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Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Gender Discrimination: Effects on female Maritime students of John B. Lacson

Foundation Maritime University Arevalo Inc.

Review of Related Literature


Sexism means discrimination based on sex. Sexism can be compared to racism; in

both the differences between two (or more) groups are viewed as indications that one

group is superior or inferior.

R.A. 6275 Section 1 Article 134 stated that it shall be unlawful for any employer

to discriminate against any woman employee with respect to terms and conditions of

employment solely on account of her sex (R.A. 6275, Section 1, Article 134).

The concept of sexism was originally formulated to raise consciousness about the

oppression of girls and women, although by the early 21st century it had sometimes been

expanded to include the oppression of any sex, including men and boys, intersexual

people, and transgender people. Sexism in a society is most commonly applied against

women and girls. It functions to maintain patriarchy, or male domination, through

ideological and material practices of individuals, collectives, and institutions that oppress

women and girls on the basis of sex or gender.

Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Difference of women in the past Vs. Women in the present:

Women in the past:

For thousands of years, women (in cultures dominated by men) were subserviaent

to men. The lineage in most cultures generally follows the male line of the family. No

rules or religion says so, but most male and his family prefers it that way (Nasa, 2014).

Women are not allowed to make major decisions in the family and are expected to

submit in all things to the husband (Nasa, 2014).

They cannot own anything, and they are not permitted to go to school. Education

is not permitted for women in the past. Education was only for the males in the past. It

was never encouraged for women (Nasa, 2014).

Women have traditionally been very involved in food preparation, which many

cultures expanded to include agricultural efforts to raise food as well as collecting water,

gathering fuel for cooking, and making objects needed by the family such as clothing

(Nasa, 2014).

Women are not dominant in business too. They are used in the work areas like

agriculture or handcraft just to benefit from their physical power. They were no

difference that slaves (Nasa, 2014).

They are not allowed to use their brain in any circumstances as their thoughts

wont be bothered to be listened. In the Middle east country like Egypt and Turkey,

women are not allowed to voice out their opinion (Nasa, 2014).
Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Women are excluded from public roles on religious life. Women are not expected

to participate in public prayers (Nasa, 2014).

Women must only live to serve men (Nasa, 2014).

Women are not inherited with any inheritance, not even from the father or

husband. Women are always treated lower than men in order to have constant control on

them (Nasa, 2014).

Women in the present:

Women now are braver. They are entitled with proper education. By having

education, women dont doubt themselves and become confident (Nasa, 2014).

Women are no longer swallowed by shadows of men. They voice out their point

of view. Nevertheless, they are an important asset in our society (Nasa, 2014).

Women like Hillary Clinton and The First Lady are important to nation. Their

intelligence and willpower are not mistreated. They are needed for creating new changes

massively. They could be said as the women behind a mans success. Men are like

diamonds but women now are like the gold base beneath it. Without women it seems hard

to take steps (Nasa, 2014).

Women earlier had the role of home maker alone, now they are the bread earner

and the home maker together (Nasa, 2014).

Women now could make big changes in peoples life instead of only making

changes for family like how women in the past did. Like for example, Oprah Winfrey.
Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

She dedicated her life to help many children and women throughout the world (Nasa,


In just these terms, the inadequacy of a definition of sexism as any act or policy

involving an "irrelevant or impertinent marking of the distinction between sexes." She

then bids us to consider an employer who refuses to hire a woman for a managerial

position on the stated grounds that his employees would not accept the authority of a


Gender inequality is an acute and persistent problem, especially in developing

countries. This paper argues that gender discrimination is an inefficient practice. We

model gender discrimination as the complete exclusion of females from the labor market

or as the exclusion of females from managerial positions (Esteve-Volart, 2004).

It reports on an International Labour Organization (ILO) commissioned study

which aimed to explore employment policies and practices regarding women seafarers

and the experiences of women seafarers themselves. The data suggested that those

employers who had experience employing women seafarers were generally very positive

about their skills and abilities. Women seafarers themselves were dedicated and

committed to a sea-going career (Thomas, 2004).

While female participation in work places has increased over the last decades,

women only make up 12 % of the 1.25 million seafarers worldwide. The International

Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labor Organizations are making a

concerted effort to promote women into the maritime industry. Still, there are barriers
Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

in the maritime industry that hinder female employment, particularly in leadership

positions (Fjrli, Nazir, vergrd, 2017).


The said research aims to mitigate Gender Discrimination onboard the vessel as

a female maritime students. So, this means that women nowadays are barely different

from the women in the past. The gap between male and female has been bridged

together and females are treated the same with males. But as a female mariner, they can

still be discriminated, because there are a lot of works that needs men power. We

already have some respected women in our life, best example is Oprah Winfrey.

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