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The cough coach

correctly cough made easy

What is actually cough?

For the respiratory tract of substances (about

pollutants) to be free, they irritate or narrow, when
coughing explo- sion-like air expelled. Cough is
therefore a type of protection and cleaning reflex,
the various acute and chronic respiratory diseases
accompanied the way. The following symptoms are

sticking, restriction of inflammatory irritation to the

tough mucus in the respiratory tract Respiratory

cause for the cough is often a viral infection, so a cold

or acute bronchitis. Cold cough is usually divided
into the following sections:

Acute bronchitis Cough nonproductive cough 2-3 days

of dry, un- productive cough without eject
up to 14 days productive cough and mucus

up to 8 weeks of dry cough

What cough do i have?

Basically you have to distinguish between productive

and unproduktivem cough:

Productive Cough:

Increased slime formation and cough with litter are

typical features. The abgehus- tete slime away
pathogens from the body - the cough should
therefore not be suppressed.

Moist, slimy, audible slime EJECT

unproductive cough:

the fauces is irritated, the slightest reason can be a

cough impact. Since the cleaning function is
missing, the cough no use - robs a but would like to
go to sleep.


you should symptoms, such as high fever or acute !
Cough seizures that is a clarification by the doctor

"right" for productive cough cough

productive cough is of mucus. The litter is useful and

important - as it can promote, show the following

not too early cough ideally only when the mucus in

the upper neck area is felt.

Max. Max. From a breathing out only 2-3x cough

max length of cough attacks not only to strict, but

also keep the mucus in the respiratory tract.

Against slightly closed lips cough against a resistance

as the lips, cough, facilitates the abhusten of slime
- hard, loud coughing but not: much more irritating
to the respiratory tract due to the strong pressure

Facilitating breathing exercises e.g. Driver seat

"right" for unproduktivem cough cough

when the cough is dry and bellend sounds, there is

probably an unproductive cough. The following tips
will help the often agonizing cough suppression:

saliva swallow the production of saliva can by throat

pastilles (e.g. with Icelandic moss) and a sufficient
quantity of liquid should be encouraged.


Max. a few breaths Superficial breathing too deep

breathing is not conducive:

it strengthens the attraction to cough.

Air short stop reduces the tickling throat, because if

no air flows through the respiratory tract, these
are also not irritated.

Recommendation: saliva swallow, air stop, superficial

continue breathing - then the whole again.

Facilitating breathing exercises e.g. Wall Position

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Exercises to make breathing easier ...

Driver seat

for facilitating breathing exercises like the driver

seat, the wall th lung or the chair support, can both
productive as well as unproduktivem cough.

In all the exercises there is a discharge of the chest -

either by the support or the placement of the arms.
hip-width on the leading edge with the breath
facilitate a chair, back

exercises is an extension just hold upper body

slightly toward the front of the bronchi sought.
Since- bend elbows on the by the resistance in the
thighs support

the respiratory tract and the hands pointing to the

front, head

inhaled air can be relaxd depends down

better to pass through. deep through the nose to

the stomach into the breathing, 10x repeat

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wall position

legs in a slight Gratsch- position forehead on the

entangled forearms restraints inclined to a wall,
lean back straight hold deep through the nose to
the stomach into the breathing, 10x repeat

1-107-01-74-16 Broschure cough coach_RZ.indd 7

CHAIR support

with his legs apart upside down on a chair set

upper body bow slightly forward, back straight
hold arms on the backrest of the chair drop
head on the forearms or hands deep through the
nose to the stomach into the breathing, repeat 10x

10.1 0.16 15:59

cough in the self-medication

cough can usually good with non-prescription March-

Treat neimitteln from the pharmacy. In principle are
chemically defined and herbal preparations
available. This ten diert today the majority of
patients with colds to phytopharmaceuticals, plant-
based drugs. These are usually very well tolerated.

Many cough preparations can either only the one the

coughing un terdrucken (cough suppressant), or
the other, the mucus release (Hus- tenloser). A
preparation, the cough in to its complexity,
counteracts is for example Prospan . The Ivy

tract EA 575 meets the cough with the 4-way power

of the Efeus:

it dissolves the mucus, calls on the breath, relieves

the irritation of the throat and the entzun and
dung. Prospan is in five formulations for young
and old.

