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ROMAN URBANISM Beyond the Consumer City Edited by HELEN M. PARKINS R London and New York 20 Ray Lawrence ‘TvesendsP (197), Foe the Unite Ringo: Suey of Hoare Told Revere Stans arson tolcmpte. i A. Walle Hl (ed), Parone it Ancien Soe {Seer Notch Str act Sy aman, ‘Whitaker, © RMD, The poor ia A. Gard (ed), The Romans ae elses the ing coins othe wan pbs ia eplian The idea of a city: Gite ideology and the evolution of urban form in Italy, 200 BC-AD 100 Kathryn Lomas {An undentanding of urbanization is central to understanding ion. Its ako erat ott understating of the operation of Romin society, and in patalar lite society. Given ths segree ot mportance, i leary an aoa which requite seis ines. tation, However, the mot nant thers of the pre-made iy Sonar, Weber, and mos recently Paley have perp, ingome senses costed rhe than enhanced the scope o the abate The continuing emphasis onthe Webel dee ype of fonuner snd producer eles however valid these may be for Understanding anton economy, has had the elect of retricting the debate onthe nature ofthe ancient cy very largely tothe Sphere of economic history? However valid The consumer sity foosel may befor anseat economic bebutonr, che were ot then as now, purely exonomiecomieusts They wer ues meh the arena Tor socal and politcal iaterachon av for seonom change i aot more x0 Paradoxically, the pola was seed Ly Weber hiamol im sear works. ut fe much less prominent in his ltr (and bouerknowa) work. The Ciry (Weber IP 192K; Capogroei 199). More rsealyinferest hs been divided etwesn attempts to refine replace the consumer Gy model and exploration of otter avenues of research with « peater {empha on the sei strate ofthe city and how i operated ‘The sim of this chaps is 1 examine the physi fom of te Talan ei ast evolved fa theft cenury nc and fist centry xo what public Baldigs were being contracted, who ae seateiakog nection el wip ceed epi ‘ay in which tht can throw Sight oa how the Tallass thought ‘bout ies about their seal dynamics, and about the eae of the city 'a vehide for aceuluation and Roman snifostion ‘ofthe peinela Few cies have een preserved in sae which flows detales study ~ Pomp, Herlnetm, Ostia, 38d 10 Teer exten, Pastum, are tery much the exxptons aber than the rule, Nevertele,exumiastion of urban development can sive some clue as to hw elite pereptons of city change. This tug om, ast somthing stow chang a an alan unisialues and Rome ‘Ancient vows on cles and urbanism are not entirely cer, ‘nt we can deduce 4 certnin amon fom comments by Greak fan Roman authors These ae perhaps ss halpul for the stay ‘flan wbanism than forthe study of the Greek pols sine tot of them were ade by Greck waters but since many of them date fromthe petod of Reman domination in the ca they ony aio ree! the vows ofthe dite throughout the empire However caution must be enreed in approaching the materi The entent to which sources concerning, Greek poler in the Roman empire ae dort hy wnfteing and inaceurate topo fs notorious (Alcock 199824 2), By the end ofthe fist contr 40, to siews dominat=. One is thatthe ety Both the symbol and defiton of iiation (Gtrab, 41.5, Tue. Ag 21; Germ. 16), Barbarians lve in vilages ‘or foatd farms. or pare « nomad trsnshumaat wey of Me ‘Seized people peace sted farming and lie in cides The act ‘ot setiag ito farming rather than pastoral, commiiy and of founding city marks the sera of clsation, and converses Slee, The confation, of urbanization wth acceptance of Roman leis underscored by Tacos” comment thi the at Roman factions amongt the Germans reparded urban ie a & symbol of slavery (Tae Mist 4 68). In pst, this i rellection of The tea of eciy 23 the welldocumented cultral division between ratty ~ he meow, boorsh way of the yoke ~ and urbane ~ the mote ophinicted value of the iy I did ot slays fave much to (do wth where one ved, as demoasuted by the development of Sp thane’ topisiated lite etre based on tho la an Foworary part othe cy whieh jt happened foe octed in fhe countryside (Purcell 198, 195). Nevertclny it rebels ery song bias in favour of cldas among the Roman snd Imuticial ees and probaly strong presire tomar ban MThere alo a perceptbe chronological change from a def sion of the csence of @ aly in terms of the stengths tesinesses and oatlook