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The following resources have been compiled as part of a STEM unit which was taught this term

across year 9 science classes. Therefore, each activity has relevance to STEM teaching and this made
explicit within each of the resources. The skills and content covered reflect the Victorian Curriculum
level 9 standards in Science, Maths and Design Technologies and these standards are reflected in the
Instructional Rubric in Resource 1.

Resource 1 Common Assessment Task and Instructional Rubric

A common assessment task is a summative task which is designed to allow students to demonstrate
their level of achievement against the skills and understanding outlined in the units curriculum map
and addressed through the learning sequence. The CAT provides evidence of student achievement
against the standards outlined in the Victorian curriculum (VCAA, 2017) and allows teachers to
measure, report on and celebrate growth, and to inform future planning. It was constructed using a
backward design process (McTighe, 2004, 2012).

Instructional rubrics, far more than assessment rubrics, support students both during and after
assessments. Instructional rubrics provide students with more informative feedback about their
strengths and areas in need of improvement than traditional forms of assessment do (Andrade,
2000). Hattie and Timperley (2007) have demonstrated that providing students with feedback on
how to complete tasks more effectively has the biggest effect size. This is backed up by the studies
of Kluger and DiNisi, (1996) and Hattie (2009). Griffin (2014) has outlined the value of Assessment
for Teaching (and Learning) and the use of a combination of formative (Black, 2010) and summative
assessment to determine a students current capabilities and readiness for learning (Zone of Actual
Development) and how this can be used to design units of work, utilising the gradual release of
responsibility as they navigate through their Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky, 1978). This
task is transdisciplinary, involving skills from the Science, Mathematics and Design Technology
Curricula, and links to a real-world problem (Vasquez et al, 2013)

Andrade, H. G. (2000) Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning. Educational Leadership, vol.
57(5), p13.
Black, P., Wiliam, D. (2010) Inside the black box: raising standards through classroom assessment.
Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 92(1), p81.
VCAA (2017) Victorian Curriculum. State Government of Victoria, Melbourne. Accessed May 20,
2017 from;;
Griffin, P., Care, E., Crigan, J., Robertson, P., Zhang, Z. & Arratia-Martinez, A. (2014) The influence of
evidence-based decisions by collaborative teacher teams on student achievement In International
Handbook on Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning. Edited by Billet, S., Harteis, C.,
Gruber, H.Springer, Dordrecht.
Griffin, P. (2014). Assessment for Teaching. Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne.
McTighe, J., (2012) Understanding by design. ASCD. Accessed 1 June, 2017 from
McTighe, J., Wiggins, G., (2004) Understanding by design: Professional development workbook,
ASCD, Alexandria, VA.
Hattie, J. (2009) Visible Learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement.
Routledge, Milton Park, UK.
Hattie, J., Timperley, H. (2007) The Power of Feedback Review of Educational Research, vol. 77(1),
Kluger, A. N., DeNisi, A. (1996) The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical
Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory Psychological Bulletin, vol.
119(2), p254284.
Vasquez, J. A., Sneider, C., & Corner, M. (2013) STEM Lesson Essentials, Grades 3-8:Integrating
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Heinemann, New York.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Resource 2 Mind Map Creator

Coggle is an online collaborative mind mapping tool. It allows students to work collaboratively to
brainstorm and organise their ideas. It is a great way of getting students to make their thinking
visible (Ritchard 2011) and to learn with and from others (Boud, 2000). In this context, it was used at
the very start of the unit so that students could have voice in their learning (Freeman, 2012) and
establish for themselves what they needed to know to be able to complete the challenge of building
a kettle. The research of Goodnough (2002) and Holland (2003) show the efficacy of using mind
mapping to help focus whole groups to embark on research projects. Mind mapping has been shown
to improve information recall and memory (Toi, 2009 & Farrand, 2002). They allow students to
creatively generate, visualise and organise ideas (Al-Jarf, 2009). Development of mind maps have
been shown to increase concentration and motivation, improve questioning and answering during
discussions as well as supporting diverse abilities and a variety of different learning styles (Cain,
2001/2002; Holland 2003/2004). When used in a collaborative context such as this it has be seen to
enhance co-operation, critical thinking and problem solving (Paykoc, 2004). Abi-EL-Mona (2008)
reflected that mind mapping, as a student-centred tool, provided students with improved levels of
achievement and understanding of science concepts and content.

