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Waste Monitoring System

A PROJECT REPORT Submitted in partial

Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the award of the
Degree of
Computer Science
Digvijay Singh Mankotia

Nehal Sharma

School Of Computing and Information Technology



DEPARTMENT OF Computer Science



This is to certify that the project titled PROJECT TITLE is a record of the bo-
nafide work done by Nehal Sharma(139105190) and Digvijay Singh Manko-
tia(139105256) submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
the Degree of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in (Computer Sciene) of Manipal
University Jaipur, during the academic year 2016-17.

Shikha Kabra
Project Guide, Dept of (Computer Science)
Manipal University Jaipur

HOD Name
HOD, Dept of (Name of the Dept.)
Manipal University Jaipur


Firstly, we would like to thank our Director, Prof. Rajveer Shekhawat, for providing us best possible
guidance, co-operation and encouragement throughout the project. We would also like to thank our
HOD, Mr. Satish Chandra Kulhari for laying the base of the project and providing the best possible
facilities for completion of the project. We take this opportunity to thank Manipal University Jaipur
for giving us a conducive environment to complete this project successfully. Most important of all,
we would like to thank our project guide Ms. Shikha Kabra. It has been a privilege to work under
her. We would like to thank her for the amount of independence that she gave to work out this project
and her timely guidance and motivation. It was her wisdom and support that improved our presen-
tation skills thanks to her comment and advices. She supported us through thick and thin and always
believed in us which boosted our self-confidence to do the project. We would also like to express
our gratitude towards our department coordinators, Mr.Jigyasu Nema and Mr.JayaKrishna for their
valuable support and guidance throughout the duration of the project and keeping us motivated to
complete the project within the deadlines. Furthermore, we would also like to acknowledge with
much appreciation the crucial role of the staff of MUJ, who gave the permission to use all required
equipment and the necessary materials to complete the Project. Lastly, we would like to thank our
parents for their unconditional support as and when required.


Rapid increase in population. We see present day; many times, dust bin are placed near public places in
the cities/villages are filled due to increase in the waste every day. So, efficient method to dispose the
waste has been designed with GSM system. If the disposal of waste is not proper done it creates unhy-
gienic condition for the people and it creates ugliness to that place. At the same time, bad smell is also
spread this leads in causes some deadly diseases & human illness, to avoid such a situation we are plan-
ning to design GSM Based Waste Management for Smart Cities.
ULTRASONIC sensor will be placed UPPER the garbage bin or dustbin. When the SENSOR reaches
to the threshold value, a SMS will be sent to the respective Municipal / Government authority person.
Then that person can send the collection vehicle to collect the full garbage bins or dustbins.

It is an automatic dust bin monitoring system in order to detect the full condition of the garbage bins.
This provides the authorized users timely updates of the status of the garbage bins and thus eliminates
the need of periodic manual checks and overflowing garbage bins. This project also provides an addi-
tional feature to add new message receivers or alter the existing authorized users.
This innovative idea would lead to reduced carbon footprint, lower greenhouse gas emissions and cleaner
cities in time.

Hardware and Software used:

Arduino UnoR3
Ultrasonic Sensor
GPS module
GSM/GPRS module
LEDs and connecting wires
Arduino IDE

Table No Table Title Page No

Figure No Figure Title Page No

Page No
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
List Of Figures iii
List Of Tables vi
1.1 Introduction to work done/ Motivation (Overview, Applications & Advantages)
1.2 Advantages of this system
1.3 Report Objectives of the Project
2.1 Conceptual Overview (Concepts/ Theory used)
2.2 Technologies Involved
3.1 Detailed methodology that will be adopted
Circuit Layouts / block diagrams
4.1 Modules
4.2 Prototype
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Future Scope of Wo rk (at least 3 points)

1.1. Introduction

Garbage may consist of the unwanted material left over from City, Public area, Society, College,
home etc. This project is related to the Smart City and based on Internet of Things (IOT). So, for
smart lifestyle, cleanliness is needed, and cleanliness is beginning with Garbage Bin.