often, tard ne which paced [ester ompass one phyilstrite aod amen At ealy the sat cotury na pols was defined primary in terms of Hs ctzens although the mos srking enunciation of his given ty Thneydes in Perce funeral ostion? By te Roman pero, however there is 2 noticable change of emphisi, Symptomatic of tis Visusius work De Arcktocnrm a cena purpose o Imhich to enumerate the necxary bling or an eat Ag flan ciy, Dio Chryontom (SI 159d) and Acti Asides (14 83-6) bow pice emphasis on the stractres of «ey, lack of ‘hr, an instr of sn ht the lentes eprsenaon (Of ths view is gven by Patan. In i description of Panopeds Small town in hoc (10.41) be pout large measures of sory fails aims to be iy ang that ios cts, by dlintion, had fn agra, fountain howe, x proper mater spp, and ackus fer amenities Panopeus, hic did not bave these should only becalled a more vlge, Novertbles, hei Tore to admit tht 5 a independent member of he Phoian Leapue Panopevs ti Indeed have the satus of pol, despite the lack of what were Clary «change bad take place im the waye in whieh the Gaco-Romon ete viewed ites and how they operated ~ Change wich wa almost certainly connected with te charging Tole ofthe pls in & world dominted by Rome, an the conte ton of the eetios of formentysulonomoas statee However, his is by no means sinple sit of empha and tere are frher tenons in our soureey patsy tone waten by rests. Te upto onthe inportuce of» fering urn population Si proce ina sotevtat inverted fori he topo lg Iiepi (Gallo 1580, 123-70, Alsek 195, 2433). The makes tm equation between paustyof uta population decrepit of Fiyal ssf aid tal snd pola! decadence Tt 2 Thome pertculaly prominet inthe Grek wilrs ofthe ea tpi ar thy souph to come to terms wih tho tole of He Grock poles n'a world eased by Rome, and one which ers ide resemblance tothe actual population levels and eco nom heath of the sites dsebed a sflenme om ‘Rconsaed fom archacologie and epgraph sources (Alcock tow, 5 19, 24-3) I ian trom es es prominent though the concern for population loves in Tal expressed by ‘Aopusas and ltr, by jan, may reflect sian vein. of thou and the ‘olganivopertopor x wed by a umber tf writers both Grek and Roman, io connection with Magne Gracia (Lomas 19%, 13-17; foriconing). As Alcock pois ft however olundropa is mos nota the cance of fname of tho Romanized Greek tte wing under Roman ful and thei preaceopation withthe phys stroctres of un Tt or the ek of them, mnt be tead against the comprar Inc of wan ameniler and monumental pubic blding inthe ols othe ith century. Clery change in pereptions of {he iy and expectations Concerning ub fe were faking ls Cringe late Republica evi empie. Tay in pat be de {o te svorpon fore Haan view of ean, with 9 Stronger emphasis on monumental builng a urban utes, by the Gred et ut i ay ako eflet the changing oe of oth Grek and isan ees and ete laton bh to thot tome ees and to the exper. ‘Whatever the underying ear, the change inthe Sea of cig st ned by the ie, had 9 profound eflect on the ay in whi lies develope. Recet vera on Un sce has phazd jt ow athe evltion othe ot cetorined the worvow ots inhabitants partly tere na poston of Dower and also the extent to wich tbe phys form of the cy The dea of ty feo fo ace is change, and fect, sng an ncomplte fetofertacologcal and eparaphi data, ‘Modern itersture on ancient buidingand wrtan development ay unt elavely recon, been ragiented ty soot boxnd bbe. Tradinally canis! archaeologist have tended to foes fm the elas of bung technique, decorative mot, ee fometimes atthe expense ofthe socal and plies context of Buiding progamnes while hstonans bave tended’ to tse amples of Suing activi ax evene for interrtatin® of {Bil economic or pola ends but have aot, unl rece, Aiemped to get to gigs wilh te fea of changes a ban space tsameans of dying socio plicalchangs More rece. thre five been attemps Yo adopt a more iterated approach. The fpoend- breaking Sy by Pere Gros expan the rch fd urban development of Campania picpally in ems of el tial and economic contact wih the Gresk world (Gros 178), Butte work of Gabbe emphasizes the ration betwecnerbni ban evionment ofthe at conary be dre to te proces ‘of muniipalzaton flowing the soda war (Gabba 1971). Th lewd aprons can wh fro he from indigenous norarben forms of organization wards the Romani! city end