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5 Lotte World Tower

hilary gagat p
Sushardjanti Felasari, ST., M.Sc.CAED.
jidong kim
jong-ho kim
president & coo
ceo & chairman
Chang Minwoo Structural
Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants
Consultants Seoul, South Korea
Seoul, South Korea

jong-ho kim chairman at chang minwoo

structural consultants. he is a licensed jidong kim, a presideng at chang
professional engineer of architetural minwoo structural consultants,
structures in korea, and served as a has managed many high-rise
president of the korean strucutral building projects such as the 123-
engineers association from 2006 to storyl jasmil lotte world tower.
2008. he received his bachelors and
masters degree fromseoul national
universit, majoring in architectural
engineering. has been involved in
numerous high-rise building projects,
including the jamsil lotte world
tower,seoul. his research area covers
the perfomance based design of tall
b u i l d i n g s , e s p e c i a l l y o f c o m p le x -
shaped structures the building
information modeling , and the eco-
friendly construction and engineering.

Companies Involved

Owner/Developer LOTTE
Design Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
Architect of Record BAUM Architects

Structural Engineer
Design Leslie E. Robertson Associates
Engineer of Record Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants
Peer Review Thornton Tomasetti

MEP Engineer
Design SYSKA Hennessy Group
Peer Review WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff

Main Contractor LOTTE Engineering & Construction

Other Consultant
Cost Rider Levett Bucknall
Development Consultant CBRE
Energy Concept WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff
Faade ALT Limited
Faade Maintenance Lerch Bates
Fire Aon Fire Protection Engineering
LEED WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff
Security Aon Global Risk Consulting
Vertical Transportation Fortune Shepler Consulting

Material Supplier
Elevator Otis Elevator Company;Mitsubishi Elevator
and Escalator
Sealants Dow Corning Corporation

Taejin Kim Yeonki Jung

president & CTO Executive Director

Chang Minwoo Structural Chang Minwoo Structural

Consultants Consultants
Seoul, South Korea Seoul, South Korea

Ta e j i n k i m , a p re s i d e n t a t c h a n g
minwoo structural consultants, has yeonki jung, an executive director at
researched the seismic design of C h a n g M i n w o o S t r u c t u ra l
steel structures and the structural Consultants, has mane experiences
desain of tall buildings in design of tall building structues
including the 123-story jamsil lotte
world tower which is the tallest
building in Korea
Lotte World Tower

Taking inspiration from traditional Korean art forms in the design of the
various interior program spaces, the sleek tapered form of Lotte World
Tower will stand out from Seouls rocky, mountainous topography. The tower
is programmed with a greater variety of functions than is normally found in a
tall building. It contains retail components, oces, a 7-star luxury hotel, and
an ocetel. Ocetels, common in South Korean real estate, oer studio-
apartment-style accommodations for people who work in the building and
often feature certain services found in hotels, such as furnishings, a security
desk, and gym access. The buildings top 10 stories are earmarked for
extensive public use and entertainment facilities, including an observation
deck and rooftop caf.

The design of the tower melds a modern aesthetic with forms inspired by
Korean ceramics, porcelain, and calligraphy. The seam that runs from top to
bottom of the structure gestures toward the old center of the city. Elegance
of form was one of the prime objectives, following the desire of stakeholders
to bestow a beautiful monument to the capital city skyline. Exterior materials
will be light-toned silver glass accented by a ligree of white lacquered

Lotte World Tower has been designed and constructed at the same time as
a 10-story base that accommodates as much area as its vertical
counterpart. Vertical density is linked to horizontal density, and the range of
complementary uses is increased. Connections between the two major
building components are made via interior pathways at many levels, but
also by active outdoor public space. In fact, one of the most eective
measures taken to activate the tower and connect it to adjacent buildings is
the outdoor plaza. This space forms an outdoor room, compressed
enough in its dimensions to encourage visual and pedestrian penetration of
its boundary walls.

