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A very important guide for all amp users

1. First off, Methamphetamine is only psychologically addictive.

Just like Cannabis, food, or the internet. Methamphetamine's
addiction potential is equal to prescription dextroamphetamine
(at similarly potent doses). If you are wondering why d-amph
addicts are so much rarer, it's because d-amph is typically
given out in prescription tablets only. People can still break it
down and snort it, but the difference is that these prescriptions
regulate their dosage every month and drastically lowers the
chances of addiction. Just another reason why the drug war is
such a failure really. European speed is so diluted and cut that
I'd be surprised if you even got 10% dextro in your powder. No
American dealer wants to sell dextroamph because it takes an
extra step in synthesis and is less potent. If Europe had the
availability to meth precursors like America did, absolutely NO
dealer would be selling l- or d-amphetamine. Pharmaceutical
companies have the incentive to use d- and l-amphetamine
because meth carries such a stigma that patients won't want to
take it. Big pharma has near free access to precursors and
laboratories so making the slightly less potent d-amph costs
almost nothing to them. It is saddening that people who are
"pro-drugs except for meth" are tricked by the same
misinformation that they hate so much when it's against
cannabis. Hopefully by this point, you and I are on the same
page and have moved past this "evil meth" label. Thus, I will
refer to meth as amphetamine from now on.
Significant withdrawal effects only occur when amph is
continuously redosed in high dosages. Why? Because constant
redosing causes neurotoxicity. The long half life of all
amphetamine means that redosing will additively increase
blood plasma levels and your brain will soak in that. Acute
tolerance shuts out euphoria around the time you reach your
first half life. Redosing = excitotoxicity and accumulation of
oxidative reactive species in the absense of most of the
euphoria. Daily usage is only safe at therapeutic dosages
(UNDER ~0.5mg/kg). It seems like it is generally agreed upon
that meth is more potent weight by weight than dextro (about
1.3x). When the dosages are matched, they have the exact
same safety profile.
Chronic use at anything above therapeutic level causes
persisting DA striatal depletion. As in, it comes back VERY
slowly (think years) and it isn't 100%. You can withdraw from
Heroin and get away without lasting physical damage. The
same cannot be said for amphetamines. The striatal depletions
go unnoticed by binge users until they stop dosing whereupon
shit gets real. Quickly. These are the only people that get
severe withdrawal effects and feel extremely addicted. Just like
every other drug, binging is bad. Before you call therapeutic
dosages too pussylike, read the rest of my post.
2. Pre-treatment. Holy fuck I was glad to find out about this
before I started using. Pre-treatment takes only one week and
it permanently boosts all your subsequent amphetamine
effects. It is called sensitization or reverse-tolerance. When
taken at sub neurotoxic dosages, the brain becomes
supersensitized to all subsequent amphetamine dosages. This
effect has been tested to last longer than 120 days and is
probably permanent. Animals were intially given a single small
amphetamine dosage. In 120 days, they received their second
dosage and the effects were dramatically boosted. Tests in
human subjects show that the subjective high is nearly doubled
from baseline. More research has shown that the optimal pre-
treatment schedule is 0.15mg/kg daily for 7 days. The longer
the withdrawal period after that, the stronger the effects (up to
30 days when it levels out). Also, did I mention that pre-
treatment significantly reduces neurotoxicity in subsequent
binges and high dosages? If your first few amphetamine uses
were high dosage, you shocked your brain. You most likely had
neurotoxic hyperthermia which diminishes sensitization.
Source of pretreatment on sensitization and reverse
df Source of pretreatment on
47a.html Bonus source for one dosage causing lasting
ort (please keep in mind these dosages in the article are for
rats and NOT for humans)
3. Any tolerance to amphetamines that last longer than 5 days
is caused by neurotoxicity. The main reason for amphetamine's
