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Patricia May C.

Compra BS PSYCH 1

The Human Barricade Experience.

At first I was quite intrigued when I heard about the human barricade activity because

last year when I was still in 4th year high school I went with my boyfriend when it was his turn to

do the human barricade because back then he was 1st year college in USC. Maybe, back then I

saw it as an easy kind of job because all they did was stand there by the side walk, forming one

straight line and they just stood there for the whole day. But I can say my experience is a lot

different from my boyfriends. We were assigned in front of Metro Bank at Fuente. There were

two lines that a barricade consists of the front line and the back line.

Though there were disagreements at first, eventually we came up with the final formation

which is the front liners would be the girls and the back would be the boys. From time to time,

hard-headed people were just minimal but when the procession came there were a lot of

irresponsible devotees. The main purpose of the human barricade is to avoid stampede by not

letting people insert where ever they want to, but it has come to my disappointment that

Cebuanos or even the different devotees of the Santo Nino could be as hard-headed as usual.

Why can I say that? One adult couple asked if they could insert because they have missed

the procession. Our class explained that it was just orders that we wouldnt let him pass. Taking

that we are just girls he forced himself into breaking our line even with his wife telling him to

stop. So to sum it up it was a bitter sweet experience as much as its tiresome it also taught me

to be more patient as well.

Patricia May C. Compra BS PSYCH 1

Search and Rescue Seminar.

The search and rescue first started with a seminar of the basic things to do. So obviously

we just sat there and listened to the speaker. He told us about the importance of knowing these

things. And I see it as essential thing to learn because what if someone is in danger and the

rescuers are nowhere in sight what will you do? The feeling of being useless in a situation is awful

so people will decide to take matters into their own hands.

After which we were asked to go to the health care building to perform the search and

rescue there. It took a while before we could have our turn. We were asked to organize our

teams. There will be 3 rescuers and 3 victims, I first took place as a victim. We were placed inside

the faculty room and was asked to lay down and call for help, a few minutes later help came. My

fellow nstp batch mates went in crawling and blindfolded. They went to where I was and

performed the shirt drag. And once I was rescued they performed the piggy back ride and went

off. I did the same thing when it was my turn. It was really scary as I was blindfolded and came in

the room with nothing but relaying on my partner. Eventually it was all over I performed the shirt

drag and piggy back ride.

Therefore I realized that rescuing someone isnt as easy as getting in the danger and get

the victim out of it. No, it needs quick thought, stamina, and physical strength.
Patricia May C. Compra BS PSYCH 1

The Fire Prevention Seminar.

There were two parts of this activity first was the seminar that gave us basic information

of the activity second was the hands on and first-hand experience of the fire equipments. The

seminar consists of the different kinds of fire theories and the kinds of fire. I learned that not all

kinds of fire can be put out by water. And it felt like my whole life was a lie because I always

thought water can put out any fire. Like for one the class d kind of fire that is combustible by

metal and can only be put out by dry powder.

The second activity was very fun although I was quite late because there was no usc bus

present and it way up to the health care building. I was able to perform the right way to turn on

a fire hose. And I didnt expected that it will need two people to hold it till I was able to put it on

and it indeed had a lot of pressure. The second one was unloading the fire hose and putting it

back in its usual form and the third one was putting out fire with the fire extinguisher though we

werent able to perform the last activity because they ran out of fire extinguishers. But to top it

all I learned a lot from this activity and the activities that the NSTP subject has to offer.

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