posts combination of Roman infuenc, do sone cxica ed imponton, and change in vol Polit sistas loa level which topetier engendered + ofound shin the ies of wba sty as and how i abou ‘peat. This pooch as became widely accede ied Be to some very fri aenuer of research bit hae see (0 vide denne answer to the qverion of how the aan iy worked and what shaped ts development This chate does Anes for exploration The dentine collection of data on pubic bung compiled By Het loutry (188) proves stating even the Ina crovoogcl snd geographical patter In public bul and the evergetism which generated it In using this 1 have FeitnedJoltoy’s con of poblc buildings ito he flowing ‘ogo religious hugs orieations! major puble works (Geronds aquedcte caterms, harbour): civic Buildings (cui asics mace and bathe trismpal montment; and bldings for pabic enersnment (hese, amphilestes and ceases). Dating iss sven by Joulroy, and aes brond chronological categories at precise dating of suucures often felt However, these correspond withthe major periods of han ‘hangs and so ean ove interesting pattems Das re derived from a mintre of epigraphic and archaeological sourex, wih some coroboratig rar evidence, and are broadly categorized according othe Agusan regions of Tel although Regio 1 has een sobvded into separate sctions for Lat and Campania. (Table 21). There is substatal sumber of Torteations eller ‘st now sutures or embolishments of exiting once. Density Highest in Latium (Geen example), flowed by Etruria and Compan feven eh), ean (fe), Peni (seven), Ub sod Samnium (es each) and Apulia (Ove) Tete ae «further ‘Sxleen examples in Cispine Gal Many ofthese ao reconstac tions of eliboration of existing systems involving ation of ferrets wdifonalcoure of donewor, of monte alsw4, though there are some examples pad for by private patrons ‘Temples sanctuaries and religous bullings are ko memeroos, spain ‘with the highest concentrations im Latium, followed by ‘Campin, Sars, Etruria and Southern Tal, bat with mood fiom icenum, Umbes or Northern Tay. A large numberof {howe date from the Stlln or trismeial periods anda comer te proportion of the Hgts represent adaition of ne bus {e casting major sanctuni or the omaracton of capo a ‘ewlyfounded colonies A considerable proportion ae ako bul fe rest of Roman intervention, in some caes by incidi frandees, but in many ar 9 rit of diet imterenton by the ‘of Aesaapiu at Antium was embellhed by one ofthe pretort for that yer, and in 174 be the cenory sopervited the balding of new temples at Fund and Psauram (Livy 41, 28 11-2) The ide of cy 27 valersupplies wore almost enily concentrated i Latium and Camponin and were under close Roman contol being mally Tadd by he Geeoee Ce buldings tats baslces cae tad cll are relatively few in number and have an ieegular Gintbton, Bathe are lan exclave to Campana, although thate are» nomber of examples in Latium, and ae int bul byymasstrates either a momma honoarae ort of eve ands AIhere azo seventeen examples of aslzas mith s fly even Geowrphicl dtbution, bat few Gemly Mente cure, test Pelonging to colonies Paestum, Cosa and Alba Fucons), with + osil, bless ocuroly ete, example at Pop. Macele how # rather more complex pier. "Tere are fen securely Hesiied exaupley mostly cating fro the late second century feo the Suan peiod an mos elutred in Latium or Cm oni, but with examples in roc farflang place at Agen Firms Perum, Vln and Brondsim. Theses and sph {hates ae also rater tha on the round and osviy weihted fa disnibuton onarés Campania and, to. 3 ler extent Somnivm, with very few in Latium, These figures, however, re foesone bung but there i considerable body of evidence that temporary Wooden srucures rested. onl for spose fscsions and then dismantled, were widely Wwe for howsng tes and thera performances All he evidences far indenter a high eel of pub baling In central aly. ath concentration in Lat and Campania, bit reatively lite in Southern Waly and Etruria or Uni, Some building activity was lary related vo the Ronan congue olbl in northern Italy, where it connected with the extensive Programme of colonization, mostly invohving cretion of new ies, whieh took pce tthe second century, nthe armas ‘ofthe conquest ofthe region. However pallets of conquest and olonizaion are not by any mane the whole sory behind pat ferns of