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IJRTET VOL II ISSUE III, Mar 2017 ISSN (Online): 2371-xx78

Health care monitoring System based on Simple

Microcontroller & Internet of Things
Ashok Kumar Balijepalli1, Mekala Sailaja2, Chakravaram Lakshmi Venkata Teja Raju3, Bangaru Nalini Priya4, Vattivala Vishnuvardhan5, Amara Suresh 6
Asst.Professor, Dept of ECE, Universal College Of Engineering & Technology,Perecherla,Guntur(dt),A.P,India-522438
Final Year B.Tech, Dept of ECE, Universal College Of Engineering & Technology,Perecherla,Guntur(dt),A.P,India-522438

The system architecture, key technologies and typical by using Arduino Microcontroller based on cloud data
applications of big health system are introduced in detail. base i.e. in IoT Environment.
Among the panoply of applications enabled by the
Internet of Things (IoT), smart and connected health care Keywords- Health Care System, Internet of Things
is a particularly important one. This paper is based on (IoT), Arduino Controller, Sensors, Cloud Computing.
monitoring of patients. We have designed and developed
a reliable, energy efficient patient monitoring system. It is
Recent years have seen a rising interest in wearable
able to send parameters of patient in real time. It enables
sensors and today several devices are commercially
the doctors to monitor patient's health parameters (temp,
available for personal health care, fitness, and activity
heartbeat, ECG, position) in real time. In the current
awareness. In addition to the niche recreational fitness
proposed system the patient health is continuously
arena catered to by current devices, researchers have also
monitored using different sensors which are connected to
considered applications of such technologies in clinical
the Arduino board. And the acquired data is send to the
applications in remote health monitoring systems for long
server using Ethernet shield attached to the Arduino
term recording, management and clinical access to
board. If any of the parameter values goes beyond the
patients physiological information. Based on current
threshold value an alert is given to the doctor using an
technological trends, one can readily imagine a time in
Desktop computer or laptop or any Mobile with internet
the near future when your routine physical examination is
connectivity by the Internet of Things (IoT), smart and
preceded by a twothree day period of continuous
connected health care is a particularly important one.
physiological monitoring using inexpensive wearable
Networked sensors, either worn on the body or embedded
sensors. Over this interval, the sensors would
in our living environments, make possible the gathering
continuously record signals correlated with your key
of rich information indicative of our physical and mental
physiological parameters and relay the resulting data to a
health. Captured on a continual basis, aggregated, and
database linked with your health records.
effectively mined, such information can bring about a
positive transformative change in the health care
landscape. In particular, the availability of data at hitherto
unimagined scales and temporal longitudes coupled with
a new generation of intelligent processing algorithms can:
(a) facilitate an evolution in the practice of medicine,
from the current post facto diagnose-and treat reactive
paradigm, to a proactive framework for prognosis of
diseases at an incipient stage, coupled with prevention,
cure, and overall management of health instead of
disease, (b) enable personalization of treatment and
management options targeted particularly to the specific
circumstances and needs of the individual, and (c) help
reduce the cost of health care while simultaneously
improving outcomes. In this paper, we highlight the
Fig1. The Basic Structure of Health Care Monitoring
opportunities and challenges for IoT in realizing this
vision of the future of health care. This was implemented International Journal of Research Trends in Engg and Tech 1

