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Table of Contents


1. The concept of Global Village in web 2.0 environment by Marshall
2. The medium is the message: McLuhans concept of media and the social
media revolution

1. Digital in 2017: global overview
2. What is social media marketing
3. Marketing strategies: from tradition to innovation
4. Social media as digital tools for business strategy (benefits)
4.1 Facebook
4.2 Twitter
4.3 Linkedin

1. History and heritage of United Colors of Benetton
2. Core values and situation analysis
3. Competitors and customer overview
4. Brand positioning and business metrics
5. Social Campaigns


2. What is social media marketing?

Purchase decisions are now influenced by complex networks of friends, family, and peers. The new
market winners will be the companies that excel at identifying and engaging with their customers
influencers across the Social Web.1

Paul May, Founder and CEO, BuzzStream, Austin, TX


Importantly, companies are using social media to do things that go way beyond just
chatting up existing customers on Facebook. Sales departments use social to nurture
leads and close sales. HR posts job openings and vets applicants. Community and
support squads mine networks, blogs, and forums with deep listening tools. Ryan
Holmes, Internet entrepreneur

Figure 1.1 Social media Use: Based on the monthly active users reported by the most active social media platform in
each country.
Figure 1.2 Social media penetration by Country

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