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Manish kumar Snehil Anand Sumaiya Mohammad Zabiulla
Divyanshu singh
Sait Bangalore Sait Bangalore Sait Bangalore Sait Bangalore


Abstract Smart Railway Management System project is

The railway system is the most dependent transportation
designed to deal with the problem faced by the existing railway
medium in our country. Thousands of people daily depend on
model. Automatic operation of railway system is the main
railway transportation. And also a large number of human
concept behind this project which includes the features such as beings losses their lives due to carelessness and unawareness
Automatized Pedestrian Crossing, Artificial Intelligence, about railway system. Most of the people do not use the over
Automatic Detection and Operation at railway crossing provides bridges and directly crosses the railway track. This leads to the
features accident prevention and timely operation, Smart major number of accidents. Also, the level crosses without
watchmen will also lead to accidents. Hence we are proposing
Coaches, Fast and secure accessing, Train location tracking, Fire
an automated railway system for better protection and to
detection at station etc. This project uses ATmega 328P-PU reduce the number of this kind of accidents. The objective of
microcontroller along with Bluetooth Module, RF transmitter the Automated Pedestrian Crossing System is to control the
and receiver and Sensors. The entire system works on the connection to the platform from the microcontroller which
detection of IR sensors while sensor detects the train. These alerts the passengers about the arrival of the train and controls
signals are used to gather the information of Train location and
the platform automatically. The objective of the gate control
system is to close the railway gate when the train approaches
action to be taken to ensure the safety at different areas of
the gate and to prohibit the vehicles to pass by and to open the
Railways. The entire system is based on the detection by the railway gate as the train leaves completely from the railway
sensor, this signal is used to lighten up the control signals for the gate area automatically. In order to provide the automatic
vehicle as well as trains. The same signal is used for providing controlling the two main components of the system are
operational data for the systems automatized operation. The A. Railway Platform control
B. Railway gate control
digital control system provides an upper hand for controlling the
different operation related to the train. Fast and easily accessible
information about train present status, location & notifications The project comprises three major parts namely,
provided for common people. Features like fire detection are Detection system
provided in the train as well as station to provide fast services at Controlling system
the time of emergency. The Smart Coaches features provide the Alerting system
Detection System
automatic controlling of the electronic appliance. Automatized
The main components of the project are two IR sensors which
pedestrian cross provides an easier way to reach the different
are placed on both sides of the station. One of the IR sensors
platform when the train is not at the station. that detect the arrival of the train and the other IR sensor
placed at the end side of the station detects the departure of the
Key Words - pedestrian crossing, artificial intelligence, smart train.
coaches Controlling System
When the train crosses the first IR sensor, which is kept near
the rail with a predefined distance from the platform, the
microcontroller will send a signal to the motor and hence the
pedestrian connecting the platforms gets removed or opened.