IJRTET VOL II ISSUE III, Mar 2017 ISSN (Online): 2371-xx78

Health is one of the global challenges for humanity. 2. RELATED WORK

According to the constitutions of World Health The area of health in recent years has been rapidly
Organization (WHO) the highest attainable standard of integrating technology in the monitoring, diagnosis and
health is a fundamental right for an individual. In treatment of patients remotely and in situ. Thus achieving
hospitals there are provisions for continuous monitoring to improve the quality of life of patients and greater
of patients. Their ECGs, heartbeat...are continuously traceability of information from them. Most studies
monitored. There is no provision to check the parameters reviewed point to a chronic disease monitoring in
when they return to home. And hence there is a chance particular as in12, 13, 14 which are responsible for the
that the disease may return again. Patients data first one monitoring sleep through gyroscope
(temperature, heart rate, ECG, position) will be frequently Smartphone, the second remote monitoring of vital signs
measured and sent to server. Period of sending (say every and the third of a telemedical ECG system of a patient.
1 min) can be set. Monitoring person learns patient All these systems although quite complete is your
specific threshold. Say the regular body temperature of a scenario; include individual problems with regard to the
patient is 37. In today's social insurance framework for treatment of some diseases that affect human being in the
patients who stays in home during post operational days economic and social. Is a very important way to develop a
checking is done either via overseer/ medical caretaker. comprehensive solution where no matter what kind of
Ceaseless observing may not be accomplished by this disease, the type of check, the different units to be
system, on the grounds that anything can change in handled this can become a possible solution for sequential
wellbeing parameter inside of part of seconds and amid monitoring of these patients.
that time if guardian/attendant is not in the premises
causes more note worthy harm. So with this innovation Other systems have found special features which make
created period where web administers the world gives a use of their development, in the case of 15, which
thought to add to another keen health awareness developed a prototype device electrocardiography, which
framework where time to time constant checking of the integrated with a Smartphone for displaying results. In16
patient is accomplished. in this system were layers below and decided to develop
architectures for such systems, such as those proposed
When you show up for your physical examination, the architecture for the development of a telemedicine system
doctor has available not only conventional clinic/lab-test applied for ECG monitoring with remote access. Within
based static measurements of your physiological and these systems can be found also see the development of
metabolic state, but also the much richer longitudinal some of these dedicated to patient care through
record provided by the sensors. Using the available data, telemedicine is the case17 that through interactive media
and aided by decision support systems that also have and development of alternative technologies contribute to
access to a large corpus of observation data for other improved consultation and clinical monitoring, as well as
individuals, the doctor can make a much better prognosis some related to health care from home as18 who
for your health and recommend treatment, early. proposed a terminal for the integration of medical
Intervention and life-style choices those are particularly services from home using external sensors for measuring
effective in improving the quality of your health. Such a vital signs.Although19 also integrate external sensors
disruptive technology could have a transformative impact measuring vital signs, this has linked to structural health
on global healthcare systems and drastically reduce monitoring SHM approach, under a proposed scheme to
healthcare costs and improve speed and accuracy for eliminate environmental effects of IoT
diagnoses. Technologically, the vision presented in the environments.Other systems such as those proposed in20
preceding paragraph has been feasible for a few years are fixed in the IoT bring advantages in terms of
now. Yet, wearable sensors have, thus far, had little perception, transmission and application of information in
influence on the current clinical practice of medicine. In the field perspectives of health and medical care.
this paper, we focus particularly on the clinical arena and Enabling smart, an accessible and communication system
examine the opportunities afforded by available and based on IoT hosting segments such as: medical
upcoming technologies and the challenges that must be equipment, information management control medication
addressed in order to allow integration of these into the of patients, telemedicine, mobile medical care, and
practice of medicine. personal health management, among others. Some teams
that were responsible for analyzing and developing
monitoring systems of diabetic patients based on IoT International Journal of Research Trends in Engg and Tech 2
IJRTET VOL II ISSUE III, Mar 2017 ISSN (Online): 2371-xx78

IPV6 with a type of connectivity, making noninvasive

patients measurements with this disease, which would
provide a better approach to the interpretation of these Power supply
measurements were also found by the specialist s in the

Disadvantages of Existing System:

In these methods the Designing complexity is

Need experts to maintain these Systems. Temper Computer
Expensive due to ARM Controller. ature monitor
The AT89s52 is a low-voltage, high-performance CMOS MICROCONT
8-bit microcomputer with 8K bytes of Flash ROLLER
programmable memory. The device is manufactured Mercury
using Atmels high density nonvolatile memory Pulse
technology and is compatible with the industry-standard Sensor
MCS-51 instruction set. The on chip flash allows the Sensor
program memory to be reprogrammed in system or by a
conventional non volatile memory programmer. By
combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a
monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89s52 is a powerful
microcomputer, which provides a highly flexible and Fig 3: Block Diagram of proposed System.
cost-effective solution to many embedded control
applications. Sensors
In addition, the AT89s52 is designed with static logic for Heart rate measurement indicates the soundness of the
operation down to zero frequency and supports two human cardiovascular system. This project demonstrates
software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode a technique to measure the heart rate by sensing the
stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, change in blood volume in a finger artery while the heart
serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. is pumping the blood. It consists of an infrared LED that
The power-down mode saves the RAM contents but transmits an IR signal through the fingertip of the subject,
freezes the oscillator disabling all other chip functions a part of which is reflected by the blood cells. The
until the next hardware reset.8051 is an 8-bit processor, reflected signal is detected by a photo diode sensor. The
meaning that the CPU can work on only 8 bits of data at a changing blood volume with heartbeat results in a train of
time. Data larger than 8 bits has to be broken into 8-bit pulses at the output of the photo diode, the magnitude of
pieces to be processed by the CPU. 8051 is available in which is too small to be detected directly by a
different memory types such as UV-EPROM, Flash and microcontroller. Therefore, a two-stage high gain, active
NV-RAM. The present project is implemented on Keil low pass filter is designed using two Operational
vision. In order to program the device, Proload tool has Amplifiers (Op-Amps) to filter and amplify the signal to
been used to burn the program onto the microcontroller. appropriate voltage level so that the pulses can be counted
by a microcontroller. The heart rate is displayed on a 3
digit seven segment display. Heart beat sensor is designed
to give digital output of heat beat when a finger is placed
inside it. This digital output can be connected to Arduino
directly to measure the Beats per Minute (BPM) rate. It
works on the principle of light modulation by blood flow
through finger each pulse. IC LM358 is used for this
sensor. Its dual low power operational amplifier consists
of a super bright red LED and light detector. One will act International Journal of Research Trends in Engg and Tech 3
IJRTET VOL II ISSUE III, Mar 2017 ISSN (Online): 2371-xx78

