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Institute of Management Studies, Bagalkot
Sub: Services Marketing Max. Marks : 50
Exam : Mid-semester Time : 2 hr

Section-A (3*2=6)
Questions on meaning, definitions etc.
a) Defines Services.
b) What is zone of tolerance?
c) What is service Recovery?
d) What is service blue printing?

Section-B (3*5=15)
Questions on basic concepts, theory etc.
a) Explain search, experience and credence quality for service with example.
b) What is a customer perception & customer expectation? Mention various levels of customer
c) Describe the four characteristics of SERVICES which distinguish the marketing of
services from marketing of, physical products. Justify your answer with suitable
d) Explain various Service Quality Dimensions.

Section-C (3*7=21)
Application oriented questions.
a) Explain in details the five-gaps as highlighted in the Service Quality Model. Developed
by Parasuram, Ziethaml & Berry.
b) Explain the concept of service blueprinting with Example.
c) Explain the various service recovery strategies used by various organisations.
d)Do you agree with the following statement? Justify your answer.
A complaint is a gift and the customer who complains is your friend.

Section-D (8 Marks)
Case study (compulsory)

Taking the example of passenger airline services discuss the various marketing mix

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