-4 at half-time. Avchala Stadium on May 31. (AFP)
time. Operations (SVO) today 7 in 2014. No more than 300 takes aerodynamics and perfor-
It was the Blues biggest win Pearce was forced off after tak- announces the most powerful, cars, all hand-assembled at mance engineering to another
in 53 games at Suncorp Stadium, ing a high shoulder charge, but the agile and extreme performance SVOs Technical Centre in
eclipsing their 22-point winning regroup to keep the series alive level it is conceived for
in the second match in Sydney Blues hit back with three tries in Jaguar: the new XE SV Project 8. Coventry, will be created for sale enthusiasts and the most dis-
margin in the third game of the eight minutes to seize control of A prototype version of the 600PS worldwide.
2005 series. on June 21. cerning collectors.
Its very disappointing. The the match during the second half. Jaguar sports sedan offering John Edwards, Managing The price for such an extreme
We had a good preparation Tedesco took three defenders supercar performance has now Director of Jaguar Land Rover
and we knew we were in for a Blues played with a lot of energy over with him to score, while performance sports car available
undertaken its debut test at the Special Operations said: The
good showing. Our forward pack and you cant afford to give away Fifita scooped up a dropped pass gruelling Nrburgring time is right for SVO to produce in strictly limited numbers will
was enormous and they had it cheap points like we did tonight. near the Queensland try-line to Nordschleife, adorned with an the most extreme performance reflect that.
over them for most of the time, They scored a couple of easy score and Jarryd Hayne powered exclusive camouflage created by road car in the history of Jaguar. Full specification details for
said stand-off James Maloney, tries towards the end, said cap- over for the killer try on the hour. SVO Design. The SVO team is possessed by Jaguar XE SV Project 8 will be
who scored a try and kicked four tain Cameron Smith, who made a The Blues protected their try- With the most highly tuned the spirit of performance and revealed at on
goals. record 40th Origin appearance line with resolute defence as version of Jaguar Land Rovers committed to creating the most 28 June 2017, ahead of its world
Queensland, missing injured for Queensland. Queensland tried desperately to five-litre supercharged V8, thrilling driving experience dynamic debut at Goodwood
stars Johnathan Thurston, Greg In a breathless opening half work their way back into the Project 8 will become the second imaginable. Festival of Speed in West Sussex
Inglis and Matt Scott, must now with hardly a stoppage in play, contest in the final quarter. Collectors Edition vehicle from Our clients worldwide were in the UK on 30 June.

Star search Karam, Kuwait Capital draw

USOC on board
scouting camp Al-Roumi and Blues
DENVER, May 31, (AP): Americas
got talent, and the leaders at the US
Olympic Committee are turning on the
TV cameras to find it.
claim slim victories
The quest for gold and Americas KUWAIT CITY, May 31: The sport as a hobby.
insatiable appetite for reality television matches on the fourth day of the 38th The second game finished with-
are merging this summer with an Late Abdullah Meshari Al-Rawdhan out either of the teams - Late Ali
Olympic scouting camp that will ulti- Ramadan Futsal Tournament did not Karam and Kuwait Capital - scor-
mately be packaged as a one-episode witness a torrent of goals like the ing a goal. Both teams were cau-
reality show. Instead of earning a final previous three days. tious in the method of approach,
rose, eight athletes from an original The Late Ahmad Al-Roumi team making them goal shy until the last
cast of 100 will find themselves com- defeated the Late Abdullah Al-Medlij whistle.
peting for spots on future US Olympic team by 1-0 score. The blues In the third match, the Blues over-
teams. came attacks from the Late Musaed
Lest we all start jumping off the Al-Mailam team to emerge victorious
couch and warming up, there are a few FUTSOL when footballer Najib Al-Ali saw the
caveats: back of the net.
In the first phase of the project, defeated the Late Musaed Al-Mailam In the matches slated for Thursday,
the USOC is looking only for athletes team by the same goal margin. The the teams of Atom Sporting and
for cycling, rugby and the sliding Late Ali Karam Team reached a goal- Fawaz Refrigeration will face each
sports of bobsled and skeleton. less draw in their match with the other in the first match while the sec-
The USOC is in search of elite Kuwait Capital team. ond match will be between Dar
athletes, and is focusing much of its In the first game, footballer Al-Muhammadiyyah and Late Essa
attention toward college rosters. Nasser Al-Alban scored the lone teams, and the third between Kuwait
The individual sports have lofty
requirements to even be considered for goal which had helped the Late Steel and Al-Medhmar teams.
the initial tryout roster of 50 men and Ahmad Al-Roumi team defeat the Meanwhile, the spectators were
50 women: For example, a rugby Late Abdullah Al-Medlij team in enthusiastic about participating in a
hopeful would need to squat around the dying minutes. competition sponsored by the major
two times his or her weight for three Scintillating performance of the sponsor of the tournament - Zain
repetitions; a man trying out for bob- Al-Medlij team had surprised the Telecommunications Company. The
sled or skeleton would need to broad spectators, as they did not include participants were made to play
jump nearly 11 feet (at most NFL players who are professionals in towards four circles and those who
scouting combines, about a dozen indoor games. The team instead struck the target won Samsung
players reach that distance). Top and above: photos taken during the Ramadan Futsal Tournament. depended on players who take the phones and air tickets.


