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Contractor: Arabian rock contracting co




First aid is the immediate help that is provided at the site to an injured or seriously ill
person before professional medical help can be obtained.
It is ARCC responsibility to ensure that proper first aid is available to our employees on
all job sites.
Provisions will be made prior to start-up of the project for prompt medical attention in
case of medical emergencies.


First aid facilities shall be provided on site for Arabian rock contracting co
employees, equipped with all necessary requirements for first aid medical
treatment and shall be kept in a sanitary condition all the time under male
nurse certified by Saudi Arabian Minister of Health.
First aid equipment shall be inspected regularly to ensure effective operation and
all the inspection documented shall be kept in file, and made available for
checking by any one from ROYAL COMMISSION representative.
first aid medical treatment log, shall be maintained up-to-date by the male nurse.
A weekly a monthly injury/illness reports shall be submitted by him to
Arabian rock contracting co safety officer and to ROYAL COMMISSION
safety representative.

The following shall be indicated on the notice board within the first week of
project/job start.

The name of the hospitals to which injured persons that required further treatment
is to be send.
Emergency telephone No. to be called for assistance.

All safety officers shall be trained in the basic first AID and CPR.
First aid materials shall be stored in a suitable cabinet, where the following shall be
provided in the first aid.
A sink with running water.
Drinking water.
Soap and towels/ paper towels.
Clean garments for use by first aid personnel.
Pillows and blankets shall be provided and shall be frequently cleaned.
First aid room shall be cleaned daily and kept hygienic.
The first aid clinic shall be provided with a telephone or radio, to cater for any
When more than 50 persons are employed within a radius of 15 kilometers, first
aid facilities run by a nurse familiar with first aid cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) requirements and exclusively assigned to medical duties.
Those persons in charge of first aid supplies on smaller sites with less than 50
workers should be trained in first aid procedures.
ARCC will provide, or make arrangements to provide, a dedicated emergency
vehicle (ambulance), properly supplied and marked, to transport injured personnel
to the nearest designated health care facility.

ARCC where employs 50 or more laborers will provide at the work site a first aid
room which meets the following standards:

It shall meet all sanitary specifications.

It shall be conveniently located and readily accessible to injured persons and
Where quick means of transporting for the injured are not available, the said room
shall not be more than 300 meters from the farthest work site.
An adequate number of stretchers shall be available for moving the injured to the
first aid room.
First aid materials and supplies shall be no less than standards , provided that they
are in proportion to the number of workmen.
1. A sufficient number of not less than 12 sterile, small size finger
2 . A sufficient number of not less than 6 sterile, medium-size hand
3. A sufficient number of not less than 6 sterile, large- size hand
4. A sufficient supply of absorbent cotton wool for packing and firming up splints.
5. Such supply shall not be less than 200 grams of cotton wool in small 25 grams
packages and two 500 gram packages.
6. A sufficient number of not less than 12 gauze bandage 7 cm. in width.
7. A sufficient number of not less than 12 gauze bandages 11 cm. in
width. Not less than 4 yards of adhesive tape in rolls, 1 cm. in width.
Not less than 100 grams of mercurochrome in aqueous solution.
8 . Two 10 gram shakers of sulfa powder for sterilization
9. 100 grams of aromatic ammonia solution in a glass bottle with a glass stopper.
10. A medium-sized Thomas thigh splint, a wooden posterior leg splint, a wooden
elbow splint, a wooden Carr splint for the forearm, a wooden palm splint, and other
types of ready-to-use splints.
11. A minimum of 6 triangle
12. A minimum of safety pins.
13. Ointment for burns containing a disinfectant and an
1 4 . A minimum often 70 x 70 bandages for burns.
15. A pair of scissors with blunt ends.
16. A sufficient number of stretchers for moving injured persons.
17. BP apparatus
18. Stethoscope
19. Thermometer
20. Oxygen tank & gauge
21. Betadine
22. Alcohol
23. Hydrogen Peroxide
24. Gauze
25. Clean gloves
26. Face Mask
27. Cotton applicator
28. 5cc Syringe
29. Nebulizer
30. Pulmcont Nebule
31. Ventolin Nebule
32. Normal Saline
33. Olfen Amp
34. Aciloc Tab
35. Antispasmodic tab
36. O2 Cannula
38. Cottonballs
39. Mosquito Forceps
40. Bandage Scissors
41. Elastic Bandage
42. Flamnazine
43. Fucibact Cream
44. Arm Sling
45. Collar Brace
46. Canister Bottle
47. Trash Can
48. Sanitizer Gel
* All above items provided by certified Nurse registered from Saudi Commission for Heath