Abi-El-Mona, I., Adb-El-Khalick, F. (2008) The Influence of Mind Mapping on Eighth Graders' Science
Achievement. School Science and Mathematics, 108(7), p298-312.
Al-Jarf, R. (2009) Enhancing Freshman students Writing Skills with a Mind Mapping software. Paper
presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education,
Bucharest, April 2009.
Boud, D. (Ed), Cohen, R. (Ed), & Sampson, J. (Ed)(2000) Peer Learning in Higher Education: Learning
from & with Each Other. Stylus Publishing, Sterling, VA.
Cain, M. E. (2001/2002), Using Mind Maps to raise standards in literacy, improve confidence and
encourage positive attitudes towards learning. Study conducted at Newchurch Community Primary
School, Warrington. Accessed 4 June, 2017 from
Farrand, P., Hussain, F. and Hennessy E. (2002), The efficacy of the mind map study technique.
Medical Education, Vol. 36 (5), p426-431.
Freeman, A. (2012) Student voice in learning and teaching [online]. Connect, No. 194/195, Apr 2012:
22-23. Accessed 8 June, 2017 from;dn=19129432514169
Goodnough, K. and Long, R. (2002) Mind Mapping: A Graphic Organizer for the Pedagogical Toolbox.
Science Scope, Vol. 25(8), p20-24.
Holland, B., Holland, L., Davies, J. (2003/2004). An investigation into the concept of mind mapping
and the use of mind mapping software to support and improve student academic
performance. Learning and Teaching Projects. p89-94.
Payko, F., Mengi, B., Kamay, P. O, Onkol, P., Ozgur, B., Pilli, O. and Yildirim, H. (2004), What are the
Major Curriculum Issues?: The Use of MindMapping as a Brainstorming Exercise. Paper presented at
the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, Spain.
Ritchhart, R., Church, M., Morrison, K. (2011) Making thinking visible : How to promote engagement,
understanding, and independence for all learners. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
Toi, H (2009) Research on how Mind Map improves Memory. Paper presented at the International
Conference on Thinking, Kuala Lumpur, 22nd to 26th June 2009.

Resource 3 Module Animated Powerpoint

This resource is an example of a number of animated powerpoint presentations that I developed to
help structure and chunk (Marzano, 2017) the learning and model the use of essential questions
(McTighe, 2013) as learning objectives. Furthermore, the animations were designed to help students
visualise the abstract concepts of electricity and electrical charge. There is a substantial body of
evidence suggesting that the use of animations is significantly more effective to allow students to
understand dynamic events than the use of static images, even when sequenced (Yu, 2008; Pollock
2002). It has also been proposed (Lowe, 2001) that animated graphics not only stimulate more
interest but provide more explicit, informative and explanatory information for students to digest.
There is evidence (Selomoglu, 2009) to suggest that students imagery systems can be stimulated by
teaching with PowerPoint presentations. However a cautionary note about the use of film and video
is also appropriate in this context. Fisher (2011) contends that all resources require active teaching
and active pedagogy to allow students to make meaning from visual texts and the delivery requires
careful planning and the use of questioning to elicit engagement and meaning making.

Fisher and Frey (2011); 'Engaging the Adolescent Learner: Using Video and Film in the Classroom';
International Reading Association; accessed at
Lowe, R, (2001) Beyond 'Eye-Candy': Improving Learning with Animations, Accessed on 2 June 2017
Marzano, R. J. (2017) The new art and science of teaching; Solution Tree, Bloomington, IN.
McTighe, J., Wiggins, G. (2013) Essential Questions, Opening Doors to Student Understanding. ASCD,
Alexandria VA.
Pollock, E., Chandler, P., Sweller, J. (2002) Assimilating Complex Information, Learning and
Instruction, vol. 12(1), p6186.
Selimoglu, S. K., and Arsoy, A. P. (2009) The Effect of PowerPoint Preferences of Students on Their
Performance: A Research in Anadolu University. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, vol.
10(1), p113129.
Yu, C., Smith, M. L. (2008) PowerPoint: Is It an Answer to Interactive Classrooms? International
Journal of Instructional Media, vol. 35(3), p271280.
Resource 4 Pracs
Practical work is an excellent way for students to understand what it is to be a scientist and grasp
the concepts of working and thinking scientifically. In addition to teaching laboratory skills and
providing an insight into the scientific method, practical work can develop open-mindedness,
objectivity and problem solving (Hodson, 1990). It is also a key component to the design process and
provides ideal opportunities to ground mathematical concepts in real world experiences. Providing
students with an application for what can often seem like abstract skills. This makes practical work
particularly important in a STEM context (Vasquez, 2013). A great challenge that students face when
completing practical work is linking the practical work and their observations to the theory and
therefore it is important that practicals are designed to make these links explicit. Vygotsky (1978),
Piaget (Von Glasersfeld, 1982) and other exponents of a constructivist approach to teaching and
learning agree that we construct knowledge and meaning from our experiences and through
reflecting on those experiences. Practical work is an ideal forum to provide students with such