Sale makes shaky return to

Chicago; Bosox rout Chisox
Dodgers win 6th straight with 9-4 victory over Cardinals
CHICAGO, May 31, (AP):
Chris Sale made a shaky
Logan Forsythe #11 of the Los Angeles Dodgers breaks his bat but knocks return to his former home,
in a run against the St Louis Cardinals in the fth inning at Busch Stadium but Deven Marrero hit two
on May 30, St Louis, Missouri. (AFP) of Bostons season-high six
home runs and the Red Sox
MLB Scoreboard beat the Chicago White
Sox 13-7 on Tuesday night.
Mookie Betts, Jackie Bradley Jr,
WASHINGTON, May 31, (Agencies): Re- J.Barnes (8), Knebel (9), W.Peralta (11) Xander Bogaerts and Mitch More-
sults from the MLB games on Tuesday. and Bandy, Pina; Pill, Salas (6), Blevins land also went deep. The Red Sox
Washington 6 San Francisco 3 (7), Edgin (8), Reed (9), Smoker (10) and
San Diego 6 Chicago Cubs 2 T.dArnaud. W_Smoker 1-2. L_W.Peralta
won for the seventh time in nine
LA Angels 9 Atlanta 3 5-4. HRs_New York, Duda. games after an anticipated duel be-
Kansas City 1 Detroit 0 Chicago 010 010 0002 6 1 tween aces never materialized.
Boston 13 Chicago White Sox 7 San Diego 020 040 00x6 8 0
Houston 7 Minnesota 2 Butler, Duensing (5), Strop (6), Ed-
Sale (6-2) got a warm reception
Texas 9 Tampa Bay 5 wards (7), Rondon (8) and Contreras; from the crowd and a rude welcome
NY Mets 5 Milwaukee 4 Lamet, J.Torres (6), Quackenbush (6), from his old team. The ve-time All-
Miami 7 Philadelphia 2 Yates (8) and Hedges. W_Lamet 2-0. L_ Star gave up six runs and 10 hits both
Seattle 10 Colorado 4 Butler 2-1. HRs_Chicago, Schwarber. San season highs over ve innings in his
Toronto 6 Cincinnati 4 Diego, Hedges.
Arizona 3 Pittsburgh 0 Washington 210 030 0006 14 0 rst appearance against the White Sox.
LA Dodgers 9 St Louis 4 San Francisco 020 000 1003 9 2 Chicago left-hander Jose Quintana
NY Yankees 8 Baltimore 3 G.Gonzalez, Albers (7), Glover (9) and (2-7) got pounded for seven runs and
Cleveland 9 Oakland 4 Wieters; Samardzija, Morris (5), Gearrin 10 hits in 2-2/3 innings. It was his
MLB Standings (6), Law (7), Osich (8) and Posey, Hund-
American League ley. W_G.Gonzalez 4-1. L_Samardzija shortest outing since he lasted one in-
Eastern Division 1-7. Sv_Glover (7). ning against the New York Yankees on
W L PCT GB MLB Leaders Sept 2, 2013.
NY Yankees 30 19 .612 - American League
Boston 28 23 .549 3 BATTING: Dickerson, Tampa Bay, Angels 9, Braves 3
Baltimore 26 24 .520 4-1/2 .346; Segura, Seattle, .345; Bogaerts, In Anaheim, California, Albert Pu-
Tampa Bay 28 27 .509 5 Boston, .339; Trout, Los Angeles, .337; jols hit his 599th career homer during
Toronto 25 27 .481 6-1/2 Garcia, Chicago, .328; Judge, New the Angels nine-run third inning.
Central Division York, .323; Castro, New York, .322;
W L PCT GB Altuve, Houston, .320; Correa, Houston, Pujols moved to the brink of his lat-
Minnesota 26 22 .542 - .309; Brantley, Cleveland, .307; 1 tied est milestone with a three-run shot off
Cleveland 27 23 .540 - at .299. Bartolo Colon (2-6) early in Los Ange-
Chicago White Sox24 27 .471 3-1/2 RUNS: Dickerson, Tampa Bay, 39; les biggest inning of the season.
Detroit 24 28 .462 4 Judge, New York, 39; Bautista, Toronto,
Kansas City 22 29 .431 5-1/2 36; Gallo, Texas, 36; Trout, Los Angeles,
The 37-year-old slugger has hom-
Western Division 36; Lindor, Cleveland, 35; Springer, Hou- ered in back-to-back games for the
W L PCT GB ston, 35; Altuve, Houston, 34; Castro, New rst time this year. He can become the
Houston 37 16 .698 - York, 34; Gardner, New York, 34; 3 tied ninth player in baseball history, and
LA Angels 27 28 .491 11 at 33. fourth-youngest, to reach 600 homers
Texas 26 27 .491 11 RBI: Cruz, Seattle, 42; Sano, Min-
Seattle 24 29 .453 13 nesota, 39; Garcia, Chicago, 37; Judge, with his next shot.
Oakland 22 29 .431 14 New York, 37; Trout, Los Angeles, 36; Parker Bridwell (1-0) earned his
National League Mazara, Texas, 35; Morrison, Tampa rst major league win, pitching six-hit
Eastern Division Bay, 35; Pujols, Los Angeles, 35; Cano, ball into the seventh inning.
W L PCT GB Seattle, 34; Smoak, Toronto, 34; 1 tied
Washington 32 19 .627 - at 33. Dodgers 9, Cardinals 4
NY Mets 23 27 .460 8-1/2 HITS: Dickerson, Tampa Bay, 72; In St Louis, Chase Utley, Logan
Atlanta 22 28 .440 9-1/2 Altuve, Houston, 64; Castro, New York, Forsythe and Chris Taylor combined Chris Sale #41 of the Boston Red Sox pitches against the Chicago White Sox during the second inning at Guaran-
Miami 20 30 .400 11-1/2 64; Bogaerts, Boston, 62; Garcia, Chi- teed Rate Field on May 30, in Chicago, Illinois. (AFP)
Philadelphia 17 33 .340 14-1/2 cago, 61; Segura, Seattle, 61; Andrus, to reach base 11 times and totaled six
Central Division Texas, 60; Abreu, Chicago, 59; Hosmer, runs, helping the Dodgers rally for
W L PCT GB Kansas City, 58; Pillar, Toronto, 57; 3 their sixth straight win. out an AL-best 14 in seven innings,
leading Cleveland to the win.
Milwaukee 27 25 .519
Chicago Cubs 25 26 .490 1-1/2
- tied at 56.
DOUBLES: Travis, Toronto, 18;
Utley nished a homer shy of the
cycle. Forsythe reached ve times, Bauers career-best strikeout total NFL Roundup
St Louis 24 25 .490 1-1/2 Betts, Boston, 16; Dickerson, Tampa was one shy of this seasons major
Cincinnati 24 27 .471 2-1/2 Bay, 16; Lowrie, Oakland, 16; Moreland, including three walks, and Taylor
Pittsburgh 24 29 .453 3-1/2 Boston, 16; CSantana, Cleveland, 15; reached three times. league-high of 15 by Washingtons
Western Division Lindor, Cleveland, 14; Schoop, Balti- Adrian Gonzalezs sacrice y and Stephen Strasburg against San Diego
LA Dodgers
33 20 .623
more, 14; Trout, Los Angeles, 14; 5 tied
at 13.
Utleys RBI double started the Dodg- on Saturday. Cowboys CB Carroll arrested
ers comeback in the third. Enrique Bauer (5-4) allowed three runs and
Colorado 33 21 .611 0-1/2 TRIPLES: Bogaerts, Boston, 4; Cas- seven hits with one walk. Four Cleve-
Arizona 32 22 .593
San Francisco 22 32 .407 11-1/2
San Diego 21 33 .389 12-1/2
1-1/2 tellanos, Detroit, 3; Garcia, Chicago, 3;
Miller, Tampa Bay, 3; Sanchez, Chicago,
3; 18 tied at 2.
Hernandez tied it at 3 with a single,
and Paul DeJongs throwing error on
the same play scored Utley to give the
land pitchers combined to strike out
19, tying a franchise record for a nine-
Browns sign LB Kirksey to
MLB Linescores HOME RUNS: Judge, New York, 17; inning game.
American League
010 200 0104 10 0
Davis, Oakland, 16; Gallo, Texas, 16;
Trout, Los Angeles, 16; Alonso, Oakland,
Dodgers a 4-3 lead.
Yankees 8, Orioles 3 $38 mln, four-yr extension
Cleveland 000 430 02x9 11 1 14; Morrison, Tampa Bay, 14; Moustakas, In Baltimore, Brett Gardner and
Gray, Montas (5), J.Smith (8) and Kansas City, 13; 4 tied at 12. BASEBALL Matt Holliday each homered twice, CLEVELAND, May 31, (RTRS): Jail at about 7:50 am.
Phegley; Bauer, B.Shaw (8), Miller (8), STOLEN BASES: Dyson, Seattle, 14; The Cleveland Browns reward-
Goody (9) and R.Perez. W_Bauer 5-4. Maybin, Los Angeles, 13; Andrus, Texas,
Aaron Judge drove in two runs and the
Nationals 6, Giants 3 Yankees received a solid pitching per- ed linebacker Christian Kirksey