One of the most common scenarios in residential and over populated urban areas are garbage bins
overflowing on to the streets causing environmental pollution and unhygienic living conditions. This
is mainly due to the conventional periodic cleaning routines by the local authorities without taking
the waste disposal rate of the respective areas into account. There are also chances of unwanted man-
ual checks in areas where the garbage bins have not yet been filled. This gave rise to the need of an
automatic garbage bin monitoring system which provides timely updates to the concerned authorities.
Thus, the waste disposal rate of the region is also taken into consideration which avoids the unwanted
periodic checks by the local authorities. Timely emptying of filled up garbage bins can avoid spilling
of garbage onto streets which in turn can avoid many diseases.
Things that are connected to internet and sometimes these devices can be controlled from the internet
is commonly called as Internet of Things. In our system, the smart dustbins are connected to the
internet to get the real-time information of the garbage level in the dustbin. In the recent years, there
has been a rapid growth in population which led to more waste generation and hence an ever so
increasing demand for a better waste management system. In order to make the transition from con-
ventional waste management to smart waste management and one of the basic requirement of such a
system is real time smart monitoring of garbage levels. This project IOT Garbage Monitoring system
is a very innovative system which will help to keep the cities clean and will ensure healthy living
conditions for everyone. This system monitors the level of garbage in bins using sensors such as
Ultrasonic, Infrared etc. and when a certain threshold is observed in the bin the system will inform
about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins by sending a SMS to the concerned authorities
and at the same time it will also display the real-time information and location about the bin on the
organizations website.

An automated vacuum waste collection system, also known as pneumatic refuse collection, or auto-
mated vacuum collection (AVAC), transports waste at high speed through underground pneumatic
tubes to a collection station where it is compacted and sealed in containers. When the container is
full, it is transported away and emptied. The system helps facilitate separation and recycling of waste.

The process begins with the deposit of trash into intake hatches, called portholes, which may be spe-
cialized for waste, recycling, or compost. Portholes are located in public areas and on private property
where the owner has opted in. The waste is then pulled through an underground pipeline by air pres-
sure difference created by large industrial fans, in response to porthole sensors that indicate when the
trash needs to be emptied and help ensure that only one kind of waste material is travelling through
the pipe at a time. The pipelines converge on a central processing facility that uses automated software
to direct the waste to the proper container, from there to be trucked to its final location, such as a
landfill or composting plant.

However, keeping in mind our current waste management system handled by the Govt. PWD Dept.,
to opt for such an advanced system in one go wouldnt be possible as it requires huge amounts of
funds and extra construction to put this system into place. So, we have taken the idea about the mon-
itoring part from this system to be implemented in our Indian system.

This is not an original idea, for the implementation of smart garbage bin; the idea has existed for
many years, After the IoT field finding its grip in our lives. This is, however an original plan for
designing a smart garbage bin with weight sensor, IR sensor and Wi-Fi module for transmission of
i. A State of the Art review on Internet of Things by P. Suresh, Vijay. Daniel, R.H. Aswathy,
Dr. V. Parthasarathy. It gave the idea of IoT subject and addition details about IoT. The proper
smart environment and various applications.
ii. Internet of Things: Challenges and state-of-the-art solutions in Internet-scale Sensor Infor-
mation Management and Mobile analytics by Arkady Zaslavsky, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos.
This paper gave us the details about mobile analysis and sensor information management that
will help in data segregation of various dustbins.
iii. City Garbage collection indicator using RF(Zigbee) and GSM technology. This paper gave
the details for the module required for the transmission of the data to the receiver side and
also the main channel follow of the project. Initially we used GSM technology for our project
but later on decided to us Wi-Fi module for the ease of data transmission.

iv. Smart Garbage Management System by Vikrant Bhor, Pankaj Morajkar, Maheshwar Gurav,
Dishant Pandya. It provided us with additional details and designs needed for flow and man-
agement of garbage collection.

