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1. What do you know about graffiti? Do the quiz!

1. Where did prehistoric people paint on?

a. Caves b. Canvas c. Trees
2. Which of these walls was graffiti- painted froem end to end?
a. The Wailing Wall in Israel b. The Berlin wall c. The Great Wall of China
3. Where did Graffiti art start?
a. Spain b. USA c. Germany
4. The meaning of the word graffiti is
a. Graphic b. twisted lines c. scratched
5. The TAG is the artists
a. Photograph b. signature c. spray paint
2. Watch the video. Write T or F
a. The owner of the furniture building is very happy with graffiti. ____
b. The Contemporary Museum of L.A shows graffitis history. ___
c. The police say that the exhibition is raising graffiti vandalism around the museum. ____
d. Spice invader is the name of a police organization. ___
e. The woman at the museum keeps thinking that graffiti is vandalism. ____
f. The man thinks graffiti should be at home, not in buildings. ____
3. Complete the web with words related to GRAFFITI:

a) T_g__r b) V____l___
c) S___y P___t d) S _ _ i _ _ _e

e) A_____ i_ f) W_ l _


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