L_Gray 2-2. HRs_Cleveland, Kipnis, 12; Cain, Kansas City, 12; Altuve, Hou- Seattle Seahawks wide re-
Zimmer. ston, 10; Trout, Los Angeles, 10; Kier- In San Francisco, Gio Gonzalez formance from Luis Severino. with a four-year, $38 million
contract ex- ceiver Doug Baldwin said he is
New York 212 300 0008 14 1 maier, Tampa Bay, 9; 7 tied at 8. pitched into the seventh inning to win Gardner set the tone for the AL East unsure if Seahawks coach Pete
Baltimore 000 001 0203 9 1 PITCHING: Keuchel, Houston, 8-0; ES- for the rst time since April 27 as tension on
Severino, Layne (7), Warren (7), antana, Minnesota, 7-2; Bundy, Baltimore,
leaders by connecting on the third Tuesday. Carroll is holding star quarter-
Mitchell (8), Clippard (8) and G.Sanchez; 6-3; McCullers, Houston, 6-1; Pineda, New Washington beat San Francisco. pitch from Chris Tillman (1-2), who back Russell Wilson accountable
Kirksey led
Tillman, Verrett (3), Hart (6), Givens (8), York, 6-2; Sale, Boston, 6-2; Stroman, To- Daniel Murphy and Trea Turner had not allowed a home run in his pre- the Browns in response to an ESPN story cit-
Bleier (9) and Castillo. W_Severino 4-2. ronto, 6-2; Vargas, Kansas City, 6-3; 12 had three hits apiece for the NL East vious four starts this season. with 148 ing friction inside the locker room.
L_Tillman 1-2. HRs_New York, Gardner tied at 5-4. leaders, who won their fourth in ve Holliday went deep in the rst in- On an interview with 710
2, Holliday 2. ERA: ESantana, Minnesota, 1.75; tackles last
Detroit 000 000 0000 3 0 Keuchel, Houston, 1.81; Holland, Chicago,
games. Jayson Werth added two hits ning and again in the third for his 22nd season, third- ESPNs Brock and Salk, Bald-
Kansas City 000 001 00x1 7 0 2.37; Vargas, Kansas City, 2.39; McCull- and a bases-loaded walk, and Michael career multihomer game. Gardners most in the win admitted he did not read
Verlander, Wilson (8) and J.Hicks; Sko- ers, Houston, 2.48; Triggs, Oakland, 2.64; A. Taylor had two RBIs. second solo shot sparked a three-run NFL. He was the entire article but praised
glund, Moylan (7), Minor (8), K.Herrera (9) Fulmer, Detroit, 2.65; Rodriguez, Boston, One night after a bench-clearing fourth that made it 8-0. scheduled Carroll for the job he has done
and S.Perez. W_Skoglund 1-0. L_Verland- 2.77; Sale, Boston, 2.77; Bundy, Balti- brawl that resulted in suspensions for to become managing personalities.
er 4-4. Sv_K.Herrera (12). more, 2.89; 1 tied at 2.89. Mets 5, Brewers 4, 12 Innings Kirksey
Houston 001 120 1027 10 0 STRIKEOUTS: Sale, Boston, 110; Nationals outelder Bryce Harper In New York, Jay Bruce lined a a free agent
Minnesota 200 000 0002 7 1 Archer, Tampa Bay, 88; Estrada, Toronto, (four games) and Giants reliever Hunt- after the 2017 season.
game-ending single in the 12th in- Tony Romos familiar locker
Fiers, Devenski (7), M.Feliz (9) and Mc- 78; Bauer, Cleveland, 73; McCullers, Hou- er Strickland (six games), the teams ning as the Mets rebounded to beat the and his No. 9 jersey are unclaimed
Cann; Berrios, Boshers (6), Wheeler (8) ston, 73; Salazar, Cleveland, 73; Darvish, played without incident. Each player
and J.Castro. W_Fiers 2-2. L_Berrios 3-1. Texas, 72; Severino, New York, 69; Por- Brewers 5-4 after shortstop Asdrubal Chicago Bears backup at the Dallas Cowboys training
appealed his penalty. Cabrera allowed the tying runs to score facility in Frisco, Texas. And there
HRs_Houston, Bregman. cello, Boston, 68; Pineda, New York, 66; quarterback Mark Sanchez
Tampa Bay 004 010 0005 10 0 2 tied at 65. Astros 7, Twins 2 in the seventh when he ubbed a bas- injured his left knee during an is no denitive meaning.
Texas 200 000 34x9 11 0 National League In Minneapolis, Jose Altuve had organized team activity workout Romo is not ofcially retired
Andriese, Hunter (5), Farquhar (7), BATTING: JTurner, Los Angeles, .379; es-loaded popup with two outs.
Whitley (7), H.Wood (8) and Sucre; Zimmerman, Washington, .374; Cozart, four hits and two RBIs, Mike Fiers Wily Peralta (5-4) pitched a perfect and will be sidelined until the from the NFL, a process that
N.Martinez, Gee (5), Kela (8), Bush Cincinnati, .350; Kemp, Atlanta, .341; struck out eight over six innings in 11th in his fourth relief outing since he start of training camp. requires submitting paperwork
(9) and Lucroy, Chirinos. W_Kela 2-1. Freeman, Atlanta, .341; Posey, San Fran- his bid to retain a spot in Houstons was dropped from Milwaukees rota- The nature of Sanchezs in- through the league ofce. But
L_Whitley 1-1. HRs_Tampa Bay, Souza cisco, .340; Harper, Washington, .331; banged-up rotation, and the major tion in mid-May, but then allowed a jury wasnt detailed in initial re- owner Jerry Jones said last
Jr., Kiermaier, Robertson. Texas, Choo, Blackmon, Colorado, .327; Murphy, Wash-
league-leading Astros earned their single to pinch hitter T.J. Rivera lead- ports. Training camp begins on month he felt the process would
Andrus. ington, .319; Conforto, New York, .318; 1 July 27. be nalized after June 1.
Boston 043 030 01213 16 1 tied at .316. sixth straight victory. ing off the 12th. Michael Conforto
Chicago 031 200 0107 14 0 RUNS: Goldschmidt, Arizona, 44; Alex Bregman homered and drove walked and Jose Reyes grounded into
Sale, Hembree (6), Boyer (8), Kimbrel Harper, Washington, 44; Thames, Milwau- in two runs, providing further support a forceout that left runners at the cor-
(8) and Leon; Quintana, Ynoa (3), Jen- kee, 40; Blackmon, Colorado, 39; Votto, Dallas Cowboys cornerback The Detroit Lions signed run-
nings (5), Minaya (9) and K.Smith. W_Sale Cincinnati, 38; Hamilton, Cincinnati, 37;
for Fiers (2-2) in his best of 10 starts ners. Nolan Carroll was arrested ning back Matt Asiata and offen-
6-2. L_Quintana 2-7. Sv_Kimbrel (14). Arenado, Colorado, 36; Conforto, New this season. Marlins 7, Phillies 2 early Monday in Dallas on sus- sive lineman Connor Bozick and
HRs_Boston, Betts, Bogaerts, Marrero 2, York, 36; Seager, Los Angeles, 36; 3 tied Fiers fell behind 2-0 in the rst when In Miami, Giancarlo Stanton hit his picion of driving while intoxi- waived fullback Michael Burton
Bradley Jr., Moreland. Chicago, Frazier, at 35. Eddie Rosario drew a bases-loaded third homer since moving into the No. cated, multiple media outlets and injured linebacker Brandon
Anderson. RBI: Blackmon, Colorado, 46; Duvall, walk and Byron Buxton followed with reported Monday. Chubb, the team announced.
Interleague Cincinnati, 45; Reynolds, Colorado, 44; 2 spot in the batting order, a change Carroll was pulled over at Asiata, 29, spent the rst
Cincinnati 200 010 1004 8 0 Lamb, Arizona, 43; Harper, Washington, an ineld single, but Astros hacked
that has revived Miami, which won its approximately 2:15 am for an ve seasons of his career with
Toronto 000 400 02x6 7 1 41; Votto, Cincinnati, 40; Zimmerman, their way back against Jose Berrios
third game in a row. unspecified traffic violation, the Minnesota Vikings from
Wojciechowski, Lorenzen (5), Washington, 40; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 38; (3-1).