a) 2 x oxygen cylinder
b) Cardiac monitor
c) I.V Set
d) Face mask
e) Portable couch
f) Adrenaline I.V + I.M
g) Hydrocortisone
h) Atropine
i) Antihistamine inj
j) Diazepam
k) Dopamine inj I.V
l) Dobutamine


Permanent driver with valid driving license will be available at site.

Note: Any accident whatever it is minor, shall be reported to ROYAL COMMISSION
project manager / safety officer within 24 hour from the time of its occurrence.

Head Protection

Safety hats or helmets are rigid headgear made of materials designed to protect
the head from impact, flying particles, electric shock, etc. Each helmet consists
of a shell,a suspension cradle, and a chin strap.

Employees working in areas where there is danger of head injury from impact;
from falling or flying objects; or from electrical shock and burns, shall be
protected by protective helmets as per standards or equivalent.

The suspension cradle gives a helmet its impact distribution qualities. It is

therefore essential that it be properly adjusted to the wearer's head so there is a
gap of at least one and a half inches between the top of the suspension cradle
and the helmet shell.

Ancillary equipment such as ear muffs, welders shields, etc. can be obtained to
fit on helmet shells. Holes should not be drilled into helmet to facilitate use of
such equipment as this can seriously impair both the mechanical strength
and the electrical resistance of the helmet.

Safety hats or helmets shall not be painted.

The complete helmet should be cleaned regularly with soap and water.
Helmets should be scrapped following any penetration, high impact, or
subjection to extreme heat.

A safety helmet should be worn by all persons at all times when on a

construction job site; in an operating plant area; or whenever there are
overhead hazards.
Hand Protection
The kind of gloves used depends primarily upon the material or equipment
being handled and can be resistant against one or more of the following: heat,
acid, caustic, slipping, wear, fire, oil, sharp edges, general wear and tear,
cold, etc. Gloves should not be used near moving machinery as they can be
caught and trap the hand before it can be withdrawn from the glove.

Foot Protection
Foot protection used must be manufactured to the referenced standard.
Safety footwear is available in many styles, with special soles to resist oil,
abrasion, heat, and other abuses to which the footwear may be subjected.
Comfort is particularly important for the wearer, so safety footwear must fit

Approved safety footwear are sturdy work shoes with leather uppers and/or
leather composition with steel toe caps. Soles and heels are "non"-slip type.
Fashion type safety "toe" shoes with canvas, nylon and/or other soft
composition uppers or soles are not considered safety shoes
Hearing Protection
Increasing attention is being paid to the problem of excessive noise in
industry. Noise can be defined as "any unwanted sound". The
intensity of noise is commonly expressed in terms of decibels (dBA)
and measured by a sound level meter. Medical authorities state that
continual exposure to noise levels above 90 dBA for an eight hour
day, five day work week may endanger a person's hearing. The safe
period of exposure to a noise level is inversely proportional to the
level of the noise.

Hearing loss will result from over-exposure to excessive noise levels.

Only after engineering and mechanical methods of reducing noise
levels have been explored, should consideration be given to providing
hearing protection to individual workmen.

Whenever it is infeasible to reduce the noise levels or duration of

exposure to within the limits, hearing protection devices shall be
provided and used. There are two types of hearing protection
available, the plug type and the cup (or muff) type. The proper
individual fitting of both types of hearing protection is critical as any
sound leakage can seriously impair efficiency of these devices.

Ear Plugs
Ear plugs are placed into the canal of the outer ear. Materials used for
these plugs are rubber, plastic, wax, foam or Swedish wool.
Disposable types are preferred as they give good protection and are
very sanitary.

Ear Muffs
Ear muffs cover the external ear to provide an acoustic barrier. The
effectiveness of ear muffs varies considerably due to differences in
manufacturer, size, shape, seal material, shell mass, and type of
suspension. Head size and shape can also affect their performance.
Liquid or grease filled cushions between the shell and the head are
more effective than plastic or foam-filled types, but they would
present material leakage problems.

