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Robles 1

Jacquelyn Robles
Sapna Lyer
17 May 2017

Factory Farming Industry

What is factory farming? I wonder how this affects the human health, who which are
involved. I also wonder about factory farm animals and the way they are produced and
processed. Consumers are consuming the unknown truth of the products background. But
why ? Because most consumers haven't seen or known about what these factories create
and cause not just for us and the animals but also what it causes for Earth. Or they just
chose to ignore it. Therefore the abuse stays the same for all,we just don't see it as it's
happening and affecting everything slowly.

Factory Farming
A factory farm is this large industrial operation that raises large number of animals for
food. Over about 99% of farm animals in the U.S are raised in factory farms. According to
farm sanctuary, rescue, education and advocacy, factory farming produces over nine billion
animals raised and murdered for human consumption each year in the U.S. alone. The
modern animal farming drains from valuable things from nature like land, water, coal,
natural gas and oil. Factory farms produce a small amount of meat, dairy, and eggs
compared to the amount in return produced in huge amounts of waste and pollution that
heats up the Earth, adding unwanted things to dirty our land, air, and water and adding to
genetically adding to the change of climate occurring over time as we read.

Factory farms generate more than 1 million tons of manure per day. Which is three
times the amount of the country's pollution. The manure, from these factories, is stored in
huge open-air lagoons, that are often as big as several football fields, that sometimes leak
and spill. This has lead to 110,000 fish dying from a 200,000 gallons spillage of illinois hog
manure back in 2011.Farmers try to prevent diseases from spreading in the crowding filthy
condition amongst these farm animals, by feeding a number of antibiotics which 75% of
those antibiotics end up undigested into their urine and manure. The antibiotics in this
waste contaminates crops and waterways which are then ingested by human, from the
e.coli bacteria that forms into the produce we consume

The Human Health

According to farm sanctuary rescue education and advocacy, the excessive use of these
antibiotics, hormones and unnatural feeds used in factory farms is putting our population
at risk. Meaning human are more exposed to chronic disease, obesity, and drug resistant
bacteria, and major zoonotic disease outbreaks.Farms that aren't properly maintained can
be breeding grounds for Salmonella, E.coli and other pathogens that can be passed too
humans through meat, dairy and eggs, as well as through person-to-person contact. And
too combat unsanitary conditions, animals are fed large doses of antibiotics. According too
aspca, farms that aren't properly maintained can be breeding grounds for Salmonella, E.coli
and other things that cause diseases that are passed to humans through meat, dairy and
eggs, as well as through person-to-person contact. And to combat unsanitary conditions,
animals are fed large doses of antibiotics. But bacteria is constantly adapting and evolving.
Each year 76 million americans become ill from foodborne illness, and thousands die.

Statistics say the United States raises and slaughters almost 10 times more birds than any
other animal. 8-9 billion chickens are killed for their meat each year. 305 million are used
in egg production. These chickens live cramped together on top of their own waste and in
high ammonia levels that irritate and burn their skin, eyes, and throats. Meat chickens are
raised indoors in large sheds containing up to 20,000 chickens or more. This constant
interaction make sleep harder, and since corps are left there too die, this adds stress and
unhygienic conditions. REM sleep is what develops within these chickens, this is associated
with dreaming. Due too this system chickens are constantly on chronically sleep-deprived.
There is only one selected type of breed which are constantly combined with antibiotics
and feed excessively. These chickens don't have proper exercise and meanwhile growing
unnaturally rapidly, disproportioned. Their bones and organs lag behind while their
breasts grow larger, for them to meet the market demand. Chickens are raised for their
flesh and in which are called broilers by the chicken industry. The intense crowding and
confinement lead to outbreaks of diseases. They are constantly bred and drugged too grow
quicklier but their legs and organs can't keep up. These birds such as, geese, turkeys, ducks,
meat chickens and laying birds are excluded from all federal animal protection laws.

According to aspca, cows in the dairy industry can be given growth hormones in order to
increase their milk production. Once their productivity declines, these cows are
slaughtered for beef. The six growth hormones commonly used by the U.S. dairy industry
have been shown to significantly increase the risk of breast, prostate, and colon cancer in
beef consumers. Producers are not required to list the use of hormones on product labels.

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