B.Wood (8) and Mesoraco; J.Happ, Stanton, Miami, 37; 2 tied at 36. Marcell Ozuna also homered for the and he was arrested at that 2012-16. He rushed for 402
D.Barnes (5), Tepera (7), Loup (8), HITS: Blackmon, Colorado, 72; Zim- Padres 6, Cubs 2 Marlins, whose modest winning streak time. He posted bond Mon- yards and six touchdowns in 16
Joe Smith (8), R.Osuna (9) and Martin. merman, Washington, 65; Inciarte, Atlanta, In San Diego, Austin Hedges hom- is their longest since mid-April. day afternoon after he was games (six starts) with Minne-
W_Joe Smith 1-0. L_B.Wood 0-3. Sv_R. 62; Ozuna, Miami, 60; Arenado, Colorado, ered and drove in four runs, and the Stanton hit a two-run homer, his
Osuna (10). HRs_Cincinnati, Cozart 2, 58; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 58; Harrison, booked into Dallas County sota last season.
Votto. Toronto, Donaldson, Martin, Bau- Pittsburgh, 58; LeMahieu, Colorado, 58;
Padres handed the Cubs their fth 14th, in a ve-run third. Since he
tista, Morales. Murphy, Washington, 58; Owings, Arizona, straight loss. moved up to the No. 2 spot, Stanton
Seattle 033 000 10310 19 0 58; 5 tied at 57. Hedges hit a two-run homer and a is 12 for 29 (.414) with three homers and threw 115 pitches. The left-hander NL West, dropping a half-game behind
Colorado 000 020 0114 7 2 DOUBLES: Arenado, Colorado, 17; two-run double as the Padres clinched and seven RBIs in seven games, and set a career high by winning his third the streaking Dodgers.
Miranda, Lawrence (6), Zych (8), Zimmerman, Washington, 16; Kemp, At- the three-game series against the strug- straight start and has pitched 23-2/3
Rzepczynski (8), Altavilla (9) and Zunino; lanta, 15; Shaw, Milwaukee, 15; Grandal, the Marlins are 5-2 while outscoring Rangers 9, Rays 5
Ty.Anderson, Oberg (6), Dunn (7), Qualls Los Angeles, 14; Grichuk, St Louis, 14; gling Cubs. Rookie Dinelson Lamet opponents 48-22. scoreless innings during that run, all on In Arlington, Texas, Elvis Andrus
(8), Estevez (9) and Hanigan, Wolters. Hernandez, Los Angeles, 14; Murphy, (2-0), one of San Diegos top pros- the road, while also beating the San Di-
W_Miranda 5-2. L_Ty.Anderson 3-5. Washington, 14; 8 tied at 13. pects, struck out eight while pitching Diamondbacks 3, Pirates 0 had a career-high ve RBIs for Texas,
In Pittsburgh, Arizona left-hander ego Padres and Milwaukee Brewers. including a tying three-run homer in
HRs_Seattle, Seager, Cano. TRIPLES: Blackmon, Colorado, 8; Coz- ve innings of two-run ball. Chris Owings snapped a scoreless
Atlanta 002 000 1003 7 3 art, Cincinnati, 4; Fowler, St Louis, 4; Ham- Robbie Ray pitched a four-hitter in his the seventh inning.
Los Angeles 009 000 00x9 10 1 ilton, Cincinnati, 4; 9 tied at 3. Indians 9, Athletics 4 rst career complete game. tie with a double in the sixth inning, Andrus two-out drive deep into the
Colon, Jackson (3), Freeman (6), Motte HOME RUNS: Harper, Washington, 15; In Cleveland, Trevor Bauer struck Ray (5-3) struck out 10, walked none and the Diamondbacks ended a three- visiting bullpen ended a stretch of ve
(7), Krol (8) and Flowers; Bridwell, Guerra Schebler, Cincinnati, 15; Duvall, Cincin- game losing streak.
(7), Hernandez (8) and Graterol. W_Brid- nati, 14; Freeman, Atlanta, 14; Lamb, Ari- scoreless innings from the Tampa Bay
well 1-0. L_Colon 2-6. HRs_Atlanta, Flow- zona, 14; Stanton, Miami, 14; Zimmerman, Royals 1, Tigers 0 bullpen after Matt Andriese left in the
ers, Kemp. Los Angeles, Pujols. Washington, 14; 8 tied at 13. In Kansas City, Missouri, Eric Sk- second with a mild groin strain.
National League STOLEN BASES: Hamilton, Cincin-
Arizona 000 001 2003 7 0 nati, 28; Gordon, Miami, 15; Nunez, San
oglund pitched 6-1/3 innings of two- Jared Hoyings liner off the top of
Pittsburgh 000 000 0000 4 0 Francisco, 13; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 12; hit ball in his major league debut, help- the wall in right came with the bases
Ray and Herrmann; Nova, Hudson Peraza, Cincinnati, 12; Villar, Milwaukee, ing the Royals beat Justin Verlander loaded and one out in a four-run eighth
(8), LeBlanc (9) and Cervelli. W_Ray 5-3. 12; Pollock, Arizona, 11; TTurner, Wash- and the Tigers. against Chase Whitley (1-1), break-
L_Nova 5-4. ington, 11; Broxton, Milwaukee, 10; 2 tied
Philadelphia 000 100 0102 2 2 at 9. Skoglund, a 2014 third-round draft ing a 5-5 tie. After a sacrice y from
Miami 025 000 00x7 10 2 PITCHING: Kershaw, Los Angeles, pick out of Central Florida, struck out Shin-Soo Choo, Andrus single to left
Velasquez, Leiter Jr (2), Rodriguez (3), 7-2; Senzatela, Colorado, 7-1; Greinke, ve and walked one. The left-hander scored two more.
L.Garcia (4), Ramos (6), Neris (8) and Arizona, 6-3; Strasburg, Washington, 6-1; was promoted from Triple-A Omaha
Rupp; Nicolino, McGowan (4), Ellington Wood, Los Angeles, 6-0; 13 tied at 5-3. Blue Jays 6, Reds 4
(7), Wittgren (8), Worley (9) and Real- ERA: Leake, St Louis, 2.24; Ker- when the Royals placed Danny Duffy In Toronto, Kendrys Morales hit
muto. W_McGowan 2-0. L_Velasquez shaw, Los Angeles, 2.37; Scherzer, on the disabled list Monday with an a tiebreaking homer in the eighth in-
2-5. HRs_Philadelphia, Kendrick. Miami, Washington, 2.77; Gonzalez, Washing- oblique strain. ning for Toronto, and Josh Donaldson
Ozuna, Stanton. ton, 2.90; Nova, Pittsburgh, 2.92; Lynn,
Los Angeles 004 030 0029 11 3 St Louis, 2.93; Strasburg, Washington, Mariners 10, Rockies 4 belted an upper-deck drive.
St. Louis 300 000 0104 8 1 2.94; Ray, Arizona, 3.00; Senzatela, In Denver, Kyle Seager homered All six Toronto runs came on hom-
Maeda, Morrow (5), Romo (6), Libera- Colorado, 3.19; deGrom, New York, and drove in four runs for Seattle, and ers. Jose Bautista and Russell Martin
tore (7), Baez (7), Hatcher (8), Jansen (9) 3.23; 1 tied at 3.24.
and Grandal; Wacha, Lyons (4), Brebbia STRIKEOUTS: Scherzer, Washing- Robinson Cano also connected. also connected for the Blue Jays, who
(5), Cecil (7), Siegrist (8), J.Broxton (9) ton, 89; deGrom, New York, 86; Greinke, Jean Segura had four hits and Ariel have hit 47 homers in May.
and Molina. W_Morrow 1-0. L_Wacha 2-3. Arizona, 84; Ray, Arizona, 84; Sa- Miranda (5-2) pitched ve solid in- Cincinnatis Zack Cozart hit two
HRs_St. Louis, Molina. mardzija, San Francisco, 79; Kershaw, nings to help the Mariners sweep two solo home runs and Joey Votto had a
Milwaukee 100 000 300 0004 10 0 Los Angeles, 78; Strasburg, Washing-
New York 000 022 000 0015 13 1 ton, 74; Martinez, St Louis, 71; Cueto, games in Denver. It was just the Rock- third.
(12 innings) San Francisco, 68; Lester, Chicago, 67; Nick Markakis #22 of the Atlanta Braves is caught trying to score as he is tagged ies third loss in 17 series and rst Morales broke a 4-all tie with a two-
Davies, C.Torres (6), N.Feliz (7), 1 tied at 64. out by Juan Graterol #59 of the Los Angeles Angels during the rst inning at since April 24-27 against Washington. run blast off Blake Wood (0-3), his
Angel Stadium of Anaheim on May 30, in Anaheim, California. (AFP) They also fell out of rst place in the 10th.