1.2. Advantages of this System

Bin level sensors enable smart, data driven decisions-
Traditionally waste collections have been inefficient, targeting each and every trash bin without
really knowing if the bins were full or empty. Checking the waste containers regularly might have
also been difficult due to remote locations or difficult access.
Smart waste monitoring system provide users the capability of knowing the fill-level of each
waste container in real time so that they can take data driven actions ahead of time. Along with a
live monitoring platform, waste collection staff can plan ahead how collections are implemented,
targeting only the locations of full trash bins.

Smart waste monitoring system bin reduces the emission of CO2 and pollution-
Currently, collecting garbage is a very pollutant heavy activity. It requires a large number of
sanitation workers who operate fleets of trucks that often result in poor mileage and spew emis-
sions into the atmosphere. Characteristically waste collection services have been inefficient be-
cause there is no proper monitoring system in place.
Smart waste monitoring systems offer the means to have less trucks on the road for less time,
which means less fuel consumption and less greenhouse gas emissions. Fewer trucks cluttering
up the roads also mean less noise, less air pollution, and less road wear.

Smart waste monitoring system reduce operational costs-

Managing waste can take a huge chunk of the municipal budget. For cities in less affluent coun-
tries, trash collection often represents the largest single budgetary item. Moreover, the global cost
of monitoring, managing and disposal of garbage is increasing, most severely affecting cities in
low-income countries such as India. It is often coupled with an even greater dilemma of shrinking
budgets with its citizens demanding the same or better municipal services.
This system provides remedies for the budget concerns by reducing waste collection costs signif-
icantly. This is possible because efficient collections mean less money spent on driver hours, fuel
and truck maintenance.

Help cities eliminate overflowing trash bins-

Without an efficient method of trash collection, at its worst, the growing public is exposed to the
breeding ground of bacteria, insect and vermin due to accumulated trash, which also promotes
the spread of air and water-borne diseases. And at minimum, it is a public nuisance and eyesore
especially for those metropolitan areas that are heavily dependent on tourism to generate revenues
to municipals service.
Smart waste monitoring system along with real-time fill-level information collected through mon-
itoring platform substantially reduce the overflow of garbage by informing operators of such in-
stances before they occur.

Smart waste monitoring systems are easy to install and maintain-
As this system is very compact and small in size, it can be easily installed in any kind of garbage
bin. Also, it can be easily removed for timely maintenance by the staff.

1.3. Objective of the project

As the second most populous country in the world, India faces a major problem in waste management.
As of now there are traditional waste management systems like periodic and routine clearing by the
various civic bodies like the municipal corporation. But even though these routine maintenances are
carried out we often come across overflowing garbage bins from which the garbage spills on to the
streets. This happens because as of now there is no system in place that can monitor the garbage bins
and indicate the same to the corporation. In this project, we aim at an automatic garbage level detect-
ing system informing the concerned authorities timely about the status of the garbage bins placed in
a certain area and providing the authorities with the crucial information regarding when the garbage
bins are full so as to tell them when they need to come and collect the garbage this also saves any
unnecessary trips of the corporations ground force like they do now when the visit and find the
garbage bin partially filled or empty. This approach also helps in saving time, money and fuel and
the crucial man-hours.

Chapter 2
Background Material

2.1 Concepts and Technologies used-

2.1.1 IOT-
Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are
accessible through the internet. The thing in IoT could be a person with a heart
monitor or an automobile with built-in-sensors, i.e. objects that have been assigned
an IP address and have the ability to collect and transfer data over a network with-
out manual assistance or intervention. The embedded technology in the objects
helps them to interact with internal states or the external environment, which in
turn affects the decisions taken.

An article by Ashton published in the RFID Journal in 1999 said, If we had com-
puters that knew everything there was to know about things - using data they gath-
ered without any help from us - we would be able to track and count everything,
and greatly reduce waste, loss and cost. We would know when things needed re-
placing, repairing or recalling, and whether they were fresh or past their best. We
need to empower computers with their own means of gathering information, so
they can see, hear and smell the world for themselves, in all its random glory.
This is precisely what IoT platforms does for us. It enables devices/objects to ob-
serve, identify and understand a situation or the surroundings without being de-
pendent on human help.

