2016 Fall Faculty Review Form 5

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Fall 2016 Faculty Review of Teacher Candidates

Name: Mobile Phone: Email:

Professional disposi ons needed to teach Content knowledge and pedagogy needed to eec vely teach the content cer ed to
eec vely and interact within a school teach (e.g., birth to age 8).
environment with peers, parents, sta,
and administra on. Pleas
Highly Reco Som Needs Highly Reco Som Needs Comments ini a
recom mme e Improv recom mmen e Impro l the
mende nded conc ement mend ded conc veme line
d ern plan ed ern nt you
Current Field plan evalu
Experiences ate*

Other Courses Performing above Performing equal Performing below I have the following concerns
expecta ons expecta ons expecta ons

*FACULTY: Please include notes on back as relevant or email Chris ne Brown with feedback.

______ A ach your four-year plan to this document, signed by the ADC.
______ Has completed the following prociency exams or sa sed the requirement in another way
__ Math Prof One __ Math Prof Two __ Math Prof Three __ Wri ng Prof __ Spelling Prof __ Technology Prof
__ State Lit I __ State Lit II __ State Lit III

Field Services
______ Has completed a state approved background check.
______ Has applied for student teaching.

Personal Cer ca on
Yes No
___ ___ I turn all academic work in on me
___ ___ My academic work is complete, accurate, and gramma cally correct
___ ___ I follow the Teacher Educa on Prac cum standards of professional dress
___ ___ I demonstrate maturity, responsibility, and ini a ve in my assignments
___ ___ I respec ully and appropriately interact and communicate with University Faculty, peers, and community partners
(e.g., supervisors, coopera ng teachers, parents, etc.)
___ ___ I a end all applicable Majors Mee ngs during on-track semesters
Faculty Signatures
Other faculty member:
Program Director (if not recommended)

Signature and date I cer fy that all of the above informa on is correct and true

Student ________________________________________ ____/____/____


Faculty Review
____ Recommended to con nue in program
____ Recommended with reserva ons
____ Needs an improvement plan please schedule a mee ng with your mentor
____ Not recommended to con nue please schedule a mee ng with your mentor

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