Arsene is the best person to help us win major trophies

Long-serving Arsenal manager Wenger signs new deal

LONDON, May 31, (AFP): Long-serving Arsenal ment in view of a title challenge. The dissent reached a crescendo during a run of rst manager in history to have won the tournament
manager Arsene Wenger has signed a new two-year American majority shareholder Stan Kroenke said: seven defeats in 12 games between late January and seven times.
contract, the club announced on Wednesday, ending Our ambition is to win the Premier League and other early April. It is now 13 years since the last of his three Premier
months of speculation about his future. major trophies in Europe. Wengers switch to a back three enabled Arsenal League title wins, however, while he has presided
Wenger has presided over a gruelling season, which Its what the fans, players, staff, manager and to end the season in style, winning seven of their last over a remarkable seven successive last 16 exits in the
saw his team fail to qualify for the Champions League, board expect and we wont rest until that is achieved. eight league games before toppling Chelsea in last Champions League.
but masterminded a stunning FA Cup nal win over Arsene is the best person to help us make that hap- His key objectives for the close season will be to
Chelsea last weekend. pen. He has a fantastic track record and has our full SOCCER tie star duo Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil to new
The 67-year-old Frenchmans new deal, which will backing. contracts and strengthen his squad for the rigours of a
take his tenure up to 23 years, is believed to have been Wengers new contract brings to an end the most Sundays FA Cup nal. Europa League campaign.
rubber-stamped during a board meeting on Tuesday. traumatic season of his near 21-year Arsenal ten- But he has been deeply hurt by the criticism he has Wenger said Arsenal would only look to sign top,
I love this club and I am looking forward to the ure. received, branding the conduct of some supporters a top quality players and said having a very heavy
future with optimism and excitement. We are looking Arsenal missed out on Champions League qualica- disgrace and saying it created a horrendous atmos- squad meant we might lose some players.
at what we do well and how we can be stronger every- tion for the rst time in 20 years and were thrashed phere around the team. Were committed to mounting a sustained league
where, Wenger told Arsenals website. 10-2 on aggregate by Bayern Munich in the Champi- In an interview on Arsenals website, Wenger ap- challenge and that will be our focus this summer and
This is a strong group of players and with some ad- ons League last 16. pealed to fans: Lets be together to support our play- next season, he added.
ditions we can be even more successful. Wenger has come under greater pressure from sup- ers, to support the club and all give our absolute best I am grateful to have the support of the board and
Arsenal said Wenger and chief executive Ivan porters than ever before, with fans holding Wenger to be at the level that we want to be. Stan in doing everything we can to win more trophies.
Gazidis had conducted a full review of our on and Out placards, boycotting home games and chartering Arsenals Wembley win against Chelsea gave them Its what we all want and I know its what our fans
off-the-pitch activities to identify areas for improve- planes to trail banners calling for him to go. a third FA Cup in four seasons and made Wenger the around the world demand.

Soccer Roundup

FIFA announces Chinese sponsor Vivo for 2018, 2022 WCups

1860 Munich relegated to 3rd division amid fan trouble

MUNICH, May 31, (Agencies): ball. reach its target of a $100 million sur- which would make him the highest-
Former Bundesliga champion 1860 Only Stuttgart and Hannover, which plus for the four-yearly cycle ending at paid player in the Premier League
Munich was relegated from Germanys both secured their return to the the 2018 World Cup. clubs history. The 24-year-old has
second division on Tuesday in a game Bundesliga, had squads that cost more It is also under pressure to increase two years left on his current deal but
that was held up for 15 minutes toward than 1860s in the second division. its revenue after president Gianni has spoken about his desire to play in
the end because of violence from its Unfortunately it wasnt enough to Infantino, elected last year, promised the Champions League, an ambition
angry fans. hit the targets. It pains me immensely to increase payouts to its 211 member which Everton have so far been unable
1860 lost the second leg of its rele- that the project failed, said Pereira, federations to develop the sport. to fulfil.
gation/promotion playoff 2-0 at home who thanked co-workers, the players FIFA made a loss of $391 million in With Lukakus former club Chelsea
to Bavarian rival Jahn Regensburg, a and journalists at the post-game news 2016, which it blamed partly on and Manchester United both linked
In this May 27, 2017 le photo, Arsenal team manager Arsene Wenger cel- team that finished third in the third conference. My conscience is clear increased legal costs following a cor- with a move for the forward, his agent
ebrates with the trophy after winning the English FA Cup nal soccer match division and secured second-tier foot- that I did all I could. ruption scandal, and has forecast a Mino Raiola has suggested Everton
between Arsenal and Chelsea at Wembley Stadium in London. Wenger will ball at the Munich-based clubs $489 million loss in 2017 but then wont stand in his clients way if they
stay on as Arsenal manager, earing a new two-year contract on May 31, expense with a 3-1 win on aggregate. expects to turn a $1.07 billion profit in get a suitable offer from any of several
despite missing out on Champions League qualication. (AP) Jahn gained promotion at the first Global soccer body FIFA 2018 when the World Cup is held in unnamed clubs.
attempt, one season after promotion announced another Chinese sponsor Russia.
on Wednesday, saying that smart-