Internet of Things can connect devices embedded in various systems to the inter-
net. When devices/objects can represent themselves digitally, they can be con-
trolled from anywhere. The connectivity then helps us capture more data from
more places, ensuring more ways of increasing efficiency and improving safety
and IoT security. IoT is a transformational force that can help companies improve
performance through IoT analytics and IoT Security to deliver better results. Busi-
nesses in the utilities, oil & gas, insurance, manufacturing, transportation, infra-
structure and retail sectors can reap the benefits of IoT by making more informed
decisions, aided by the torrent of interactional and transactional data at their dis-

IoT platforms can help organizations reduce cost through improved process effi-
ciency, asset utilization and productivity. With improved tracking of devices/ob-
jects using sensors and connectivity, they can benefit from real-time insights and
analytics, which would help them make smarter decisions. The growth and con-
vergence of data, processes and things on the internet would make such connec-
tions more relevant and important, creating more opportunities for people, busi-
nesses and industries.

Figure 2.1- IoT?

2.1.2 Concept of SONAR-

Sonar (originally an acronym for Sound Navigation and Ranging) is a technique that
uses sound propagation (usually underwater, as in submarine navigation) to navigate,
communicate with or detect objects on or under the surface of the water, such as other
vessels. Two types of technology share the name "sonar": passive sonar is essentially
listening for the sound made by vessels; active sonar is emitting pulses of sounds and
listening for echoes. Sonar may be used as a means of acoustic location and of measure-
ment of the echo characteristics of "targets" in the water.
The acoustic frequencies used in sonar systems vary from very low (infrasonic) to ex-
tremely high (ultrasonic).

It measures distance by sending out a sound wave at a specific frequency (in our case
ultrasonic frequencies) and listening for that sound wave to bounce back. By recording
the elapsed time between the sound wave being generated and the sound wave bouncing
back, it is possible to calculate the distance between the sonar sensor and the object.

Since it is known that sound travels through air at about 344 m/s (1129 ft/s), you can take
the time for the sound wave to return and multiply it by 344 meters (or 1129 feet) to find
the total round-trip distance of the sound wave. Round-trip means that the sound wave
traveled 2 times the distance to the object before it was detected by the sensor; it includes
the 'trip' from the sonar sensor to the object AND the 'trip' from the object to the Ultra-
sonic sensor (after the sound wave bounced off the object). To find the distance to the
object, simply divide the round-trip distance in half.

It is important to understand that some objects might not be detected by ultrasonic sensors.
This is because some objects are shaped or positioned in such a way that the sound wave
bounces off the object, but are deflected away from the Ultrasonic sensor. It is also possi-
ble for the object to be too small to reflect enough of the sound wave back to the sensor
to be detected. Other objects can absorb the sound wave all together (cloth, carpeting, etc),
which means that there is no way for the sensor to detect them accurately. These are im-
portant factors to consider when designing and programming a robot using an ultrasonic

2.1.3 GPS-

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite based navigation system that
can be used to locate positions anywhere on earth. Designed and operated by the
U.S. Department of Defense, it consists of satellites, control and monitor stations,

and receivers. GPS receivers take information transmitted from the satellites and
uses triangulation to calculate a users exact location.
GPS is used on incidents in a variety of ways, such as: To determine position
locations; for example, you need to radio a helicopter pilot the coordinates of your
position location so the pilot can pick you up. To navigate from one location to
another; for example, you need to travel from a lookout to the fire perimeter. To
create digitized maps; for example, you are assigned to plot the fire perimeter and
hot spots. To determine distance between two points or how far you are from
another location.
The basis of the GPS is a constellation of satellites that are continuously orbiting
the earth. These satellites, which are equipped with atomic clocks, transmit radio
signals that contain their exact location, time, and other information. The radio
signals from the satellites, which are monitored and corrected by control stations,
are picked up by the GPS receiver. A GPS receiver needs only three satellites to
plot a rough, 2D position, which will not be very accurate. Ideally, four or more
satellites are needed to plot a 3D position, which is much more accurate.

