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Internationalisation at

Macquarie University

CRICOS Provider No 00002J

Internationalisation at
Macquarie University
Provide all students with the opportunity for high quality international experiences1

1. Preamble 2. Internationalisation@Macquarie Statement

Macquarie is expanding its focus on the internationalisation Macquarie University pursues discovery, learning and service
of learning, teaching, research, and community engagement. in a world without borders.
The aim is for Macquarie to take a place as a peer amongst
the top 200 research universities in the world and to prepare 3. Internationalisation@Macquarie
Macquarie’s students for a life of participation, open enquiry Internationalisation@Macquarie operates at four levels:
and successful employment as global citizens. • Students
1. Incorporate inter-cultural and global perspectives • Curriculum
into research, learning and teaching activities and
community service engagement; • Staff

2. Enhance and ensure the quality of educational • Research

activities and strategic partnerships; This plan ensures that these four dimensions are incorporated
3. Diversify recruitment, curricula and student across the University. This plan aligns with the University’s
experience. Strategic Direction document, Learning & Teaching Plan and
Research Plan.


Macquarie University
pursues discovery,
learning and service in
a world without borders


Macquarie@50, action 16, p. 11
4. Objectives and Strategies
4.1 Incorporate inter-cultural and global perspectives into research, learning and teaching activities and
community service and engagement

Objective Strategy Indicator

Students: Incorporate international and inter- Increased proportion of students
Support the internationalisation of cultural perspectives into the student receiving international experiences in
learning and teaching for all students. learning experience. learning, teaching and research through
programs such as the GLP and Global
Futures programs.
Curriculum: Incorporate global perspectives into All units will normally have a global
Develop and support culturally inclusive learning objectives, strategies and perspective by 2012.
and internationally focussed learning and curriculum content.
teaching practice & programs.
Develop baseline criteria for minimum Minimum standards developed with
standards for the internationalisation of results reported at a Faculty level.
curriculum by LTC.
Conduct an audit of all Unit Outlines by Audit outcomes implemented at the
end 2009. department level.
Staff: Define teaching requirements for Guidelines to be developed by LTC for
Develop international awareness and inter-cultural competencies and teaching for diversity developed by end
capabilities within University staff. provide training and development 2009. Performance Review and
opportunities for all staff
Performance process to incorporate
inter-cultural training and development
Recognise and reward staff who have One University-wide scheme and one
contributed to internationalisation@MQ scheme per faculty established by the
end of 2010.
Research: Promote globally relevant and Increased staff exchanges, OSP visits
Support the internationalisation of recognised research through and visitors to MQ.
research. collaboration with partner institutions
Increased number of students enrolled
and industry.
in cotutelle programs over previous
Increased number of International
research students
Award seed funding to support new Number of new research initiatives
research initiatives to enhance the funded with allocation from seed
internationalisation priorities at Faculty funding.
levels and through central funding.
Encourage academic staff exchanges Increased International collaborative
and visits, and joint research projects research projects over previous years.
and publications with international Increased number of academic staff and
colleagues. general support staff using search tool
such as

T here is an emerging view that to benefit both domestic and international students, higher education institutions need to
focus on internationalizing the delivery and content of courses.
Source: 2008 Bradley Report pg.52_ Review of Higher Education.
 igher education now involves intensive global networking among institutions, academics and students, as well as with
business and industry. Source: 2008 Bradley Report pg.8_ Review of Higher Education.
4.2 Enhance and ensure the quality of educational activities and strategic partnerships

Objective Strategy Indicator

Students: Ensure consistent language admission Improved entry cut-offs for students
Establish and maintain high standards of requirements are appropriate to the applying for admission over previous
entry, teaching and student and graduate discipline. years.
Ensure appropriate GPA entry standard
for articulating students with pathway
Provide additional student services Improved support schemes.
support for local and international ESL
Increased student retention,
achievement, progression and
Monitor progression in academic completion rates over previous years.
Curriculum: Undertake a needs analysis to identify Needs analysis completed
Create an Internationalisation Fund. funds required for Internationalisation
Increased funds are allocated to support Funds acquitted to achieve quality
an international student experience. learning outcomes as measured by staff
and student feedback.
Develop links with three Universities in
region to promote the Global Futures Staff and students have engaged in
Program. initiatives at participating Universities.
Staff: Develop local and international At least one international
Diversify community engagement benchmarking partnerships benchmarking partnership per faculty is
activities and academic partnerships established by the end of 2009
Research: Institute a variety of university-level Achieve fifteen new cotutelle
Enhance the quality of Macquarie’s agreements and partnerships with a agreements p.a.
International research partnerships and select group of world-class international
Increase overseas competitive grant
activities universities
funding applications by two - three p.a.
over previous years.
Measure inward/outward activities for
each cotutelle arrangement

