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3. A mail server keeps track of email by storing them on the ISP mail server computer.4. POP e-mail is a
type of email program set up to check and retrieve information for the user from the ISP. It is different
from web email because Web emails can be checked anywhere.

5. a) Netiquette is the rules of etiquette applied to Internet communication.

b) The 8 rules of email netiquette are; 1 don't type in all caps, 2 subject line should contain a useful
description of the stuff of your message, 3 be more casual (e.g., emoticons (-:), 4 be direct with your
message, 5 don't forget details that could have took place earlier, 6 dont send chain emails, 7 be
accepting to language barriers, 8 and dont use email for personal thank you notes, invitations, or official
legal documents.

6. Two issues that have arisen with the growing use of email are ownership and privacy which is email
addresses that are provided for you can be surveil lanced by your provider, or email in the workplace
which is a person receiving to many emails that it starts to become too overwhelming and keeping them
from completing tasks that matter.

1. A mailing list is a list that if you send an email it all the people on the list will receive, but an online
discussion group is just a group chat where anyone can place their opinions.

2. A mailing list moderator manages the ongoing discussions,

3. A thread is a new topic, but a post is a single entry in a thread.

4. The four important netiquette rules for online discussions are; 1 read the FAQs before you ask a
question, 2 avoid flaming a member of a group, 3 make sure your message is appropriate, 4 and do not
spam people.

1. A chat room is a feature of online conferencing programs that allows users to communicate with each
other outside an online conference without interrupting the online conference.

2. When using IRC a "channel" represents a chat room where users can communicate.

3. You dont need to have chat software because the software you have will have it built in.

4. A buddy list is a program that allows users to create specific lists of people with whom they wish to

5. Some of the tools available in the ICQ program are the ability to send files, create personalized
greetings, and create a virtual do not disturb sign when you want to be left in peace.

6. Online videoconferencing is Internet communication that combines the power of email and chat to
see a real time image of the person with whom the user is communicating.

7. Four videoconferencing features that make it possible for business users to collaborate on complex
projects together are document sharing or collaboration, file transfer, chat, and whiteboard.
A communication tool that resembles chat is texting, you can use it anytime, anywhere, with as many
people as you want.

1. A pager is a portable lightweight device that is carried by an individual who wants to know when
someone is trying to reach them. A pager works by receiving radio signals that cause the pager to
respond either with a tone or a vibration.

2. A blackberry has email, a calendar, an address book, and more.

A blackberry has email, a calendar, an address book, texting, calling, and more.

3. A cellular phone communicates with other phones by using radio signals.

4. First generation cell phones transmit sounds using radio waves.

5. Second generation cell phones use PCS to convert voices to digital codes that can be transmitted
through the airways.

6. PCS stands for Personal Communication Services.

7. 3G cell phones are like computers and the Internet because data is transmitted in much the same way
as the Internet.

4G is different from 3G because it is much faster as it is generation 4 as opposed to generation 3.

1. Integration of electronic communication tools means you can communicate with people very far away
over the Internet.

2. Integration is increasingly important for jobs of the 21 st century because many jobs now do need
employees to stay connected.

3. VOIP is also known as voice over Internet Protocols, it is used for sending your voice to a telephone or
a computer.

2. We are able to use telephones to send and receive information worldwide because they are all
connected to complex switching systems.

3. The major milestone of the telephone that made it possible for business use of the telephone was the
development of the answering machine.
1. Another name for a fax machine is a Digital Facsimile Machine.

4. A fax machine is still a useful tool when the document is only available in hard copy format, the
document requires hand-written information or signatures, or using a scanner and computer is
inconvenient or cumbersome.

1. The difference between e-commerce and e-business is e-commerce is everything you would do if you
ran a small store. But e-business is all of the industries and organizations that develop and support the

2. The four major groups in the e-business community are e-commerce, Internet intermediates,
organizations that supply Internet infrastructure, and organizations that supply Internet applications.

3. Intranet describes LAN but is only accessible to people within a specific organization. Extranet is
networks that provide limited access, with a password, to an organization's Intranet via the World Wide
Web. Extranet is a part of Intranet.

4. The issues facing business owners when they enter the world of e-commerce are shortage and high
turnover of technology workers, privacy and security, push technology, Web design that works, and e-


2. Ethics is the moral principles that determine the rightness or wrongness of particular acts. An ethical
dilemma is a conflict involving making a choice where one or more alternatives or solutions a benefit but
compromise the decisionmaker's value system.

3. Not all legal actions are ethical. This is because you can call in to work sick when you are really not ill
which is legal but not ethical.

4. Two common unethical practices found in businesses are managers lying to employees, and taking
credit for other people's work.

1. Four major ethical areas of concern relating to the Internet are privacy, accuracy of information,
ownership of information, and access to information.

2. The groups that are interested in collecting information about people from the Internet are
businesses, governments, and to individuals with criminal intentions. Businesses wan the information in
order to find out who is buying their products, the government wants the information to either find
people in need or for political power and manipulation by corrupt individuals. Lastly, criminals want it to
steal identities and credit card information from others.

3. My movements on the Internet are not anonymous, I can be tracked through my email back to my
own home.
4. Some legal ways to protect the work of individuals in our age of information are using the Personal
Information Protection and Private Documents Act to protect yourself and make people follow these

5. The 5 factors involved when we refer to access to information are privacy, confidentiality, security,
identifiable information, and types of information. Privacy is if other people can access your
information, confidentiality is being obligated to protect information, security is how easily your
information can be accesses, identifiable information is the reliability of information, and types of
information is accurate.

1. Some questions consumers should ask before they buy online merchandise or services are do they
have enough information about the product and seller, is the store reputable, or is their personal and
financial information secure.

2. The most frequently cited cybercrime is hacking. You are violating the Acceptable Use Policy when
you commit this crime. The costs of the organization that have been attacked in this manner can be
losing the company millions in lost revenue.

3. The person who owns a domain name is whoever gets it first, people that intentionally steal domain
names before big companies can get them are called cybersquatters.

4. Encryption is the process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent
unauthorized access.

5. A) A trademark is a word or phrase, symbol, or design used to didtinguish the product or service of
one person or organization from those of others.

B) A patent is a right granted for new inventions or new/useful improvements of existing inventions.

7. A spam is unsolicited email, sent to thousands of recipients, often promoting an electronic sex site,
pyramid-type marketing scheme or the spam industry itself.

8. Personal use of the Internet at work is stealing because you are taking resources from a company
without paying for it.

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