Prospan cough liquid, liquid. Prospan cough

luch tablets. Prospan cough juice, liquid. Prospan
cough- drops, liquid. Active substance: ivy leaves
dry extract. Areas of application: for the relief of
symptoms of Chro- nically inflammatory lung
diseases, acute inflammation of the respiratory
tract with the corollary cough. Note:

For longer lasting complaints or in the event of

shortness of breath, fever as well as eitrigem or
bloody discharge,

should be immediately to the doctor. Warnings:

Prospan cough drops contain 47 Vol.-% alcohol! For
risks and side effects please read the package
leaflet and ask your doctor or your pharmacist.

August 2015. Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.

KG, Herzbergstr. 3, 61138 Villabassa Lden.

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What makes Prospan

With the 4-fold power of ivy for the whole family

Liquefies mucus

Helps you breathe more freely

Relieves coughing

Alleviates inflammation

the right choice against coughs?

Prospan cough preparations stand out from others as they are produced using an
individual and unique manufacturing process. This exclusive process results in the
unique Prospan Special-Ivy-Extract EA 575, whose individual characteristics can be
compared to a fingerprint.

Thanks to its pneumoactive

formula, the special extract is able to effectively treat complex cough-related processes.
Prospan liquefies the sticky mucus trapped in the bronchi, allowing it to be coughed up more easily
and thus removed from the body. As a result of the relaxant effect on the bronchi, constricted
airways are widened, enabling you to breathe more freely again.
Prospan cough preparations are effective and especially well tolerated.
Compared to various other cough preparations, Prospan is very versatile. It can be used not only
for acute forms of cough, but also for chronic, inflammatory bronchial conditions. An additional
advantage of Prospanis its broad product range. Youll find a solution to match every age segment.
The appropriate form of administration can be found here.


With the 4-fold power of ivy against coughing due to

The common cold / Acute bronchitis

In response to a viral attack, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract become
inflamed. As the mucous membranes of the upper and lower respiratory tract are very
similar in terms of their construction, a common cold i.e. an infection of the upper
respiratory tract can easily migrate to the bronchi.
In a bronchial inflammation, messenger substances are released which act as chemical stimuli. This
is also often accompanied by increased mucus formation, which is an automatic stimulus. The cilia
no longer manage to expel the mucus. Finely tuned sensors (receptors) in our mucous membranes
detect these different stimuli and send signals to the cough centre in our brain, triggering the reflex:
we start coughing. This can eventually result in a spasm of the bronchial musculature.
By constricting the muscles in combination with coughing, the body tries to expel the mucus. It
becomes difficult to breathe. And coughing is not the only problem: the condition is also often
accompanied by difficulties with swallowing, headaches, and a runny nose.

Coughing due to a common cold in brief

1st phase:
23 days of dry, unproductive coughing due to irritation and/or inflammation of the mucous
2nd phase:
Up to 14 days of mucus-forming, productive coughing
3rd phase:
In the healing phase, which can take as long as 8 weeks, the patient continues to suffer from a
mostly dry cough

Chronic bronchitis / Chronic obstructive bronchitis

continuous coughing with consequences

Chronic bronchitis is a long-term disease of the respiratory tract. Coughing does not stop
when the patient recovers from a common cold or after the usual two-week period.
Typical symptoms include frequent coughing with whitish, sticky mucus, which is
expelled in large quantities, especially in the morning.
The primary cause of chronic bronchitis is smoking. But bacteria (Haemophilus influenzae and
Streptococcus pneumoniae) can also cause chronic bronchitis. The same holds true if the airways
are exposed to dust, gases and vapours for extended periods of time, as is the case for some
workers. With chronic bronchitis, the mucous membranes of the bronchi thicken.

More secretion i.e. mucus is formed. In producing this mucus, the body is trying to counteract the
contamination (by cigarette smoke, bacteria or dust) and to rid itself of the intruders. At the same
time, however, continuous irritation disables the cilia (microscopic hairs) which are supposed to
carry away the mucus. Over the long term, they are completely destroyed.
The bronchi are now permanently inflamed. This has devastating consequences: the wall of the
bronchi becomes thin and unstable. If strong exhalation occurs, the bronchi collapse. This renders
breathing difficult. The case of chronic bronchitis has now become a case of chronic obstructive
bronchitis (COPD).