4.3 Diversify recruitment, curricula and student experience

Objective Strategy Indicator

Students: Achieve and maintain a diverse A more diverse student profile across
Enhance the learning experiences of international student profile across disciplines and faculties.
students through greater cross cultural disciplines.
Recognise and utilise the inherent Increase opportunities for students Use Student Feedback mechanisms to
diversity of the student body and use their to experience/ study global cross demonstrate cross-cultural recognition
knowledge and experiences as a cultural cultural issues from multi disciplinary as a graduate competency.
resource. perspectives
Increase student recognition of
the value of greater cross-cultural
engagement and global citizenship.
Curriculum: Develop new programs that reflect Programs and units in each faculty are
Achieve a curriculum that reflects global people, planet, and participation in developed that reflect this aspiration.
perspectives. cross-disciplinary areas.
Increased participation in language
Provide integrated access to academic Implement academic literacy and proficiency initiatives across MQ.
literacy programs within the curriculum language proficiency initiatives for local
Improved performance, retention
and international students.
and completion rates in language
proficiency initiatives across MQ.
Staff: Use the Performance Development At least one staff member from each
Internationalise the competency and and Review process to encourage faculty and service area participates in
experience of all staff and record staff cross-disciplinary and programs such as the Global Futures
internationalisation competence. program p.a.
Explore development opportunities Examples of programs which have been
for all staff to contribute to an implemented to achieve this goal.
improvement of inter-cultural
Research: Students and staff participate in Number of schemes that are engaging
Engage students and staff in service research related work experience that students and staff to do this type of
learning opportunities in Australia and anticipates and addresses global issues research. Measure of students and staff
overseas which embrace cross-disciplinary engaged in these schemes.
research projects.

Many commentators have suggested a more diverse spread of international students would lead to a better experience for
domestic and international students and reap broader public good benefits. Source: 2008 Bradley Report pg.51_ Review of
Higher Education.
5. Glossary Global Futures
An Agreement with Australian Volunteers International
(AVI) to provide Macquarie University staff and students an
Academic Literacy
opportunity to participate in local, regional and international
The capacity to undertake study and research, and to community-based projects of mutual benefit.
communicate findings and knowledge, in a manner
appropriate to the particular disciplinary conventions and
scholarly standards expected at university level. GLP
Source: University of Western Australia, 2004. Global Leadership Program
Cotutelle GPA
A cotutelle agreement is an agreement between institutions Grade Point Average. The Grade Point Average (GPA) of a
in different countries for the joint enrolment, supervision student is a calculation which reflects the overall grade of a
and examination of research students, so that each student student.
engages in a research experience in both institutions.
Cross Cultural
Inter-cultural competence is the ability to successfully
Culture consists of a wide range of evolving patterns of communicate with people of other cultures.
behaviour and beliefs, such as morals, law, food choices,
clothing, rituals and religious practice, learned since birth and
which tend to characterise a group of people at a given point The process of integrating an international and inter-cultural
in time. Within the education system, cultural awareness is an dimension into the teaching, research and services of
understanding of the values and differences of one’s own and Macquarie University.
other cultures and adapting learning, teaching and research LTC
activities to encompass a more holistic framework.
Learning and Teaching Centre
Involving two or more academic disciplines in the pursuit of
research, learning and teaching activities. Outside Studies Program: opportunity for selected
academic staff to spend an extended period working on
ESL their Macquarie research programs at (usually) overseas
English as a Second Language. institutions.
The dictionary meaning for Global states: ‘pertaining to the
whole world; a worldwide initiative’. For Macquarie University
this is how this higher education institution adapts its
learning, teaching, and research with a world wide approach.

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