Hodson, D. (1990) A critical look at practical work in school science. School Science Review,
vol70(256), p33-40.
Millar, R. (2004) The role of practical work in the teaching and learning of science. University of York.
Accessed on 3 June 2017 from
Vasquez, J. A., Sneider, C., & Corner, M. (2013). In J. A. Vasquez, C. Sneider, & M. Corner, STEM
Lesson Essentials, Grades 3-8:Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Heinemann, New York.
Von Glasersfeld, E. (1982). An interpretation of Piaget's constructivism. Revue Internationale De
Philosophie, 36(142/143 (4)), p612-635.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Resource 5 Data Logging Practical

The rationale for using data logging equipment in practical work obviously encompasses all of the
benefits and considerations outlined for doing practical work in Resource 4. Furthermore, this
particular activity meets standards from the digital technologies (VCAA, 2017a) mathematics (VCAA,
2017b) and science (VCAA, 2017b) curricula. As this resource requires licenced software I have used
screen captured images of the data logging software to show what students do and the sort of data
that can be recorded.
One of the frustrations of practical work for both teachers and students is the quality of data that
students collect. Often through no fault of their own, but rather poor quality equipment, insufficient
training in making measurements or observations, students collect incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate
or imprecise data. This leads to them not being able to analyse the data properly, failing to make
connections or see patterns, or can lead to them forming misconceptions or becoming disengaged
and frustrated by the process (Millar, 2002). Datalogging allows students to greatly improve their
graphing skills (McKenzie, 1986) and interpretation of graphs (Rogers, 1992), aids them with forming
links and identifying relationships (Mokros, 1987), and can encourage interpretation and reflection
(Brasell, 1985).

Barton and Rodgers (1991) The computer as an aid to practical work. Studying motion with a
detector. Journal of Computer Learning. 7, 104-112.
Brasell, H. (1985) The Effect of Real-time Lab. Graphing on learning Graphic Representation of
Distance and Time. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 24, 4, 385-395.
McKenzie, D. and Padilla, M. (1986) The construction and Validation of the tests of graphing in
science. Journal of Research in Science teaching, 23, 7, 571-79. 44
Millar, R. (2002) Thinking about practical work. In Aspects of teaching secondary science:
perspectives on practice. Edited by Amos, S. and Boohan, R. RoutledgeFalmer, London. Ch. 6.
Mokros, J.R. and Tinker, R. (1987) The impact of Microprocessor Based Labs on Childrens Ability to
Interpret Graphs. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 24,4, 369-383.
Rodgers L.T. (1992) A study of pupils skills of graphical interpretation with reference to the use of
data-logging techniques. Paper presented at NATO Advanced Workshop: Microcomputer Based Labs
Educational Research and Standards, University of Amsterdam.
Rogers, L. and Wild P. (1996) Data-logging: effects on practical science. Journal of Computer Assisted
Learning, 12, 130-145.
VCAAa (2017) Victorian Curriculum Digital Technologies. State Government of Victoria, Melbourne.
Accessed on 7 June from
technologies/curriculum/f-10#level=9-10: Develop techniques for acquiring, storing and validating
quantitative and qualitative data from a range of sources..
VCAAb (2017) Victorian Curriculum Mathematics. State Government of Victoria, Melbourne.
Accessed on 7 June from
10#level=9: Graph simple non-linear relations with and without the use of digital technologies and
solve simple related equations
VCAAc (2017) Victorian Curriculum Science. State Government of Victoria, Melbourne. Accessed
on 7 June from
recognising that the Law of Conservation of Energy explains that total energy is maintained in
energy transfers and transformations, recognising that in energy transfers and transformations, a
number of steps can occur and the system is not 100% efficient so that usable energy is reduced,
Independently plan, select and use appropriate investigation types, including fieldwork and
laboratory experimentation, to collect reliable data, Select and use appropriate equipment and
technologies to systematically collect and record accurate and reliable data, and use repeat trials to
improve accuracy, precision and reliability, Construct and use a range of representations, including
graphs, keys, models and formulas, to record and summarise data from students own investigations
and secondary sources, to represent qualitative and quantitative patterns or relationships, and
distinguish between discrete and continuous data