tolerance is its half life and how quickly the body adjusts to the
presence of amphetamine in the blood. After only 3 days
(approximately 5 half lives, i.e. ~97% of the drug is gone), this
tolerance should be almost completely gone. Any persisting
tolerance after 5 days was caused by striatal DA depletions as
well as downregulation of D2 receptors. Again, if your tolerance
lasts more than 5 days, reconsider your amount and frequency
of dosage. Repeated high dosages without adequate time in
between will fuck up your shit. The rewarding effects of
sensitization is also severely diminished by this binge use.
579 (I've seen several other sources but this is one I found
with a quick search)
4. If you enjoy higher dosages, you must spread them out.
This goes back to my last point. Moderately high dosages can
actually be safe given that you washout the drugs (about 5 half
lives) before redosing.
5. If you are female, the effects of amphetamine neurotoxicity
are two folds stronger and psychosis along with addiction
potential occur at half the dosage for males. The presence of
certain male androgens are neuroprotective against
amphetamine. Sorry, women.
6. Smoking and IV have the same safety profile as other ROA's
when dosages are matched for bioavailibility and may actually
be safer because of their shorter half lives. Rats can take single
25mg/kg injections with no neurotoxicity because their
amphetamine half life is only one hour compared to the human
time of 9-12 hours. Amphetamines are one of the rare drugs
where these ROAs are safer because amphetamine
neurotoxicity is primarily exacerbated by the time it stays in
the body. Unfortunately, binge use with smoking or IV causes
half life to be irrelevant and the safety profile becomes much
more dangerous.
7. If you binge, STAY out places that are hotter than room
temperature! Heat literally multiplies the tolerance and deficits
you are causing to your brain. And, you must have already
caused a lot of deficits if you are dumb enough to be a binge
To sum it up, DON'T FUCKING BINGE!
8. If you have suffered psychosis from amphetamine, I would
consider stopping usage. Forever. And yes, even if it only
happened once. The implications from psychosis are more than
just some temporary effect because you didn't sleep.
Amphetamine psychosis is actually caused by the repeated
dosage - sleep deprivation only made your brain more
vulnerable. The variables that play into psychosis are so wide
that studies have yet to really be conclusive on them.
Currently, it is believed that prolonged amphetamine blood
plasma induces dopamine hyperreactivity. Guess how
schizophrenics are diagnosed? Dopamine hyperactivity. Again,
this probably causes lasting deficits.
Want to avoid psychosis? Don't. Binge. It is nearly impossible
to induce psychosis if there are more than 5 hours of sleep
between dosages unless you were already genetically
Here's the schedule a beginner should follow for daily
productive use and to prevent neurotoxicity (Assuming 99%
bioavailability. Adjust dosages for your ROA bioavailability):
Days 1-7: 0.15mg/kg Days 8-?: <0.5mg/kg for males,
<0.25mg/kg for females No more than once a day
For recreational use:
Days 1-7:0.15mg/kg Days 8-?: <1.0mg/kg for males,
<0.5mg/kg for females No more than once every 3-4 days
After pretreatment and sensitization, 1.0mg/kg WILL bring a
satisfying rush. On a 160 pound person, that would be about
72mg. If it sounds too little to you, than you have gone too far.
It's that simple. Moderation is key, what a surprise huh? If
everybody took amphetamines responsibly with milligram
scales, we would probably be exploring the universe by now.
P.S. As a bonus, take Vitamin C and E for antioxidants. Take
Magnesium to slow down acute tolerance (NMDA antagonist =
be higher for longer! YAY). Zinc supplementation was also
found to be synergistic with amphetamine in ADHD patients. I
don't know its effects on normal people, but I take it anyway.
For further reading, look up "Robinson TE". He is by far my
favorite researcher. Another goodie is Carl Hart. He is a
forerunner on meth research and always talks about the
exaggerated claims on meth. He himself said that scientists
have known for a long time that methamphetamine is exactly
like dextroamphetamine at a drug policy conference.

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