James property vandalized from the fourth tier.
Kolja Pusch and Marc Lais scored
the goals in the first half for Jahn, but
phone maker
Vivo will be a FIFA says it was inappropriate
Japanese champions Kashima
Antlers have sacked Masatada Ishii,
LOS ANGELES, May 31, (Agencies): LeBron James has the Cleveland the game was overshadowed by the backer for the for people in blackface apparently rep- the coach who steered the club to the
Basketball superstar LeBron James Cavaliers poised for a championship scenes that unfolded 10 minutes before 2018 and 2022 resenting Cameroons national soccer domestic title and the runners-up posi-
Los Angeles home was vandalized with repeat in his seventh consecutive NBA full-time, when 1860 fans began World Cups. team to march in a parade in Sochi. tion at the FIFA Club World Cup last
a racial slur, police said on Wednesday, Finals while Kevin Durant has sparked throwing objects including seats onto FIFA is try- Two people in blackface wearing year, following their elimination from
one day before the Cleveland Cavaliers a historic Golden State playoff run in ing to recover African clothing and carrying bananas the Asian Champions League.
the pitch and riot police lined up to
player was set to take the court in the search of his rst title. from the worst marched in a government-backed Kashima defeated two-time Asian
prevent the situation escalating. parade on Saturday in the southern
rst game of the NBA Finals. The epic squads collide in an unprec- Were fed up, the home sides corruption champions Guangzhou Evergrande
The grafti was spray-painted on the edented third consecutive NBA Finals scandal in its Russian city, where Cameroon will at Kashima Soccer Stadium on
fans shouted. play Germany at next month in the
front gate of James house and investi- starting Thursday at Oakland, with the Play was suspended for some 15 history and Tuesday evening but were eliminat-
gators are looking for any possible sus- host Warriors an oddsmakers favorite has been Confederations Cup. ed on the away goals rule after the
minutes, though more objects were Pusch FIFA says the displays ... are inap-
pect involved in the vandalism, said Los in the hotly anticipated best-of-seven thrown onto the pitch after it resumed. struggling to pair shared a 2-2 aggregate draw
Angeles police spokeswoman Norma showdown against a Cleveland team sign up sponsors since several dozen propriate, adding that blackening of over the two legs.
1860, which won the Bundesliga in faces is considered discriminatory and
Eisenman. that made the greatest comeback in Fi- 1966 and had played in the top flight soccer officials, including several in The club announced on its official
Eisenman declined to say what racial nals history to defeat them a year ago. senior FIFA positions, were indicted will not be tolerated inside the stadi- website on Wednesday that Ishii
as recently as 2004, returned to the ums.
slur was used in the grafti. It was dis- They are a great team. They are the third level for the first time in 24 years. in the United States in 2015 on corrup- would be replaced by Go Oiwa, who
covered shortly after dawn on Wednes- champs, Warriors coach Steve Kerr The parade was led by Sochis
The club announced later that chief tion-related charges. mayor and included groups marching has worked as an assistant coach at the
day and has since been painted over, she said. Were trying to take what they executive Ian Ayre, a former chief Vivo follows consumer electronics club.
said. took from us last year. for all the teams that will play in Sochi.
executive of Liverpool in the English maker Hisense Electric Co Ltd, which The Sochi city government said Ishii, who played for Kashima
James, 32, was not at the west Los The Warriors spoiled James fair- Premier League who only took up the signed as a 2018 World Cup sponsor before being appointed head coach
Angeles residence at the time of the ytale return to Cleveland from Miami Tuesday it did not intend any insult.
position in April, had tendered his in April, and real estate and media ahead of the 2015 season, won the J
vandalism, Eisenman said by phone. by downing an injury-hit Cavaliers resignation before the game. Club conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group, League title last season as Antlers
James, the three-time NBA champion, squad for the 2015 crown, their rst in president Peter Cassalette resigned which became a FIFA partner last Romelu Lukakus agent claims defeated Urawa Red Diamonds in the
is an African American. 40 years. after the match. year. The Vivo logo will appear dur- Everton have promised the Belgium championship playoff.
He is the National Basketball As- Golden State then won a record 73 1860 is backed by Jordanian inves- ing every match on pitch advertising striker he will be allowed to leave if Kashima also reached the final of
sociations most prolic playoff scorer regular-season games and seized a 3-1 tor Hasan Abdullah Ismaik, who hired boards, match tickets, media releases certain clubs make a bid during the the FIFA Club World Cup under Ishii,
and has been named the leagues Most nals lead before James sparked Cleve- former Porto coach Vitor Pereira last and other key promotional platforms, transfer window. where they lost in extra-time to Real
Valuable Player four times. The Cava- land to victory in the nal three games December and promised to lead the FIFA said in a statement. Lukaku has refused to accept Madrid, the best performance ever by
liers are scheduled to face off on Thurs- to claim the title, leading every major side to the top levels of European foot- FIFA needs sponsorship to help Evertons offer of a new contract an Asian club in the competition.
day against the Golden State Warriors statistical category in an unprecedented,
in Oakland, California. Herculean feat.


SIPG win all-Chinese showdown

Urawa into quarters
(AFP): Brazilian striker
Elkeson scored once and
forced an own goal as
Shanghai SIPG downed
Chinese rivals Jiangsu
Suning 3-2 to reach the
Shanghai SIPGs Elkeson (center), AFC Champions League
fights for the ball against Jiangsu quarter-nals on Wednes-
Suning FCs Wu Xi (right), during
the AFC Champions League day.
Round of 16 football match Elkeson proted from some ka-
Shanghai SIPG against Jiangsu mikaze rst-half defending from
Suning FC in Nanjing on May 31. Hong Jeong-Ho, who gifted him
(AFP) the opening goal, and Yang Xiao-
tian, who diverted a shot into his
own net.
Not Mourinhos Hong and Wu Xi scored late head-
ers to stir faint hopes for Jiangsu, be-
call on Rashford fore Brazils Hulk rolled in his fth
goal of the campaign to leave the
BURTON-ON-TRENT, United scores at 5-3 on aggregate.
Kingdom, May 31, (AFP): Man- Andre Villas-Boass SIPG, who won
chester United manager Jose last weeks rst leg 2-1, are into the last
Mourinho had no inuence over eight for the second straight year after
the decision to excuse Marcus dominating a tie between two of the
Rashford from duty at the Un-
der-21 European Championship, most expensive teams ever seen in Asia.
England manager Gareth South- Elsewhere Ryota Moriwaki scored
gate said on Tuesday. in extra time as Urawa Red Diamonds
Southgate has frequently un- pulled off a stunning comeback by
derlined the importance of giving beating 10-man Jeju United 3-0 to
young players tournament ex- book their quarter-nal spot.
perience, but he called Rashford In Nanjing, Jiangsus Alex Teix-
into his senior squad, rather than eira was everywhere early on and in
let him play at next months Un- the sixth minute, a rebound from the
der-21 Euro in Poland. Brazilians corner fell to Wu who vol-
Mourinho had expressed reser- leyed straight at the keeper.
vations about Rashford going to Another Teixeira corner found cen-
Poland, but Southgate said the de- tral defender Hong, who rst saw his
cision to call the 19-year-old up header saved on the line and then hit
for Englands forthcoming games the post as the ball came back to him.
against Scotland and France was
his and his alone. SOCCER
I didnt speak to him (Mour-
inho) about it, Southgate, the
former England Under-21 manag- The unlucky moment was perhaps
er, told journalists at St Georges a bad omen for the South Korean,
Park in Burton-on-Trent, central who was at fault for the opening goal Urawa Reds midfielder Takahiro Sekine (center), and Jeju Uniteds forward Ahn Hyun-beom compete for the ball during the AFC Champions League
England. when he failed to deal with a through- Round of 16 second leg football match between Japans Urawa Reds and South Koreas Jeju United in Saitama on May 31. (AFP)
Marcuss evolution this sea- ball to Elkeson on 34 minutes.
son has been clear in terms of As Hong checked his run, expect- a header and had another saved on the
the responsibility hes had at his line before Hong redeemed himself
And when Ive watched
ing goalkeeper Zhang Sipeng to gath-
er, Elkeson rushed in and prodded
home his nish, making it 1-0 on the
by scoring with his head on 75 min-
utes. United ranked as Europes most valuable club
matches like the game away at Wus looping header in the third
night and 3-1 on aggregate. added minute made it 3-4 on aggre- LONDON, May 31, (AFP): Manchester seasons on the pitch between 2014 and In a statement, KPMGs global head
Chelsea in the cup when he was Nine minutes later and Jiangsu gate but just a minute later, Hulks United have been rated as Europes most 2016, Uniteds value surged clear of of sports Andrea Sartori said: The ag-
playing on his own (up front) suffered another
for long periods of the game, strong run and nish put the result valuable club by a new report into the Real Madrid and Barcelona last year, gregate value of Europes leading foot-
howler when El- beyond doubt. nancial muscle of the continents top becoming the rst club to break the three ball clubs suggests that the overall value
the game against Chelsea at Old kesons shot was
Trafford, the European matches Earlier in Saitama, Jeju looked teams. billion euros (2.7 billion, $3.4 billion) of football, as an industry, has grown.
blocked by the nearly home and dry after last weeks The report by professional services mark for enterprise value. While this is partially explained
quarter-nals, semi-nals
where he had such a big impact backpedalling 2-0 win but Urawa had other ideas rm KPMG looked at the nances of 39 by footballs broadcasting boom, the
in big games, he should be in our Yang, who can- and Shinzo Korokis headed goal on clubs based on their popularity on social internationalisation of the clubs com-
squad. The only decision for me noned it straight 18 minutes brought the tie to life. media channels, revenues for the 2014- SOCCER mercial operations, their investment into
was, do we send him to both? into the net. Fifteen minutes later Tadanari lev- 15 and 2015-16 seasons, and success in privately owned and modern facilities,
Southgate added: The key It was almost a elled the aggregate scores at 2-2, and European competitions. Bayern Munich remain in fourth and overall more sustainable manage-
for us is not the relationship with lost cause for Ji- as extra time loomed, Jejus hopes The clubs were then ranked by enter- place, while Manchester City edge past ment practices are also key reasons for
Jose; its the relationship with angsu but they at- were dealt a blow when Cho Yong- prise value, an accounting measure used this growth.
tacked relentlessly to assess how much it would cost to buy Arsenal to take fth spot, both with en- In terms of media rights value, the
Marcus. Hyung received a second yellow card.
in the second half Boas And just six minutes before penal- any given club or company as it includes terprise values of just under 1.7 billion. English Premier League sits comfortably
And making sure that he sens-
es that were not just plonking with Ramires and Teixeira, who beat ties, Moriwaki got on the end of Toki- a businesss total debt, with KPMG us- Chelsea, Liverpool, Juventus and at the top of European leagues, although
him somewhere to try to achieve three defenders before ring over, yushi Takagis cross to smash home ing its own formula to reach these valu- Spurs ll the next four positions, which other major leagues have outlined well-
an objective that ticks a box for both coming close. the vital winner for a 3-2 aggregate ations. means six of the 10 are from the Premier dened strategies to compete for the at-
us. Substitute Ge Wei hit the post with victory. Despite two relatively disappointing League. tention of global fans.