pubic bug. "The only category for which rape Answer can bo posted that of are sale road, water or harbour orks These ae almost invariably the province ot Roms magi Atules, usally the cenors Usual they formed. part of the ‘feation of uperratare or contol of aly, and fr commu ations and supply of the city of Rome, which wa of ites Primarily to Rome and which was geared tothe neads of Rome, ot thse of Maly. Apart fom these categories mest public i The idea of chy 29 Pao wich source of fnnc canbe enti was pd fey bacsrte sc nonce Ronorei, fom he muna fer re ae ratrey few emmples of vluay die tals cre ne alow ere a sn ncesing nut ge p-layers eta tne Angin period and te fr centary soUsic 22) vere te igh pot of pb balding pal or by Bite wcly wha sigan fall i nownae hmoare nad itn pad fr bythe mnsspaiy. nial patronage iso ae by its sarc, aad conessted many on Bulg, Ftc en on te vojor public consrucon propane fens buco and ter soppy, any of then tended (0 {Rieti ome rier than tn aon masa: (ilar 586, Paton fotcoming) wes athe period In mich many {sia aly sopra» Sando tof ameriton~ thet, pears fae forum, cv bldngs = rion af cy presente y Varun De Avchecure,Eaphass co wll nd Tonfcatons doccaes eet inthe ls bund rons rien Tyrese pac wnts are ako mid, apert Frm in Latin at replons VHLX, the nome fbi oon wi an enphi on eta and notern Tay im const © The Repacan tai bung which had been Conconrated in (Cimetia. Tae feu for tnple baling se preeted it form tow an nee nae in the uptan pod, bat theca not aul ape whi The gue sbow te fuer of cies at wiih bly wonton leplesand snc Aes ook ac, nt ine numberof ati omstton, Int fice es & et amount of rgou ulng in the ond od ft centuries ac shen with cach ey ug number of engl or undeiatng several pase of tadeveapment on 4 Fortra temple or suntan.” Augaran and Io Cain Being lok pac onstage owe of sts but wit te fame teniy of aay. war ao ore spec, rated foward rb cooaions rier than he eat exrcaran Sancturics of cental and southern Tay. In fc, he see of Gas reprcnucd by tose figs ey ta, wd Che vs Taro tena fempe tng iver paso a hogs sn contraction of Capita temple fe inp tal and te ea of Rona ouftoy 1385) Ta otse words tere fea « Rpt Gepee of cophode onthe pajcal manson: of Romanization and imperial loyal, Curio, the numberof fuses and cure being but declined inthe post) var period, and the aumbert of economic budge (principally frella and horrae) remained ‘any low, with a. Reavy Bas iz Tomar Regio Whee we see 4 very marked increase ia acy i inthe ‘exten wich Jato terms ‘eee i spectace’~ pracy iN ease 5 ie A Mbeares and aciphiteaton Tho other area in which tis pesiod er Torge amount of bung activity, and ene whi Joutoy doesnot quan tat of forum constrction. While mos ies ada area which wae weed ee frum, tote seus to be two Perio at which a attempt was made to sjtematize and eacoue Hise aes, namely the Sullan nd Augustan periods witha third phase of Tajani¢cr Antonine dic u some' sien Typically, this Troll entail the enna ofthe forum area with portcoes sd Iaberne,xeting nn inwardookng pnzra ‘with few earence, fd the sdaon or refurbutiment of empes (tien Capitola Imperial temples), baslcas or mace ied “To round off this survey of changes in pubic bling and ube space. I shll ake specie example, Herdoai. Tis i Focated in Regio Il, and was Peustian in onic oni. spre Roman development is tity typeof cites of thereon. Te sow an increasing concentration of population dung the sth Sentuy, sting in the ith ut reaching a peak of economic [pow atthe begining ofthe fourth centr Structurally, iS ery similar to many oiher Apulan ciey, characterized BY 4 is Tange and heavily fried enclosure which icuded pacing td i farmland and cemeteriee ae wall se areae of habitation. There E Was an urn nls and trace of moet ri have Boe found but habitation was seatered thoughout the walled ares in small 2 soups, possibly representing genial group, each wth their Bl | ecco Beales och eae oo fm corte (Loma 1938, 6-70), Aer the Roman conquest IF HW undergoes = considerable change ‘There ae aces of tid = nly rebuilding to the walls the son of alate eoond 3 etry oc temple (Templo B) to an unleaded dey sad b E Trs-centiy n ath baby quatorvnqunguennaes The ror Hiking change, however, the trasormation in tbe ie of than spac, replacing th difwed pattern of abition wit 8 Tucenr