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Organizational Skills

A Tier 2 Intervention
Session Outcomes
To be able to apply an organizational checklist
as a tier 2 intervention
To be able to add organizational checklist to
CICO or Mentoring
Is There a Need?
Disorganization manifests as difficulties with
homework, being prepared for class, managing
long-term projects, and keeping track of personal
belongings. (American Psychiatric Association,
Secondary school educators expect students to
independently manage their time and work
67% of HS teachers view organizational skills as
crucial for student success. (Kerr & Zigmond,
Yes, this is an actual students locker
I always go directly to my
locker after class but I am
still always late?
Why should I bother going
to class. I am just going to
get another detention for
being late and unprepared.
I wish someone would help
me with my locker issues.

Unorganized Desk
leads to
Missing Assignments
which leads to
Poor Grades
Purpose or Outcome
To Facilitate student organization and promote
student ability to sort and store paperwork,
identify assigned homework, and locate
completed assignments when they are due.
Preparing for the Plan
Thinking back to the previous slides
Choose one student who may be exhibiting
one or more of these organizational deficits
Using the Organizational Skills Checklist write
the students name and list skill deficits.

Organizational Skills Checklist template

Steps to Implementation
1. Consider Program Design for your school
2. Identify/select students in need
3. Develop an Organizational Checklist
4. Design a Reinforcement System
5. Select a system for Data Management
6. Plans for Fading
7. Staff Training ( Organizational Checkers)
8. Student and Parent Training

Organizational Skills System Summary

Step 1: Program Design
(addressed in tier 2 meetings)
An intervention coordinator is identified that will
keep track of student data and match incoming
students with an organizational checker
Organizational checkers are identified and trained
Develop a communication system to be utilized
between organizational checker and students
Step 2: Identify/Select Students in
Establish data decision criteria to identify/select
students at risk and in need of organizational
support based on:
Students that turn in homework assignments and
projects less than 80% of the time across classes.
Students whose grades are significantly affected
by missing or lost assignments.
Teacher nomination form
Step 3: Develop an Organizational
Include a place to document the students
Include a place to check each criteria for each
item with a place for totals
Items that may be included on list:
Homework or Assignment folder/planner
Folders or binders for individual classes
Book bag
Organizational Skills Checklist

Student ____________________________


Place a Y in the box for each item that FULLY meets the criteria. Place an N in the box if the
item is missing or does not meet the criteria.

1. Book bag
a) Free from loose papers
b) Homework folder
c) Planner
2. Binder/Folders
a) Folder for each subject
b) Within each subject, there is a place for completed assignments
c) There is a place for incomplete assignments
d) Free from loose papers
e) Notes for each subject are organized from oldest to newest and
3. Planner
a) Free from loose papers or items not related to school
b) Assignments are filled in for each subject
c) Due dates are indicated next to each assignment
d) Enough information is included to complete the assignment
4. Homework folder
a) Free from loose papers.
b) Contains all assignments needed to complete work
c) Has related books when needed to complete assignments
5. Locker
a) Free from loose papers and other unnecessary items.
b) Book and folder/binder for each subject are together on the shelf
c) Books/folders are in the order needed
d) Schedule posted
e) Coats or gym clothes are together in one area
Total out of 20
19/20=95%, 18/20=90%, 17/20=85%, 16/20=80%, 15/20=75%,
14/20=70%, 13/20=65%, 12/20=60%, 11/20=55%, 10/20=50%

Organizational Checklist Sample

Step 4: Reinforcement System
Design a reinforcement system:
Use the first organizational check to establish
baseline to determine initial goal. Increase
goal regularly.
Use verbal praise.
Use current school wide recognition system or
tangibles as needed.
Meeting daily/weekly goals
Other function based reinforcers
Activity Time
Refine Student Organizational Checklist to
meet your students need
Establish a student goal
Determine type and a schedule of
reinforcement to support student
Step 5: Data Management
5. Select a System for Managing Data
Convert organizational checklist to percentage
Chart percentage on graph for visual display
Use excel spreadsheet or Advanced Tier
Spreadsheet to collect data for periodic review
by tier 2 team.
Step 6: Plans for Fading
Establish Data Decision rule:
How long will student be required to be near
100% before fading intervention?
Teach student to self monitor paired with periodic
checks by organizational checker
Reduce the number of times student is checked by
organizational checker until it is done monthly

Sample Fading sheet

Step 7: Staff Training
Train Organizational Checkers
Checker should meet with student in a consistent time
and location
Beginning and/or end of the day most ideal
Plan on spending time the first meeting to help
organize target areas to criteria
Samples or pictures should be kept on site for student
to compare
When student does not meet full criteria, the student
should be instructed to correct the problem (prompts
may be needed)
Step 8: Teaching Students and
Involving Parents

Consider creating a manual to describe

Teach the program to the student and
demonstrate expected behaviors as listed on the
checklist (model expected behavior)
Explain program expectations to parent include a
contract for them to sign agreeing to sign off on
their daily homework
Provide regular updates on student performance
to parents
Parent Admission Form
Clarifying Questions
Additional Ideas

Larger student desk or additional place to

keep materials and assignments
Sticky labels with assignments typed or
written on them
Color coded folders
Accordion folder
String bags in place of backpack
Activity Time
Complete the Organizational Skills Checklist
for your student
Be Prepared to Share
Line Up Activity
Organizational Checklist as part of
CICO or Mentoring
Checker or Mentor can also address
organizational goals
Concluding Thoughts
Main Points:
Universal systems related to organization
have been taught to all students
Organizational system established as part of
tier 2 interventions
Utilize the Organization Skills System Steps as
your guide
Celebrate Progress
Contact Information
Deb Childs Tier 2 Consultant
Karen Westhoff Tier 1 Consultant and Tier 2

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