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Lesson 10


Name: ANA KRISTINA MUIZ PLA Date: 09/06/2017

Course: English III Paralelo: 311 Teacher: LAURA MARISCAL

Write a complaint letter. Explain the damages of the product and that you have called the
customer services 2 times without any reply. Use present perfect simple and continuous and
the vocabulary of page 80 act 3. Underline the vocabulary and highlight the grammar points.

To Whom It May Concern

I am writing to complain about a problem that I have with a laptop that I bought in your store. This

is the second time something similar happens, so I am far from being satisfied with the products

and services you offer, the mistake must be corrected as soon as possible and please, ensure that

this sort of problems does not arise again.

I think that is awful that the first laptop I buy to your company doesnt work, and when for the first

time I asked for help to the customer service of your company, I got no answer, so I tried again.

And then, past one month when I finally got a reply, they said that I had to go with the laptop to

their office. I accepted. When I got there, your employees checked the computer and said it was a

problem with the main-board, it was not assembled in the correct way. After listening all that stuff, I

asked for the guarantee; but they said that it would take three or four months because of some

politics of the company. I need the laptop now, I cant wait that long. It would be awesome if you

could give me another computer or give me my money back, I dont want to take legal actions, but

if you dont help me I will have to.

Thanks for your answer,

Kristina Muiz.
5 The candidates writing fully achieves the desired effect on the target reader. The use of language will be
confident and ambitious for the level, including a wide range of structures and vocabulary within the task set.
Coherence, within the constraints of the level, will be achieved by the use of simple linking devices, and the
response will be well organized. Errors which do occur will be minor and non-impeding, perhaps due to
ambitious attempts at more complex language. Overall, no effort will be required of the reader. Check
punctuation and capital letters.
Students will use the vocabulary and grammar ask in the instruction. point will be taken per each new
vocabulary or grammar point not written.
Students will get zero if they do not follow instructions as working in ARIAL 12 DOBLED SPACE or
highlighting or underlining some specific part of the writing.

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