ono, concentsted inthe northern part ofthe st, This ‘ope of development is often atufbuted to ipovershment an 22 Kathryn Lomas population srinkag, but ths need not be th een the anal ‘Sour imtance of Metapontum, the replacement of difed Seilement pattern by a smaller yee more compact and desely mpuated ily aom regarded more a a cultural change Taleting Romanization than a sympton of terminal dtine (D'andtia 197), Hewonsa exaoed a going concer dvouph the period of Rom conquest, despite the depredtions of Han ha and enjoyed a considerable lense of ie nthe erty empire. ‘The forum afd was rebut twice, wth the dion of 20 Ag Stan bata, cand poor and istcenur AD temple To house the imperil eae An amplitheate wss bul on the ede fo the ly ithe mile ofthe fist century aD, but the tid Insjor phase of urban renal as conned wid he const tin ofthe VinTfana mt ery second onary. The rod an through the ceive of the ey, necessitating some change. THe tte by which the Vis Tana entered Heron wat placed ya monutental er in honour of Tan nd a cecular maelon fndartrher sto ats were added tthe sae period. Overall the pater of pbc uiling al uban development in Roman “ewonia sugges ot 20 mich sty in din a the metamor ‘hos of pre Roman city into a Romanized one a phenoaencn {ich sont to eects fundamental change inthe sda of what 1 ity wan and which estes nthe Augusta pero “he patter reveal by thes statistics hat thee a dine chang bh athe pes of tilings erected de to the sources ‘tfc und in he foci and pil background of he men Tesponsle ovr the period under consideration, Thre i ao fropanhc concentration of buldng, wih the vas majority of ‘Siva in Lato nd os lesser exten, Campania Tose pots {abo a number ot important and nderanging questions ~ what ‘prompted tis bung actvy? What ithe implication of hese Ecopraphicl pater? What do the patterns of being iy sbout the ropes of urbanization and Romanian? Can we emaide anyhhing aout socal changes the ature of evga oF th ite concep o the cy? Te motives for any toes in pbc tuiing ins given city st ncialy vary acording to eeu ‘Given the high level of colonization tthe fst ceD1y 96 this mst ve been a povertlfetoe Some ealonis were new foodatony but the vas majty tvoled pacing semana The iden ofa cy 322 punts of colon in existing ties Nevers he wih om Pie of ine taconing clots to van nr tm Sy tua cy donimened phenomenon Cito in the Pro Sl, at length aout the poi enons betwen the Osean Hee andthe Soon clonts at Fompe (Cle Sell 60-2), nd BE ir hing chemo snkrt Peen py tase on the lay vapid Gaappearnce of the eS ie ftom the ponopogrphy oh cy (area 102) womd be Geyine the wan bad not found concee exroon tn Falalng cy. hero (Cu 2 retest blag by Sulan Ebene, os cave snosats of publ taldng wt pace ot Brpeiin tn yar ater the foundation o he Sur ely {Earns 1900 2097), However, href no cay corion Sib csracotcacton ‘cl rten haces Gov oft nts Hines nba to conte oC ier and Angite in tnt tho Ieper ot bang sty ie ot cxotnouly higher ha her Gis ofthese pid (epple 198, 11021) Tee also te sex of Raman utronage th my of bling palo by Its ct cobs sad ut carceropa chaeeny of bulkeg feiy sound the dnte ottoman tn pn a cb Seto and Augutshimsel, nh Rer Ce, pea hey Gaphaisonbncacons o Rome an very on beers Sa acgh Angus docs clin (2 concon ofthe iebatiogeal sides) to have provided hs veteran cones with tho neces he ny of put armenier (Sst ug. Tope 16, 2, ppencixKepie {0 118-2. is peciodot te cl wars to ext expr: Ascher por Bie sppronch wo cond pater of pol tng a Mtn of or ety inrionTh wo yo etre soc coors erate oa Tactic Dering a>, tc anpiteare ot Pacentn reply on of Ahetitest and mos fame ny, besne th eso ens ibe ey, but the popu tok gen wmbrage a ts being that war ot sao aco! ut ace on perpetrated by people rom netabbounng ees acing ou elosy ans Intent on destosing » symbol of prestige (Tie. Mist. 21) 34, Kubeyn Lomas Although peor polity interaction addressee the variable geo traphical detibutions of ciferen types of bling acy, ‘ute also be only 4 partial explanation, which doesnot ake ‘count ofthe more speci oc and pia actos motatiag The changes in te behaviour doting the frst centry we are subuted by Gabbe entirely to the procers of muniipalzaton ‘nd to the concequent breakdown of non Roman (and parc lanl nowarban) forms of cal ergaatation, (Gabbe 107 Frederiscn 1976 Patorson 