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NAME: Rachael Eads

To assist the recommender in representing you as accurately as possible in the letter, please read and respond
to the statements and questions below. The care and thought you give in addressing these prompts may
reiterate what the recommender already knows about you or may help them discover something previously
unobserved. In any event, take nothing for granted.

1. Explain the qualities that you feel you possess which might easily go unnoticed by others.
Qualities that I possess that may go unnoticed by others is my organization skills, my leadership skills,
and my work ethic. I consider myself very hard working and passionate.
2. Complete the following statement as clearly and directly as you can: I am especially proud of the
following achievement.
I am especially proud of my work on Student Council during charity week. I was in charge of the Parent
Cook Off. This was the first time I was in charge of this event and it could not have gone more
3. Mention any factors that have come up during your high school career which you feel have put you at
a disadvantage.

4. Do you feel you present grades are a fair representation of your academic ability? If not, discuss.
Yes, I feel that most of my grades accurately represent my academic ability.
5. What goals have you set for yourself and what are you presently doing to achieve them?
Some goals that I have set for myself is to continue to improve my GPA. I will achieve this goal by
continuing to study, and complete my homework in every class. Another goal I have is to succeed in my
job as Vice President of student council. I will achieve this goal but staying organized, and making
student council a large priority in my everyday life.
6. What activities have you pursued and to what extend? Mention any offices you have held and awards
won. Tell what you gained from this experience.
I have been a part of student council for all of my high school career. For my senior year, I was elected
first Vice President of the executive council. Throughout all of my time on student council I have
learned how to be a good leader, organized, independent and responsible.
7. In what community activities have you participated
I am a dancer at Gotta Dance dance studio. I have been dancing there for about 14 years and I am a
part of their competitive program. I also volunteer with the special needs dance program at Gotta
Dance. I have been a teachers assistant with this program for one year and plan to do it again my
senior year.

8. Explain your personal contribution to the high school community.

With student council, I have been given many opportunities to contribute to my high school
community. Student council is responsible for planning school events such as school dances, pep
assemblys, and charity week. I also attend events such as charity week events and sports events.
9. What are your hobbies?
My hobbies include, dancing, drawing, volunteering, and writing
10. Describe any independent study or special programs/projects in which you have engaged (science,
drama, music serious extra work in a subject.)

11. Describe any work experience you have had paid or unpaid. Describe your responsibilities, dates of
employment, average hours per week, etc.
I babysat last summer for 14 hours per week. And I just recently applied for a waitress job at a local
restaurant. As mentioned before I volunteer with the special needs dance program once a week from
September to June. I also volunteer for school events in student council. And as a NHS member, I have
tutored local elementary schoolers.

12. Describe your summer experiences and what you gained from them:
a. After freshman year:
b. After sophomore year:
I attended a Christian based camp called NTS camp. This camp helped me build close
relationships, helped me build a stronger Christian community and a stronger faith.
c. After junior year:

13. Who are two Athens teachers to whom your counselor might go for further reference?
Mr. Shipp and Mr. Dufrense.
14. Where will you apply/have you applied to college?
Grand Valley, Oakland University, DePaul University, and Hope College.
15. What is your intended major?
Medical, something regarding children, or therapy/psychology.
16. How did you become interested in this major?
Working with children has helped me realize that I thoroughly enjoy being around them. I also feel that
I work well with children. And medicine/psychology has always interested me.
17. What are your intended career plans?
To attend a university after high school.

18. Rate yourself on the following assessment:

Unable to
Superior Good Average Poor
Course Selection x
Academic Preparation x
Academic Motivation x
Reaction to Setbacks
Leadership x
Sense of Humor x
Emotional Maturity x
SelfDiscipline x
SelfConfidence x
Character x
Extracurricular x
Overall Assessment x

19. List activities (grades 912) from Athens and other organizations. Include parttime employment.

Activity 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade

Student Council x x x x
National Honors Society x x
Dance x x x x
JV golf team x

20. List awards (grades 912) from Athens and other organizations.

Activity 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade

Academic Award x x x

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