Mengambil inspirasi dari bentuk seni tradisional Korea dalam desain berbagai
interior program ruang, bentuk meruncing Lotte World Tower akan terlihat dari
pegunungan, Seoul. Menara diprogram dengan berbagai fungsi lebih besar
daripada biasanya ditemukan di gedung tinggi. Ini berisi komponen ritel, kantor,
hotel mewah bintang-7, dan ocetel. Ocetels, umum di Korea Selatan real estat,
menawarkan akomodasi bergaya studio apartemen bagi orang-orang yang bekerja
di gedung dan sering memiliki layanan tertentu ditemukan di Hotel, perabotan,
Meja keamanan dan akses gym. Bangunan top 10 cerita dialokasikan untuk luas
umum penggunaan fasilitas dan hiburan, termasuk kafe di puncak gedung dan dek
Desain menara ini mencampurkan estetika modern dengan bentuk-bentuk yang
terinspirasi oleh Korea keramik, porselen, dan kaligra. Keanggunan bentuk
adalah salah satu tujuan utama, mengikuti keinginan para client untuk memberikan
sebuah monumen indah cakrawala ibukota. Eksterior bahan perak kaca beraksen
oleh kerawang putih dipernis logam akan menimbulkan pantulan cahaya yang
Lotte World Tower struktur dan desain bangunan di rancang pada waktu yang
bersamaan . kedekatan vertikal terkait dengan kedekatan horizontal dan disusun
keatas Hubungan antara dua komponen utama bangunan yang dibuat melalui jalur
interior di berbagai tingkatan, tetapi juga oleh ruang publik. Bahkan, salah satu
tindakan yang paling efektif diambil untuk mengaktifkan menara dan
menghubungkannya ke bangunan yang berdekatan. Ini bentuk ruang "Ruangan
outdoor," dikompresi cukup dalam dimensi untuk mendorong penetrasi visual dan
pejalan kaki dari dinding batas.
Pembangunan Lotte World Tower
di Seoul, Korea Selatan dirancang
oleh KPF perusahaan arsitektur
b e r t i n g k a t t i n g g i i n i b e rj a la n
dengan baik. Memenangkan sebuah
kompetisi desain internasional,
menara ini akan memiliki puncak
ketinggian 555 meter. bangunan
pencakar langit ini memiliki multi
fungsi/mixed-used yang mana
didalamnya termasuk ritel, kantor,
hotel, dan sebuah dek observasi di
Desain menara ini mencampurkan
estetika modern dengan bentuk-
b e n t u k y a n g t e r i n s p i ra s i o le h
K o r e a k e ra m i k , p o r s e l e n , d a n
k a l i g ra . K e a n g g u n a n b e n t u k
adalah salah satu tujuan utama,
mengikuti keinginan para cli ent
untuk memberikan sebuah
monumen indah cakrawala ibukota.
E k s t e r i o r b a h a n p e ra k k a c a
b e ra k s e n o le h ke ra w a n g p u t i h
dipernis logam akan menimbulkan
pantulan cahaya yang elegant.
oor plan

the ground level and
the underground
oors are made of menara pandang
reinforced concrete

the 2nd to 86th ofce akuarium

oors of the tower,
which will be iused for
a shopping mall,
lotte bebas bea
ofce,and residences
the hotel oors
over the 86th oor avenue

hiburan bioskop

d i s e t i a p z o n a
memiliki ketinggian
oor to plafond
yang berbeda, ini
karenakan fungsi
tiap zona berbeda ,
besaran luas dasar
la n t i t i a p la n t a i
j u g a s e m a k i n
m e n g e c i l , a d a
banyak faktor yang
mempengaruhi (KDB
circulation zonasi
structure plan

the 2nd to 86th oors of the

tower, which will be iused for a
s h o p p i n g m a l l , o f c e , a n d
residences, are made of steel
beams and deck slabs. the hotel
oors over the 86th oor consist
of 225-300 mm thick at slabs
(gure :1). the ground level and the
underground oors are made of
reinforced concrete. the lateral
load resisting system is composed
of central RC core walls, two sets
of steel outriggers, eight RC mega-
columns, and two sets of steel
belt trusses (gure: 2) the
uppermost latern is made of diagrid
frames which are exposed on the

lantai 2 untuk 86th Tower, yang akan

dipakai untuk sebuah pusat
perbelanjaan, kantor dan tempat
tinggal, terbuat dari baja balok dan
lempengan dek. hotel berada di atas
lantai 86 terdiri dari lembaran datar
la n t a i 2 2 5 -3 0 0 m m t e b a l n y a
(gambar: 1). tingkat dasar dan tingkat
bawah tanah yang terbuat dari
beton. sistem tahan akan beban
lateral terdiri dari inti pusat RC
dinding, dua set outriggers baja,
delapan RC mega-kolom dan dua set
gulungan sabuk baja (gambar: 2)
latern teratas terbuat dari diagrid
f ra m e y a n g d i h a d a p k a n p a d a
lateral load resisting system

belt truss


spandrel glirder
structural health monitoring
Lotte World Tower
Reectivity Study

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