1091). He identifies shit of mphasis rom bulding activity based on the non-urban and pre ‘Roman papus and conducted by magistrates to ele evrsem ‘relate fo summa honorarze and focused on ces, and rts hangs io the ype and sacl boss of pubic bung tothe roses munispalation afer 90 xc andthe emerpenc of tuniipelaistocraies While iti tre that 9 nem peal (ok place within the Eites of Haly sa rel ofthe socal war the relation of this 10 wider pattems of site behaviour is a omplex are, Srkig changes were wrought by pe biding Drosramumes in the Oscan reson of Tal, wih am empha os tiny in Samniom and Campania, and thse seem tobe slated fot simpy fo urtanzaion ofthe aoturben pats of Samaium but to diet change in the enter of wellestabiabed Cam rnin ees (Gabbe 197l; Poestt 1985). Im parca, the hole demolition of many cy walls constuctd in polygcal ‘Rony and ther replacement by peetialy Roman ‘ype of fotieton in opus quadranum, reinforced with watchtower and ‘monumental gateways highlight the fact that major comseucton Projects were about more than ty. The es which undortoo {hs ype of project were making avery vile statement about tee ow, Romanize, cultural dentiy (Ryker. 1976 Poeet 19k), The us ofthese changes in emphasis in pubic Bung to figgest 4 mnjor change in clle behave i however, tate ‘kel, sod given the culturally specie background of many of ‘hose changes in Osean Sarnlum and Campania, is lo eiffel to know whether they would be vali a 8 mode forthe rest of Tal. Tnaiptons are ot, on the whol, Forthcoming sont the tous of nance forthe feccstucion of cee ater the socal tra but uch of thes consenting o forieaions which hight by Gabba and Poets cari ut by mages, The iden of city 35 apd thus presumably peld for ether by the state, or by the Ipagatet sume honoraria. “The municipal cores of theft contary Re gve sme insight lato the legal ockground to dite behaviour. Te charters of he tml of Tarentum and ofthe colonia of Uso both outing [egal restiions on uiding sty Inthe sty (CIE ¥ $9.71 25-36 594.701, 7) Decarons were obliged o mania prate owes of a certain minimum sie within the city, maptats tere legally olged ro undertake paving o rete and provision Sf gutters and datage as necessary (CLL #394. 7-8), and there tere restriions on the demotion of exsing budge excepe for the purposes of rlurouhment, withthe epeciation tht placement for detclihed structs mst be of equal re and Importance. Clearly, Rome ook sn active interes repuaing Duling mtv in Tay and eleubere, nd ce agirses had legal cligation to lave themelvs in public Puli. ut Aospite this the pincipal summae honoraria speci are ot Trlings ut games (CHL 59,27. 25-8, “The lnk etwen the change to private euergtim uncon cced with munial office fo the post San period andthe fie ofthe fist generation of Romsnited municipal eles pote Tematic Although there were change ia te compostion of ies parcularly where colonies had been founded, stone. local fltss exited prior tothe municipliztion of Italy aa can be Fond in inscriptions, both Latin and Oran from the great sane lunes of Apennine Tay performing evergati cite notably buling, The chanest in emphases from Osean tansvarics to Romain muncpiz can ho seen in the whose shit of elie acivily vay fom the since: inthe generation after the Social war (Patton 191, 1527), bu this change of loeaton oes not neces imply a change inthe forms of ite stv The complesy ofthe ntracton between muni beveactions and pole lice is this period is underscored by Coe, whose Interventions in support af the interests of Arinom. were romped in large eeu by lal psa bt alo by fa oncers In particular, his role in expediting the eolcion of Tunical revenue n 46 ne was de to his with to secure the flection of his favoured canst ~ his on, nephow and rend 8 magistaes for the following year (Cie Rom. 1311, Whnever the proses which fed to 4 diminution of semmae 36 Kathe Lomas norariae and growing importance of vouniary everett tres got dus onl to munication. Admit onthe basso Mhumcnt cv slenie, 1 mould sugges thatthe change inate ‘ninton of tors nclaig the Romanization othe alan ite, te rowing wea and sats of tone municipal aristocrat ‘tho became pat ofthe Roman Ete, some af whom undertook ohuntry cuergetism on a read scale win Tay and te Increasing version of mania esoures and surtnac honor rae info cer sci rich