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Definition :

According Effendy (2003: 11) communication is divided into two stages:

1. Communication process in the perspective of psychology, namely the process of

perspective communication that occurs within the communicator and communicant. The
process of wrapping the mind in the language of a communicator, called encoding, will be
transmitted to the communicant.
Next occurs the process of interpersonal communication within the communicant, Called
decoding, to interpret the message conveyed to him.

2. Communication process in mechanistic perspective. For details of the process

Communication in a mechanistic perspective can be further classified into
Some, that is :
A. The process of communication in the primary, namely the process of conveying the
thoughts and feelings of someone to others by using the symbol as a medium. The common
emblem used as the primary medium in the communication process is the verbal symbol
(language). However, in certain communication conditions, the symbols used can be gestures,
ie limb movements, cues, drawings, colors, etc., which are directly able to translate the
thoughts or feelings of communicators to the communicant.
B. Secondary communication process, namely the process of delivering a message by
someone to others by using tools or means as a second medium after using the symbol as a
medium first. Secondary communication process using media that spread the message that is
informative which classified as mass media (mass media) and media nirmassa (Non-mass
C. The linear communication process, is the delivery process
Message by communicator to communicant as terminal point. This linear communication
takes place both in communication situations face to face communication (interpersonal
communication) and group (group communication), as well as in a mediated communication
D. Circular communication process is the opposite of process communication in linear. In
the context of communication that means the communication process in linear. In the context
of communication, the circular process means the occurrence of feedback or feedback, this the
occurrence of currents
Responses or responses from the communicant there is a message given by the

According to Dredge and Croswhite (1986, p.2) there are two important components in the
creation of effective communication. The first component is the ability to understand the
message (ability) that is the ability to listen to the sound or see the action, the ability to
process messages, and store them in memory. The second component is the ability to respond
to the message (expression) is the ability to choose the right word or action, the ability to
compose words and actions into messages that can be understood. (1982, p.164) describes the
distinguishable communication in receptive communication skills and expressive
communication skills. The ability of receptive communication with the child's ability to
understand and understand. Receptive communication skills in the form of gestures, actions
and body language. While the ability of expressive communication is the ability of a child in
answering or expressing thoughts and feelings. The ability of expressive communication is
usually in verbal form.


Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi meliputi

kemampuan dalam memahami pesan, yaitu kemampuan mendengarkan suara/instruksi atau
melihat aksi, kemampuan mengolah pesan dan menyimpannya dalam memori.dan kemampuan
memberikan respon terhadap pesan atau instruksi yang ditunjukkan dalam dalam bentuk verbal,
isyarat, tindakan atau pun dengan bahasa tubuh.

Sedangkan disaat komunikasi melalui mata dengan mata maka mewajibkan mengatur
tinggi rendahnya nada dan tetap menatap lawan berbicara, dan juga mengatur jeda kata dan
menampilkan ekspresi wajah dengan pas sehingga dapat menimbulkan suasana komunikasi
yang nyaman dan tidak terkesan terburu buru

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