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Egyptian Masks Culture .

The background behind the

Egyptian culture is that they made
By: Miguel Morales
masks for the people that died because
they believed that they would come
back from the dead and they also used
them for to tell stories about that
The culture that I decide to study
important person that died. The
was the egyptian culture. The place
Egyptians usually made their masks
where the egyptian culture is located is
with gold and some other materials. On
in egypt. I research the egyptian culture
the mask they usually put symbols and
because the animals they use and the
animals to tell a story about those
symbols they use are unique , and I
special persons
wanted to study a unique place so that's
The elements that I used from
why I decided to do my research on the
the egyptian culture was the was the
egyptian culture.
color gold and a type of animal as the
outline of my mask. I used the cross
symbol.The thing that i didnt like from
my mask was paint because it all came
out terrible because i didnt try my

The egyptian culture was located

in egypt. The egyptian culture was a
culture where they believed in gods and
they also sacrificed people believing
that the gods would there for them.The
reason I researched this culture was
because of their unique using of the

My mask culture is from Egypt

Africa and the culture is the Egyptian

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