Chronic bronchitis in brief

Caused by continuous irritation of the bronchi (e.g. smoke)

Bronchi suffer continuous inflammation and damage
Cilia are destroyed
Slimy, sticky, glassy sputum
Must definitely be treated. Over the long term, bronchitis can cause the airways to narrow

Asthma / Bronchial asthma when theres not enough

In people who suffer from asthma, the bronchi overreact to stimuli which are inhaled
with the air. In the case of allergic asthma, those stimuli are allergens such as animal
hair, dust mites or pollen. Asthma has many causes:
Genetic predisposition
Psychosomatic disorders
During an asthma attack, the airways narrow. The person affected experiences a very sudden
difficulty in breathing and a fear of suffocation. The attack can be accompanied by noisy breathing,
coughing, expectoration and feelings of constriction and pressure in the chest cavity. People with
asthmatic diseases should always be under medical care.

When theres not enough air

In this case, it is important that a doctor initiates an asthma-specific therapy early on and that the
person affected follows that therapy. When children are involved, the disease and the therapy often
cause stress for parents and children and as a result, they might not follow the therapy adequately.
The reasons for this include fear of the complicated therapy, for example, or the difficulty of taking
medications but also the unpleasant taste.

Lung inflammation danger! (Pneumonia)

Every year over 100,000 people catch pneumonia in Germany: that makes it the
countrys most common infectious disease. The severity and duration depend on the
pathogen and the patients constitution. In general, however, it can be said that
bacteria-related pneumonias strike the hardest. Inflammation of the lungs should be
treated by a doctor.
When the immune system is weakened, the danger of catching pneumonia is high. In most cases
(70%), it is triggered by bacteria, or less often by viruses or fungi. These pathogens penetrate the
airways and cause inflammation there.
As the bodys own defences are weakened, the inflammation spreads to the alveoli. That means that
respiration is impaired. Less oxygen makes it into the body, and not enough CO 2 can be exhaled.
This creates a life-threatening situation!
Pneumonia is usually accompanied by fever, shivering and chest pains. The coughing is heavy and
expels sputum: first reddish brown, later yellowish green.

Pneumonia in brief

Usually caused by bacteria

Can develop from bronchitis
Inflammation of the mucous membranes spreads to the alveoli
Accompanied by high fever
Cough therapy appears ineffective

Whooping cough not only a childrens disease

Whooping cough is a bacterial infectious disease which is highly contagious and
therefore must be reported. It is caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria.
These are transmitted by droplet infection and multiply in the respiratory tract. There they release a
poison which triggers the coughing and causes the other symptoms of the disease. The incubation
period, i.e. the amount of time between infection and the appearance of the first symptoms, can
take 7 to 20 days!

Whooping cough in brief

Highly contagious infectious disease

Occurs in 3 phases
Staccato-like coughing fits which can lead to vomiting
Sticky, glassy sputum

Croup (laryngitis subglottica)

Croup is an inflammation of the larynx that is caused by a viral infection (rhinoviruses,

adenoviruses or respiratory syncytial viruses). In most cases, croup is accompanied by a
feverish cold.
The disease occurs frequently in the winter and primarily affects children between the age of nine
months and five years because their larynx is still very narrow. The mucous membrane in the area
of the larynx and the vocal chords is inflamed. The inflammation swells the mucous membrane,
causing the airways to narrow. The body reacts with a very dry, barking cough, which usually occurs
at night and very suddenly. This cough is usually accompanied by abnormal whistling sounds
(stridor) while inhaling.

Croup cause for concern?

In most cases the illness causes no harm, but the sensation of difficult breathing can be very
frightening for a child. Since a dangerous epiglottis inflammation can also cause these symptoms, a
doctors visit is also absolutely necessary here.

Ivy as a phytoactive ingredient

For centuries now, people have been relying on the healing power of ivy to treat
inflammatory bronchial conditions. Today, in modern phytomedicine, ivy is used as a
medication for the effective treatment of coughing. The full extent of its capabilities is
the subject of continuous research, however, and new studies are providing more and
more details.

Good to know:

Compared to various other cough preparations, Prospan is very versatile. It can be used not only
for acute forms of cough, but also to accompany therapy for chronic, inflammatory bronchial
conditions with coughing as a symptom.
The important active ingredients of ivy are the saponins. Where and how they act is the subject of
current research. Scientists have discovered, for example, that the dilating effect that these
saponins have on the bronchi also depends on their concentration.