2.1.4 GSM/GPRS (to transmit data)-

GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. It is a digital cellular tech-
nology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services.The concept of GSM
emerged from a cell-based mobile radio system at Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s.
GSM is the most widely accepted standard in telecommunications and it is implemented
globally. GSM is a circuit-switched system that divides each 200-kHz channel into eight
25 kHz time-slots. GSM operates on the mobile communication bands 900 MHz and 1800
MHz in most parts of the world.
3G is quite effective when it comes to giving users mobile access to the internet, and is a
vast improvement over the previous 2G technology. The transfer rate for 3G networks is
generally above 2mbps.

2.2 Hardware Description-

2.2.1 Arduino-
An Arduino board consists of an Atmel AVR microcontroller and complementary com-
ponents to facilitate programming and incorporation into other circuits. Each board in-
cludes at least a 5-volt linear regulator and a 16MHz crystal oscillator (or ceramic resona-
tor in some variants). The microcontroller is pre-programmed with a bootloader so that an
external programmer is not necessary.

2.2.2 Ultrasonic Sensor-

The Ultrasonic Sensor is used to measure the distance with high accuracy and stable read-
ings. It can measure distance from 2cm to 400cm or from 1inch to 13 feet. It emits an
ultrasound wave at the frequency of 40KHz in the air and if the object will come in its
way then it will bounce back to the sensor. By using that time which it takes to strike the
object and comes back, you can calculate the distance.

2.2.3 LCD Screen-

A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or other electronic visual display
that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit
light directly. It is very compact and light. It has low power consumption. Depending on
the set display brightness and content being displayed, the older CCFT backlit models
typically use 3050% of the power a CRT monitor of the same size viewing area would
use, and the modern LED backlit models typically use 1025% of the power a CRT mon-
itor would use.

2.2.4 GSM/GPRS Module-

The GSM/GPRS Module is a module that can be integrated within an equipment. It is an
embedded piece of hardware. A GSM module or a GPRS module is a chip or circuit that
will be used to establish communication between a mobile device or a computing ma-
chine and a GSM or GPRS system.

2.2.5 GPS Module-

A GPS Module or GPS receiver, is a device that is capable of receiving information from
GPS satellites and then to accurately calculate its geographical location.



3.1 Introduction
This chapter focuses on the working of SMART waste monitoring system. Well also discuss the
detailed methodology adopted.

3.2 Working Principle

The Ultrasonic sensor will be interfaced to Arduino Uno via 8051 microcontrollers and will be
the input section of the system.
8051 microcontroller will be programmed (embedded c) to perform task to measure the garbage
level via ultrasonic sensor and give output. Arduino Uno will be connected to GPS and GSM
module (800L). We can continually monitor the garbage level of dustbin in real time through
company website and also track its location. Ultrasonic sensor will measure the waste quantity in
the dustbin and will the level for waste available in dustbin will be shown on lcd monitor. The
availability of waste could be monitored through the webpage. Also, we can easily track the lo-
cation of our dustbin through that webpage. An update will be sent to driver/ and municipal
authorities via SMS and the same will be updated on the webpage, if the dustbin is above threshold
value level.

Sending text
Updation on
Reading from message to
website with
Ultrasonic Sensor driver/ concerned
location details

3.3 Detailed Methodology

3.4 Proper Booting of the System

Step 1- Retrieving data from GPS Module

Basically, a GPS receiver comprises of a receiver, and the help of the 27 earth-orbiting satellites,
which rotates in the medium earth orbit. the receiver determines the exact locations of a minimum of
3 satellites above you and also your position with respect to the satellite. Then a method called Tri-
lateration is used to find your exact location. These satellites make two complete rotations around

the Earth every day. So, a minimum of 4 satellites are assured to receive the GPS signals. GPS module
sends the Real-time tracking position data in NMEA format (see the screenshot above). NMEA for-
mat consist several sentences, in which four important sentences are given below:

$GPGGA: Global Positioning System Fix Data

$GPGSV: GPS satellites in view

$GPGSA: GPS DOP and active satellites

$GPRMC: Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data

These strings contain many GPS parameters like: Time, Date, Longitude, Latitude, speed, no. of
satellites in used, altitude and many other things. For location coordinates, i.e latitude and longi-
tude, we use $GPGGA.

