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Finding Your SPARK: Learning to Defend

You will use your voice to become a defender

Your task: To research a topic, issue, cause, organization, or passion of your
choice! Then, you take ACTION.

1. Choose your SPARK.
2. Compile research on your SPARK using a graphic organizer. You should
cover your topic from ALL angles.
3. Choose a course of action.
a. Letter to opposing side
b. Letter showing support
c. Informational post online (blog, social media, etc.)
d. Write a protest song showing support or opposition

Know your audiencebe polite and respectful!
Keep your content clear and focused. Stick to the issue. Dont use too
many words-just make sure you use the RIGHT words.
Make sure all your facts are 100% accurate.
Check, double check, and triple check your spelling and grammar (I can
help you with this, too!)
Use your powers of persuasion and remember that you CAN make a

Recommended News Sites:
CNN Student News
Washington Post
National Geographic News
The Internet Public Library

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