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Volume 147, number 5,6 PHYSICS LETTERS A 16 July 1990

A forest-fire model and some thoughts on turbulence

Per Bak, Kan Chen
Department of Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA


Chao Tang
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

Received 9 March 1990; revised manuscript received 1 April 1990; accepted for publication 7 April 1990
Communicated by A.R. Bishop

In the context of a forest-fire model we demonstrate critical scaling behavior in a turbulent non-equilibrium system. Energy
is injected uniformly, and dissipated on a fractal. Critical exponents are estimated by means of a Monte Carlo renormalization-
group calculation.

Many extended dissipative systems exhibit spatial culation. Our intention is to demonstrate in a toy
and temporal scaling. In turbulence, for example, model the emergence of scaling and fractal energy
scaling occurs over wide length scales since the co- dissipation. Besides, at the critical points, univer-
herence length is usually much larger than the Kol- sality may apply in analogy with equilibrium crit-
mogorov length (the length scale for energy dissi- ical phenomena, and our study of this simple model
pation). Uniform energy input results in power-law may help to provide a consistent and theoretically
spatial distribution of energy storage (Kolmogorov sustainable phenomenological picture of a class of
scaling) and fractal energy dissipation [1]. Some turbulent phenomena.
phenomenological models for scaling behaviors have Our lattice model is defined in any dimensions,
been proposed [2], in which the fractal set is preas- with the following simple rules:
sumed. It is, however, essential to understand the (i) trees grow with a small probability p from
dynamical mechanism which generates the fractal it- empty sites at each time step;
self: How can a uniform energy injection result in a (ii) trees on fire will burn down at the next time
fractal dissipation? step;
Motivated by the recent discovery of seif-orga- (iii) the fire on a site will spread to trees at its
nized criticality [31 we speculate that fractal energy nearest neighbor sites at the next time step.
dissipation is a manifestation of a critical state. Our There is only one parameter in the model, namely
study of fractal energy dissipation is not in the con- the growth rate of the trees We now briefly sum-

text of turbulent fluids, but as a general phenome- 51 Due to the discrete nature of our model the slow uniform
non. The model we study is a simple forest-fire growth (driving) is represented by small growth probability;
model, and we focus on the spatial distribution of the actual growth at each instance is random spatially. How-
dissipation (fire) and its dependence on the driving ever, this randomness in driving does not affect the long-time
force. We show that energy, when injected uni- and space behaviors of this mode. A continuously driven de-
terministic version of this model with uniform growth rate has
formly (trees grow uniformly), is dissipated (trees been studied [4], which appears to exhibit the same scaling
burn) on a fractal. Scaling is checked by means of a behavior. This indicates that therandom noise in the our model
Monte Carlo renormalization-group (MCRG) cal- is not important.

0375-9601/90/S 03.50 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) 297

Volume 147, number 5,6 PHYSICS LEflTERSA 16 July 1990

marize the main features of the model: The forest is of trees separated by a fractal distribution of fires,
characterized by a correlation length ~(p) cxp P; the indicating that the system is operating near a critical
critical point is at p=O; thus the system is critical as point. By measuring the number distribution D(r)
long as trees grow slowly. When the correlation length of fire at a distance r from a chosen site on fire
is larger than the size of the system, the fire will die (D(r)ccrD_I), we obtain the fractal dimension:
out within a time of order the linear size of the sys- D=r1.OO.2in 2d and D=2.5O.2in 3d (fig. 2).
tern; when the correlation length is smaller than the This value of D agrees with experimental observa-
size of the system, the forest fire is sustained. The tions for turbulence [1]. Of course, this could be ac-
spatial distribution of the fire (i.e. the energy dis- cidental. If one prefers the language from traditional
sipation) is on a fractal for length scales smaller than equilibrium critical phenomena, the firefire corre-
~ this is a manifestation of a critical point.
We simulate the forest fire on lattices of sizes up
to 256x256 in 2d and 64x64x64 in 3d. Periodic 8
boundary conditions are chosen. Starting from a ho-
mogeneous distribution of trees and fires, the forest
fire evolves to a stationary state ~2 for p>p~
(p~ccL I/0) The spatial distribution of the fires and

trees (dissipation and energy storage) are the objects

of our investigation. Fig. 1 shows a snapshot of the -- -

forest on fire, taken in the stationary state after an D

initial transient period. Note the coherent domains

S2 Because of the finite size of the system the fire can die out

accidentally in long simulations, even when the correlation

length is smaller than the size ofthe system. A few fires, which
arestatistically insignificant, are added when the fire does die
out in long simulations. ______________________________________________
6M10 101

8 0 bto o ~ o8~
0,&0o0~~~0~cooooo0 oo&o~~~~ 08~

0 ~ 0000 ~ o,~ ~ I

0 0 4~10 101

0 0 Fig. 2. Number distribution of fires at a distance r from a given

fire site near the center of (a) a 120x 120 system with p=0.0l 5;
Fig. 1. Snapshot of forest fire in a lOOx 100 system. (0) Live (b) a 60x60x60 system with p=O.OO95. Averages were taken
trees, () burning trees, over twenty thousand time steps.