Step 2- reading from ultrasonic sensor

The Ultrasonic Sensor sends out a high-frequency sound pulse and then, times how long it takes for
the echo of the sound to reflect back. The sensor has 2 openings on its front. One opening transmits
ultrasonic waves, like a tiny speaker, the other receives them, like a tiny microphone.
After sending the sound pulse, ultrasonic changes to receiver mode and wait for the sound to reflect
back. The amount of time it took to reflect back will determine the garbage level.

Step 4- updating level of garbage on website.

From Step 1 we get the latitude and longitude of the location where our garbage bin is placed.
Also from step 2, the level of garbage in the dustbin is periodically checked by Ultrasonic sensor and
hence it is updated continuously.
Every time the level reaches a stable level i.e. either empty bin, low level, mid-level, or when the
garbage bin is full, the information is updated on the website along with the location where garbage
bin is placed (using google maps interface).

Step 3- Sending SMS using GSM module

The communication between Arduino and GSM module is serial. So we used serial pins of Arduino
(Rx and Tx). To be able to send message from gsm module to desired phone via Arduino, we first
need to change the gsm to text only mode. When the threshold value is detected using ultrasonic
sensor, well send an SMS to driver


Journal / Conference Papers

[1] Name 1 and Name 2, Paper Title, Full Journal Name, volume no, publication year, page num-
[2] Name 1 and Name 2, Paper Title, Proceedings of the International / National Conference on
___, Institution, Country, Date, page numbers, year

Reference / Hand Books

[1] Name 1, Book Title, Publication Name, Edition, ISBN number

[1] Topic 1, website name (do not include long URLs)

ANNEXURES (optional)

Annexure to include
Product Data sheets Design drawings
Standard diagrams
Lengthy codes / algorithms etc

General Guidelines (Delete this page when making the report submission)

Project Report to be minimum 35 pages. Reports less than 35 pages will be rejected
Project report to be maximum 50 - 60 pages (preferred)

Paper Size: A4; Left = Right = Top = Bottom Margins = 0.7
Page Numbering Position: Bottom with right justified and continuous numbering from the In-
troduction Chapter

Use Times New Roman Font with Normal Style, paragraph justified and 1.15 line spacing

Paragraph Heading: Times New Roman Font, Bold, Font Size 14; Paragraph Matter: Times New
Roman Font, Normal, Font Size 12;

Sub-paragraphs be appropriately numbered as in 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc; Sub-paragraph Heading: Times
New Roman Font, Italics, Font Size 12; Sub-paragraph Matter: Times New Roman Font, Nor-
mal, Font Size 12;

Figure captions below Figure with chapter wise numbering
Tables captions above Table with chapter wise numbering

All references must be listed in the order in which they appear in the report (follow IEEE format
for referencing)

Only Soft bound reports will be accepted, colour of the front cover to be in blue (Consult
guide/department coordinator before binding)

Arrangement of contents
[1] Cover page (same as inner page)
[2] Inner page
[3] Dedication (Optional)
[4] Certificate
[5] Certificate on company letter head
[6] Acknowledgement
[7] Abstract
[8] List of Tables
[9] List of Figures
[10] Table of contents
[11] Chapters
[12] References (follow IEEE format)
[13] Annexures (if any)

The above guidelines should be used only as a help guide and is more or less a standard way of
report writing.

Project students are requested to discuss with their department guides regarding the con-
tents of the project report.

Copies to be prepared: 1 individual copy, 2 for submission.
2Hard Copies to be submitted to project coordinator after Project Guide & HOD signature.
Soft copy (both word and pdf format) to be submitted in CD with project name, students name
with registration number mentioned on CD cover.


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