Resource 6 PhET Simulation

Resource 7 Yenka

Resources 6 and 7 are both computer-based simulators and will be discussed using the same rationale.
The first resource is a PhET simulator which can be downloaded for free or accessed directly from the
website. PhET simulators generally use Java and therefore consideration of the types of devices
available to students. This particular simulator (Skate Park) was used to allow students to explore the
Law of Conservation of Energy and energy transfer. The functionality and ease of use means that
students could explore for themselves and derive some meaning without direction. However, there
are also well-structured lesson plans available which have been uploaded with this resource. It also
exposes them to a variety of different graphs, charts and data displays. The second resource is from
the Yenka suite, the subscription to which has been paid for by the department and is available to all
staff and students of Victorian Government Schools as part of the edustar image. This simulation
software was used when working on the electricity portion of the unit and allowed students to explore
electrical circuits, current, voltage and resistance without the fear of breaking equipment or of
incorrectly wiring circuits. In fact, it is a great way for students to appreciate the mistakes that they
can make and the possible consequences of these errors, without unnecessary risk to themselves or
damaging expensive equipment. Again, there are well thought out lesson plans that match the content
area at year 9 and these have also been shown in this resource.

Both of these simulations encourage engaged exploration (Podolefsky, 2010) and allow students to
make connections between science (and maths) and real-life, everyday activities through making the
invisible visible (Moore, 2016) and through the use of digital technologies. Lunetta (2007) uses a Social
Learning Theory lens to discuss the importance of fostering conceptually focussed discussions
between students and their peers/ students and teachers as well as the importance of engaging
students in inquiry based experiences. The utilisation of educational simulation experiences can be
key to realising these goals. From a constructivist perspective, the generation of new ideas in student
learning involves the construction of new understandings of unfamiliar phenomenon through the
exploration of new ideas and situations (diSessa, 1988; D. Hammer, 2005) and can be enhanced
through making analogies (Podolefsky, 2010; Wong, 2006) with familiar ideas or knowledge.

diSessa, A. A. (1988) Constructivism in the Computer Age, edited by G. Forman and P. B. Pufall,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ.
Hammer, D., Elby, A., Scherr, R. E., Redish, E. F. (2005) Transfer of Learning from a Modern
Multidiscilinary Perspective, edited by J. Mestre, Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, CT, pp. 89
Lunetta, V.N., Hofstein, A., Clough, M., (2007) Learning and Teaching in the School Science
Laboratory: An analysis of research, theory, and practice in Handbook of research on science
education. Edited by N., Leaderman. and S. Abel. (pp. 393-441), Mahawah, NJ : Lawrence Eralbaum.
Moore, E. B., Meots, Smyrnaiou, Z. (2016) Scaffolding for Inquiry Learning in Computer-Based
Learning Environments in New Developments in Science and Technology Education. Edited by
Riopel, M., Smyrnaiou, Z., Springer, NY. p87-96.
Podolefsky, N. S., Perkins, K. K., Adams, W. K. (2010) Factors Promoting engaged exploration with
computer simulation. Physical Review Special Topics Physics Education Research, 6, 020117.
Wong, E. (2006) Understanding the generative capacity of analogies as a tool for explanation, J. Res.
Sci. Teach. 30, 1259.

Resource 8 Plickers
Plickers is a highly engaging online formative assessment tool. It engages students in responding to
targeted questions through a unique and interactive way of collecting responses and whole class
data. What is particularly impressive about this technology is that it uses screen capture technology
and provides real time results and data collection without students needing to have any technology
beyond a piece of paper. Students use QR code style cards to answer multiple choice or true/ false
questions simply by holding their cards in a specific orientation. The teacher uses a smart phone or
tablet to scan the class and read the answers. This then connects to their online account which is
projected via their computer for the class to see. When used judiciously and in conjunction with
other strategies, this formative assessment tool allows the teacher to receive quick and easy
feedback on what students have understood or feedback from the students on their learning or
readiness to move on. As the data is stored electronically it can be accessed during or after the class
to inform teaching, modify approaches and make improvements (Tomlinson, 2006). The teacher can
pause between questions to provide feedback and clarify misconceptions. Each question can be
assigned using the smart device and therefore, if the teacher has a well thought out library of
questions can skip questions if students have already demonstrated a strong understanding or pose
further related and more complex questions to probe the level and complexity of understanding
students have. This type of formative assessment can be conducted at any time through the learning
and can be for as long or short as is deemed necessary by the teacher to gain the insight they require
(Black, 2010). Formative online quizzes such as this have also been shown to improve student
outcomes on summative assessment (Dobson, 2008).

Black, P., Wiliam, D. (2010) Inside the black box: raising standards through classroom assessment.
Phi Delta Kappan, 92(1), 81.
Dobson, J. L. (2008) The use of formative online quizzes to enhance class preparation and scores on
summative exams, Advances in Physiology Education, 32, 297-302.
Tomlinson, C. A., McTighe, J. (2006) Considering Evidence of Learning in Diverse Classrooms in
Integrating Differentiated Instruction + Understanding by Design. ASCD, Alexandria, VA.

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