at sponse ane the jrovison of fe and fess Homeve,the cangig pole! crcum [ess ‘witin Rome ‘anmot be. gnored at afar. The Sbianneat of At prin inne ered the fatter of pose badng and mnilcene witha the co Rome isl The consrution of major buing projects whose form mar getedlovards a specie Mecogcl programe and the policl dominance of sgl Bare undoubtedly heed to tndemine Repub patios of eompetie mundence a Rome (Eek 1985 Te bec very fiat for members ofthe Ete To Gr on rand scale without the sk of seoming (0 ehaleng= the authori and agenda of Aupustos The conan dawn Oy Eck however thatch he upsurge of ite big sty in aly wos cused by this displacement of seivy which wot tinder ter areumstances hive taken place in Rowe ~ & lst ‘tar The ieolgial preoospation of AMES wih aly aod the ncesing socpon of Cte fain from Hal it the Roman arstocicy Coabiae to ele the diction between Rome and lay fo an increstng depos. 19 th comet, i ‘tomes unclear wether Agua balding wou indeed hve taken pace in Rome under otbercondions or wheter i 8 tnanfexiaon of ve pide on the pact of the ne-emerent The send stikng fence of the patem of Piling i ts scopapial ton is hse cp Ret sd ih perl, on Latin Some clement, such asthe cone trations af public bung tm northern Tay. are obviously te Fost of te need to bu entre new ces in nowuranied The iden ofeaciy 37 Rest Others ace sre relent, fr inte noticeble Gipsy for pater f publ big to follow te eral fed aston flay Tar ean teeing nen at Heron, Shere te conscton ofthe Vie ‘Traca stint tage TE eg one gute crn ih he pyc Tas of es locsedon major roads Siler pro ae fund Elster in Apt st around the sme time and in somestion | 2 SSeS Birt exponre to deepens st Kone: Te nala coast feton of tlcng in coal ay har acoal been explained Ineconorsi terms tha hse were the rihest lcs Italy Be ted the ucbew lies white cites yon of Tay mow Bey hos fn he Souk wes coun coon oka However. posivn oth sor mas bo cod. Wee Famine cconomi sates of any gue group of een tare mt Bear od ca fs treed Fo irae Eiri, Bie yrodsnd»contderatie ner of ent fom enone cies ie cot x region ih swing high level of bbc Taking Goutroy toy Insouhen ay, the es of he Gest ties hs by no mean oly vane, but thy pa the ee Beno very erent forms of sti noah the rev, Mists aad cond cone Ao Grn ee eae eh feats a nrong tacnblance tote “Ole Engaode” hetlage fare promoted in contemporary iti. Tis can be seen ost. Beso the Crock ote o€ Canpenin and Cecchi Dep Bets part of the veion whe pute bung wor mos rom Dent as pat occas, ee of cles such ne Role fod la wore far more ive in exchange of labora Grek enous among ester nd with he Raman cue as than In bldg (Las 1989) Rae than relating fate of bling ol to ite and mania wealth we sou Bins thm inthe sotto Site cure td tsa vr Bons Eien andthe Orec-nhcoee ses of te tout os Ieiahave i pion dierent mane the OnavLan Hedon of only and aerenty agin oPenen end the Pande cont. Th ten immediacy teued Rome ce to orm an exendodnitarbum a whic coon deelopnent Wer diated by te nate of the ey of Rome and he hgh Any ot ite vil nnd the eon of Sosa behaviour and 28 Kathryn Lomas altura iauraction were likewise set by the Roman site. The igh eel of ling stv in eat imperial Lata and Ca Dania i not jst redaction of wealth, but the result of Drcolar form of urban culture which mas shaped very largely Eyithe: Ronan Site, and. which ie rather ferent fom the ‘iptesions of urbanism in other regione inal there ae important plications in developments such ss eneloned fora andthe vat upsurge of blag of theatres and Smphiheares ie Aupsan and post Augustan Tay. The extent, ‘of rebulding inti period had sen pact on utbas Tor ies the example of Hordni, which represents sus of bull ings x physcal emblems ofthe new soa and polieal order ‘There ster to have been a change in focus of power and ite ei throughout Ialy ee result of the poteal change of the “stalsiment of the prncpte The tend tovardsenctosing ond ‘monumentaizing fors cloely resembles the remodeling of the ‘3 of Rome by. August reflecting his poieal programme io {he wbelendereconruction of ares sich asthe Forum of Aug. sus (Zanker 1988), While Raian building programmes are aot emote onthe sme sale nor as Weoley speci, they do fem ested toa change in le ideology The new-siple enclosed Sod monumental forum, offen with & Capitol or imperial femple