June 10, 2017 Yahrzeit List

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Please inform the Usher if you wish the Rabbi to read a name

16 SIVAN 5777 JUNE 10, 2017

Louis Berry Jadyn Erin Larky Rose May Samelson
Betsy Eisenman Janet Scheinfield Levenson Rose Schechter Samelson
Aaron Kosit Martin Rothenberg Constance Weinberg
George Kratchman Leah Safran Jerome M. Weinberg

17 SIVAN 5777 JUNE 11, 2017

Bessie Batist Moses Heidenreich
Sidal Chicorel Sidney G. Sherman
Dorothy B. Dann Morris H. Smith
Alice Jean Gottesman Anna Sparage

18 SIVAN 5777 JUNE 12, 2017

Marvin Adler Betty Podolsky Howard Weingarden
Charles L. Goldstein Charles Snider Harvey L. Weisberg
Benjamin Hausner Mark Webber Rudolph Zeichner
Ben Mossman Francis Weber

19 SIVAN 5777 JUNE 13, 2017

Abe Ernstein Sol Sklar
Albert Kaplan Harold S. Tobias
Jack Klain Ethel Toby
Mary Lauria

20 SIVAN 5777 JUNE 14, 2017

Naomi Satovsky Eder Esther Rubinstein
Carole Jo Lasser John Floyd Tam
Edward Lutz
Sidney H. Rein

21 SIVAN 5777 JUNE 15, 2017

Samuel Aaron Sanford G. Weiner
Sol Cicurel
Lois Linden Nelson
Ronald L. Stern

22 SIVAN 5777 JUNE 16, 2017

Millicent Barnett Theodore Weiss
Lillian Bortnick
Gussie Rappaport
Bruce L. Shatanoff

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