Volume 147, number 5,6 PHYSICS LETTERS A 16 July 1990

lation function G(x) = <f(x )f(x +x)> decays as matching is obtained with P2 = 0.0600.003 for m= 3
2~ with ~ 1.0 in 2d and ~ 0.5 in and 4; thus we have v=l.00.l,which agrees with
G(x)cx x~
3d. the value determined from the fractal dimension D.
Given the fractal dimension, a simple energy con- Numerical RG calculations in three dimensions on
servation argument leads to a power-law dependence 32 x 32 x 32 and 16 x 16 x 16 lattices are not as con-
of ~ on p: The total number of trees burned down is clusive. The matching on 2 x 2 x 2 blocked lattices
equal to the total number of trees grown, which is indicates v~1.4, which is also in rough agreement
Lp, and is also equal to the total number of uncor- with the value determined from the fractal dimen-
related domains (L/~)times the number of trees sion D.
burned down in a given domain Thus, we have
~. In real turbulence, the Reynolds number is a com-
c~(p)csp~,with v= l/(dD) (v~1.0 in 2d and bination of the size of the system and the driving
v~2.0in 3d). force: R=LV/v. Similarly, we can define, by corn-
A independent check on the power law depen- bining L and p, a Reynolds number R for the for-
dence of ~ on p has been done using a Monte Carlo est: R = Lp which uniquely determines the behav-

RG method. In two dimensions the calculations were ior of the forest fire up to an overall scale. The
performed for 32 x 32 and 64 x 64 lattices. We di- transition to the steady turbulent state of the for-
vide the lattice into 2 x 2 square blocks, and monitor est fire occurs at R =R~,where the critical Reynolds
the fire distribution of the blocked lattice. As the number is R~ 1.8 in 2d and is R~ 0.6 in 3d. Note
procedure is repeated, a hierarchy of renormalized that the transition described here is a finite size
fire distributions is obtained. Specifically, we record crossover effect; so it is in real turbulence: the crit-
the number of boxes which contain fires in each ical driving force goes to zero for infinite L The ~.

blocked lattice, and average over the entire simula- dependence of the energy dissipation on the Rey-
tion. The average numbers n(L, m, p) (m is the nolds number in the forest fire is also a power law:
number of blocking iteration) after blocking down Ed=pccR9 with fl= lit, where the first equation ex-
to lattices of size 4 x 4 and 2 x 2 are listed in table 1. presses stationarity.
The exponent v can be calculated as follows: We find The model may be rather directly applied to
growth rates Pi and P2 such that spreading of diseases, propagation of chemical ac-
tivity, such as real fire. We believe that the model is
1)=n(L=32,m P2). (1) .
simple enough to allow for explicit theoretical anal-
Because all lengths in the lattice, including the cor- ysis, for instance renormalization group theories
relation length, are reduced by a factor of 2 from based on expansions around the upper critical di-
those of the original lattice after one blocking iter- mension. Our study on a specific dynamical model
ation, we have ~(p~)/~(P2) =2= (P2/PI This re- ). shows explicitly that certain principles are viable: (a)
lation is used to determine v: Given Pt = 0.030, Driven non-equilibrium systems may operate near
critical points, and cannot be identified as low-di-
Table I mensional chaos [6]. (b) Homogeneously injected
Values of the average number of boxes containing fires n (L, m, energy is dissipated on a fractal. These principles may
p) for blocked lattices. The simulations were performed for 5 X I 0~ serve as important guidelines in studying realistic
time steps on 64x64 lattices and for 2.5x 10~time steps on d I
32x 32 lattices (errors are statistical only) mo e 5~

m This work was supported by the Division of Ma-

terials Science, US Department of Energy, under
3 (4x4) 4 (2x2)

n (64, m+ 1, p~= 53)

0.030) 9.06 0.02
10.00 0.08 3.67
3.74 0.02
0.04 are similar
~ Pomeau [5]topointed
the transition
out thatincertain
directed percolation:
transitions Criticality
to turbulence
32, m, p2=0.05l)
P2O.O 9.57 0.02 3.73 0.02 requires fine-tuning of a control parameter. Our picture is en-
n (32, m, P2O.O60) 9.95 0.02 3.78 0.02 tirely different: Criticality applies to the fully developed tur-
n(32, m,p
2=0.062) 10.170.03 3.83 0.03 bulent state itself, and the transition at finite Reynolds
number is a crossover.

Volume 147, number 5,6 PHYSICS LETTERS A 16 July 1990

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