int prominent posto, ondrins the inresing pe ‘dominance of the sie. Ik now a space dasgned to exclude {athe than inl, and ts domoated by bulsng geared to ct ‘Sevig: The upsurge in bang of theatres may havea similar ‘soos, Frésouls and others have argued that the saroiaton ‘of permanent stone theates with popular semis othe Greek ‘word nd the tration of wing drama a voice for polities ‘Comment, had Inexisbly Hoked theatres with democratic a fatlon in the Roman mind, withthe resi thal no permanent {eate aeallowed at Rome unl the construction of Ponpey's {heats in the ft century aller which they became x standard pat ofthe urban landscape (Frézoule 1983). This however, docs ‘ot explain wy they were acceptable in Campari, sepon tote more for is slignehicFaeont apd one fm which Rome ‘would be unlely to tolerate rong democrats tation, fom ‘nue eatior dite, Bejor (197, 12638) goes further and so The idea of acy 39 gests thatthe desoration of theatres and amphiteatres with {nperial enbleme and statuary alowed them 10 be seet a symbole a loyalty 19 the emperor, thu neaelcng ony posible tlmocratc connotations Perhap the rea renson isle nthe tse than inthe Let Ja Theat the law by ck Auge five concrete representation to his vison ofa ordered society fine social order was graphically isrted by the divisions of seating dlerent typos of games and fsials) women were tached from some tes and relegated to separate seating fers: res codes were prescribed: Youths wove seperated: dee lions and Avpustles were piven promincacs (Suet. Aus 4 FRewsec 1987, 40-119, Grane of special eas atthe games ucame © meus of gilag honour and prominence (0 einen: “the bung of thstesbesame a means of giving conte eprint 0 he going dominance he Ee wel Is conclusion, patra of pubic building and wrban develop ‘moat stem to india a distinc change i the ies ofthe sty nd the scology of is elie, and ako reflect the progress of esuluraon: They enable uo chart the changes inci eny ihe oceated as pat ofthe progres of Romanization and aio those invlved in the growing dominance of both tbe Ete no the central nivence of Rome in the early expe. Bites spear {o become more inwardlooking. Their balding satis sect {vision ofthe cy whichis besming more dianctively Romon, Haat the same tine there fail an important sea in which this development was conentated ia Campania and Latium, Which was more hemi influenced by the Ronan Site. wih ferent regional raisons pemiting in other pars of Hay. THe Processes whi lay behind the “Augustanization’ of many eis tie st obscure and require amc further research, bul many ff the more otros snd inative explanations are becoming Ineeasinely inadequate The changes osuring In this pesod ae pir ofa much more compler development than simple changes In iferenials of wealth in es, oF storpton af loa cies fnto Roman power srcties. Agustus on intense concern nd pelea fJentieaton, sth Hay pints to perio hangs Aven by a combination of poten social and ata factors, However, it would be too crude at explanation to post a ental seacrated ‘propaganda inatve, Tere are abo sgns of ign cant changes in ite cltre taking plac inthe sae perio, and Zanker (198) has amply demonstrate that socal Avgason ‘propaganda war infact a mich more suble and interactive smodied comiderably bythe plea codons spd the callus sumption of the new repme, and ths, equally clea, Was epwcrnte in change to he wan environment iiionaphy (0), Grin Cap The Landes of Ronee Eres Sn e'LSae co ten ecay foan Btn) Dima and Ley D(C 19D), Pe, Cure, Rpt ‘ios ie, W" C60, Staal stepremetton devcepmens the Penta ee rece MW (9, “Casi ters fetes She ties (car ee an ee Joao, 1 (196), a Contraction pubigue ene dan Afrique The idea of ety At eg (Cola ad Van Sele Ia #14 cone Hi), The Pr er 1 pce (Cae) a toy in Southern ey (Landon). nn ome Ae Es is cy ends ny rcs tpogiy ace — orticoming), ‘Consructing “ine Greck": defining ethnicity in ope ny 1 Chal tad Lae (nthe and ae in Reh and Ay Wallacaial (cs) Cuy and Caumry Br he Pliage emperor and he ic aly in. Corel sad Kors) Eugen and aril Pane i Raat esl, (188), Ries sutured ones eee Puce G55, "Wicd ea ince! ays JAS 75:11 avon ED, (96), ‘Disrniae rious: telex Jia thea “For ix Rome Tay othe Ancient Wold (Cambige Misa). Weber M. (F), Aes Alertom Tube) ane 8

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