When the train crosses the second IR sensor, the system is a neccesary for economic development of the
microcontroller will send a signal to the motor and hence the country. The economic growth of India has increased over the
pedestrian connecting the platforms gets closed. last two decades and so there is huge need of reliable
commutation service like railway.. The development of
railways is one of the landmarks in the progress of human
Alerting System civilization.
In our project for the alerting purposes, we mainly use two
components, one is the led used for giving the signals and the In Indian Railway most of the level crossing gates are
other is a buzzer. Three LEDs, Red, yellow and Green have controlled manually, which makes the level crossing
been used in our project is to inform the passengers about the vulnerable for the accidents and unwanted traffic at the level
status of the train as well as the platform. Yellow LED glows, crossing. Most of the traffic signal is wired rather than being
when the train crosses the first IR sensor and the passenger wireless. This makes passages a lot of trouble due to delay in
gets an alert of stop using the pedestrian to change the train movement and people at the crossing.
platform. The Red LED glows when the train is about to cross
the platform. And the Green LED glows, when the train has III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
crossed the second IR sensor at the end side of the station and
the passengers are allowed to use the pedestrian for changing Smart railway management system operation is based on the
the platform. The buzzer is used in our project to present functionality of IR Sensor. A Reflective type IR Sensor is used
signal for the crossers-by about the status of the train. The to locate the position of the train and all the data of sensor are
buzzer will activate when the train is approaching the station. transmitted to microcontroller wirelessly. The Reflective Type
IR Sensor, the transmitter and receiver are calibrated. When
RAILWAY GATE CONTROL there is no obstacle in front of the sensor, the IR rays
In general, Railway gates are opened or closed manually by a transmitted by the IR Transmitter will go undetected as there
gatekeeper. The information about the arrival of the train for are no rays falling on the IR Receiver. If there is an obstacle in
opening or closing of the door is received from the nearby front of the IR Transmitter and Receiver pair, the IR Rays will
station. But some railway crossings are unmanned and so get reflected off from the surface of the obstacle and are
many railway accidents occur at these unmanned level incident on the IR Receiver. This setup can be configured to
crossings. detect an object like a Train and in turn, it can be used to
switch ON or OFF the loads like motors with the help of a
So, an automated gate controlling system is what can be used microcontroller.
to avoid such accidents and to provide better control and
functioning of the Railway System. The motors are used at pedestrian crossing so that when the
train is not on the track, the bridge gets connected to another
This project deals with an interesting manner of automating platform and another set of sensors are used to detect the
the railway gate control where the gate is automatically arrival and departure of the train , so that when a train
opened or closed by detecting the arrival or departure of train. approaches the next level crossing, the gate at level crossing
will close automatically as so as train sets detected by the
sensor. The level crossing also consists of LCD display, which
II. LITERATURE SURVEY show the incoming of the train and when to cross the track for
Increase in demand of services has influenced to increase in a safe crossing at level crossing. At level crossing LEDs are
urbanization, privatization and more requirement for used control the traffic by indicating to stop or move, based on
transitional and final consumer services. Services are mainly microcontroller signals.
consisting of economic activities like transportation , trade,
tourism, communication, banking, insurance, real estate,
public Administration and Defense. The infrastructures Artificial intelligence is used to manage the track and train
include transportation, financial, trading, communication, and motion so that collision and accidents can be avoided. It will
business services, social and personal services, community, control and entire railway system based on its previous pre-
come under the category of the service industry. The railways
programmed system and its previous data, it receives from all
is an important infrastructure in the Economy of India. The
existence of suitable transportation network can have a great the sensors. This also makes sure that all the data has been
role in developing countries since all the sectors of the tracked and analysis for any further improvement in operation
development are closely dependent upon it. The well laid as well as to prevent any accidents or failure of the system.
foundation of transportation is on what the whole structure of
industry and commerce rests. Thus, an effective transport

Temperature sensors and smoke sensors are used for A Relay can be used as a switch which can be controlled by
monitoring of temperature in coaches and detection of fire in applying positive voltage whenever required. It can be used
the coaches, so the accidents and damage can be prevented for preventing the circuit from being heated, as it can be used
before is occur.
for both ac and dc.
RF transmitter and receiver are used to move and control the
model train from the microcontroller.
Robot requires a motor to rotate a wheel or performs
particular action. Since motors require more current then the
microcontroller pin can typically generate, you need some
type of a switch (Transistors, MOSFET, Relay etc.,) which
can accept a small current, which is then amplify and a larger
current is generated, which further drives a motor. This
complete process is done by what is known as a motor driver.

The LM386 is an integrated circuit which contains a low
voltage audio power amplifier. This is suitable for battery-
powered devices such as transistors, guitar amplifiers, and
general electronics. The IC consists of an 8 pin dual in-line
package (DIP-8) and can output 0.25 to 1 watts of power
depending on the model using a 9-volt power supply.