Injury-ravaged season clouds Bales homecoming

Decisive Ramos is Real Madrids insatiable leader

MADRID, May 31, (Agencies): side Seville. dium big enough I dont think.
Real Madrid captain Sergio Ramos Last month when the Champions Nearly 75,000 will cram into the
has broken Atletico Madrid hearts League semi-nal tie between Real Millenium Stadium on Saturday, but Higuain gets chance to end final hoodoo
and silenced fans of Napoli and Bar- and Atletico was being billed as the those coming for a closer look at the
celona so few people would be sur-
prised if he cements his reputation
haves versus the have nots, Ramos
took offence.
hometown hero may be disappointed.
Bale hasnt played since April 23 Juve success founded on uncompromising defence
on the biggest stage in Saturdays Playing in a Champions League when he suffered the latest of a series
Champions League nal against Ju- nal in his home city was beyond of calf injuries that have blighted his MILAN, May 31, (RTRS): There is something delight-
ventus. Gareth Bales dreams as a youngster, four years in Madrid. fully old-fashioned about the defence which has provid-
Striking a balance between the ed the foundation for Juventus to advance to the Cham-
but Saturdays Cardiff showpiece However, it is ankle ligament dam- pions League nal in Cardiff.
glamour of David Beckham and the catches the Welshman at a career age followed by an operation in No-
never-say-die warrior spirit of the Although not essentially a defensive team, there are
crossroads. vember that has been the root cause times when coach Massimiliano Allegri decides Juve
late Juanito, central defender Ramos Real Madrid can make history by of an injury-ravaged campaign just
is Madrids spiritual leader, a colos- have to batten down the hatches and when that hap-
becoming the rst team to retain the when Bale looked set to fully stamp pens, nobody does it quite like the Serie A champions.
sal force in both boxes yet also prone Champions League and complete a his authority on this Madrid side. Juventus have conceded just three goals in 12 games
to moments of madness. rst La Liga and Champions League He was one of the best players at on their way to Saturdays nal against Real Madrid, at
Ramos has threatened to cost his double in 59 years in the process. the start of the season, said Madrid one point keeping six clean sheets in a row.
team almost as often as he has saved Yet, the fact most of the road to midelder Luka Modric. That record has been bettered only twice, by Arsenal
them, holding the record of 22 red Cardiff has been travelled without an Bale led Madrid to the Champions and Ajax who conceded just two each on their way to
cards at Real, almost double the injured Bale this season and that there League last year by ending the season reaching the 2006 and 1996 nals respectively, although
tally of nearest challenger Fernando is little desire in Madrid for him to be in the form of his life. the Dutch side played two games less.
Hierro. rushed back to face Juventus shows He then carried Wales to the Euro Critics have complained that modern football places
His tally of dismissals is rarely how his fortunes have changed over 2016 seminals and his burgeoning too much emphasis on the ability of defenders to play Juventus forward Paulo Dybala from Argentina
pored over for long, though, such is the past year. status within the Real squad was re- the ball out, rather than their tackling. (left), midfielders Claudio Marchisio (center), and
his habit of getting Real out of jail. It is massively special for me warded with a huge contract renewal But that criticism cannot be levelled at Juventus cen- Tomas Rincon from Venezuela (right), attend the
His most famous last-gasp strike tral defenders Giorgio Chiellini and Leonardo Bonucci, training session during the Media Day prior to the
personally, as it is where I was born, to 2022 in October. UEFA Champions League football match final
where I grew up, said Bale on his However, since then he has had to whose game is based on strength, positioning, telepathic
understanding and a ruthless streak. Juventus vs Real Madrid on May 29, at the Juventus
SOCCER impending return to Wales. endure long days in the gym and on
Once described as a swine on the pitch by former Stadium in Turin. (AFP)
Any Champions League nal is the treatment table, even admitting
team mate Albin Ekdal, Chiellini has reached the peak a show but, as far as Im concerned, if you want to see a
was a 93rd minute equaliser in special, but obviously this is a little to taking pain killers to get through of his game at the age of 33.
bit extra special. matches after initially making his re- show, you should go to the circus.
the 2014 Champions League nal An insight into his competitive nature was unwitting- Committing fouls and winning aerial battles are also
against Atletico which led to Reals I always dreamed Id play a turn from surgery in February. ly offered by FIFA when they tested video technology
Champions League nal, but never in There have been moments when very important.
extra-time triumph, while Sevilla, during a match between Italy and France last year. A rst reunion with Real Madrid in the Champions
my home town. I have had to consider other things Referee Bjorn Kuipers, describing an incident re-
Barca, Deportivo La Coruna and League nal is Gonzalo Higuains chance to get his own
At the time there was not a sta- with my ankle, he added. viewed by the technology, said that Chiellini came rush-
Real Betis have been his unlucky back at his former club for never truly appreciating him
victims this season. ing over to demand a red card for an opponent just and an opportunity to shake his reputation as a big game
Ramos represents the values four minutes into a friendly. bottler.
of Real Madrid, the spirit of doing Juves defence was at its nest in the quarter-nal The combative Argentine striker became the most ex-
against Barcelona when the kept clean sheets in both pensive player ever in Italian football when he swapped
anything to win, coach Zinedine Zi- legs of a 3-0 aggregate win.
dane has said. Napoli for Juventus last year in an acrimonious transfer
In each game, they were given valuable help by which left fans who felt betrayed burning replicas of his
For me those values are commit- forwards Juan Cuadrado and Mario Mandzukic, who
ment, battling and ghting until the number nine shirt.
tracked back tirelessly the Croatian in particular often His 90 million euro ($100.56 million) price tag,
last minute. This club has taught me popping up at left back.
that and as our captain Sergio repre- meanwhile, had many observers scratching their heads
at the thought of Juve paying so much for a player re-
sents this. Hes a noble player.
Ramoss self condence can be SOCCER nowned for failing to put away the simplest of chances
when it mattered most.
traced as far back as 2005 when he When a wayward header from Germanys Toni Kroos
signed for a Real Madrid side con- We have crazy work rate on the anks, both offen- bounced into Higuains path in the 2014 World Cup -
taining Beckham, Luis Figo and sive and defensively, and midelders who guarantee the nal, the Argentina striker raked the ball wide of the far
Zidane for 27 million euros ($30.21 balance of our team, Chiellini told France Football. post.
million), a record for a Spanish teen- If we dont concede many goals, its a collective suc- In the 2015 Copa America nal against Chile Higuain
ager, and said he wanted to captain cess. slid a rolling pass from Ezequiel Lavezzi into the side
the club. Allegri has repeatedly stressed the importance of nd- netting and later ballooned his penalty over the bar in
Even though he is one of Reals ing the right balance and often berated his team for chas- the shootout.
highest paid players, and has a ce- In this May 2, 2017 file photo, Real Madrid players pose for a photo ahead ing late winners in matches where a point was sufcient. History repeated itself in the 2016 Copa America
lebrity girlfriend in television pre- of the Champions League semifinal first leg soccer match between Real Theres no shame in being good at defending. In fact, Centenario nal with Chile when Higuain missed a third
senter Pilar Rubio, Ramos likes to Madrid and Atletico Madrid at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium in Madrid, its just as beautiful as a great attacking move, he said. chance in a third consecutive nal, collecting a third
talk about his humble roots in the Spain. Real Madrid meet Juventus in the Champions League final in I am very happy for those who can turn football into straight runners-up medal with his country.
Cardiff on June 3, 2017. (AP)
working class town of Camas out-
thursday (all times are kuwait local)