The exact composition and production of an ivy extract can therefore have an influence on its actual
effectiveness. Prospan cough preparations stand out from others as they are produced using an
individual and unique manufacturing process. This exclusive process results in the unique
Prospan Special-Ivy-Extract EA 575, whose individual characteristics can be compared to a

Phytopharmaceutical trend increasing demand

A study by the Allensbach Institute found that the demand for naturopathy is constantly increasing.
In the 1970s, for example, only about 50% of the population used natural remedies and now
nearly 75% of patients prefer to use plant-based medications.

Many plant-based medications today have been very thoroughly studied with regard to their
effectiveness and tolerability. For the consumer, this means very good tolerability in use.
Phytopharmaceuticals also offer benefits from a
therapeutic viewpoint:
Many diseases have complex causes and can be better treated by combinations of active
ingredients than by a single active ingredient.
Phytopreparations often have a broader therapeutic efficacy profile compared to synthetic
Plant-based medications are generally very well tolerated and comfortable to use.
Research and quality assurance
More than 60 years experience in basic research, continuous advancement and innovative
perspectives Engelhard Arzneimittel applies these strengths for the benefit of its patients. The
focus is on producing particularly well-tolerated medicines and medical devices, whose effect,
strength, and form of administration are all geared towards patients individual needs.

Know where it comes from our quality assurance starts long before completion of the end product.
A bottle of our cough syrup Prospan undergoes a large number of checks before it can be found on
pharmacy shelves in its finished packaging: from raw material checks to in-process controls, right
through to the seamless final inspections. As a manufacturer of medicines we assume a special
responsibility, as is reflected in our official certifications and strict production standards.

Plants are not exactly medicine

All well-researched medicinal plants valerian, St. Johns wort, ivy, etc. now exist as extract and in
the form of tablets, liquids, etc. But how does a finished medication differ from the traditional
infusions or tinctures which were often still prepared at home in Grannys day? Ivy serves as a good
example to explain the difference: the plant-based active ingredient of ivy is not the plant itself, but
rather the dried ivy leaf extract. The extract is a complex composite mixture of active ingredients,
whose composition is influenced by several decisive factors.
These include the quality of the medicinal plant and the part of it which is used as raw material, the
medium used to extract the medicinal plant-based active ingredient, and the manufacturing process
ultimately applied.

Note: there is no such thing as a specifically defined extract from a medicinal plant; a copy is
nearly impossible!
Prospan Special-Ivy-Extract EA 575
The hallmark of Prospan cough preparations is their individual and unique manufacturing process.
This patented process results in the unique Prospan Special-Ivy-Extract EA 575, whose individual
characteristics can be compared to a fingerprint.
Thats why Prospan is unlike any other ivy syrup and Prospan also has the highest ivy content.
The 4-fold power of ivy has only been shown to be present in the Special-Ivy-Extract EA
575contained in Prospan.
Unlike other, chemical cough medicine, this special extract is able to provide comprehensive
treatment for the full range of complex cough-related processes. Its ingredients can not only liquefy
the mucus, but also reduce the cramping of the bronchial muscles and relieve the urge to cough.
Many other products can perform only one function suppress coughing or the other liquefy


Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460 to about 375 BC), helped to establish the
tremendous popularity of ivy as a medicinal plant. He still knew nothing about its
healing ingredients, however. Rather, he believed in gods and spirits who lived in the
plants and gave them their healing power.
Other physicians who also held the healing power of ivy in high esteem included both Dioscorides
(about 40 to 90 AD), military physician under Nero, and more than a thousand years later Hildegard
von Bingen (1098 1179). Hildegard recommended ivy for external use only, however, with the
explanation she gave for its efficacy reflecting a commonly held belief at the time namely, that the
disease was transferred from patient to plant.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 1519) was also aware of the healing action of ivy: according to his reports,
wild boars cured their diseases with ivy. In the 16th century, ivy attracted increasing attention as a
drug for the treatment of inflammatory bronchial conditions. But it was not until the 19th century
that ivy made its breakthrough from simple folk remedy to a natural cough medication which could
be taken seriously.