It is an electronic display module which is favored over seven
segments. LCDs are cost effective and comparatively easy to
program. It has two registers specifically Command and Data.
The function of the command register is to store command
Fig 1: Block diagram of proposed system instructions assigned to the LCD whereas the data register
stores the data to be displayed and the data given is in ASCII
(American Standard Code for International Interconnection)

Bluetooth Module is easy to use SPP (Serial Port Protocol) It generally has two wires, red & black. Polarity matters for
module, which is designed for transparent wireless serial the buzzers are : black=ground and red=Vcc.The piezo buzzer
connection setup. The communication of the module is via has a resonant cavity for sound and is supported by the buzzer
serial communication which makes an easy way to interface case.
with a controller or PC. It is able to use neither receiving nor
transmitting data as it, provides switching mode between
master and slave mode. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION

B) SDM [SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE] Embedded C was introduced by the C standard

It has almost the same functionality of the Arduino, but in a committee for common extensions for embedded systems
different package. This SDM uses a Mini-B USB cable using C programming. Embedded C programming requires
instead of a standard USB. It has a 16 KB of flash memory non standard extensions to the C language in order to support
for storing the code (of which 2KB is used for bootloader), the some features such as fixed-point arithmetic operations ,
ATmega328 has 32 KB, (also with 2 KB used for bootloader). multiple distinct memory banks and I/O operations.
The ATmega328 has a 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of The C Standards Committee extended the C language to
EEPROM , the ATmega168 has 1 KB of SRAM and 512 address these issues by providing a common standard for all
bytes of EEPROM (which can be read and written with implementations to adhere to. It contains a number of features
EEPROM library). which is not available in normal C language , such as, named
C) RELAY DRIVER address spaces, fixed- point arithmetic, and basic I/O hardware

addressing. Embedded C uses most of the syntax and The speed, temperature and moisture in the train is
semantics of the standard C, e.g. main () function, data type controllable.
declaration, variable definition, conditional statements (if, Information of train to an individual for encouraging
switch, case), loops (while, for), arrays and strings, functions, public transportation.
structures and union, bit operations, unions, macros, etc. It is very user-friendly. Encourages the railway
The flowchart used in the system is as shown in the figure. transportation by ensuring safe travelling and faster
accessing the details of the train

The proposed system provides automatic control of the entire
railway system and reduces the human casualties due to
negligence and inefficient communication from train to central
station. This system provides safe, secure and smart way of
railway transportation and also ensures the detection of defect
in the entire railway management system. This system
encourages the railway transportation by ensuring safe
travelling and faster accessing the details of the train.


[1] M. Kottalil1, Abhijith S, Ajmal M, M, Abhilash L J, Ajith Babu

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical &
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Issue 2, February 2014

[2] Krishna, Shashi Yadav & Nidhi, Automatic Railway Gate

Control Using Microcontroller, Oriental Journal Of Computer
Science & Technology(OJCST), Vol.6, No.4, December 2013.

[3] Ahmed Salih Mahdi. Al-Zuhairi ,Automatic Rail Gate &

Crossing Control based Sensors &Microcontroller , IN International
Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) Volume 4
Issue 7July 2013

[4] J. Banuchandar, N.Thamilarasi , P. Balasubramanian, S. Deepa,

V. Kaliraj, Automated & Unmanned Railway Level Crossing
System , Volume-2, Issue.1, Jan 2012-Feb 2012 , International
Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER),
Fig 2: Flowchart of system
[5] Fred Coleman III, Young J. Moon .Trapped Vehicle Detection
System for 4 Quadrant Gates in High Speed Rail Corridors (2001).
Prevents accidents which are common nowadays.
Fast and easily accessible information about train
present status, location & notifications is provided to
common people.
Automatized pedestrian crossing provide an easier
way to reach the different platforms when the train is
not at the station.
Advantageous than the present railway system.
Sensors are able to capture the location of the train
very easily.
Simple to implement, easy to operate and flexible
Fire detection is provided in the train as well as
station which provide fast services at the time of

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