Arabian rock contracting Co. (ARC)

Welfare Facilities

Adequate welfare facilities must be provided. The following are

minimum requirements:

Canteen or eating area adequate for total work force must be

provided. This area shall be clean of refuse and meet Saudi Aramco
Sanitary Code requirements.

Rest area will be provided.

Adequate toilet and washing facilities must be provided. Toilets shall

be provided in places where they may be easily accessible at the rate
of one toilet for every fifteen workmen or less. These shall be
maintained in a sanitary condition.

An adequate supply of drinking water must be available. Common

drinking cups or dips are prohibited.

First aid facilities must be supplied and arrangements made for

medical care and for emergency situations.

Where necessary, safe smoking areas must be provided, with the

concurrence of the responsible area Loss Prevention office.

Arabian rock contracting Co. (ARC)


This plan establishes guidelines for the proper storage, handling, and disposal
of flammable/combustible liquids and potentially hazardous wastes generated
by the Project during the course of construction.


ARCC will maintain a bookcase, centrally located, of all hazardous waste and
waste areas on the project and document all disposals.
ARCC is responsible for maintaining a copy of Material Safety Data Sheet(s) of
all hazardous waste on site for own reference and employee training. A complete
set of MSDS copies shall also be kept at medical facilities and the medical staff
must be fully familiar with the contents thereof.


1. ARCC designated supervisor will construct the flammable, combustible

liquid and hazardous waste collection storage area according to
applicable standards set forth.

2. Project Site Supervision have the responsibility to ensure that all

flammable and combustible liquids on the Project are appropriately
stored and all project generated hazardous waste is taken to the
hazardous waste collection drum for pickup and disposal.

3. The ARCC Safety Engineer will supervise the procedures and coordinate
the pickup and disposal of hazardous waste.


1. Hazardous Waste

Wastes (includes liquids, semi-solids or combination gaseous material)

or a combination of solid wastes which, because of the quantity,
concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, may
pose a substantial health hazard to man and/or his environment when
improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise

2. Flammable Liquid

Any liquid having a flash point below 60 C (140F).

3. Combustible Liquid

Any liquid having a flash point at or above 60 C (140F) and below 93 C (200F).

Arabian rock contracting Co. (ARC)

4. Flash Point

The minimum temperature, at which a substance gives off a flammable

vapor which, in contact with a spark or flame, will ignite.

5. Spill or Leak

Any release of hazardous material or hazardous waste into the



A fire extinguisher will be mounted no closer than 8 metres (25 ft). and no
further than 24 metres (75 ft.) from the Flammable, Combustible Liquid and
Hazardous Waste Collection Storage Area.


Signs will be mounted one on each side. Each sign will be visible at all times.


1. A adequate drum container will be provided by the existing facility for

collection and storage onsite of hazardous wastes. The container must be
labeled "HAZARDOUS WASTE." A schedule for pickup and disposal
at suitable intervals has been coordinated with the Responsible person.

2. A receptacle must be provided for the collection of used containers of

hazardous wastes (i.e., paint cans, aerosol cans, oil cans, etc.). The
receptacle will be located in the Flammable, Combustible Liquids and
Hazardous Waste Accumulation Storage Area. All containers must be
completely empty before placing in dumpster.



1. Spill Confinement - A 300-mm (12-inch) minimum earth dike (berm)

shall surround the perimeter of the storage area for spill confinement.

2. Ground Cover - A non-permeable ground covering shall be placed on the

storage area floor to prevent spills from contaminating ground soil.

3. Drain Pipe - A drain pipe shall be positioned to facilitate and control

drainage of water and/or contaminants from the flammable storage area.
The drain pipe must be a type that can be capped for control of drainage.

Arabian rock contracting Co. (ARC)

pH and total organic carbon need to be analyzed before disposal.

4. Perimeter Barrier - The perimeter will be identified by orange safety

netting or similar or better material with stakes at proper intervals to
support the barrier.

5. Access - The entrance should be of sufficient width so that project

forklifts might enter and pick up heavy loads. Heavy drums or
containers will be put on pallets to allow safe handling by project

Arabian rock contracting Co. (ARC)

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