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Unit 3 Exam Chapters 16 & 17

The Unit 3 Exam is taken at the Greenville Tech Distance Learning Center on the
days specified in the syllabus calendar. Information on the location, hours of
operation and policies are found here:
Note the testing center will not admit students to take exams if they do not arrive
at least 1 hour prior to the published testing center closing time.

The breakdown of question types on the Unit 3 Exam is as follows:

1 Matching question. Each matching set has 10 terms to match with the
correct definition. Each correct match is worth 1 point
4 True/False questions worth 2 points each
21 Multiple Choice questions worth 2 points each
4 Image Identification questions worth 4 points each
3 Short Answer questions worth 5 points each
1 Essay question worth 10 points

Question type notes:

image identification questions: you will be shown a specific work of art
from the list below, you must provide the art works title, the artists name
(last name is fine), the culture, and period it is associated with.
short answer questions: for each question you will be shown an image
that is associated with the periods and cultures listed below. The unknown
images will be similar to the art works listed below. For your response you
must be able to indicate the correct culture and period/style of the art work
as well as demonstrate the specific visual characteristics of the image that
you based your identification on.
essay question you will be shown an image from the list below. You will
need to provide the title, artist, culture and period for the work of art.
Additionally, you will need to briefly discuss the ways in which the image
utilizes typical visual approaches associated with the period in which it was
produced. You are expected to provide at least 3 different examples from the

Below are the works of art from Chapters 16 and 17 that you may encounter on
your test. Though you will not be tested on specific dates you will want to develop a
strong understanding of each culture and period, recognizing the visual
characteristics that are unique to each. You also must know and comprehend
related terminology and techniques that relate to these works of art.

Northern Renaissance
Limbourg Bros., May calendar page from Tres Riches Heures
Campin, Merode Altarpiece
van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini and his Bride
Durer, Adam and Eve
Brueghel the Elder, Peasant Wedding
Italian Renaissance
Masaccio, Holy Trinity
Ghiberti, Sacrifice of Isaac
Brunelleschi, Florence Cathedral Dome
Donatello, David
Botticelli, Birth of Venus
da Vinci, The Last Supper
Mona Lisa
Michelangelo, David
Creation of Adam detail from The Sistine Chapel Ceiling
Dome St. Peters
Raphael, School of Athens

Pontormo, Entombment

Italian Baroque
Bernini, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
Caravaggio, Conversion of St. Paul

Spanish Baroque
Velazquez, Las Meninas

Dutch Baroque
Rembrandt, Syndics of the Drapers Guild; Self-Portrait

Fragonard, Happy Accidents of the Swing

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