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To analyze the herbicide contents in soil sample collected at Tanjung Tualang, Kampar.


A herbicide is a pesticide used to kill unwanted plants such as weeds and

unproductive bushed or trees. Herbicides are available in two main types: selective and
non-selective. Selective herbicides are used to target certain types of plant life at the same
time it does not affect other vegetation. On the other hand, non-selective herbicides are
used to kill all growth for agricultural use. Also, some herbicides decompose rapidly in
soils and the other types have more persistent characteristics with longer environmental
half-lives. Herbicides vary in their potential to persist in soil. Herbicide families that have
soil persistence members include triazines, uracils, phenylureas, sulfonylureas,
dinitroanilines, isoxazolidiones and imidazolinones.

Since herbicides are widely used in agriculture and in landscape management, if

used improperly, can have adverse effects on human health and environment. If too large
a dose is used, or if spraying occurs during a time when the crop species is sensitive to
the herbicide, crop plants would be damage. In addition, some important environmental
effects include unintended damage occurring both on the sprayed site and offsite. For
instance, by changing the vegetation of treated sites, there is a need to change the
herbicides used which changes the habitat of animals. Moreover, there are also concerns
about the toxicity of the herbicides used, which may affect people using these chemicals
especially the farmers.

This proposal is written to propose a solution to a recurring problem at Tanjung

Tualang, Kampar. Tanjung Tualang is a famous duck rearing area which provides
supplies to many countries in Asia. It also provides good opportunities for seafood
business and agricultural activities like growing of crops. It was found that herbicides are
widely used in this area and has posed effects both to the citizens and environment. The
following proposal provides the analysis methods for evaluating the soil samples that is
currently or has been previously, used for agricultural activities.
According to standard agricultural practices, the fields receive an approximately
even distribution of such herbicides or even pesticides when used on agricultural fields.
Hence, to determine the herbicides content in the soil, the soil sampling focuses on soils
within the upper two feet of the soil column, within the zone of tilling and disking of soil.
The sampling involves setting up a grid pattern over the site to ensure a statistically
representative sample set is collected.

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