And that happened by accident:

A physician noticed that the children in a certain region in southern France suffered from coughing
less frequently than in other places. He discovered that those children drank their milk from ivy
wood bowls. He came to the conclusion that there must be substances in the wood which were
transferred into the milk and which provided protection against coughing. And he was right. But
today we know that the active substances in ivy are primarily contained in the leaves.
Package leaflet

Prospan Cough Lozenges

Powerful protection against coughing, soothing for the throat

Belongs in every household that has children

From the first day of life onwards1

Has a fruity, cherry taste
Contains no sugar or alcohol
1 Please ask your doctor before giving to infants younger than 1 year old.

Suitable for use at home

New, now available in a bottle

For adults
Fresh menthol taste
Prospan Cough Lozenges offer powerful protection against coughing and soothe the throat. The practical
lozenge has a pleasant orange and menthol taste, and letting it dissolve in your mouth soothingly moistens the
mucus in your throat and relieves the urge to cough. These lozenges keep you well armed against coughing attacks,
no matter where you go.

Prospan Cough Liquid with a menthol taste is now available in a bottle, suitable for use at home. The menthol
flavouring lends a cooling sensation and even during intake gives you the feeling that you can breathe freely again
and are refreshened. Prospan Cough Liquid in the 120-ml bottle covers full treatment for 7 days (adult dose of 3 x
5 ml).

The benefits of Prospan at a glance

Contains the unique Prospan Special-Ivy-Extract

Liquefies trapped mucus
Effectively reduces coughing
Widens constricted bronchial airways
Alleviates inflammation
Promotes healing
Offers products for every age
Effective and especially well tolerated
Approved for acute and chronic cough conditions

Prospan as unique as a fingerprint

Prospan cough medicine is produced in an individual and unique manufacturing process. This exclusive process
produces the highly unique Prospan Special-Ivy-Extract EA 575 with the pneumoactive formula.

This special extract is able to treat complex cough-related processes effectively. Prospan liquefies the sticky
mucus trapped in the bronchi, allowing it to be coughed up more easily and thus removed from the body. As a result
of the relaxant effect on the bronchi, constricted airways are widened, enabling you to breathe freely again. Ivy
extract has anti-inflammatory effects and promotes healing.

Compared to various other cough preparations, Prospan is very versatile. It can be used not only for acute forms
of cough, but also for chronic, inflammatory bronchial conditions with coughing as a symptom.

Prospan Cough Lozenges

Powerful protection against coughing, soothing for the throat

Ideal for on the go and when on holiday

Taken without liquid or a spoon
Fresh orange and menthol taste
Belongs in every medicine cabinet

The discreet administration option Prospan Cough Lozenges offer powerful protection against coughing and
soothe the throat. They can be taken discreetly without liquid or a spoon: just let them dissolve in your mouth
slowly. The practical lozenge has a pleasant orange and menthol taste, and letting it dissolve in your mouth
soothingly moistens the mucus in your throat and relieves the urge to cough. These lozenges keep you well armed
against coughing attacks, no matter where you go.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Liquid, in a bottle

Suitable for use at home

New, now available in a bottle

For adults
Fresh menthol taste
Prospan Cough Liquid with a menthol taste is now available in a bottle, suitable for use at home. The menthol
flavouring lends a cooling sensation and even during intake gives you the feeling that you can breathe freely again
and are refreshened. Prospan Cough Liquid in the 105-ml bottle covers ful treatment for 7 days (adult dose of 3 x
5 ml).

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Liquid

Ideal for on the go and when on holiday

Taken without a spoon or any additional fluid

Fresh menthol taste
Belongs in every medicine cabinet

The practical solution for when you are out and about. You will be familiar with the problem: bedrest is hardly ever
possible when you are trying to recover from a cough. Prospan Cough Liquid helps you to deal with the situation:
it is a well-tolerated liquid with a pleasant taste, packed in individual sachets which you can administer easily
without needing water or a spoon wherever you happen to be.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Syrup

Belongs in every household that has children

From the first day of life onwards1

Has a fruity, cherry taste
Contains no sugar or alcohol
1 Please ask your doctor before giving to infants younger than 1 year old.