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The nalists pose with ofcials

ABR, Al Dashti qualify for final

The 21st Jabriya Martyrs Ramadan Futsal Tourna- Sofri team will face Martyr Jassem Dashti team at 4 pm, ball Tournament is ongoing in the Hall of Fahad Al-Du- performance. The players as well as the spectators are
ment will kick off today in the Hall of Mohammad which will be followed by a match between the teams of weiri School with the teams of ABR and Abdulsamad anticipating a much stronger performance in the rst
Ismail Al-Ghanim School. The tournament is being Martyr Essa Dashti and Martyr Musa Ashkanani at 4:30 Al-Dashti qualifying for the nals. nal match of the tournament.
organized by Jabriya Cooperative Society under pm. At 5 pm, the Martyr Mohammad Al-Durra team will The ABR team qualied after they defeated the team On the sidelines of the matches, several spectators
the sponsorship of its Board Chairperson Hussein face Martyr Abbas Al-Foudri team. The last match of of Dashti Diwaniya by 2-0 sets (25-21, 25-19). In addi- were given instant prizes through a draw organized by
Mahmoud Dashti. the day will be between the teams of Martyr Ahmad Al- tion, Abdulsamad Al-Dashti team qualied by defeating the supreme organizing committee of the tournament.
The rst day of the match will witness four matches Hattab and Martyr Ahmad Qabrazad. Sarkhou team by 2-0 sets (25-14, 25-14). The prizes were handed out by the Board Chairperson
in the rst round of the tournament. Martyr Mohammad Meanwhile, the 1st Jabriya Martyrs Ramadan Volley- Both seminal matches were characterized by strong of Jabriya Cooperative Society Hussein Dashti.

Nadal, Djokovic storm into last 32 last 16. Johnson next as he looks to build on attack in December. Venus Williams Williams, the 2002 runner-up who Caroline Wozniacki dished out a
Muguruza survives I think the rst two sets went very
well, the third was was more difcult,
last years run to the semi-nals. shook off a slow start to ease into the turns 37 next month, will play Bel- chastening 6-0, 6-0 thrashing to Cana-
Grigor Dimitrov and David Gof- third round with a 6-3, 6-1 victory over giums Elise Mertens in the third dian qualier Francoise Abanda in just
said Djokovic. n sailed through, but French hopes Japans Kurumi Nara. round. 52 minutes.
PARIS, May 31, (AFP): Generally, I felt better than the rst suffered a huge blow as 12th seed Jo-
round, so thats exactly what I want- Wilfried Tsonga crashed out to Renzo
French Open title rivals ed. Olivo in his opening match.
Rafael Nadal and Novak Sixth seed Dominic Thiem charged Serving to stay in the contest when
Djokovic stormed into into round three with a routine win darkness halted their tie on Tuesday,
over Simone Bolelli, sweeping the Ital- Tsonga was broken immediately when
the last 32 on Wednesday, ian aside 7-5, 6-1, 6-3. play resumed as the Argentine world
while womens defending The Austrian, who is the only player number 91 wrapped up a 7-5, 6-4, 6-7
champion Garbine Mugu- to defeat Nadal on clay this season, (6/8), 6-4 win.
will meet American 25th seed Steve Reigning champion Muguruza sur-
ruza survived a second- vived another tough examination from
round scare. 53rd-ranked Anett Kontaveit, who beat
Nadal outclassed Dutchman the Spaniard in Stuttgart last month.
Robin Haase 6-1, 6-4, 6-3 in one
hour and 49 minutes on Court
Philippe Chatrier to continue his TENNIS
quest for an incredible 10th Roland
Garros triumph.
I was more or less under control Muguruza has endured a difcult
during the whole match, so Im very 2017 and again found herself in trou-
happy. Winning in straight sets is al- ble after falling a set and a break be-
ways good news, said Nadal. hind against the Estonian.
I think I did a lot of things well this But the fourth seed recovered to
afternoon. claw out a 6-7 (4/7), 6-4, 6-2 win and
The Spaniard will face Nikoloz book a third-round clash with Yulia
Basilashvili for a place in round four Putintseva of Kazakhstan.
after the Georgian matched his best I have a different spirit here, Im
ever run at a Grand Slam. going to ght for every ball to try and
Defending champion Djokovic bat- win, she added.
tered Portugals Joao Sousa 6-1, 6-4, Tunisias Ons Jabeur returns the American qualier Bethanie Mat-
6-3 to make it four wins in as many ball to Slovakias Dominika Cibulk- tek-Sands halted Petra Kvitovas
meetings with the world number 59. ova during their tennis match at the comeback, defeating the popular
The second seed plays Argentinas Roland Garros 2017 French Open Czech 7-6 (7/5), 7-6 (7/5) in her rst
Diego Schwartzman for a place in the on May 31, in Paris. (AFP) tournament since a horrifying knife

England advance
as Germany fall
SEOUL, South Korea, May
31, (AP): England made it
through. Germany didnt.
Ademola Lookman scored
both goals to put England in
the quarter-nals of the Un-
der-20 World Cup with a
2-1 win over Costa Rica on
Wednesday. The Germans,
however, lost to Zambia 4-3
in extra time after equalizing
with a pair of late goals.
Lookman gave England
the lead in the 35th minute,
scoring from Jonjoe Kellys
cross. He made it 2-0 in the
63rd after Everton teammate
Dominic Calvert-Lewin broke
free down the left and found
Lookman inside the area. The
striker turned past a defender
and poked the ball in with the
outside of his right foot.
Randal Leal pulled a goal
back for Costa Rica in the
89th at Jeonju World Cup
Stadium. England will face
either Senegal or Mexico on
In Jeju, Suat Serdar scored
for Germany in the 89th
minute and substitute Jo-
nas Arweiler added another
deep in injury time to make
it 3-3 against Zambia. But
Shemmy Mayembe scored
the winner in the 107th.
Zambia will face either
France or Italy in the quar-
ter-nals. Also, Uruguay
advanced by beating Saudi
Arabia 1-0. Nicolas De La
Cruz scored from the penalty
spot in the 50th minute.


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