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a oa be@school HENNEPIN COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT / TRUANCY PROGRAM IN A NUTSHELL NUMBER OF FULL DAYS SCHOOL HENNEPIN COUNTY OF UNEXCUSED ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ABSENCES* (HCAO) 1-2 days School makes telephone contact with po 3 days ‘School mails mandatory 3-day principals letter to parents. 4-5 days | School auempts personal contact with areas = Drolet ces meetings, notes sent home with student. 15 days Report #3 - School submits an Educational | HCAO Truaney Atiomey will review reports of Nepesltrumey mpetia HCAO. Eece a uote tere ee a 6 additional days after petition. oe Educational Neglect reports ae reviewed fr possible HEIs ances date child protection involvement, 22 days Report # 4 - School submits an updated HCAOICP review for additional services or possible EsusolonalNeciedlomey erent | cour pein, 7 additional days after | HCAO. Report #3 and the oe of 22 unexcused days Phone (612) 348-6041 | Fax (612) 596-7376 @hennepin,us | *Timeline will vary depending on the number of days reported on the first report. ‘The be@schoo! mission s to inerease school attendance and improve community connections across Hennepin County through @ collaborative early intervention providing education and support services to school-age youth and their families [SAMPLE NOTICE OF CONTINUING TRUANCY LETTER] (SCHOOL LETTERHEAD) Dear Parent(s): ..> unexcused absences this school year. (This Our records indicate your child, notice is required by Minn, Stat. §120A.34.) ‘Minnesota law requires children to attend school every day stom the time they are enrolled until they are eighteen years old, unless legally withdrawn by parent(s) or guardian(s) at age seventeen or older. Absences may be excused due to illness, religious observance, family emergency, or funeral. All other absences are presumed unexcused. ‘Minnesota law defines a child as “continuing truant” if in 2 single school year, the child (1) is in elementary school and is absent from school for three full days without a lawful excuse, or (2) i in middle school, junior high, or high school for three or more class periods on three days. (Minn, Stat, §260A.02, Subd. 3) A child’s parent(s) or legal guardians) is/are responsible for assuring their child’s school attendance. (Minn. Stat §120A.22, Subd. 1.) A child’s parent ot legal guardian’s inability to meet this obligation may result in legal action. (Minn. Stat §120A.34.) ‘You must notify your child’s school if your child is ill or has another valid excuse for not attending schoo! on any particular day. If your child accrues more unexcused absences, you and yout child may be subject to juvenile protection proceedings. (Minn, Stat. §260C.007, Subd. 6(14)) Please contact your child’s school if you believe there isa mistake in ‘your childs attendance report, Ifyou have questions, please contact

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