as amplifiers and another will be used as comparator.

LED needs to be super bright as the light must pass
through finger and detected at other end. When heart
pumps a pulse of blood through blood vessels, finger
becomes slightly more opaque so less light reach at the
detector. With each heart pulse, the detector signal varies
which is converted to electrical pulse.

The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit

temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly
proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The
LM35 thus has an advantage over linear temperature
sensors calibrated in Kelvin, as the user is not required
to subtract a large constant voltage from its output to
obtain convenient Centigrade scaling. The LM35 does not
require any external calibration or trimming to provide
typical accuracies of 14C at room temperature and
34C over a full 55 to +150C temperature range.
The reed switch is an electrical switch operated by an
applied magnetic field. For measuring the patient's
activity and guarding against the possibility of falling
down, an ADXL213 Accelerometer Sensor is used. It's
low cost, 1.2g Dual and measures both static (Gravity)
and dynamic acceleration (Vibration). The accelerometer
is used in order to determine whether the patient is stable
and is in good position (standing or sitting) or has fallen
down (sudden vertical change of the position). This
sensor provides a digital output. The Duty cycles of the
digital signals are proportional to acceleration and the
typical noise floor is 160 g/Hz.

Advantages of Proposed System:

Easy to maintain.(No need of Specialists)
Highly Efficient.
Saves the Patients Valuable time.

The Block diagram of the proposed system is shown in below
Fig. The sensors Temperature, ECG, Heartbeat and
Accelerometer is connected to the Arduino board. The values
from the Microcontroller is given to the Web Server using
Ethernet Shield. The parameter values can be viewed by in the laptop or desktop which belongs to
doctors and patient. International Journal of Research Trends in Engg and Tech 4

IJRTET VOL II ISSUE III, Mar 2017 ISSN (Online): 2371-xx78

By using the system the healthcare professionals can monitor,

diagnose, and advice their patients all the time. The health
parameters data are stored and published online. Hence, the
healthcare professional can monitor their patients from a
remote location at any time. Our system is simple.

The Future work of the project is very essential in order to

make the design system more advanced. In the designed system
the enhancement would be connecting more sensors to internet
which measures various other health parameters and would be
beneficial for patient monitoring i.e. connecting all the objects
to internet for quick and easy access. Establishing a Wi-Fi mesh
type network to increase in the communication range.


We are Miss. Mekala Sailaja,Mr.Chakravaram Lakshmi

Venkata Teja Raju, Miss.Bangaru Nalini Priya, Mr.Vattivala
Vishnuvardhan, Mr.Amara Suresh grateful to Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Universal college
of engineering and technology, which gives us the opportunity
to have profound technical knowledge there by enabling us to
complete the project work. It is with complete pleasure that we
would like to express our individual gratitude to our Guide who
guided Mr.B. ASHOK KUMAR us a lot and encouraged us in
every step of project work. Her individual moral support and
guidance throughout the project helped us to a greater extend.
We are also thankful to our head of the department Sri Dr. M.
MAHESH for his valuable suggestions and cooperation. We
would like to take this opportunity to thank for beloved
principal Sri Dr. GURAVA REDDY for providing such great
facilities which helped us in many ways for the completion of
this project. We would like to extend my deepest gratitude to
our secretary and correspondent Rev. Fr. L. LOURDU REDDY
for facilitating our college with latest equipments that brings
us into a techno world. We would like to seize this opportunity
to thank our honorable chairman MOST Rev. Fr. BISHOP.DR.
BATTHINENI BAGHYAYYA for providing such a great
facility in our college. We would like to extend my deepest
gratitude to support rendered by the teaching and non - teaching
staff of the ECE department of our college. Finally, I thank to
each and every person who directly and indirectly contributed
his efforts to complete this report.


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