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Match the sentences with the characters

She is __ __ __ __

They are __ __ __ __ , __ __ __ __ ,
and __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

It is __ __ __ __

They are __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
and __ __ __ __

He is __ __ __ __

I am ___________________
2. Follow the example
(Anna Elsa) She isnt Anna. She is Elsa.

a. (Sven Olaf) _It isnt Sven. It is Olaf.________

b. (Anna and Elsa Hans and Kristoff) They arent Anna and Elsa. They
are Hans and Kristoff.______________________
c. (Rapunzel Cinderella) __She isnt Rapunzel. She is Cinderella.___
d. (Kristoff Hans) __He isnt Kristoff. He is Hans.___________
e. (Mickey Mouse Spongebob) It isnt Mickey Mouse. It is Spongebob.
f. (Olaf and Sven Tom and Jerry) _They arent Olaf and Sven. They are
Tom and Jerry._

3. Transform the sentences into negative

I am in Arandelle. I am not in Arandelle.

a. Anna is a queen. _________________________________________________

b. Elsa is a princess. ________________________________________________
c. Hans is from Italy. _______________________________________________
d. Rapunzel is a beautiful girl. ________________________________________
e. Olaf and Hans are good friends. ____________________________________
f. Anna and I are in New York. ______________________________________

4. Complete with verb to be

She _is__ Anna.

a. He ____ a teacher.
b. They ______ Sven and Kristoff.
c. It ____ Mickey Mouse.
d. Minnie ___ in Walt Disney World.
e. Elsa and Anna _____ sisters.
f. Kristoff and Sven _______ good friends
g. I _____ a princess.

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