Effective and very well tolerated suitable not only for children, but also for the whole family. No medicine cabinet
should be without Prospan Cough Syrup. The tasty cherry flavour makes it childs play to take, and it contains no
alcohol or sugar. The dried ivy leaf extract in syrup form is pleasant for people of all ages.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Drops

Our classic product for adults

Take on sugar or in teas/infusions

For children from the age of 1 and also for adults
The classic product against coughing and bronchitis, with the full power of ivy. Highly effective yet well tolerated,
Prospan Cough Drops can be taken in many different ways, e.g. on sugar, in teas/infusions or juice and even
children as young as 1 year old can take them.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Lozenges

Powerful protection against coughing, soothing for the throat

Ideal for on the go and when on holiday

Taken without liquid or a spoon
Fresh orange and menthol taste
Belongs in every medicine cabinet

The discreet administration option Prospan Cough Lozenges offer powerful protection against coughing and
soothe the throat. They can be taken discreetly without liquid or a spoon: just let them dissolve in your mouth
slowly. The practical lozenge has a pleasant orange and menthol taste, and letting it dissolve in your mouth
soothingly moistens the mucus in your throat and relieves the urge to cough. These lozenges keep you well armed
against coughing attacks, no matter where you go.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Liquid, in a bottle

Suitable for use at home

New, now available in a bottle

For adults
Fresh menthol taste

Prospan Cough Liquid with a menthol taste is now available in a bottle, suitable for use at home. The menthol
flavouring lends a cooling sensation and even during intake gives you the feeling that you can breathe freely again
and are refreshened. Prospan Cough Liquid in the 105-ml bottle covers ful treatment for 7 days (adult dose of 3 x
5 ml).

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Liquid

Ideal for on the go and when on holiday

Taken without a spoon or any additional fluid

Fresh menthol taste
Belongs in every medicine cabinet

The practical solution for when you are out and about. You will be familiar with the problem: bedrest is hardly ever
possible when you are trying to recover from a cough. Prospan Cough Liquid helps you to deal with the situation:
it is a well-tolerated liquid with a pleasant taste, packed in individual sachets which you can administer easily
without needing water or a spoon wherever you happen to be.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Syrup

Belongs in every household that has children

From the first day of life onwards1

Has a fruity, cherry taste
Contains no sugar or alcohol
1 Please ask your doctor before giving to infants younger than 1 year old.

Effective and very well tolerated suitable not only for children, but also for the whole family. No medicine cabinet
should be without Prospan Cough Syrup. The tasty cherry flavour makes it childs play to take, and it contains no
alcohol or sugar. The dried ivy leaf extract in syrup form is pleasant for people of all ages.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Drops

Our classic product for adults

Take on sugar or in teas/infusions

For children from the age of 1 and also for adults

The classic product against coughing and bronchitis, with the full power of ivy. Highly effective yet well tolerated,
Prospan Cough Drops can be taken in many different ways, e.g. on sugar, in teas/infusions or juice and even
children as young as 1 year old can take them.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

Prospan Cough Lozenges

Powerful protection against coughing, soothing for the throat

Ideal for on the go and when on holiday

Taken without liquid or a spoon
Fresh orange and menthol taste
Belongs in every medicine cabinet
The discreet administration option Prospan Cough Lozenges offer powerful protection against coughing and
soothe the throat. They can be taken discreetly without liquid or a spoon: just let them dissolve in your mouth
slowly. The practical lozenge has a pleasant orange and menthol taste, and letting it dissolve in your mouth
soothingly moistens the mucus in your throat and relieves the urge to cough. These lozenges keep you well armed
against coughing attacks, no matter where you go.

Package leaflet (only available in German)

The benefits of Prospan at a glance

Contains the unique Prospan Special-Ivy-Extract EA 575

Liquefies trapped mucus
Effectively reduces coughing
Widens constricted bronchial airways
Alleviates inflammation
Promotes healing
Offers products for every age
Effective and especially well tolerated
Approved for acute and chronic cough conditions

to treat complex cough-related processes effectively. Prospan liquefies the sticky mucus trapped in the bronchi,
allowing it to be coughed up more easily and thus removed from the body. As a result of the relaxant effect on the
bronchi, constricted airways are widened, enabling you to breathe freely again. Ivy extract has anti-inflammatory
effects and promotes healing.

Compared to various other cough preparations, Prospan is very versatile. It can be used not only for acute forms
of cough, but also for chronic, inflammatory bronchial conditions with coughing as

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